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本文从支配恒星内部物理过程的整套基本方程组出发,应用阵发混沌机制,研究其非线性特性,经过理论分析和数学演算,最后得出结论,即恒星结构方程本身,在一定参数范围内,能够自发出现阵发混沌脉动,这与已观测到的一些脉动变星的不规则光变性质,定性符合得很好。  相似文献   

本从支配恒星内部物理过程的整套基本方程组出发,应用阵发混沌机制,研究其非线性特性,经过理论分析和数学演算,最后得出结论,即恒星结构方程本身,在一定参数范围内,能够自发出现阵发混沌脉动,这与已观测到的一些脉动变星的不规则光变性质,定性符合得很好。  相似文献   

TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)空间卫星提供的短曝光、高精度光度测量为寻找并区分变星与搜寻行星提供了良好的数据.利用变星源的光变曲线,使用周期频谱分析与光变折叠等一系列方法分析了TESS空间卫星21扇区19995颗拥有高质量光变数据的目标源,并对这些源进行了分类,共获得4624颗变星,其中食双星322颗、脉动变星470颗、行星凌星37颗.所得变星结果与VSX (The International Variable Star Index)变星表进行了交叉比较,共交叉匹配了625颗变星源,这些交叉源中共有131颗为食双星系统、31颗为脉动变星,并通过周期频谱分析获取了双星绕转以及脉动周期.另外在59颗变星中发现明显耀发现象,交叉源中有8颗变星为行星凌星并同样通过周期频谱分析获取了行星绕转周期,从而验证了TESS空间卫星数据对变星分析的可行性.通过利用TESS空间卫星21扇区获得的变星周期结果与VSX变星表中提供的变星周期对比,发现与VSX变星表中绝大部分变星的周期一致,有一部分结果与VSX变星表中的结果差别较大,对这些变星周期结果做了进一步修正,并给出了变星表未列出的变星周期结果.  相似文献   

Ⅴ1159 Ori 是SU UMa 型中 ER UMa 亚型激变变星,BZ UMa 介于 U Gem 型和 WZ Sge 型之间,但又具有 SU UMa 的周期特征,存在争议.在2008年2月24日和 25日,用云南天文台 1 米 RCC(Ritchey-Chretien-Coude)望远镜对两者的测光观测显示: Ⅴ1159 Ori 在正常爆发的下降阶段存在 superhump,这为 superhump 现象普遍存在于 ER UMa 型星中提供了观测证据;BZ UMa 观测时处于爆发极大,并未观测到确凿的 superhump 周期,而 AAVSO(American Association of Variable Star Observers)近年的 BZ UMa 观测亦从未发现明确的 superhump;两者均表明 BZ UMa 可能并非 SU UMa 型星.基于星等变化幅度考虑,BZ UMa 较 WZ Sge 更为接近.  相似文献   

本文报告了δScuti型变星V6 5 0Tau的测光研究结果并讨论了这类变星振幅的变化。根据Arets2 0 0 0的综述“通过谱线变化做模式证认” ,介绍了光谱观测研究δScuti型变星的方法。最后介绍了熊大闰和邓李才的理论模型及δScuti型变星理论的脉动不稳定带  相似文献   

熊大闰  邓李才 《天文学报》2011,52(2):115-125
根据非局部和非定常恒星对流理论,计算了质量3~30 M_⊙恒星演化模型低球谐阶(l=1~4)p4~g39非径向模的线性非绝热脉动,研究了对流对非径向脉动的影响.结果表明,对流对恒星非径向脉动稳定性有不可忽略的影响.然而假若不关注单个恒星和单个振动模的细节,从总体上粗略地看,理论的脉动不稳定区的大致位置和范围并未受到对流的明显影响.  相似文献   

本文以亮星星表1982年版的资料为依据,统计了双星比例随光谱型的变化。发现巨星的双星比例由B、A型的50%左右逐渐下降到M型的24%,而矮星的双星比例不随光谱型下降,都在50%左右。还发现各主要类型脉动变星中的双星比例比上述相应光谱区内的双星比例高约10%。这可能说明成双性与恒星演化和脉动特性均有某种关系。造父变星中双星比例高达53%是很值得仔细研究的问题。  相似文献   

多任务学习方法在机器学习、计算机视觉、人工智能领域已得到广泛关注,利用任务间的相关性,将多个任务同时学习的效果优于每个任务单独学习的情况.采用多任务Lasso回归法(Multi-task Lasso Regression)用于恒星光谱物理参量的估计,不仅可以获取不同物理参量间的共同的特征信息,而且也可以很好地保留不同物理参量的特有的补充信息.使用恒星大气模拟模型合成光谱库ELODIE中的光谱数据和美国大型巡天项目Sloan发布的SDSS实测光谱数据进行实验,模型估算精度优于相关文献中的方法,特别是对重力加速度(lg g)和化学丰度([Fe/H])的估计.实验中通过改变光谱的分辨率,施加不同信噪比(SNR)的噪声,来说明模型的稳定性强.结果表明,模型精度受光谱分辨率和噪声的影响,但噪声对其影响更大,可见,多任务Lasso回归法不仅操作简便,稳定性强,而且也提高了模型的整体预测精度.  相似文献   

基于半解析模型和SDSS DR4(Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4),研究了环境对星系性质的影响.通过对以颜色、恒星形成率和恒星质量的带权重的相关函数的测量,发现半解析模型在颜色和恒星质量上与SDSS数据符合得比较好,而恒星形成率则在SDSS数据中表现为与环境无关.此结论证实了半解析模型对星系中部分性质与环境关系的预测,但对于恒星形成率为何与环境无关仍有待研究.  相似文献   

从COMBO-17数字巡天数据里,选择了CDFS(Chandra Deep Field South)天区中1231个测光红移在0.1~0.3之间的暗蓝星系作为样本,研究了这些星系分别在只有光学波段和光学加近红外波段数据情况下做测光红移得到的红移分布,以及这些星系在静止参考系下的能谱分布(Spectral Energy Distributions,SEDs)特征.结果表明有183个星系在利用光学加近红外波段数据做测光红移时得到的红移大于1.2,它们的误差为0.046,提高测光的信噪比也有利于区分这类被光学波段误认为低红移的星系.这些暗蓝星系中高红移星系的观测近红外流量相对于光学流量有上升的趋势,而低红移星系的观测近红外流量相对于光学流量有下降的趋势.  相似文献   

A database for pulsating variable stars is constructed to favor the study of variable stars in China. The database includes about 230,000 variable stars in the Galactic bulge, LMC and SMC observed in an about 10 yr period by the MACHO(MAssive Compact Halo Objects) and OGLE(Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment) projects. The software used for the construction is LAMP, i.e., Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP. A web page is provided for searching the photometric data and light curves in the database through the right ascension and declination of an object. Because of the flexibility of this database, more up-to-date data of variable stars can be incorporated into the database conveniently.  相似文献   

The Binary star DataBase(BDB, http://bdb.inasan.ru) combines data from catalogs of binary and multiple stars of all observational types. There is a number of ways for variable stars to form or to be a part of binary or multiple systems. We describe how such stars are represented in the database.  相似文献   

The Tycho Epoch Photometry Annex A, a data base of photometry of more than 34 000 bright stars, has been searched for periodic variable stars with approximately sinusoidal light curves. Advantage was taken of special properties of the observing programme (photometry in two wavebands, availability of repeated measurements) to use simple but efficient variable selection criteria. Details of 70 strong candidate variables are presented.  相似文献   

I explore the consequences of making the RR Lyrae and clump giant distance scales consistent in the solar neighbourhood, Galactic bulge and Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). I employ two major assumptions: (i) that the absolute magnitude–metallicity, M V (RR)–[Fe/H], relation for RR Lyrae stars is universal, and (ii) that absolute I magnitudes of clump giants, M I (RC), in Baade's Window are known (e.g. can be inferred from the local Hipparcos -based calibration or theoretical modelling). A comparison between the solar neighbourhood and Baade's Window sets M V (RR) at [Fe/H]=−1.6 in the range (0.59±0.05, 0.70±0.05), somewhat brighter than the statistical parallax solution. More luminous RR Lyrae stars imply younger globular clusters, which would be in better agreement with the conclusions from the currently favoured stellar evolution and cosmological models. A comparison between Baade's Window and the LMC sets M LMC(RC) I in the range (−0.33±0.09,−0.53±0.09). The distance modulus to the LMC is μ LMC∈(18.24±0.08,18.44±0.07). Unlike M LMC(RC) I , this range in μ LMC does not depend on the adopted value of the dereddened LMC clump magnitude, I LMC(RC)0. I argue that the currently available information is insufficient to select the correct distance scale with high confidence.  相似文献   

With the advent of surveys generating multi-epoch photometry and the discovery of large numbers of variable stars, the classification of these stars has to be automatic. We have developed such a classification procedure for about 1700 stars from the variable star catalogue of the All-Sky Automated Survey 1–2 (ASAS 1–2) by selecting the periodic stars and by applying an unsupervised Bayesian classifier using parameters obtained through a Fourier decomposition of the light curve. For irregular light curves we used the period and moments of the magnitude distribution for the classification. In the case of ASAS 1–2, 83 per cent of variable objects are red giants. A general relation between the period and amplitude is found for a large fraction of those stars. The selection led to 302 periodic and 1429 semiperiodic stars, which are classified in six major groups: eclipsing binaries, 'sinusoidal curves', Cepheids, small amplitude red variables, SR and Mira stars. The type classification error level is estimated to be about 7 per cent.  相似文献   

We present the database of maser sources in H2 O, OH and Si O lines that can be used to identify and study variable stars at evolved stages. Detecting the maser emission in H2 O, OH and Si O molecules toward infrared-excess objects is one of the methods for identifing long-period variables(LPVs, including miras and semiregulars), because these stars exhibit maser activity in their circumstellar shells. Our sample contains 1803 known LPV objects. Forty-six percent of these stars(832 objects) manifest maser emission in the line of at least one molecule: H2 O, OH or Si O. We use the database of circumstellar masers in order to search for LPVs which are not included in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS). Our database contains 4806 objects(3866 objects without associations in GCVS) with maser detection in at least one molecule. Therefore it is possible to use the database in order to locate and study the large sample of LPV stars. The database can be accessed at http://maserdb.net.  相似文献   

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