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一类非线性中立型时滞微分方程的振动性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了一类非线性中立型时滞微分方程(x(t)-P(t)g(x(t-τ)))′ Q(t)h(x(t-δ))=0解的振动性,其中P,Q∈C([t0,∞),R),g,h∈C(R,R),τ>0,δ≥0。通过建立这个方程与某个线性中立型微分方程的联系导出了1个较简单的振动准则。  相似文献   

A two-degree freedom model for an ALT-tanker system is established corresponding to the pitch of the ALT and the surge of the tanker.Tension in the mooring cable between the ALT and the tanker is represented by an unsymmetrical,piecewise-nonlinear function.Wave load on the tower is evaluated by use of the Morison equation.The first order wave load acting on the tanker is calculated by the linear diffraction theory based on the 2-D Helmholtz equation,and the near field approach of Pinkster is used to evaluate the second order drift force.The dynamic equation of motion is established based on the principle of D'lembert.Dynamic response and cable tension of a mooring system composed of an 88.4 m ALT and a 100000 t grade tanker are calculated.The influence of wave frequency,wave excitation amplitude,wind and current force on ALT-tanker motion and cable tension is discussed.  相似文献   

本文讨论了带有极大值项的一阶中立型差分方程Δ (xn - pnxn-k) +qn maxs∈ [n-l,n] xs=0解的振动性 ,得到了该方程所有解振动的 1个新的充分性条件。特别当 pn =1 ,得到了该方程有非振动解的充分必要条件。  相似文献   

Through a higher-order boundary element method based on NURBS (Non-uniform Rational B-splines), the calculation of second-order low-frequency forces and slow drift motions is conducted for floating bodies. In the floating body′s inner domain, an auxiliary equation is obtained by applying a Green function which satisfies the solid surface condition. Then, the auxiliary equation and the velocity potential equation are combined in the fluid domain to remove the solid angle coefficient and the singularity of th...  相似文献   

Shallow Water Effects on Surge Motion and Load of Soft Yoke Moored FPSO   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much attention should be paid to a large FPSO moored permanently in an oil field with water depth of only about 20 m, since shallow water effects on the hydrodynamics may bring about collision and damage. A 160kDWT FPSO with a permanent soft yoke mooring system is investigated with various shallow water depths and focuses are the low frequency surge motion and mooring load. Computation for the FPSO system is made based on linear 3-D potential fluid theory and time-domain numerical simulation method. Corresponding model test is carried out in the ocean engineering basin of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is shown that, in the surge natural period, low frequency surge motion and mooring force increase remarkably with the decrease of water depth. Especially, the smaller the ratio of water depth and draught is, the quicker the increase is. The shallow water effects should be taken into account carefully for determining the design load of a single point mooring system.  相似文献   

文中介绍了系缆式剖面测量模型在波浪水槽实验室的试验情况,对试验中匹配的系泊模型系统进行了静力分析。通过对模型系统的单纯流作用下的静力计算结果与试验数据的对比,针对理论计算的有效性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

波浪作用下缆船拖带系统非线性运动数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱军  李炜  程虹 《海洋工程》2006,24(3):56-62
基于船舶操纵性运动方程和拖缆的三维动力学运动方程,提出了被拖点位置匹配的方法,建立了拖船—拖缆—被拖船系统整体非线性拖带动力学模型。为了考察被拖船航向稳定性与横向稳性的关系以及波浪载荷作用的影响,被拖船采用水平面四自由度运动方程,并引入了波浪的作用力和力矩。拖船采用PD控制方法较真实地模拟了拖船航向改变的运动过程。对一个拖船—拖缆—被拖船系统(5 000 t的拖船和3 000 t的被拖船)在时域内进行了规则波浪作用下拖带运动的模拟,计算结果表明被拖带船舶在波浪中运动呈现运动稳定、不稳定和临界状态3种可能的特性。根据模拟计算结果,认为波浪中拖带航向稳定是被拖带船舶保持稳性的必要条件。  相似文献   

—Most terminals for tankers are piers and sea islands,while other types include single pointmoorings and multiple-buoy moorings.The LNG and LPG carrier moored to the jetty is a very commonterminal for transfer of gas in open seas.It is important to estimate the motions and line tensions of theLNG carrier when it moors to a jetty in metocean environment.Normally,the motions of the LNG carrierwould be restricted by the loading arm,which is connected to LNG carrier's manifold.An example of125,000m~3 LNG carrier moored to a jetty exposed to a set of environment conditions is given.Amathematical model which is based on the equations of motion in the time domain is used to the analysisof LNG moored to an offshore jetty exposed to waves,swell,wind and current.By means of a time do-main computer program TERMSIM computations are carried out to determine and optimize the lay-outand/or orientation of the jetty and mooring gear in terms of forces in mooring lines and fenders and theenvelope of motions of the loadi  相似文献   

两层粘性流体中圆柱体受迫振荡数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究两层粘性流体中无限长水平圆柱体的受迫振荡问题。在湍流模式下,采用VOF方法追踪两层流体的内界面,基于动网格技术模拟圆柱体的运动边界,对均匀流中横向振荡圆柱体的绕流场进行了数值模拟。计算受迫振荡圆柱体的升力系数、阻力系数随时间的演化曲线和圆柱体的尾涡分布,以及圆柱体的受迫振荡激发两层流体内界面的扰动,并与均匀流体的情况进行了比较分析。研究表明,流体的两层分层效应对受迫振荡圆柱体的升阻力系数和尾涡分布特性都有显著影响,在水下输油气管道涡激振动特性的工程评估中,应考虑流体的密度分层效应。  相似文献   

This paper discusses numerical results from three-dimensional large eddy simulations of an oscillating cylinder under prescribed movements in uniform flow. Six cases,namely pure in-line,pure cross-flow and two groups of 'Figure of Eight' oscillation patterns are under investigation at Reynolds number Re=24000. The 'Figure of Eight' pattern in each group is with identical shape but opposite orbital directions. The numerical results on hydrodynamic forces,higher order force components,and vortex shedding mode...  相似文献   

The monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (MISO) is the dominant variability over the Indian Ocean during the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) season and is characterized by pronounced northward propagation. Previous studies have shown that general circulation models (GCMs) still have difficulty in simulating the northward-propagating MISO, and that the role of air-sea interaction in MISO is unclear. In this study, 14 atmosphere-ocean coupled GCMs (CGCMs) and the corresponding atmosphere-only GCMs (AGCMs) are selected from Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to assess their performance in reproducing MISO and the associated vortex tilting mechanism. The results show that both CGCMs and AGCMs are able to well simulate the significant relationship between MISO and vortex tilting. However, 80% of CGCMs show better simulation skills for MISO than AGCMs in CMIP6. In AGCMs, the poor model fidelity in MISO is due to the failure simulation of vortex tilting. Moreover, it is found that failure to simulate the downward motion to the north of convection is responsible for the poor simulation of vortex tilting in AGCMs. In addition, it is observed that there is a significant relationship between the simulated sea surface temperature gradient and simulated vertical velocity shear in the meridional direction. These findings indicate that air-sea interaction may play a vital role in simulating vertical motions in tilting and MISO processes. This work offers us a specific target to improve the MISO simulation and further studies are needed to elucidate the physical processes of this air-sea interaction coupling with vortex tilting.  相似文献   

基于上海海洋大学研制的卧式海流能发电装置,在对叶片受力进行分析的基础上,采用雷诺平均N-S方程和滑移网格技术,对不同工况下的叶轮运动进行了数值模拟,获得了力矩系数、能量转换效率及功率等性能参数。通过分析比较不同工况下的各性能参数的变化规律,发现叶轮运动具有周期性,一个周期内的相邻极大、极小值之间相差72°相位角;随着海流速度和叶轮转速的增大,输出功率逐渐增大;而力矩系数和能量利用效率却呈现先增大后减小的趋势,在海流速度v=1.5 m/s,尖速比λ=2.46时,能量转换效率最大,可达到34.6%,输出功率为373 W,并与海试结果进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

北欧海作为连接北冰洋和北大西洋的重要海域,其由热效应产生的辐合场值得关注.本文利用NECP/NCAR的速度势函数(Velocity Potential,VP)数据表征北欧海辐合辐散场,发现在秋冬季北欧海上空大气低层存在一个独立的辐合区域.经验正交函数分解结果表明,北欧海上空的VP显示出除了表征北极涛动的全区一致型模态外...  相似文献   

A series of numerical simulations about a small scale(aspect ratio:63.2) flexible pipe undergoing forced harmonious oscillation and vortex-induced vibration(VIV) have been taken into account.The wake hydrodynamics and pipe deformation were accomplished by ANSYS MFX solution strategy designed for fluid-structure interaction(FSI) problem with well-performed LES model.The configuration of structured mesh,multi-domain design,different mesh stiffness admeasured by User Fortran ensured that the numerical task was competent to deal with large deformation related to this case.The introduction of instantaneous amplitude definition and modeless component decomposition method(Chen and Kim,2008) was helpful to reveal much more information from modal analysis.Most results from numerical simulation are generally consistent with those from model test(Choi and Hong,2000) via the comparison between them.As supplementary to model test,visualization of the vortex wake was also provided.It has been proved that the forced oscillation doesn't only excite a complicated dumbbell-like wake pattern around the outer thimble,but also results in inner flow inside the PVC pipe.The velocity of the inner flow increases with the frequency of forced oscillation.  相似文献   

本文基于地面观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,利用经验正交函数分析、线性回归分析等方法对1960—2016年夏季(6—8月)长江流域的极端高温(Extreme High Temperature,EHT)事件的强度、暖昼、暖夜发生日数的年代际特征及其对应大气环流进行分析,并探讨了EHT事件与大西洋多年代际振荡(Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,AMO)的关系。结果表明,中国夏季长江流域的极端高温事件存在明显的年代际变化特征,其中1960—1970年和2002—2016年为暖时期,1971—2001年为冷时期。相较于冷时期,暖时期在高温强度、暖昼和暖夜的发生日数方面均明显偏暖。针对于该极端高温年代际特征的成因,研究结果表明,暖时期位于长江流域北部的对流层中高层异常反气旋和偏北偏西的西太平洋副高有利于该地区下沉运动的增强,进而有利于极端高温的出现。同时,在对流层低层,位于中国东部的异常反气旋将低纬地区的暖湿气流携带至长江流域,这也有利于长江流域EHT事件的发生。此外,进一步分析表明,AMO与长江流域夏季EHT事件在年代际尺度上存在明显的关系,AMO超前中国夏季长江流域的EHT事件6~8 a,这对预测中国长江流域极端高温事件具有一定的指示作用。  相似文献   

浅海桶形基础平台水平承载力与抗滑稳定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平台在海上受风、浪、流、冰等水平载荷作用产生滑移,而土壤粘结力、摩擦力和土抗力是平台的抗滑力,桶基平台应满足抗滑稳定的要求,以保证平台的整体稳定性.介绍了浅海桶形基础平台受水平力作用时桶形基础的破坏模式及其计算方法,并阐述了抗滑稳定计算方法.  相似文献   

The shortcomings of gravity corers in sampling marine sediments have been observed extensively in various field tests. In order to optimize the coring, this article provides an alternative numerical way to model the gravity coring and analyze the sampling effect. Based on this analysis, a new hydraulic hammer corer is devised. A coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method with capability of simulating the problem involving extreme deformation, penetration is used to simulate the coring process. The results show that the hydrostatic pressure and deviator stress increase and reach their peak when the pile tip is slightly above or at the level of the observation point and then drop rapidly when the pile tip slides below the observation point. In addition, the stress path indicates that the soil element sustains plastic compression before yielding and then expands until recovering to the original state. The obvious “under-sampling” phenomenon is also well-captured by the finite element model.  相似文献   

风浪流联合作用下单点系泊船的受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了风浪流联合作用下单点系泊船的受力问题.在应用Newman公式计算波浪漂移力的基础上,结合文献《Fleet Moorings Design Manual》,提出了不同方向的风、浪、流联合作用时,单点系泊船所受到的横向力、纵向力和回转力矩的计算方法.提出了风浪同向时,不同风流夹角组合对应的船舶平衡位置的确定方法.为缆绳、锚的选择以及舵角的控制提供了依据.最后通过算例验证了本方法的适用性和实用性.  相似文献   

随着船舶大型化和港口建设深水化发展,外海不同周期波浪作用下大型系泊船泊稳问题与小型系泊船相比出现了新的特点。为此,利用数值模型方法研究了在不同入射角度和周期的涌浪作用下港内大型系泊船的水动力响应,针对系泊船的泊稳情况探讨了船舶的运动规律和运动特性。研究发现,在涌浪周期较大的情况下,限定波高的泊稳标准不足以用来确定系泊船的正常作业条件,港内泊船的水平运动(纵荡、横荡和艏摇)极易超出运动标准值并影响装卸作业效率,并且船舶的水平运动表现出主要由次重力波主导的低频运动特性,而垂直运动(垂荡、横摇和纵摇)表现出主要由短波主导的波频运动特性。  相似文献   

对深海环境中工作的潜器或设备载体进行定位测量是深海调查的重要任务之一,本文基于射线声学原理对超基线声学定位系统的定位数据提出了一种迭代处理算法,能够得到非常精确的水平距离测量结果,这种方法对于大洋调查的深拖系统和其他下水设备定位有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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