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通过对α-石英自然晶面六方柱面(100)和(010)、菱面体正形面(101)与菱面体负形面(011)、以及介于上述自然晶面之间的切面进行腐蚀形貌的观察研究发现,石英晶体同种单形的晶面(切面)腐蚀坑形态相同,但方位可以有变化,不同单形的晶面(切面)腐蚀坑形态不同;同一单形的正形与负形腐蚀坑形状不同;蚀坑形态能够反映晶体的对称性。α-石英晶体各晶面(切面)的蚀坑形态在三维空间分布的投影图可用于岩石中α-石英晶体的定向及缺陷研究。这一观察研究对厘清α-石英晶体腐蚀形貌立体全方位的对称关系、指导岩石中α-石英晶体的定向研究具有理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

为揭示岩石中石英晶体之间的结晶学取向关系,采用光学显微镜和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对大别山朱家冲二云母石英片岩进行研究。结果显示石英普遍发育双晶,其中道芬双晶律产出的概率最高(57.8%),日本律(3.2%)、Esterel(3.2%)、Breithaupt(4.8%)、Cornish(2.4%)等双晶律均有少量产出。除双晶外,相邻石英之间多为交生关系。各单形交生的相对概率为:{11■1}{11■2}{11■0}{20■1}{10■0}{10■1}{10■2}{00■1}。无结晶学取向关系的概率相对较低(7%)。石英具较强的择优取向,其C轴组构表现为靠近Z轴的简单点极密。石英变形机制以底面a滑移为主,变形温度约350℃~550℃。  相似文献   

对α-石英双晶上具有不同结晶学意义的晶面和切面进行了腐蚀像的微分干涉显微镜(DIC)观察与研究。经研究发现,在鉴定道芬双晶与巴西双晶上,除了双晶缝合线有差异(道芬双晶双晶缝合线为曲线而巴西双晶的双晶缝合线为直线)外,不同的结晶学晶面或切面上这两种双晶的腐蚀像也各不相同。在六方柱{1010}面存在道芬双晶处,直角梯形蚀坑的方位关系为二次轴关系;六方柱{1010}面上存在巴西双晶处,直角梯形蚀坑的方位关系为对称面关系。菱面体{1011}面上存在道芬双晶处,道芬双晶双晶缝合线两端分别是菱面体正形、菱面体负形出露处,导致蚀坑形状不同;菱面体{1011}面上存在巴西双晶处,不规则三角形蚀坑形态的方位关系为对称面关系;三方柱切面{1120}面上存在道芬双晶处,道芬双晶双晶缝合线两端分别是三方柱正形、三方柱负形出露处,导致蚀坑形状不同;三方柱切面{11120}面上存在巴西双晶处,椭圆形或四边形蚀坑方位应为对称面关系,但实验中未见到。这一研究对认清α-石英道芬双晶和巴西双晶腐蚀像的对称关系,鉴定α-石英的双晶类型具有理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

矿物是岩石圈最基本的物质组成,其变形行为、特性和物理/化学过程直接影响着大陆岩石圈的力学强度和流变学性质。石英是地壳主要的组成矿物之一,对其变形机理及制约因素的研究,是理解地壳流变学性质的关键。石英中的道芬双晶在晶体形态上表现出沿c轴方向的6次对称,早期研究认为其只能形成于α-和β-石英的相变过程中,越来越多的研究发现,机械应力诱发的道芬双晶对温度和应力具有一定的依赖性。通过对高黎贡剪切带内变形石英的EBSD组构分析并结合前人的研究,发现石英道芬双晶对晶内塑性应变的分布及其不同滑移系的激活起着重要作用。α-石英晶体中菱面方向比方向具有更高柔度,即更适应变形。在外力作用下,石英道芬双晶通过菱面上的弹性性质差异,即相比方向,在压缩方向(σ1)上代表晶面方向的极点更多地聚集在方向,形成一种较为少见的菱面晶格优选取向。由此可见,道芬双晶是石英塑性变形过程中的一种特殊的流变弱化机制,其不仅使得晶体发生可恢复的结构弱化,还通过动态重结晶作用和颗粒边界...  相似文献   

本文用转靶四圆单晶衍射仪首次发现黄河矿(BaCe(CO_3)_2F,R3m)的一种特殊类型的双晶,其双晶轴平行c轴,双晶面∥(0001)。发现在晶体中存在着的所有衍射点均符合-h+k+l=3n或h-k+l=3n的衍射条件。这种特殊类型的双晶因其光率体对称轴完全重合,无法凭借光学手段发现。  相似文献   

石英结晶学优选与应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

徐海军  张超  武云  陶明 《地球科学》2016,41(9):1511-1525
文象花岗岩具有特殊文象结构,研究其三维拓扑结构和形成过程有助于了解花岗质岩石的结晶作用.以北京周口店房山岩体和湖北罗田蕙兰山的文象花岗岩为研究对象,综合利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针和电子背散射衍射等技术方法,对岩石矿物组成、结晶学取向和拓扑结构进行了系统研究.结果表明:(1) 文象花岗岩的矿物组成与其形成地质环境有关,石英和长石的含量变化范围很大,其中石英含量通常在20%~45%,但是相同地区同期形成的文象花岗岩具有相对稳定的矿物组成;(2) 长石作为寄主矿物通常呈半自形-自形粗大晶体,可以是碱性长石或斜长石,其端元组分以钾长石和钠长石为主,低温下常分解为条纹长石;(3) 石英在长石寄主矿物中规则穿插生长,在三维空间通常呈近似平行板状、长条状/柱状或非连通枝杈状,并只在特定岩石断面形似象形文字;(4) 正交偏光显微镜下,石英可以具有多种消光位,但是通常在一定范围内同时消光;(5) 石英普遍发育道芬双晶,偶见日本双晶;(6) 条纹长石中钾长石与钠长石对应(100)、(010)、(001) 面和[001]轴近似平行;(7) 多数石英颗粒与寄主长石之间具有密切结晶学取向关系,即石英[1123]轴近似平行长石c[001]轴.该研究证实文象花岗岩是石英和长石同时生长的结果,而长石作为寄主矿物影响并控制着石英的成核与生长方向.   相似文献   

苏北古沂沭河流域,通过近二十多年的工作,已发现100多颗金刚石。这些金刚石的特征及其地质意义引起了地质学家的关注。一、苏北金刚石特征到目前为止,苏北古沂沭河流域已发现了100多颗金刚石。最大者52.714克拉,最小者仅几毫克。笔者通过对其中的83颗金刚石镜下详细观察与统计,发现有如下特征:1.金刚石的结晶习性苏北发现的金刚石中见有八面体,菱形十二面体,八面体与菱形十二面体聚形晶体及上述晶体的双晶,连生体。八面体金刚石:本区规则八面体金刚石少见,一般都以不同程度的歪晶出现,或呈沿三次对称轴压平之八面体尖晶石律双晶(图4),或构成平行连生体和不规则连生体。  相似文献   

赵珊茸  徐畅  张国庆  李坤 《地球科学》2013,38(2):211-217
综合分析了石英、石榴子石、橄榄石、锆石、红柱石的各不同结晶学意义的晶面腐蚀像特点,总结了晶面腐蚀像与晶面对称性及晶面结构特点之间的关系.腐蚀像不仅可以揭示晶面及晶体的对称性,还可以揭示晶面的结晶学意义,即同一晶体上的不同结晶学意义的晶面,尽管对称性相同,也具有不同的腐蚀像;不同晶体之间的具有相同对称性的晶面可能会有相同的腐蚀像;腐蚀像类似于一种宏观晶体形态,主要与晶面的对称性有关,与晶面上原子、离子排列的结构细节关系不大;同一晶体的同一晶面在不同的腐蚀剂中所得的腐蚀像也可能完全不同;有些晶面的腐蚀像可以用晶体生长形态的常见晶面与被腐蚀面的交棱来解释.该研究在揭示晶体溶解形态机理、将溶解形态与晶体生长形态对比、用溶解形态来反映晶体曾经经历的酸-碱环境等方面具有理论与实际意义.   相似文献   

晶体的腐蚀像是指晶面(或切面)在酸、碱溶液中被腐蚀后形成的具有一定形状的蚀坑。腐蚀像不仅可以揭示晶面及晶体的对称性,还可以揭示晶面的结晶学意义。本文对同属三方晶系,但对称型不同的α-石英晶体(点群32)和刚玉晶体(点群3m)的(0001)切面和晶面进行了腐蚀像的微分干涉显微镜(DIC)观察与研究。经研究发现,α-石英晶体(0001)切面的腐蚀像为等边三角形,与该面上出露三次对称轴的对称关系一致,等边三角形的三边分别平行于[0110]、[1010]、[1100]方向,即垂直于X、垂直于Y、垂直于U轴方向。该等边三角形腐蚀像与该切面边棱的方位关系表明在包含三次轴的方向上无对称面存在,与α-石英晶体的对称型是相符的。刚玉晶体(0001)晶面的腐蚀像亦为等边三角形,与该面上出露3次对称轴的对称关系一致,等边三角形的三边分别平行于[2110]、[1210]、[1120]方向,即X、Y、U轴方向。刚玉晶体(0001)面的腐蚀像与该晶面边棱的方位关系表明在包含3次轴的方向上有3个对称面存在,这3个对称面分别垂直于[2110]、[1210]、[1120]方向,即X、Y、U轴方向,与刚玉晶体的对称型相符。因此,同属于三方晶系同一单形平行双面{0001}的α-石英晶体与刚玉晶体(0001)晶面的蚀坑形态是一致的,均为等边三角形,但等边三角形腐蚀坑的方位不同,等边三角形腐蚀坑与边棱的方位关系反映该晶体的对称型特点。这一研究对认清三方晶系不同对称型矿物晶体(0001)面腐蚀像的对称关系,丰富同一晶系不同对称型矿物各面腐蚀像之间的关系研究具有理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

石英双晶的复杂性远远超出了人们的想象。首先介绍了石英的11种双晶律,然后介绍测试鉴定石英双晶律的各种方法及存在的局限性,综述了近年来石英双晶与温压条件关系、晶格结构匹配理论方面的研究成果,最后结合我们近期用EBSD对岩石中石英双晶的观察、测试结果,指出存在的问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Cordierite–quartz and plagioclase–quartz intergrowths in a paragneiss from northern Labrador (the Tasiuyak Gneiss) were studied using SEM, STEM and TEM. The gneiss experienced granulite facies conditions and partial melting during both regional and, subsequently, during contact metamorphism. The microstructures examined all results from the contact metamorphism. Cordierite–quartz intergrowths occur on coarse and fine scales. The former sometimes exist as a ‘geometric’ intergrowth in which the interface between cordierite and quartz appears planar at the resolution of the optical microscope and SEM. The latter exists in several microstructural variants. Plagioclase is present as a minor component of the intergrowth in some examples of both the coarse and fine intergrowth. Grain boundaries in cordierite–quartz intergrowths are occupied by amorphous material or a mixture of amorphous material and chlorite. Cordierite and quartz are terminated by crystal faces in contact with amorphous material. Chlorite is sometimes found on cordierite surfaces and penetrating into cordierite grains along defects. Quartz contains (former) fluid inclusions 10–20 nm in maximum dimension. The presence of planar interfaces between cordierite and the amorphous phase is reminiscent of those between crystals and glass in volcanic rocks, but in the absence of compelling evidence that the amorphous material represents former melt, it is interpreted as a reaction product of cordierite. Plagioclase–quartz intergrowths occur in a number of microstructural variants and are commonly associated with cordierite–quartz intergrowths. The plagioclase–quartz intergrowths display simple, non‐planar interfaces between plagioclase and quartz. Quartz contains (former) fluid inclusions of dimensions similar to those observed in cordierite–quartz intergrowths. The boundary between quartz and enclosing K‐feldspar is cuspate, with quartz cusps penetrating a few tens of nanometres into K‐feldspar, commonly along defects in K‐feldspar and sometimes with very low dihedral angles at their tips. This cuspate microstructure is interpreted as melt pseudomorphs. The plagioclase–quartz intergrowths share some features with myrmekite, but differ in some respects: the composition of the plagioclase (An37Ab62Or1–An38Ab61Or1); the association with cordierite–quartz intergrowths; and microstructures that are atypical of myrmekite (e.g. quartz vermicules shared with cordierite–quartz intergrowths). It is inferred that the plagioclase–quartz intergrowths may have formed from, or in the presence of, melt. Inferred melt‐related microstructures preserved on the nanometre scale suggest that melt on grain boundaries was more pervasive than is evident from light optical and SEM observations.  相似文献   

Chemical etching of dislocations has been studied in natural and synthetic quartz single crystals, in deformed synthetic quartz and in naturally and experimentally deformed quartzites. The ability of different etchants to produce polished or preferentially etched surfaces on quartz is described. Dislocation etching was achieved on all crystal planes examined by using a saturated solution of ammonium bifluoride as the etchant. Appropriate etching times were determined for etching quartzites for grain size, subgrain boundaries, deformation lamellae, dislocations and twins. Growth and polished surfaces of synthetic single crystal quartz were similarly etched and dislocation etch pits, characteristic of various orientations were found. The use of ammonium bifluoride proved to be expecially advantageous for the basal plane, producing a polished surface with etch pits, suitable for dislocation etch pit counting. “Double” etch pits have been found on Dauphiné twin boundaries on the basal plane and the first order prism, using this etchant. Slip lines and deformation bands were suitably etched on deformed synthetic crystal surfaces for identification of the slip planes. Other acidic etchants have been explored and their application to the study of deformation structures in quartz crystals is discussed.  相似文献   

赵珊茸  刘宇坤  徐畅 《地球科学》2022,47(4):1399-1414
斜长石双晶很常见,双晶律达10多种,但斜长石的各种双晶律在光学显微镜下不容易鉴别.基于背散射电子衍射(EBSD)技术,对产于大别山地区的3种岩石(花岗岩、闪长岩、变粒岩)中斜长石双晶进行了精确测定.3种岩石中均以卡-钠复合双晶(包括钠长石律、卡斯巴律、卡-钠复合律)为主,这种卡-钠复合双晶在光学显微镜下只表现为两个聚片...  相似文献   

The Main Hill Arkasani Granophyre Pluton (MAG), a product of Proterozoic intraplate acid magmatic activity, represents an anatectic melt of the enveloping rocks of dominantly pelitic composition with subordinate trondhjemitic gneiss and basic rocks. Petrography, chemistry, correlation between compositional attributes, areal variation of volume percent granophyric intergrowth, and varimax rotated factor analysis of compositional attributes of these rocks suggest that in the MAG pluton, plagioclase phenocrysts and biotite crystallized first, followed by change of level of emplacement of the magma when the groundmass started crystallizing at a rapid rate. The rapid growth of quartz and alkali feldspar crystallizing from the residual melt gave rise to the ubiquitous granophyric intergrowth in the late stage of crystallization. The alkali-rich residual liquid tended to concentrate toward the margin of the pluton where there is a profusion of granophyric intergrowths.  相似文献   

Microstructures of deformed calcite in marble from the Bergell Alps are studied by using a microfocused polychromatic synchrotron X-ray beam. The high spatial resolution, together with orientation and strain resolutions, reveals twin plane orientation, multiple twin lamellae, and strain distributions associated with the twins. Single and multiple mechanical twins on e = { 01[`1] 8 } e = \left\{ {01\overline{1} 8} \right\} systems are confirmed. Residual stresses are derived from the strain tensor that is derived from Laue diffraction patterns. Average lattice strains from several hundred to over one thousand microstrains are detected in a deformed marble from the Bergell Alps. Such strains suggest 60–120 MPa residual stresses. A detailed study of strain components shows that shear stresses on twin planes are completely released.  相似文献   

The principal evidence advanced in favor of synneusis (swimming together and attachment of crystals in igneous melts) is the observation in thin section of concentric zoning, with the centers of zoning in the individuals offset from the mutual boundary. However, randomly oriented sections through normal growth twins (twinned nucleus) and epitaxial overgrowths can show such offset in a large percentage of cases. A further possible cause of offset is the infilling of skeletal, dendritic or spherulitic growth forms. Irregularity and asymmetry, which have been cited as evidence of synneusis origin, are normal in epitaxial overgrowths, and may be displayed even in perfectly symmetrical growth twins, because of cuteffects and the fact that mismatch of faces at the composition plane of rotation twins often causes overlapping growth.Experiments have shown that crystals in fluids can be aligned, apparently by hydrodynamic forces, so that gross shape elements are parallel and in contact; and that once in position, crystals can become attached. However, the twin laws observed in feldspar are not those which would be predicted on the basis of gross-shape alignment, but are highly selective in crystallographic relations. There is abundant evidence that supposed synneusis clusters occur early in crystallization, whereas crystal-crystal contacts should increase in frequency with the concentration of crystals. Forces which could cause crystal faces to be directly attracted to one another over distances of greater than a few atomic diameters are at present unknown.Essentially all heretofore observed features of crystal clusters, especially those of early clusters, can be explained more simply as the result of growth processes than as the result of synneusis.  相似文献   

The atomic scale structure and chemistry of (111) twins in MgAl2O4 spinel crystals from the Pinpyit locality near Mogok (Myanmar, formerly Burma) were analysed using complementary methods of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To obtain a three-dimensional information on the atomic structure, the twin boundaries were investigated in crystallographic projections and Using conventional electron diffraction and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) analysis we have shown that (111) twins in spinel can be crystallographically described by 180° rotation of the oxygen sublattice normal to the twin composition plane. This operation generates a local hcp stacking in otherwise ccp lattice and maintains a regular sequence of kagome and mixed layers. In addition to rotation, no other translations are present in (111) twins in these spinel crystals. Chemical analysis of the twin boundary was performed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) using a variable beam diameter (VBD) technique, which is perfectly suited for analysing chemical composition of twin boundaries on a sub-nm scale. The VBD/EDS measurements indicated that (111) twin boundary in spinel is Mg-deficient. Quantitative analyses of HRTEM (phase contrast) and HAADF-STEM (Z-contrast) images of (111) twin boundary have confirmed that Mg2+ ions are replaced with Be2+ ions in boundary tetrahedral sites. The Be-rich twin boundary structure is closely related to BeAl2O4 (chrysoberyl) and BeMg3Al8O16 (taaffeite) group of intermediate polysomatic minerals. Based on these results, we conclude that the formation of (111) twins in spinel is a preparatory stage of polytype/polysome formation (taaffeite) and is a result of thermodynamically favourable formation of hcp stacking due to Be incorporation on the {111} planes of the spinel structure in the nucleation stage of crystal growth. The twin structure grows as long as the surrounding geochemical conditions allow its formation. The incorporation of Be induces a 2D-anisotropy and exaggerated growth of the crystal along the (111) twin boundary.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy on natural calcium metatitanate perovskite (dysanalyte) reveals the following twin laws in the orthorhombic (space group Pbnm) phase: reflection twins on the {110} and {112} planes, and 90° rotation twins about the [001] axis (referred to as [001]90° twin). Single crystals that were heattreated and quenched from above 1585 K exhibit a dramatic change in domain structure compared with the starting material and specimens quenched from T < 1470=" k.=" mutually=" perpendicular=" {110}=" and=">90° twins are observed throughout the crystal, forming a cross-hatched domain texture. 1/2[001] antiphase domains, which are very rarely observed in the starting material, also become dominant in the crystal. This change in domain structure is interpreted as due to a structural phase transition in perovskite at a temperature below 1585 K. From the point symmetry elements that describe the twin laws and the translational elements that relate the antiphase domains, the most likely phase near 1585 K is tetragonal with space group P4/mbm. These results are consistent with high-temperature powder X-ray diffraction study. On the other hand, density of the {112} twins is increased significantly in the crystal quenched from 1673 K. Twin domains are either bound by mutually perpendicular {110} and (001) walls, or by {112} walls with {110} twin domains within the polygonal {112} domains. Both twin density variation and domain morphology suggest that the crystal may be cubic at this temperature. Microstructure of a single crystal deformed at 1273 K and 3.5 GPa (within the orthorhombic stability field) is morphologically quite distinct from that of the heat-treated specimens. Dislocations dominate the microstructure and often interact with twin domain boundaries.A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center  相似文献   

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