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Clay minerals associated with intra-volcanic bole horizons of varied colours and thicknesses contain montmorillonite, halloysite and kaolinite, show distinct microstructures and microaggregates. In kaolinite, Fe3+ ions substitute for Al3+ at octahedral sites. Most of these clays are dioctahedral type, show balance between net layer and interlayer charges. The interstratified illite — smectite (I/S) mixed layers containing variable proportions of montmorillonite. Illite contains sheet-like, well oriented microaggregates. The parallel stacks of chlorite sheets show chlorite/smectite (C/S) mixed layers. Progressive enrichment of Fe and depletion of Al ions with the advancement of kaolinization process is observed. High order of structural and compositional maturity observed in these bole clays, indicate long hiatus between the two volcanic episodes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of essexite in the Deccan volcanic province of Saurashtra, India, is reported here for the first time. The essexite body occurs as a large stock-like intrusion in horizontal flow basalts. Petrographically it is characterized by the presence of titanaugite, labradorite, olivine, iron oxides and accessory amounts of alkali feldspar, analcite, biotite and apatite. Chemically it is characterized by enrichment in LILE, HFSE and REE as compared to the other tholeiitic and alkaline basalts of the area. It is therefore concluded that the essexite magma has not formed by differentiation out of the tholeiitic magma predominantly encountered in the Deccan volcanic province, but possibly represents a separate melt derived as a 5 to 10% partial melt at shallower depth (15 kb pressure) within the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Dykes exposed in the Betul-Jabalpur area, lie parallel to E-W trending Narmada-Son and Tapti lineaments in the Deccan volcanic province. These dykes show a variety of textural features and contain plagioclase (33–45%), clinopyroxene, olivine, magnetite and glass. These dykes are mainly basalt and basaltic andesite. Betul-Jabalpur and Tapti dykes show increase in sub-alkalis (K2O+Na2O) with the rise in SiO2 values. Their data plots confine to the subalkalic array suggesting fractional crystallization as the dominant process. The high field strength elements in these dykes also show close correlation with the dykes south of the Tapti valley. Low concentration of Rb, Ba and V in Betul-Jabalpur dykes indicate that they are less contaminated than the other dykes of Deccan volcanic province. The large-scale chemical similarity in the major and trace elemental composition of the Betul-Jabalpur and south of Tapti valley dykes suggests their origin from a common magma type, possibly derived from the fractionation of isolated high gravity mafic-ultramafic igneous bodies positioned 6–8 km below the surface, trending parallel to the Narmada-Tapti rift zone.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) as a tool has been explored here to investigate the nature of petrofabrics in Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) of west-central Indian region by representative sampling in typical pahoehoe and rubbly pahoehoe lava flows, dykes within flows, shear zone and the impact crater units. The rock magnetic analysis indicate varying degree of concentration of titanomagnetite compositions dominated by multi domain (MD) to pseudo single domain (PSD) grains favoring shape anisotropy of minerals that form primary fabrics. The pahoehoe type lava flows shows planar oblate fabrics without any preferred orientation of principle susceptibility axis (K1) depicting crystal settling (of magnetic grains) as chief mechanism of fabric development. The rubbly pahoehoe type lava flow exhibit prolate fabrics with well clustered maximum susceptibility axis within horizontal to sub-horizontal planes depicting their response to viscosity shear. The dykes show well clustered K1 parallel to it’s plane locked during rapid contractional cooling. The sampling at Lonar impact crater was unable to trace any clear fabric due to impact/shock induced deformation and rather preserve the primary fabrics. Further, the shear zone depict random fabrics demanding more detailed and systematic sampling in both the cases. The present investigation infer that the magnetic mineralogy and magnetic fabric variations in the DVP are controlled by the flow mechanism and style of cooling that is characteristic of the given flow unit or dyke and any secondary or superimposed fabric needs to be examined by critical sampling strategy. While more detailed attempts are required to establish the AMS as a tool to record various aspects including the flow dynamics and rate of effusion in the vast terrain of DVP; the present approach is useful to characterize and correlate the lava flow units and dyke occurrences.  相似文献   

The intertrappean sediments associated with Deccan Continental Flood Basalt (DCFB) sequence at Ninama in Saurashtra, Gujarat yielded palynoassemblage comprising at least 12 genera and 14 species including Paleocene taxa such as Intrareticulites brevis, Neocouperipollis spp., Striacolporites striatus, Retitricolpites crassimarginatus and Rhombipollis sp. The lava flows of Saurashtra represent the northwestern most DCFB sequence in India. It is considered that the Saurashtra lava flows represent the earliest volcanic activity in the Late Cretaceous of the Reunion Mantle Plume on the northward migrating Indian Plate. The present finding of the Paleocene palynoflora from Ninama sediments indicate Paleocene age for the associated lava flows occurring above the intertrappean bed which suggests that the Saurashtra plateau witnessed eruption of Deccan lava flows even during Paleocene. The clay mineral investigation of the Ninama sediments which are carbonate dominated shows dominance of low charge smectite (LCS) along with the presence of mica and vermiculite. Based on the clay mineral assemblage it is interpreted that arid climatic conditions prevailed during the sedimentation. The smectite dominance recorded within these sediments is in agreement with global record of smectite peak close to the Maastrichtian–Paleocene transition and climatic aridity.  相似文献   

The Gondwana (Early Permian to Early Cretaceous) basins of eastern India have been intruded by ultramafic–ultrapotassic (minette, lamproite and orangeite) and mafic (dolerite) rocks. The Salma dike is the most prominent among mafic intrusives in the Raniganj basin. This dike is tholeiitic in composition; MgO varies from 5.4 to 6.3% and the mg number from 54 to 59. In general, the major and trace element abundances are uniform both along and across the strike. There is geochemical and mineralogical evidence for fractional crystallization. The chondrite normalized REE pattern of the Salma dike (La/Ybn=3.5) is similar to that of Deccan dikes of the Son–Narmada rift zone, western India. 87Sr/86Sr varies from 0.70552 to 0.70671 suggesting assimilation of crustal material. Some trace element abundances (e.g. Ti, Zr, Y) of the Salma dike are comparable to Group I Rajmahal basalts. The 40Ar–39Ar whole rock age of 65 Ma for the Salma dike is less than the ca. 114 Ma age for the Rajmahal basalt, but is similar to the generally accepted age for Deccan volcanic rocks. Despite geographical proximity with the Rajmahal basalt, the Salma dike is believed to be related to late phase of Deccan volcanic activity.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the phase chemistry of selected lavas from Vico shows that the “excess silica” in leucite is a significant and widespread crystal-chemical characteristic which may be interpreted in terms of an extended solubility of KAlSi3O8 and/or differential loss of potassium from the leucite structure. Plagioclase geothermometer data suggest increasing plagioclase control in the differentiation with decreasing Mg/Mg+Fe2+ ratios for the bulk rocks. The pyroxene compositions show moderate amounts of ferri-Tschermak's and Ca-Tschermak's molecules, probably controlled by temperature and compositional variations in the cooling liquids. Both microphenocrystal and late-crystallizing micas correspond to phlogopite compositions throughout the suite. The phase chemistry is discussed in relation to the differentiation of the suite and current petrogenetic models.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of orthopyroxene gabbro from the Phenai Mata Igneous Complex (containing thoeliitic and alkaline rocks) that occur within Deccan Traps. The P-T calculations based on two pyroxene thermometry vary from 8.5±1.0 kbar and 963±39 °C. These gabbroic rocks exhibit high Mg# (0.67 to 0.71). But their primary magma signature can be negated due to their high SiO2 (> 50 wt %), low Ni (32–35 ppm) and Cr (105–182 ppm) contents. Further, simple fractional crystallization was not responsible for the modification of the magma. Modeling carried out using trace element concentrations revealed that concurrent assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) was responsible for the genesis of these rocks. Small pods of magma could have accumulated in the crustal portions and concurrent assimilation and fractional crystallization have taken place in the generation of gabbro and orthopyroxene gabbro in the present study area.  相似文献   

Clays associated with the Precambrian unconformity-related (sensu lato) uranium mineralization that occur along fractures of Rohini carbonate, Bandai sandstone and clay-organic rich black carbonaceous Gorakalan shale of the Sonrai Formation from Bijawar Group is significant. Nature and structural complexity of these clays have been studied to understand depositional mechanism and palaeoenvironmental conditions responsible for the restricted enrichment of uranium in the Sonrai basin. Clays (<2 μm fraction) separated from indurate sedimentary rocks by disaggregation, chemical treatment and centrifugation were examined using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Presence of tv-1M type illite is inferred from the Rohini and Bandai Members of the Sonrai Formation, indicative of high fluid/rock interaction and super-saturation state of the fluids available in proximity with the uranium mineralization. It is observed that the Sonrai Formation is characterized by kaolinite > chlorite > illite > smectite mineral assemblages, whereas, Solda Formation contains kaolinite > illite > chlorite clays. It has been found that the former mineral assemblage resulted from the alteration process is associated with the uranium mineralization and follow progressive reaction series, indicating palaeoenvironmental (cycles of tropical humid to semi-arid/arid) changes prevailed during maturation of the Sonrai basin. The hydrothermal activity possibly associated with Kurrat volcanics is accountable for the clay mineral alterations.  相似文献   

芙蓉锡矿田骑田岭复式岩体主要由早阶段角闪石黑云母花岗岩和晚阶段黑云母花岗岩组成.电子探针分析结果表明角闪石黑云母花岗岩中的黑云母属于铁黑云母,黑云母花岗岩中的黑云母属于铁叶云母.相对于黑云母花岗岩,角闪石黑云母花岗岩中黑云母的MgO、TiO2含量偏高,Al2O3含量偏低.矿物化学研究结果显示,角闪石黑云母花岗岩中黑云母的结晶温度、氧逸度(logfO2)分别为680℃~740℃、-16.00~-15.31,黑云母花岗岩中黑云母的结晶温度、氧逸度分别为530℃~650℃、-19.20~-17.50.从角闪石黑云母花岗岩到黑云母花岗岩,岩浆结晶温度和氧逸度逐渐降低.与花岗岩有关的共存流体性质的研究发现,与角闪石黑云母花岗岩共存的热液流体log(fH2O/fHF)fluid,log(fH2O/fHCl)fluid,log(fHF/fHCl)fiuid值分别为4.22~4.39,2.78~3.24,-1.82~-1.73,而与黑云母花岗岩共存的热液流体log(fH2O/fHF)fluid,log(fH2OfHCl)fluid,log(fHF/fHCl)fluid值分别为3.27~3.53,2.85~3.22,-0.75~-0.22,可见与两种岩石类型共存热液流体的性质存在明显差异,且热液中Cl、Sn含量变化与岩浆结晶分异指数呈正相关关系.骑田岭岩体从角闪石黑云母花岗岩到黑云母花岗岩,随着岩浆的演化.岩浆结晶期后分异出的热液流体向富Cl和Sn方向演化.芙蓉锡矿田的成矿流体应主要来源于黑云母花岗岩岩浆结晶期后分异出的岩浆热液.  相似文献   

胶东中生代构造体制转折过程中流体演化和金的大规模成矿   总被引:23,自引:21,他引:23  
胶东是我国最大的金矿产出集中区,依据矿床和矿点的密集程度,可分为招远-莱州-平度、蓬莱-栖霞、牟平-乳山三个成矿带,区域内金矿类型可主要分为石英脉型和蚀变岩型。高精度的单矿物 Ar-Ar、Rb-Sr 同位素及热液锆石离子探针测年研究业已证买,金成矿的时代为120±10Ma,金矿床载金矿物-黄铁矿、矿石-黄铁矿石英脉、控矿围岩-花岗岩和变质岩等及伴生脉岩的 Sr-Nd 放射性同位素研究也证明,金成矿物质具有多源性,既来自于控矿围岩-花岗岩和变质岩,又来自于幔源的岩浆岩,流体包裹体研究表明,各类金矿具有一致的成矿流体介质条件,为低盐度 H_2O-CO_2-NaCl±CH_4流体,金成矿温度、压力条件近似,主成矿温度为170~335℃,成矿压力为70~250MPa。氢氧等稳定同位素结果表明,成矿流体可能来源于与金矿床伴生的基性幔源岩浆脱水形成的岩浆水,但在地壳浅部遭受到大气降水的混合。因此,胶东各类型金矿是在同一成矿背景下形成的矿床,与区域内中生代构造体制转折作用有关,也是中生代构造体制转折的表现形式之一。  相似文献   

利用电子探针对广丰-玉山盆地晚白垩世橄榄玄粗岩中单斜辉石进行了详细的矿物学研究,结果表明,所有的单斜辉石都属于普通辉石,表现出低Al,高Ti、Na含量的特征,具有碱性系列特征;单斜辉石斑晶的结晶温度为1 151~1 202℃,压力为0.12~0.58 GPa,可能是相对原始的岩浆上升到浅部(相当于上地壳位置)发生结晶分异作用形成。单斜辉石指示板内构造环境,与寄主岩石指示的构造环境一致。单斜辉石的矿物化学特征与碱性橄榄玄武岩中在浅源结晶的单斜辉石斑晶特征一致,而与碱性橄榄玄武岩中在深源处结晶的单斜辉石斑晶特征存在差异,且明显区别于拉斑玄武岩中单斜辉石斑晶的特征。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):1009-1029
The Carboniferous tectonic setting of the Junggar terrane, northern Xinjiang, NW China, has long been a matter of debate. Voluminous Carboniferous volcanic rocks are widely distributed in the Karamaili area, the southern part of the eastern Junggar terrane. Early Carboniferous rocks comprise basalts and basaltic andesites, with enrichment of LREE and LILE and depletion of HFSE, and uniformly high εNd(t) (+ 3.7 to + 4.0). Late Carboniferous rocks consist of basalts, basaltic andesites, rhyolites and minor dacites, and can be subdivided into basic and felsic groups. The basic rocks are depleted in HFSE, and show variable high εNd(t) (+ 4.8 to + 6.9). They have higher Cr and Ni and lower Na2O, U and Th contents than early Carboniferous basic rocks. The felsic rocks show A-type affinity, with typical enrichment of alkalis, LREE and HFSE and strong depletion in Ba, Sr, Eu and Ti. They have high values of εNd(t) and zircon εHf(t) (+ 11.6 to + 17.9). New LA-ICPMS zircon U–Pb analyses constrain their emplacement to late Carboniferous time (306.5–314.3 Ma).The Carboniferous basic rocks show negative Zr-Hf anomalies and low Th/Ce (< 0.07) and Th/La (0.06–0.16), excluding significant crustal contamination during magma evolution. They have low La/Ba (0.03–0.12), Ce/Y (< 3) and (Tb/Yb)N (< 2) and variable Ba/Th (28–318) and Ba/La (3.1–34), suggesting that they were derived from a main spinel with minor garnet lherzolite mantle source metasomatized by slab-derived fluids. The late Carboniferous felsic rocks were produced when upwelling asthenosphere triggered partial melting of juvenile lower crust. The early Carboniferous volcanism occurred in an island-arc setting related to the southward subduction of the Paleo-Junggar Ocean plate, whereas the late Carboniferous rocks erupted in a post-collisional extensional setting. Thus, a rapid tectonic transition from arc to post-collisional extension may have occurred between early and late Carboniferous, and probably resulted from slab break-off or lithospheric delamination.  相似文献   

Toumaline is widespread in the host strata of strata-bound base metal sulphide deposits in the Devonian metallogenic district around Shanyang-Zhashui in eastern Qinling. As a member of the schorl-dravite series, the tourmaline is characterized by Mg > Fe and Na > Ca, showing apparent chemical zonation which records the geochemistry during its formation and subsequent regional metamorphism and hydrothermal overprint. The close similarity in chemical and isotopic constitutions between the tourmaline of the main metallogenic epoch in this district [FeO/(FeO + MgO)=0.34 − 0.39 and δ11B=−7.6‰ − − 8.8‰] and those related to massive sulphide deposits typical of submarine (exhalative) hydrothermal sedimentation may add further support to a similar mechanism of mineralization for the strata-bound deposits in the district. Supported by the Foundation for Young Scientists under the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of Desur-type basalt flows in the southern and southwestern part of Belgaum in Karnataka, India have been investigated to understand their petrogenesis. The basalts are compact, hard, massive, and show characteristic microporphyritic textures with abundant well-twinned and un-twinned plagioclase phenocrysts and minor clinopyroxene set in a fine-grained groundmass consisting of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, glass and Fe-Ti oxides. Thin sections show sub-ophitic, intergranular and intersertal textures. The basalts are Fe-rich tholeiites (13.4–13.8 wt %), characterized by high TiO2 (3.64 to 3.94 wt %); moderate MgO contents (4.79 to 5.41 wt %), low K2O contents (<0.58 wt %) and low Mg# (42.4–45.9). They are enriched in large ion lithophile elements, moderately enriched in the light rare earths (chondrite-normalized LaN/YbN 3.37–4.24), and exhibit nearly flat heavy rare-earth patterns that lack significant Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* 0.86–1.10). Primitive-mantle-normalized element patterns for these rocks show characteristic troughs at K and Sr, absence of a Nb anomaly, and a low Zr/Nb ratio (<15), which suggest insignificant contamination by many types of continental crust, whereas, enrichments in the large ion lithophiles, La, P and Th could suggest enriched source characteristics. Based on the geochemical characteristics of the basalts, it is inferred that the Desur basalts representing the youngest flows of the Deccan Basalt Group are derived by partial melting of a peridotite source, and subsequent fractionation gave rise to the compositions of the basalts that are found in the Belgaum region.  相似文献   

辽西早白垩世义县组火山岩的地质特征及其构造背景   总被引:29,自引:10,他引:29  
早白垩世义县组火山岩虽辽西地区分布最为广泛的中代火山岩。岩石学、元素-同位素地球化学研究表明,义县组火山岩主要为高钾钙碱性系列,相容元素(Cr,Co,Ni,V等)和大离子亲石元素(如Rb,Sr,Ba等)相对富集,市场强元素(如Nb,Ta,Ti,Zr,Hf等)和放射性元素(U,Th)相对亏损,轻重稀土元素分 馏明显,δEu弱负异常,放射成因的Nd,Sr,Pb同位素较低, 具有板内和活动大陆边缘弧地球化学特点。作者认为辽西早白垩世义县组火山岩起源于富集的岩石圈地幔的部分熔融。岩浆在演化过程中以结晶分异作用为主,伴有少量的地壳混染作用,即AFC过程。结合区域构造,作者认为义县组火山岩形成于板内岩石圈的不均匀拉伸环境,是燕山板内造山作用的产物,与中生代古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲没有直接关系。  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Paleoproterozoic Bijawars of the Sonrai basin consists of (a) Sonrai (mostly carbonate carbonaceous shale and phosphatic breccia) and (b) Solda Formations (commonly chloritic and...  相似文献   

本文系统地讨论了西藏过铝花岗岩中斜长石、钾长石、黑云母、白云母和电气石的矿物化学特征。结果表明:岩石中的斜长石均以Ab为主,占78.73%~100%,An分子为0.13%~18.93%,而Or分子仅为0.19%~3.74%;在长石的成分分类图解中多分布于更长石区内,少量分布于钠长石区。钾长石的端元组分中Or含量最高,为81%~98.48%,Ab为1.52%~19.00%,基本不含An分子,在成分分类图解中集中分布在Ab—Or线的正长石区内。斜长石中Ab>An>Or,主要属更长石,极少量为中长石;钾长石具有高Or含量,显示Or> > Ab >> An,属钾透长石。白云母在以22个氧原子计算的分子式中,Si与Al的阳离子数均较高,其中Si为6.0575~6.6412,属多硅白云母;黑云母中Si阳离子数绝大多数小于6,值介于5.3227~6.1265之间,平均为5.5718;Al离子数为1.8735~2.6464,四面体配位为Si、Al所占据,八面体配位的阳离子中Al为0.2101~1.7388,大离子位中以K为主。过铝花岗岩中黑云母的Mg(Mg+Fe)比全岩的Mg(Mg+Fe)比值略高,但二者具有正相关关系,说明了其成因仍以岩浆成因为主。在云母类矿物的成因图解显示,研究区内大多数黑云母均位于C区,属壳源。  相似文献   

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