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Abstract— The magnetic properties of the Millbillillie eucrite have been intensively studied using mutually oriented samples. The magnetic carrier has been identified as single domain/pseudo-single domain kamacite. It is believed that due to clast-rich/clast-poor layering, the rock has been subjected to minimum shock since formation. This is supported by the presence of a stable, unidirectional remanence. Three separate palaeointensity tests (IRM/NRM, ARM-NRM, and Thellier heating) have been used to determine the strength of the palaeofield. The criteria for the suitability of samples to be used in such tests are discussed, as are the three methods; IRM/NRM is deemed the least accurate. The results obtained (IRM/NRM: 6 μT and 25 μT; ARM-NRM: 31 μT, 28 μT, and 15 μT; Thellier: 30 μT, 37 μT, 15 μT) indicate that the rock cooled in a strong magnetic field. Modes of formation, given that Millbillillie has a layered structure, and the nature of the HED parent body, are discussed. A volcanic genesis is preferred over formation in an impact melt. An internal dynamo field is favoured for dynamical reasons, and calculations based on the assumption that 4 Vesta is a possible HED parent body indicate that an iron core may be present in such a body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cosmogenic radionuclides, particle tracks and rare gases have been measured in two fragments of the Piplia Kalan eucrite that fell in Rajasthan, India on 1996 June 20. The cosmic-ray exposure age of the meteorite is calculated to be 23 Ma, which is similar to ages of some other eucrites. The track density in feldspars and pyroxenes varies between 0.2 × 106 to ~4.5 × 106 cm?2. The mass ablation of the meteorite, based on the distribution of track density in near-surface samples of the two fragments, is calculated to be ~75%, which corresponds to an entry velocity of ~17 km/s. The orbital parameters of the eucrite have been computed from the radiant of the meteor trail and the geocentric velocity. The best estimates are a = 2.47 AU, e = 0.62 and i = 7.54°, which is similar to the orbital elements of other meteorites, most of which have been inferred to originate within 2.6 AU of the Sun. The activity of the radionuclide 26Al agrees with the expected production rate; whereas the shortlived radionuclides 22Na, 54Mn, 46Sc etc. have levels that are consistent with the galactic cosmic-ray fluxes that are expected during the solar minimum period before the time of fall. All the cosmogenic effects (i.e., radio- and stable- nuclides and particle tracks) are consistent with the meteoroid having had a simple, one-stage exposure history in interplanetary space. Lower radio genic ages of U, Th-He (0.7 Ga) and K-Ar (3.6 Ga) indicate severe losses of 4He and 40Ar, as observed in most eucrites. A Pu-Xe age, concordant with Angra dos Reis, shows that Piplia belongs to the “old” eucrite group.  相似文献   

Abstract— We determined the cosmic-ray exposure age of 20 diogenites from measured cosmogenic noble gas isotopes and calculated production rates of 3He, 21Ne and 38Ar. The production rates were calculated on the basis of the measured chemical composition and the cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio of each sample. The shielding conditions of each sample were also checked on the basis of the measured 10Be and 26AI concentrations. The exposure ages range from 6 to 50 Ma but do not form a continuous distribution: ten ages cluster at 21–25 Ma and four at 35–42 Ma. The two diogenite clusters coincide with the 22 Ma and 38 Ma peaks in the exposure age distribution of eucrites and howardites. After the selection from literature data of 32 eucrites and 11 howardites with reliable ages, we find a total of 23 howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) group meteorites at 20–25 Ma and 10 at 35–42 Ma. The shape of the two peaks is consistent with single impact events, and random number statistics show that they are statistically significant at the 99% level. Altogether, this provides strong evidence for two major impact events 22 Ma and 39 Ma ago. Although these two events can explain more than half of all HED exposure ages, it takes at least five impact events to explain all ages <50 Ma. An impact frequency of one per 10 Ma corresponds to projectiles of at least 2–4 km in diameter for Vesta and of 60–300 m for the 100× smaller Vesta-derived “vestoids.” Based on the HED exposure-age distribution, the size distribution of the main-belt asteroids and the difference in size between Vesta and the kilometer size vestoids, we favor Vesta as the major source of HED meteorites, although some of the meteorites may have been ejected from the vestoids rather than directly from Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— Piplia Kalan is an equilibrated eucrite consisting of 60–80 vol% lithic clasts in a subordinate brecciated matrix. Ophitic/subophitic clasts fall into two groups: finer‐grained lithology A and coarser‐grained lithology B. Very fine‐grained clasts with equigranular textures (lithology C) also occur and originally were hypocrystalline in texture. The variety of materials represented in Piplia Kalan suggests cooling histories ranging from quenching to slower crystallization. Despite textural differences, clasts and matrix have similar mineral and bulk compositions. Thus, Piplia Kalan is probably best classified as a genomict breccia that could represent fragments of a single lava flow or shallow intrusive body, including fine‐grained or glassy outer margin and more slowly cooled coarser‐grained interior. Bulk composition suggests that the meteorite is most closely related to the main group eucrites, but it probably was affected by minor amounts of fractional crystallization. Piplia Kalan displays evidence of an early shock event, including brecciated matrix and areas of lithic clasts that contain very fine‐grained, granular pyroxene between deformed feldspar laths. The meteorite also displays evidence of at least one episode of extensive thermal metamorphism: hypocrystalline materials are recrystallized to hornfelsic textures and minerals throughout the meteorite contain abundant inclusions that are relatively large in size. Veins of brown glass transect both clasts and matrix and indicate a second, postmetamorphism shock event.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ibitira is a strongly recrystallized and unbrecciated noncumulate eucrite. We measured Ca compositional profiles of Ibitira pyroxene by electron microprobe and computed the cooling rate and burial depth from pyroxene exsolution profiles to gain information on early thermal history of Ibitira. Pyroxene begins to exsolve at 1082 °C and cools down to 550 °C at a rate of 0.02 °C/year, forming an augite lamella about 7.0 μm in width. A notable characteristic of the Ca profile of augite lamellae in Ibitira pyroxene is a gradient near the interface between augite and low‐Ca pyroxene (pigeonite). This profile suggests that after thermal metamorphism Ibitira pyroxene experienced a sudden temperature rise to above solidus temperature of pyroxene (~1082 °C), and subsequent rapid cooling. The 39Ar‐40Ar age of 4.485 Ga for Ibitira, which is the oldest 39Ar‐40Ar age for noncumulate eucrites, may date this reheating event.  相似文献   

Abstract— The purpose of this survey is to establish reference bulk elemental abundances for the eucrites and thereby provide the basis to test core formation models as well as partial melting, fractional crystallization and magma ocean theories for the eucrite parent body. In order to evaluate bulk elemental abundances for the eucrites, 296 peer-reviewed articles, monographs, theses or books and 143 abstracts dating from 1938 to 1997 were surveyed. Of the 101 eucrites having at least one set of elemental abundance analyses reported in the literature, 20 were selected for in-depth examination. The selection criteria of our sample were based on the total number of analyses available for a given eucrite and the total number of elements for which data exist. The mean bulk elemental abundance, 1σ standard deviation, and the percent deviation were calculated for each element in a given eucrite. In order to evaluate the quality of the mean abundances, the elements were then grouped according to availability of data and percent deviations. Possible reasons for the different deviations in the different groups are briefly discussed. From the major element abundances, the normative (CIPW) composition, the molar compositions of pyroxene, olivine and plagioclase, and the bulk densities were calculated and compared to petrographic observations. The calculated norms for the noncumulates agree well with the observations while the norms for the cumulates do not. Possible reasons for this are discussed. Unfortunately, analyses of many elements are poorly represented in the literature and many bulk analyses suffer from unacceptable levels of uncertainty. Therefore, future work requires bulk elemental analyses for some of the more poorly characterized elements in eucrites, especially those of key elements used for planetary modeling.  相似文献   

Abstract– Analysis of the mineralogy, isotopic, and bulk compositions of the eucrite meteorites is imperative for understanding their origin on the asteroid 4 Vesta, the proposed parent body of the HED meteorites. We present here the petrology, mineral compositions, and bulk chemistry of several lithic components of the new brecciated basaltic eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 3368 to determine if all the lithologies reflect formation from one rock type or many rock types. The meteorite has three main lithologies: coarse‐ and fine‐grained clasts surrounded by a fine‐grained recrystallized silicate matrix. Silicate compositions are homogeneous, and the average rare earth element pattern for NWA 3368 is approximately 10× CI chondrites with a slight negative Eu anomaly. Major and trace element data place NWA 3368 with the Main Group‐Nuevo Laredo trend. High‐Ti chromites with ilmenite exsolution lamellae provide evidence of NWA 3368’s history of intense metamorphism. We suggest that this meteorite underwent several episodes of brecciation and metamorphism, similar to that proposed by Metzler et al. (1995) . We conclude that NWA 3368 is a monomict basaltic eucrite breccia related to known eucrites in texture and in mineral, bulk, and oxygen isotopic composition.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Csatalja H4 chondrite (which was found in August 2012) suggests shock-related textures and spatial inhomogeneities, indicating a complex geological history. In the most heavily fractured and sheared units, small opaque grains and older fractures have locally enhanced the shock effect, producing melt. While the impact textures were evident in most units of the meteorite, mechanical shearing is apparent in only two units, suggesting that these units might have been present at somewhat different locations inside the parent body. Shearing also occurred at the border of the so-called xenolith unit, confirming its mechanical mixing with the other units. Besides fragmentation and melting, chemical changes due to impact have also been identified, producing compositional homogenization of olivines in 30% of the investigated area of the sample's thin section (23 mm2), and moderate accumulation of Fe, Ca, and Na in the strongly shocked zones, initiating crystallization of feldspar in veins with a specific spatial distribution (feldspar glass with metal–sulfide globules). Analyzing the high PT minerals, the peak shock pressure and temperature values differed substantially in the various units, ranging between 2 and 17 GPa, 100 and >1200 °C. The xenolith unit crystallized more slowly after the impact event and does not show shock impact alterations, suggesting that it was formed in a deeper region of the parent body. This was later shifted to its current surroundings and was lithified (fixed) to the rest of the sample. This “randomly selected” Csatalja sample provides information on the range of the formation temperatures, pressures, and processes that contributed to the heterogeneity of meteorites at the mm spatial scale, in general. The identified heterogeneity is a result not purely of the shock effects but also of the different pre-shock structural characteristics. The shock also mixed fragments mechanically that have been formed at different environments, with at least several dozens or even 100 m depth in the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— The C contents and isotopic compositions of four eucrites, four diogenites and two howardites have been determined. Stepped heating in an O atmosphere was employed to convert selectively different carbonaceous materials to CO2 gas at various temperatures. This technique successfully distinguishes between terrestrial contaminants and indigenous C. With the exception of the Kapoeta howardite, the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites contain ~10–30 ppm indigenous C with δ13C between ?29% and ?19%. Kapoeta (a regolith breccia) has an elevated C content and δ13C, due to the presence of 13C-enriched carbonate minerals (δ13C ~ +20%) in CM2- or CR2-like clasts. The range in δ13C displayed by HED samples is similar to that of other solar system basalts, such as lunar rocks and Martian meteorites but distinctly different from that of the terrestrial mantle. The diogenites have a slightly lower total C yield and higher δ13C than the eucrites, which is a result of degassing of trapped CO/CC2/CO2–3 from the silicate lattice during metamorphism or annealing. However, three out of the four diogenites studied appear to contain a discrete component, possibly of graphitic C coating silicate grains, that is seemingly unaffected by the extended annealing period experienced by the diogenites. It is possible that this component might host the indigenous primitive Xe recently identified in diogenites.  相似文献   

The Emmaville eucrite is a relatively poorly studied basaltic achondrite with an anomalous oxygen isotope signature. In this study, we report comprehensive mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical data from Emmaville in order to understand its petrogenesis and relationship with the basaltic eucrites. Emmaville is an unusually fine‐grained, hornfelsic‐textured metabasalt with pervasive impact melt veins and mineral compositions similar to those of typical basaltic eucrites. The major and trace element bulk composition of Emmaville is also typical of a basaltic eucrite. Three separated individual lithologies were also analyzed for O isotopes; a dark gray fraction (E1), a shocked lithology (E2), and a lighter gray portion (E3). Fractions E1 and E2 shared similar O isotope compositions to the bulk sample (E‐B), whereas the lighter gray portion (E3) is slightly elevated in Δ17O and significantly elevated in δ18O compared to bulk. No evidence for any exogenous material is observed in the thin sections, coupled with the striking compositional similarity to typical basaltic eucrites, appears to preclude a simple impact‐mixing hypothesis. The O‐isotopes of Emmaville are similar to those of Bunburra Rockhole, A‐881394, and EET 92023, and thus distinct from the majority of the HEDs, despite having similarities in petrology, mineral, and bulk compositions. It would, therefore, seem plausible that all four of these samples are derived from a single HED‐like parent body that is isotopically distinct from that of the HEDs (Vesta) but similar in composition.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 869 is the largest sample of chondritic regolith breccia, making it an ideal source for research on accretionary processes and primordial chemical mixing. One such process can be seen in detail through the first identification of a eucrite impactor clast in an L chondrite breccia. The ~7 mm diameter clast has oxygen isotope compositions (Δ17O = ?0.240, ?0.258‰) and pigeonite and augite compositions typical for eucrites, but with high areal abundance of silica (9.5%) and ilmenite (1.5%). The rim around the clast is a mixture of breccia and igneous phases, the latter due to either impactor‐triggered melting or later metamorphism. The rim has an oxygen isotope composition falling on a mixing line between known eucrite and L chondrite compositions (Δ17O = 0.326‰) and, coincidentally, on the Mars fractionation line. Pyroxene grains from the melt component in the rim have compositions that fall on a mixing line between the average eucrite pyroxene composition and equilibrated L chondrite composition. The margins of chondritic olivine crystal clasts in the rim are enriched in Fe as a result of diffusion from the Fe‐rich melt and suggest cooling on the scale of hours. The textures and chemical mixing observed provide evidence for an unconsolidated L chondrite target material, differing from the current state of NWA 869 material. The heterogeneity of oxygen isotope and chemical signatures at this small length scale serve as a cautionary note when extrapolating from small volumes of materials to deduce planetesimal source characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which Martian craters can be explained by considering asteroidal impact. Sections I, II, and III of this paper derive the diameter distribution of hypothetical asteroidal craters on Mars from recent Palomar-Leiden asteroid statistics and show that the observed Martian craters correspond to a bombardment by roughly 100 times the present number of Mars-crossing asteroids. Section IV discusses the early bombardment history of Mars, based on the capture theory of Öpik and probable orbital parameters of early planetesimals. These results show that the visible craters and surface of Mars should not be identified with the initial, accreted surface. A backward extrapolation of the impact rates based on surviving Mars-crossing asteroids can account for the majority of Mars craters over an interval of several aeons, indicating that we see back in time no further than part-way into a period of intense bombardment. An early period of erosion and deposition is thus suggested. Section V presents a comparison with results and terminology of other authors.  相似文献   

Studies of the internal structure of asteroids, which are crucial for understanding their impact history and for hazard mitigation, appear to be in conflict for the S-type asteroids, Eros, Gaspra, and Ida. Spacecraft images and geophysical data show that they are fractured, coherent bodies, whereas models of catastrophic asteroidal impacts, family and satellite formation, and studies of asteroid spin rates, and other diverse properties of asteroids and planetary craters suggest that such asteroids are gravitationally bound aggregates of rubble. These conflicting views may be reconciled if 10-50 km S-type asteroids formed as rubble piles, but were later consolidated into coherent bodies. Many meteorites are breccias that testify to a long history of impact fragmentation and consolidation by alteration, metamorphism, igneous and impact processes. Ordinary chondrites, which are the best analogs for S asteroids, are commonly breccias. Some may have formed in cratering events, but many appear to have formed during disruption and reaccretion of their parent asteroids. Some breccias were lithified during metamorphism, and a few were lithified by injected impact melt, but most are regolith and fragmental breccias that were lithified by mild or moderate shock, like their lunar analogs. Shock experiments show that porous chondritic powders can be consolidated during mild shock by small amounts of silicate melt that glues grains together, and by friction and pressure welding of silicate and metallic Fe,Ni grains. We suggest that the same processes that converted impact debris into meteorite breccias also consolidated asteroidal rubble. Internal voids would be partly filled with regolith by impact-induced seismic shaking. Consolidation of this material beneath large craters would lithify asteroidal rubble to form a more coherent body. Fractures on Ida that were created by antipodal impacts and are concentrated in and near large craters, and small positive gravity anomalies associated with the Psyche and Himeros craters on Eros, are consistent with this concept. Spin data suggest that smaller asteroids 0.6-6 km in size are unconsolidated rubble piles. C-type asteroids, which are more porous than S-types, and their analogs, the volatile-rich carbonaceous chondrites, were probably not lithified by shock.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have performed a detailed petrologic and mineralogic study of two chondritic clasts from the polymict eucrite Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85300, and performed chemical analyses by INAA and RNAA on one of these. Petrologically, the clasts are identical and are composed of dispersed aggregates, chondrules and chondrule fragments supported by matrix. The aggregates and chondrules are composed of olivine (Fo100–45), orthopyroxene (Wo1–2En98–60), plus some diopside. The matrix consists of fine-grained olivine (Fo60–53), and lesser orthopyroxene and augite. Fine-grained saponite is common in the matrix. The bulk major element composition of the matrix is identical in both clasts and similar to that of CM, CO and CV chondrites. The bulk composition of the clast studied by INAA and RNAA shows unusual abundance patterns for lithophile, siderophile and chalcophile elements but is basically chondritic. The INAA/RNAA data preclude assignment of the LEW 85300,15 clast to any commonly accepted group of carbonaceous chondrite. The unusual rare earth element abundance pattern may, in part, be due to terrestrial alteration.  相似文献   

The Allan Hills 76005 polymict eucrite pairing group consists of 15 paired masses recovered during six different field seasons in the Transantarctic Mountains. Although this group has been well studied in general, most of the meteorites contain a significant portion of dark clasts that have not been well characterized. The Dawn mission to Vesta discovered dark materials that provide insight into its evolution. The ALH dark clasts are thus of great interest to understanding the evolution of Vesta. Here, 45 different dark clasts from 15 different thin sections from the pairing group are characterized in detail to better understand their nature and origin. Five different textural types of dark clasts are recognized among this group—skeletal, vitrophyric, pilotaxitic, fan spherulitic, and troilite‐silica‐plagioclase‐rich clasts with aphyric or blobby textures. Mineralogy of the clasts is dominated by plagioclase and pyroxene, with minor troilite, silica, ilmenite, chromite, and rare Fe‐Ni metal. All of the textures can be produced by rapid cooling rates on the order of 60–2500°C h?1. Bulk compositions of the clasts are demonstrably eucritic, and not chondritic, howarditic, or diogenitic. The combination of mineralogy, composition, and textures strongly suggests that the dark clasts are eucritic impact melts. Several craters on Vesta have associated orange deposits that have been proposed as impact melt breccias. The ALH pairing group may thus represent material that originated near Oppia or Octavia craters.  相似文献   

Some of the tridymite in the monomict Northwest Africa (NWA) 11591 eucrite are found to have sulfide‐rich replacement textures (SRTs) to varying degrees. The SRTs of tridymite in NWA 11591 are characterized by the distribution of loose porous regions with aggregates of quartz and minor troilite grains along the rims and fractures of the tridymite, and we propose a new mechanism for the origin of this texture. According to the volume and density conversion relationship, the quartz in the SRT of tridymite with a hackle fracture pattern was transformed from tridymite. We suggest that the primary tridymite grains are affected by the S‐rich vapors along the rims and fractures, leading to the transformation of tridymite into quartz. In addition, the S‐rich vapors reacted with Fe2+, which was transported from the relict tridymite and/or the adjacent Fe‐rich minerals, and/or the S‐rich vapors react with the exotic metallic Fe to form troilite grains. The sulfurization in NWA 11591 most likely occurred during the prolonged subsolidus thermal metamorphism in the shallow crust of Vesta and might be an open, relatively high temperature (>800 °C) process. Sulfur would be an important component of the metasomatic fluid on Vesta.  相似文献   

Offset dikes are found concentrically around—and extending radially outward from—the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), which represents an ~3 km thick differentiated impact melt sheet. The dikes are typically composed of an inclusion‐rich, so‐called quartz diorite (IQD) in the center of the dike, and an inclusion‐poor quartz diorite (QD) along the margins of the dike. New exposures of the intersection between the concentric Hess and radial Foy offset dikes provide an excellent opportunity to understand the relationship between the radial and concentric offset dikes and their internal phases. The goal was to constrain the timing of the dike emplacements relative to the impact and formation of the SIC. Results herein suggest that (1) the timing between the emplacement of the QD and IQD melts was geologically short, (2) the Hess and Foy dikes coexisted as melts at the same time and the intersection between them represents a mixture of the two, (3) the Foy dike has a slightly more evolved chemical composition than the Hess dike, and (4) the IQD melt from the Foy dike underwent some degree of chemical fractionation after its initial emplacement.  相似文献   

Eucrites represent one of the major lithologies of the Vestan upper crust, which had experienced pervasive and intense thermal metamorphism. To better constrain the timing and mechanism of thermal metamorphism, we carried out in situ Pb‐isotope analysis of an unbrecciated basaltic eucrite NWA 6594 on the basis of detailed mineralogical and petrographic investigations. Zircon Pb‐Pb dating reveals that NWA 6594 emplaced before or at 4547 ± 11 Ma (95% confidence, MSWD = 1.3). Studies of silica minerals indicate that NWA 6594 had experienced intense thermal metamorphism after emplacement, followed by a late impact reheating and rapid cooling. Apatite grains yield a weighted mean Pb‐Pb age of 4523 ± 2 Ma (95% confidence, MSWD = 0.76). This age could not be attributed to slow cooling after the initial crystallization, but most likely related to an independent thermal event that induced thermal metamorphism. The protracted time lag (~24 ± 13 Myr) between zircon and apatite closure ages indicates that this thermal event is most probably induced by an intense impact event that was synchronous with the metal–silicate mixing event recorded by mesosiderites. HEDs may have experienced multiple stages of thermal metamorphism after emplacement. The late impact reheating occurred after thermal metamorphism, which caused crystallization of tridymite.  相似文献   

The Stac Fada Member (Stoer Group) is a ~1.2 Ga melt-rich impact breccia preserved and intermittently exposed along the NW coast of Scotland. Using a combination of x-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy, we identify potential coesite that is spatially associated with micron-sized diamonds, as well as disordered carbon phases. Comparing the graphite G-band of disordered carbon phases in the impact breccia to samples from underlying units indicates that most of the carbon in the Stoer Group was ultimately derived from the underlying Lewisian basement. Disordered carbon phases within the Stac Fada Member have been modified by mild heating within a hot ejecta blanket rather than shock pressure. We also report the first evidence for impact diamonds discovered within the Stac Fada Member. These diamonds have an average Raman shift of 1328.5 cm−1 and are present within both the impact breccia and the shocked gneiss clasts that are present in sandstones directly underlying the Stac Fada Member contact, and within sandstone rafts entrapped in the unit. These findings have implications for the timing of deposition of the Stac Fada Member, which must have occurred after ballistic ejection of Lewisian basement clasts during the impact event.  相似文献   

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