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大气视宁度严重影响了地面望远镜观测的成像分辨率。对于直径rL的单孔镜,Fried给出恒星光波波前到达角的均方差为<α2>=0.358(λrL)1/3(λr0)5/3这一公式被很多文献所采用,并推广应用于双瞳视宁度仪测量,等等。事实上,Yura和Tavis(1985)指出,恒星光波波前的瞬间倾角与星像重心在焦平面的角位置并不完全相关,波前倾角的方差与焦平面重心的方差也是不一致的。实际测量中,我们常使用的是焦平面像重心的测量。因此,使用的公式应当有所修正。本文从Tatarski的理论公式出发,更简捷地得到了同样的结果。即,所使用的公式应修改为<α2>=0.339(λrL)1/3(λr0)5/3与此有关的视宁度测量公式中的其他常数也需修改  相似文献   

大气视宁严谨严重影响了地面望远镜观测的成像分辩率。对于直径rL的单孔镜,Fried给出恒星光波波前到达角的均方差为〈a^2〉=0.358(λ/rL)^1/3(λ/r0)^5/3这一公式被很多文献所采用,并推广应用于双瞳视宁度仪测量,等等。事实上,Yura和Tavis(1985)指出,恒星光波波前的瞬间倾角一像重心在焦平面的角位置并不完全相关,波前倾角的方差与焦平面重心的方差也不是一致的。实际测量中  相似文献   

本文介绍了轿子山大气视宁度观测的组织实施情况,给出了观测的结果。结果表明;在我们所观测的时间内(4月和5月),轿子山的视宁度是比较好的,在国际上也属上等。此外,我们的观测还表明,山顶的视宁度比半山腰好。因条件所限,其它月份没有得到观测资料,因此对轿子山全年的大气视宁度的情况无法下结论。但是,按照云南省的气象特征和过去的选址经验,4、5月是云南视宁度最差的季节,因此可以推断,轿子山的大气视宁度是比较好的。  相似文献   

本文首先阐明了Fried参数(大气相干长度)r_0的物理含义及为什么选取r_0作为表征大气视宁度的参数;然后介绍了一种优良的测量r_0的方法—差分像运动(differential image motion)法,总结了该方法的六个特点,最后给出了在云南天文台用该方法两次实测大气视宁度的实验结果及实验参数,并对结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

丽江高美古天文候选点的视宁度观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了1995年3月至1996年3月在云南丽江天文候选点的视宁度观测结果。全年每日23h至00h,平均R0为15.75cm(FWHM0.698")。其中最好的整夜平均R0为22.41cm(FWHM0.49")。  相似文献   

大气视宁度测量的一种方案   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  

本文提出用三个孔的光栏使星成三个像,在CCD上进行多次“拖影”曝光后一次输出,是既省钱又简便的视宁度测量方案。  相似文献   

DIMM测视宁度是目前世界上通行和好的方法之一 ,但仪器、观测和处理方法不同会影响观测结果和精度 ,本文就其中的几个最主要因素进行讨论。包括 :望远镜和子瞳 ,曝光时间 ,取样时间 ,星像计算的判据和计算方法问题  相似文献   

为对三孔DIMM数据的可靠性有进一步认识,作者对所用CCD的曝光时间、不同大小的子瞳以及风向对观测结果的影响等方面做了试验,还进行了DIMM结果与一米望远镜的星像轮廓结果的比对。  相似文献   

本文叙述了较差视宁度监视仪的基本原理,及云南天文台研制的三个光瞳较差视宁度监视仪,并讨论了各种可能的误差。  相似文献   

The Antarctic site-testing campaigns have shown that Dome C is an excellent astronomical site on the earth, it is better than any of existing mid-latitude astronomical sites in the world, because of its cold and dry weather, low infrared background radiation, continuously observable time as long as 34 months, clear and highly transparent atmosphere, low wind speed, and the absence of dust and light pollution. And in the international astronomical community it is generally believed that Dome A with a higher altitude may be better than Dome C as a potential excellent astronomical site. In the past 3 years, although held by the Center for Antarctic Astronomy of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the site testing at Dome A has preliminarily con?rmed the many advantages of Dome A as an excellent astronomical site, but the data about the atmospheric seeing, which is an important parameter for assessing the site quality for optical observations, have not been obtained until now. Hence, on the basis of a commercial telescope with the diameter of 35 cm, we have made the hardware reformation and software development to have it operate as a DIMM (Differential Image Motion Monitor), which can simultaneously monitor both the seeing and isoplanatic angle at Dome A automatically. At present this instrument has been shipped to Antarctica by the “Xuelong” exploration ship, and will be installed at Dome A, and begin to work in early 2011. Before the shipment, by through the comparative measurements together with an existing seeing monitor at the Xinglong astronomical station, the software, hardware, as well as the installation and adjustment of the instrument, are further veri?ed by testing.  相似文献   

The atmospheric properties above three sites (Dome C, Dome A and the South Pole) on the Internal Antarctic Plateau are investigated for astronomical applications using the monthly median of the analyses from ECMWF (the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Radiosoundings extended on a yearly time-scale at the South Pole and Dome C are used to quantify the reliability of the ECMWF analyses in the free atmosphere as well as in the boundary and surface layers, and to characterize the median wind speed in the first 100 m above the two sites. Thermodynamic instability properties in the free atmosphere above the three sites are quantified with monthly median values of the Richardson number. We find that the probability to trigger thermodynamic instabilities above 100 m is smaller on the Internal Antarctic Plateau than on mid-latitude sites. In spite of the generally more stable atmospheric conditions of the Antarctic sites compared to mid-latitude sites, Dome C shows worse thermodynamic instability conditions than those predicted above the South Pole and Dome A above 100 m. A rank of the Antarctic sites done with respect to the strength of the wind speed in the free atmosphere (ECMWF analyses) as well as the wind shear in the surface layer (radiosoundings) is presented.  相似文献   

This article reviews the situation for robotization of telescopes and instruments at the Antarctic station Concordia on Dome C. A brain‐storming meeting was held in Tenerife in March 2007 from which this review emerged.We describe and summarize the challenges for night‐time operations of various astronomical experiments at conditions “between Earth and Space” and conclude that robotization is likely a prerequisite for continuous astronomical data taking during the 2000‐hour night at Dome C. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

射电望远镜天线结构设计和观测任务的正常进行都需要台址风场信息.随着望远镜性能要求的提高,天线结构设计越来越复杂,风载荷对天线观测时造成的指向影响也越发明显,如何在设计时保证结构刚度和强度,在观测时提高有效观测时间,都需要准确的风场数据.由于传统台址测风塔布置方法无法对测风塔拟设点的可靠性做出定量化评估,因此提出一种基于数值模拟优化测风塔位置的方法.数值模拟基于规范参数设置边界条件,与实测数据比较,整体趋势吻合,满足精度需求.对试验台址设置了4个测风塔位置,经分析P2点与天线位置的风速均方根误差值(root-mean-square error, RMSE)最小,测得的数据更能表征天线区域的风场特性.  相似文献   

天文选址相机的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了天文选址用CCD相机的开发研制.系统探测器选用具有累进扫描模式的ICX098ALCCD芯片,采用相关双采样信号读出电路、USB通讯接口实现数据与命令的传输.对系统工作性能进行了详细的测试:12℃条件下暗流约为52adu/see,系统增益(system gain)为2.2e/adu,读出噪声(readout noise)为30e.最后给出了在日本冈山天体物理观测所对大气宁静度的实测结果,该结果与冈山已有仪器测量值吻合.  相似文献   

We present results from a study of the seeing quality at the 4.2-m William Herschel telescope at La Palma. The median intrinsic seeing at the site is found to be excellent, and is comparable to that at the Paranal and Mauna Kea observatories. Contributions to the seeing from turbulence within the telescope dome are insignificant. Furthermore, the optical quality and tracking stability of the telescope are good, so that long-exposure image widths close to the limit imposed by the site seeing can be expected.  相似文献   

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