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The Peripheral Schieferhülle of the Tauern Window of the Eastern Alps represents post-Hercynian Penninic cover sequences and preserves a record of metamorphism in the Alpine orogeny, without the inherited remnants of Hercynian events that are retained in basement rocks. The temperature-time-deformation history of rocks at the lower levels of these cover sequences have been investigated by geochronological and petrographic study of units whose P-T evolution and structural setting are already well understood. The Eclogite Zone of the central Tauern formed from protoliths with Penninic cover affinities, and suffered early Alpine eclogite facies metamorphism before tectonic interposition between basement and cover. It then shared a common metamorphic history with these units, experiencing blueschist facies and subsequent greenschist facies conditions in the Alpine orogeny. The greenschist facies phase, associated with penetrative deformation in the cover and the influx of aqueous fluids, reset Sr isotopes in metasediments throughout the eclogite zone and cover schists, recording deformation and peak metamorphism at 28-30 Ma. The Peripheral Schieferhülle of the south-east Tauern Window yields Rb-Sr white mica ages which can be tied to the structural evolution of the metamorphic pile. Early prograde fabrics pre-date 31 Ma, and were reworked by the formation of the large north-east vergent Sonnblick fold structure at 28 Ma. Peak metamorphism post-dated this deformation, but by contrast to the equivalent levels in the central Tauern, peak metamorphic conditions did not lead to widespread homogenization of the Sr isotopes. Localized deformation continued into the cooling path until at least 23 Ma, partially or wholly resetting Sr white mica ages in some samples. These isotopic ages may be integrated with structural data in regional tectonic models, and may constrain changes in the style of crustal deformation and plate interaction. However, such interpretations must accommodate the demonstrable variation in thermal histories over small distances.  相似文献   

High-pressure schists (2–2.5 GPa) from the Eclogite Zone in the Tauern Window contain honeycomb garnet in which fine webs of garnet surround strain-free quartz ± carbonate grains. High-resolution X-ray computed tomography shows that the garnet webs form a cellular structure that coats all surfaces of the inclusions. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis shows that the garnet cells are crystallographically continuous with more massive garnet regions, and that the quartz ± carbonate inclusions have random orientations; in contrast, matrix quartz exhibits a prominent crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy shows few dislocations in either the garnet or the inclusion quartz. Most honeycomb garnet is chemically homogeneous, but some displays asymmetric core–rim zoning. Taken together, these observations are most consistent with formation of the garnet sheets via precipitation from a wetting fluid along quartz–quartz grain boundaries, or possibly via wholesale precipitation of garnet + quartz ± carbonate from a fluid. In either case, a silicate-rich aqueous fluid must have been present. The likelihood that a fully wetting fluid existed at high pressure has important implications for rheology during subduction of metasedimentary rocks: strain may be accommodated by grain rotation and sliding in an aqueous silicate slurry, rather than via dislocation creep mechanisms at high pressures. The absence of a CPO in early quartz may thus point to involvement of a pervasive grain-boundary fluid rather than requiring low differential stresses during subduction.  相似文献   

Zircon ages from major lithologies of the Zentralgneis suggest that much of the Variscan magmatism in the Tauern Window is older than previously suggested. In the southeast Tauern Window a tonalite has been dated at 314±7 m.y. and a granodioritic biotite augen gneiss at 313±10 m.y. Two granodiorites from the Granatspitzkern yielded zircon data consistent with a similar age. These zircon data require re-interpretation of some previously published Rb-Sr whole rock ages and raise the possibility that Alpine metamorphism caused more widespread disturbance of Rb-Sr whole rocks than commonly supposed. Rb-Sr data on fabric-forming white micas from two banded gneisses give ages close to 220 m.y., indicating the foliation in these rocks is pre-Alpine and has not been greatly affected by Alpine recrystallisation.  相似文献   

Below the Penninic nappes of the Tauern-Window, the deepest level of the Alpine thrust system is exposed in the parautochthonous sedimentary sequence of Helvetic facies.During and after nappe emplacement and imbrication (D1), large scale tight to isoclinal recumbent folds formed (D2). They were accompanied by an axial surface schistosity and a stretching lineation in the fold limbs at a high angle to its axes. Refolding by slightly inclined large scale folds (D3) included all the exposed crystalline basement of the »Zentralgneis«. Stretching lineation was now east-west directed and parallel to the D3-fold axes, due to a transpressional regime, which acted during Neogene time. By superposition with D2, oblate or prolate finite strain ellipsoids formed in dependence of local heterogeneities. While the Insubric Lineament system is the brittle expression of the westward movement of the Italian Peninsula relative to the rest of Europe north of it, the Tauern-Window seems to have acted as ductile coupling between the two plates.
Zusammenfassung Unter den penninischen Decken des Tauernfensters sind als tiefste Einheiten des Alpinen Deckenstapels parautochthone Sedimente in helvetischer Fazies exponiert. Während und nach der Deckenüberschiebung und einer damit in Zusammenhang stehenden lokalen Verschuppung (D1) bildeten sich enge bis isoklinale liegende Falten mit großer Aplitude (D2). Eine kräftige Achsenflächenschieferung und eine Streckungslineation etwa senkrecht zur Faltenachse entwickelten sich. (D3)-Wiederfaltung durch leicht südvergente Falten großer Amplitude erfaßte auch die tiefen Bereiche der Zentralgneise. Sie ist als Folge einer transpressiven Deformation zu sehen, da die begleitende Streckungslineation parallel zur Faltenachse ist. Oblate bzw. prolate finite Strainellipsoide bildeten sich durch Überlagerung und in Abhängigkeit von lokalen Heterogenitäten. Während am Insubrischen Lineamentsystem die Westbewegung der Italienischen Halbinsel relativ zu Europa nördlich davon in spröder Deformation erfolgte, scheinen die Gesteine des Tauernfenster-Inhaltes als duktile »Kupplung« zwischen den beiden Kontinentalplatten reagiert zu haben.

Résumé Dans la fenêtre des Hohe Tauern, sous les nappes penniques, affleurent des sédiments parautochtones de facies helvétique qui constituent l'unité la plus inférieure de l'édifice tectonique alpin.Pendant et après la mise en place des nappes et leur écaillage (D1), des plis couchés serrés à isoclinaux, de grande dimension, ont été engendrés (D2). A ces plis sont associées une schistosité de plan axial et une linéation d'étirement subperpendiculaire aux axes. Des plis D3 de grande amplitude, à faible vergence sud, ont ensuite repris les structures D2; ils affectent également les domaines plus profonds, constitués par le «Zentralgneiss«. Ces plis sont accompagnés d'une linéation d'étirement E-W, parallèle à leurs axes, et liée à un régime de décrochement d'âge néogène. Les ellipsoïdes des déformations finies présentent des formes en galette ou en cigare, résultant de la superposition des structures D2 et D3, jointe à des hétérogénéités locales.La fenêtre des Tauern semble s'être comportée comme une jonction ductile entre la péninsule italienne et l'Europe septentrionale, tandis que le linéament insubrien est l'expression cassante d'un mouvement vers l'Ouest de la péninsule italienne.

, . , () , (D 1), (D 2) . , . D 3 — , , , . , , . . , , , , , , , .

Micaceous quartzites from a subvertical shear zone in the Tauern Window contain abundant quartz clasts derived from dismembered quartz‐tourmaline veins. Bulk plane strain deformation affected these rocks at amphibolite facies conditions. Shape changes suggest net shortening of the clasts by 11–64%, with a mean value of 35%. Quartz within the clasts accommodated this strain largely via dislocation creep processes. On the high‐stress flanks of the clasts, however, quartz was removed via solution mass transfer (pressure solution) processes; the resulting change in bulk composition allowed growth of porphyroblastic staurolite + chlorite ± kyanite on the clast flanks. Matrix SiO2 contents decrease from c. 83 wt% away from the clasts to 49–58% in the selvages on the clast flanks. The chemical changes are consistent with c. 70% volume loss in the high‐stress zones. Calculated shortening values within the clast flanks are similar to the volume‐loss estimates, and are greatly in excess of the shortening values calculated from the clasts themselves. Flow laws for dislocation creep versus pressure solution imply large strain‐rate gradients and/or differential stress gradients between the matrix and the clast selvages. In a rock containing a large proportion of semirigid clasts, weakening within the clast flanks could dominate rock rheology. In our samples, however, weakening within the selvages was self limiting: (1) growth of strong staurolite porphyroblasts in the selvages protected remaining quartz from dissolution; and (2) overall flattening of the quartz clasts probably decreased the resolved shear stress on the flanks to values near those of the matrix, which would have reduced the driving force for solution‐transfer creep. Extreme chemical changes nonetheless occurred over short distances. The necessity of maintaining strain compatibility may lead to significant localized dissolution in rocks containing rheologic heterogeneities, and overall weakening of the rocks may result. Solution‐transfer creep may be a major process whereby weakening and strain localization occur during deep‐crustal metamorphism of polymineralic rocks.  相似文献   

The interior of the Tauern Window exposes underplated Penninic continental lithosphere and the overlying obducted Penninic oceanic crust within a large antiformal dome in the internal zone of the Eastern Alps. These units have been affected by a polyphase deformation history. Generally, three deformation events are distinguished. D1 is related to underplating of, and top-to-the-N nappe stacking within, the Penninic continental units of the Tauern Window. Deformation stage D2 is interpreted to reflect the subsequent continent collision between the Penninic continental units and the European foreland, D3 is related to the formation of the dome structure within the Tauern Window. During thickening of continental lithosphere and nappe stacking (D1), and subsequent intracontinental shortening (D2), these tectonic units have been ductilely deformed close to a plane strain geometry. Conditions for the plastic deformation of the main rock-forming mineral phases (quartz, feldspar, dolomite, calcite) have prevailed during all three phases of crustal deformation. Generally, two types of quartz microstructures that are related to D1 are distinguished within the Tauern Window: (a) Equilibrated and annealed fabrics without crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) have only been observed in the central part of the southeastern Tauern Window, corresponding with amphibolite-grade metamorphic conditions. (b) In the northeastern and central part of the Tauern Window microstructures are characterized by quartz grains that show equilibrated shape fabrics, but well preserved CPO with type-I cross girdle distributions, indicating a deformation geometry close to plane strain. During D2, two types of quartz microstructures are distinguished, too: (a) Quartz grains that show equilibrated shape fabrics, but well-preserved CPO. The c-axes distributions generally are characterized by type-I cross girdles, locally by type-II cross girdles, and in places, oblique single girdle distributions. (b) A second type of quartz microstructure is characterized by highly elongated grains and fabrics typical for dislocation creep and grain-boundary migration, and strong CPO. This type is restricted to the southern sections of the western and eastern Tauern Window. The c-axis distributions show type-I cross girdles in the western part of the Tauern Window and single girdles in the southeastern part. In the western part of the Tauern Window, a continuous transition from type (b) microstructures in the south to type (a) microstructures in the north is documented. The microstructural evolution also documents that the dome formation in the southeastern and western Tauern Window has already started during D2 and has continued subsequent to the equilibration during amphibolite to greenschist facies metamorphism. D3 is restricted to distinct zones of localized deformation. D3-related quartz fabrics are characterized by the formation of ribbon grains; the c-axes show small-circle distributions around the Z-axis of the finite-strain ellipsoid. During exhumation and doming (D3), deformation occurred under continuously decreasing temperatures.  相似文献   

New single-grain and within-grain U-Pb zircon ages from the central Tauern Window help sorting out the time dimension among the various Variscan and pre-Variscan basement components that were strongly overprinted by Alpine orogeny. Single-grain isotope dilution (ID-TIMS) U-Pb zircon geochronology of three Basisamphibolit samples yield protolith formation ages of 351±2, 349±1 and 343±1 Ma. Laser ablation ICP-MS and ID-TIMS U-Pb detrital zircon dating of the Biotitporphyroblastenschiefer constrained the maximum time of sedimentation to between 362±6 Ma and 368±17 Ma. Paragneisses from the Zwölferzug yield maximum sedimentation ages from 345±5 Ma (ion microprobe data) to 358±10 Ma. Zircons from gabbroic clasts and detrital zircons from a meta-agglomerate from the Habach Phyllite give an upper intercept age of 536±8 Ma and a near-concordant age of 506±9 Ma, respectively. Hence, apart from the Habach Phyllite, the maximum sedimentation ages of the metasediments investigated range from Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous. Consequently, the Basisamphibolit, the Biotitporphyroblastenschiefer, and the paragneisses of the Zwölferzug form parts of the Variscan basement series. The Basisamphibolit (351-343 Ma) is distinct both in space and time of formation from the Zwölferzug garnet amphibolite (c. 486 Ma), which forms part of the pre-Variscan basement.  相似文献   

The exhumation of metamorphic domes within orogenic belts is exemplified by the Tauern window in the Eastern Alps. There, the exhumation is related to partitioning of final orogenic shortening into deep-seated thrusts, near-surface antiformal bending forming brachyanticlines, and almost orogen-parallel strike-slip faults due to oblique continental plate collision. Crustal thickening by formation of an antiformal stack within upper to middle crustal portions of the lower lithosphere is a prerequisite of late-stage orogenic window formation. Low-angle normal faults at releasing steps of crustal-scale strike-slip faults accomodate tectonic unloading of synchronously thickened crust and extension along strike of the orogen, forming pull-apart metamorphic domes. Initiation of low-angle normal faults is largely controlled by rock rheology, especially at the brittle-ductile transitional level within the lithosphere. Several mechanisms may contribute to uplift and exhumation of previously buried crust within such a setting: (1) Shortening along deep-seated blind thrusts results in the formation of brachyanticlines and bending of metamorphic isograds; (2) oversteps of strike-slip faults within the wrench zone control the final geometry of the window; (3) unloading by tectonic unroofing and erosional denudation; and (4) vertical extrusion of crustal scale wedges. Rapid decompression of previously buried crust results in nearly isothermal exhumation paths, and enhanced fluid circulation along subvertical tensile fractures (hydrothermal ore and silicate veins) that formed due to overall coaxial stretching of lower plate crust.  相似文献   

Abstract Petrological data from intercalated pelitic schists and greenstones are used to construct a pressure–temperature path followed by the Upper Schieferhülle (USH) series during progressive metamorphism and uplift in the south-west Tauern Window, Italy. Pseudomorphs of Al–epidote + Fe-epidote + albite + oligoclase + chlorite after lawsonite and data on amphibole crystal chemistry indicate early metamorphism in the lawsonite-albite-chlorite subfacies of the blueschist facies at P ± 7–8 kbar. Geothermometry and geobarometry yield conditions of final equilibration of the matrix assemblage of 475±25°C, 5–6 kbar; calculations with plagioclase and phengite inclusions in garnet indicate early garnet growth at pressures of ∼ 7.5 kbar. Garnet zoning patterns are complex and reversals in zoning can be correlated between samples. Thermodynamic modelling of these zoning profiles implies garnet growth in response to four distinct phases of tectonic activity. Fluid inclusion data from coexisting immiscible H2O–CO2–NaCl fluids constrain the uplift path to have passed through temperatures of 380 + 30°C at 1.3 + 0.2 kbar.
There is no evidence for metamorphism of USH at pressures greater than ∼ 7.5 kbar in this area of the Tauern Window. This is in contrast to pressures of ± 10 kbar recorded in the Lower Schieferhülle only 2–3 km across strike. A history of differential uplift and thinning of the intervening section during metamorphism is necessary to reconcile the P–T data obtained from these adjacent tectonic units.  相似文献   

22 hornblende K-Ar ages and 10 39Ar-40Ar spectra were obtained for hornblende garbenschists from the Western Tauern Window. The post-kinematic amphiboles were produced during the late Alpine prograde metamorphism (6–10 kb and 500–570° C). Two nearly potassiumfree cummingtonites rimming hornblende yield K-Ar ages of 120 Ma, while the 20 tschermakitic hornblendes scatter between 17 and 37 Ma. The reason for this scatter is excess Ar, possibly incorporated into amphiboles during healing of fractures, now traceable by trails of fluid inclusions. Excess Ar is semiquantitatively corrected for by combining cogenetic hornblende and cummingtonite with K-Ar isochrons. It can be quantified in 4 out of 10 hornblendes by 39Ar-40Ar stepwise heating experiments. Ages of 18–20 Ma result for corrected hornblendes. The retentivity of 40Ar, after correction for excess, shows no correlation with chemistry within the narrow compositional range observed; rather, it shows intriguing correlations with irregularities in Ca/K spectra, pointing to a microstructurally controlled mechanism for Ar loss. This observation leads to a critical evaluation of the closure temperature constant, which apparently depends on an incompletely known number of mineralogical and environmental parameters. In particular those 39Ar-40Ar release spectra which yield low temperature steps with younger ages than the plateaus are not interpretable in terms of a synchronous closure. This gives evidence that loss of radiogenic isotopes proceeds by a more complex mechanism than simple volume diffusion through isotropic media.  相似文献   

New Hornblende K-Ar and 39Ar-40Ar and mica Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages are used to place specific timemarks on a well-constrained pressure-temperature path for the late Alpine metamorphism in the Western Tauern Window. After identification of excess 40Ar, the closure behavior of Ar in hornblende is compared with that of Sr and Ar in phengite and biotite. Samples were collected in three locations, whose maximum temperatures were 570° C (Zemmgrund), 550° C (Pfitscher Joch), and 500–540° C (Landshuter Hütte).The average undisturbed age sequence found is: Phengite Rb-Sr (20 Ma)>hornblende K-Ar (18 Ma)>phengite K-Ar (15 Ma)>biotite Rb-Sr, K-Ar (13.3 Ma)>apatite FT (7 Ma). Except for the phengite Rb-Sr age, the significance of which is debatable, all ages are cooling ages. No compositional effects are seen for closure in biotite. Additionally, Rb-Sr phengite ages from shearzones possibly indicate continuous shearing from 20 to 15 Ma, with reservations regarding the validity of the initial Sr correction and possible variations of the closure temperatures. The obviously lower closure temperature (T c) for Ar in these hornblendes than for Sr in the unsheared phengites indicates that the T c sequence in the Western Tauern Window is different from those observed in other terrains. In spite of this discrepancy, valuable geological conclusions can be drawn if the application of closure temperatures is limited to this restricted area with similar T, P and : (1) All ages of samples located on equal metamorphic isotherms decrease from east to west by about 1 Ma which is the result of a westward tilting of the Tauern Window during uplift. (2) In a PT-path, the undisturbed cooling ages yield constantly decreasing uplift rates from 3.6 mm/a to 0.1 mm/a. (3) Use of recently published diffusion data for Ar in hornblende (T c=520° C) and biotite (T c=320° C) suggests an extrapolated phengite closure temperature for Sr at 550° C. This suggests that the prograde thermal metamorphism at this tectonic level of the Tauern Window lasted until some 20 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Micropalaeontological, microscopic and mineralogical investigations of the ductily deformed and greenschist-facies metamorphic Hochstegen Marble in the Tauern Window shed new light on its stratigraphy and fades.
New radiolarian and sponge spicule discoveries have been made in cherty limestone marbles. They confirm previous age assignments and permit for the first time a more exact micropalaeontological age determination of early Tithonian for the upper parts of the marble. Forty morphotypes of radiolarians could be distinguished; in one sample a Fisher diversity index of 6 is reached indicating deeper marine conditions. The spicule fauna is also diverse and shows affinity to the S-German Malm. In respect to all the data it can be presumed that carbonate sedimentation of the Hochstegen Marble took place in a deeper marine environment at the southern margin of the European continent (Helvetic realm) during the whole Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

The compositional variation of accessory monazite in ore bearing micaschists from the Schellgaden mining district, Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, was studied by means of the electron microprobe. In ore-rich domains monazite yields unusually high sulfur contents (up to 2.5?wt.% SO3), which enter the monazite structure together with Ca and Sr as ??anhydrite-celestine?? component replacing P and REEs. The exchange reaction is S6++ (Ca, Sr)2+ = REE3++ P5+. Sulfur-rich monazite is intergrown with anglesite, pyromorphite or galena and shows oscillatory zoning indicating growth from S-bearing fluids. This type of S-enriched monazite yields very high common lead contents (up to 0.5?wt.% PbO) and unrealistic high apparent Th-U-total Pb single dates (> 1?Ga). However, S-enriched monazite grains provide a flat trendline in the Th* vs. Pb isochron diagram similar to the trendline defined through low-S, and low-Pb monazite crystals (0.1?C1?wt.% SO3, < 0.05?wt.% PbO), which were observed in ore-poor parts of micaschists. Results from this study imply an Alpine rather than a pre-Alpine formation age for monazite and a strong S-rich fluid activity during the Alpine orogeny. Apart from this geological aspect, the current study also shows that the detection of sulfur in monazite may serve as a warning for a possible presence of common Pb.  相似文献   

Abstract Ductile shearing in the core of the Tauern Window, Austria, transformed metagranodiorite into Si-undersaturated garnet-chlorite-staurolite schist at a depth of c. 35–40 km during the Alpine orogeny. Four distinct zones have been recognized extending from the wallrock into the centre of the shear zone: Zone I—unaltered metagranodiorite with subordinate amphibolite; Zone II—biotite-white mica-garnet schist; Zone III—biotite-phengite schist; Zone IV—quartz-absent, garnet-chlorite-staurolite schist with garnets up to 10 cm across. Whole-rock analyses show a dramatic decrease in SiO2 from >65 wt% in Zone I to <35 wt% in Zone IV; Ca, Na, and Sr also decrease across the shear zone, whereas Al, Ti, Fe, Mg, P, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Rb all increase towards Zone IV. Mass-balance calculations indicate that shearing was accompanied by up to 60% volume loss near the centre of the shear zone. Comparison of the Tauern Window samples with other shear zones in granitic hosts indicates that silica loss accompanied by gains in Mg, Fe, and Ti is typical for volume-loss shear zones, but is distinctly different from the element behaviour exhibited in shear zones that are thought to represent approximately isovolumetric behaviour. In the samples studied here, volume loss appears to have resulted from channellized fluid flow during shearing, producing time-integrated fluid fluxes of ± 108 cm3 cm−2 in Zone IV. This large volume of fluid may have originated, in part, from dehydration of flysch carried beneath the metagranodiorites during Eocene movement on the North Penninic subduction zone. Development of an inverted thermal gradient during subduction would have allowed the fluid to scavenge large amounts of silica from the shear zone during ascent and heating.  相似文献   

In the Eclogite Zone of the Tauern Window, a layer of strongly retrogressed leucocratic jadeite-bearing gneiss is intercalated between mafic kyanite-eclogites. The jadeite-gneiss consists of garnet + quartz + paragonite ± phengite ± zoisite + zircon + rutile + apatite + pyrite. Kyanite, jadeite or omphacite are exclusively present as inclusions in garnet. Retrogressive hydration during exhumation led to a breakdown of matrix jadeite to form pseudomorphs of calcic amphibole + albite. Peak metamorphic conditions derived from the primary gneiss assemblage are 2.0–2.4 GPa at approximately 640 °C. Major, trace element and isotopic compositions of the jadeite-gneiss are consistent with a siliciclastic sedimentary protolith. Zircon morphology and zonation patterns reveal a complex history. The presence of fracture-truncated zircons suggests a detrital origin, whereas most internal structures and Th/U ratios are characteristic of zircons from magmatic rocks. In situ LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology and zircon geochemisty provide evidence of at least three magmatic events in the provenance area. These were dated at 466 ± 2 Ma, 437 ± 2 Ma and 288 ± 9 Ma. Older ages ranging from 503 to 691 Ma are preserved in the cores of some zircon grains, suggesting derivation from peri-Gondwanan sources. Surprisingly, no firm evidence of the Tertiary high-pressure metamorphic event and subsequent retrograde overprint was seen in any of the studied zircons. However, some zircons show resorbed surfaces suggesting corrosion by a superficial fluid phase undersaturated in zirconium and one extensively altered porous zircon yielded highly discordant 206Pb/238U ages in the range 325–109 Ma documenting partial recrystallization by dissolution–reprecipitation of a highly reactive grain.  相似文献   

The assemblage hornblende+white mica occurs in graphite-free schists at two localities in the southwest corner of the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps. In interbedded graphitic layers (1 mm to 1 m thick), however, hornblende is typically replaced by pseudomorphs of biotite+plagioclase +epidote±chlorite+staurolite in the presence of white mica. Garnets adjacent to these pseudomorphs have pronounced growth discontinuities near their rims, in contrast to the continuously zoned garnets in nongraphitic layers. These observations imply that reactions of the type hbl+white micagar+bio+plag+epid±chl±staur +H2O occurred in the graphitic samples, but that hbl+white mica remained stable in graphite-free layers.Calculation of the equilibrium constants for solid phases in five dehydration equilibria at locality 1 indicates thata(H2O) in the nongraphitic layers was 6 to 11 times greater thana(H2O) in the graphitic layers. Similar calculations involving six dehydration equilibria at locality 2 show no difference ina(H2O) between layers at the conditions of final equilibration. Initial differences in fluid composition maintained between the graphitic and nongraphitic layers caused the hbl+white mica reaction to occur at differentP-T conditions in different horizons of the schists.These data indicate that systematic differences in fluid composition were generated during metamorphism of the interlayered graphitic and non-graphitic schists but were subsequently homogenized at locality 2. The heterogeneities could initially have been produced while the rocks were in theP-T field of CO2-H2O immiscibility. Development of a penetrative, layer-parallel shear foliation at this time would have prevented subsequent mixing of the fluids across layers after temperatures exceeded the consolute temperature in the CO2-H2O system. Late-stage homogenization of fluids at locality 2 is thought to reflect loss of the buffer capacity of the mineral assemblage in response to total consumption of hornblende.  相似文献   

Multimineral Rb/Sr internal isochrons from eclogite facies rocks of the Eclogite Zone (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps) consistently yield an Early Oligocene age of 31.5±0.7 Ma. This age has been obtained both for late-prograde, dehydration-related eclogitic veins, and for rocks variably deformed and recrystallized under eclogite facies conditions (2.0–2.5 GPa, 600°C). Initial Sr-isotopic equilibria among all phases indicate absence of significant post-eclogitic isotope redistribution processes, therefore the ages date eclogite facies assemblage crystallization. Equilibria also prove that no prolonged pre-eclogite facies history is recorded in the rocks. Instead, subduction, prograde mineral reactions, and eclogitization proceeded rapidly. Fast exhumation immediately after eclogitization, with minimum rates >36 mm/a is inferred from a 31.5±0.5 Ma internal mineral isochron age of a post-eclogitic greenschist facies vein assemblage. Such rates equal typical subduction rates. Late Eocene to Early Oligocene subduction of the European continental margin, with subsequent rapid exhumation of high-pressure nappe complexes has previously been recognized only in the Western Alps. The new data signify synchronous continental collision all along the Alpine belt. Our results demonstrate the unique potential of Rb/Sr assemblage system analysis for precise dating of both eclogite facies and post-eclogitic events, thus for precisely constraining exhumation rates of deep-seated rocks, and for straightforward linkage of petrologic evidence with isotopic ages.  相似文献   

Three meta-acidic rocks from the western Italian Alps, a magnesiochloritoid-bearing metapelite from the Monte Rosa massif, a coesite-pyrope-quartzite from the Dora Maira massif and the Monte Mucrone granite in the Sesia Zone, have been studied by U-Pb zircon, Rb-Sr on whole-rock, apatite and phengite and Sm-Nd wholerock methods. The mineral parageneses of the investigated rocks indicate high- to very-high-pressure and medium-to-high-temperature metamorphism. This combined isotopic study has enabled us to constrain the ages of magmatic and metamorphic events and also to compare the behaviour of U-Pb zircon systems in three intensely metamorphosed areas of the Pennine domain. The U-Pb zircon data have yielded a magmatic age for the Monte Mucrone granite at 286±2 Ma. This result confirms the occurence of late-Hercynian magmatism in the Sesia Zone, as in other Austro-Alpine units and in other areas of the European crystalline basement. In the Monte Rosa massif, a geologically meaningless lower intercept age of 192±2 Ma has been interpreted as an artefact due to a complex evolution of the U-Pb zircon system. The magmatic shape of the zircons implies a magmatic or volcano-sedimentary protolith for this rock, originally considered as a metasediment. The very-high-pressure metamorphism in the Dora Maira quartzite has produced an opening of the U-Pb zircon system at 121+12–29 Ma. The Rb-Sr data support the occurence of high-grade metamorphism during Cretaceous times. Phengites model ages are slightly younger than the U-Pb zircon lower intercept ages due to cooling phenomena or possible response of the phengites to a later deformation. The Nd model ages from the whole-rock samples, as well as the U-Pb upper intercept ages from zircons of all three investigated rocks, indicate the presence of Proterozoic crustal components inherited from the precursors of these meta-acidic rocks. The studied zircon populations and their U-Pb systems apparently showed open-system behaviour only when affected by extreme metamorphic conditions (700–750° C, > 28 kbar), whereas eclogite-facies conditions of 500–550° C and 14–16 kbar were not enough to disturb significantly the U-Pb zircon evolution. It is also probable that the sedimentary or magmatic origin of the protoliths of these meta-acidic rocks, which involved different characteristics such as grain-size and fluid phase concentration and composition, could be another important factor controlling the U-Pb zircon system behaviour during metamorphic events.  相似文献   

An eclogite sample from the Grossgockner region of the Hohe Tauern, Austria contains garnet with a pronounced compositional discontinuity between a Mn‐rich core and an Fe‐rich rim. This jump in composition was caused by a garnet‐consuming reaction followed by growth of the garnet rim + omphacite and marks the prograde transition from epidote–amphibolite to eclogite facies metamorphism. Garnet growth ended at peak metamorphic conditions of 570 °C, 17 kbar, but intracrystalline diffusion continued until about 450 °C, 4 kbar on the retrograde path. This garnet overgrowth texture represents a natural diffusion couple and a time span of 1 Myr was calculated from the diffusion profile developing out of the original sharp compositional step. For typical crustal densities, this time corresponds to a minimum average velocity in the range 4.6–7.4 cm yr?1 (for vertical movement), which is one of the fastest exhumation rates reported. The diffusion of all divalent cations of four profiles was modelled, both analytically and numerically. Both approaches gave comparable results, but the times computed for each element were always discrepant up to a factor of 2. Variations of diffusion coefficients within 2 in analytical calculations remedied this and gave consistent upper time limits. Numerical modelling does not require the simplifications introduced in the analytical approach. On the other hand, error propagation was computationally unfeasible with this method.  相似文献   

We present a tectonic map of the Tauern Window and surrounding units (Eastern Alps, Austria), combined with a series of crustal-scale cross-sections parallel and perpendicular to the Alpine orogen. This compilation, largely based on literature data and completed by own investigations, reveals that the present-day structure of the Tauern Window is primarily characterized by a crustal-scale duplex, the Venediger Duplex (Venediger Nappe system), formed during the Oligocene, and overprinted by doming and lateral extrusion during the Miocene. This severe Miocene overprint was most probably triggered by the indentation of the Southalpine Units east of the Giudicarie Belt, initiating at 23–21 Ma and linked to a lithosphere-scale reorganization of the geometry of mantle slabs. A kinematic reconstruction shows that accretion of European lithosphere and oceanic domains to the Adriatic (Austroalpine) upper plate, accompanied by high-pressure overprint of some of the units of the Tauern Window, has a long history, starting in Turonian time (around 90 Ma) and culminating in Lutetian to Bartonian time (45–37 Ma).  相似文献   

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