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Ground-based remote sensing systems have been used during the ESCOMPTE campaign, to continuously characterize the boundary-layer behaviour through many atmospheric parameters (wind, extinction and ozone concentration distribution, reflectivity, turbulence). This analysis is focused on the comparison of the atmospheric stratification retrieved from a UV angular ozone lidar, an Ultra High Frequency wind profiler and a sodar, above the area of Marseille, on June 26th 2001 (Intensive Observation Period 2b). The atmospheric stratification is shown to be very complex including two superimposed sea breezes, with an important contribution of advection. The temporal and spatial evolution of the stratification observed by the UV lidar and by the UHF radar are in good agreement although the origin of the echoes of these systems is quite different. The complexity of the dynamic situation has only partially been retrieved by a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model used with a 3 km resolution.  相似文献   

利用湍流动能闭合方法对区域气候模式RegCM3中的边界层参数化方案进行了改进,然后利用中国东部典型旱、涝年资料进行了改进效果对比试验,并着重分析了边界层参数化方案改进对陆气相互作用的影响,结果表明:采用湍流动能闭合方法可以更合理的描述边界层的高度及其日变化,较为真实地描述边界层的物理过程,使得陆—气间通量及大气各层垂直...  相似文献   

WRF模式边界层参数化方案对西南低涡模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
刘晓冉  李国平 《气象科学》2014,34(2):162-170
应用中尺度数值模式WRF(V3.3版本)选用4种行星边界层参数化方案(YSU、ACM2、MYJ和NOPBL)对2011年6月16—18日造成强降水的西南低涡过程进行敏感性试验,对比分析不同边界层参数化方案对西南低涡过程模拟的影响。模拟结果表明:4种边界层参数化方案均能较好地模拟出西南低涡以及暴雨带的东移,其中YSU方案对低涡路径、强度及降水的总体模拟效果最好。YSU和ACM2方案,与MYJ和NOPBL方案相比,模拟的低涡中心区域正涡度柱和垂直上升运动较强,达到的垂直高度更高。造成这种差异的主要原因是对边界层上的夹卷效应以及垂直混合作用考虑的不同。不考虑边界层作用的NOPBL方案模拟的地表风速异常偏大,造成地表热通量明显偏强、边界层高度偏高。YSU、ACM2和MYJ 3种方案模拟的边界层高度和热通量的日变化比较一致,夜间基本维持少变,白天变化大,其中MYJ模拟的边界层高度和热通量较大,ACM2模拟的较小。地表风速是造成热量输送以及边界层高度模拟差异的主要因子。  相似文献   

利用北京地区2017年11月至2018年1月连续3个月的激光雷达资料和无线电探空数据,按照清洁天、污染天和多云天3种天气条件,对大气边界层高度的计算方法和结果进行对比分析。结果表明,基于激光雷达消光系数的梯度法、标准差法和小波法都能够较好地提取边界层高度。清洁天标准差法计算的边界层高度高于梯度法和小波法,08:00(当地时间,下同)和20:00由无线电探空得到的清洁天边界层高度平均值分别为1176 m和1224 m。污染天标准差法的计算结果要低于梯度法和小波法,污染天无线电探空得到的边界层高度平均值约为956 m,和清洁天相比降低了两百多米,重污染时最低降低至562 m,逆温层高度和PM2.5浓度具有明显的反相关关系。有云时,梯度法和小波法确定的边界层高度和云高非常接近,标准差法计算的结果略低。总体而言,气溶胶激光雷达计算的边界层高度随着污染等级的提高没有明显的降低趋势,相反在重度污染情况下反而有所增加,这可能是由于污染物的不断堆积导致的。梯度法确定的边界层高度易受到污染物传输过程的影响,略高于逆温层高度。另外,激光雷达确定的边界层高度受到残留层影响时,也会高于逆温层。  相似文献   

张杰  张强  李俊 《气象学报》2010,68(2):207-216
采用MODIS资料和美国发展的MODIS大气温、湿度廓线统计反演算法,估算大气温度、湿度廓线作为初始场,应用101层快速透过率模式(PFAAST)估算了大气透过率,并采用Newton非线性迭代算法反演中国西北荒漠戈壁地区大气温度廓线。结果表明:该方法对边界层高度及以上部分的大气温度反演得比较好,误差基本都在2 K范围内,边界层范围内的温度反演误差较大,反演误差与气溶胶光学厚度增量和地表温度估算误差呈显著正相关关系,与大气水汽混合比的关系较差。文中从敏感性试验和理论分析角度阐述了地表温度和气溶胶光学厚度估算误差对大气温度反演误差的影响,发现不同光谱波段的地表温度权重均随地表温度的增加有不同程度增加,地表温度反演误差增加将增加地表温度权重,提高地表温度估算误差有助于提高地表温度权重的精度;荒漠戈壁地区大气边界层中气溶胶浓度较高,光学厚度较大,使边界层大气透过率降低,进而降低卫星红外遥感波段的地表温度权重和空气温度权重。由于该模式没有很好地考虑边界层中沙尘气溶胶的影响,使卫星反演的大气透过率偏高,以至于高估地表温度权重和大气温度权重,使得反演的表面温度和空气温度偏低。该研究结合太阳光度计获得的光学厚度资料,采用统计方法对气溶胶效应引起的大气透过率误差和表面温度估算误差进行校正,并对物理算法进行本地化改进,实现了边界层温度廓线的反演。  相似文献   

不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候模拟的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用WRF v3.2.1中尺度预报模式和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比研究了WRF模式中5个不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候的模拟效果。结果表明:WRF模式对各边界层参数化方案均较为敏感,采用不同的边界层参数化方案对模拟区域内的夏季降水、气温、环流等气候要素均可产生明显影响。选取MYJ方案和QNSE方案对500 h Pa夏季平均环流的模拟效果较好,YSU方案和QNSE方案对夏季平均日降水量模拟与再分析资料更吻合,YSU方案和MYNN2.5方案对中国东部2 m气温的模拟结果较好。不同边界层参数化方案模拟结果都显示出由于副热带高压偏强,使副热带高压第2次北跳后停留时间过短,导致长江中下游降水偏少,华北地区降水增多。通过比较YSU和QNSE边界层方案,发现YSU方案相比QNSE方案的降水差异,是由于850 h Pa水汽输送造成的。在中国大部分地区YSU方案的2 m温度比QNSE方案高,并且地面2 m气温和降水存在一定对应关系。因此合理选取边界层参数化方案可以提高数值模拟的准确性。  相似文献   

In this paper we present the lidar study of the atmospheric boundary layer using the City University of Hong Kong lidar system. Three cases of determination of the entrainment zone thickness and the mixed layer depth in the atmospheric boundary layer over Hong Kong were selected for detailed study. The data collected have been analysed using the visual inspection method and the Steyn et al. [J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 16 (1999) 953] detection method. During the cold front passage, the mixed layer depth stayed at the level almost constant over the transition period, and the entrainment zone was thickening at a steady entrainment rate.  相似文献   

A key question of the backward integration algorithm to lidar equation is how to determine the far-end boundary value. This paper develops a Constraint Inversion Algorithm (CIA) for deriving the value and then the aerosol extinction profile from lidar signals, which uses the ground-level horizontal lidar signals as the constraint information. The smaller the wavelength is, the more sensitive to the variation of aerosol ex-tinction to backscatter ratio solved by CIA. According to the property an algorithm is further proposed to simultaneously retrieve the aerosol extinction profile, the size distribution and the imaginary part of its re-flective index from the multi-wavelength lidar observations. CIA is tested in the inversion simulations with satisfactory result.  相似文献   

Aerosol optical parameters, polarized phase function and single-scattering albdeo, have been retrieved from ground-based sun photometer measurements in Beijing 2003. The measured aerosol optical thickness varies from 0.12 to 0.77 with an average value of 0.39. The measured Ångström coefficient ranges from 0.75 to 1.47 with an average value of 1.21. The retrieved single-scattering albedo at 870 nm is within the 0.76–0.94 range and the average value is 0.85, suggests there are considerable aerosol absorptions in Beijing. The maximum value of retrieved polarized phase function at 870 nm ranges from 0.068 to 0.225 with an average value of 0.16, and it illustrates good correlations with the Ångström coefficient, i.e. the relative size of aerosol particles. Analyses of measurements and theoretical calculations show the polarized phase function is sensitive to aerosol size distribution and complex refractive index, especially the imaginary part of the refractive index which denotes aerosol light absorbing effects. These results suggest that the polarized phase function is an effective and unique aerosol optical parameter and is able to improve the retrieval of aerosol physical properties.  相似文献   

荒漠绿洲边界层结构的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
陆-气相互作用和中小尺度天气系统的研究中,水平不均匀边界层和水平不均匀地表的强迫作用都是重要的物理过程.本文用已建立的陆面过程与大气边界层耦合模式(BLCM),较详细地研究了草地周围为荒漠(半沙漠)的地表植被不均匀而造成的边界层结构特征和局地环流及其昼夜变化.通过边界层顶影响自由大气不同尺度的运动.模式结果揭示出最强的上升和下沉运动是发生在荒漠-草地间动力和热力不连续的界面附近,且呈现出不对称性.  相似文献   

本文主要利用第一次“中美热带西太平洋海气相互作用联合调查”所获得的海洋水文、气象及大气探测资料,分析了热带西太平洋暖水区边界层大气层结特征,指出热带西太平洋边界层大气具有多层结构和多层送温现象,边界层内各层厚度及气温、位温、混合比随高度的变化趋势如下:超绝热层位于地面以上50m左右,气温、位温、混合比迅速减小,系绝热不稳定层;第一层为混合层,平均厚度为351m,位温、混合比变化不明显;混合层上又是逆温层大多为30—100m厚,位温迅速增大,混合比迅速减小,系绝对稳定层;700—1000m为浅对流云活跃层,  相似文献   

A model of the evolution of the nocturnal stable boundary layer height, based on the heat conservation equation for a turbulent flow, is presented. This model is valid for nights with weak winds and little cloudiness in rural areas. The model includes an expression of vertical profile of potential temperature within the boundary layer, which is obtained using micrometeorological information from Prairie Grass, Wangara and O'Neill Projects. The expression turned out to be a second-grade polynomial of the dimensionless height of the nocturnal stable boundary layer. The resulting model is a function of the Monin–Obukhov length, the surface potential temperature of air and the roughness length. This model was satisfactorily compared with micrometeorological data. It was applied at three stations of Argentina, using surface hourly meteorological information. From the results that were obtained, the monthly average values of the stable boundary layer thickness were analysed. The maximum monthly average values occur during the cold season and the minimum ones take place during the hot season. It was observed that the monthly average thickness increases with latitude.  相似文献   

大气边界层高度确定及应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气边界层高度是表征边界层特征的重要参量,影响边界层内水热、物质、能量的垂直分布,也是数值模拟、环境评估中的重要参数。从湍流运动、热力作用、动力作用以及物质分布等多视角总结了大气边界层高度的定义及确定方法,回顾了采用直接观测手段和遥感手段确定大气边界层高度的不同方法,对比了大气边界层高度不同获取手段的优缺点,梳理了大气边界层高度参数化方案,探讨了大气边界层高度确定中存在的问题,并提出未来相关研究和应用可能突破方向。  相似文献   

The planetary boundary layer (PBL) over the Indian Antarctic station, Maitri (70.7° S; 11.7° E; 120 m asl) has been studied using a monostatic acoustic sounder. Acoustic sounder records reveal that the Antarctic PBL remains stably stratified throughout the year except for some periods in the peak summer months. The summertime PBL exhibits a diurnal variation with ground-based inversions developing at night and the convective plumes occurring during the peak sunlight hours. The cyclonic inflow of warm oceanic air towards the continent's interior from the coast helps in the development of the elevated layers and the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves observed on the sodar records.  相似文献   

The paper describes a stationary model of the boundary layer of a large-scale vortex. The model takes into account two types of nonlinearities: (1) advection of the momentum and centrifugal accelerations, that is related to large values of the Rossby number; (2) a nonlinear turbulent friction on the lower boundary (generally speaking, not only quadratic, but also more complicated). Nevertheless, the model may be studied analytically. This approach allows discovery and analysis of several universal regularities, which are not revealed by numerical modeling. The model provides the actual values for the speed of the surface wind and the angle of cross-isobar surface flow in the tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

大气边界层高度是天气、气候、大气环境研究中的一个重要参数,目前尚缺少基于激光雷达探测系统反演全天边界层高度的有效方法。文中利用北京朝阳站、大兴站的激光云高仪数据,首先评估了梯度法、标准偏差法、曲线拟合法和小波协方差法反演边界层高度的适用性和局限性,发现梯度法容易受环境噪声的影响,曲线拟合法稳定性较好,但在夜间弱湍流条件下会将残留层高度误判为夜间边界层高度。提出两步曲线拟合法,将一天中边界层结构划分为白天的对流边界层、夜间的残留层和稳定边界层,通过用不同的理想曲线对其进行两步拟合,获取全天边界层高度的变化。将两步曲线拟合法的反演结果与基于L波段探空雷达的位温梯度法的探测结果进行比较发现:两者相关系数为0.91,证明了两步曲线拟合法的可行性以及激光云高仪探测边界层高度的应用潜力。采用该方法反演2017年5—6月朝阳站与大兴站边界层高度,对比发现:城区特殊的下垫面性质使朝阳站日间对流边界层发展更早,边界层高度更高,全天朝阳站边界层高度的变化在308—1391 m,大兴站在197—1302 m。  相似文献   

A bulk model for the atmospheric planetary boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The integrated momentum and thermodynamic equations through the planetary boundary layer (PBL) are solved numerically to predict the mean changes of wind and potential temperature from which surface fluxes are computed using bulk transfer coefficients of momentum and heat. The second part of the study involves a formulation and testing of a PBL height model based on the turbulent energy budget equation where turbulent fluxes of wind and heat are considered as the source of energy. The model exhibits capability of predicting the PBL height development for both stable and unstable regimes of observed conditions. Results of the model agree favourably with those of Deardorff's (1974a) and Tennekes' (1973) models in convective conditions.Contribution number 396.  相似文献   

利用COSMIC掩星资料研究青藏高原地区大气边界层高度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周文  杨胜朋  蒋熹  郭启云 《气象学报》2018,76(1):117-133
以往关于青藏高原边界层的研究都是基于个别站点的常规观测,对青藏高原边界层的整体性认识受限。GPS掩星资料具有测量精度高和垂直分辨率高的特性,其廓线中含有大量有价值的边界层信息。利用2007—2013年COSMIC掩星资料,通过计算大气折射率最小梯度来确定边界层高度,并用无线电探空资料对结果进行了检验。在此基础上,对青藏高原地区边界层高度的特征及其形成机制展开了研究,比较了COSMIC掩星确定的边界层高度和ERA-Int的差别,讨论了最小梯度法用于边界层研究的不确定性。结果表明:青藏高原上COSMIC掩星和无线电探空数据检测的边界层高度相关系数为0.786,平均值偏差为0.049 km,均方根误差为0.363 km,COSMIC掩星数据检测的边界层高度和无线电探空的结果非常接近。青藏高原上边界层高度呈现西高东低的分布特征,高原中西部边界层高度主要为1.8—2.3 km,而高原东部边界层为1.4—1.8 km,最大值在高原西南部。青藏高原地区边界层有明显的季节差异,冬季高原上大部分地区边界层高度超过2.0 km;春季大部分地区高度降低,但在受印度季风影响的高原南部有明显的抬升,最大值可超过3.0 km;夏季高原上边界层高度开始升高,大部分地区超过1.8 km;秋季又开始回落。青藏高原以北塔克拉玛干沙漠和高原以南印度季风活动区是两个高值区,北部的沙漠地区边界层高度在夏季最高,南部印度季风活动区在季风爆发前(4月)达到全年最大值。青藏高原中西部地区有水平风辐合以及广泛的上升运动,为边界层的发展提供了动力条件,而东部的下沉运动对边界层的发展有抑制作用。青藏高原边界层各个季节的空间分布与地表感热通量分布一致。COSMIC掩星资料确定的边界层高度和ERA-Int相比,空间分布基本一致但ERA-Int边界层高度明显偏低。当有系统性强逆温存在的时候,或者云中液态水或冰水含量较大时,用最小梯度法检测的边界层高度不确定性增加。   相似文献   

用11年的全球无线电掩星数据(COSMIC),无线电探空数据(IGRA)以及欧洲中心再分析资料(ERA-Interim)对全球大气边界层高度(PBLH)进行估算比较.结果表明:(1)在1200 UTC和0000 UTC,由ERA-Interim和IGRA数据估算得到的全球PBLH空间分布较为一致,相关性较好,在白天正午...  相似文献   

Aerosol depolarization ratio and aerosol optical depth (AOD) were measured at Chungli (24.58° N, 121.1° E), Taiwan during the period from 2002–2004. The depolarization ratios of background aerosol have values mostly less than 0.06. The maximum AOD in the altitude range of 0.7 to 2km occurs in the summer (June–August) while between 2 and 5km, the spring (March–May) shows the maximum. The former is mainly related to strong convection and humidity; however the latter is due to anthropogenic aerosols transported from East China and Southeast Asia based on calculations of backward trajectories. This seasonal variation of AOD inferred from different transport mechanisms and aerosol compositions which are supported by the height distributions of aerosol extinction and origins.  相似文献   

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