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An earthquake is regarded as a fracture from the viewpoint of continuum mechanics, in which stress and strain play key roles in understanding the nature of a seismic source. This review briefly outlines the mechanics of a seismic source in terms of the dislocation model and crack model. The introduction includes the Coulomb failure criterion, static stress drop, dynamic stress drop, the Griffith criterion, and the scaling of source parameters. The selection of topics in the introduction emphasizes the application of seismic data, i.e., in practice, the mechanical parameters introduced here are measurable in the interpretation and analysis of seismic waveform data.  相似文献   

The results of studies of the shear wave attenuation field in source zones of the 2003 Chuya, 1970 Ureg-Nur, 1991 Busingol, 2011 Sayan, and 2011–2012 Tuva earthquakes are presented. Attenuation fields in these source zones include blocks with a high Q-factor and linear weakened zones. The surface ruptures from the mainshocks of the 2003 Chuya and 2011–2012 Tuva earthquakes are located in the zones of strong attenuation. Epicenters of the mainshocks are located where the maximum contrast in attenuation is observed. In the source zones of large earthquakes in the Altai–Sayan region or near them, the zones similar to so-called seimogenic bodies described in the literature are found. These objects tend to linear zones with high attenuation and are characterized by an increased density of deepened earthquakes and also by deformations of near-vertical elongation. The obtained data suggest that the fluid factor could play certain role in the occurrence of large earthquakes in the Altai–Sayan region.  相似文献   

Based on the study of activity of earthquakes with M**********>7.0 in mainland China,we have found a dynamic pattern,i.e.,the cyclic characteristics in time and migration from one seismic zone to another in space.In order to understand the physical mechanism of this pattern,we use a nonlinear dynamic model to simulate the seismic activity in fault zones under a unified tectonic stress field.The basic elements in our model consist of a Maxwell body and a rigid sliding block.Basic elements in a column represent a fault,and coupling elements connecting different columns simulate the interaction among faults and fault segments.The results provide insights to the cyclic activity of strong earthquakes and to the feature of mutual influence between strong earthquakes in groups in the climax of seismic activity.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of tectonic environment for M ≥ 6.0 strong earthquakes in China‘ s continent since the beginning of recorded history is performed based on the data of active faults studied during last 10 years and result of compilation of the fourth version of the Map of Seismic Regionalization of China for Earthquake Protection. Tectonic types of seismic sources of strong earthquakes in all seismic regions and the movement modes of seismogenic structures are discussed. Meanwhile, an analysis of lengths of surface rupture zones produced by all types of earthquakes, orientations of long axes of meizoseismal areas, regional tectonic stress fields in seismic source regions for strong earthquakes, geophysical fields (gravity anomaly, highconductivity layer anomaly, and terrestrial heat flow density), and recent vertical crustal deformation fields have been carried out.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe method of probabilistic seismic risk analysis was proposed by Cornell in1968(Cornell,1968).After more than30years development,it has become the main method for seismic riskassessment of engineering sites and seismic zonation,and has been u…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMigrationofstrongearthquakesisaphenomenonwherebystrongearthquakestakeplaceinsuccessionincertainspatiallyregularpatterns (ZhangGuomin ,etal,2 0 0 1 ) .Seismologistsintheworldhavenoticedthisphenomenonforalongtime .Manyinstanceswerediscoveredinthepastdecades ,suchasthemigrationofstrongearthquakesalongtheNorthAnatolianFaultinTurkeysince1 939(Richter,1 958)andthemigrationofaseriesofearthquakes (MS ≥ 6 0 )aftertheMS7 9earthquakeinKwandong ,Japan (Utsu ,1 987) .Theexamplesofre…  相似文献   

This paper has introduced the spatial distance method to analyze the distribution features of earthquakes quantitatively.The seismic distribution factor ZK defined in this paper can be used to identify the type of seismic spatial distribution better.The spatial distribution of earthquakes features a clustered pattern when the Zg-value approaches to 1; it is stochastic when ZK fluctuates around 0.5; and it may have a network pattern when ZK approaches to 0.From the angle of seismic spatial distribution,the change of the Rvalue reflects to some extent the dynamic variation of the degree of order and complexity of the seismogenic system.Taking 10 earthquakes of Ms≥5.8 in North China since 1970 as an example,the paper has discussed the variation features of ZK around moderately strong earthquakes.Results show that high Rvalue anomalies can generally be detected before moderately strong events.The Zk value of 0.642 can be taken as a criterion for identifying anomalies.Before the 2 strong earthquakes of Ms≥  相似文献   

Pan Hua 《中国地震研究》2007,21(3):318-326
For several seismic statistical zones in North China,the key factors causing uncertainties in the important seismicity parameters b and ν_4 and the features of their uncertainties are discussed in this paper.The magnitude of uncertainty is also analyzed.It can be seen that the key influencing factors are statistical period,methods of processing statistical samples,lower limit magnitude and the annual average occurrence ratio of large earthquakes.The variation ranges of b and ν_4 in the Tancheng-Lujiang zone are as high as 0.2 and 1.4 respectively,which are similar to those in the Fenwei zone.They are much smaller however in the Hebei zone because of its sufficient statistical samples.  相似文献   

—By rupturing more than half of the shallow subduction interface of the Nazca Ridge, the great November 12, 1996 Peruvian earthquake contradicts the hypothesis that oceanic ridges subduct aseismically. The mainshock’s rupture has a length of about 200 km and has an average slip of about 1.4 m. Its moment is 1.5 × 1028 dyne-cm and the corresponding M w is 8.0. The mainshock registered three major episodes of moment release as shown by a finite fault inversion of teleseismically recorded broadband body waves. About 55% of the mainshock’s total moment release occurred south of the Nazca Ridge, and the remaining moment release occurred at the southern half of the subduction interface of the Nazca Ridge. The rupture south of the Nazca Ridge was elongated parallel to the ridge axis and extended from a shallow depth to about 65 km depth. Because the axis of the Nazca Ridge is at a high angle to the plate convergence direction, the subducting Nazca Ridge has a large southwards component of motion, 5 cm/yr parallel to the coast. The 900–1200 m relief of the southwards sweeping Nazca Ridge is interpreted to act as a "rigid indenter," causing the greatest coupling south of the ridge’s leading edge and leading to the large observed slip. The mainshock and aftershock hypocenters were relocated using a new procedure that simultaneously inverts local and teleseismic data. Most aftershocks were within the outline of the Nazca Ridge. A three-month delayed aftershock cluster occurred at the northern part of the subducting Nazca Ridge. Aftershocks were notably lacking at the zone of greatest moment release, to the south of the Nazca Ridge. However, a lone foreshock at the southern end of this zone, some 140 km downstrike of the mainshock’s epicenter, implies that conditions existed for rupture into that zone. The 1996 earthquake ruptured much of the inferred source zone of the M w 7.9–8.2 earthquake of 1942, although the latter was a slightly larger earthquake. The rupture zone of the 1996 earthquake is immediately north of the seismic gap left by the great earthquakes (M w 8.8–9.1) of 1868 and 1877. The M w 8.0 Antofagasta earthquake of 1995 occurred at the southern end of this great seismic gap. The M w 8.2 deep-focus Bolivian earthquake of 1994 occurred directly downdip of the 1868 portion of that gap. The recent occurrence of three significant earthquakes on the periphery of the great seismic gap of the 1868 and 1877 events, among other factors, may signal an increased seismic potential for that zone.  相似文献   

In this paper,the temporal and spatial variation process of seismicity in areas from Lancang to Tengchong before the 1988 Lancang-Gengma earthquakes(M=7.6,7.2),January 1980 to October 1988,is studied in detail according to the theory that the whole process of earthquake sequence in the time stage of anomalous seismicity before a strong event may be considered as the non-homogeneous Poisson process.The results demonstrate that(1)from April 1985 to April 1988,there existed an obvious difference of seismicity in spatial distribution in the whole region; to the north of Lancang,there occurred two seismic quiescent belts:one is 210 km long for M≥3.5 events and anotheris 160 km long for M≥3.0 events; therefore,this may be classified into four sub-regions from south to north,that is,the south region,the mid-region,the mid'-region,and the north region.(2)Before the mainshocks,there existed anomalous seismic quiescence for as Song as 42 months in the mid-region(M≥3.5)and 32.5 months in the mid'-region(M≥3.0)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe study of source parameters is usually based oninversionfromobservational seismic waveformdata.Seismic wave affected bygeometric spreading,inelastic attenuation,scatteringandsite effects ofthe mediumontheir way fromsource to station.Therefo…  相似文献   

On the basis of our predecessors' research,we study the distribution and the space-time evolution characteristics of the seismic apparent strain field in Yunnan since the 1970's using the seismic data of Yunnan and its surrounding areas.The result shows that there is a rather strong corresponding relationship between the anomaly region of seismic apparent strain and strong earthquakes.In the nine earthquakes studied,anomaly areas of seismic apparent strain had appeared before eight earthquakes,including five occurring in the anomaly region and three on the edge.Finally,the investigative result is demonstrated primarily.  相似文献   

Using the four phases (1996~1999) of re-surveying data from the GPS network along the Shanxi fault zone, the recent state of horizontal movement of the fault zone and its relation with the Datong-Yanggao M5.6 earthquake (November 1, 1999), which took place on the north end of the monitored area, are analyzed. In the focal region, three areas with relatively higher strain (1×10 -6) appeared in Xinzhou and to the northeast of Jiexiu. The Shanxi fault zone is mainly controlled by the WNW-ESE-trending compressive stress field and the NNE-SSW-trending tensile stress field, and it does not have strike-slip movement. When examined for long-term tendency, attention should be paid to the junctures between the three moving elements.  相似文献   

The uncertainty of potential seismic regions for moderately strong earthquakes has a great effect on the results of seismic hazard analysis in weak seismicity regions,so it is the basement of seismic zoning and seismic hazard assessment for engineering sites by correctly dividing the potential seismic regions for moderately strong earthquakes.By taking Northeast and North China as examples,the authors compiled and systematically analyzed a large amount of basic data and then suggest the principles and methods of potential seismic regions for moderately strong earthquakes based on a great number of case studies.The practical division of potential seismic regions in the Changchun and Jilin areas shows that these principles and methods show better suitability.Moreover,the authors also discuss in this paper the progress obtained and put forward some problems that should be solved in the future.  相似文献   

For several seismic statistical zones in North China,the key factors causing uncertainties in the important seismicity parameters b and ν_4 and the features of their uncertainties are discussed in this paper.The magnitude of uncertainty is also analyzed.It can be seen that the key influencing factors are statistical period,methods of processing statistical samples,lower limit magnitude and the annual average occurrence ratio of large earthquakes.The variation ranges of b and ν_4 in the Tancheng-Lujiang zone are as high as 0.2 and 1.4 respectively,which are similar to those in the Fenwei zone.They are much smaller however in the Hebei zone because of its sufficient statistical samples.  相似文献   

By using a single-degree-of-freedom spring-slider analog fault model, we generate a synthetic catalog of nearly 500 different seismic sequences. We explore the parameter space by assuming different values of constitutive parameters and tectonic environment. We also consider three different versions of the rate-dependent and state-dependent friction laws [the Dieterich-Ruina (DR), the Ruina-Dieterich (RD) and the Chester-Higgs (CH) models], and different approximations of the behavior of the friction at high sliding speeds, as well as the radiation damping effects. Our results indicate that for all the considered models, the recurrence time (T cycle) exhibits an inverse proportionality on the loading rate; a linear, positive dependence on the effective normal stress; and a linear, negative dependence on the characteristic distance controlling the state variable evolution. These results confirm and generalize previous studies. Remarkably, we found here that the coefficients of proportionality strongly depend on the adopted friction model, on the high speed behavior and on the reference set of parameters. Notably, we also found that the positive proportionality between T cycle and the difference ba, confirmed for DR and RD laws, does not hold in general for the CH law. Overall, we conclude that even in the simplest (and idealized) case of characteristic earthquakes considered here, in which the limiting cycle is reached by the system, and even in the framework of a very simplified fault model, the possibility to a priori predict, through an universal analytical relation, the inter-event time of an impending earthquake still remains only a dream. On the other hand, a numerical prediction of T cycle would require the exact knowledge of the rheological model (and its parameters at all times over the entire life of the fault) and the actual state of the fault, which indeed are often unknown.  相似文献   

The paper describes a temporary seismic project aimed at developing the national database of natural seismic activity for seismic hazard assessment, officially called “Monitoring of Seismic Hazard of Territory of Poland” (MSHTP). Due to low seismicity of Poland, the project was focused on events of magnitude range 1–3 in selected regions in order to maximize the chance of recording any natural event. The project used mobile seismic stations and was divided into two stages.Five-year measurements brought over one hundred natural seismic events of magnitudes ML range 0.5–3.8. Most of them were located in the Podhale region in the Carpathians. Together with previously recorded events this made it possible to conduct a preliminary study on ground motion prediction equation for this region. Only one natural event, of magnitude ML = 3.8, was recorded outside the Carpathians in a surprising location in central-west Poland.  相似文献   

According to the joint probabilistic distribution model of magnitude and space,the author discusses the relationship between the probabilistic distribution of magnitude in a seismic province and that in an area with potential seismic sources.The results show that if the magnitude probabilistic distribution follows the truncated exponential form in a seismic province,there must be some potential source in which the magnitude probabilistic distribution does not conform to that form.The result is consistent with the concept of "characteristic earthquake" derived from the study of actual records of seismicity and the study of geology.The author suggests that the relationship between the probabilistic distribution of magnitude in a seismic province and that in a seismic potential area must be considered in the study of the analysis of seismicity,seismic zonation and engineering seismology,for the purpose of the evaluation of the probabilistic distribution of magnitude correctly in every area with potential s  相似文献   

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