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Within the framework of the partially screened inner acceleration region the relationship between the X-ray luminosity and the circulational periodicity of drifting subpulses is derived. This relationship is quite well satisfied in pulsars for which an appropriate radio and X-ray measurements exist. A special case of PSR B0943+10 is presented and discussed. The problem of formation of a partially screened inner acceleration region for all pulsars with drifting subpulses is also considered. It is argued that an efficient inner acceleration region just above the polar cap can be formed in a very strong and curved non-dipolar surface magnetic field. We acknowledge the support of the Polish State Committee for scientific research under Grant P03D 029 26. G.M. was partially supported by Georgian NSF grant ST06/4-096.  相似文献   

Several new features of X-ray binary pulsars are revealed from recent observations with ASCA, RXTE, BeppoSAX and other X-ray observatories. Among these, I will review in this paper some recent progress in spectroscopic studies of accreting X-ray pulsars in binary systems (XBPs). First, I will discuss soft excess features observed in the energy spectra of XBPs and propose that it is a common feature for various subclasses of XBPs. Next I will present some recent results of high resolution spectroscopy with ASCA and Chandra.  相似文献   

Two classes of X-ray pulsars, the anomalous X-ray pulsars and the soft gamma-ray repeaters, have been recognized in the last decade as the most promising candidates for being magnetars: isolated neutron stars powered by magnetic energy. I review the observational properties of these objects, focussing on the most recent results, and their interpretation in the magnetar model. Alternative explanations, in particular those based on accretion from residual disks, are also considered. The possible relations between these sources and other classes of neutron stars and astrophysical objects are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present spectra for 34 accretion-powers X-ray pulsars and one millisecond pulsar that were within the field of view of the INTEGRAL observatory over two years (December 2002–January 2005) of its in-orbit operation and that were detected by its instruments at a statistically significant level (> 8σ in the energy range 18–60 keV). There are seven recently discovered objects of this class among the pulsars studied: 2RXP J130159.6-635806, IGR/AX J16320-4751, IGR J16358-4726, AX J163904-4642, IGR J16465-4507, SAX/IGR J18027-2017, and AX J1841.0-0535. We have also obtained hard X-ray (>20 keV) spectra for the accretion-powered pulsars RX J0146.9+6121, AX J1820.5-1434, and AX J1841.0-0535 for the first time. We analyze the evolution of spectral parameters as a function of the intensity of the sources and compare these with the results of previous studies.  相似文献   

The X-ray spectra of the magnetar candidates are customarily fitted with an empirical, two component model: an absorbed blackbody and a power-law. However, the physical interpretation of these two spectral components is rarely discussed. It has been recently proposed that the presence of a hot plasma in the magnetosphere of highly magnetized neutron stars might distort, through efficient resonant cyclotron scattering, the thermal emission from the neutron star surface, resulting in production of non-thermal spectra. Here we discuss the Resonant Cyclotron Scattering (RCS) model, and present its XSPEC implementation, as well as preliminary results of its application to Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters. N.R. is supported by an NWO Post-Doctoral Fellowship. S.Z. thanks the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, PPARC, for support through an Advanced Fellowship.  相似文献   

The anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61 was recently detected in the mid infrared bands with the SPITZER Observatory (Wang, Chakrabarty and Kaplan: Nature 440, 772 (2006)). This observation is the first instance for a disk around an AXP. From a reanalysis of optical and infrared data, we show that the observations indicate that the disk is likely to be an active disk rather than a passive dust disk beyond the light cylinder, as proposed in the discovering paper. Furthermore, we show that the irradiated accretion disk model can also account for all the optical and infrared observations of the anomalous X-ray pulsars in the persistent state.  相似文献   

Power spectra of the timing noise observed in 18 southern pulsars have been derived using a novel technique, based on the CLEAN algorithm. Most of the spectra are well described by a single- or double-component power-law model. Some of these spectra can be interpreted in the context of one or more of the current timing noise models. The results combined with those obtained from the time-domain analyses of the timing activity in these pulsars are used to assess the viability of the various theoretical models of pulsar timing noise.  相似文献   

A significant new development in the study of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) has been the recent discovery by INTEGRAL and RXTE of flat, hard X-ray components in three AXPs. These non-thermal spectral components differ dramatically from the steeper quasi-power-law tails seen in the classic X-ray band in these sources. A prime candidate mechanism for generating this new component is resonant, magnetic Compton upscattering. This process is very efficient in the strong magnetic fields present in AXPs. Here an introductory exploration of an inner magnetospheric model for upscattering of surface thermal X-rays in AXPs is offered, preparing the way for an investigation of whether such resonant upscattering can explain the 20–150 keV spectra seen by INTEGRAL. Characteristically flat emission spectra produced by non-thermal electrons injected in the emission region are computed using collision integrals. A relativistic QED scattering cross section is employed so that Klein–Nishina reductions are influential in determining the photon spectra and fluxes. Spectral results depend strongly on the magnetospheric locale of the scattering and the observer’s orientation, which couple directly to the angular distributions of photons sampled.  相似文献   

研究表明 ,与磁星模型相比较 ,反常X射线脉冲星的加速模型不能说明所观测到的自转周期的分布。为了解释熟知的最慢X射线脉冲星 2S 0 114+6 5 0的性质 ,其磁场强度必须大于 10 14 Gs ,即它诞生时即为一磁体。  相似文献   

Pulsar braking indices offer insight into the physics that underlies pulsar spin-down. Only five braking indices have been measured via phase-coherent timing; all measured values are less than 3, the value expected from magnetic dipole radiation. Here we present new measurements for three of the five pulsar braking indices, obtained with phase-coherent timing for PSRs J1846-0258 (n=2.65±0.01), B1509-58 (n=2.839±0.001) and B0540-69 (n=2.140±0.009). We discuss the implications of these results and possible physical explanations for them.   相似文献   

Hard X-rays above 10 ke V are detected from several anomalous X-ray pulsars(AXPs)and soft gamma-ray repeaters(SGRs),and different models have been proposed to explain the physical origin within the frame of either a magnetar model or a fallback disk system.Using data from Suzaku and INTEGRAL,we study the soft and hard X-ray spectra of four AXPs/SGRs:1RXS J170849–400910,1E 1547.0–5408,SGR 1806–20 and SGR 0501+4516.It is found that the spectra could be well reproduced by the bulk-motion Comptonization(BMC)process as was first suggested by Tr¨umper et al.,showing that the accretion scenario could be compatible with Xray emission from AXPs/SGRs.Simulated results from the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope using the BMC model show that the spectra would have discrepancies from the power-law,especially the cutoff at~200 ke V.Thus future observations will allow researchers to distinguish different models of the hard X-ray emission and will help us understand the nature of AXPs/SGRs.  相似文献   

We obtained a theoretical relation between the X-ray luminosity and the rotational energy loss of isolated pulsars, which is in agreement with the observed X-ray data.  相似文献   

We analyze the possibility that anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) originate from radio pulsars subjected to considerable and prolonged glitches. The observed characteristics of such pulsars, their association with supernova remnants, and their evolution in the P-? diagram with allowance made for the actual age of the possible AXP and SGR progenitors are shown to be in conflict with the suggested scenario.  相似文献   

The on-going Parkes multibeam survey has been astoundingly successful (Manchesteret al. 2001), and its discovery of over 600 pulsars has opened up new avenues for probing the Galaxy’s electron content and magnetic field. Here we report on recent observations made with the Arecibo 305-m telescope, where 80 distant, high dispersion measure pulsars (of which 35 are from the multibeam survey) were studied at multiple frequency bands in the range 0.4–2.4 GHz, in order to determine their scattering properties, rotation measures and spectral indices. The results will be used to meet a variety of science goals; viz., creating an improved model of the electron density, mapping out the Galactic magnetic field, and modeling the pulsar population.  相似文献   

We have performed deep searches for radio pulsations from four southern anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) to investigate their physical nature in comparison with the rotation powered pulsars. The data were acquired using the Parkes radio telescope with the 1.4 GHz multibeam receiver. No pulsed emission with periodicity matching the X-ray ephemeris have been found in the observed targets down to a limit of ∼0.1 mJy. A blind search has also been performed on all the 13 beams of the multibeam receiver (the central beam being pointed on the target AXP), leading to the serendipitous discovery of two new radio pulsars and to the further detection of 18 pulsars. Also a search for single dispersed pulses has been performed in the aim to detect signals similar to those of the recently discovered rotating radio transients.   相似文献   

毫秒脉冲星计时方法和实验研究的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍脉冲星的时间频率特征。阐述了该课题研究的意义 ,国内外毫秒脉冲星计时理论、方法和技术方面的研究进展。分析了我国开展毫秒脉冲星计时研究的可行性、目标及任务 ,并对其中的关键问题给予讨论。最后对该领域的研究发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

We estimate the contribution of millisecond pulsars to the diffuse gamma-ray background of the Galaxy, and show that a significant fraction of the Galactic background may originate from them. A small number of the unidentified COS-B point sources may, in fact, be millisecond pulsars. It is argued that several hundred millisecond pulsars may be detectable as point sources by the GRO satellite A preliminary version of these results was presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Neutron stars, AGNs and Jets, Erice, September 5–17, 1988. On leave from Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India.  相似文献   

毫秒脉冲星计时观测的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
对毫秒脉冲星时间测量的理论、方法和技术研究的进展进行了阐述。根据近年来取得的观测研究结果,毫秒脉冲星计时测量误差~2×10-7秒,毫秒脉冲星自转周期稳定性足以和现代原子钟相媲美:其相对频率不稳定度达到1×10-14(1年≤γ≤5.2年),并可望更高。近年来,脉冲星计时观测系统的接收灵敏度获得很大改进,计时观测的数据采集、处理技术、脉冲到达时间分析模型研究等都有长足发展。通过综合脉冲星时间算法得到的脉冲星时间尺度将比现代原子时具有更高的长期稳定度。叙述了脉冲星的物理特性及有关计时观测系统的技术成果,如观测频率和带宽的选择,消色散和接收系统灵敏度等问题。最后对毫秒脉冲星时间测量的误差源进行了讨论,并对脉冲星时间尺度的应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

We review the results of a timing analysis of the observations for ten bright X-ray pulsars (with fluxes >100 mCrab in the 20–100 keV energy band) that fell within the INTEGRAL field of view from 2003 to 2007. The dependence of the pulse profile on the energy and intrinsic source luminosity has been investigated; particular attention has been paid to searching for changes in the pulse profile near the cyclotron frequency. The dependence of the pulsed fraction for X-ray pulsars on their luminosity and energy band has been studied in detail for the first time.  相似文献   

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