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Distribution of Selected Toxic Trace Elements in the Sediment of Lake Breitling near Brandenburg. Considerable enrichments of several heavy metals in relation to the local geological background were found in the surface sediments of Lake Breitling (Havel lake system) (Zn: 50-fold, Cd: 25-fold, Cu: 14-fold, Pb: 13-fold), whereas Be, Co and V are remarkably unchanged if the increased clay mineral content in the more recent sediments is considered. – The heavy metal distribution patterns indicate a high percentage of atmospheric input of these elements, and according to geochemical profiles heavy metal deposition has been constant on a high level for years. – Especially the most enriched Zn which was found to some extent NH4Ac-exchangeable deserves ecotoxic attention.  相似文献   

The total organic carbon (TOC) is calculated by subtracting the inorganic carbon (IC) from the total carbon (TC). For TC determination, the carbon in a sample is completely converted to CO2 by decomposition/combustion in an oxygen stream. To determine IC, inorganic carbon (carbonate) is liberated by adding acid and by heating in an oxygen stream. In both cases, CO2 is quantified by infrared spectrometry. To gain reliable and reproducable results for sludge, sediment and suspended solids, at least the following conditions have to be met: particle size has to be smaller than 200 μm; weightout has to be selected in such a way, that the signal area is not below and the signal maximum is not above specific instrument dependent parameters; combustion/decomposition has to be complete (TC: ≥ 1300 °C, no soot) and rules for analytical quality assurance must be followed. The TC quantification of calcium carbonate is used for system calibration. Daily working procedures include calibration checks by mean control charts for TC determination of calcium carbonate and IC determination of sodium carbonate as well as for control sediment TC and IC quantifications.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of different humic substances (HS) on the enzyme activity (EA) of the proteolytic enzyme pronase E. The EA was determined by analyzing the concentration of the amino acid valine hydrolyzed from caseine. For amino acid analysis, a flourescence detector was used after precolumn derivatization and HPLC-separation of the hydrolysis products. The data show that the presence of HS has no adverse effects on amino acid analysis. Based on this result, a decrease of EA was observed in the presence of HS acting as enzyme inhibitors. Clear inhibition effects could be seen for different fulvic acids (HO3 FA, FBR FA and FBR 1.0 FA) at concentrations of 150 mg/L. In case of FBI-2 FA, higher concentrations were necessary to decrease the EA significantly. At an inhibitor concentration of 1500 mg/L the EA was mostly found to be less than 50%. The standard deviations of the results don't allow a differentiation between the HS of different origin and treatment. Specifying HS according to their influence on EA has to remain uncertain. As shown in a kinetic study of the hydrolysis of L-Leucine-2-naphthylamide-hydrochloride, the inhibitor HO3 FA decreases the maximum velocity of the reaction but has no effect on the Michaelis constant. These results indicate that this HS acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor.  相似文献   

The species composition of clostridial communities of the sediment in a polluted area of the Danube (South of Budapest, Háros‐Bay, Hungary) was investigated. The spore counts exceeded 700...800 CFU per gram (wet weight). 23 clostridial strains were identified by using API 20A anaerobe identification kits, another 20 physiological, biochemical, and ecological tests were also carried out. Results of numerical analysis showed that the clostridial community in the sediment of the Danube is composed of at least 4 different species. Members of C. perfringens, indicating to fecal contamination, C. subterminale and related bacteria were dominant in the examined area. All strains showed wide pH (5...9) and temperature (3...45°C) tolerance. They were able to grow on media containing significant amounts of lead (Pb2+), mercury (Hg2+), copper (Cu2+), and zinc (Zn2+). Strains of C. perfringens showed a wide range of degradative capacities (acid production from many different carbohydrates, gelatinase, lecithinase, lipase production, etc.).  相似文献   

A bloom of Chlamydomonas botryopara was observed in an extremely acid coal mining pond (pH 2.5) with high concentrations of iron and aluminium (1160...3760 mg L–1 Fe, 133...387 mg L–1 Al). Cell density of algae was counted as 6.45 · 106 mL–1 corresponding to 700 mg L–1 fresh weight and 2660 μg L–1 chlorophyll‐a. The nutrient concentrations were 3.5 mg L–1 soluble reactive phosphorus and 0.15 mg L–1 dissolved inorganic nitrogen. This observation supports the hypothesis that a low nutrient availability rather than extreme conditions (e.g. high acidity and low pH) limit the development of phytoplankton in many acidified lakes.  相似文献   

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