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An analysis of the results of observations of the symbiotic star Z And has shown that no definite model can be derived at present on their basis. If the hot component is essentially an accreting white dwarf with a hydrogen-burning shell source, then the gas envelope must be optically thin for Lc-emission and itsT e must be in the neighborhood of 2.6×104K. And if the hot component is a Main-Sequence star with an accretion disk around it, then it is classified with red dwarfs. The electron temperature of the gas envelope must be 1.5×104K. The luminosity of the hot component at the minimum of its visual brightness is only a few times lower than its Eddington limit. Therefore, as the accretion rate goes up, the initial increase in its brightness (U1 m .5), unaccompanied by any perceptible changes in the spectrum of Z And, will be followed by disintegration of the regular disk and flare of the star in the visible range. In the same model, partial eclipses of the hot source must occur. They seem to be observable on the star's light curve in theU band. Substitution of a solar-type star for the first-named component in the binary red dwarf + red giant system will lead to a significant decrease in the excitation of the combination spectrum.  相似文献   

EG And is a S-type symbiotic star. Here is present UV observations made by IUE from 1978 to 1991. From these observations the electronic density and the electronic temperature were obtained. The size of He II emitting region was estimated as 7.3R . Line and continuum variations confirm the binary nature of EG And.  相似文献   

EG And is a S-type symbiotic star. Presented are UV observations made by IUE from 1978 to 1991. From these observations the electron density and the electron temperature were obtained. The size of the Heii emitting region was estimated as 7.3R. Line and continuum variations confirm the binary nature of EG And.  相似文献   

We have studied a few optical spectra of the symbiotic star CH Cygni obtained in the period January 1990-June 1991, which indicate that a mild increase of activity occurred between July and December 1990. This increase of activity is confirmed by the IUE observations made in the same period. In fact, in this period of time, we have observed an increase of intensity of all the emission lines both in the optical and ultraviolet ranges and of the continuous ultraviolet flux.Based on observations obtained at the Observatory of Haute Provence (OHP) and on observations by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) collected at the Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station.  相似文献   

We present the results of our spectroscopic observations for the classical symbiotic star V1413 Aql performed in 2008–2011. Various states of the hot component are considered: almost quiescence in 2008, very slow outburst onset in 2009, outburst maximum in 2010, and gradual brightness decline in the erupted hot component in 2011. We have established that, according to a spectroscopic criterion, in 2008 the system was in quiescence. We have shown that the parameters of the hot component during its outburst can be determined only by modeling the differences of the spectra taken at different eclipse phases. The active hot component of V1413 Aql at the outburst maximum is shown to have had the record late (for a symbiotic star) spectral type K2. At various stages of the new activity cycle, we have modeled the continuumenergy distribution based on a standard three-componentmodel, a model including a standard accretion disk and a red giant, and amodel including a supergiant (of various spectral types) and a red giant. The parameters of the system’s components have been determined.  相似文献   

We present the results of our photometric UBV JHKLM observations in 2008?C2011 for the classical symbiotic star V1413 Aql. At the end of 2008, the hot component of V1413 Aql experienced the next strong outburst (??V > 2 · m 5). According to the photometric criterion (B-V ?? 0 · m 9 ± 0 · m 2), the star was in an active state even in the period preceding the strong 2008 outburst. Two eclipsing minima of the same amplitude were observed for V1413 Aql in 2010 and 2011. Our analysis of the 2011 eclipse has allowed us to estimate the sizes of the components with respect to the orbital semimajor axis if the system is seen edge-on: the radius of the cool component is R g/a = 0.28 and the radius of the hot component is R h/a = 0.17. However, judging by the B-V color index, the eclipse may be noncentral.  相似文献   

We have re-analysed the long-term optical light curve (LC) of the symbiotic star Z Andromedae, covering 112 yr of mostly visual observations. Two strictly periodic cycles and one quasi-periodic cycle can be identified in this LC. A   P 1 = 7550  d quasi-periodicity characterizes the repetition time of the outburst episodes of this symbiotic star. Six such events have been recorded so far. During quiescence states of the system, that is, in time-intervals between outbursts, the LC is clearly modulated by a stable coherent period of   P 2 = 759.1  d. This is the well-known orbital period of the Z Andromedae binary system that has been measured also spectroscopically. A third coherent period of   P 3 = 658.4  d is modulating the intense fluctuations in the optical brightness of the system during outbursts. We attribute the trigger of the outburst phenomenon and the clock that drives it, to a solar-type magnetic dynamo cycle that operates in the convection and the outer layers of the giant star of the system. We suggest that the intense surface activity of the giant star during maximum phases of its magnetic cycle is especially enhanced in one or two antipode regions, fixed in the atmosphere of the star and rotating with it. Such spots could be active regions around the North Pole and the South Pole of a general magnetic dipole field of the star. The P3 periodicity is half the beat of the binary orbital period of the system and the spin period of the giant. The latter is then either 482 or 1790 d. If only one pole is active on the surface of the giant, P3 is the beat period itself, and the spin period is 352 d. It could also be 5000 d if the giant is rotating in a retrograde direction. We briefly compare these findings in the LC of Z Andromedae to similar modulations that were identified in the LC of two other prototype symbiotics, BF Cyg and YY Her.  相似文献   

Periodic variations of emission line intensities and radial velocities in three S-type symbiotic stars: BF Cyg, CI Cyg and AX Per are presented and discussed. The behavior of emission lines is different in these objects and suggests that significant differences in physical conditions and geometry may occur in these seemingly similar systems.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

We present projected rotational velocity measurements of the red giant in the symbiotic star MWC 560, using the high‐resolution spectroscopic observations with the FEROS spectrograph. We find that the projected rotational velocity of the red giant is v sin i = 8.2 ± 1.5 km s–1, and estimate its rotational period tobe Prot = 144–306 days. Using the theoretical predictions of tidal interaction and pseudosynchronization, we estimate the orbital eccentricity e = 0.68–0.82. We briefly discuss the connection of our results with the photometric variability of the object (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Eclipsing phenomena of the inner binary with a period of 756 d in the triple symbiotic system CH Cyg may have been detected in detailed spectrophotometric observations. The eclipse of the hot component by the red giant started on 1994 October 11 and finished between 1995 January 8 and 18. The ingress duration was less than one day. The radius of the red giant is estimated to be 288 ± 15 R⊙ from the duration of the eclipse. Assuming the bolometric correction of the red giant (M7 III) as 4, the distance to this object is estimated to be 307 ± 32 pc, which agrees well with that obtained in the observations by Hipparcos . The interstellar extinction in the direction of this object may be much lower than that in the nearby areas. It has been suggested that the outer binary system with an orbital period of about 15 yr is an eclipsing one. It seems unlikely, however, that the variation of the activity of this object with a time-scale of more than 10 yr was a result of eclipses.  相似文献   

The mass accretion process onto the hot component of AG Dra and its explosive phenomena are discussed. The hot component seems to be a massive white dwarf (M>1 M). The mass accretion rate is estimated to be about 10–7M/year. Many properties of the explosive phenomena agree with those of mild hydrogen flashes expected from this rapid mass accretion.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

Reticon spectroscopic observations of the yellow symbiotic star AG Draconis are reported. Small rapid (15–30 min) changes in the intensities of the Hei λ5015 Å and Hei λ6678 Å singlet lines, and of the Hγ line are observed. The first observational evidence of presence of the unidentified band at 7088 Å in this star is also reported.  相似文献   

We present new photometric UBVRI and spectroscopic observations of the symbiotic star YY Her during its return to quiescence after a strong outburst in 1993. High-resolution spectra of YY Her at similar phases at outburst maximum ?=0.48) and in quiescence ?=0.37) are presented for the first time. The ephemeris of YY Her has been refined P=586d). The last two observed minima (in 1999 and 2000) differed radically in shape from the 1997 minimum described previously. Both were sharp and deep $(\Delta U \sim 1\mathop .\limits^m 6, \Delta V \sim 0\mathop .\limits^m 9)$ . To explain this shape of the V light curve, which is only slightly affected by nebular emission, it should be assumed that the cool component of YY Her fills much of its Roche lobe and has a hot spot on the hemisphere facing the hot component. The emission spectrum rich in Fe II lines, which is characteristic of symbiotic stars, was observed during the outburst, but high-ionization lines (He II λ4686) were also observed. The He I λλ5876, 7065 lines exhibit distinct P Cyg profiles; the centers of the absorption components are shifted from the emission ones by V r≈100 km s?1, suggesting moderate outflow velocities.  相似文献   

New outburst of the object BX Mon occurred in the beginning of 2019. The uniqueness of this event lies in its coincidence with the periastron passage by the hot component. This happened for the first time in the history of observations of this object. Previous epochs the moment of periastron passage corresponded to the lower part of the ascending branch of the light curve. Photometric and spectroscopic observations of BX Mon were carried out in the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (Republic of Kazakhstan). BVRc magnitudes, absolute fluxes and the profiles of emission lines were obtained. The maximal values B = 9.m7 and V = 9.m3, obtained in the beginning of 2019, are close to those observed during the previous outburst (2003, February). A high level of brightness was maintained until the middle of April. The absolute fluxes in the emission lines Hβ and Hα, obtained during the current outburst, turned out to be significantly weaker compared to the results, obtained in the previous periastron passages. A possible reason of the anomalous decrease of the emission line fluxes is the destruction of the accretion disk - the source of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Due to similarity of the intrinsic polarization changes near phase 0.8 and due to other similar physical features observed both in o Ceti and R Aqr it is suggested that the activity in R Aqr system is caused by a flaring region on a single star.  相似文献   

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