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刘志林  王茂军 《地理学报》2011,66(4):457-467
基于问卷调查的非汇总数据、第五次人口普查和第一次经济普查数据,测度了北京城市124 个街道的就业可达性,并作为职住空间错位的标度指标,讨论了职住空间错位与居民通勤时间之间的关系。研究发现:① 北京城市中心区的就业可达性高于郊区,高就业可达性的街道主要集中在二环以内及东二环至东四环的东北一隅。② 全体样本的回归分析发现,在控制社会经济属性与住房状况等条件下,街道就业可达性对通勤时间的影响并不显著,但就业可达性平方与居民通勤时间存在负向相关关系。③ 分收入组来看,中高收入组两变量影响均不显著,中低收入组和低收入组就业可达性对通勤时间的影响显著,表现为通勤时间与就业可达性为正向相关,与就业可达性平方为负向相关,说明一定的阈值范围内居住街道就业可达性的提高鼓励居民延长通勤时间,但超过一定阈值后则限制居民长时间通勤。该结果与西方城市研究的研究结论不同,反映出中国城市处于空间重构和转型期的独特性。但二者的共同点是低收入居民等弱势群体更容易受城市职住关系的结构性变化的制约,城市规划和住房政策应更加重视通过公共服务设施的空间配置消减低收入居民面临的空间障碍。  相似文献   

郊区化带来的职住空间分离与机动化出行问题受到了城市地理与城市规划界的广泛关注。汽车依赖已经成为大城市郊区空间发展过程中面临的现实问题,如何减少汽车通勤比例、鼓励公共交通和非机动化通勤,已经成为城市交通可持续发展的重要目标。基于城市兴趣点数据(POI)与2017年上海市郊区居民活动日志调查数据,通过多项logit模型分析了居民居住地与工作地周边建成环境对通勤方式的影响,并建立中介效应模型探讨长距离通勤对通勤方式产生的间接效应。研究发现提升居住地的地铁站可达性、土地混合利用程度,控制居住地和工作地的设施密度等措施有利于减少汽车出行,而建成环境特征差异对通勤方式的影响要大于对通勤距离的影响。通勤距离对通勤方式选择具有显著的中介效应,对于步行和自行车通勤的影响最为明显。社区环境的提升应从增加设施多样性和公共交通可达性,营造良好的步行、骑行环境等方面来促进居民的绿色通勤行为。  相似文献   

李雪铭  杜晶玉 《地理研究》2007,26(5):1033-1042
私家车的出现改变了交通结构,增强了空间可达性,从而影响居住空间的格局和规模。以大连市为例,基于居住-就业之间的通勤行为研究私家车对居住空间扩展的作用,通过居民的社会属性、通勤行为和心理偏好等信息,利用GIS技术进行模拟和分析。结果表明,居民购车情况与居住-就业空间分布情况有一定的相关性。由于城市扩展区居住-就业的不均衡性,通勤不便是城市边缘区居民的主要问题,私家车增强了通勤的便利性,在距城市中心5km以外,私家车随居住空间的扩展而增多,并通过循环与累计效应使城市的整体规模扩大。同时,通过计量模型计算,在1990~2004年,影响居住空间扩展的诸多因子中,私家车的贡献率平均达到2.14%。  相似文献   

高速铁路与出行成本影响下的全国陆路可达性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于GIS技术与网络分析模型,应用可达性指数与标准交通经济成本参数(GTC),测度2020年规划高铁通车前后全国陆路可达性的空间格局与变化,探究高速铁路与出行成本影响下陆路可达性的特征。结果显示:从时间可达性看,高铁提高全国陆路可达性的整体水平与交通网络的客流运输效率,优化陆路交通网络,使跨区域中心城市之间联系日趋紧密,扩大中心城市的辐射范围,沿线重要城市人口覆盖范围急剧增长。高铁沿线站点、重要城市化地区与部分边远地区城市可达性获益最多,高铁对城市间中远距离关系影响突出,短距离影响主要局限于高铁沿线地区。此外,地区之间交通公平性差距结论并不统一。从经济可达性看,高铁对不同收入群体陆路可达性影响效果不同,对中低收入群体经济可达性影响有限,而对于高收入群体,随着旅行时间价值提高,经济可达性空间格局将不断接近时间可达性空间格局。  相似文献   

北京公交就业可达性及其地区和人群差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用经济普查、人口普查数据和基于百度地图的公交出行时间数据,分析北京都市区基于公共交通的就业可达性及其在城市不同人群和地区间的差异。结果表明:北京都市区的居民可在60分钟内通过公共交通到达18.3%的都市区工作岗位,这比美国100个最大的都市区的平均就业可达性水平要高,接近于美国纽约都市区的就业可达性水平。同时,由于就业郊区化程度有限和以中心—放射式布局的公交网络,北京都市区内的公交就业可达性存在着巨大的区域差异,中心城区的就业可达性远远高于郊区。此外,人口居住的郊区化程度远远高于就业的郊区化程度,导致北京都市区宏观层面的职住不平衡。随着人口居住郊区化程度的提高,公共交通如何服务居住日益分散的人口,提高就业可达性,是一项巨大的挑战。研究还发现,由于城市中心区的大部分就业为高技术的就业岗位,因此高受教育程度人口能更多地享受目前公共交通系统的便利,而受教育程度低的人口和外来人口公交就业可达性较低。为解决弱势群体所面临的就业可达性的不平等问题,需要更多的规划与政策干预。  相似文献   

大城市通勤方式与职住失衡的相互关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
申犁帆  张纯  李赫  王烨 《地理科学进展》2018,37(9):1277-1290
随着城市的扩张,人们的就业—居住空间跨度不断扩大。通勤方式的多样化和通勤效率的提高会对就业者的职住状况产生影响。以通勤时间作为通勤成本能从就业者的角度辨析个体的职住失衡状况。本文基于贝叶斯-tobit的统计分析方法,结合北京市7个街道和地区的问卷调查数据,分析了慢行交通、机动车、轨道交通、地面公交等4种通勤方式与职住失衡的相互关系。同时,引入就业可达性和用地混合度作为调节变量,考察其对不同通勤方式与职住失衡之间原有关系的影响。研究发现:①慢行交通的通勤方式与职住失衡程度存在负相关性;②机动车、轨道交通和地面公交的通勤方式与职住失衡程度存在正相关性;③就业可达性和用地混合度会弱化慢行交通、轨道交通、地面公交通勤方式与职住失衡程度的原有关系,即在低就业可达性和用地混合度条件下,慢行交通通勤者的职住失衡度更低,而轨道交通和地面公交通勤者的职住失衡度更高;④就业可达性和用地混合度的差异对机动车通勤与职住失衡之间的关系没有影响。上述结果表明:低就业可达性和用地混合度能够缓解慢行交通通勤者的职住失衡程度;但对于轨道交通和地面公交的通勤者来说,低就业可达性和用地混合度会加剧其职住失衡的程度。此外,机动车通勤者不易受外部客观因素的影响而改变出行方式。  相似文献   

以昆明市为案例,将通勤个体的实际通勤时间与理想通勤时间、通勤时间容忍阈值比较后,细分出3类通勤时间异质群体,揭示人们对通勤时间的实际感知与理想偏好、容忍阈值的匹配程度对通勤满意度的影响。结果表明:实际通勤时间在理想通勤时间之内的样本(群体1)的通勤满意度最高,而实际通勤时间超过容忍阈值的样本(群体3)的通勤满意度最低;采用不同出行方式去上班的通勤人群的通勤满意度差异明显,且他们的满意度在3类通勤时间细分群体下的分布特征不一致。构建路径分析模型,以实际通勤时间在理想值和容忍阈值之间的样本(群体2)为参照,群体1的通勤满意度更高的可能性更大,而群体3的通勤满意度更低的可能性更大;通勤方式对通勤满意度不仅存在直接效应,还通过通勤时间细分变量对通勤满意度有间接效应;工作位置越靠近主城区,通勤满意度越高。  相似文献   

北京城区公共交通满意度模型与空间结构评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
季珏  高晓路 《地理学报》2009,64(12):1477-1487
以北京市城八氏的公共交通为切入点.探索了城市空间结构的评价分析方法.通过"公共交通可达性"指标.将城市实体空间结构的指标与居民对公共交通的满意度连系起来.建立了以满意度为目标的城市空间结构评价体系.并对提升城市空间结构的实体空间因子进行了实证分析.首先,对"公共交通可达性"的各项影响因子进行了梳理,从公共交通服务质量、区域经济特征、道路建设三个方面,提出了包括公交通达度、人口和经济集聚度、道路密度、区位指标等在内的城市公共交通可达性的评价指标体系.其次,构建了以居民满意度为因变量的公共交通可达性评价模型.分析定量揭示了公交站点配置、公交通达度、经济密度等凶素对了:城市空间结构的优化作用.同时分析表明.公共交通的优化需充分考虑不同属性的居民群体的空间分布规律.据此,从城市空间结构评价的角度分析了北京市公共交通中存在的问题,并提出如下建议:①市政交通规划的重点应放在五环以内地区;②实现800m公交站点服务面积全覆盖;③加强各地与市区重要功能节点的公共交通联系来提高其通达度;④根据居民的分布和属性特征出台相应的公交服务政策提高不同居民群体的公共交通满意度.  相似文献   

公共交通系统作为一项基本公共服务设施,其可达性对优化公交建设及促进老年人出行便捷性、舒适性具有重要意义.已有研究多关注平原地区老年人公交可达性特征,忽略了地形因素的潜在影响.基于此,该文以典型山地城市贵阳为例,采用改进的潜能模型分析道路坡度及公交绕行对老年人公交可达性的影响.研究结果表明:1)地形起伏对老年人公交出行的影响取决于公交系统建设完善程度,在公交网络发达区域其影响较小;2)"常规公交+BRT"系统中,可达性呈"核心—边缘"格局,并向外围城区呈不规则的环带状圈层递减,空间失衡现象严重;3)轨道交通可显著提升老城区及轨道交通沿线区域老年人公交可达性水平,城区边缘地带老年人出行不便.研究结果可为公交规划和管理部门优化公交服务系统提供科学参考.  相似文献   

交通方式选择研究对于城市高效、可持续和安全的交通规划至关重要。以兰州市主城区为例,基于分布式认知理论,采用调查问卷数据、路网数据、POI数据,通过结构方程模型探讨居住自选择效应影响下非随机异质性的建成环境对通勤模式选择的影响。结果表明:(1)居民根据自身社会经济属性及态度偏好选择不同建成环境特征的住宅小区,继而形成特定的通勤模式,说明居住自选择存在偏好异质性,居住自选择效应存在。(2)在规避居住自选择效应后,建成环境依然对通勤模式选择具有显著影响。具体来讲,人口密度、路网密度及停车位数量直接影响通勤模式选择,路网密度、公交站点可达性、地铁站点可达性及停车位数量通过中介变量通勤距离与小汽车拥有间接影响通勤模式选择。(3)高人口密度、密路网与高可达性的建成环境通过提高道路网络的连通性、步行与公共交通的连接性进一步推动积极通勤模式与公共交通通勤模式选择,引导居民向积极通勤模式为主导的出行结构转变。  相似文献   

张艳  刘志林 《地理科学》2018,38(1):11-19
基于北京市9个不同类型中低收入社区的600位就业者的问卷调查数据,通过构建多元线性回归模型,验证了住房机会(住房搬迁机会)以及就业机会(工作单位类型)等市场转型过程中的制度性因素对中低收入者就业可达性的影响。研究表明,北京市中低收入居民中,国有企业单位及非国有企业单位就业者相对于行政事业单位就业者,显著地承受更大程度的职住分离,体现出单位制度残留的持续影响。由于政府保障性住房项目而搬迁的中低收入居民职住分离程度最大,而因个人原因发生居住搬迁的中低收入者职住距离则相对较近。拥有北京市户口的本地内生型中低收入者、非户主低收入者、男性低收入者的职住分离程度显著更大。最后,北京市中低收入者的月收入与其职住距离成显著正相关,表明市场因素开始发挥作用,但当考虑了住房搬迁机会变量后,部分市场化因素的影响不仅减弱并且变得不显著,而制度性因素的影响变得更强且统计上显著。由此说明,对于转型期的城市中低收入者而言,计划经济下再分配制度的残留与路径依赖以及城市空间的结构性调整对其职住关系的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

Amenity value in post-industrial Chinese cities: the case of Nanjing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many Chinese cities are in a transition from industrial to post-industrial urban economies. In this process of urban restructuring, land use becomes polycentric and fragmented. More sophisticated models are needed to estimate the amenity effects of this complex residential environment. This article assesses the relative housing price effects of neighborhood characteristics and accessibility in Nanjing, China. This is achieved with a hedonic price model that incorporates detailed spatial measures, geographical contingency, and a modified version of Alonso’s (1964) general theory of land rent. A crucial finding is that the effect of job accessibility on house price varies depending upon the specific sector of employment. Accessibility to jobs in the public and private service sectors has strong positive effects. However, housing proximity to heavy industries has a spatially nonlinear effect: negative in close proximity, but positive at a larger distance. Second, when we control for job accessibility, access to public transport has an added positive effect. Finally, neighborhood “quality” (defined in terms of nearby amenities) is also relevant, but far less than access to service employment. This research shows that Nanjing’s housing prices are affected by different residential characteristics than those with dominant price effects in Western cities.  相似文献   

Construction of road infrastructure is fundamental to city operation and development, as well as an important pathway and focus in physical urban-rural integration. The long-term implementation of a system of ring roads plus radiating roads in Beijing has strongly impacted urban infrastructure construction and space-time accessibility. Particularly, recent rapid growth of private car ownership in Beijing has imposed greater loads on its road system, seriously hampering urban commuting efficiency and negatively impacting quality of life. To address such challenges and enhance the rapid development of transport infrastructure, Beijing has accelerated rail transit construction since 2008 in an effort to improve commuting capacity. This paper aims to measure time accessibility and its spatial characteristics in urban areas of Beijing by applying a comprehensive method that combines vector and raster attribute data generated from road network and subway transport infrastructure. By using a dual index of accessibility and road density, the study further reveals the features of and differences in spatial accessibility and the construction of road systems in urban areas of the northern and southern parts of Beijing. The findings of this study can provide a scientific basis for future urban planning and road system construction both in general and with respect to Beijing, given its aspirations to become a world city.  相似文献   

Megaregion has become a prominent feature of modern China. Reflecting upon China’s recent path of transport infrastructure construction, this research examines the spatiotemporal characteristics of transport network development and its accessibility impacts in China’s ten megaregions from 1982 to 2010. Using historical transport network data and multiple national censuses (1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010), we computed two levels of indicators of megaregional transport network: megaregion level and county level, and analyzed the intra-megaregion and inter-megaregion disparities of transport network of the ten megaregions of China. Transport networks at the megaregion level are measured by three indicators: 1) transport network density; 2) infrastructure endowment per capita; and 3) size of transport network’s standard ellipse. Two accessibility indicators for measuring transportation network at the county level are calculated: weighted average travel time and potential accessibility. The research results show the following: 1) Road and rail network densities witnessed the greatest growth during the 2000–2010 period, and growth was more significant for railway network. 2) By 2010, average road endowments per capita in inland megaregions became higher than in coastal megaregions, while average rail endowments per capita in coastal megaregions became higher than in inland megaregions. 3) The sizes and directions of the standard deviational ellipses of road and rail network changed continuously during the study period. However the changes of road network ellipses were relatively small, while the changes of railway network ellipses were more significant. 4) Megaregions have all benefited significantly from transportation infrastructure improvement in the past few decades in terms of WATT and potential accessibility, but the three giant megaregions benefited most.  相似文献   

Construction of road infrastructure is fundamental to city operation and development, as well as an important pathway and focus in physical urban-rural integration. The long-term implementation of a system of ring roads plus radiating roads in Beijing has strongly impacted urban infrastructure construction and space-time accessibility. Particularly, recent rapid growth of private car ownership in Beijing has imposed greater loads on its road system, seriously hampering urban commuting efficiency and negatively impacting quality of life. To address such challenges and enhance the rapid development of transport infrastructure, Beijing has accelerated rail transit construction since 2008 in an effort to improve commuting capacity. This paper aims to measure time accessibility and its spatial characteristics in urban areas of Beijing by applying a comprehensive method that combines vector and raster attribute data generated from road network and subway transport infrastructure. By using a dual index of accessibility and road density, the study further reveals the features of and differences in spatial accessibility and the construction of road systems in urban areas of the northern and southern parts of Beijing. The findings of this study can provide a scientific basis for future urban planning and road system construction both in general and with respect to Beijing, given its aspirations to become a world city.  相似文献   

吴江洁  孙斌栋 《地理研究》2015,34(9):1744-1754
基于第六次人口普查、第二次经济普查和问卷调查数据,定量描述和分析了上海都市区内部以街道为空间尺度的就业可达性及其空间格局,探讨了劳动者的工资收入与居住区位就业可达性的关系。结论表明:上海市的居民就业可达性呈现相对均衡的多中心分布格局,与北京就业可达性单中心的分布格局有明显的不同。同时,在控制个人经济社会属性和地区属性的条件下,上海的居民就业可达性对居民个人收入水平具有显著的正向影响。这一结论的政策含义是,地理区位较差的住房有损于居民收入,可能是吸引力不足的重要原因之一;政府通过提高地区的居民就业可达性,有助于改善就业机会,促进居民个人收入的增加。  相似文献   

The spatial mismatch hypothesis, which argues that job decentralization has had a major impact on the economic fortunes of inner-city minorities, has been a popular argument in academic and policy circles. It is possible, however, that employment decentralization was a temporary shock to inner-city labor markets and that labor supply has successfully adjusted by residential relocation and alterations in job search patterns. This paper examines this issue with an empirical analysis of the 1980 and 1990 employment probabilities of black and white male teenagers living in the largest metropolitan areas of the United States. Findings indicate that the impact of job accessibility on employment probabilities declined between 1980 and 1990, especially for black male teenagers not enrolled in school. Accessibility had a declining effect for this group because of losing the advantage of accessibility rather than overcoming the disadvantage of inaccessibility. By 1990, black male teens living in job-accessible areas no longer enjoyed as much of an employment advantage relative to teens living in job-inaccessible areas as they did in 1980. We should thus be cautious about ascribing too much theoretical or policy importance to job accessibility factors.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):253-271
This research proposes two indexes, job proximity and accessibility, to measure workers' location advantage by residences with respect to their job markets. Job proximity is designed to capture the spatial separation between residents and jobs. Job accessibility measures one's ability to overcome such separation as may be affected by transportation means, road network, congestion, and intensity of competition for jobs among workers. The research compares the two measures among workers of various wage levels in an attempt to reveal who has the greatest advantage in job access and whether job access is a spatial or nonspatial issue. In Cleveland in 1990, the mean wage rate of 30,000 was a critical turning point: below this level, the higher the mean wage rate in a residential area, the farther the area was away from jobs; above this level, the trend is reversed. In other words, below a wage threshold, workers tend to trade better and more spacious housing (usually farther away from jobs) for more commuting; but above the threshold, workers retreat for saving in commuting (pertaining to their high opportunity cost of commuting). Although low-wage workers enjoy better job proximity, many of them (particularly some inner-city residents) have the worst job accessibility because of their limited transport mobility as indicated by a low level of automobile ownership. Job proximity declines with distance from the CBD and conforms to the monocentric model, as does job accessibility but to a less degree. Since workers with various wages respond differently to job access, the distribution of mean wage rates in the metropolitan area is hardly monocentric.  相似文献   

城市交通运输地理发展趋势   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
从城市交通运输地理研究的核心概念入手,在对具有代表性的交通运输地理著作及刊物的研究进行综述基础上,对城市交通运输地理的发展进行分析,揭示城市交通运输地理目前研究的主要内容及发展趋势,丰富和发展城市地理学及交通地理学的研究内容。  相似文献   

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