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加热温度是含蜡原油胶凝程度的主要影响因素。基于油品实验基本物性数据,选取与实验原油实际分子结构较接近的蜡晶、胶质和沥青质分子模型构建含蜡原油体系,应用Materials Studio软件进行分子动力学模拟,研究加热温度对含蜡原油胶凝过程微观机理的影响。结果表明:含蜡原油凝点温度可由密度—温度曲线和自扩散系数—温度曲线综合判断;加热温度降低时,含蜡原油体系分子链由直链转变为卷曲状态且在凝点时发生明显变化;蜡晶同种分子间的聚集是含蜡原油胶凝的主要影响因素。蜡晶分子间的径向分布函数(RDF)存在峰值且集中,使凝点恶化的加热温度RDF峰值明显升高。该结果从分子间作用机理上为含蜡原油胶凝体系流变特性的影响规律研究提供依据。  相似文献   

The permafrost along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline(CRCOP) is degrading since the pipeline operation in 2011. Heat dissipated from the pipeline, climate warming and anthropogenic activities leads to permafrost warming. The processes of permafrost warming along the CRCOP were studied based on the monitoring of air and soil temperatures, and electrical resistivity tomography(ERT) surveys. Results show that:(1) the mean annual air temperature(MAAT) in permafrost regions along the CRCOP increased with a rate of 0.21°C/10a–0.40°C/10 a during the past five decades;(2) the mean annual ground temperature(MAGT, at-15 m depth) of undisturbed permafrost increased by 0.2°C and the natural permafrost table remained unchanged due to the zero-curtain effect;(3) permafrost surrounding the uninsulated pipeline right-of-way warmed significantly compared with that in a natural site. During 2012–2017, the MAGT and the artificial permafrost table, 2 m away from the pipeline centerline, increased at rates of 0.063°C/a and 1.0 m/a. The thaw bulb developed around the pipe and exhibits a faster lateral expansion;(4) 80-mm-thick insulation could reduce the heat exchange between the pipeline and underlying permafrost and then keep the permafrost and pipe stable. The MAGT and the artificial permafrost table, 4.8 m away from the center line of the pipeline, increased by 0.3°C/a and 0.43 m/a, respectively. Due to the heat disturbance caused by warm oil, the degradation of wetland, controlled burn each autumn and climate warming, the permafrost extent reduced and warmed significantly along the CRCOP route. Field observations provide basic data to clarify the interactions between CRCOP and permafrost degradation and environmental effects in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NU rbanizationand eco-environment coupling is uniqueand complex,and itsmechanisms and ruleshave pro-voked much scholarship(B RENNA,1999).More than100yearsago,HOWARD(1898)publishedG ardenC ities of Tom orrow to revealthe interrelationshibpes-tween citygrowth and itseco-environment,and he triedtodealwiththeissuewithrationalplanningway,buthefailed(BOURNE and SIMMONS,1978).However,onlysincethe1920s had thetopicspeciallybeen intensfiied.AftertheChicago schoolhad…  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of the water soluble fraction of crude oil(WSF) on marine bivalves, the scallop C hlamys farreri was exposed to three WSF concentrations(0.18 mg/L, 0.32 mg/L, and 0.51 mg/L, respectively) in seawater. Petroleum hydrocarbon contents in scallops and a suite of enzymes [7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase(EROD), aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase(AHH), glutathione S-transferase(GST), and glutathione peroxidase(GPx)] in gills and digestive glands were monitored over 10 days. The results revealed that WSF affected the activity of the four enzymes in the gills and digestive glands. EROD activity in the gills was significantly induced in most individuals of the three test groups, while in the digestive gland it was significantly induced in the low-concentration group within 4 days but was inhibited in the middle- and high-concentration groups on days 1, 4, and 10. AHH activity in the gills of all treatment groups was significantly induced on day 1. In the digestive gland, AHH activity was induced in most individuals from the treatment groups. In all treatment groups, GST activity was significantly inhibited from days 2 to 10 in the gills and was induced after day 4 in the digestive gland. GPx activity in the gills was significantly inhibited throughout the exposure period in all treatment groups. There was no overall significant difference in GPx activity in the digestive gland between the control and treatment groups. Our results also revealed that petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the tissues increased linearly with exposure time. EROD activity in the digestive gland and GST and GPx activity in the gill tissue were negatively correlated with petroleum hydrocarbon body burden. These enzymes play important roles in detoxification and can act as potential biomarkers for monitoring petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in the marine environment.  相似文献   

莱州湾凹陷南斜坡原油地球化学特征及差异分布成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据原油宏观地球化学特点,结合原油沉积环境及成熟度特征划分原油成因类型,分析莱州湾凹陷超压及其与油气成藏关系,明确南斜坡油气差异成藏规律。结果表明:莱州湾凹陷南斜坡原油可划分为3种成因类型,分别为沙三淡水型、沙四咸化型和混源型;原油分布明显受沙三中—下亚段下部"超压系统"控制,在超压系统作用下,沙三段烃源岩生成的油气以垂向及侧向运移为主;在上覆超压系统围限作用下,沙四段烃源岩生成的油气多发生侧向运移,斜坡内带原油类型为沙三淡水型;斜坡外带原油类型表现为沙四咸化型和混源型。该结果为研究区下一步油气勘探提供指导。  相似文献   

为揭示渤南洼陷沙三段、沙四段烃源岩来源原油的分布规律及主要控制因素,通过族组分分离、气相色谱(GC)、气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)等测试分析原油和烃源岩地球化学特征,进行原油成因分类,确定不同来源原油的分布规律,进而探讨影响油气分布的主要因素。研究表明,沙三段、沙四段烃源岩对原油的贡献程度不同。依据生物标志化合物指标将原油划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 3类,其中Ⅱ类油细分为Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2 2个亚类。油源对比结果表明:Ⅰ类油来源于沙三段烃源岩,主要分布在洼陷中心;Ⅱ1类油来源于沙四段膏岩层间的泥岩,Ⅱ2类油来源于沙四段盐层下部的泥岩,此类油主要分布在洼陷边缘部位;Ⅲ类油为混合来源,且以沙三源为主,其分布与断层的展布有关。结合洼陷地质特征分析,认为断层及沙四段上部存在的膏盐岩是影响不同来源原油分布的主要因素。   相似文献   

Large oilfields are often coincidentally located in major river deltas and wetlands, and potentially damage the structure, function and ecosystem service values of wetlands during oil exploration. In the present study, the effects of crude oil contamination during oil exploration on soil physical and chemical properties were investigated in marshes of the Momoge National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province, China. The concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons in the marsh soil near the oil wells are significantly higher than those in the adjacent control marsh. Soil water contents in oil-contaminated marshes are negatively correlated with soil temperature and are significantly lower than those in the control area, especially in fall. Crude oil contamination significantly increases the soil pH up to 8.0, and reduces available phosphorus concentrations in the soil. The concentrations of total organic carbon are significantly different among sampling sites. Therefore, crude oil contamination could potentially alkalinize marsh soils, adversely affect soil fertility and physical properties, and cause deterioration of the marshes in the Momoge National Nature Reserve. Phyto-remediation by planting Calamagrostis angustifolia has the potential to simultaneously restore and remediate the petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated wetlands. Crude oil contamination affects the soil physical and chemical properties, so developing an effective restoration program in the Momoge wetland is neccesary.  相似文献   

Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, the diffusion of oxygen, methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide in water was simulated in the canonical NVT ensemble, and the diffusion coefficient was analyzed by the clustering method. By comparing to the conventional method (using the Einstein model) and the differentiation-interval variation method, we found that the results obtained by the clustering method used in this study are more close to the experimental values. This method proved to be more reasonable than the other two methods.  相似文献   

In order to obtain more accurate precipitation data and better simulate the precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau, the simulation capability of 14 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6(CMIP6) models of historical precipitation(1982-2014) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was evaluated in this study. Results indicate that all models exhibit an overestimation of precipitation through the analysis of the Taylor index, temporal and spatial statistical parameters. To correct the overestimation, a...  相似文献   

The increasing riverine pollutants have resulted in nutrient enrichment and deterioration of water quality in the coastal water of Guangxi Province, China. However, the quantitative relationship between nutrient loads and water quality responses, which is crucial for developing eutrophication control strategies, is not well studied. In this study, the riverine fluxes of nutrients were quantified and integrated with nutrient cycling and phytoplankton dynamics by using box models for Guangxi coastal bays. The model concepts and biogeochemical equations were the same; while most model parameters were specific for each bay. The parameters were calibrated with seasonal observations during 2006–2007, and validated with yearly averaged measurements in 2009. The general features of nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics were reproduced, and the models were proved feasible under a wide range of bay conditions. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was depleted during the spring algal bloom in Zhenzhu Bay and Fangcheng Bay with relatively less nutrient inputs. Phosphorus concentration was high in spring, which decreased then due to continuous phytoplankton consumption. Chlorophyll-a concentration reached its annual maximum in summer, but was the minimum in winter. Eutrophication was characterized by both an increase in nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass in Lianzhou Bay. Either about 80% reduction of nitrogen or 70% reduction of phosphorus was required to control the algal bloom in Lianzhou Bay. Defects of the models were discussed and suggestions to the environmental protection of Guangxi coastal bays were proposed.  相似文献   

Shi  Dawei  Jia  Houlei 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2023,41(1):166-173
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the most important groups in oil, and responsible for major toxic and/or carcinogenic impact on humans and...  相似文献   

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