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Summertime energy budgets of contiguous wetland tundra and forest near Churchill, Manitoba along the coast of Hudson Bay were measured over a five year period, 1989–1993. An examination of differences in energy budgets between the two sites showed that net radiation was similar in all years. Soil heat flux was greater at the tundra site in most, but not all, years. However, sensible heat flux was always larger at the forest site and latent heat flux was always greater at the tundra site. Mean daily Bowen ratios at both sites were less than unity in all years. Average Bowen ratios for the five years were 0.45 for tundra and 0.66 for forest. Wind direction is used as an analogue for changing climatic conditions where onshore winds are cooler and moister than offshore winds. Sensible and latent heat fluxes at both sites varied significantly between onshore and offshore wind regimes. However, differences between onshore and offshore fluxes at the tundra site were larger than for the forest. Thus, Bowen ratios also varied more at the tundra site. We have plotted the ratio of tundra‐to‐forest Bowen ratios as a measure of the relative sensitivity of energy partitioning to climatic change. The ratio decreases with increasing vapour pressure deficit (and increasing air temperature). We interpret these results as suggesting that energy partitioning over the wetland tundra is more sensitive to changes in climate than the treeline forest environment. Thus, as the climate warms and becomes drier, more additional energy goes into evaporation of water from the wetland tundra than from the forest.  相似文献   

Meteorological stations, which measure all the required meteorological parameters to estimate reference evapotranspiration (ETo) using the Food and Agriculture Organization Penman?CMonteith (FAO56-PM) method, are limited in Korea. In this study, alternative methods were applied to estimate these parameters, and the applicability of these methods for ETo estimation was evaluated by comparison with a complete meteorological dataset collected in 2008 in Korea. Despite differences between the estimation and observation of radiation and wind speed, the comparison of ETo showed small differences [i.e., mean bias error (MBE) varying ?0.22 to 0.25?mm?day?1 and root-mean-square-error (RMSE) varying 0.06?C0.50?mm?day?1]. The estimated vapor pressure differed considerably from the observed, resulting in a larger discrepancy in ETo (i.e., MBE of ?0.50?mm?day?1 and RMSE of 0.60?C0.73?mm?day?1). Estimated ETo showed different sensitivity to variations of the meteorological parameters??in order of vapor pressure?>?wind speed?>?radiation. It is clear that the FAO56-PM method is applicable for reasonable ETo estimation at a daily time scale especially in data-limited regions in Korea.  相似文献   

基于CMIP5模式的中国气候变化敏感性预估与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以CMIP5提供的26个全球气候系统模式的温度和降水数据为基础,采用区域气候变化指数(Regional Climate Change Index,RCCI)分析中国的不同区域对21世纪气候变化响应的敏感性。结果表明,三种排放情景(RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 8.5)下,21世纪全期,气候变化最敏感的区域分布在西藏地区,其次为我国西北地区以及东北地区,气候变化敏感性最低的区域分布在我国内蒙古中东部、华北地区以及长江中下游一带,且高排放情景对应更高的气候变化敏感性。对RCCI指数贡献因子分析结果表明,对中国气候变化敏感性贡献的大小依次为Δσ_TΔσ_pΔRRWAF。冬夏两季温度变化的大值区与RCCI指数的大致区分布一致,RCCI大小的分布很大程度上由温度变化的敏感性决定。而夏季降水变化的大值区主要出现在西藏地区、华南地区和东北地区,冬季降水变化的大值区则主要出现在黄河以南长江以北的中原地区以及东北地区。  相似文献   

Liu  Qin  Yan  Changrong  Ju  Hui  Garré  Sarah 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,132(1-2):387-401
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Climate change is widely accepted to be one of the most critical problems faced by the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (3H Plain), which is a region in which there is an...  相似文献   

Variability of modeled runoff over China and its links to climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Runoff is a key component of the water cycle over land, with direct impact on regional ecosystems and water resources. This study investigates historical runoff variability and change over China in 1951–2008 using the Community Land Model and in situ observations of atmospheric forcing fields. Model simulations are first evaluated against in situ observations of streamflow for four major rivers, as well as soil moisture and water table depths, before further analysis is conducted. Then, quantile regression is used to analyze runoff variability and its relation to precipitation and temperature. The spatial pattern of monthly climatological runoff over China is characterized by maxima in the humid south and a gradual decrease toward the arid northwest. Runoff increases in the humid south, slightly decreases in the transition zone, and shows nonsignificant trends in the arid northwest. The footprint of decadal variability can be seen from 1951 to 2008. The annual precipitation advances the spatiotemporal variability of runoff despite locally distinct runoff–precipitation responses. The runoff-temperature relationship shows complex spatiotemporal characteristics that depend on the feedback from precipitation.  相似文献   

基于中国107个气象站点的常规观测资料,采用Penman-Monteith公式计算了1960-2013年的逐日潜在蒸散发(ET0),分析了中国5大区域的ET0对最高温度、最低温度、2m风速、日照时长、平均气压、相对湿度和地表温度的敏感性及其分区特征。结果表明:(1)模拟的从1960-2013年平均ET0和与蒸发皿蒸散发量之间的比值为0.55,各逐站点的ET0与蒸发皿蒸散发的相关系数为0.84-0.98(剔除观测值为0的情况的样本)之间和0.42-0.81(未剔除观测值为0的情况的样本)。(2)本研究中模拟的ET0以6.75mm/10a的速度呈现出下降的趋势。敏感性分析表明,在1960-2013年间的全国范围内,最高气温和最低气温分别增加0.68℃和1.54℃,相应地导致ET0增加12.81mm和14.13mm;风速减少0.51m/s,日照时长减少0.61h,相对湿度减少2.84%,将分别导致蒸散量减少48.08mm,21.5mm,204.49mm,这能很好的解释“蒸发悖论”问题。(3)对中国不同地理分区的ET0,在东北区域、华北区域、和西北区域,蒸散量最敏感的气象因子是相对湿度,其次是风速;在西南区域和华中和华东区域,蒸散量最敏感的气象因子是相对湿度,其次是日照时长。  相似文献   

As one of the key grain-producing regions in China, the agricultural system in the North China Plain (NCP) is vulnerable to climate change due to its limited water resources and strong dependence on irrigation for crop production. Exploring the impacts of climate change on crop evapotranspiration (ET) is of importance for water management and agricultural sustainability. The VIP (Vegetation Interface Processes) process-based ecosystem model and WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) modeling system are applied to quantify ET responses of a wheat-maize cropping system to climate change. The ensemble projections of six General Circulation Models (GCMs) under the B2 and A2 scenarios in the 2050s over the NCP are used to account for the uncertainty of the projections. The thermal time requirements (TTR) of crops are assumed to remain constant under air warming conditions. It is found that in this case the length of the crop growth period will be shortened, which will result in the reduction of crop water consumption and possible crop productivity loss. Spatially, the changes of ET during the growth periods (ETg) for wheat range from ?7 to 0 % with the average being ?1.5?±?1.2 % under the B2 scenario, and from ?8 to 2 % with the average being ?2.7?±?1.3 % under the A2 scenario/consistently, changes of ETg for maize are from ?10 to 8 %, with the average being ?0.4?±?4.9 %, under the B2 scenario and from ?8 to 8 %, with the average being ?1.2?±?4.1 %, under the A2 scenario. Numerical analysis is also done on the condition that the length of the crop growth periods remains stable under the warming condition via breeding new crop varieties. In this case, TTR will be higher and the crop water requirements will increase, with the enhancement of the productivity. It is suggested that the options for adaptation to climate change include no action and accepting crop loss associated with the reduction in ETg, or breeding new cultivars that would maintain or increase crop productivity and result in an increase in ETg. In the latter case, attention should be paid to developing improved water conservation techniques to help compensate for the increased ETg.  相似文献   

径流对气候变化的敏感性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球变暖愈来愈引起社会各界的关注 ,本文利用月水文模型 ,采取假定气候方案 ,以黄河流域为例 ,分析了径流对气候变化的敏感性。结果表明 ,径流对降水变化的响应较气温变化显著 ;一般情况下 ,半干旱地区径流较半湿润地区对气候变化敏感 ,人类活动的影响可在一定程度上削弱径流对气候变化的敏感性  相似文献   

The response of the ocean’s meridional overturning circulation (MOC) to increased greenhouse gas forcing is examined using a coupled model of intermediate complexity, including a dynamic 3-D ocean subcomponent. Parameters are the increase in CO2 forcing (with stabilization after a specified time interval) and the model’s climate sensitivity. In this model, the cessation of deep sinking in the north “Atlantic” (hereinafter, a “collapse”), as indicated by changes in the MOC, behaves like a simple bifurcation. The final surface air temperature (SAT) change, which is closely predicted by the product of the radiative forcing and the climate sensitivity, determines whether a collapse occurs. The initial transient response in SAT is largely a function of the forcing increase, with higher sensitivity runs exhibiting delayed behavior; accordingly, high CO2-low sensitivity scenarios can be assessed as a recovering or collapsing circulation shortly after stabilization, whereas low CO2-high sensitivity scenarios require several hundred additional years to make such a determination. We also systemically examine how the rate of forcing, for a given CO2 stabilization, affects the ocean response. In contrast with previous studies based on results using simpler ocean models, we find that except for a narrow range of marginally stable to marginally unstable scenarios, the forcing rate has little impact on whether the run collapses or recovers. In this narrow range, however, forcing increases on a time scale of slow ocean advective processes results in weaker declines in overturning strength and can permit a run to recover that would otherwise collapse.  相似文献   

A version of the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) coupled climate model is integrated under current climate conditions and in a series of experiments with climate forcings ranging from modest to very strong. The purpose of the experiments is to investigate the nature and behaviour of the climate feedback/sensitivity of the model, its evolution with time and climate state, the robustness of model parameterizations as forcing levels increase, and the possibility of a “runaway” warming under strong forcing. The model is integrated for 50 years, or to failure, after increasing the solar constant by 2.5, 10, 15, 25, 35, and 45% of its control value. The model successfully completes 50 years of integration for the 2.5, 10, 15, and 25% solar constant increases but fails for increases of 35% and 45%. The effective global climate sensitivity evolves with time and analysis indicates that a new equilibrium will be obtained for the 2.5, 10, and 15% cases but that runaway warming is underway for the 25% increase in solar constant. Feedback processes are analysed both locally and globally in terms of longwave and shortwave, clear-sky/surface, and cloud forcing components. Feedbacks in the system must be negative overall and of sufficient strength to balance the positive forcing if the system is to attain a new equilibrium. Longwave negative feedback processes strengthen in a reasonably linear fashion as temperature increases but shortwave feedback processes do not. In particular, solar cloud feedback becomes less negative and, for the 25% forcing case, eventually becomes positive, resulting in temperatures that “run away”. The conditions under which a runaway climate warming might occur have previously been investigated using simpler models. For sufficiently strong forcing, the greenhouse effect of increasing water vapour in a warmer atmosphere is expected to overwhelm the negative feedback of the longwave cooling to space as temperature increases. This is not, however, the reason for the climate instability experienced in the GCM. Instead, the model experiences a “cloud feedback” warming whereby the decrease in cloudiness that occurs when temperature increases beyond a critical value results in an increased absorption of solar radiation by the system, leading to the runaway warming.  相似文献   

Fingerprint techniques for the detection of anthropogenic climate change aim to distinguish the climate response to anthropogenic forcing from responses to other external influences and from internal climate variability. All these responses and the characteristics of internal variability are typically estimated from climate model data. We evaluate the sensitivity of detection and attribution results to the use of response and variability estimates from two different coupled ocean atmosphere general circulation models (HadCM2, developed at the Hadley Centre, and ECHAM3/LSG from the MPI für Meteorologie and Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum). The models differ in their response to greenhouse gas and direct sulfate aerosol forcing and also in the structure of their internal variability. This leads to differences in the estimated amplitude and the significance level of anthropogenic signals in observed 50-year summer (June, July, August) surface temperature trends. While the detection of anthropogenic influence on climate is robust to intermodel differences, our ability to discriminate between the greenhouse gas and the sulfate aerosol signals is not. An analysis of the recent warming, and the warming that occurred in the first half of the twentieth century, suggests that simulations forced with combined changes in natural (solar and volcanic) and anthropogenic (greenhouse gas and sulfate aerosol) forcings agree best with the observations.  相似文献   

This study used “factor separation” to quantify the sensitivity of simulated present and future surface temperatures and precipitation to alternative regional climate model physics components. The method enables a quantitative isolation of the effects of using each physical component as well as the combined effect of two or more components. Simulation results are presented from eight versions of the Mesoscale Modeling System Version 5 (MM5), one-way nested within one version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies Atmosphere-Ocean Global Climate Model (GISS AOGCM). The MM5 simulations were made at 108 km grid spacing over the continental United States for five summers in the 1990s and 2050s. Results show that the choice of cumulus convection parameterization is the most important “factor” in the simulation of contemporary surface summer temperatures and precipitation over both the western and eastern USA. The choice of boundary layer scheme and radiation package also increases the range of model simulation results. Moreover, the alternative configurations give quite different results for surface temperature and precipitation in the 2050s. For example, simulated 2050s surface temperatures by the scheme with the coolest 1990s surface temperatures are comparable to 1990s temperatures produced by other schemes. The study analyzes the spatial distribution of 1990s to 2050s projected changes in the surface temperature for the eight MM5 versions. The predicted surface temperature change at a given grid point, averaged over all eight model configurations, is generally about twice the standard deviation of the eight predicted changes, indicating relative consensus among the different model projections. Factor separation analysis indicates that the choice of cumulus parameterization is the most important modeling factor amongst the three tested contributing to the computed 1990s to 2050s surface temperature change, although enhanced warming over many areas is also attributable to synergistic effects of changing all three model components. Simulated ensemble mean precipitation changes, however, are very small and generally smaller than the inter-model standard deviations. The MM5 versions therefore offer little consensus regarding 1990s to 2050s changes in precipitation rates.  相似文献   

The Pirin Mountains in southwest Bulgaria spatially mark a transition between the Mediterranean and temperate climate zones. Therefore they are also particularly relevant for research on high mountain climate and the effect of landscape transformation. Historical climate records gathered in the area have been researched, checked and statistically examined. The mountainous climate has been characterised and trends in the evolution of temperature and precipitation since 1931 have been outlined. There are objective evidences for an increasing annual mean temperature, longer vegetative periods and local droughts in spring and autumn. Significant changes also appear in climatic threshold values such as the number of frost change days. This last parameter is very important for the sustainability of mountainous ecosystems.  相似文献   

Responses of vegetation distribution to climate change in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Climate plays a crucial role in controlling vegetation distribution and climate change may therefore cause extended changes. A coupled biogeography and biogeochemistry model called BIOME4 was modified by redefining the bioclimatic limits of key plant function types on the basis of the regional vegetation–climate relationships in China. Compared to existing natural vegetation distribution, BIOME4 is proven more reliable in simulating the overall vegetation distribution in China. Possible changes in vegetation distribution were simulated under climate change scenarios by using the improved model. Simulation results suggest that regional climate change would result in dramatic changes in vegetation distribution. Climate change may increase the areas covered by tropical forests, warm-temperate forests, savannahs/dry woodlands and grasslands/dry shrublands, but decrease the areas occupied by temperate forests, boreal forests, deserts, dry tundra and tundra across China. Most vegetation in east China, specifically the boreal forests and the tropical forests, may shift their boundaries northwards. The tundra and dry tundra on the Tibetan Plateau may be progressively confined to higher elevation.  相似文献   

The potential CO2-induced impacts on the geographical shifts of wheat growth zones in China were studied from seven GCMs outputs. The wheat growth regions may move northward and westward under the condition of a doubling CO2 climate. The wheat cultivation features and variety types may also assume significant changes. Climatic warming would have a positive influence in Northeast China, but high temperature stress may be produced in some regions of central and southern China. Higher mean air temperatures during wheat growth, particularly during the reproductive stages, may increase the need for earlier-maturing and more heat-tolerant cultivars.  相似文献   

 The possible future impact of anthropogenic forcing upon the circulation of the Mediterranean, and the exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar is investigated using a Cox-type model of the Mediterranean at 0.25° × 0.25° resolution, forced by “control” and “greenhouse” scenarios provided by the HadCM2 coupled climate model. The current structure of the Mediterranean forced by the “control” climate is compared with observations: certain aspects of the present circulation are reproduced, but others are absent or incorrectly represented. Deficiencies are most probably due to weaknesses in the forcing climatology generated by the climate model, so some caution must be exercised in interpreting the enhanced greenhouse simulation. Comparison of the control and greenhouse scenarios suggests that deep-water production in the Mediterranean may be reduced or cease in the relatively near future. The results also suggest that the Mediterranean outflow, may become warmer and more saline, but less dense, and hence shallower. The volume of the exchange at the Strait of Gibraltar seems to be relatively insensitive to future climate change, however. Our results indicate that a parameterisation of Gibraltar exchange and Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) production may be able to provide adequate representation of the changes we observe for the purposes of the current generation of climate models. Received: 10 August 1998 / Accepted: 11 October 1999  相似文献   

Helge Bormann 《Climatic change》2011,104(3-4):729-753
Potential evapotranspiration models very often are important part of hydrological catchment models to calculate potential evapotranspiration (PET) which then is used to estimate actual evapotranspiration considering the soil moisture status. As many different approaches exist, the question arises in which way the choice of the PET model affects the impact of climate change on the calculated water balance? Therefore, 18 different PET models were compared with respect to their sensitivity to observed climate change. Long-term climate data of six German climate stations were used to identify changes in the climate data itself and changes in the calculated PET. The results show that all investigated PET models are sensitive to significant trends in climate data. However, it is also shown that all models show different sensitivities, and that the sensitivities cannot be grouped in terms of different types of PET models such as the aerodynamic concept, radiation or temperature based approaches and combination equations. Predominantly, the variability within a group of models of the same type is comparable to the variability between different model types. Therefore it can be concluded that PET models should be validated in a regional context before they are applied to a certain region within a climate change study despite the poor availability of long-term PET measurements.  相似文献   


This article analyses the national circumstances and major factors underpinning China's energy demand and supply, energy-related emissions, and consequently China's sustainable development. These factors include the huge, still growing, and aging population, rapid economic growth, ongoing industrialization and urbanization, environmental and health concerns at local, regional and global level. Against such background analysis, the article explores the potential and constraints of non-fossil fuel, fuel-switching to natural gas, economy restructuring and clean coal technology in mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and ensuring energy supply in China. The authors reiterate the importance of improving energy efficiency in China and discuss how to integrate renewable energy into rural development. The article concludes with an in-depth discussion about redefining development goals, the equity issue in climate change process, and the linkage with sustainable development.  相似文献   

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