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多点激励下结构随机地震反应分析的反应谱方法   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
基于随机振动理论,提出了多点激励作用下线性系统随机地震反应分析的均值反应谱方法,给出了结构峰值反应的均值、标准差以及反应平均频率的反应谱组合公式。这可以将反应谱方法推广应用到多点激励结构的抗震可靠度分析中。鉴于组合公式中谱参数和相关系数需要由烦琐的数值积分得到,本文进一步针对它们给出合理的简化计算式,从而使得建议的反应谱方法的计算效率大大增加。最后,以一个双塔斜拉桥为例,对本文方法进行了验证。基于建议方法的计算结果与Monte Carlo模拟结果吻合较好。与经典的多点激励反应谱方法(MSRS法)比较,本文方法具有其无法比拟的计算效率。  相似文献   

本文主要针对海洋结构非线性随机地震响应问题的近似计算分析进行了研究,导出了一个求解等效阻尼系数的简单表达式,利用这一等效阻尼系数,就可直接求解非线性结构的随机地震响应,而不必进行反复的迭代。这一方法的优点是求解过程较简单,计算速度快,但又具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

采用虚拟激励法计算了大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥在纵向、竖向、横向、三维多点激励作用下的均方响应,在此基础上探讨了各方向激励及三维激励的多点输入效应对钢管混凝土拱桥地震响应特性的影响。结果表明纵向和竖向激励的多点输入效应对结构响应有明显影响,而横向激励的多点输入效应可忽略。  相似文献   

本文考虑地震动的随机性,运用概率密度演化方法对基础隔震结构的随机响应进行研究.上部结构与隔震层分别采用刚度退化的Bouc-Wen模型与Bouc-Wen模型,建立隔震结构的概率密度演化方程,直接应用四阶龙格-库塔方法迭代求解隔震结构的非线性的响应,得出隔震结构在8度罕遇地震下每层的位移概率.结果显示隔震结构较非隔震结构上部结构的位移大大地减小了,上部结构具有足够的安全性.结构整个概率密度演化过程显示了隔震结构的响应信息,概率密度演化方法能够有效评估隔震结构的抗震性能.  相似文献   

TMD对结构地震响应控制效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TMD对简谐激励和风荷载引起振动的控制效果得到了一致的肯定,然而关于TMD地震控制的效果还没有一致的结论.文中比较了几种有代表性的TMD参数优化方法所确定的TMD参数;利用MAT-LAB编制了计算程序,分析了不同方法所确定的TMD参数用于地震控制时,控制效果的差别;从反应谱的概念出发,研究TMD对单自由度结构的地震控制效果.结果表明,TMD总体上对于单自由度结构的地震响应是有控制效果的,结构本身响应越大,控制效果越好;结构本身响应很小的时候,TMD有放大结构响应的现象,但由于结构本身响应很小,放大后的结构响应也不会导致结构有破坏的危险.  相似文献   

大跨度结构TMD减震系统多点激励的地震随机响应分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
众多研究表明,对大跨度结构进行抗震分析时,必须采用非一致地震激励模型。本文对带TMD系统的大跨度结构考虑地震行波效应后的随机地震响应问题进行了研究。文中建立了结构的动力方程,并利用虚拟激励法求解。研究结果表明,对于大跨度结构装设TMD子结构以后可显著地降低结构的位移、速度和加速度响应,但在设计TMD减震系统时,必须考虑到地震激励的非一致性,否则可能会使预期的减震效果失效。  相似文献   

空间网格结构多维多点随机地震响应分析的高效算法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
将林家浩教授提出的“虚拟激励法”进一步推广应用于空间网格结构多维多点非平稳随机地震响应分析,推导了多维虚拟激励随机振动分析方法的理论公式,给出了峰值响应估计方法,并讨论了多维地震动的随机模型及参数选取,通过编制的专用计算机程序分析了网壳结构的随机地震响应。本方法自动包含了参振振型间及各输人地震分量间的相关项,计算精确、快速,非常适合分析频率密集型空间网格结构的随机地震响应,是一种高效的随机振动分析算法。  相似文献   

行波效应对大跨度空间结构随机地震响应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入研究了行波效应对大跨度空间结构随机地震响应的影响,进一步完善了大跨度空间结构随机地震响应分析理论。推导了双支座、单自由度体系地震响应功率谱密度函数的解析表达式,研究了不同频率体系的响应峰值随地面视波速的变化规律,分析了多支撑点、多自由度体系的地震响应功率谱矩阵的特点,发现多自由度体系地震响应随地面视波速的变化规律与单自由度体系相似。数值模拟了某体育馆网壳结构在不同地面视波速情况下的随机地震响应,结果表明,考虑地震动行波效应后,结构地震响应随地面视波速的变化而显著变化,当视波速较低时其变化规律很复杂;且支撑点附近、受拟静力位移影响较大的部分杆件的地震响应明显增大,远离支撑点处、受拟静力位移影响较小的部分杆件的地震响应稍有减小。由此得出结论,对于大跨度空间结构的随机地震响应分析,必须考虑地震动的行波效应,尤其当受拟静力位移影响较大的部分杆件对结构抗震设计起控制作用时;且应对可能出现的地面视波速进行全面分析,作为结构抗震设计依据。  相似文献   

考虑地震的随机性和土体的非线性,引入粘弹性边界,提出了一种在谐响应分析中直接输入加速度的加载方式,建立了基于虚拟激励法、等效线性化法和确定性动力有限元法相结合的非线性桩-土-结构体系随机地震响应的实用计算方法.采用该法对单桩支承的剪切型结构进行了较为全面的参数分析.结果表明基岩地震动输入水平,桩长度和土体模量都对结构反应有较大影响.该方法可方便的用于随机地震下桩-土-结构体系的参数分析中.  相似文献   

目前用于结构抗震设计的反应谱仅能反映峰值反应,无法体现反应值随时间的变化。文中提出一种弹性能量半径演化谱,可反映线性单自由度体系弹性能量(即动能与弹性势能之和)随地震持时的变化,且其峰值近似等于结构峰值位移。文中给出了利用地震动演化功率谱得到该演化谱的方法并进一步发展了一种计算线性多自由度体系地震位移反应的新方法。通过两座框架结构的地震反应计算,将新方法与传统振型组合法及时程分析法的计算结果进行对比,发现对于振型稀疏结构,新方法计算结果与SRSS法接近;而对于振型密集结构,新方法计算结果较CQC法更精确,且避免了CQC法相关系数的复杂计算。  相似文献   

To address challenges in stochastic seismic analysis of nonlinear structures, this paper further develops a recently proposed Gaussian mixture–based equivalent linearization method (GM‐ELM). The GM‐ELM uses a Gaussian mixture distribution model to approximate the probabilistic distribution of a nonlinear system response. Using properties of the Gaussian mixture model, GM‐ELM can decompose the non‐Gaussian response of a nonlinear system into multiple Gaussian responses of linear single–degree of freedom oscillators. With the set of the equivalent linear systems identified by GM‐ELM, response statistics as crossing rate and first‐passage probability can be computed conveniently using theories of linear random vibration analysis. However, the original version of GM‐ELM may lead to an inaccurate estimate because of the heuristic parameters of the linear system introduced to supplement insufficient information. To overcome this limitation and define unique equivalent linear systems, this paper proposes a further developed version of GM‐ELM, which uses a mixture of bivariate Gaussian densities instead of univariate models. Moreover, to facilitate the use of elastic response spectra for estimating the mean peak responses of a nonlinear structure, a new response spectrum combination rule is proposed for GM‐ELM. Two numerical examples of hysteretic structural systems are presented in this paper to illustrate the application of the bivariate GM‐ELM to nonlinear stochastic seismic analysis. The analysis results obtained by the bivariate GM‐ELM are compared with those obtained by the univariate GM‐ELM, the conventional equivalent linearization method, the tail equivalent linearization method, and Monte Carlo simulation. The supporting source code and data are available for download at https://github.com/yisangri/GitHub‐bGM‐ELM‐code.git  相似文献   

A method to calculate the stationary random response of a non-classically damped structure is proposed that features clearly-defined physical meaning and simple expression. The method is developed in the frequency domain, The expression of the proposed method consists of three terms, i.e., modal velocity response, modal displacement response, and coupled (between modal velocity and modal displacement response), Numerical results from the parametric study and three example structures reveal that the modal velocity response term and the coupled term are important to structural response estimates only for a dynamic system with a tuned mass damper. In typical cases, the modal displacement term can provide response estimates with satisfactory accuracy by itself, so that the modal velocity term and coupled term may be ignored without loss of accuracy, This is used to simplify the response computation of non-classically damped structures. For the white noise excitation, three modal correlation coefficients in closed form are derived. To consider the modal velocity response term and the coupled term, a simplified approximation based on white noise excitation is developed for the case when the modal velocity response is important to the structural responses. Numerical results show that the approximate expression based on white noise excitation can provide structural responses with satisfactory accuracy~  相似文献   

对地震作用下结构反应的复模态分解反应谱法进行了研究,指出在复模态分解反应谱法中,具有实特征值的模态不必组成二阶振动系统,可按一阶线性系统参与模态组合,且一阶线性系统只需要一条反应谱。给出了相应的复模态完全平方组合(CCQC)系数计算公式,该公式包括了一阶系统响应的相关函数和一阶系统响应与二阶系统响应之间的相关函数。通过算例验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

多点输入下大跨结构反应谱分析方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大跨度结构的抗震研究领域,多点输入反应谱方法因其形式简洁、物理意义明确、应用方便等优点而获得了广泛重视和迅速发展,并已在一些重大工程项目的抗震分析中得到了应用。本文首先详细阐述了近年来国内外多点输入反应谱分析方法的研究现状;然后介绍了多点输入反应谱法的应用情况,包括基于该方法进行的大跨度结构地震反应分析和抗震可靠度分析;最后,提出了今后研究中一些需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于三维相关系数谱的多支承激励反应谱法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定义了对结构各模态解耦的相关系数;提出了三维相关系数谱的概念,作出了离线计算的三维相关系数谱并探讨了其特性;在此基础上导出基于三维相关系数谱的多支承激励反应谱法。  相似文献   

Appropriate estimates of earthquake response spectrum are essential for design of new structures, or seismic safety evaluation of existing structures. This paper presents an alternative procedure to construct design spectrum from a combined normalized response spectrum(NRSC) which is obtained from pseudo-velocity spectrum with the ordinate scaled by different peak ground amplitudes(PGA, PGV, PGD) in different period regions. And a consecutive function f(T) used to normalize the ordinates is defined. Based on a comprehensive study of 220 strong ground motions recorded during recent eleven large worldwide earthquakes, the features of the NRSC are discussed and compared with the traditional normalized acceleration, velocity and displacement response spectra(NRSA, NRSV, NRSD). And the relationships between ground amplitudes are evaluated by using a weighted mean method instead of the arithmetic mean. Then the NRSC is used to define the design spectrum with given peak ground amplitudes. At last, the smooth spectrum is compared with those derived by the former approaches, and the accuracy of the proposed spectrum is tested through an analysis of the dispersion of ground motion response spectra.  相似文献   

本文对多自由度基础平动结构随机地震响应问题进行了系统研究。针对用第1振型近似代表上部结构所得方程为非经典阻尼和非对称结构情况。用复模态法解耦。获得了以第1振型表示的结构地震响应的解析解。对单自由度体系。此解即为结构响应的精确解。本文方法也可用于带TMD减震结构等的随机地震响应分析与优化设计。  相似文献   

A good response spectrum method, used for calculating the seismic design response for design inputs defined in terms of response spectra, should be able to include the effect of the higher modes, even though they may be truncated and not explicitly considered in the analysis. It should also be able to include the intercorrelation of the retained modes as well as their correlation with truncated modes. Herein one such method based on a suitable combination of the mode displacement and mode acceleration formulations of structural dynamics is proposed. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach vis-a-vis some other commonly used response spectrum approaches.  相似文献   

A response spectrum method which combines the analytical advantage of the mode acceleration formulation and the practical advantage of the mode displacement formulation is developed for seismic response calculation of non-classically damped structures. It reduces the error associated with the truncation of the high frequency modes without explicitly using them in the analysis. The method is especially effective for calculating the response of stiff structural systems and also for calculating the response quantities which are strongly affected by high frequency modes. Even with flexible structures, it is shown to provide more accurate response results than the results obtained with the mode displacement approach.  相似文献   

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