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中国亚热带北界及其过渡带   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据亚热带热量指标构造了热量综合指数表达式,确定亚热带北界的具体位置、宽度和特征,分析过渡带内气候变量在时间上和空间上的内在联系。  相似文献   

本文根据亚热带热量指标构造了热量综合指数表达式,确定亚热带北界的具体位置、宽度和特征,分析过渡带内气候变量在时间上和空间上的内在联系。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下中国玉米生产潜力变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
玉米作为中国第一大粮食作物,探究其生产潜力在气候变化背景下的时空变化特征对中国有效应对气候变化具有重要意义。论文结合全球农业生态区模型、极点对称模态分解方法和集对分析方法,探讨了中国玉米生产潜力的周期性波动特征及长期变化趋势,进而分析了其空间格局演变过程。结果表明:1960—2010年间,中国玉米生产潜力呈增加趋势,由1960年代的9.10亿t增至2000年代的9.45亿t左右。在年际尺度上,中国玉米生产潜力主要以准3 a和准5 a的周期进行波动;在年代际尺度上,存在准10 a和准20 a的波动周期。其中,准3 a的周期波动是中国玉米生产潜力长时间变化的最主要特征,这主要是受年降水量变化的影响。从空间格局来看,中国玉米生长适宜区主要集中在加格达奇—锡林浩特—临河—西宁—天水—中甸沿线以东;1960—2000年间,玉米生产潜力界线在中国东北部和临河—西宁沿线发生了较为明显的移动。华北平原、辽河平原、四川盆地等地区的玉米单产潜力变化趋势具有较强的一致性,松嫩平原、三江平原、关中盆地、长江中下游平原等地区的玉米单产潜力变化过程与上述地区恰好相反。在这2类地区,玉米单产潜力的变化均较显著,但变化方向在年代际尺度上具有交替性。  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下中国降水量空间格局的变化特征   总被引:75,自引:5,他引:75  
王英  曹明奎  陶波  李克让 《地理研究》2006,25(6):1031-1040
相对于全球性的持续变暖趋势,降水量变化格局及其区域分异有更大的不确定性,因此研究不同区域降水量的变化特征是当前全球气候变化研究的重要内容之一。本研究基于19512002年中国约730个气象台站观测数据,利用空间插值和Mann-Kendall时间序列趋势分析方法并结合GIS技术,分析了过去50多年中国降水量的时空变化特征。结果表明,全国平均年降水量从60年代到90年代呈明显下降趋势,但在90年代后期出现回升,其中夏季和冬季降水量已达到50年代和60年代的水平。同时,降水量变化呈现显著的区域分异特征:华北、华中、东北南部地区持续下降,长江流域以南地区明显增加,而新疆北部、东北北部和青藏高原西部60年代到70年代下降,80年代后期有所回升。中国北方有从干旱到湿润转变的迹象,但华北和东北南部地区仍然处于持续的干旱期。中国降水量的总体下降及90年代后期的回升与全球变化趋势基本一致,但区域变化格局与全球中高纬度地区降水增加、热带和亚热带地区减少的特征正好相反。  相似文献   

长江经济带将中国中西部欠发达与东部沿海发达地区联系起来,是中国综合实力最强的地区之一,其生态环境状况关乎全国经济社会的发展,相关研究对于推进资源开发,生态环境保护、风险防范以及区域协调发展都有着重要的意义.通过国内外文献梳理与归纳,总结出长江经济带主要生态环境问题为:生态系统格局变化剧烈;服务功能、质量降低;湿地和湖泊...  相似文献   

 依据秦岭南北地区80个站点1980-2009年气象数据,主要应用空间分析方法对半干旱与湿润区、暖温带与亚热带界限的位置变动特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近30 a来,秦岭南北地区的气候干燥度呈明显的纬向分布,由北向南湿度依次增加,其线性趋势除商洛东北部,和西安中部地区呈增加变湿的趋势外,其余部分呈减少趋势;≥10 ℃积温天数呈纬向分布,由北向南依次增加,其线性趋势均为增加趋势,空间分布特征呈同心分布;(2)半干旱与湿润界限在20世纪80年代位置最北,在90年代最南,21世纪前10 a次之;暖温带与亚热带界限在20世纪80年代的位置最南、 90年代略有北移,且在21世纪前10 a位置最北;(3)秦岭南北地区的半干旱与湿润、暖温带与亚热带界限最大波动分别为1.2、0.5 个纬度,且两者30 a平均位置均在34 °N附近;(4)秦岭南北地区近30 a气候暖干化趋势明显,该区的半干旱与湿润区、暖温带与亚热带界限的北移可能会对该地区的种植制度产生较大影响。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下冰川积雪融水对博斯腾湖水位变化的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
依据近50年来博斯腾湖流域开都河大山口水文站径流数据和8个气象台站的气温、降水、积雪融水资料,并借助相邻流域天山1号冰川物质平衡资料,对气候变化背景下冰川和积雪融水对开都河径流量及博湖水位的贡献率进行了诊断分析。通过多元线性拟合法和偏相关分析法研究表明,1号冰川物质平衡与大山口水文站年径流量具有显著反相关关系,相关系数-0.28,但开都河年径流量变化并不能完全由冰川融水解释,降水和积雪融水的影响也非常重要,它们与大山口年径流的偏相关系数分别为0.57和0.40,超过99.9%和99%置信度水平。气温、降水、积雪融水拟合年径流与观测年径流的相关系数达0.63,超过99.9%置信度水平。各季节分析表明,春、秋季的降水和气温对径流具有显著影响,偏相关系数分别为0.52和0.37;夏季主要是冰川和积雪融水对径流的影响,其中积雪融水与径流的偏相关系数达0.51。夏季是一年中径流最大的季节,其变化主导着年径流量的变化,因此冰雪融水作为博斯腾湖的入湖水源,对博斯腾湖水位变化的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下1981-2010年中国玉米物候变化时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦雅  刘玉洁  葛全胜 《地理学报》2018,73(5):906-916
基于中国玉米种植区内114个农气站1981-2010年的长序列物候观测数据,量化分析了玉米8个连续物候期的时空分异特征和相应的生长阶段长度变化规律。结果表明:1981-2010年间,玉米生育期内平均温度和有效积温(GDD)呈现增加趋势,降水量和日照时数呈现减少趋势。气候变化背景下,玉米物候期发生了显著变化。春玉米物候期以提前趋势为主,包括西北内陆玉米区春玉米、西南山地丘陵玉米区春玉米;夏玉米和春夏播玉米各物候期在不同区域均呈现推迟的趋势,西北内陆玉米区夏玉米各物候期推迟的幅度大于黄淮平原夏玉米各物候期推迟的幅度。玉米物候期的变化改变了相应生长阶段的长度,中国春/夏/春夏播玉米营养生长期(播种期—抽雄期)呈现不同程度的缩短趋势,而对应的生殖生长期(抽雄期—成熟期)呈现不同程度的延长趋势;春玉米生育期(播种期—成熟期)延长,夏/春夏播玉米生育期缩短。  相似文献   

气候变暖对中国亚热带北界位置的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
缪启龙  丁园圆  王勇 《地理研究》2009,28(3):634-642
在全球气候变暖的背景下,中国气候带也有相应的变化。亚热带北界是暖温带与北亚热带的交界,是中国气候带上的一个重要分界线。论文讨论了气候变暖对中国亚热带北界的影响。数据资料来自于中国气象局,采用中国740个站点1951~2005年的日平均温度资料。根据《中华人民共和国气候图集》中气候区划的第一级气候带定义指标,以≥10℃天数为主导指标,≥10℃积温、1月平均温度为辅助指标,定义亚热带北界为≥10℃天数为218天,≥10℃积温为4500~4800℃,1月平均气温为0℃。分别统计1951~2005年暖温带与亚热带指标的年代变化及亚热带北界在1951~1970、1971~1990、1991~2005年的位置演变,结果表明:34°N附近55年来≥10℃天数、≥10℃积温、1月平均温度都呈上升趋势。20世纪50年代至今,亚热带北界西段几乎没有变化;亚热带北界中东段向北推移幅度较大,到本世纪初向北已推移到35°N附近,较1951~1970年向北推移2~3个纬度。亚热带北界位置的向北推移是对全球气候变暖的一种响应,这将对我国农业布局和生态环境有重要影响。  相似文献   

基于地理探测器的中国亚热带北界探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寇志翔  姚永慧  胡宇凡 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2821-2832
暖温带与亚热带的分界线,是自然区划中一条重要的自然界线,它的划分问题曾引起诸多学科学者的争论。由于早期综合自然区划研究多以定性、专家集成方法为主,同时区划目的、使用指标等多有不同,导致不同学者所划分的自然区多存在一定的差异。本文基于空间分异性思想,使用地理探测器定量探测气候指标对中国亚热带北界的影响,选择其中q值较大的指标如日均温≥0℃天数、最冷月1月均温、年降水和湿润指数等作为主导因子并参考植被、土壤数据探讨亚热带北界界线的位置。结果表明:① 地理探测器法可以快速、准确地筛选自然区划的主要气候指标,并确定分界线的准确位置,提高了自然区划研究的技术水平和区划界线的客观性。② 使用地理探测器划分的新界线在研究区西部位于秦岭南坡1000~1600 m的位置,与以往界线相比略偏南;在研究区东部河南东部、安徽北部比以往界线略偏北。在保持自然要素完整性的同时,新界线具有更大的q值,表明新界线可以很好的反映暖温带与北亚热带2个区划带之间的差异,划分结果具有合理性。  相似文献   

中国北方地区40年来湿润指数和气候干湿带界线的变化   总被引:63,自引:6,他引:57  
本文研究了中国北方地区 196 1~ 2 0 0 0年 4 0年间气候干湿带界线分布和 10年际变化。 4 0年来中国北方地区 ,在东经 10 0°以东地区 ,半干旱区和半湿润区的分界线不断波动向东推进 ,2 0世纪 90年代比 6 0年代向东和向南扩展 ,半干旱区面积扩大 ,半湿润区面积缩小 ,气候趋向干旱化 ;东经 10 0°以西地区 ,极端干旱区面积在缩小 ,湿润指数有增大趋势。如果把温度和湿润指数相结合 ,东经 10 0°以东的黄淮海区和黄土高原区为持续的干暖型 ;东经 10 0°以西的西北地区 ,则由干暖型向湿暖型转变 :河西走廊和东疆盆地转型的时间发生在 2 0世纪 70年代初 ,北疆山地绿洲荒漠地区转型的时间发生 2 0世纪 80年代中期前后。气候干湿带界线的变化取决于降水和潜在蒸发的变化速率。 4 0年来 ,在东经 10 0°以东地区 ,降水和潜在蒸发都呈下降趋势 ,但降水减少速率大于潜在蒸发下降速率 ;在东经 10 0°以西地区变湿的原因 ,研究认为除了降水有所增加外 ,潜在蒸发也在下降 ,而且潜在蒸发下降速率的绝对值大于降水增加速率。  相似文献   

In this paper, the spatial and temporal distribution of the settlement sites of six periods from the Neolithic Age to the Shang and Zhou dynasties in northern Shandong was investigated using the ArcGIS program, and the relationship between settlement distribution and environmental changes was discussed, based on the proxy records of climatic and environmental change contained in the sediments from three sections at the Shuangwangcheng site and the previous work. The results show that the climate was warm and humid and the sea level was relatively high during the period of 8000-5000 a BP in the study area, and the ancient people lived in the relatively flat (slope of 〈2°) areas at high elevation (20-300 m above sea level), such as diluvial tableland and alluvial plain. On the other hand, few archaeological sites in the low-lying plain in the west of the study area indicate that few people lived there during that period. This might be attributed to frequent flooding in the area. After 5000 years ago, the scope of human activity extended to the area close to the sea because the relatively colder and drier climate results in sea-level fall, meanwhile the low-lying plain in the west was occupied by the ancient people. The study area of this period was characterized by the rapid development of prehistoric culture, the intensified social stratification and the emergence of early city-states. However, around 4000 a BP, the abrupt change in climate and the increase in frequency and intensity of floods severely disrupted human activities, and eventually led to the decline of the Yueshi culture. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the climatic conditions gradually stabilized in a mild-dry state, which promoted the redevelopment and flourish of the Bronze Culture. The previous situation, which was characteristic of sparse human settlements due to freshwater shortage and unfitted conditions for sedentary agriculture, changed during the Shang and Zhou dynasties in northern coastal wetlands.Local residents effectively adapted themselves to the tough environmental conditions by producing sea-salt, which led to the rapid growth of human activities.  相似文献   

A critical issue in research concerning long-term climate change is the relationship between circulation features and global temperature variations. We establish that the annual areal size of the northern hemisphere subtropical high pressure belt (SHPB), as defined by seven 500-hPa height isohypses, shares over 70% of the variability with global annual near-surface air temperature since 1948. The area enclosed by the 5850-m isohypse of the 500-hPa surface in the northern hemisphere has more than doubled since the 1950s, with greatest increases over northern Africa, the Middle East and India. A long-term historical run of a coupled global climate model shows rapidly increasing SHPB annual sizes, since the mid-1970s. Since the SHPB’s descending air produces increased aridity, SHPB expansion may transition humid regions to more arid lands. To examine this aspect, first, variations in recorded precipitation using a gridded database for the region experiencing expansion of the SHPB show a decrease in precipitation (though significant only at the 88% confidence level) over the last 60?years. Second, variations in a 0.5° spatial resolution monthly drought index, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, are highly correlated (+0.78) with annual variations in the area enclosed by the 500-hPa height isohypses. These results support those of previous investigations that suggest further northward expansion of the northern hemisphere subtropical dry zones with continued global climate change.  相似文献   

中国北方农牧交错带对全球变化响应敏感,研究气候变化及土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)背景下北方农牧交错带水资源问题,对变化环境下生态脆弱区的水资源利用与管理具有重要意义。通过对北方农牧交错带气候与LUCC演变特征及其对水资源影响等方面的综合研究,总结得出:(1) 近几十年,该地区气候呈暖干化趋势,气温升高速率与降水减少速率均高于全球平均水平。(2) LUCC以农牧相互转化为主,土地利用结构未发生明显变化。(3) 该地区流域径流、地下水位与气温负相关,与降水量正相关,且降水作用更明显;近几十年来,LUCC成为影响该地区生态水文过程的主导因素,对水资源影响的贡献率越来越大。同时,针对目前研究中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出未来研究的发展趋势和亟需重点加强的研究方向。  相似文献   

根据土壤化学特征划分伏牛山亚热带北界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The boundary between subtropical zone and temperate zone is not only important in physical geography, but also attractive in agricultural production. Seven soil profiles studied in this paper are placed along the southern slope of Funiu Mountain at different heights above sea level.Many compositions and properties of these soils have been determined in laboratory. In this paper,the laws of migration and accumulation of soil materials on the southern slope of Funiu Mountain are discussed first, then the division of the boundary between subtropical zone and temperate zone in this area according to soil geochemistry is discussed with qualitative methods and mathematical classification method in which twelve selected indexes such as Km, Saf, Ba, β, Feo/Fet, Mno/Mnt and so on are used. The result indicates that the boundary between subtropical zone and temperate zone on the southern slope of Funiu Mountain is about 950 m above sea level.  相似文献   

姚永慧  寇志翔  胡宇凡  张百平 《地理学报》2020,75(11):2298-2306
秦岭不仅是中国南北的地理分界线,也是中国亚热带和暖温带的气候分界线,在中国地理生态格局中占有重要的地位和作用。由于过渡带的复杂性、过渡性和异质性以及划分指标、研究目的的不同,学术界关于这一南北地理—生态分界线的具体位置一直有争论。为了进一步揭示秦巴山区过渡带的特征,明确中国南北地理—生态分界线的位置,本文选择马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林这两类分别代表中国南方亚热带针叶林和北方温带针叶林的植被,结合研究区SRTM地形数据、气温和降水数据等,以年降水、最冷月(1月)气温、最热月(7月)气温和年均温为气候指标,详细分析了这两类植被在秦巴山区的空间分布及二者分界线处的气候条件。结果表明:①马尾松林和油松林的分界线及相应位置的气候指标可以作为亚热带与暖温带界线划分的植被—气候指标之一。秦巴山区亚热带针叶林(马尾松林)与温带针叶林(油松林)的分界线位于伏牛山南坡至汉中盆地北缘一线(秦岭南坡)海拔1000~1200 m处;分界线处气候指标稳定:年降水750~1000 mm,年均温12~14℃,最冷月气温0~4℃,最热月气温22~26℃...  相似文献   

Yao  Yonghui  Hu  Yufan  Kou  Zhixiang  Zhang  Baiping 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(9):1523-1533
The Qinling Mountains is not only the geographical boundary between North and South China,but also the boundary between subtropical and warm temperate zones.It plays an important role in the geo-ecological pattern of China.However,there is controversy about the specific location of this geographical boundary in academic community due to the complexity,transition and heterogeneity of the transitional zone,as well as the differences in the delimitation indicators and research purposes.To further reveal the characteristics of the North-South transitional zone and clarify the specific location of the geo-ecological boundary between North and South China,combined with SRTM topographic data,temperature and precipitation data,Pinus massoniana forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest,which represent subtropical coniferous forest in South China and temperate coniferous forest in North China respectively,were chosen to analyze their spatial distributions in the Qinling-Daba Mountains and the climatic conditions at their boundary with the climatic indexes of annual precipitation,the coldest month(January) average temperature,the warmest month(July) average temperature and the annual average temperature.The results show that:(1) Pinus massoniana and Pinus tabulaeformis forests and the climate indicators of their boundary can be used as one of the vegetation-climate indexes for the delimitation of subtropical and warm temperate zones.The boundary between the subtropical coniferous forest(Pinus massoniana forest) and temperate coniferous forest(Pinus tabulaeformis forest) is located along the south slope of Funiu Mountain to the north edge of Hanzhong Basin(the south slope of Qinling Mountains) at an altitude of 1000–1200 m,where the climatic indictors are stable:the annual precipitation is about 750–1000 mm,the annual average temperature is about 12–14℃,the coldest monthly average temperature is 0–4℃,and the warmest monthly average temperature is about 22–26℃.(2) It can be more scientifically to delimitate the boundary of subtropical and warm temperate zones in China by comprehensively considering the vegetation-climate indicators.Additionally,the boundary between subtropical and warm temperate zones in Qinling-Daba Mountains should be a transitional zone consisting of the boundaries of coniferous forests,broad-leaved forests and shrubs between subtropical and warm temperate zones.The results provide a scientific basis for the selection of delimitation index of subtropical and warm temperate zones.  相似文献   

The quantitative effect of climate change on fragile regions has been a hot topic in the field of responses to climate change. Previous studies have qualitatively documented the impacts of climate change on boundary shifts in the farming-pastoral ecotone (FPE); however, the quantitative methods for detecting climate contributions remain relatively limited. Based on long-term data of meteorological stations and interpretations of land use since 1970, climate and land use boundaries of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s were delineated. To detect climate contributions to the FPE boundary shifts, we developed two quantitative methods to explore the spatial-temporal pattern of climate and land use boundary at the east-west (or south-north) (FishNet method) and transect directions (Digital Shoreline Analysis System, DSAS method). The results indicated that significant differences were exhibited in climate boundaries, land use boundaries, as well as climate contributions in different regions during different periods. The northwest FPE had smaller variations, while the northeast FPE had greater shifts. In the northwest part of the southeast fringe of the Greater Hinggan Mountains and the Inner Mongolian Plateau, the shifts of climate boundaries were significantly related to the land use boundaries. The climate contributions at an east-west direction ranged from 10.7% to 44.4%, and those at a south-north direction varied from 4.7% to 55.9%. The majority of the results from the DSAS were consistent with those from the FishNet. The DSAS method is more accurate and suitable for precise detection at a small scale, whereas the FishNet method is simple to conduct statistical analysis rapidly and directly at a large scale. Our research will be helpful to adapt to climate change, to develop the productive potential, as well as to protect the environment of the FPE in northern China.  相似文献   

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