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Using ion temperature and density data at specific points and times in June 1969 provided by the OGO 6 satellite, and altitude profiles of the ion and electron temperature and concentration provided by the Arecibo radar facility over the period February 1972–April 1974, the diurnal and solar cycle variation of the charge exchange induced hydrogen escape flux was investigated. It was calculated that for low to moderate solar activity at Arecibo, the diurnal ratio of the maximum-to-minimum charge exchange induced hydrogen escape flux was approximately 6 with a peak around noon and a minimum somewhere between 0100 and 0300 h L.T. This study of a limited amount of OGO 6 and Arecibo data seems to indicate that the charge exchange induced hydrogen escape flux increases as the F10.7 flux increases for low to moderate solar activity. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1962,9(10):599-605
Reasons are given for believing that ion-atom interchange between He+ and N2 is strongly endothermic but that ion-atom interchange between He+ and O2 is exothermic. It is concluded that the former ion-atom interchange process does not occur to an appreciable extent but that the latter may be responsible for the removal of the He+ being produced by photoionization. Calculations are carried out on the steady state. In harmony with the prediction of Nicolet He+ is found to be abundant at great altitudes even if a high rate coefficient is assigned to the collision process leading to its removal. Attention is drawn to the possibility that radiative dissociation of excited HeO+ is important in connection with the problem of the escape of helium into interplanetary space. 相似文献
Helium concentrations in the Martian atmosphere are estimated assuming that the helium production on Mars, comparable to its production on Earth, via the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, is in steady state equilibrium with its thermal escape. Although non-thermal losses would tend to reduce the estimated concentrations, these concentrations are not necessarily an upper limit since higher production rates and/or a possibly lower effective exospheric temperature over the solar activity cycle could increase them to even higher values. The computed helium concentration at the Martian exobase (200 km) is 8 × 106 atoms cm?3. Through the lower exosphere, the computed helium concentrations are 30–200 times greater than the Mariner-measured atomic hydrogen concentrations. It follows that helium may be the predominant constituent in the Martian lower exosphere and may well control the orbital lifetime of Mars-orbiting spacecraft. The estimated helium mixing ratio is greater at the Martian turbopause than at the terrestrial turbopause, and the helium column density in the lower Martian atmosphere may be comparable to that on Earth. 相似文献
Brian A. Tinsley 《Planetary and Space Science》1978,26(9):847-853
It is argued that there is a terrestrial loss of hydrogen as ions which includes the polar wind but extends effectively down to a latitude in the range 45–50° invariant. In daytime and for much of the night-time the flux is close to the limiting value for H+ flow through the topside ionosphere. It is argued that the flux decreases rapidly with increasing solar activity, following the decrease in neutral hydrogen concentration. It has been found that as solar activity increases the Jeans escape flux increases, and the charge exchange escape flux increases until moderate solar activity levels are reached. As solar activity increases from moderate to high levels, the charge exchange escape may decrease again. A new budget for terrestrial hydrogen loss over the solar cycle is given. The global flux of hydrogen ions outward from the ionosphere is comparable with estimates of the plasma sheet loss rates, and this flux, together with some solar wind plasma, is an attractive source for the plasma sheet.The energetic neutrals produced from the charge exchange of ring current ions with thermal-energy neutrals in the exosphere produce the optical emission of the equatorial aurora, which can be related to ion production rates near and above the E-region. The ionization production is adequate to explain the enhancements in ion production observed during magnetic storms at Arecibo. 相似文献
Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》2008,193(2):612-619
Hydrodynamic escape of N2 molecules from Pluto's atmosphere is calculated under the assumption of a high density, slow outflow expansion driven by solar EUV heating by N2 absorption, near-IR and UV heating by CH4 absorption, and CO cooling by rotational line emission as a function of solar activity. At 30 AU, the N2 escape rate varies from in the absence of heating, but driven by an upward thermal heat conduction flux from the stratosphere, for lower boundary temperatures varying from 70-100 K. With solar heating varying from solar minimum to solar maximum conditions and a calculated lower boundary temperature, 88.2 K, the N2 escape rate range is , respectively. LTE rotational line emission by CO reduces the net solar heat input by at most 35% and plays a minor role in lowering the calculated escape rates, but ensures that the lower boundary temperature can be calculated by radiative equilibrium with near-IR CH4 heating. While an upward thermal conduction heat flux at the lower boundary plays a fundamental role in the absence of heating, with solar heating it is downward at solar minimum, and is, at most, 13% of the integrated net heating rate over the range of solar activity. For the arrival of the New Horizons spacecraft at Pluto in July 2015, predictions are lower boundary temperature, T0∼81 K, and N2 escape rate , and peak thermospheric temperature ∼103 K at 1890 km, based on expected solar medium conditions. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1970,18(4):449-478
It has long been recognized that thermal, or gravitational, escape must perturb the velocity distribution function of an escaping species so that Jeans' classic escape rate cannot be strictly correct. The magnitude of the appropriate correction remained unknown. Three recent statistical (Monte Carlo) investigations of this problem have produced such discordant correction factors as to prompt yet another such study, reported here. Major differences in approach are (1) realistic atom-atom elastic scattering cross-sections are used instead of an isotropic approximation and (2) program efficiency is increased dramatically by studying the virtual trajectories of atoms missing from the atmosphere instead of the real atoms comprising the atmosphere. Excellent agreement is achieved with one of the previous investigations; the escape rates of hydrogen and helium from the Earth's atmosphere are typically 70–75 per cent and 97–99 per cent of the Jeans rate, respectively. 相似文献
It is proposed that dust storms on Mars that develop during predawn hours may be triggered by a freeze/thaw dust injection process. The model is based on a phenomenon that was observed during the Viking Gas Exchange experiments on Mars, in which adsorbed gas was catastrophically desorbed from soil samples when exposed to humidification at ∼5°C. Similar conditions may develop at midlatitude locations on Mars near perihelion, and a similar humidification-driven desorption process might occur in the soil column. If soils are dampened during humikification, desorbed gases in confined pore spaces could possibly reach 8.6 bar. Diurnal freezing may possibly cause H2O to crystallize within the pores, possibly producing cohesive soil failure, release of the trapped gas, and explosive injection of freeze-dried powdery overburden dust into the atmospheric column. The process could potentially occur at 5–20 cm depth, and the freeze/thaw dust injection event may initiate after 10:00 PM local time (20°S lat). Dust would be injected at velocities approaching 450 m sec−1 and it would remain in the atmosphere for several hours before settling out. The plumes could potentially regenerate diurnally until the growing atmospheric dust load produced sufficient dampening of the diurnal thermal wave to prevent freeze/thaw. Seasonal replenishment of H2O could potentially occur by upward migration from depth during the period between 150 and 475 sols after perihelion. The model was experimentally tested and the results were in good agreement with predictions, although a factor of 14 times more gas evolved from the laboratory samples than from the Viking samples. Most of the characteristics of the predawn storms could possibly be adequately explained by the freeze/thaw injection model, including (1) predawn onsets, (2) postperihelion seasonal occurence, (3) daily recurrence during the initial phases of the storms, and (4) generation of blue clouds (H2O ice) at the storm sites. The process may possibly occur over widespread locations at midlatitudes during seasonal retreat of “tempofrost” from these latitude belts. Permanent low albedo features in these latitude belts may possibly be regions of preferential humidification-induced dust entrainment and net dust removal. The H2O injected into the atmosphere may potentially be a major source of H2SO4 and HCl aerosols, which may possibly chemically react with the regolith to form soluble sulfate and chloride salts. Mg2+ may be preferentially depleted from the dust. 相似文献
The velocity distribution function of a minor gaseous constituent escaping from a planetary atmosphere is perturbed from the equilibrium Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function, There is a depletion in the high energy portion of the distribution function. The escape flux is consequently somewhat less than the Jeans flux obtained assuming complete equilibrium. The non-Maxwellian velocity distribution function for an escaping constituent is calculated with a Boltzmann equation modified by the addition of an isotropic sink term. The effects due to diffusion of particles and heat conduction are neglected. A discrete ordinate method which requires little computational time is employed in the solution of the Boltzmann equation. The corrections to the Jeans flux calculated in this way are compared with the results obtained with the Monte-Carlo techniques. The corrections for the escape of H and He from Earth, H from Mars and H2 from Titan are calculated. The reductions in the Jeans flux are largest for a light escaping gas and for small escape parameters. The depletion of fast particles also results in the cooling of the minor component below the temperature of the background gas. This effect is also studied for the escape of H from Earth. 相似文献
Vladimir A. Krasnopolsky 《Planetary and Space Science》2010,58(12):1507-1515
There are observational and theoretical evidences both in favor of and against hydrodynamic escape (HDE) on Titan, and the problem remains unsolved. A test presented here for a static thermosphere does not support HDE on Titan and Triton but favors HDE on Pluto. Cooling of the atmosphere by the HCN rotational lines is limited by rotational relaxation above 1100 km and self-absorption below 900 km on Titan. HDE can affect the structure and composition of the atmosphere and its evolution. Hydrocarbon, nitrile, and ion chemistries are strongly coupled on Titan, and attempts to calculate them separately may result in significant errors. Here we apply our photochemical model of Titan’s atmosphere and ionosphere to the case of no hydrodynamic escape. Our model is still the only after-Cassini self-consistent model of coupled neutral and ion chemistry. The lack of HDE is a distinct possibility, and comparing models with and without HDE is of practical interest. The mean difference between the models and the neutral and ion compositions observed by INMS are somewhat better for the model with HDE. A reaction of NH2 with H2CN suggested by Yelle et al. (2009) reduces but does not remove a significant difference between the ammonia abundances in the models and INMS observations. Losses of methane and nitrogen and production and deposition to the surface of hydrocarbons and nitriles are evaluated in the model, along with lifetimes and evolutionary aspects. 相似文献
Charge exchange (CX), both onto ions in the solar wind and potentially in other astrophysical contexts, can create X‐ray emission lines largely indistinguishable from those created in collisional or photoionized plasmas. The prime distinguishing characteristic is in the distinctly different line ratios generated by the CX process. A complete astrophysical model of the process would require a vast number of atomic calculations; we describe here an approximate approach that will allow astronomers to evaluate the likely contribution of CX to an observed spectrum. The method relies upon an approximate calculation of the CX cross section paired with detailed atomic structure calculations used to determine the emission lines. Simulated spectra based on observed solar wind CX data are shown for both current (Suzaku) and near‐term (Astro‐H) missions (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
A theoretical model of the acceleration region of the solar wind with major species (p, , e) and minor ions (e.g., 3He, C, O, Mg, Si) is presented. Observed n
-profiles and the equations of continuity and momentum are used to calculate profiles of T, n, and u for all species, as well as charge states of minor ions. The disagreement of the results of a pure p-e model with observations is discussed in some detail, and it is shown that a model consistent with observations both in the corona and at 1 AU requires a finite abundance of He+ +. This model predicts a strong enhancement of He/H in the lower corona. The results for the frozen-in charge states in the p--e model are in agreement with measurements in the low speed solar wind, especially for the well determined pair O6+/O7+. Finally, a model for a coronal hole is investigated and it is found that wave pressure is necessary to model successfully the observed solar wind speeds and abundances.Although various simplifying assumptions had to be introduced, care was taken to ensure that the model remains physically consistent, i.e., that the same physics is used for the major species as well as the minor ions. 相似文献
Y. Ezoe R. Fujimoto N.Y. Yamasaki K. Mitsuda T. Ohashi K. Ishikawa S. Oishi Y. Miyoshi N. Terada Y. Futaana F.S. Porter G.V. Brown 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2012,333(4):319-323
Recent results of charge exchange emission from solar system objects observed with the Japanese Suzaku satellite are reviewed. Suzaku is of great importance to investigate diffuse X‐ray emission like the charge exchange from planetary exospheres and comets. The Suzaku studies of Earth's exosphere, Martian exosphere, Jupiter's aurorae, and comets are overviewed (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Viking/MAWD experiment and more recent MGC/TES observations have provided to date the most detailed information about the annual atmospheric water cycle on Mars. Their data agree in major details but still reveal some disagreements. These disagreements turn out to be most significant in the perihelion season and especially during the major dust storms. We consider the potential influence of aerosol scattering on 1.38 μm water retrieval under various types of observation geometry. In order to obtain new retrievals of water vapor abundance from MAWD data, we apply radiative transfer calculations. The resulting seasonal and spatial distribution of water turns out to be more consistent with TES results, implying a remarkable stability of the martian seasonal water cycle. Mapping data corresponding to particular seasons reveals a distinct wave structure in the global distribution of the water column. We interpret it as a manifestation of a strong control over the water cycle on Mars from the atmospheric circulation. 相似文献
K. Dennerl C.M. Lisse A. Bhardwaj D.J. Christian S.J. Wolk D. Bodewits T.H. Zurbuchen M. Combi S. Lepri 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2012,333(4):324-334
While X‐ray astronomy began in 1962 and has made fast progress since then in expanding our knowledge about where in the Universe X‐rays are generated by which processes, it took one generation before the importance of a fundamentally different process was recognized. This happened in our immediate neighborhood, when in 1996 comets were discovered as a new class of X‐ray sources, directing our attention to charge exchange reactions. Charge exchange is fundamentally different from other processes which lead to the generation of X‐rays, because the X‐rays are not produced by hot electrons, but by ions picking up electrons from cold gas. Thus it opens up a new window, making it possible to detect cool gas in X‐rays (like in comets), while all the other processes require extremely high temperatures or otherwise extreme conditions. After having been overlooked for a long time, the astrophysical importance of charge exchange for the generation of X‐rays is now receiving increased general attention. In our solar system, charge exchange induced X‐rays have now been established to originate in comets, in all the planets from Venus to Jupiter, and even in the heliosphere itself. In addition to that, evidence for this X‐ray emission mechanism has been found at various locations across the Universe. Here we summarize the current knowledge about solar system X‐rays resulting from charge exchange processes (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
The effect of charge exchange reactions: carbon ions with neutral hydrogen and carbon ions with neutral helium, on carbon ionization equations is analysed. Both, optically thin and optically thick, photoionization models for the line emission region of QSOs are considered. From the computed line intensities it is suggested that the charge exchange mechanism should be included in future models.Partially supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil. 相似文献
E. Trbert 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2012,333(4):297-300
The intensity patterns of some Rydberg line series in the X‐ray spectra of foil‐excited fast ion beams bear a resemblance to patterns seen with SN remnants or after charge exchange (CX). Closer scrutiny of the ion‐foil interaction process reveals why this is no more than a chance resemblance, because the underlying processes are very different. However, electron beam ion traps are suitable for CX observations (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
What are the origins of the soft X‐ray line emission from non‐AGN galaxies? XMM‐Newton RGS spectra of nearby non‐AGN galaxies (including starforming ones: M82, NGC 253, M51, M83, M61, NGC 4631, M94, NGC 2903, and the Antennae galaxies, as well as the inner bulge of M31) have been analyzed. In particular, the Kα triplet of O VII shows that the resonance line is typically weaker than the forbidden and/or inter‐combination lines. This suggests that a substantial fraction of the emission may not arise directly from optically thin thermal plasma, as commonly assumed, and may instead originate at its interface with neutral gas via charge exchange. This latter origin naturally explains the observed spatial correlation of the emission with various tracers of cool gas in some of the galaxies. However, alternative scenarios, such as the resonance scattering by the plasma and the relic photo‐ionization by AGNs in the recent past, cannot be ruled out, at least in some cases, and are being examined. Such X‐ray spectroscopic studies are important to the understanding of the relationship of the emission to various high‐energy feedback processes in galaxies (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
In this paper a cluster is modelled as a smooth potential (due to the cluster stars) plus the steady tidal field of the Galaxy. In this model there is a minimum energy below which stars cannot escape. Above this energy, however, the time-scale on which a star escapes varies with the orbital parameters of the star (mainly its energy) in a way which we attempt to quantify, with both theoretical arguments and computer simulations. Within the limitations of the model we show that the time-scale is long enough to complicate the interpretation of full N -body simulations of clusters, and that stars above the escape energy may remain bound to the cluster for about a Hubble time. 相似文献
A recent calculation by Lindenfeld and Shizgal (1979) for the non-Maxwellian effects associated with the thermal escape of a dilute gas from a planetary atmosphere is extended. The modifications include retention of a non-linear term in the integral equation for the velocity distribution function, neglected in the earlier work. The retention of the non-linear term yields for low values of the escape parameter correction factors for the escape flux somewhat in better agreement with the Monte-Carlo results. In addition, the escaping gas density in this paper is given by the barometric distribution, instead of the previous assumption of a constant dependence with altitude. A detailed discussion of the role of the altitude dependence of the number density on the escape flux is also presented. 相似文献