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The primary objective of the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS‐REx) mission is to return to Earth a pristine sample of carbonaceous material from the primitive asteroid (101955) Bennu. To support compositional mapping of Bennu as part of sample site selection and characterization, we tested 95 spectral indices on visible to near infrared laboratory reflectance data from minerals and carbonaceous meteorites. Our aim was to determine which indices reliably identify spectral features of interest. Most spectral indices had high positive detection rates when applied to spectra of pure, single‐component materials. The meteorite spectra have fewer and weaker absorption features and, as a result, fewer detections with the spectral indices. Indices targeting absorptions at 0.7 and 2.7–3 μm, which are attributable to hydrated minerals, were most successful for the meteorites. Based on these results, we identified a set of 17 indices that are most likely to be useful at Bennu. These indices detect olivines, pyroxenes, carbonates, water/OH‐bearing minerals, serpentines, ferric minerals, and organics. Particle size and albedo are known to affect band depth but had a negligible impact on interpretive success with spectral indices. Preliminary analysis of the disk‐integrated Bennu spectrum with these indices is consistent with expectations given the observed absorption near 3 μm. Our study prioritizes spectral indices to be used for OSIRIS‐REx spectral analysis and mapping and informs the reliability of all index‐derived data products, including a science value map for sample site selection.  相似文献   

We report the investigation of cutting methods for Hayabusa samples. The purpose of our study is to explore the possibility of applying multiple analyses to a single particle effectively. We investigated the cutting performance of a blade dicing saw, laser, focused ion beam (FIB), and physical breaking by microindenter. Cutting performance was examined by estimating the aspect ratio of the cut slit, i.e., depth over width of the slit. We also investigated the possible contamination and sample damage by cutting. The result of the investigation shows that we can cut the samples from <50 μm to 500 μm using those methods with aspect ratios from 10 to 20, although they would introduce some contamination or damage to the samples. Our investigations also provide an important basis for the analysis of samples obtained by future sample return missions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The matrix of the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite Murray contains rare micrometer‐sized prismatic crystals of aragonite that formed during late‐stage parent body aqueous alteration. The aragonite was identified by X‐ray microanalysis coupled with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), TEM selected area electron diffraction and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. The sixteen crystals found all occur within loose and elongate submillimeter‐sized clusters and one cluster is present in each of the two thin sections studied. Orientation determinations using EBSD show that the c axes of aragonite crystals within each cluster lie roughly in a plane, itself aligned approximately parallel to the long axis of the host cluster. Aragonite is inferred to have crystallized after calcite but before completion of static/impact‐related compaction. The clusters developed by growth of aragonite within films of aqueous fluids that had a relatively high Mg/Ca ratio. These fluids were focused within zones of high porosity and permeability along a weak compactional fabric in the matrix and this fabric is also likely to have influenced the orientations of aragonite crystals as they grew. These results suggest that aragonite probably occurs in most of those carbonaceous chondrites that have undergone moderate degrees of parent body aqueous alteration and may provide further insights into the evolution of pore fluid compositions and volumes and the chronology of asteroidal evolution.  相似文献   

We review the results of an extensive campaign to determine the physical, geological, and dynamical properties of asteroid (101955) Bennu. This investigation provides information on the orbit, shape, mass, rotation state, radar response, photometric, spectroscopic, thermal, regolith, and environmental properties of Bennu. We combine these data with cosmochemical and dynamical models to develop a hypothetical timeline for Bennu's formation and evolution. We infer that Bennu is an ancient object that has witnessed over 4.5 Gyr of solar system history. Its chemistry and mineralogy were established within the first 10 Myr of the solar system. It likely originated as a discrete asteroid in the inner Main Belt approximately 0.7–2 Gyr ago as a fragment from the catastrophic disruption of a large (approximately 100‐km), carbonaceous asteroid. It was delivered to near‐Earth space via a combination of Yarkovsky‐induced drift and interaction with giant‐planet resonances. During its journey, YORP processes and planetary close encounters modified Bennu's spin state, potentially reshaping and resurfacing the asteroid. We also review work on Bennu's future dynamical evolution and constrain its ultimate fate. It is one of the most Potentially Hazardous Asteroids with an approximately 1‐in‐2700 chance of impacting the Earth in the late 22nd century. It will most likely end its dynamical life by falling into the Sun. The highest probability for a planetary impact is with Venus, followed by the Earth. There is a chance that Bennu will be ejected from the inner solar system after a close encounter with Jupiter. OSIRIS‐REx will return samples from the surface of this intriguing asteroid in September 2023.  相似文献   

Abstract— –The presence of apparently unaltered, micron‐sized Fe,Ni metal grains, juxtaposed against hydrated fine‐grained rim materials in the CM2 chondrite Yamato (Y‐) 791198 has been cited as unequivocal evidence of preaccretionary alteration. We have examined the occurrence, composition, and textural characteristics of 60 Fe,Ni metal grains located in fine‐grained rims in Y‐791198 using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron microprobe analysis. In addition, three metal grains, prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) sample preparation techniques were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The metal grains are heterogeneously distributed within the rims. Electron microprobe analyses show that all the metal grains are kamacite with minor element contents (P, Cr, and Co) that lie either within or close to the range for other CM2 metal grains. X‐ray maps obtained by electron microprobe show S, P, and/or Ca enrichments on the outermost parts of many of the metal grains. Z‐contrast STEM imaging of FIB‐prepared Fe,Ni metal grains show the presence of a small amount of a lower Z secondary phase on the surface of the grains and within indentations on the grain surfaces. Energy‐filtered TEM (EFTEM) compositional mapping shows that these pits are enriched in oxygen and depleted in Fe relative to the metal. These observations are consistent with pitting corrosion of the metal on the edges of the grains and we suggest may be the result of the formation of Fe(OH)2, a common oxidation product of Fe metal. The presence of such a layer could have inhibited further alteration of the metal grains. These findings are consistent with alteration by an alkaline fluid as suggested by Zolensky et al. (1989), but the location of this alteration remains unconstrained, because Y‐791198 was recovered from Antarctica and therefore may have experienced incipient terrestrial alteration. However, we infer that the extremely low degree of oxidation of the metal is inconsistent with weathering in Antarctica and that alteration in an extraterrestrial environment is more probable. Although the presence of unaltered or incipiently altered metal grains in these fine‐grained rims could be interpreted as evidence for preaccretionary alteration, we suggest an alternative model in which metal alteration was inhibited by alkaline fluids on the asteroidal parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract– Distributions of organic functional groups as well as inorganic features were analyzed in the Bells (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite using near‐field infrared (NFIR) spectroscopy. NFIR spectroscopy has recently been developed to enable infrared spectral mapping beyond the optical diffraction limit of conventional Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy. NFIR spectral mapping of the Bells 300 nm thick sections on Al plates for 7.5 × 7.5 μm2 areas showed some C‐H‐rich areas which were considered to represent the organic‐rich areas. Heterogeneous distributions of organic matter as well as those of inorganic phases such as silicates (Si‐O) were observed with 1 μm spatial resolution. The NFIR mappings of aliphatic C‐H (2960 and 2930 cm?1) and structural OH (3650 cm?1) confirm that organic matter is associated with phyllosilicates as previously suggested. The NFIR mapping method can provide 1 μm spatial distribution of organic functional groups and their association with minerals. High local sensitivity of NFIR enables us to find organic‐rich areas and to characterize them by their aliphatic CH2/CH3 ratios. The aliphatic CH2/CH3 ratio of Bells is slightly higher than Murchison, similar to Orgueil, and lower than literature values of IDPs and cometary dust particles.  相似文献   

Abstract— CM chondrite clasts that have experienced different degrees of aqueous alteration occur in H‐chondrite and HED meteorite breccias. Many clasts are fragments of essentially unshocked CM projectiles that accreted at low relative velocities to the regoliths of these parent bodies. A few clasts were heated and dehydrated upon impact; these objects most likely accreted at higher relative velocities. We examined three clasts and explored alternative scenarios for their formation. In the first scenario, we assumed that the H and HED parent bodies had diameters of a few hundred kilometers, so that their high escape velocities would effectively prevent soft landings of small CM projectiles. This would imply that weakly shocked CM clasts formed on asteroidal fragments (family members) associated with the H and HED parent bodies. In the second scenario, we assumed that weakly shocked CM clasts were spall products ejected at low velocities from larger CM projectiles when they slammed into the H and HED parent bodies. In both cases, if most CM clasts turn out to have ancient ages (e.g., ?3.4‐4.1 Ga), a plausible source for their progenitors would be outer main belt objects, some which may have been dynamically implanted 3.9 Ga ago by the events described in the so‐called “Nice model.” On the other hand, if most CM clasts have recent ages (<200 Ma), a plausible source location for their parent body would be the inner main belt between 2.1–2.2 AU. In that case, the possible source of the CM‐clasts' progenitors' parent fragments would be the breakup ?160 Ma ago of the parent body 170 km in diameter of the Baptistina asteroid family (BAF).  相似文献   

Abstract— I have determined the composition via instrumental neutron activation analysis of a bulk pristine sample of the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite fall, along with bulk samples of the CI chondrite Orgueil and of several CM chondrites. Tagish Lake has a mean of refractory lithophile element/Cr ratios like those of CM chondrites, and distinctly higher than the CI chondrite mean. Tagish Lake exhibits abundances of the moderately volatile lithophile elements Na and K that are slightly higher than those of mean CM chondrites. Refractory through moderately volatile siderophile element abundances in Tagish Lake are like those of CM chondrites. Tagish Lake is distinct from CM chondrites in abundances of the most volatile elements. Mean CI‐normalized Se/Co, Zn/Co and Cs/Co for Tagish Lake are 0.68 ± 0.01, 0.71 ± 0.07 and 0.76 ± 0.02, while for all available CM chondrite determinations, these ratios lie between 0.31 and 0.61, between 0.32 and 0.58, and between 0.39 and 0.74, respectively. Considering petrography, and oxygen isotopic and elemental compositions, Tagish Lake is an ungrouped member of the carbonaceous chondrite clan. The overall abundance pattern is similar to those of CM chondrites, indicating that Tagish Lake and CMs experienced very similar nebular fractionations. Bells is a CM chondrite with unusual petrologic characteristics. Bells has a mean CI‐normalized refractory lithophile element/Cr ratio of 0.96, lower than for any other CM chondrite, but shows CI‐normalized moderately volatile lithophile element/Cr ratios within the ranges of other CM chondrites, except for Na which is low. Iridium, Co, Ni and Fe abundances are like those of CM chondrites, but the moderately volatile siderophile elements, Au, As and Sb, have abundances below the ranges for CM chondrites. Abundances of the moderately volatile elements Se and Zn of Bells are within the CM ranges. Bells is best classified as an anomalous CM chondrite.  相似文献   

Radiometric dating of secondary minerals can be used to constrain the timing of aqueous alteration on meteoritic parent bodies. Dolomite is a well‐documented secondary mineral in CM chondrites, and is thought to have formed by precipitation from an aqueous fluid on the CM parent body within several million years of accretion. The petrographic context of crosscutting dolomite veins indicates that aqueous alteration occurred in situ, rather than in the nebular setting. Here, we present 53Mn‐53Cr systematics for dolomite grains in Sutter's Mill section SM51‐1. The Mn‐Cr isotope data show well‐resolved excesses of 53Cr correlated with 55Mn/52Cr ratio, which we interpret as evidence for the in situ decay of radioactive 53Mn. After correcting for the relative sensitivities of Mn and Cr using a synthetic Mn‐ and Cr‐bearing calcite standard, the data yield an isochron with slope corresponding to an initial 53Mn/55Mn ratio of 3.42 ± 0.86 × 10?6. The reported error includes systematic uncertainty from the relative sensitivity factor. When calculated relative to the U‐corrected Pb‐Pb absolute age of the D'Orbigny angrite, Sutter's Mill dolomites give a formation age between 4564.8 and 4562.2 Ma (2.4–5.0 Myr after the birth of the solar system). This age is contemporaneous with previously reported ages for secondary carbonates in CM and CI chondrites. Consistent carbonate precipitation ages between the carbonaceous chondrite groups suggest that aqueous alteration was a common process during the early stages of parent body formation, probably occurring via heating from internal 26Al decay. The high‐precision isochron for Sutter's Mill dolomite indicates that late‐stage processing did not reach temperatures that were high enough to further disturb the Mn‐Cr isochron.  相似文献   

X‐ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) is a useful means of characterizing cosmochemical samples such as meteorites or robotically returned samples. However, there are occasional concerns that the use of μCT may be detrimental to the organic components of a chondrite. Small organic compounds such as amino acids comprise up to ~10% of the total solvent extractable carbon in CM carbonaceous chondrites. We irradiated three samples of the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite under conditions akin to and harsher than those typically used during typical benchtop X‐ray μCT imaging experiments to determine if detectable changes in the amino acid abundance and distribution relative to a nonexposed Murchison control sample occurred. After subjecting three meteorite samples to ionizing radiation dosages between ~300 Gray (Gy) and 3 kGy with bremstrahlung X‐rays, we analyzed the amino acid content of each sample. Within sampling and analytical errors, we cannot discern differences in the amino acid abundances and amino acid enantiomeric ratios when comparing the control samples (nonexposed Murchison) and the irradiated samples. We conclude that a polychromatic X‐ray μCT experiment does not alter the abundances of amino acids to a degree greater than how well those abundances are measured with our techniques and therefore any damage to amino acids is minimal.  相似文献   

Jbilet Winselwan is one of the largest CM carbonaceous chondrites available for study. Its light, major, and trace elemental compositions are within the range of other CM chondrites. Chondrules are surrounded by dusty rims and set within a matrix of phyllosilicates, oxides, and sulfides. Calcium‐ and aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) are present at ≤1 vol% and at least one contains melilite. Jbilet Winselwan is a breccia containing diverse lithologies that experienced varying degrees of aqueous alteration. In most lithologies, the chondrules and CAIs are partially altered and the metal abundance is low (<1 vol%), consistent with petrologic subtypes 2.7–2.4 on the Rubin et al. ( 2007 ) scale. However, chondrules and CAIs in some lithologies are completely altered suggesting more extensive hydration to petrologic subtypes ≤2.3. Following hydration, some lithologies suffered thermal metamorphism at 400–500 °C. Bulk X‐ray diffraction shows that Jbilet Winselwan consists of a highly disordered and/or very fine‐grained phase (73 vol%), which we infer was originally phyllosilicates prior to dehydration during a thermal metamorphic event(s). Some aliquots of Jbilet Winselwan also show significant depletions in volatile elements such as He and Cd. The heating was probably short‐lived and caused by impacts. Jbilet Winselwan samples a mixture of hydrated and dehydrated materials from a primitive water‐rich asteroid. It may therefore be a good analog for the types of materials that will be encountered by the Hayabusa‐2 and OSIRIS‐REx asteroid sample‐return missions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four different types of calcium- and aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs) have been identified in the CM2 chondrite Murray, three of which contain alteration products. Two types of altered CAIs, spinel inclusions and spinel-pyroxene inclusions, contain primary spinel (± perovskite ± hibonite ± diopside) and secondary Fe-rich serpentine phyllosilicates (± tochilinite ± calcite). Original melilite in these CAIs is inferred to have been altered during aqueous activity in the parent body and Fe-rich serpentines, tochilinite and calcite were formed in its place. The other type of altered CAI is represented by one inclusion, here called MCA-1. This CAI contains primary spinel, perovskite, fassaite and diopside with secondary calcite, paragonite, Mg-Al-Fe phyllosilicates and a Mg-Al-Fe sulphate. Importantly, MCA-1 is similar in both primary and secondary mineralogy to a small number of altered CAIs described from other CM2 meteorites including Essebi, Murchison and a CM2 clast from Plainview. Features that these CAIs have in common include an unusually large size, a CV3-like primary mineralogy and the presence of secondary aluminosilicates and calcite. The Al-rich alteration products in MCA-1 are also reminiscent of secondary minerals in refractory inclusions from CV3 meteorites, which have previously been interpreted to form by interaction of the inclusions with solar nebula gases. In common with the other types of altered CAIs in Murray, MCA-1 is inferred to have experienced its main phase of alteration in a parent body environment. The Mg-Al-Fe phyllosilicates, calcite and the Mg-Al-Fe sulphate formed following aqueous alteration of an Al-rich precursor, possibly Ca dialuminate. This episode of parent body alteration may have overprinted an earlier phase of alteration in a solar nebula environment from which only paragonite remains.  相似文献   

By dissolving 30–400 kg of marine limestone in HCl and HF acid, our group has previously recovered common relict chromite grains (approximately 63–250 μm) from ordinary chondritic micrometeorites that fell on ancient sea floors, up to 500 Myr old. Here, we evaluate if CM group carbonaceous chondritic material, which makes up an important fraction of the micrometeorite flux today, contains analogous grains that can be searched for in acid residues. We dissolved 8 g of CM2 meteorite Acfer 331 in HF, which yielded a characteristic assemblage of both transparent Mg‐Al‐ and opaque Cr‐spinels >28 μm. We find on average 4.6 and 130 Mg‐Al‐spinel grains per gram in the 63–250 and 28–63 μm size fractions, respectively. These grains are mostly pink or colorless, and often characterized by heterogeneous Cr‐content. Black, opaque Cr‐spinel grains are absent from the >63 μm fraction, but in the 28–63 μm fraction we find approximately 65 such grains per gram meteorite. The individual grains have a characteristic composition, with heterogeneous major element compositions (e.g., 44.4–61.7 wt% Cr2O3), but narrow ranges for maximum TiO2 (0.6–1.6 wt%) and V2O3 (0.5–1.0 wt%) concentrations. The content of spinel grains in the 28–63 μm fraction of CM meteorites appears comparable at the order of magnitude level with the content of >63 μm sized chromite grains in fossil L‐chondrites from Ordovician limestone. Our approach of recovering meteoritic spinel from sediment may thus be extended to include CM meteorites, but the smaller size fraction of the acid residues should be searched.  相似文献   

The Jezersko meteorite is a newly confirmed stony meteorite found in 1992 in the Karavanke mountains, Slovenia. The meteorite is moderately weathered (W2), indicating short terrestrial residence time. Chondrules in partially recrystallized matrix are clearly discernible but often fragmented and have mean diameter of 0.73 mm. The meteorite consists of homogeneous olivine (Fa19.4) and low‐Ca pyroxenes (Fs16.7Wo1.2), of which 34% are monoclinic, and minor plagioclase (Ab83An11Or6) and Ca‐pyroxene (Fs6Wo45.8). Troilite, kamacite, zoned taenite, tetrataenite, chromite, and metallic copper comprise about 16.5 vol% of the meteorite. Phosphates are represented by merrillite and minor chlorapatite. Undulatory extinction in some olivine grains and other shock indicators suggests weak shock metamorphism between stages S2 and S3. The bulk chemical composition generally corresponds to the mean H chondrite composition. Low siderophile element contents indicate the oxidized character of the Jezersko parent body. The temperatures recorded by two‐pyroxene, olivine‐chromite, and olivine‐orthopyroxene geothermometers are 854 °C, 737–787 °C, and 750 °C, respectively. Mg concentration profiles across orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes indicate relatively fast cooling at temperatures above 700 °C. A low cooling rate of 10 °C Myr?1 was obtained from metallographic data. Considering physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties, meteorite Jezersko was classified as an H4 S2(3) ordinary chondrite.  相似文献   

X‐ray microcomputed tomography and synchrotron X‐ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) are becoming popular tools for the reconnaissance imaging of chondrites. However, there are occasional concerns that the use of μCT may be detrimental to organic components of a chondrite. Soluble organic compounds represent ~2–10% of the total solvent extractable carbon in CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites and amino acids are among the most abundant compounds in the soluble organic fraction. We irradiated two samples of the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite under conditions slightly harsher (increased beam exposure time) than those typically used for x‐ray μCT imaging experiments to determine if detectable changes in the amino acid abundance and distribution relative to a nonexposed control sample occurred. After subjecting two meteorite portions to ionizing radiation dosages of 1.1 kiloGray (kGy) and 1.2 kGy with 48.6 and 46.6 keV monochromatic X‐rays, respectively, we analyzed the amino acid content of each sample. Within analytical errors, we found no differences in the amino acid abundances or enantiomeric ratios when comparing the control samples (nonexposed Murchison) and the irradiated samples. We show with calculations that any sample heating due to x‐ray exposure is negligible. We conclude that a monochromatic synchrotron X‐ray μCT experiment at beamline 13‐BM‐D of the Advanced Photon Source, which imparts ~1 kGy doses, has no detectable effect on the amino acid content of a carbonaceous chondrite. These results are important for the initial reconnaissance of returned samples from the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 asteroid sample return missions.  相似文献   

We have studied the Mukundpura CM2 meteorite for magnetic properties as a function of temperature and magnetic field, as well as its Mössbauer spectrum, at room and low temperatures (up to 5 K). We find that the high temperature paramagnetic phase is followed by two magnetic transitions: a weak transition near 125 K and a strong transition at 8 K. The weak (125 K) magnetic phase can be attributed to complex Fe2+–Fe3+ constituents present in the meteorite. The absence of the characteristic sextet corresponding to magnetite in Mossbauer spectrum indicates that this magnetic phase is not magnetite, which, if present, must be in insignificant amount. The 8 K magnetic ordering is superimposed with weak ferromagnetic ordering, showing spin‐glass transition. The Mössbauer spectrum taken at 5 K substantiates the observed spin‐glassy nature, as very large hyperfine field ~32 T is recorded, causing localized subordering leading to spin‐glass behavior. The Mössbauer spectra also confirm that iron is mainly present in serpentine‐group minerals, both in ferrous and ferric states. The complete serpentinization of basic silicates indicates aggressive hydrous alteration. These results show that the observed spin‐glass signature is a characteristic feature of the cronstedtite phase in CM meteorites. This feature is unique to carbonaceous CM chondrites and could be used for nondestructive, quick, and independent classification of this rare class of meteorites. Furthermore, the absence of olivine and the presence of cronstedtite in Mossbauer spectra show that the degree of aqueous alteration observed is the most severe in Mukundpura CM2 meteorite, as compared to many other CM2 meteorites. The degree of aqueous alteration in CM2 carbonaceous chondrites increases in the sequence: Paris, Murchison, Murray, Mighei, Nogoya, Cold Bokkeveld, and Mukundpura.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report Mg‐Al and Ca‐Ti isotopic data for meteoritic nanodiamonds separated from the Allende CV3 and Murchison CM2 meteorites. The goal of this study was to search for excesses in 26Mg and 44Ca, which can be attributed to the in situ decay of radioactive and now extinct 26Al and 44Ti, respectively. Previous work on presolar SiC and graphite had shown that 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios in presolar grains can be used to discriminate between different types of stellar sources. Aluminum and Ti concentrations are low in the meteoritic nanodiamonds of this study. Murchison nanodiamonds have higher Al and Ti concentrations than the Allende nanodiamonds. This can be attributed to contamination and the presence of presolar SiC in the Murchison nanodiamond samples. 26Mg/24Mg and 44Ca/40Ca ratios are close to normal in Allende nanodiamonds with upper limits on the initial 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios of approximately 1 × 10?3. These ratios are factors of 10–1000 and, respectively, 1–1000 lower than those of presolar SiC and graphite grains from supernovae. The 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti data for nanodiamonds are compatible with an asymptotic giant branch star or solar system origin, but not with a supernova origin of a major fraction of meteoritic nanodiamonds. The latter possibility cannot be excluded, though, as the diamond separates may contain significant amounts of contaminating Al and Ti, which would lower the inferred 26Al/27Al and 44Ti/48Ti ratios considerably.  相似文献   

The rapid recovery of the Winchcombe meteorite offers a valuable opportunity to study the soluble organic matter (SOM) profile in pristine carbonaceous astromaterials. Our interests in the biologically relevant molecules, amino acids—monomers of protein, and the most prevalent meteoritic organics—polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are addressed by analyzing the solvent extracts of a Winchcombe meteorite stone using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The Winchcombe sample contains an amino acid abundance of ~1132 parts-per-billion that is about 10 times lower than other CM2 meteorites. The detection of terrestrially rare amino acids, including α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB); isovaline; β-alanine; α-, β-, and γ-amino-n-butyric acids; and 5-aminopentanoic acid, and the racemic enantiomeric ratios (D/L = 1) observed for alanine and isovaline indicate that these amino acids are indigenous to the meteorite and not terrestrial contaminants. The presence of predominantly α-AIB and isovaline is consistent with their formation via the Strecker-cyanohydrin synthetic pathway. The L-enantiomeric excesses in isovaline previously observed for aqueously altered meteorites were viewed as an indicator of parent body aqueous processing; thus, the racemic ratio of isovaline observed for Winchcombe, alongside the overall high free:total amino acid ratio, and the low amino acid concentration suggest that the analyzed stone is derived from a lithology that has experienced brief episode(s) of aqueous alteration. Winchcombe also contains 2- to 6-ring alkylated and nonalkylated PAHs. The low total PAHs abundance (6177 ppb) and high nonalkylated:alkylated ratio are distinct from that observed for heavily aqueously altered CMs. The weak petrographic properties of Winchcombe, as well as the discrepancies observed for the Winchcombe SOM content—a low total amino acid abundance comparable to heavily altered CMs, and yet the high free:total amino acid and nonalkylated:alkylated PAH ratios are on par with the less altered CMs—suggest that Winchcombe could represent a class of weak, poorly lithified meteorite not been previously studied.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have studied the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope geochemistry of a small pristine sample of the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite by high‐resolution stepped‐combustion mass spectrometry, and compared the results with data from the Orgueil (CI1), Elephant Moraine (EET) 83334 (CM1) and Murchison (CM2) chondrites. The small chip of Tagish Lake analysed herein had a higher carbon abundance (5.81 wt%) than any other chondrite, and a nitrogen content (?1220 ppm) between that of CI1 and CM2 chondrites. Owing to the heterogeneous nature of the meteorite, the measured carbon abundance might be artificially high: the carbon inventory and whole‐rock carbon isotopic composition (δ13C ? +24.4%o) of the chip was dominated by 13C‐enriched carbon from the decomposition of carbonates (between 1.29 and 2.69 wt%; δ13C ? +67%o and δ18O ? +35%o, in the proportions ?4:1 dolomite to calcite). In addition to carbonates, Tagish Lake contains organic carbon (?2.6 wt%, δ13C ? ?9%o; 1033 ppm N, δ15N ? +77%o), a level intermediate between CI and CM chondrites. Around 2% of the organic material is thermally labile and solvent soluble. A further ?18% of the organic species are liberated by acid hydrolysis. Tagish Lake also contains a complement of presolar grains. It has a higher nanodiamond abundance (approximately 3650–4330 ppm) than other carbonaceous chondrites, along with ?8 ppm silicon carbide. Whilst carbon and nitrogen isotope geochemistry is not diagnostic, the data are consistent with classification of Tagish Lake as a CI2 chondrite.  相似文献   

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