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Muon radiography is a technique that uses cosmic ray muons to image the interior of large scale geological structures. The muon absorption in matter is the most important parameter in cosmic ray muon radiography. Cosmic ray muon radiography is similar to X-ray radiography. The main aim in this survey is the simulation of the muon radiography for exploration of mines. So, the production source, tracking, and detection of cosmic ray muons were simulated by MCNPX code. For this purpose, the input data of the source card in MCNPX code were extracted from the muon energy spectrum at sea level. In addition, the other input data such as average density and thickness of layers that were used in this code are the measured data from Pabdana (Kerman, Iran) coal mines. The average thickness and density of these layers in the coal mines are from 2 to 4 m and 1.3 gr/c3, respectively. To increase the spatial resolution, a detector was placed inside the mountain. The results indicated that using this approach, the layers with minimum thickness about 2.5 m can be identified.  相似文献   

PoCA算法和MLSD算法是宇宙线μ子成像中常用的两种算法,其成像结果在中心面普遍存在分布均匀、灰度值较小的层状伪影。本文通过分析μ子成像的物理机制和重建算法原理,研究上述中心面伪影,指出其产生原因是成像空间中存在本底物质,并在此基础上提出一种校正方法,模拟实验表明该方法能在不影响μ子三维重建的前提下有效地消除中心面伪影。  相似文献   

热中子照相技术在检测含氢材料、重金属等样品方面是X射线等其他无损检测技术的有益补充,热中子层析照相技术研究在国内尚是空白.利用SPRR-300基于CCD的热中子数字照相装置、带孔铝圆柱为实验样品,采集了样品某截面36×552组投影实验数据,在对数据进行预处理前后,采用滤波反投影方法重建了断面图像.重建图像揭示了样品的基本结构,验证了利用SPRR-300热中子数字照相装置进行热中子层析照相技术研究和装置研发是可行的,为下一步工作奠定了基础.  相似文献   

数字射线技术正获得越来越广泛的应用,并成为射线检测技术的发展趋势。但目前有关数字射线技术的标准对于图像质量控制方面的规定还相对简单,难于进行有效的质量控制,因而在实际检测中可能出现较大的随意性而影响检测结果评判。使用互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)线阵列射线探测器与阶梯试块进行射线检测实验,得到了不同厚度所对应的灰度图像,测试了影像对比度,同时分析了图像的信噪比和检测灵敏度。通过对实验结果的综合对比分析,提出了数字化射线检测图像质量控制措施。  相似文献   

通过对钢板试件的数字透射成像检测试验,分析并研究了非晶硅面阵探测器成像检测系统、透照参数、检测工艺与检测图像质量的关系,并给出了检测过程中应该注意的问题.具体试验表明:面阵探测器X射线数字成像系统在一定厚度范围内的像质计灵敏度优于同厚度的射线照相B级要求.  相似文献   

宇宙射线μ子检测技术具有穿透力强、对高Z材料敏感等特点,特别适合检测特殊核材料,是监控核材料走私的有效方式.图像重建问题是实现该技术的一个关键难点,MLS-EM算法是目前成像质量较好的算法,但其过长的运算时间制约了该算法在实际μ子检测系统中的应用.根据μ子检测系统的特点,本文提出了一种加速方法,在使用POCA重建图像作为迭代初值基础上进一步采用OS方法进行EM加速.模拟实验结果表明该方法能够有效地对MLS-EM重建算法进行加速,这对于宇宙射线μ子成像技术早日投入实际应用具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

在定量中子照相散射校正时需要考虑中子转换屏对不同角度入射中子的响应,中子转换屏的角度响应研究在中子照相散射校正中具有很重要的意义。本文在理论上推导中子转换屏的角度响应的解析式,并利用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP5对该解析式进行验证。利用蒙特卡罗方法对中子转换屏角度响应的影响因素进行研究。给出中子转换屏的角度响应与转换屏厚度以及入射中子能量之间的关系,中子转换屏的角度响应随着转换屏的厚度增大而增大,随着入射中子能量的增大而减小,并得到6LiF-ZnS(Ag)转换屏的最佳厚度为0.3mm。   相似文献   

为配合本科生及研究生专业课程《射线数字影像及工业CT》的课堂教学,建设用于创新和实践能力培养的教学与实验平台。通过现场实验演示、测试过程模拟、图像分析与重建软件操作实践,提高学生对射线数字影像与工业CT技术的理解和认知水平,为后续的专业课设及科研兴趣培养储备良好的理论基础与实践能力。  相似文献   

数字实时成像(DR)与X射线胶片成像对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了数字实时成像技术与X射线胶片成像技术的基本原理,从几个方面对两种技术的特点做了比较分析,并初步讨论了X射线成像技术的发展动向。  相似文献   

热中子数字成像系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成像系统是中子照相装置的关键组件之一.采用6LiFZnS(Ag)材料中子转换屏、长焦距、小视场专用微光镜头等光学组件,利用科学级CCD芯片、两级热电偶制冷技术、14bit模数转换技术研制了数字CCD摄像机,采用Visula C 和C Builder为工具,开发了双字节图像采集处理分析软件包,并设计了成像系统辐射防护装置,构成了热中子数字成像系统.实验证明:所采用的技术路线是合理的,达到了设计目的,成像质量可以与国外类似装置相媲美.  相似文献   

目的:通过研究拇外翻足在拍摄足正位X线片时负重、非负重HVA、IMA变化的趋势,寻找一种通过非负重角度推算负重角度的简易方法。方法:搜集40例69足拇外翻足负重、非负重正位X线片,测量HVA、IMA值进行比较研究。结果:拇外翻足负重与非负重HVA比较无差异、负重与非负重IMA比较存在显著性差异,具有统计学意义,且IMA...  相似文献   

The soil water retention function is needed for modeling multiphase flow in porous media. Traditional techniques for measuring the soil water retention function, such as the hanging water column or pressure cell methods, yield average water retention data which have to be modeled using inverse procedures to extract relevant point parameters. In this study, we have developed a technique for directly measuring multiple point (pixel-scale) water retention curves for a repacked sand material using 2-D neutron radiography. Neutron radiographic images were obtained under quasi-equilibrium conditions at nine imposed basal matric potentials during monotonic drying of Flint sand at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Cold Guide (CG) 1D beamline at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. All of the images were normalized with respect to an image of the oven dry sand column. Volumetric water contents were computed on a pixel by pixel basis using an empirical calibration equation after taking into account beam hardening and geometric corrections. Corresponding matric potentials were calculated from the imposed basal matric potential and pixel elevations. Volumetric water content and matric potential data pairs corresponding to 120 selected pixels were used to construct 120 point water retention curves. Each curve was fitted to the Brooks and Corey equation using segmented non-linear regression in SAS. A 98.5% convergence rate was achieved resulting in 115 estimates of the four Brooks and Corey parameters. A single Brooks and Corey point water retention function was constructed for Flint sand using the median values of these parameter estimates. This curve corresponded closely with the point Brooks and Corey function inversely extracted from the average water retention data using TrueCell. Forward numerical simulations performed using HYDRUS 1-D showed that the cumulative outflows predicted using the point Brooks and Corey functions from both the direct (neutron radiography) and inverse (TrueCell) methods were in good agreement with independent measurements of cumulative outflow determined with a transducer. Our results indicate that neutron radiography can be used to quantify the point water retention curve of homogeneous mineral particles. Further research will be needed to extend this approach to more heterogeneous porous media.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that positron emission tomography (PET) and neutron radiography (NR) techniques are complementary methods for determining the fluid pathway and porosity in crystalline rock. After preliminary injection of an organic solvent (e.g. isopropanol) front followed by the injection of the polymer solution (e.g. epoxy used for both techniques) and resin hardening, rock cutting may be performed. Flow pathway may be imaged by using a β+ emitter (e.g. 68Ga) in the resin. With a high-resolution PET camera, determination of the original water carrier features is possible in granodiorite pieces 20 cm in size and in simulated features with porosities of the order of 0.2. The use of a β+ tracer and the camera field, however, limit the lateral resolution of the technique (10 mm). Neutron radiography makes it possible to visualize the simulated porous phases by neutron transmission. The transmission process depends on the neutron scattering properties of the hydrogen-rich material (e.g. epoxy resin). Combination of 2D pictures may rebuild the 3D pattern. Lateral resolution may be in the range of 1 mm; however, the thickness of the rock sample must not exceed 10 cm. Complementarity of these techniques is discussed and they are compared with other methods used to determine porosity.  相似文献   

支气管扩张(以下简称支扩)一直是肺部疾病的重要和常见病因。高分辨率CT使支气管成像发生变革,目前是继胸片和支气管造影之后诊断支扩的首选方法,它能更好地显示疾病临床特征和气管结构异常方面的相互关系。年来螺旋CT以其独特的成像特征成为支扩诊断的又一可靠方法。  相似文献   

目的:比较数字X线摄影(DR)和多层螺旋CT(MSCT)在肋骨骨折诊断中的确诊率,评价其在法医临床鉴定中的作用。方法:观察80例肋骨骨折患者的DR正、斜位片,MSCT容积再现(VR)、最大密度投影(MIP)、多平面重组(MPR)及薄层轴位图像,对比分析两种影像学检查方法在肋骨骨折确诊率、漏诊率和疑诊率方面的差异。结果:...  相似文献   

目的:明确士兵胫骨应力性骨折患者不同影像学评分与临床表现之间的相互关系,增强对士兵胫骨应力性骨折的认识。方法:本研究共纳入34例参加军事训练出现胫骨应力性骨折的士兵患者,所有对象平均年龄为19.1岁。所有患者分别由骨科医生及影像科医生采用X线、MRI扫描及CT扫描来评价胫骨应力性骨折的严重程度。同时由骨科医生对临床严重程度评分进行评价。统计学分析不同影像学检查评分与临床严重程度之间的相互关系,影像学检查评分与治愈时间之间的关系以及评价不同医生采用不同影像学设备评价患者的可靠性。结果:临床严重程度与患者的X线(r=-0.529,P=0.029)、MRI扫描(r=-0.641,P=0.006)及CT (r=-0.573,P=0.016)影像学评分存在负相关。治愈时间与患者的X线及CT影像学评分无相关性,与MRI扫描的影像学评分虽无相关性,但有相关的趋势(P=0.09)。MRI扫描的可靠性最佳(α=0.849),CT次之(α=0.779),X线第三(α=0.623)。结论:胫骨应力性骨折临床严重程度与X线、磁共振及CT扫描影像学评分存在负相关。X线、磁共振及CT扫描影像学评分与治愈时间无相关性。   相似文献   

CT对隐性骨折的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨CT对隐性骨折的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析84例隐性骨折患者,其中男64例,女20例,年龄7 ̄73岁,平均42.6岁。所有患者均行轴位或冠状位CT扫描。结果:扫描发现脊柱骨折28例,髋臼骨折8例,胫骨平台骨折11例,眶骨骨折12例,颞骨骨折13例。肩胛骨骨折12例。结论:CT对隐性骨折的诊断具有极大价值,对于高度怀疑骨折而X线片未显示骨折征象的患者应进一步给予CT扫描检查。  相似文献   

Few methods exist for measuring rapidly changing fluid contents at the pore scale that simultaneously allow whole flow field visualization. We present a method for using real-time neutron radiography to measure rapidly changing moisture profiles in porous media. The imaging technique monitors the attenuation of a thermal neutron beam as it traverses a flow field and provides measurements every 30 ms with an image area >410 cm2 and a spatial resolution 0.05 cm. The technique is illustrated by measuring the variation in moisture content across a wetting front moving at constant velocity through SiO2 sand. The relative contributions of the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity terms in Richards' equation to the total fluid flux within the wetting front region were also measured. The diffusivity was found to rise from zero to a peak value within the wetting front region before falling off while the conductivity was found to rise monotonically. The reliability of the technique was checked via mass balance.  相似文献   

目的:借助嵌有磨玻璃病灶的胸部体模研究X线摄影、计算机断层扫描(CT)和数字断层融合(DTS)3种检查技术在新型冠状病毒肺炎筛查中的应用价值.方法:将19枚与新型冠状病毒肺炎的典型影像表征相似的类椭圆形磨玻璃影磨玻璃病灶置入体模内各肺叶处,分别用低剂量CT扫描、DTS扫描和X线摄影方法检查,更换病灶位置后再次检查,对3...  相似文献   

Soils are often structured as fine-porous aggregates separated by large inter-aggregate pores. Under unsaturated conditions, water is mostly stored in the aggregates and water flow depends on the properties of the aggregates as well as on those of the contacts between aggregates. The goal of this study is to model and evaluate the hydraulic properties of the contacts. We used neutron radiography to monitor the infiltration of water through series of aggregates. The flow process was numerically simulated by considering the hydraulically conducting contact area between aggregates as a variable that depends on the capillary pressure. This contact area was evaluated by matching the observed and simulated water flow across aggregates. We determined the conductivity of the contacts assuming that it scales with the contact area. We also measured the equivalent conductivity of series of aggregates. We found that during drainage the hydraulically conducting contact area drastically decreases and the conductivity of the contacts becomes much smaller than that of the aggregates. We also found that the equivalent conductivity of the aggregate series decreases as the conductivity of the contacts. We concluded that the contacts control the flow: they are highly conductive when wet, but act as bottle-necks under drained conditions. The abrupt transition between these two limiting cases indicates that the contact region is more rapidly drained than the aggregate interior. Our findings might be extended to describe water transfer to an evaporating boundary, infiltration and storage of water in unsaturated aggregated soils.  相似文献   

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