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按大地构造观点进行中国地震地质区划的尝试   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄汲清 《地球学报》1979,1(1):18-31
在先前的几篇文章中,著者把自中生代以来中国的大地构造格局划分为三大构造域:滨太平洋构造城,特提斯喜马拉雅构造域和古亚洲构造域,并简略地讨论了它们的发展特点。新构造运动,包括有史以来的地震活动在内,是三大构造域活动的继续,所以我们认为中国的地震地质区划也和大地构造区划一样,,表现为三大构造地震域,简称三大地震域,即滨太平洋地震域,特提斯喜马拉雅地震域和古亚洲地震域。既然滨太平洋构造域是太平洋板块向亚洲俯冲的结果,那么,滨太平洋地震域也应当是太平洋板块向亚洲俯冲的结果;特提斯喜马拉雅构造城既然是印度板块向亚洲板块碰撞的结果,那么,特提斯喜马拉雅地震域也应当是印度板块向亚洲板块碰撞的结果,它们两者之间的分界就是有名的南北地震带,后者是太平洋板块和印度洋板块两个应力场所形成的干涉带。这样的地震地质区划是和一些地球物理学家的观点完全一致的。古亚洲构造域的主体是西伯利亚地台和蒙古皱褶系。整个说来它的地震活动性表现得很微弱,只有蒙古西部,特别是阿尔泰地区有若干强震,这可能仍是受印度板块碰撞的结果。而贝加尔裂谷型地震活动可能是北冰洋中脊地震活动带的南延。因为这些地区已不再中国境内,本文不作讨论。下文仅就大地构造观点来谈谈中国的地震地质区别。  相似文献   

The northern part of the auriferous Bendigo Zone is obscured by thick Cenozoic sediments of the Murray Basin, and as such remains poorly explored. Consequently, in addition to the 2006 deep seismic line obtained in Central Victoria, a magnetotelluric (MT) survey was completed to provide a signature for the major structures previously defined in the Bendigo area. Based on these correlations a second MT line, which we present here, was completed some 50 km to the north of the original line in an attempt to trace the deep structural trends extending north to the Victorian/NSW border. Extending some 155 km across the central north of the state, data were collected at 52 sites along an east–west profile. The new electrical conductivity model generated correlates well with the results from the southern transect; it confirms previously identified structural trends to the north and identifies additional unknown deep structures, thus adding to the understanding of the geology of the covered region and to its gold-bearing potential.  相似文献   

Coccoliths were studied from the ODP Hole 1002C and core PL07‐39PC in the Cariaco Basin. Increases in Emiliania huxleyi are synchronous with decreases of Gephyrocapsa oceanica and vice versa. A new index (GEX) based on the relative abundances of these two taxa is proposed, and correlates with various other proxies. It is shown that GEX can serve as upwelling proxy. This confirms that the Intertropical Convergence Zone shifted north during the Bølling/Allerød, south during the Younger Dryas and back north during the Preboreal. The upwelling proxy shows few discrepancies with the terrigenous record. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内蒙古苏尼特左旗纬向推覆构造的发现及地质意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
内蒙古苏尼特左旗中部吐哈默-哈拉干-交其尔-线发现有一条呈纬向延伸达60余公里的推覆构造带。中晚元古代浅变质的绿片岩系自南向北以低角度辗掩于晚古生代花岗岩基之上。推覆构造上盘变质岩中同斜倒转褶皱发育,轴面向北倾倒,伴有一组向南倾斜的叠瓦式冲断面;下盘见有较宽的韧性剪切带;还发现有一系列飞来峰与构造窗沿推覆构造带分布,推测推覆距离在20km以上。这一构造的发现为纬向挤压构造带的存在提供了有力佐证,并显示了本区古生代末期以来岩壳沿经线方向的巨大缩减。   相似文献   

A new dataset for the high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure Western Gneiss Region allows the definition of distinct structural and petrological domains. Much of the study area is an E-dipping homocline with E-plunging lineations that exposes progressively deeper, more strongly deformed, more eclogite-rich structural levels westward. Although eclogites crop out across the WGR, Scandian deformation is weak and earlier structures are well preserved in the southeastern half of the study area. The Scandian reworking increases westward, culminating in strong Scandian fabrics with only isolated pockets of older structures; the dominant Scandian deformation was coaxial E–W stretching. The sinistrally sheared Møre–Trøndelag Fault Complex and Nordfjord Mylonitic Shear Zone bound these rocks to the north and south. There was moderate top-E, amphibolite-facies deformation associated with translation of the allochthons over the basement along its eastern edge, and the Nordfjord–Sogn Detachment Zone underwent strong lower amphibolite-facies to greenschist-facies top-W shearing. A northwestward increase in exhumation-related melting is indicated by leucosomes with hornblende, plagioclase, and Scandian sphene. In the western 2/3 of the study area, exhumation-related, amphibolite-facies symplectite formation in quartzofeldspathic gneiss postdated most Scandian deformation; further deformation was restricted to slip along biotite-rich foliation planes and minor local folding. That the Western Gneiss Region quartzofeldspathic gneiss exhibits a strong gradient in degree of deformation, implies that continental crust in general need not undergo pervasive deformation during subduction.  相似文献   

西辽河地区史前和历史时期文化发达,分别发育了小河西文化-兴隆洼文化-赵宝沟文化-红山文化-小河沿文化-夏家店下层文化-夏家店上层文化,这些文化的兴衰同环境的演变密不可分,旱作农业的起源有可能在西辽河地区。西辽河地区古代环境、与人类文明发生以及演变关系一直是研究的热点,本研究将采自赤峰地区红山水库厚度为155cm的自然剖面进行了测年、孢粉和粒度分析,得到晚更新世末期西辽河地区古植被以及古环境资料。粒度分析说明沉积环境可能为河漫滩。孢粉分析结果显示: 晚更新世末期进入全新世前,西辽河地区较现代温暖湿润,植被是草原植被,主要的植物是蒿属以及菊科的其他植物,河漫滩中生长有香蒲属植物,不远的山地分布有疏林,针叶树主要是松、云杉和铁杉,而阔叶树主要是桦木科、胡桃属、栎属和榆属。自下而上,将剖面分为4个孢粉组合带(Zone 1~4)。Zone 1(15280~14680cal. aB.P.)和 Zone 2(14680~14090cal.aB.P.),针叶树主要是云杉和铁杉,而阔叶树主要是桦木科和胡桃属植物; Zone 2,盘星藻大量增加; Zone 3(14090~13890cal.aB.P.),除了云杉和铁杉,松属也是主要的针叶树种类,此时香蒲的数量急剧增加; Zone 4分为2个亚带,即 Zone 4­1(13890~13670cal. aB.P.)和 Zone 4­2(13670~13110cal. aB.P.),Zone 4主要的针叶树为松-云杉,此时的阔叶树也变为落叶栎-榆属。在Zone 4­2,伴随着C/A值的增大,铁杉花粉消失。铁杉花粉消失在约13610cal. aB.P.,可能是由气候的干旱引起。相对温暖湿润的气候环境为农业的发生提供了丰富的野生资源,而后期环境趋于干旱,这可能是促使农业发生的一个因素。  相似文献   

G. F. Ufimtsev 《GeoJournal》1991,25(4):359-366
The order in structure of planetary relief is characterized by the following symmetrical attitudes of forms: antisymmetry of the north and south hemisphere (polar antisymmetry), underlined by availability of antianalogical forms; symmetry of cone in the Laurasian continental massif in the north hemisphere; symmetry of axis of the 4th order in the south hemisphere. In the West Pacific region the summation of private dissymetries of planetary relief structure occurs. The Earth's equatorial belt has a system of sinistral oroclines. Symmetrical peculiarities of planetary relief structure may allow us to suppose that the main process of the Earth's development during the Post-Gondwanian epoc (middle-Jurassic-Cenozoic period) was anisotropic expansion, mainly in the south hemisphere. Other tectonic processes, including lithospheric plate displacements, occur simultaneously with the normal process of the Earth's expansion.  相似文献   

安徽霍山—毛坦厂地区中生代地层层序的厘定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据近年来详细填图和专题研究资料 ,对区内中生代地层层序进行了重新厘定 :三尖铺组、凤凰台组、毛坦厂组时代为晚侏罗世 ;响洪甸组、黑石渡组 (晓天组 )时代为早白垩世 ;戚家桥组为晚白垩世。为解决北淮阳东段北麓长期争论不休的红层层序问题 ,提供了充分的依据  相似文献   

新疆—甘肃—内蒙古衔接区地层对比及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
新疆—甘肃—内蒙古相邻的天山—北山衔接区由于分属不同行政区域,在地层单位划分上出现差别。通过地层特征对比,认为从天山东段至北山,地层具有连续性。统一的地层系统可为正确划分构造单元提供重要依据:太古宇—古元古界北山杂岩(A r2P t1Bc)、中元古界长城系星星峡群(ChX)、古硐井群(ChG)和蓟县系卡瓦不拉克群(JxK)、平头山组(Jxp)构成星星峡-旱山微板块中心的地块;太古宇-古元古界敦煌杂岩(A r2P t1Dc)及少量中元古界长城系铅炉子群(ChQ)构成敦煌微板块中心的地块;红柳河-牛圈子-洗肠井蛇绿岩带被厘定为早古生代缝合带的辅助依据,是其南侧保存有指示南北两个板块开裂前伸展拉张浅海-次深海环境沉积的寒武系含磷钒铀锰矿地层,证明该带代表南北两个板块间分裂和聚合的位置。  相似文献   

论我国志留系的建阶问题   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
<正> 自尹赞勋(1949、1966)和穆恩之(1964)对我国志留纪地层做全面、深入的总结以来,年代地层学中的分统工作成为我国志留系研究的主要课题之一。鉴于建阶条件很不成熟,尹、穆二位没有为志留系创建阶名。“关于志留系的内部划分有巨大的变化。二十年前,龙马溪定为下统,罗惹坪或石牛栏定为中统,韩家店或纱帽定为上统。现已证明三者  相似文献   

The Iraqi territory could be divided into four main tectonic zones; each one has its own characteristics concerning type of the rocks, their age, thickness and structural evolution. These four zones are: (1) Inner Platform (stable shelf), (2) Outer Platform (unstable shelf), (3) Shalair Zone (Terrain), and (4) Zagros Suture Zone. The first two zones of the Arabian Plate lack any kind of metamorphism and volcanism.The Iraqi territory is located in the extreme northeastern part of the Arabian Plate, which is colliding with the Eurasian (Iranian) Plate. This collision has developed a foreland basin that includes: (1) Imbricate Zone, (2) High Folded Zone, (3) Low Folded Zone and (4) Mesopotamia Foredeep.The Mesopotamia Foredeep, in Iraq includes the Mesopotamia Plain and the Jazira Plain; it is less tectonically disturbed as compared to the Imbricate, High Folded and Low Folded Zones. Quaternary alluvial sediments of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and their tributaries as well as distributaries cover the central and southeastern parts of the Foredeep totally; it is called the Mesopotamian Flood Plain. The extension of the Mesopotamia Plain towards northwest however, is called the Jazira Plain, which is covered by Miocene rocks.The Mesopotamia Foredeep is represented by thick sedimentary sequence, which thickens northwestwards including synrift sediments; especially of Late Cretaceous age, whereas on surface the Quaternary sediments thicken southeastwards. The depth of the basement also changes from 8 km, in the west to 14 km, in the Iraqi–Iranian boarders towards southeast.The anticlinal structures have N–S trend, in the extreme southern part of the Mesopotamia Foredeep and extends northwards until the Latitude 32°N, within the Jazira Plain, there they change their trends to NW–SE, and then to E–W trend.The Mesozoic sequence is almost without any significant break, with increase in thickness from the west to the east, attaining 5 km. The sequence forms the main source and reservoir rocks in the central and southern parts of Iraq. The Cenozoic sequence consists of Paleogene open marine carbonates, which grades upwards into Neogene lagoonal marine; of Early Miocene and evaporitic rocks; of Middle Miocene age, followed by thick molasses of continental clastics that attain 3500 m in thickness; starting from Late Miocene. The Quaternary sediments are very well developed in the Mesopotamia Plain and they thicken southwards to reach about 180 m near Basra city; in the extreme southeastern part of Iraq.The Iraqi Inner Platform (stable shelf) is a part of the Arabian Plate, being less affected by tectonic disturbances; it covers the area due to south and west of the Euphrates River. The main tectonic feature in this zone that had affected on the geology of the area is the Rutbah Uplift; with less extent is the Ga’ara High.The oldest exposed rocks within the Inner Platform belong to Ga’ara Formation of Permian age; it is exposed only in the Ga’ara Depression. The Permian rocks are overlain by Late Triassic rocks; represented by Mulussa and Zor Hauran formations, both of marine carbonates with marl intercalations. The whole Triassic rocks are absent west, north and east of Ga’ara Depression. Jurassic rocks, represented by five sedimentary cycles, overlie the Triassic rocks. Each cycle consists of clastic rocks overlain by carbonates, being all of marine sediments; whereas the last one (Late Jurassic) consists of marine carbonates only. All the five formations are separated from each other by unconformable contacts. Cretaceous rocks, represented by seven sedimentary cycles, overlie the Jurassic rocks. Marine clastics overlain by marine carbonates. Followed upwards (Late Cretaceous) by continental clastics overlain by marine carbonates; then followed by marine carbonates with marl intercalations, and finally by marine clastics overlain by carbonates; representing the last three cycles, respectively.The Paleocene rocks form narrow belt west of the Ga’ara Depression, represented by Early–Late Paleocene phosphatic facies, which is well developed east of Rutbah Uplift and extends eastwards in the Foredeep. Eocene rocks; west of Rutbah Uplift are represented by marine carbonates that has wide aerial coverage in south Iraq. Locally, east of Rutbah Uplift unconformable contacts are recorded between Early, Middle and Late Eocene rocks. During Oligocene, in the eastern margin of the Inner Platform, the Outer Platform was uplifted causing very narrow depositional Oligocene basin. Therefore, very restricted exposures are present in the northern part of the Inner Platform (north of Ga’ara Depression), represented by reef, forereef sediments of some Oligocene formations.The Miocene rocks have no exposures west of Rutbah Uplift, but north and northwestwards are widely exposed represented by Early Miocene of marine carbonates with marl intercalations. Very locally, Early Miocene deltaic clastics and carbonates, are interfingering with the marine carbonates. The last marine open sea sediments, locally with reef, represent the Middle Miocene rocks and fore reef facies that interfingers with evaporates along the northern part of Abu Jir Fault Zone, which is believed to be the reason for the restriction of the closed lagoons; in the area.During Late Miocene, the continental phase started in Iraq due to the closure of the Neo-Tethys and collision of the Sanandaj Zone with the Arabian Plate. The continental sediments consist of fine clastics. The Late Miocene – Middle Pliocene sediments were not deposited in the Inner Platform.The Pliocene–Pleistocene sediments are represented by cyclic sediments of conglomeratic sandstone overlain by fresh water limestone, and by pebbly sandstone.The Quaternary sediments are poorly developed in the Inner Platform. Terraces of Euphrates River and those of main valleys represent pleistocene sediments. Flood plain of the Euphrates River and those of large valleys represent Holocene sediments. Residual soil is developed, widely in the western part of Iraq, within the western marginal part of the Inner Platform.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北段晚中生代碱性侵入岩处于兴蒙海西造山带大地构造单元,有十分独特的地质意义.本文通过呼中区六个碱性岩体的主量、稀土和微量元素成分分析和综合研究,首次系统讨论了碱性侵入岩的岩石地球化学特征及其时空分布规律,并在此基础上较全面地探讨了碱性岩形成的大地构造环境、岩浆物质来源、性质和深度等地质问题.研究表明,不同时期的碱性岩岩石地球化学特征差异不明显:均属于过碱性的中酸性岩类,以相对贫Sr、Ba,高Rb,富集高场强元素为特征,稀土配分曲线呈特征的V字型,显示由弱变强的轻、重稀土元素分馏作用和逐渐变小的铕负异常.由此推断兴蒙造山带内岩浆来源较浅,而源区逐渐加深.碱性岩均形成于拉张环境;可能属于A型花岗岩,形成于非造山板内裂谷或热点地幔柱环境.  相似文献   

红河断裂带两侧地震震源机制及构造意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
红河断裂带是一条大型的走滑断裂带。根据印支半岛前新生代的古地块与华南地块的接触关系 ,将红河断裂带海陆部分分为两段。断裂带自第三纪以来 ,经历了左旋运动、右旋运动 ,南北两段的活动性有一定的差异。根据断裂带两侧地震和震源机制解分析 ,震源深度 0~ 33km的地震在整个区域密集分布 ,较深的地震分布在断裂的北东侧。断裂带西北部断裂活动方式为逆冲型 ,北部为正断型 ,南部为走滑型 ,其它地方为奇异型 ,也即是逆冲型、正断型、走滑型 3种方式的过渡类型 ,反映了红河断裂带及其周围地区受到来自北北西向的推挤力和北东东向的正压力的联合作用 ,使受力区的断裂发生挤压逆冲、水平走滑和拉张正断运动。  相似文献   

A 2‐D crustal velocity model has been derived from a 1997 364 km north‐south wide‐angle seismic profile that passed from Ordovician volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks (Molong Volcanic Belt of the Macquarie Arc) in the north, across the Lachlan Transverse Zone into Ordovician turbidites and Early Devonian intrusive granitoids in the south. The Lachlan Transverse Zone is a proposed west‐northwest to east‐southeast structural feature in the Eastern Lachlan Orogen and is considered to be a possible early lithospheric feature controlling structural evolution in eastern Australia; its true nature, however, is still contentious. The velocity model highlights significant north to south lateral variations in subsurface crustal architecture in the upper and middle crust. In particular, a higher P‐wave velocity (6.24–6.32 km/s) layer identified as metamorphosed arc rocks (sensu lato) in the upper crust under the arc at 5–15 km depth is juxtaposed against Ordovician craton‐derived turbidites by an inferred south‐dipping fault that marks the southern boundary of the Lachlan Transverse Zone. Near‐surface P‐wave velocities in the Lachlan Transverse Zone are markedly less than those along other parts of the profile and some of these may be attributed to mid‐Miocene volcanic centres. In the middle and lower crust there are poorly defined velocity features that we infer to be related to the Lachlan Transverse Zone. The Moho depth increases from 37 km in the north to 47 km in the south, above an underlying upper mantle with a P‐wave velocity of 8.19 km/s. Comparison with velocity layers in the Proterozoic Broken Hill Block supports the inferred presence of Cambrian oceanic mafic volcanics (or an accreted mafic volcanic terrane) as substrate to this part of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen. Overall, the seismic data indicate significant differences in crustal architecture between the northern and southern parts of the profile. The crustal‐scale P‐wave velocity differences are attributed to the different early crustal evolution processes north and south of the Lachlan Transverse Zone.  相似文献   

Northern Ireland's Jurassic succession has received relatively little detailed investigation. Late Sinemurian and early Pliensbachian strata are present in parts of north Antrim but they are poorly exposed at outcrop and have been penetrated by just a single borehole, at Portmore, in which parts of the succession are missing. Collecting from White Park Bay over more than two decades, augmented by examination of museum material, has established the presence within the Rathlin (North Antrim) Basin of ammonite zones and subzones additional to those proven in the Portmore Borehole. This suggests that parts of the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian stages, from the Obtusum Zone through to the Davoei Zone, and possibly even higher, may be preserved in onshore or nearshore parts of the basin. Despite the generally poor exposure, the material recovered encompasses more than 40 ammonite species, including several taxa that are poorly represented elsewhere in the UK, of which two, Vicininodiceras dalriatense sp. nov. and Cheltonia howarthi sp. nov., are previously undescribed.  相似文献   

The Palomares Shear Zone is a major Neogene-Quaternary strike—slip zone which transects the crust of the Betic Cordillera in SE Spain. The shear zone and the mechanisms that led to its formation are discussed and illustrated on the basis of detailed compilations of both the local and regional geology. It is emphasized that the formation of the Palomares Shear Zone was not an isolated tectonic event, but part of a complex Neogene tectonic history. The Neogene evolution of the Betic-Rif orogen and its central Alboran Basin is characterised by the following events: (1) emplacement of the Alboran Diapir with resulting nappe-shedding from the overlying crust between 25 and 20 Ma ago; (2) onset of the subsidence of the Alboran Basin between 20 and 15 Ma ago due to cooling of the Alboran Diapir and the overlying crust; (3) formation of the Cabo de Gata Volcanic Chain between 15 and 8 Ma ago; and (4) refolding of the nappe sheets in the Betic-Rif orogen into a basin and range structure about 7 Ma ago. Continuous activity of the Crevillente Fault of southern Spain may have occured over a period from 20 Ma ago up to the present. The interrelated Palomare Fault in SE Spain was probably formed between 15 and 8 Ma ago and seem to be active still. The Palomares Shear Zone affects a rock volume 44 km wide, at least 80 km long and 30 km deep. A shear strain—distance diagram constructed across the Palomares Shear Zone and its axial Palomares Fault involves a new method to estimate or constrain the shear strain magnitude along brittle-ductile shears. The typical tensor shear strain rates in the approximately 20 km thick ductilely deformed walls of the Palomares Fault are of the order 10−13–10−14 s−1. The tensor shear strain rate along the Palomares Fault itself is of the order 10−12s−1 and the time averaged relative displacement rate of its walls is about 2 mm a−1. The range of strain rates within the Palomares Shear Zone are interpreted to be due to a combination of various flow-softening mechanisms: geometric, structural, thermal and strain-rate softening. These softening mechanisms might explain the difference in vertically averaged viscosities of 1020 Pa s and 1025 Pa s or lower suggested for the crustal rocks in the Palomares Fault proper and that of the relatively rigid boundaries of the Palomares Shear Zone, respectively.  相似文献   

基于遥感与GIS的中国城镇用地扩展特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用中国1990—2000年土地利用矢量数据和自然区划图,将中国分为6级城镇用地区。第一级城镇用地分类包括辽东胶东山地丘陵、华北平原、鲁中山地丘陵、淮河及长江中下游平原、粤桂闽丘陵平原、华北山地丘陵。这些地区城镇用地比重高,城镇扩展速度快,城镇扩展面积占全国城镇扩展面积的71.47%,城镇扩展造成耕地面积减少占全国的69.88%;其中华北平原占全国的24.54%,淮河及长江中下游占20.15%。城镇扩展占用的主要是耕地资源,占其扩展面积的78.96%;其次农村居民点用地占10.2%,林地占4.48%,草地占2.6%,水体占1.56%,独立工矿用地占1.43%,未利用地占0.77%。城镇居民点用地扩展占用大量的耕地资源,从而造成耕地资源的大量减少,威胁中国的粮食安全。  相似文献   

Deformational, metamorphic, monazite age and fabric data from Rengali Province, eastern India converge towards a multi-scale transpressional deformational episode at ca. 498–521 Ma which is linked with the latest phase of tectonic processes operative at proto-India-Antarctica join. Detailed sector wise study on mutual overprinting relationships of macro-to microstructural elements suggest that deformation was regionally partitioned into fold-thrust dominated shortening zones alternating with zones of dominant transcurrent deformation bounded between the thrust sense Barkot Shear Zone in the north and the dextral Kerajang Fault Zone in the south. The strain partitioned zones are further restricted between two regional transverse shear zones, the sinistral Riamol Shear Zone in the west and the dextral Akul Fault Zone in the east which are interpreted as synthetic R and antithetic R' Riedel shear plane, respectively. The overall structural disposition has been interpreted as a positive flower structure bounded between the longitudinal and transverse faults with vertical extrusion and symmetric juxtaposition of mid-crustal amphibolite grade basement gneisses over low-grade upper crustal rocks emanating from the central axis of the transpressional belt.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was systematically measured for samples collected across the Lachlan Transverse Zone in the Eastern Subprovince of the Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. Although the degree of anisotropy is usually moderate to low, it can be shown that the origin of the magnetic fabric is generally composite. Many localities are witness to a tectonic influence in addition to a magnetic foliation preserved from the time of rock formation (compaction). Furthermore, some localities indicate the presence of superimposed magnetic fabrics, potentially associated with a Silurian east–west direction of shortening, and a younger north–south (?) direction of shortening. Finally, the progressive southwards change in orientation of the magnetic lineation in the Molong area from north–south to east–west and then back to north–south again south of the Lyndhurst–Neville Fault suggests that the Lachlan Transverse Zone coincides with, and reflects, a major cross-structure in the Eastern Subprovince. AMS is thus a powerful tool to help map the fabric of Paleozoic rocks in the Tasmanides. Additional data will be required to help obtain a comprehensive picture of the tectonic history of the region.  相似文献   

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