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蛇绿岩中枕状玄武岩的古地磁学研究可为古海洋的恢复与演化提供定量化依据.黑龙江省饶河地区中侏罗世枕状玄武岩的岩石学、岩石磁学研究表明,该岩石具备水下喷出特点,发育辉长结构,载磁矿物为磁铁矿.17个采点181块样品的热退磁实验表明,中侏罗世枕状玄武岩记录了高温分量和中温分量,前者为熔岩喷发记录的原生剩磁方向,平均方向D/I=59.4°/46.3°,α95=6.8°,对应的极位置为40.3°N,224.6°E,A95=7°;后者可能为晚侏罗世—早白垩世岩浆热事件的叠加,平均方向D/I=55.4°/60.6°,α95=3.9°,对应的极位置为50.8°N,210.6°E,A95=5.2°.综合考虑区域地质背景,将这一结果与邻区同时代的古地磁数据对比,推测在中侏罗世之前,在饶河杂岩与佳木斯地体之间存在一定规模的海域,与现今日本海相似;早白垩世时期,该海域封闭,饶河杂岩与华北、西伯利亚板块在动力学上已成为整体.  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China: Daohugoucossus shii sp. nov., D. parallelivenius sp. nov., D. lii sp. nov. The diagnosis of Dao- hugoucossus Wang, Zhang and Fang, 2006 is revised. These materials are the first complete fossil palaeontinids in the Middle Jurassic of the world. Based on observation of these new specimens, Sc of this new genus has the following combined characters: joined with R at base, diverged near M separa- tion, coalesced with R before the nodal line, extended beyond the nodal line and fused with R1 before distal end. Due to the Sc characteristics mentioned above, the genus Liaocossus Ren, Yin and Dou, 1998 can be well distinguished from “Ilerdocossus-complex”.  相似文献   

There exists an E-W trending Middle Jurassic volcanic zone in southern China. The Fankeng basalts in the Yongding basin of Fujian Province are considered to be a typical example. The Fankeng basalts have TiO2 contents in the range of 1.92%-3.21%. They are classified as high-Ti basalts. They also have higher total Fe (averaging FeO* = 11.09%). The Middle Jurassic Fankeng basalts from southwestern Fujian have obvious distinctive lithogeochemical features from early Cre- taceous basalts from southeastern coast of China. They have higher HFSE, such as Th, Nb, Ta, Zr and Ti. Their element ratios related with HFSE, such as Zr/Ba, La/Nb, La/Ta ,Zr/Y, Ti/Y, Ba/Nb, K/Ti and Rb/Zr are similar to those of OIB. The most samples have ε Nd(T) of-0.70-0.24, which are near chondrite. Some samples have higher ε Nd(T) of 1.87-3.55.Therefore, these basaltic magmas might be derived from depleted asthenospheric mantle. The lithogeochemical characteristics of the Fankeng basalts may be caused by interaction between asthenosphere and lithosphere at the time. The (Early-) Middle Jurassic basalts and gabbros from southeastern Hunan, southern Jiangxi and northern Guangdong provinces show similar geochemical features to those of the Fankeng basalts from the Yongding of Fujian. Occurrence of these OIB-type basalts in the area may be regarded as the petrological mark of upwelling of asthenosphere at the time. Upwelling of asthenosphere has led to tectonic extension and the formation of rifted basin in the area.  相似文献   

Permineralized osmundaceous rhizome with anatomical and phylogenetic information plays a significant role in understanding the origin,evolution,and diversity variation of the fern family Osmundaceae in geological history.The northern Hebei and western Liaoning region is one of the most important fossil localities for the Jurassic osmundaceous rhizome fossils in the Northern Hemisphere;however,the diversity character of osmundaceous rhizome fossil remains poorly known.A new structurally preserved fern rhizome species,Ashicaulis wangii sp.nov.,is described from the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation in Beipiao City,Liaoning Province,northeastern China.The rhizome is composed of heterogeneous pith,an ectophloic–dictyoxylic siphonostele,a two–layered cortex,and a mantle of adventitious roots and petiole bases.The xylem cylinder,with complete leaf gaps,consists of 15–17 xylem strands.The petiole base is characterized by a heterogeneous sclerotic ring and numerous sclerenchyma masses in the petiolar cortex.Among five known Ashicaulis species with heterogeneous sclerotic ring,four of them are documented from China.Therefore,osmundaceous rhizome fossils from China show endemic anatomical characteristics and significances for palaeobiogeography.Comparisons of anatomical features suggest that A.wangii sp.nov.bears close similarities to Osmunda pluma Miller from the Paleocene of Dakota,USA.Fossil species of A.wangii provides new evidence for further understanding the species diversity of osmundaceous rhizome fossil in China and in the Northern Hemisphere,and contributes to exploring the macroevolution process of the Mesozoic osmundaceous plants.  相似文献   

为了更好地认识上扬子褶皱带和中扬子褶皱带走向差异的机制,我们对中、上扬子褶皱带过渡的关键地区重庆市万州和云阳两个地区的中、晚侏罗世砂岩进行了古地磁研究.逐步热退磁分离出两个组分,低温组分(LTC)在所有样品中均分离出来,为现代地磁场的重磁化;中侏罗世样品和万州地区的晚侏罗世样品分离出来的高温组分(HTC)也为现代地磁场的重磁化.云阳地区晚侏罗世样品分离出来的高温组分通过逐步展平褶皱检验显示:在褶皱展平至33.8%时,精度参数达到最大,相应的古地磁方向为D=19.1°,I=48.9°(α95= 6.3°),古地磁极为73.5°N,198.2°E(dp=5.5°, dm=8.3°),与白垩纪参考古地磁极对比,此高温组分揭示云阳地区在褶皱变形的后期经历了7.7°±6.1°的顺时针旋转.结合前人的数据,我们认为中扬子褶皱带普遍存在弯山构造(orocline),这可能与华北板块向华南板块的挤入作用有关;但是中、上扬子褶皱带过渡地区的弧形弯曲总体上不是由弯山构造形成的,很可能是在太平洋板块向北西方向俯冲的宏观板块构造背景下的应变分异作用形成的.  相似文献   

Abstract The low grade metamorphic Jurassic accretionary complex in the western part of the Mino-Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan, is a chaotic sedimentary complex which consists of argillaceous matrices with allochthonous blocks of chert, greenstone, siliceous mudstone, terrigenous sandstone and mudstone. The complex is divided into three distinct geologic units, Units I, II and III, with a tectonic boundary (thrust) between them, forming a pile-nappe structure. They have different features for lithologies, fossil age, metamorphic condition and K-Ar age. Microfossil researches revealed that their timings of accretion were in the early Early Jurassic ( ca 195 Ma) for Unit III, in the early Middle Jurassic ( ca 175 Ma) for Unit II and in the latest Late Jurassic (ca 147 Ma) for Unit I. On the other hand, K-Ar age determinations of white mica separated from pelitic rocks of the three units clarified that the subsequent subduction-related metamorphism was 23 million years after the accretion of each unit. These results strongly suggest that the accretionary and metamorphic process had taken place episodically with an interval of 20 to 28 million years during Mesozoic time in the western part of the Mino-Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan.  相似文献   

The southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt in China is a critical region for earthquake preparedness and risk reduction efforts. However, limited by the low density of seismic stations and the use of single-parameter physical structural models, the deep tectonic features and seismogenic environment in this area remain controversial. Thus, a comprehensive analysis based on high-resolution crustal structures and multiple physical parameters is required. In this study, we applied the ambient noise tomography method to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) crustal S-wave velocity structure using continuous waveform data from 112 permanent stations and 350 densely distributed temporary stations in the southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. Then, we obtained the high-resolution 3D density structure through wavenumber-domain 3D gravity imaging constrained by the velocity structure. The low-velocity and low-density anomalies in the upper crust of the study area were mainly distributed in the Sichuan Basin and around Dali and Simao, while the high-velocity and high-density anomalies were primarily distributed in the Panxi region, corresponding to the surface geological features. Two prominent low-velocity and low-density anomalies were observed in the middle and lower crust: one to the west of the Songpan-Garzê block and Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block, and the other near the Anninghe-Xiaojiang fault. Combined with the spatial distribution of seismic events in the study area, we found that previous earthquakes predominantly occurred in the transition zones between high and low anomaly regions and in the low-velocity and low-density zones in the upper crust. In contrast, moderate-to-strong earthquakes mainly occurred within the transition zones between high and low anomaly regions and close to the high-velocity and high-density regions, often with low-velocity and low-density layers below their hypocenters. Fluids play a critical role in the seismogenic process by reducing fault strength and destabilizing the stress state, which may be a triggering factor for earthquakes in the study area. Additionally, the upwelling of molten materials from the mantle may lead to energy accumulation and stress concentration, providing an important seismogenic background for moderate-to-strong earthquakes in this area.  相似文献   

Abstract Well-preserved radiolarians from the Newcastle Group in southwest Kawhia, New Zealand, constitute the first record of Lower Jurassic radiolarians from in situ deposits in high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere on the margin of Gondwana. The radiolarians were extracted from carbonate nodules from five horizons in the Rewarewa Formation and the lower part of the Arawhero Formation, in the Murihiku Terrane. The radiolarian-bearing sequence, which lies within the upper part of the type section of the local Aratauran Stage, is roughly datable as Hettangian-Sinemurian from rare ammonite occurrences. The radiolarian assemblages consist, on average, of 80–90% spumellarians and 10–20% nassellarians. Spumellarians include species of the following genera: Archaeotriastrum, Crucella, Emiluvia (?) Homeoparo-riaella, Orbictilifomaa, Pantanellium, Paronaella (?), Pseudocrucella, PseIIdoheliodiscus, Spon-gostaurus and Spongotrochus. Nassellarians are composed of species of Ragotum, Bipedis, Droltus, Jams (?) Perispyridium (?) Raoultius, Riedelius, Saitoum and Thetis. From data of Lower Jurassic radiolarian faunas of Europe, North America and Japan, the New Zealand fauna shows stronger affinity with those of the European Tethys such as Turkey (e.g. De Wever 1982) and the Northern Alps (Kozur & Mostler 1990) than with faunas from other areas of the circum-Pacific. This connection between the European Tethyan and New Zealand faunas is not well explained by presently accepted continental reconstructions (Smith et al. 1994) for the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

Abstract Illite crystallinity (IC) analyses in the Upper Cretaceous Shimanto accretionary complex of the southern Akaishi Mountains, eastern Southwest Japan confirm the applicability of this technique for evaluating the grade of diagenesis/metamorphism in a sediment-dominated accretionary complex. Reproducibility analyses of IC values show a variance of about 15% from the mean. Data from three traverses, which transect across-strike sections of ∼25 km, clearly demonstrate that the IC distributions have specific overall trends. The IC values belong to the lQwer anchizone and the zone of diagenesis. The IC distributions may be controlled locally by structural features, but there are no distinct relationships with regional-scale geological structures. This may indicate that the heterogeneous geothermal rise affected the pre-existing structural and diagenetic/metamorphic framework of the accretionary sequence. Along-strike variations of grade tend to increase toward the northeast where a Middle Miocene granitoid occurs. Hence, the original diagenetic/metamorphic framework of this part of the Shimanto Belt was presumably overprinted during the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

南北地震带岩石圈S波速度结构面波层析成像   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用天然地震面波记录和层析成像方法,研究了南北地震带及邻近区域的岩石圈S波速度结构和各向异性特征.结果表明南北地震带的东边界不但是地壳厚度剧变带,也是地壳速度的显著分界.其西侧中下地壳的S波速度显著低于东侧,强震大多发生在低速区内部和边界.青藏高原东缘中下地壳速度显著低于正常大陆地壳,在松潘甘孜地块和川滇地块西部大约25~45 km深度存在壳内低速层;这些低速特征与高原主体的低速区相连,有利于下地壳物质的侧向流动.地壳的各向异性图像与下地壳流动模式相符,即下地壳物质绕喜马拉雅东构造结运动,东向的运动遇到扬子坚硬地壳阻挡而变为向南和向北东的运动.面波层析成像结果支持青藏高原地壳运动的下地壳流动模型.南北地震带的岩石圈厚度与其东侧的扬子和鄂尔多斯地块相似但速度较低.川滇西部地块上地幔顶部(莫霍面至88 km左右)异常低速;松潘甘孜地块上地幔盖层中有低速夹层(约90~130 km深度).岩石圈上地幔的速度分布图像与地壳显著不同,在高原主体与川滇之间存在北北东向高速带,可能会阻挡地幔物质的东向运动.上地幔各向异性较弱且与地壳的分布图像显然不同.因此青藏高原岩石圈地幔的构造运动具有与地壳不同的模式,软弱的下地壳提供了壳幔运动解耦的条件.  相似文献   

In this paper, using the 1999 ~ 2007 GPS velocity field data, and by choosing the optimal block model, we obtained the deformation models applicable to the boundary zones of major blocks and the slip rates of block boundary faults on the mid-southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. The results show that: on the Longmenshan fault zone, the tensional and compressive slip rate is small on the Baoxing-Wenchuan segment, about 0. 5 ~ 1.8mm·a^-1, and the rate is relatively significant on the segment of the Wenchuan--Maoxian, as 1.8 ~3.8mm·a^-1; on the Xianshuihe fault belt, there is a certain difference in spatial distribution between the tensional slip rag.e and strike-slip rate: the tensional slip rate ( 8. lmm~a-1) is bigger than the sinistral strike-slip rate ( 4.8mm·a^-1) at the north of the Luhuo region; the tension and compression slip rate is basically the same as the strike-slip rate at Luhuo-Dawu; the Dawu-Kangding section presents a trend of decreased strike-slip rate and increased tensional slip rate; the Kangding-ghimian segment shows a strike-slip nature; the strike-slip rate is significantly greater than the tension/compression rate on the Xiaojiang fault zone; the slip rate on the Red River fault zone shows obvious spatial segmentation, the slip rate is smaller in its northwest part, but with a certain amount of tensional/compression component, 4. 7mm·a^-1 on the Jingdong segment. The segment east of Jingdong ( western Gejiu) is mainly of strike-slip, with a slip rate of 4. 5mm·a^-1.  相似文献   


本文利用覆盖郯庐断裂带合肥—宿迁段及邻区的大地电磁阵列数据, 应用大地电磁三维反演技术和印模重构方法, 获得了测区可靠的三维电阻率模型.该电性模型中, 郯庐断裂带东西两侧在浅部均有高阻分布, 在深部电性结构显著不同, 具有西低东高的特征, 而郯庐断裂带则是两侧高低阻明显分界带; 在南北方向, 电性结构也存在较大不均匀性, 嘉山地区呈现低阻特征, 是断裂带上的电性分界点, 郯庐断裂带在此处由北部的四条主断裂变成南部的两条.结合研究区地质、大地测量和地震学等资料, 综合分析结果表明: 郯庐断裂带作为苏鲁造山带和张八岭隆起高阻体陡立的西边界, 切割深度超过莫霍面.嘉山地区相对低阻分割了张八岭高阻条带与苏鲁高阻体, 阻碍了断层上应力的传递, 造成了嘉山北、南两侧断裂带构造变形强、弱的变化, 从电性结构上证实了郯庐断裂带具有分段性的特征; 苏鲁高阻体南端向西偏转穿过郯庐断裂带, 阻碍断层滑动, 致使泗洪—嘉山段存在应力积累和断层闭锁的地震孕育环境, 其地震危险性值得关注.


Abstract A nearly complete skeleton of a fossil sperm whale from the Middle Miocene age Bessho Formation at Shiga-mura, Nagano Prefecture, the most complete fossil physeterid skeleton found in Japan, is here named Scaldicetus shigensis, new species. Its abruptly tapered rostrum, deep supracranial basin, and high occipital crest are typical of physeterids. Large teeth with crenulate enamel on conical crowns, present in both the palate and mandible, are consistent with the genus Scaldicetus du Bus, 1867, a genus originally based on fossils discovered in the Antwerp Basin, Belgium. Scaldicetus shigensis is relatively primitive, having a relatively long, slender rostrum, large zygomatic arches, large tympanic bullae, prominent occipital condyles, low tooth count and a sloping occipital shield that is deeply emarginated laterally by large temporal fossae. The probable mandibular tooth count is 12, only one more than the primitive eutherian mammalian dentition. Despite its abundant primitive characters, Scaldicetus shigensis has very asymmetrical external nares, comparable to the living sperm whale, Physeter catodon, and is in this way more derived than most of the contemporaneous fossil physeterids. At a time when other sperm whales were more highly evolved, Scaldicetus shigensis retained a primitive occipital shield, large tympanic bullae, and low tooth count, as in primitive Oligocene odontocetes such as Agorophiidae. It was a relict form in Middle Miocene time, and provides an indication of a primitive stage of sperm whale evolution heretofore undocumented. Fossils from elsewhere previously referred to as Scaldicetus, largely on the basis of tooth characters, range in age from Early Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene time. Cranial material that would clarify relationships is lacking for most of these, and this time range seems too long for a cetacean genus. Because of this simplistic approach to identifications, Scaldicetus is probably a grade taxon, not a natural biological grouping. However, the tooth morphology of Scaldicetus shigensis is correct for the genus Scaldicetus, so we provisionally assign it to this genus. Redefinition of the genus Scaldicetus and revision of the Physeteridae are beyond the scope of the present study.  相似文献   

New Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt in the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane yield stable and consistent remanent directions. The Late Cretaceous (86–81 Ma) ignimbrites from the Kholchan and Ola suites were sampled at 19 sites in the Magadan area (60.4° N, 151.0° E). We isolated the characteristic paleomagnetic directions from 16 sampled sites using an alternating field demagnetization procedure. The primary nature of these directions is ascertained by dual polarities and positive fold tests. A tilt-corrected mean direction (D = 42.8°, I = 84.7°, k = 46.0, α95 = 10.0°) yields a paleomagnetic pole of 66.7° N, 168.5° E (A95 = 18.8°) which appears almost identical to the 90–67 Ma pole reported from the Lake El’gygytgyn area of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt (Chukotka Terrane). This consistency suggests that the Kolyma-Omolon Composite Terrane and Chukotka Terrane has acted as a single tectonic unit since 80 Ma without any significant internal deformation. Accordingly, we calculate a combined 80 Ma characteristic paleomagnetic pole (Long. = 164.7° E, Lat. = 68.0°, A95 = 10.9°, N = 12) for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block which falls 16.5–17.5° south of the same age poles from Europe and East Asia. We ascribe this discrepancy in pole positions to tectonic activity in the area and infer a southward displacement of 1640 ± 1380 km for the Kolyma-Omolon-Chukotka Block with respect to the North American and Eurasian blocks since 80 Ma; more than 260 km of it is attributed to tectonic displacement in the Arctic Ocean due to the opening of the Canadian Basin.  相似文献   

Masayuki  Ehiro  Satoru  Kojima  Tadashi  Sato  Talat  Ahmad  Tomoyuki  Ohtani 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):124-132
Abstract   Callovian (late Middle Jurassic) ammonoids Macrocephalites and Jeanneticeras were recovered from the Shyok suture zone, northeast of Chang La Pass, Ladakh, northwest India. They are the first reliable Jurassic fossils and the oldest chronologic data from the Shyok suture zone. The ammonoid-bearing Jurassic strata, newly defined as the Tsoltak Formation, consist largely of terrigenous mudstone with thin sandstone beds and were probably a part of the continental basement to the Cretaceous Ladakh Arc.  相似文献   

The age of the Taowan Group is still a hot topic in the Northern Qinling Orogenic Belt, because of limited fossil evidence from these strata and different ideals on the Cambrian fossils of the conglomerate beds and limestone blocks. Early Ordovician acritarchs, chitinozoa and scolecodonts occur in the siltstone and muddy slate beds of the Guoling, Sanchakou, Fengmaimiao and Goushenmiao Formations of the Taowan Group, indicating the age of the Taowan Group should be the Ordovician. These fossil assemblages consist of 7 genera and 13 species of acritarchs, 7 genera and 9 species of chitinozoa, and 2 genera and 2 species of scolecodonts.  相似文献   

Han-Lin  Chen  Zi-Long  Li  Shu-Feng  Yang  Chuan-Wan  Dong  Wen-Jiao  Xiao  Yoshiaki  Tainosho 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):210-222
Abstract A mafic granulite body was newly discovered in the Altay Orogenic Belt, northwest China. The rocks comprise a suite of coarse‐grained and fine‐grained granulites. Orthopyroxenes (hypersthenes) in the rocks have high XMg and low Al2O3 contents, whereas clinopyroxenes have low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents. Amphiboles and biotites have a high Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratio and low contents of F and Cl. The peak metamorphic pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions are estimated as 750–780°C and 6–7 kbar, and retrograde P–T conditions are in the range of 590–620°C and 2.3–3.7 kbar, indicating significant decompression. Metamorphic reactions and P–T estimates define a clockwise P–T path. Geochemically, the rocks are high in Mg/(Mg + Fe) and Al2O3, depleted in U, Th, K and Rb, and characterized by light rare earth element enrichment and a weak positive Eu anomaly. The Altay mafic granulite shows depleted Nb, P and Ti contents in the mid‐oceanic ridge basalt normalized spider diagram. The geochemical characteristics suggest that the protolith of the Altay mafic granulite was calc‐alkaline basalt and andesite with an island‐arc affinity. The rock has a high 143Nd/144Nd ratio with ?Nd(0) > 0, indicating derivation from a mantle‐depleted source. In the present study, a two‐stage model for the evolution of the Altay mafic granulite is proposed: an early stage in which calc‐alkaline basalt and andesite with island‐arc affinity were subducted into a deeper level of the crust and subjected to granulite‐facies metamorphism generating the mafic granulite, followed by the later stage exhumation of the system into the upper crust by the late Paleozoic thrusting.  相似文献   

Abstract   Thick Middle (–Upper) Miocene turbiditic deposits filled very deep and narrow foredeep basins formed in the western margin of the Hidaka collision zone in central Hokkaido. Cobble- to boulder-sized clasts of eight monzogranites and a single granodiorite in the Kawabata Formation in the Yubari Mountains area yielded biotite K–Ar ages of 44.4 ± 1.0 to 45.4 ± 1.0 Ma and 42.8 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively. Major elemental compositions of the clasts all fall in the field of S-type granite on an NK/A (Na2O + K2O/Al2O3 in molecule) versus A/CNK (Al2O3/CaO + Na2O + K2O in molecule) diagram, verifying their peraluminous granite character (aluminium saturation index (ASI): 1.12–1.19). These geochronological and petrographical features indicate that the granitoid clasts in the Kawabata Formation correlate with Eocene granitic plutons in the northeastern Hidaka Belt, specifically the Uttsudake (43 Ma) and Monbetsu (42 Ma) plutons. Foredeep basins are flexural depressions developed at the frontal side of thickened thrust wedges. The results presented here suggest that deposition of the Middle Miocene turbidites was coeval with rapid westward up-thrusting and exhumation of the Hidaka Belt. This early mountain building may have occurred in response to thrusting in the Tertiary fold-and-thrust system of central Hokkaido.  相似文献   

大别造山带是全球最大的碰撞造山带之一,三叠纪时期,扬子板块深俯冲至地幔的200km处,经历了超高压变质作用。白垩纪早期,该造山带发生了强烈的伸展和垮塌,以及大规模的后造山地幔源岩浆侵入和火山活动。本研究收集了大别造山带及其邻区(29°~34°N、114°~119°E)的震相资料,采用双差层析成像技术,对大别造山带地壳结构进行反演,研究地壳结构与后造山地幔源岩浆侵入和火山活动之间的关系。结果显示,大别造山带中上地壳存在低速结构,该低速结构可能是熔融的幔源侵入物质,由于俯冲板片断裂,或下地壳/岩石圈发生拆沉,导致软流圈物质上涌至地壳底部、侵入地壳中,形成大别造山带地壳中的低速结构;同时,合肥盆地显示为低速区,可能是受浅部沉积层影响。研究中横切大别山的4条剖面显示,该地区下方存在北向倾斜高速结构,该高速结构可能是襄樊-广济断层,或者是扬子板块向华北板块下方俯冲的遗迹。  相似文献   

The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   

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