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Abstract The majority of the carbonaceous chondrite clasts found in howardites, eucrites and diogenites are CM2 material, a lesser proportion is CR2 material, and other rare types are present. A single clast that was found on the Moon and called the Bench Crater meteorite is apparently shocked CM1 material. The CM2 clasts are matrix supported mixtures of olivine-pyroxene-phyllosilicate-sulfide bearing aggregates, loose olivines and pyroxenes, sulfides, carbonates, and sinuous spinel-phyllosilicate-diopside calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs). Magnetite and metal are rare. Some aggregates have fine-grained rims of material resembling matrix. The opaque, fine-grained matrix consists predominantly of serpentine of extremely variable composition and sulfides; tochilinite is occasionally present. The trace element data for one Jodzie clast from this study and the average of similar clasts from Kapoeta support a CM classification; volatiles are depleted relative to CI and enriched relative to CR material. The CR2 clasts are found (in small numbers) in only four howardites: Bholghati, Jodzie, Kapoeta and Y793497. Petrographically, they are matrix-supported mixtures of olivine aggregates (sometimes containing sulfides), loose olivines, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, low-Ca pyroxene (minor), hedenbergite (rare), kamacite (rare and only found within olivine), Ca-carbonates and abundant magnetite framboids and plaquets. Phyllosilicates are fine-grained and largely confined to matrix; they are mixtures of serpentine and saponite. The matrix of CR2 clasts also contains pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chromite and a significant fraction of poorly-crystalline material with the same bulk composition as matrix phyllosilicate. There is evidence of heating in a substantial number of clasts, both CM2 and CR2, including: (1) corrugated serpentine flakes, (2) pseudomorphs of anhydrous ferromagnesian material after flaky phyllosilicates, and (3) hedenbergite rims on calcite. While the timing of the hedenbergite rims is debatable, the destruction of phyllosilicates clearly occurred at a late stage, plausibly during impact onto the HED asteroid(s) and Moon, and required peak heating temperatures on the order of 400 °C. We note that in general, CM2 material was the most common carbonaceous chondrite lithology impacting the HED asteroids (with howardites and eucrites taken together), as it is for the Earth today. A total of 61 out of 75 carbonaceous chondrite clasts from HED meteorites belong to the CM clan, petrologic grade 2. This is also supported by published siderophile and volatile element data on howardites, eucrites and diogenites that are taken to indicate that CM-like materials were the most common impactors on the HED asteroid(s). The ratio of CR/CM clasts in HED asteroids is essentially the same as for modern falls at Earth. This may indicate that the ratio of disaggregated CM2 to CR2 asteroidal material has been approximately constant through the history of the solar system. Finally, our results are also compatible with type-2 carbonaceous chondrites being equivalent to or from the same source as the material that originally accreted to form the HED asteroid.  相似文献   

David Parry Rubincam   《Icarus》2007,192(2):460-468
Photon thrust from shape alone can produce quasi-secular changes in an asteroid's orbital elements. An asteroid in an elliptical orbit with a north–south shape asymmetry can steadily alter its elements over timescales longer than one orbital trip about the Sun. This thrust, called here orbital YORP (YORP = Yarkovsky–O'Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack), operates even in the absence of thermal inertia, which the Yarkovsky effects require. However, unlike the Yarkovsky effects, which produce secular orbital changes over millions or billions of years, the change in an asteroid's orbital elements from orbital YORP operates only over the precession timescale of the orbit or of the asteroid's spin axis; this is generally only thousands or tens of thousands of years. Thus while the orbital YORP timescale is too short for an asteroid to secularly journey very far, it is long enough to warrant investigation with respect to 99942 Apophis, which might conceivably impact the Earth in 2036. A near-maximal orbital YORP effect is found by assuming Apophis is without thermal inertia and is shaped like a hemisphere, with its spin axis lying in the orbital plane. With these assumptions orbital YORP can change its along-track position by up to ±245 km, which is comparable to Yarkovsky effects. Though Apophis' shape, thermal properties, and spin axis orientation are currently unknown, the practical upper and lower limits are liable to be much less than the ±245 km extremes. Even so, the uncertainty in position is still likely to be much larger than the 0.5 km “keyhole” Apophis must pass through during its close approach in 2029 in order to strike the Earth in 2036.  相似文献   

Abstract— NWA 1950 is a new lherzolitic shergottite recently recovered from Morocco and is the first sample of this group found outside Antarctica. Major constituent phases of NWA 1950 are olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase glass (“maskelynite”) and the rock shows a two distinct textures: poikilitic and non‐poikilitic typical of lherzolitic shergottites. In poikilitic areas, several‐millimeter‐sized pyroxene oikocrysts enclose cumulus olivine and chromite. In contrast, pyroxenes are much smaller in non‐poikilitic areas, and olivine and plagioclase glass are more abundant. Olivine in non‐poikilitic areas is more Fe‐rich (Fa29–31) and shows a narrower distribution than that in poikilitic areas (Fa23–29). Pyroxenes in non‐poikilitic areas are also more Fe‐rich than those in poikilitic areas that show continuous chemical zoning suggesting fractional crystallization under a closed system. These observations indicate that pyroxene in non‐poikilitic areas crystallized from evolved interstitial melts and olivine was re‐equilibrated with such melts. NWA 1950 shows similar mineralogy and petrology to previously known lherzolitic shergottites (ALH 77005, LEW 88516, Y‐793605 and GRV 99027) that are considered to have originated from the same igneous body on Mars. Olivine composition of NWA 1950 is intermediate between those of ALH 77005‐GRV 99027 and those of LEW 88516‐Y‐793605, but is rather similar to ALH 77005 and GRV 99027. The subtle difference of mineral chemistry (especially, olivine composition) can be explained by different degrees of re‐equilibration compared to other lherzolitic shergottites, perhaps due to different location in the same igneous body. Thus, NWA 1950 experienced a high degree of re‐equilibration, similar to ALH 77005 and GRV 99027.  相似文献   

Abstract— Widespread evidence exists for heating that caused melting, thermal metamorphism, and aqueous alteration in meteorite parent bodies. Previous simulations of asteroid heat transfer have assumed that accretion was instantaneous. For the first time, we present a thermal model that assumes a realistic (incremental) accretion scenario and takes into account the heat budget produced by decay of 26Al during the accretion process. By modeling 6 Hebe (assumed to be the H chondrite parent body), we show that, in contrast to results from instantaneous accretion models, an asteroid may reach its peak temperature during accretion, the time at which different depth zones within the asteroid attain peak metamorphic temperatures may increase from the center to the surface, and the volume of high‐grade material in the interior may be significantly less than that of unmetamorphosed material surrounding the metamorphic core. We show that different times of initiation and duration of accretion produce a spectrum of evolutionary possibilities, and thereby, highlight the importance of the accretion process in shaping an asteroid's thermal history. Incremental accretion models provide a means of linking theoretical models of accretion to measurable quantities (peak temperatures, cooling rates, radioisotope closure times) in meteorites that were determined by their thermal histories.  相似文献   

An obstacle to the asteroid mass determination lies in the difficulty in isolating the gravitational perturbation exerted by a single asteroid on the planets, being strongly correlated and mixed up with those of many other asteroids. This hindrance may be avoided by the method of analysis presented here: an asteroid mass is estimated in correspondence with its close encounters with Mars where the acceleration it induces on the planet can be sufficiently disentangled from those generated by the remaining asteroid masses to calculate. We test this technique in the analysis of range observations to Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express performed from 1999 to 2007. For this purpose, we adopt the dynamical model of the planetary ephemeris INPOP06 (Fienga et al., 2008), which includes the gravitational influences of the 300 most perturbing asteroids of the Martian orbit. We obtain the solutions of 10 asteroid masses that have the largest effects on this orbit over the period examined: they are generally in good agreement with determinations recently published.  相似文献   

The outcomes of asteroid collisional evolution are presently unclear: are most asteroids larger than 1 km size gravitational aggregates reaccreted from fragments of a parent body that was collisionally disrupted, while much smaller asteroids are collisional shards that were never completely disrupted? The 16 km mean diameter S-type asteroid 433 Eros, visited by the NEAR mission, has surface geology consistent with being a fractured shard. A ubiquitous fabric of linear structural features is found on the surface of Eros and probably indicates a globally consolidated structure beneath its regolith cover. Despite the differences in absolute scale and in lighting conditions for NEAR and Hayabusa, similar features should have been found on 25143 Itokawa if present. This much smaller, 320 m diameter S-asteroid was visited by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Comparative analyses of Itokawa and Eros geology reveal fundamental differences, and interpretation of Eros geology is illuminated by comparison with Itokawa. Itokawa lacks a global lineament fabric, and its blocks, craters, and regolith may be inconsistent with formation and evolution as a fractured shard, unlike Eros. An object as small as Itokawa can form as a rubble pile, while much larger Eros formed as a fractured shard. Itokawa is not a scaled-down Eros, but formed by catastrophic disruption and reaccumulation.  相似文献   

We propose a numerical method for quick evaluation of the probability that an asteroid will collide with a planet. The method is based on linear mappings of an expected moment of a close approach of the asteroid to the planet and the detection of collisions of the virtual objects with the massive body. The standard way for solving the problem of estimating the collision probability consists in simulating the evolution of the uncertainty cloud numerically based on the stepwise integration of virtual orbits. This is naturally associated with huge processor time costs. The proposed method is tested using the examples of the 2011 AG5 and 2007 VK184 asteroids that are presently in the top of the list of the most dangerous celestial objects. The test results show that linear mappings allow one to obtain the estimates of probabilities quicker by several orders than numerical integration of all virtual orbits.  相似文献   

Attitude stability of spacecraft subjected to the gravity gradient torque in a central gravity field has been one of the most fundamental problems in space engineering since the beginning of the space age. Over the last two decades, the interest in asteroid missions for scientific exploration and near-Earth object hazard mitigation is increasing. In this paper, the problem of attitude stability is generalized to a rigid spacecraft on a stationary orbit around a uniformly-rotating asteroid. This generalized problem is studied via the linearized equations of motion, in which the harmonic coefficients $C_{20}$ and $C_{22}$ of the gravity field of the asteroid are considered. The necessary conditions of stability of this conservative system are investigated in detail with respect to three important parameters of the asteroid, which include the harmonic coefficients $C_{20}$ and $C_{22}$ , as well as the ratio of the mean radius to the radius of the stationary orbit. We find that, due to the significantly non-spherical shape and the rapid rotation of the asteroid, the attitude stability domain is modified significantly in comparison with the classical stability domain predicted by the Beletskii–DeBra–Delp method on a circular orbit in a central gravity field. Especially, when the spacecraft is located on the intermediate-moment principal axis of the asteroid, the stability domain can be totally different from the classical stability domain. Our results are useful for the design of attitude control system in the future asteroid missions.  相似文献   

Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) meteorite 94204 is an anomalous enstatite meteorite whose petrogenesis has been ascribed to either partial melting or impact melting. We studied the meteorite pairs QUE 94204, 97289/97348, 99059/99122/99157/99158/99387, and Yamato (Y)‐793225; these were previously suggested to represent a new grouplet. We present new data for mineral abundances, mineral chemistries, and siderophile trace element compositions (of Fe,Ni metal) in these meteorites. We find that the texture and composition of Y‐793225 are related to EL6, and that this meteorite is unrelated to the QUEs. The mineralogy and siderophile element compositions of the QUEs are consistent with petrogenesis from an enstatite chondrite precursor. We caution that potential re‐equilibration during melting and recrystallization of enstatite chondrite melt‐rocks make it unreliable to use mineral chemistries to assign a specific parent body affinity (i.e., EH or EL). The QUEs have similar mineral chemistries among themselves, while slight variations in texture and modal abundances exist between them. They are dominated by inclusion‐bearing millimeter‐sized enstatite (average En99.1–99.5) with interstitial spaces filled predominantly by oligoclase feldspar (sometimes zoned), kamacite (Si approximately 2.4 wt%), troilite (≤2.4 wt% Ti), and cristobalite. Siderophile elements that partition compatibly between solid metal and liquid metal are not enriched like in partial melt residues Itqiy and Northwest Africa (NWA) 2526. We find that the modal compositions of the QUEs are broadly unfractionated with respect to enstatite chondrites. We conclude that a petrogenesis by impact melting, not partial melting, is most consistent with our observations.  相似文献   

The multi-frequency light curves of BL Lacertae during 1997.5 – 1999.5 have been modeled by four outbursts,each having a 3-stage evolution in the (S m,νm) plane with distinct rising–plateau–decaying phases.It is shown that the observed light curves can be well fitted for the eight frequencies from 350GHz to 4.8GHz.The main characteristics of the model-fitting are: (1) the outbursts are found to have very flat spectra with an optically thin spectral index α (defined as Sν∝ν-α) of about 0.15.This is consisten...  相似文献   

We characterize the morphology of the photometric phase curve model of an asteroid with a threeparameter magnitude phase function H-G_1-G_2 system by considering the effect of brightness variation arising from a triaxial ellipsoid representing the asteroid's shape.Applying this new model and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method,we refine the photometric phase curve of asteroid(107) Camilla and obtain its absolute magnitude H=7.026_(-0.054)~(+0.052) mag,and phase function parameters G_1=0.489_(-0.044)~(+0.043) and G_2=0.259_(-0.023)~(+0.023).Meanwhile,we also determine(107) Camilla's orientation of pole(74.1°_(-4.5°)~(+4.3°),50.2°_(-5.0°)~(+5.4°)with rotational period of 4.843928_(-0.000001)~(+0.000001)h,and axial ratios a/b=1.409_(-0.020)~(+0.020) and b/c=1.249_(-0.060)~(+0.063).Furthermore,according to the values of phase function parameters G_1 and G_2,we infer that asteroid(107)Camilla is an X-type asteroid.  相似文献   

In the gravity field of an asteroid with the second order and degree harmonics C 20 and C 22, the attitude stability of a spacecraft with two flexible solar arrays on a stationary orbit subjected to the fourth-order gravity gradient torque is investigated in this paper. The sufficient conditions of attitude stability of the spacecraft are obtained, the effect of the direction of the flexible solar arrays and some special cases are discussed. Taking the asteroids 4769 Castalia, 25143 Itokawa and the imaginary asteroids as examples, the attitude stability domains, determined by the sufficient conditions, of the spacecrafts moving on stationary orbits around them are presented. It is found that the attitude stability domains of the spacecraft with two flexible solar arrays are evidently different when the solar arrays are installed in different directions; the effect of the harmonics C 20 and C 22 of the asteroids has the significant influence on the attitude stability domains of the spacecrafts with flexible appendages moving on stationary orbits; in the certain case, the effect of the harmonics C 20 and C 22 of the asteroids has no influence on the attitude stability domains of the rigid spacecrafts moving on stationary orbits, but in the other cases, the effect of the harmonics C 20 and C 22 of the asteroids has also the significant influence on the attitude stability domains of the rigid spacecrafts moving on stationary orbits; whether the harmonics C 20 and C 22 of the asteroids are considered or not, the effect of flexible appendages decreases the attitude stability domains.  相似文献   

Near Earth Asteroids have a possibility of impacting the Earth and always represent a threat. This paper proposes a way of changing the orbit of the asteroid to avoid an impact. A solar sail evolving in an H-reversal trajectory is utilized for asteroid deflection. Firstly, the dynamics of the solar sail and the characteristics of the H-reversal trajectory are analyzed. Then, the attitude of the solar sail is optimized to guide the sail to impact the target asteroid along an H-reversal trajectory. The impact...  相似文献   

Based on data for twelve recently discovered outer satellites of Saturn, we investigate their orbital evolution on long time scales. For our analysis, we use the previously obtained general solution of Hill’s double-averaged problem, which was refined for libration orbits, and numerical integration of the averaged system of equations in elements with allowance for Saturn’s orbital evolution. The following basic quantitative parameters of evolving orbits are determined: extreme eccentricities and inclinations, as well as circulation periods of the pericenter arguments and of the longitudes of the ascending nodes. For four new satellite orbits, we have revealed the libration pattern of variations in pericenter arguments and determined the ranges and periods of their variations. Based on characteristic features of the orbits of Saturn’s new satellites, we propose their natural classification.  相似文献   

We report the mineralogy and texture of magnetite grains, a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage, and the adjacent mineral phases in five hydrated fine‐grained Antarctic micrometeorites (H‐FgMMs). Additionally, we measured the oxygen isotopic composition of magnetite grains and a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in these samples. Our mineralogical study shows that the secondary phases identified in H‐FgMMs have similar textures and chemical compositions to those described previously in other primitive solar system materials, such as carbonaceous chondrites. However, the oxygen isotopic compositions of magnetite in H‐FgMMs span a range of ?17O values from +1.3‰ to +4.2‰, which is intermediate between magnetites measured in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (CCs and OCs). The δ18O values of magnetites in one H‐FgMM have a ~27‰ mass‐dependent spread in a single 100 × 200 μm particle, indicating that there was a localized control of the fluid composition, probably due to a low water‐to‐rock mass ratio. The ?17O values of magnetite indicate that H‐FgMMs sampled a different aqueous fluid than ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, implying that the source of H‐FgMMs is probably distinct from the asteroidal source of CCs and OCs. Additionally, we analyzed the oxygen isotopic composition of a magnetite‐dolomite assemblage in one of the H‐FgMMs (sample 03‐36‐46) to investigate the temperature at which these minerals coprecipitated. We have used the oxygen isotope fractionation between the coexisting magnetite and dolomite to infer a precipitation temperature between 160 and 280 °C for this sample. This alteration temperature is ~100–200 °C warmer than that determined from a calcite‐magnetite assemblage from the CR2 chondrite Al Rais, but similar to the estimated temperature of aqueous alteration for unequilibrated OCs, CIs, and CMs. This suggests that the sample 03‐36‐46 could come from a parent body that was large enough to attain temperatures as high as the OCs, CIs, and CMs, which implies an asteroidal origin for this particular H‐FgMM.  相似文献   

Abstract— CM2 carbonaceous chondrites are the most primitive material present in the solar system, and some of their subtypes, the CM and CI chondrites, contain up to 2 wt% of organic carbon. The CM2 carbonaceous chondrites contain a wide variety of complex amino acids, while the CI1 meteorites Orgueil and Ivuna display a much simpler composition, with only glycine and β‐alanine present in significant abundances. CM1 carbonaceous chondrites show a higher degree of aqueous alteration than CM2 types and therefore provide an important link between the CM2 and CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. Relative amino acid concentrations have been shown to be indicative for parent body processes with respect to the formation of this class of compounds. In order to understand the relationship of the amino acid composition between these three types of meteorites, we have analyzed for the first time three Antarctic CM1 chondrites, Meteorite Hills (MET) 01070, Allan Hills (ALH) 88045, and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02277, using gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high performance liquid chromatography‐fluorescence detection (HPLC‐FD). The concentrations of the eight most abundant amino acids in these meteorites were compared to those of the CM2s Murchison, Murray, Mighei, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 90500, ALH 83100, as well as the CI1s Orgueil and Ivuna. The total amino acid concentration in CM1 carbonaceous chondrites was found to be much lower than the average of the CM2s. Relative amino acid abundances were compared in order to identify synthetic relationships between the amino acid compositions in these meteorite classes. Our data support the hypothesis that amino acids in CM‐ and CI‐type meteorites were synthesized under different physical and chemical conditions and may best be explained with differences in the abundances of precursor compounds in the source regions of their parent bodies in combination with the decomposition of amino acids during extended aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three augite-bearing ureilites from Antarctica, Y74130, MET78008 and ALH82106, have been studied by electron microprobe, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and analytical transmission electron microscope (TEM). The first two belong to the low-16O subgroup of Clayton and Mayeda (1988) and are closely related; ALH82106 belongs to the high-16O subgroup. MET78008 is an augite-olivine ureilite, similar to the augite-bearing part of the Y74130. Augites poikilitically include ellipsoidal pigeonites, and low-Ca pyroxene poikilitically encloses ellipsoidal olivine and augite. The temperature of last equilibration deduced from an orthopyroxene-pigeonite-augite assemblage is above 1200 °C. The ALH82106 pigeonite contains irregular augite inclusions produced by decomposition. Augites in Y74130, MET78008 and ALH82106 (decomposed one) all show similar spinodal decomposition textures on the TEM scale. Cooling rates estimated from an experimentally calibrated diagram for the wavelengths of spinodal decomposition versus cooling rates are about 20 °C/hr. The calcic trend for the low-16O subgroup including Y74130 and MET78008 shows large Ca variations in pyroxene with similar Mg/Fe ratio; differentiation involving reduction was not an important process. Augite in ALH82106 is a minor phase and contains lower Na2O contents than Y74130 and MET78008, confirming that ALH82106 is not directly related to them.  相似文献   

Mission to asteroids and comets has been the hot spot of deep space exploration in the new century. The choice of a suitable target, which involves both scientific value and technical feasibility, becomes a difficult task to accomplish due to limited energy and technology. The aim of this paper is to provide an approach to selecting a target and evaluating accessibility for rendezvous with a Near-Earth Asteroid mission, taking into account scientific value and engineering feasibility. Firstly, according to the orbital characteristics and physical properties of Near-Earth asteroids, we make a summary of some of the most frequent factors influencing the target selection of scientific significance. When selecting the target for a space mission, these factors can be regarded as the scientific motivations. Then in order to avoid the possibility that some high priority targets for science would be discarded due to requiring too high an energy budget by using a classical direct transfer strategy, we calculate the transfer trajectory for rendezvous with candidates by using the planetary swingby technique and the global optimal two-impulse method. Finally, through a comparison between the scientific relevance of each possible target and the corresponding estimate of energy needed for rendezvous missions, the ranking of some candidates is identified.  相似文献   

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