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广东三水4.4级地震灾害损失评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1997年9月23和26日广东省三水市南边、乐平镇发生M_L3.7和4.4级地震.地震的震源较浅,烈度较高,造成1708栋房屋受损,1630人无家可归,经济损失高达7千多万元.这是我国罕见的一次造成严重震害的强有感地震.本文通过野外调查,对地震灾害损失进行了评估. 相似文献
汶川地震损失快速评估 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
本文根据历史震害统计资料并结合前人研究,给出了四川、陕西、甘肃三省不同结构类型住宅的震害矩阵;结合汶川地震烈度图和三省的社会经济统计数据,包括人口、人均住房面积、不同结构住宅比例等,进行震后损失快速评估,得出四川、陕西、甘肃三省县级地理单元的住宅破坏情况、无家可归人数、住宅经济损失等评估数据,为抗震救灾提供决策依据。评估结果显示,如果按总体损失指标(经济损失或无家可归人数),江油、三台、安县、都江堰市、绵竹市、中江县是损失最严重的六个县;如果按照人均损失指标(人均经济损失或每万人无家可归人数),北川、安县、汶川、平武、绵竹、青川等是受灾最严重的六个县。通过比较县级地理单元的损失情况,作者认为在这次地震中,人均损失指标比总体损失指标更能代表一个地区受灾的严重程度,用总体损失指标来评估一个地区的因灾损失程度,用人均损失指标来评价一个地区的受灾程度。本文最后给出了考虑地震烈度空间分布异性的震后损失快速评估技术流程。 相似文献
山西临猗—永济1998年5.0级地震灾害损失评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1998年7月11日在山西省临猗县-永济市发生ML5.0地震,通过野外调查,对这次地震灾害损失进行评估。初步认为,这次地震受灾面积达599km62,经济损失达1544万元。在震害评估的基础上,分析了震害的原因,指出,房屋质量差及1998年降雨量大是造成这次地震震害较重的原因。 相似文献
1996年3月19日,新疆伽师-阿图什地区发生6.9级地震,造成了破坏和伤亡。震后,新疆地震部门对灾区震害情况进行了实地调查,并对震害损失进行了评估。该文根据对伽师-阿图什地震灾害损失评估的实践,提出了由震害评估工作得到的几点启示。 相似文献
基于云计算的中国地震灾害损失评估系统研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为有效解决以往各类地震业务系统建设周期长、重复建设、成本高、维护更新难等问题,本文首次提出了建设基于云计算的中国地震灾害损失评估系统(简称HAZ-China系统)。该系统集地震基础数据采集与存储、震害预测、地震应急响应与辅助决策、地震现场损失评估、震后恢复重建资金评估、地震业务二次开发定制与扩展等功能于一体,可为各类用户提供震前、震时和震后的综合地震信息服务。本文首先介绍了该系统云计算服务层次(地震应用服务层、地震业务开发平台服务层、地震数据服务层、基础设施服务层)的主要构成,重点阐述了各服务层的基本概念和主要功能;其次介绍了云计算平台的体系结构及其组成等;最后指出了建设基于云的HAZ-China系统的首要任务。 相似文献
生命线工程震害损失快速评估方法及软件研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
论述了地震灾害损失评估方法,应用软件发展现状和当前应努力的方向,并以地震灾害损失评估基本理论为指导,通过对生命线工程地震易损性研究现状的分析,确定了开发快速评估软件的首批评估对象体系,同时,对软件开发也提出了几点设想。 相似文献
汶川地震是新中国成立以来所发生的最大1次地震灾害事件,灾害损失评估工作涉及面广,难度极大.在灾害损失评估工作中,明确工作要求,统一工作标准,可以极大地提高工作效率;破坏比的计算可以在国标基础上,根据实际情况适当进行调整,以利于更加真实地反映实际破坏情况. 相似文献
2003年12月3日7时26分发生道孚4.8级地震,宏观震中在四川省甘孜州道孚县葛卡乡至木茹乡一带,震中烈度为Ⅴ度。这次地震影响到道孚县4个片区(尼措区、瓦日区、扎坝区和八美区)两个镇及十个乡,地震灾害评估区总面积2395平方千米。这次地震未造成人员伤亡和牲畜死亡或丢失;也未造成公路、桥梁、通讯等生命线基础设施损失。房屋未出现倒塌;只出现个别片石砌筑的房屋墙体局部垮塌和轻微裂缝,有个别房屋出现梭瓦和掉瓦。地震所造成的损失程度分为中等、轻微和基本完好三个等级;对道孚县造成的经济损失为85.39万元。 相似文献
The earthquake disaster rapid assessment(EDRA)is the core technical support for the post-earthquake emergency response. At present, with the popularization of high-precision population, social and economic data, most of the subordinate units of China Earthquake Administration(CEA)have heightened the precision of hazard bearing body data used in EDRA from the original county-level precision to the 30″×30″ precision. However, while the precision of fundamental data has been heightened, no efforts have been made to improve the main algorithms and the technical process of EDRA. It turns out that the assessment has become more accurate, but the problems of the time-consuming process(10-20 minutes, probably 20 minutes or more in great earthquakes)and the low-precision losses distributions that exposed in EDRA supported by county-level precision data remain unresolved.This paper introduces the high-precision(30″×30″)hazard bearing body data, and describes the principle of EDRA and its implementation under the support of county-level precision data at first. Then the paper elaborates the principle of improving EDRA's data foundation using high-precision hazard bearing body data, the principle of improving the computation efficiency and persisting the data precision in the assessment process by means of the cell-to-cell grid algebraic operation, and the method for improving the assessment speed through the segmentation and reorganization of the technical process of EDRA.It is validated that through the improvements, the EDRA has become more accurate and much less time-consuming(less than 1 minute), and is able to output high-precision(30″×30″)distributions of seismic losses. The high-precision hazard bearing body data of wide range are the simulated data but not the survey data. Though the data have been simulated based on the census data, there is still a gap between their accuracy and the real situation. Further research and optimization on the data are needed. 相似文献
地震速报参数不确定性的应急灾害损失快速评估模型 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文针对目前地震应急灾害损失快速评估中存在的问题,建立了考虑地震速报参数不确定性的灾害损失快速评估模型。并利用1990年来全国的81组速报震中与宏观震中数据。得到速报震中与宏观震中偏差的概率分布经验参数。 相似文献
The housing loss assessment of rural villages caused by earthquake disaster in Yunnan Province 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Introduction In accordance with the systematical theory of natural disaster, the intensity of disaster-causing factor and the frangibility of the disaster-bearing body decide the disaster degree (SHI, 1991, 2002). The building facilities is the uppermost disaster-bearing body in the earthquake disaster system, as the population and fortune in the city are concentrated, the density of the housings is large, the antiseismic and disaster reduction of the city have always been an important aspect… 相似文献
2021年5月22日青海玛多MS 7.4地震表现为灾情重、伤亡轻的特点,采用极震区烈度估计、烈度衰减关系、人员伤亡评估3种烈度衰减模型进行灾害损失快速评估,与地震现场调查结果进行对比,可知对于此次玛多MS 7.4地震,3种模型评估与地震现场调查结果存在偏差,认为主要由地震影响场分布、人口分布、房屋建筑(抗震能力)、地形地貌、次生灾害等因素不同所致。结果显示,通过提高地震影响场评估的精准性及人口分布、房屋建筑等数据空间分布的准确性和后期专家干预等措施,均可有效提升地震灾害损失快速评估精准性。 相似文献
With urban reformation and opening becoming deeper, the work of protection against earthquake and disaster reduction would
be more important. In this paper, some ideas are suggested about establishing the information system for emergency decisions
on protection against earthquake and disaster reduction in cities. The information system mainly includes a subsystem for
rapid evaluation of damage loss from earthquake (which includes input of seismic information, distribution of earthquake intensity,
evaluation of seismic fragility on all social factors and etc.) and a subsystem for the decisive information of seismic emergency (which mainly includes project of disaster relief, project
of personnel evacuation, dangerous degree warning for the dangerous articles-storing places and protection measures against
them, assistant decision on fire due to earthquake, location of head-quarter for providing disaster relief, and etc.). It is thought that the data investigation and collection about all kinds of buildings (including lifeline engineering)
are the most important and difficult work as establishing this system. 相似文献