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通过自主研发设计的非开挖随钻检测系统,采集非开挖钻进参数,进行非开挖钻进实时地层岩性识别,为非开挖施工提供安全信息保证。针对非开挖工程工勘资料缺乏,掘进地层岩性难以判断的问题,提出了一种基于非开挖随钻检测系统实时采集数据,利用随机森林算法建立地层识别模型,通过模型去识别未知地层,并将识别结果可视化展示。通过非开挖随钻检测系统在工程现场的实际应用,获得了包括钻速、扭矩、转速、拉力、泵压、泵量等钻进敏感参数作为训练样本,利用随机森林算法对采集的钻进参数进行训练,构造决策树与随机森林,对钻进参数进行分类,建立了以典型非开挖地层岩性分类为目标的分类模型,分别确定了杂填土、黏土、粉细砂、砾石和淤泥的地层分类标签。进一步,基于机器学习的分类结果,利用PCA主成分分析将地层识别特征降维至三维,实现了地层岩性识别结果的三维展示。将预测模型应用于实际工程,以验证其有效性。结果表明,该方法能在非开挖实时钻进条件下快速识别钻进地层,识别正确率高达92%。该研究成果通过采集导向随钻参数,识别非开挖掘进段地层岩性,为非开挖扩孔阶段钻具选型、泥浆设计等提供了重要信息。   相似文献   

随钻核磁共振测井在南海文昌油田低阻油层的开发中以安全高效的测井方式提供了孔隙度、渗透率等参数,且在定性识别轻质油层方面发挥了关键作用。为了进一步提升随钻核磁共振测井在文昌油田低阻油层流体识别中的使用价值,从孔隙结构和流体性质2个影响因素出发,提出了T2谱含油特征指标法并引入纯水谱重构法开展流体定量识别。其中T2谱含油特征指标法以消除孔隙结构的影响为基础,利用轻质油和水的横向弛豫时间差异提取轻质油真实的拖尾现象达到定量识别流体的目的;水谱重构法则采用球管模型和正态分布模型分别构建束缚水谱和可动水谱,并将两者之和作为纯水谱,通过与实测核磁T2谱的对比提取流体性质信息,达到识别流体性质的目的,2种方法在文昌油田低阻油层的流体识别中均取得了良好的应用效果,可在低阻油层、水淹层等储层流体的定量识别中发挥显著作用。  相似文献   

In the past two decades, numerous large-diameter rock-socketed piles were constructed in China to support foundations of skyscrapers, great bridges or to retain soil in potential geological hazard areas. However, drilling large-diameter rock-socketed pile holes with conventional drilling method such as rotary drilling or cable tool drilling is time-consuming and the cost is usually very high. In order to drill large-diameter rock-socketed pile holes faster at relatively low cost, the FGC15A large-diameter DTH air hammer drilling system was developed in 1987 and was given the second-class award by Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources in 1991. Since it was innovated the drilling system has been used in more than twenty important and tough projects on land, and wonderful results were acquired. At the same time the large-diameter DTH air hammer drilling system was improved continuously. The FGC15D is the latest version of the technique.  相似文献   

In the past two decades,numerous large-diameter rock-socketed piles were constructed in China to support foundations of skyscrapers,great bridges or to retain soil in potential geological hazard areas.However,drilling large-diameter rock-socketed pile holes with conventional drilling method such as rotary drilling or cable tool drilling is time-consuming and the cost is usually very high.In order to drill large-diameter rock-socketed pile holes faster at relatively low cost,the FGC15A large-diameter DTH air hammer drilling system was developed in 1987 and was given the second-class award by Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources in 1991.Since it was innovated the drilling system has been used in more than twenty important and tough projects on land,and wonderful results were acquired.At the same time the large-diameter DTH air hammer drilling system was improved continuously.The FGC15D is the latest version of the technique.  相似文献   

分析了TAPI协议的概念以及使用它编写电话控制程序的完整步骤.主要介绍了TAPI协议接口的分类和TAPI电话应用的实现,对进一步研究TAPI在电话应用系统中的开发起到了一定的作用.  相似文献   

The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were tabulated and charted. The effects of chemical and physical parameters on foaming and foam stability have been conducted.  相似文献   

Parameters affect foaming and foam stability during foam drilling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors presented indoor practice experiments of parameters affect on foaming and foam stability. Experiments were carried out and special equipments were used to determine foaming and foam stability; tests were tabulated and charted. The effects of chemical and physical parameters on foaming and foam stability have been conducted.  相似文献   

介绍了宜昌市人工影响天气管理指挥系统的组成、原理、技术要点、功能和应用情况。系统基于天气学、气象雷达、卫星和计算机技术而建立 ,为方便使用 ,设计了运行于计算机上的程序 ,并投入业务使用  相似文献   

GC-GIS system is a geochemical data processing system based on fractal theory. The system realized quantity statistics function by calling Surfer and MapInfo software, and it is compiled with Visual Ba...  相似文献   

Embedded ArcGIS Engine can improve development efficiency of environmental information system. The authors designed the structure, functions and database of the Yongjiang River Basin Water Environment Management Information System (YRBWEMIS) through the integration of ArcGIS Engine software with VC. The spatial data and attribute data in the YRBWEMIS are stored and managed separately. The system functions include display, query., statistics, spatial analysis and thematic mapping for water pollution sources, water quality, water function regionalization and catchments region.  相似文献   

Embedded ArcGIS Engine can improve development efficiency of environmental information system. The authors designed the structure, functions and database of the Yongjiang River Basin Water Environment Management Information System (YRBWEMIS) through the integration of ArcGIS Engine software with VC. The spatial data and attribute data in the YRBWEMIS are stored and managed separately. The system functions include display, query, statistics, spatial analysis and thematic mapping for water pollution sources, water quality, water function regionalization and catchments region.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate formation may be encountered during deep-water drilling because of the large amount and wide distribution of gas hydrates under the shallow seabed of the South China Sea. Hydrates are extremely sensitive to temperature and pressure changes, and drilling through gas hydrate formation may cause dissociation of hydrates, accompanied by changes in wellbore temperatures, pore pressures, and stress states, thereby leading to wellbore plastic yield and wellbore instability. Considering the coupling effect of seepage of drilling fluid into gas hydrate formation, heat conduction between drilling fluid and formation, hydrate dissociation, and transformation of the formation framework, this study established a multi-field coupling mathematical model of the wellbore in the hydrate formation. Furthermore, the influences of drilling fluid temperatures, densities, and soaking time on the instability of hydrate formation were calculated and analyzed. Results show that the greater the temperature difference between the drilling fluid and hydrate formation is, the faster the hydrate dissociates, the wider the plastic dissociation range is, and the greater the failure width becomes. When the temperature difference is greater than 7℃, the maximum rate of plastic deformation around the wellbore is more than 10%, which is along the direction of the minimum horizontal in-situ stress and associated with instability and damage on the surrounding rock. The hydrate dissociation is insensitive to the variation of drilling fluid density, thereby implying that the change of the density of drilling fluids has a minimal effect on the hydrate dissociation. Drilling fluids that are absorbed into the hydrate formation result in fast dissociation at the initial stage. As time elapses, the hydrate dissociation slows down, but the risk of wellbore instability is aggravated due to the prolonged submersion in drilling fluids. For the sake of the stability of the wellbore in deep-water drilling through hydrate formation, the drilling fluid with low temperatures should be given priority. The drilling process should be kept under balanced pressures, and the drilling time should be shortened.  相似文献   

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