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The characteristics of the disturbances in the atmosphere and oceans and in other stably stratified and rotating fluids are analyzed according to their phase and group velocities. It is shown that both stable stratification and rotation augment the velocity of the sound waves, and that the internal gravity waves and inertial waves are mutually exclusive when the Brunt-Väisälä frequency is different from the Coriolis parameter. It is also shown that both the barotropic and the internal Rossby waves are well separated from the gravity waves and that they can be represented accurately by the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation, even close to the equator, except for the one member withn=0 which is coupled with an eastward propagating gravity wave.  相似文献   

Summary The value of the electrical conductivity of the free atmosphere is inversely related to the concentration of nuclei. Measurements made with an airborne conductivity meter illustrates this effect. It was found that for these particular meteorological conditions a change of 47 nuclei/cm3 could be detected. It was also found that in one case nuclei from a smoke source were carried down wind for a distance of 400 miles. The concentration of nuclei varied from 14.6×103 nuclei/cm3 near the source to 1·3×103 at the distant location.This research was performed while the author was employed by USAF Cambridge Research Center, Bedford, Mass.  相似文献   

Summary Fundamental equations governing the forced response of the atmosphere to the fixed sources and sinks of heat and momentum are reviewed. Empirical forcing functions, computed from data for the winter of 1950, representing the effects only of the horizontal transient eddy transport field, are presented. These appear to be of the same order as is required to account for the observed mean conditions and, hence, should be included in the general theory of the mean state along with other diabatic and mechanical effects which have been considered previously.  相似文献   

IntroductionTime reversal effect is a kind of reversed dynamic process in a limited space or time interval, which can be realized artificially by resetting the boundary and loading conditions. In this case the time seems to be reversed and such effect therefore is called time reversal effect, which was first proposed in and applied to the field of ultrasonic. Although the focusing of ultrasonic wave has powerful effect, it is difficult to focus in an anisotropic or homogeneous medium. Fink (19…  相似文献   

Thermospheric behavior at high latitudes is well described at large spatial and long temporal scales by current thermospheric general circulation models. On the other hand, many small-scale horizontal and vertical motions observed from space and the ground do not appear in simulations by these models or in versions with a nested grid. This paper reviews small-scale motions which include strong vertical components and small-scale structures in the horizontal wind field. Synthesizing from available data sources, some general patterns of vertical wind disturbance are derived. These suggest that the variability often seen in observations of neutral wind and temperature at high latitudes can frequently be due to waves downstream of strong vertical disturbances. It is also concluded that since the general circulation models do not include the small-scale activity and its expected upward transport of molecular species, they must be underestimating the consequent ionospheric and radiant heat losses at F-region altitudes.  相似文献   

Many geophysical fields show highly intermittent fractal structures spanning wide ranges of scale. However, few are isotropic: texture, stratification, as well as variable (scale dependent) orientation of structures is far more common. To deal with such fractals, we must generalise the idea of scale invariance beyond the familiar self-similar (or even self-affine) notions. Taking the atmosphere as our primary example (however, we also model galaxies), we outline the necessary formalism (generalised scale invariance), and show how it can be used to deal with the strongly intermittent structures which result from multiplicative (cascade type) processes concentrating matter or energy into smaller and smaller scales.We illustrate these ideas with rain data from blotting paper and radar, showing first how to directly estimate the elliptical dimension characterising the stratification, and second, how to determine universal scale-independent (invariant) codimension functions that characterise the distribution of the intense rain regions.  相似文献   

Summary In this article, we present a scale analysis of planetary waves, extended long waves, and long waves. (We mean the extended long waves to be the disturbances whose east-west length is of order 106 m and north-south extension 107 m). We find for the extended long waves the two terms, the interaction between kinetic and available potential energy of the disturbances, and the interaction between the zonal mean available potential energy, and the eddy available potential energy, are of two orders of magnitude larger than the kinetic energy interaction between the disturbances and the associated zonal mean flow. This theoretical result concerning the relative importance of the various interaction terms may be of use in explaining the observational findings thus far available.It is also shown theoretically that the kinetic energy interaction between the planetary waves, the horizontal size of which is 107 m, and the long waves, whose horizontal size is 106 m, is of the same order as the interaction of kinetic energy between the zonal mean motion and the disturbances. This agrees fairly well with the observational estimates thus far obtained.  相似文献   

Simultaneous records of the diurnal variations in the quasistatic electric field in the near-Earth atmosphere, fluxes of discrete electromagnetic pulses in the VLF band, source azimuths, narrowband filter output emission intensity at frequencies of 4.65 and 5.3 kHz, and time forms and spectra of VLF pulses have been analyzed. The anomalous behavior of these parameters in October 2002 and August 2004 with different time delay was accompanied by earthquakes near the southeastern coast of Kamchatka at distances of 250–400 km from the registration points. Based on the results of a fine frequency-time analysis of the broadband records of VLF signals, it has been indicated for the first time that discrete electromagnetic pulses observed in anomalous fluxes before earthquakes were signals of local thunderstorm processes.  相似文献   

随着非常规致密砂岩气、页岩气藏的开采开发,压裂技术在储层改造中起着举足轻重的作用,而微地震监测技术是评价压裂施工效果的关键且即时的技术之一.根据微地震监测处理高精度地反演微震位置,从而预测压裂裂缝的发展趋势及区域,对压裂施工效果进行跟踪及评判,同时也为后期油气藏的开采和开发提供技术指导.定位精度直接影响地下裂缝的分布特征,错误或精度不高的定位结果,必将导致对裂缝趋势的误判.文章结合理论和数值模拟方法,对初至拾取精度的影响因素进行了分析,讨论初至误差对定位精度的影响.同时结合地层岩石物理特性、射孔资料对速度模型的校正、速度各向异性、地层倾角、多段压裂等因素,分析了这些因素对精细速度模型及定位精度的影响.最后结合定位方法本身所存在的局限,探讨反演方法及方位角对定位精度的影响.通过理论及数值模拟分析表明,初至误差、速度模型精度及定位方法对定位精度有着紧密关系,并将其归类为可控误差及系统误差,通过区别对待可控误差和系统误差,可最终为高精度微地震监测定位技术的研究及应用提供指导.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis is made to ascertain the effect of conductivity variation with temperature on the temperatures within the crust. It shows that this effect is very small and can safely be neglected.  相似文献   




Summary Geomagnetic storms belong to the most important phenomena of solar origin which affect the ionosphere and atmosphere. We study the responses of the lower ionosphere, middle stratospheric ozone, total ozone and the troposphere (vorticity area index at 500 hPa) to isolated and major geomagnetic storms. The expected positive effect is observed in the lower ionosphere. No observable effect is detected in the middle stratospheric ozone. An effect (not very significant) can be found in the total ozone and the troposphere.Contribution No, 109/90, Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model is proposed suitable for studying the effect of the ground layer of the atmosphere, polluted by aerosol, on the albedo. This model is founded on solving the equation of transfer of radiative energy. The numerical results are discussed, particular attention being paid to the analysis of errors due to neglecting the multiple reflection of solar radiation on the aerosol particles. A method which would also include the multiple reflection is proposed, and the conditions under which the presence of the aerosol is responsible for an increase or decrease of the solar radiation balance on the Earth's surface, are analysed.  相似文献   

The effect of the atmosphere on the propagation of single successive pulses of the ultrabroadband microwave emission has been calculated in detail. It has been indicated that nonlinear effects mainly influence the propagation of the LF pulse part in the absence of divergence, which substantially affects the propagation of the following pulses.  相似文献   

A new analysis of the isotope systematics of sulphide common leads can be made on the basis of examining the deriations of the data from a simple single-stage evolution. Δt, the age discrepancy between the single-stage lead model age and the geologic age, increases systematically from 3.8 Ga to the present. This trend appears to reflect an increase in the μ of the primitive mantle due to incorporation of a large portion of the earth's lead into the core, early in the earth's evolution. Leads associated with shale-hosted lead-zinc deposits show a rapid increase in Δt beginning at 2.5 to 2.0 Ga. This deviation of shale-hosted leads from the general trend is interpreted as a response to concentration of uranium in organic-rich shales subsequent to the evolution of an oxidizing atmosphere. Comparison of common leads in alkali feldspars with the volcanogenic sulphide data suggests that they have a similar evolution of Δt with time. Numerical simulations reveal that even substantial increases in real μ over the last 2.0 Ga are not reflected in significant increases in the single-stage model μs.  相似文献   

The longitudinal profile of atmospheric cascades is sensitive to the energy, mass of the primary particle and to atmospheric state. In this work are compared ionization yield functions Y for winter, summer and US standard profiles of Earth's atmosphere. The various profiles are obtained on the basis of CORSIKA 6.52 code simulations using FLUKA 2006 and QGSJET II hadronic interaction subroutines. The energy deposit of proton induced cascade processes in the atmosphere is calculated for different types of atmospheres. The ion pair production in the atmosphere and the contribution of the different shower components, precisely the electromagnetic, muon and hadronic is estimated according applied atmospheric types. In addition simulations with different hadronic interaction models GHEISHA 2002, FLUKA 2006 and QGSJET II are carried out. The ion pair production in the atmosphere and the contribution of different shower components is estimated according the assumed hadronic interaction models. The yield function Y for total ionization, respectively, for the different components is compared. The observed differences are widely discussed. General conclusion concerning the application of various atmospheric profiles and hadron interaction models is carried out.  相似文献   

The variations of the upper atmosphere air density during geomagnetic disturbances have been investigated by many authors. According to the analysis of satellite orbits, in most cases an increase in the air density may be observed when the indexA phas a maximum. Having ionospheric data from stations in Europe, Asia and Australia we might be able to study the global behaviour of the electron density in theF 2 region during such geomagnetic disturbances when an increase of the air density had been observed. In these cases we found, that at the peak of the ionospheric layer, the electron density decreased 0–3 days later than theA pmaximum.  相似文献   

Summary The time-average, or «stationary», state of the atmosphere can be regarded as a forced response to large-scale transient eddy transports of heat and momentum, as well as to fixed sources and sinks of heat and momentum resulting from small-scale transient eddy processes, non-adiabatic processes (e. g., radiation and phase transformations), topography, and friction. Perturbation equations governing this response are derived and a program of research based on the equations is proposed.  相似文献   

The results of many-year studies of production destruction processes in the Mozhaisk Reservoir are used to examine their specific features in extremely dry years. It is shown that the processes of organic matter formation and destruction in the reservoir are more active when water level is low. Variations in the intensity of production-destruction processes in all phases of synoptic cycle are analyzed (during cooling, cold, heating, and warm). Changes in weather conditions are shown to be accompanied by phytocenosis restructuring. Fine-cell phytoplankton forms are shown to dominate in phytocenosis composition when water level in the reservoir is extremely low.  相似文献   

The parameters describing the state of the geological medium include its response to the continuous external impacts, which characterizes the structure of the medium and the stresses accumulated in it. In the present paper, through analyzing the long time series of the volumetric strain monitoring data in the nearsurface crustal layer, which were obtained by the American geophysicists under the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) project within the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas fault, the time behavior of the volumetric strain response to the separate components of the tides and the air pressure impacts is considered.  相似文献   

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