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2017年陕西气温偏高,降水偏多,日照时数偏多。全省年平均气温130 ℃,较常年偏高09 ℃。全省年平均降水量7517 mm,较常年偏多19%。2016/2017年冬季持续大范围雾、霾,关中大部空气质量较差。夏季多历时短、强度大的极端强暴雨天气,7月25—27日陕北特大暴雨,灾害损失严重;夏季高温范围广、强度大、持续时间长,关中、陕南伏旱明显。秋季华西秋雨开始早,持续时间长,降水量大,强度强,陕南秋汛灾害损失严重。综合上述分析, 2017年陕西气象灾害属于一般年份。  相似文献   

2018年中国气候主要特征及主要天气气候事件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2018年,我国气候属于正常年景,气候灾害偏轻。全国平均气温为10.09℃,较常年偏高0.54℃,春、夏季气温创历史新高,秋、冬季气温接近常年。全国平均降水量为673.8 mm,较常年偏多7.0%。全国降水夏、秋季偏多,冬季偏少,春季接近常年同期。华南前汛期开始晚,结束早,雨量少;西南雨季开始和结束均接近常年,雨量多;入梅晚、出梅早,梅雨量少;华北雨季开始和结束均早,雨量多;华西秋雨开始和结束均晚,雨量少;东北雨季开始和结束均接近常年,雨量少。2018年,生成和登陆台风多、登陆位置偏北、灾损严重。低温冷冻害及雪灾频发,损失偏重。其他气象灾害,如暴雨洪涝、干旱、强对流、沙尘暴影响均偏轻。  相似文献   

2016年中国气候主要特征及主要天气气候事件   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2016年,全国气候异常,极端天气气候事件多,暴雨洪涝、台风和风雹等气象灾害较突出,气候年景差。全国平均气温较常年偏高0.8℃,为1951年以来第三高;四季气温均偏高,其中,夏季气温为1961年以来同期最高。四季降水量均偏多,冬、秋季分别为1961年以来同期最多。全国平均年降水量730.0 mm,较常年偏多16%,为1951年以来最多。华南前汛期和西南雨季开始早;入梅早、出梅晚,梅雨期长,雨量多;华北雨季短,雨量多;华西秋雨短,雨量少。2016年,全国暴雨过程多,南北洪涝并发。登陆台风数量多、平均强度强。强对流天气多,损失偏重,北方风雹灾害突出。气温波动大,夏季高温影响范围广。秋、冬京津冀及周边地区霾天气频繁。其他灾害如干旱、低温冷冻害、雪灾和春季沙尘影响均偏轻。  相似文献   

2017年中国气候主要特征及主要天气气候事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017年,我国气候属于正常年景,气候灾害偏轻。全国平均气温10.39℃,较常年偏高0.84℃,7和9月为1951年以来同期最高,全国有113站日最高气温突破历史极值。全国平均降水量641.3 mm,比常年偏多1.8%。全国降水冬季偏少,夏季偏多,春、秋季接近常年。全国31站日降水量突破历史极值,其中多站出现在暴雨少发地区;47站连续降水量突破历史极值。华南前汛期和西南雨季雨量分别偏少9%、4%;梅雨季雨量偏多6%,但较2015和2016年明显偏少;华北雨季偏短10 d,雨量偏少28%;华西秋雨雨量偏多49%,为1984年来最多;东北雨季短,雨量偏少14%。暴雨过程频繁、重叠度高、极端性强,暴雨洪涝损失偏重;登陆台风多、时间集中,登陆点重叠;高温日数多,北方高温出现早、南方高温强度大。其他灾害如干旱、低温冷冻、雪灾、春季沙尘和霾天气影响偏轻。  相似文献   

2006年陕西年平均气温全省大部异常偏高,根据全省29个气象站的资料统计,有20站突破了建站以来的历史最高记录。年降水量全省大部属正常年份,降水时空分布不均,北部和南部偏少,中部接近常年或略偏多;冬季偏多,春季偏少,夏季大部接近常年同期,秋季偏少;暴雨日数及强度接近常年,全省无大面积洪涝事件发生。苹果花期冻害强度大、范围广、危害重,为严重花期冻害级别;盛夏陕南中西部遭遇严重干旱,干旱程度居50 a以来第3位;10—11月气候异常偏暖使部分地区的冬小麦出现冬前旺长现象。2006年属一般年景。  相似文献   

2020年,全国平均气温10.25℃,较常年偏高0.7℃;全国平均降水量694.8毫米,比常年偏多10.3%.总体上涝重于旱,夏季南方地区发生1998年以来最严重汛情,暴雨洪涝灾害重;干旱呈区域性阶段性特征,灾害损失偏轻;春夏季节转换早,高温出现早,极端性强,夏季南方高温持续时间长;登陆台风偏少,影响时段和地域集中;冷...  相似文献   

2019年全省平均气温偏高、降水偏多,日照时数偏少。冬季降雪范围广,积雪深,影响严重;春季寒潮降温强,气象干旱持续发展,林火灾害影响严重。2019年首场透墒雨偏晚,范围广,雨量大;夏季暴雨多、强度大,8月大暴雨灾害重;秋季连阴雨持续时间长、雨量大,强度强。2019年属灾害偏轻年份。  相似文献   

2014年中国气候概况   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
2014年,全国平均气温较常年偏高0.5℃,与1999年并列为1961年以来第六暖年;四季气温均偏高。全国平均降水量636.2 mm,接近常年,比2013年偏少3%;降水时空分布不均,辽宁、北京和河北偏少明显,冬、春、夏三季降水量均接近常年同期,秋季偏多。华南前汛期开始早、雨量多;西南雨季开始晚、结束早、雨量少;梅雨区降水量南多北少,江淮出现空梅;华北雨季不明显,出现空汛;华西秋雨开始早、结束晚、雨量多。夏季副热带高压脊线位置偏南,南海夏季风爆发晚,东亚夏季风强度略偏弱。2014年,我国气候属正常年景,极端天气气候事件少于2013年,暴雨洪涝、干旱等灾害偏轻,因灾造成死亡人数和受灾面积明显偏少,气象灾害属于偏轻年份。  相似文献   

2021年陕西年平均气温偏高、降水量异常偏多,日照时数偏少。全省平均气温12.9℃,较常年偏高0.8℃。冬季(2020年12月1日—2021年2月28日)全省平均气温1.2℃,是1961年以来同期第六高,为暖冬年份。全省平均降水量965 mm,是1961年以来第一多年份,四季降水量均偏多,其中秋季降水量较常年偏多1.5倍,是1961年以来第一高值。2021年共出现22次暴雨过程,暴雨日数、站次均刷新历史纪录。2021年陕西秋雨异常偏强,秋雨量历史之最。秋雨期亦多暴雨过程,10月3—6日出现秋雨期间最强区域性暴雨过程,其强度为10月历史第1位。全年共出现18次冷空气过程,其中11月6—7日的寒潮过程全省96县(区)达寒潮等级,是仅次于1987年11月的第二强寒潮。此外,陕北夏季降雨极端偏少,出现夏旱;春季沙尘站次为近8 a最多。  相似文献   

2019年中国气候主要特征及主要天气气候事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2019年我国气候总体呈现暖湿特征。全国年平均气温较常年同期偏高0.79℃,为1951年以来连续第五暖年,四季气温均偏高,春、秋季明显偏暖;年降水量为645.5 mm,较常年同期偏多2.5%,冬、春、夏季降水偏多,秋季偏少。华南前汛期开始早、结束晚,为1961年以来最长前汛期,雨量为1961年以来次多;西南雨季开始和结束均偏晚,雨量偏少;入梅晚、出梅早,梅雨量偏少;华北雨季开始晚,结束与常年一致,雨量偏少;东北雨季开始早、结束晚,雨量偏多;华西秋雨开始早、结束晚,雨量偏多。2019年,台风生成多,登陆强度总体偏弱,仅台风利奇马灾损重;暴雨洪涝、干旱、强对流、低温冷冻害和雪灾、沙尘暴等气象灾害均偏轻。  相似文献   

Precipitation samples were collected by filtrating bulk sampler in Kitakyushu City, Japan, from January 1988 to December 1990. Volume weighted annual mean of pH was 4.93, but the pH distribution indicated that most probable value lay in the range pH 6.0–6.4. Volume weighted annual mean concentrations of major ionic components were as follows; SO 4 2– : 84.2, NO 3 : 28.1, Cl: 86.3, NH 4 + : 45.5, Ca2+: 63.3, Mg2+: 27.0, K+: 3.4, Na+: 69.0 µ eq l–1. The highest concentrations of these ionic components were observed in winter and the lowest occurred in the rainy season. The ratio of ex-SO 4 2– /NO 3 exhibited the lowest ratio in summer, and the highest ratio in winter. Good correlations were obtained between Cl and Na+, ex-SO 4 2+ and ex-Ca2+, NO 3 and ex-Ca2+, and NH 4 + and ex-SO 4 2– , respectively. However, no correlation between Cl and Na+ with Ca2+ was observed. The relationship of H+ with (ex-SO 4 2– + NO 3 ) - (ex-Ca2+ + NH 4 + ) indicated positive correlation.  相似文献   

Thin film methods and X ray energy dispersive technique were applied to analyze sulfate-containing particles in Beijing in order to examine their features and sources. Atmospheric aerosol particles were collected on electron mi-croscope meshes according to two size ranges: coarse particles (r>0.5μm) and fine particles (0.5μm≥r≥0.1μm) by using a two-stage impactor. It was found fiat more than seventy percent of the fine particles and about twenty percent of the coarse particles were sulfate-containing particles. These particles were formed mainly through heterogeneous nucleation. The element composition analyses revealed that the atmospheric aerosol particles in Beijing were domi-nated by crustal particles and construction dust.  相似文献   

Haim Tsoar 《Climatic change》1995,29(4):429-438
Several natural and anthropogenic phenomena in the northern Sinai sand sea and the northern Negev desert were caused by desiccation of the area during most of the 17th and the 18th century. The dry phase had been preceded by a wet period. It appears that the combination of several wet decades followed by a long period of desiccation was the cause of desertification processes in the area which then triggered the destruction of vegetation.There is some congruity between the wet period and the period of maximum sunspot activity, known as theMedieval Maximum, while the desiccation of the area which followed coincided approximately with the period of minimum solar activity, known as theMaunder Minimum.  相似文献   

Observations of the concentration of several nitrogen containing compounds at five rural Scandinavian sites during March–June 1993 are reported. Total nitrate (NO 3 - + HNO3) and total ammonium (NH 4 + + NH3) were measured by denuder and filter pack. In general the methods agree well. At all sites the particulate fraction dominated, with the largest fraction of NO 3 - and the lowest of NH 4 + at the sites which were closest to the emission sources. The fraction of NO 3 - of total nitrate increased with increasing NO2 concentrations, indicating that the nighttime conversion of NO2 to NO 3 - is an important route of formation for NO 3 - . A positive correlation was found between HNO3 and O3 in June at all sites, while no correlation was found early in the spring. Model calculations were made with a lagrangian boundary layer photooxidant model for the whole period, and compared to the measured concentrations. The calculated ratio between mean observed and modelled daily maximum concentrations of ozone over the measurement period were within +/–10% at all sites. The models ability to describe the daily ozone maximum concentration was satisfactory with an average deviation of 19–22% from the observed concentrations. HNO3 was underestimated by over 50% at all sites except the one closest to the emission sources. The correlation between modelled and observed concentrations was generally best for the sites with shortest transport distance from the sources of emission.  相似文献   

High temperature accompanied with high humidity may result in unbearable and oppressive weather. In this study, future changes of extreme high temperature and heat stress in mainland China are examined based on daily maximum temperature (Tx) and daily maximum wet-bulb globe temperature (Tw). Tw has integrated the effects of both temperature and humidity. Future climate projections are derived from the bias-corrected climate data of five general circulation models under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 8.5 scenarios. Changes of hot days and heat waves in July and August in the future (particularly for 2020–50 and 2070–99), relative to the baseline period (1981–2010), are estimated and analyzed. The results show that the future Tx and Tw of entire China will increase by 1.5–5°C on average around 2085 under different RCPs. Future increases in Tx and Tw exhibit high spatial heterogeneity, ranging from 1.2 to 6°C across different regions and RCPs. By around 2085, the mean duration of heat waves will increase by 5 days per annum under RCP8.5. According to Tx, heat waves will mostly occur in Northwest and Southeast China, whereas based on Tw estimates, heat waves will mostly occur over Southeast China and the mean heat wave duration will be much longer than those from Tx. The total extreme hot days (Tx or Tw > 35°C) will increase by 10–30 days. Southeast China will experience the severest heat stress in the near future as extreme high temperature and heat waves will occur more often in this region, which is particularly true when heat waves are assessed based on Tw. In comparison to those purely temperature-based indices, the index Tw provides a new perspective for heat stress assessment in China.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Daily rainfall records from seven stations in South Australia, with record lengths from 50 to 137 years and a common period of 36 years, are...  相似文献   

Summary The recent explosive population growth in Phoenix, Arizona is forcing policy-makers to develop an increased understanding of air quality meteorology in the desert setting. In this investigation, the long-term smoke/haze data base from Phoenix is analyzed to determine the magnitude of temporal changes in smoke/haze frequencies and durations. The results reveal no changes in smoke/haze frequency and intensity, but significant increases in the duration of these events. The findings appear to be related to the impact of the growing urban heat island on the structure of local inversion layers. The results suggest a link between urban-induced temperature and wind changes and air quality levels within a growing metropolitan area.
Zusammenfassung Das zuletzt explosive Bevölkerungswachstum in Phoenix/Arizona zwingt Politiker dazu, der Meteorologie der Luftbeschaffenheit im Wüstenraum gesteigerte Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen. In vorliegender Studie werden die Langzeitdaten von Rauch/Dunst in Phoenix analysiert, um das Ausmaß zeitlicher Veränderungen in Häufigkeit und Dauer des Auftretens von Rauch/Dunst zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich zwar die Häufigkeit und Intensität von Rauch/Dunst nicht geändert haben; wohl aber die Dauer ihres Auftretens. Diese Ergebnisse scheinen auf einen Einfluß der wachsenden urbanen Wärmeinsel auf die Struktur der örtlichen Inversionsschichten hinzuweisen. Die Resultate lassen auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen städtisch bedingten Temperatur-und Windveränderungen und unterschiedlicher Luftqualität über wachsenden städtischen Ballungsräumen schließen.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The paper summarises some of the interesting results regarding the climate of the air layers near the ground at Poona (India), under subtropical conditions. The shimmering phenomenon, the thickness of the shimmering layer as estimated from the decay of short period temperature fluctuations with height, the diurnal variation of temperature in the soil and in the air layers near the ground surface, and the growth and decay of the inversion layer in relation to the shimmering layer are discussed. An instrument for recording the heat loss by convection from the insolated ground and the phenomenon of the invisible condensation of water vapour in the soil surface compensating the loss by evaporation during a part of the day are next referred to. The correlation between the vertical gradient of temperature and of wind velocity is found to be quite significant.Considerable progress has also been made in investigating the microclimates of plant communities like crops. Each crop shows a typical microclimate. The canopy effect in sugarcane resulting in a forced inversion of temperature during day time is of particular interest. Variations of wind velocity and evaporation both with height above ground and from crop to crop are also discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Überblick über einige interessante Resultate über das Klima der bodennahen Luftschicht in Poona (Indien) in subtropischen Verhältnissen gegeben. Der Szintillationseffekt, die Dicke der Schlieren bildenden Schicht, die sich aus der Abnahme der kurzperiodischen Temperaturschwankungen mit der Höhe abschätzen läßt, die Tagesschwankung der Temperatur im Boden und in den bodennahen Luftschichten sowie die Zu- und Abnahme der Inversionsschicht im Vergleich mit der Szintillationsschicht werden diskutiert. Sodann wird ein Instrument zur Registrierung des Wärmeverlusts durch Konvektion vom besonnten Boden beschrieben und die Erscheinung der unsichtbaren Wasserdampfkondensation an der Bodenoberfläche besprochen, durch die der Wärmeverlust durch Verdunstung während eines Teils des Tages kompensiert wird. Die Korrelation zwischen vertikalem Temperaturgradienten und Windgeschwindigkeit erweist sich als ziemlich signifikant.Bedeutende Fortschritte konnten auch bei der Erforschung der Mikroklimate von Pflanzengesellschaften, wie Getreide, erzielt werden; jede Getreideart zeigt ein typisches Mikroklima. Der Oberflächeneffekt bei Zuckerrohr, der zu einer erzwungenen Temperaturinversion während des Tages führt, bietet besonderes Interesse. Auch Schwankungen von Windgeschwindigkeit und Verdunstung mit der Höhe über dem Boden wie auch für Getreidearten werden diskutiert.

Résumé On expose quelques résultats intéressants concernant le microclimat des basses couches d'air à Poona (Inde) dans des conditions subtropicales. On discute l'effet de scintillation, l'épaisseur de la couche produisant des stries, épaisseur que l'on peut estimer grâce à la diminution avec la hauteur des variations de température à courte période, la variation diurne de la température dans le sol et dans la couche d'air voisine de celui-ci, et enfin l'accroissement et l'amincissement de la couche d'inversion comparée à la couche de scintillation. Puis on décrit un appareil enregistreur de la perte de chaleur par convection du sol exposé au soleil; on discute le phénomène de la condensation invisible de la vapeur d'eau dans la surface du sol grâce à la quelle la perte de chaleur par condensation est compensée pendant une partie du jour. La corrélation entre le gradient vertical de température et la vitesse du vent se révèle assez significative.On a pu également enregistrer d'importants progrès dans l'étude du microclimat d'associations végétales telles que les céréales; chaque espèce de céréale présente un microclimat typique. Un intérêt particulier s'attache à l'effet de surface chez la canne à sucre qui conduit à une inversion forcée de température pendant le jour. On discute encore les variations de la vitesse du vent et de l'évaporation selon la verticale au-dessus du sol et cela en rapport avec les espèces de céréales.

With 13 figures.  相似文献   

Summary The author has prepared a map of the summer albedo of Labrador-Ungava by combiningHare's published map of vegetation covertypes and the results of estimates of albedo obtained from airborne measurements of incoming and reflected solar radiation. Attention is called to: (1) the problem of measuring surface reflectivity with an instrument of almost full hemispherical vision; (2) the poor relationship between visual impressions of albedo and determinations in forest areas; (3) the relation between albedo value and solar altitude in the case of water surfaces also considering the effect of surface disturbance; (4) the markedly higher albedo values for all surfaces under diffuse radiation than under direct sunlight due mainly to the effect of shadowing by surface irregularities; and (5) the need for albedo data for winter months together with maps for the effective outgoing longwave radiation for summer and winter.
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund einer Kombination der Ergebnisse von Flugzeugbestimmungen der Albedo mitHares Karte der Vegetationstypen wird eine Karte der sommerlichen Albedo für das Gebiet von Labrador-Ungava aufgestellt. Dabei wird speziell auf folgende Punkte hingewiesen: 1. auf die Notwendigkeit, für Messungen des Oberflächenreflexionsvermögens ein Instrument mit angenähert hemisphärisch freier Empfangsfläche zu verwenden; 2. auf die geringe Übereinstimmung zwischen visuellem Eindruck und Meßergebnis bei Albedobestimmungen in Waldgebieten; 3. auf die Beziehung zwischen Albedowert und Sonnenhöhe über Wasserflächen unter der Oberflächenrauheit; 4. auf die merklich höheren Albedowerte bei diffuser Strahlung gegenüber gerichteter Strahlung für alle Oberflächen, was vorwiegend auf Beschattung durch Flächenunregelmäßigkeiten zurückzuführen sein dürfte; 5. auf die Notwendigkeit, diese Untersuchung durch Albedowerte für die Wintermonate und durch Karten der effektiven langwelligen Ausstrahlung für Sommer und Winter zu ergänzen.

Résumé L'auteur a établi une carte de l'albedo d'été du Labrador-Ungava. Pour ce faire, il combine la carte des types de végétation publiée parHare aux résultats d'estimations de l'albedo. Ces estimations proviennent de mesures de la radiation solaire reçue et réfléchie effectuées à bord d'un avion. L'auteur attire l'attention du lecteur: 1) sur la nécessité d'utiliser un instrument ayant une surface libre de réception approximativement hémisphérique pour la mesure des propriétés de réflexion d'une surface, 2) sur la faible relation existant, en terrain boisé, entre les impressions visuelles et la mesure de l'albedo, 3) sur la relation entre la hauteur du soleil sur l'horizon et l'albedo d'une surface d'eau à condition de tenir compte des effets résultant des troubles subis par la dite surface, 4) sur les valeurs beaucoup plus élevées de l'albedo obtenues par lumière diffuse que sous le rayonnement direct du soleil et cela quelle que soit la nature de la surface considérée — ceci est sans doutes dû aux ombres portées par des irrégularités de la dite surface — et, enfin, 5) sur la nécessité de compléter ces données par des valeurs de l'albedo en hiver d'une part et, d'autre part, par des cartes de l'émission effective sous forme de longues ondes tant en été qu'en hiver.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

常煜  樊斌  张小东 《气象科学》2018,38(2):229-236
利用1991—2015年夏季(6—8月)内蒙古地区111个国家气象站小时降水量资料,对内蒙古不同气候区(极干旱、干旱、半干旱、半湿润和湿润)短时强降水(1 h降水量≥20 mm)进行检验分析,采用累积概率方法定义内蒙古夏季不同气候区短时强降水。检验结果表明:内蒙古地区年平均降水量和小时降水量极值自西部极干旱区向东部半湿润、湿润区递增,高值区位于大兴安岭东部,次高值区位于阴山山脉以南。内蒙古极干旱区小时降水量极值低于20 mm,半湿润区和湿润区小时降水量极值高于50 mm,个别站点甚至达到100 mm以上。但在半湿润区和湿润区东部小时降水量超过20 mm年平均发生仅为1次,其余地区均1次。在内蒙古极干旱区、干旱区、半干旱区、半湿润区和湿润区小时降水量分别达到6.1、9.8、12.5、15.2和14.3 mm·h~(-1)属于极端降水事件,小时降水量≥20 mm不宜作为内蒙古短时强降水定义。综合上述研究,结合内蒙古地区地形、地貌等因素,将内蒙古极干旱区和干旱区短时强降水定义为5 mm·h~(-1),半干旱区、半湿润区和湿润区短时强降水定义为10 mm·h~(-1)。  相似文献   

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