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The limitations on the nature of cosmic ray acceleration regions and processes, as deduced from cosmic ray measurements and propagation studies, are reviewed. The power requirements for these acceleration regions are estimated from measurements of the local cosmic ray energy density, anisotropy and spallation-deduced pathlength. Possible constraints on the acceleration spectrum of the cosmic rays and on a charge dependence of the acceleration process, implied by the measured cosmic ray spectrum and composition, are considered. Various suggested sources and processes of cosmic ray acceleration are discussed in the light of these limitations.Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

Based upon our characterization of three separate stones by electron and X‐ray beam analyses, computed X‐ray microtomography, Raman microspectrometry, and visible‐IR spectrometry, Sutter's Mill is a unique regolith breccia consisting mainly of various CM lithologies. Most samples resemble existing available CM2 chondrites, consisting of chondrules and calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) set within phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix (mainly serpentine), pyrrhotite, pentlandite, tochilinite, and variable amounts of Ca‐Mg‐Fe carbonates. Some lithologies have witnessed sufficient thermal metamorphism to transform phyllosilicates into fine‐grained olivine, tochilinite into troilite, and destroy carbonates. One finely comminuted lithology contains xenolithic materials (enstatite, Fe‐Cr phosphides) suggesting impact of a reduced asteroid (E or M class) onto the main Sutter's Mill parent asteroid, which was probably a C class asteroid. One can use Sutter's Mill to help predict what will be found on the surfaces of C class asteroids such as Ceres and the target asteroids of the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 sample return missions (which will visit predominantly primitive asteroids). C class asteroid regolith may well contain a mixture of hydrated and thermally dehydrated indigenous materials as well as a significant admixture of exogenous material would be essential to the successful interpretation of mineralogical and bulk compositional data.  相似文献   

81Kr‐Kr cosmic ray exposure (CRE) ages of individual chondrules (6–10 mg) and adjacent matrix samples (5–10 mg) from the Allegan H5 chondrite have been measured using a new highly sensitive resonance ionization mass spectrometer. No conclusive evidence of variations among the CRE ages of individual chondrules or between chondrules and matrix has been observed—average CRE ages of 5.90 ± 0.42 Ma (81Kr‐78Kr) and 5.04 ± 0.37 Ma (81Kr‐80+82Kr) are identical within error to those determined for the matrix (7.42 ± 1.27 Myr, 81Kr‐80+82Kr) and agree well with the literature value for bulk Allegan. If any accumulation of cosmogenic krypton in the early solar system took place, either it was below our detection limit in these samples (<100 atoms), or any such gas was lost during parent body metamorphism. However, this demonstration that useful 81Kr‐Kr ages can be obtained from few milligram samples of chondritic material has clear relevance to the analysis of samples returned by planned missions to asteroids and to the search for a signature of pre‐exposure in other, less processed meteorites.  相似文献   

The fall of the Annama meteorite occurred early morning (local time) on April 19, 2014 on the Kola Peninsula (Russia). Based on mineralogy and physical properties, Annama is a typical H chondrite. It has a high Ar‐Ar age of 4.4 Ga. Its cosmic ray exposure history is atypical as it is not part of the large group of H chondrites with a prominent 7–8 Ma peak in the exposure age histograms. Instead, its exposure age is within uncertainty of a smaller peak at 30 ± 4 Ma. The results from short‐lived radionuclides are compatible with an atmospheric pre‐entry radius of 30–40 cm. However, based on noble gas and cosmogenic radionuclide data, Annama must have been part of a larger body (radius >65 cm) for a large part of its cosmic ray exposure history. The 10Be concentration indicates a recent (3–5 Ma) breakup which may be responsible for the Annama parent body size reduction to 30–35 cm pre‐entry radius.  相似文献   

If chondrules were exposed to cosmic rays prior to meteorite compaction, they should retain an excess of cosmogenic noble gases. Beyersdorf‐Kuis et al. (2015) showed that such excesses can be detected provided that the chemical composition of each individual chondrule is precisely known. However, their study was limited to a few samples as they had to be irradiated in a nuclear reactor for instrumental neutron activation analysis. We developed a novel analytical protocol that combines the measurements of He and Ne isotopic concentrations with a fast method to correct for differences in chemical composition using micro X‐ray computed tomography. Our main idea is to combine noble gas, nuclear track, and petrography data for numerous chondrules to understand the precompaction exposure history of the chondrite parent bodies. Here, we report our results for a total of 77 chondrules and four matrix samples from NWA 8276 (L3.00), NWA 8007 (L3.2), and Bjurböle (L/LL4). All chondrules from the same meteorite have within uncertainty identical 21Ne exposure ages, and all chondrules from Bjurböle have within uncertainty identical 3He exposure ages. However, most chondrules from NWA 8276 and a few from NWA 8007 show small but resolvable differences in 3He exposure age that we attribute to matrix contamination and/or gas loss. The finding that none of the chondrules has noble gas excesses is consistent with the uniform track density found for each meteorite. We conclude that the studied chondrules did not experience a precompaction exposure longer than a few Ma assuming present‐day flux of galactic cosmic rays. A majority of chondrules from L and LL chondrites thus rapidly accreted and/or was efficiently shielded from cosmic rays in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

We analyzed cosmogenic nuclides in metal and/or silicate (primarily olivine) separated from the main‐group pallasites Admire, Ahumada, Albin, Brahin, Brenham, Esquel, Finmarken, Glorieta Mountain, Huckitta, Imilac, Krasnojarsk, Marjalahti, Molong, Seymchan, South Bend, Springwater, and Thiel Mountains and from Eagle Station. The metal separates contained an olivine fraction which although small, <1 wt% in most cases, nonetheless contributes significantly to the budgets of some nuclides (e.g., up to 35% for 21Ne and 26Al). A correction for olivine is therefore essential and was made using model calculations and/or empirical relations for the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides in iron meteoroids and/or measured elemental concentrations. Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages for the metal phases of the main‐group pallasites range from 7 to 180 Ma, but many of the ages cluster around a central peak near 100 Ma. These CRE ages suggest that the parent body of the main‐group pallasites underwent a major break‐up that produced most of the meteorites analyzed. The CRE age distribution for the pallasites overlaps only a small fraction of the distribution for the IIIAB iron meteorites. Most pallasites and IIIAB irons originated in different collisions, probably on different parent bodies; a few IIIABs and pallasites may have come out of the same collision but a firm conclusion requires further study. CRE ages calculated from noble gas and radionuclide data of the metal fraction are higher on average than the 21Ne exposure ages obtained for the olivine samples. As the metal and olivine fractions were taken in most cases from different specimens, the depth‐dependency of the production rate ratio 10Be/21Ne in metal, not accounted for in our calculations, may explain the difference.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Monahans H‐chondrite is a regolith breccia containing light and dark phases and the first reported presence of small grains of halite. We made detailed noble gas analyses of each of these phases. The 39Ar‐40Ar age of Monahans light is 4.533 ± 0.006 Ma. Monahans dark and halite samples show greater amounts of diffusive loss of 40Ar and the maximum ages are 4.50 and 4.33 Ga, respectively. Monahans dark phase contains significant concentrations of He, Ne and Ar implanted by the solar wind when this material was extant in a parent body regolith. Monahans light contains no solar gases. From the cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar in Monahans light we calculate a probable cosmic‐ray, space exposure age of 6.0 ± 0.5 Ma. Monahans dark contains twice as much cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar as does the light and indicates early near‐surface exposure of 13–18 Ma in a H‐chondrite regolith. The existence of fragile halite grains in H‐chondrites suggests that this regolith irradiation occurred very early. Large concentrations of 36Ar in the halite were produced during regolith exposure by neutron capture on 35Cl, followed by decay to 36Ar. The thermal neutron fluence seen by the halite was (2–4) × 1014 n/cm2. The thermal neutron flux during regolith exposure was ~0.4‐0.7 n/cm2/s. The Monahans neutron fluence is more than an order of magnitude less than that acquired during space exposure of several large meteorites and of lunar soils, but the neutron flux is lower by a factor of ≤5. Comparison of the 36Arn/21Necos ratio in Monahans halite and silicate with the theoretically calculated ratio as a function of shielding depth in an H‐chondrite regolith suggests that irradiation of Monahans dark occurred under low shielding in a regolith that may have been relatively shallow. Late addition of halite to the regolith can be ruled out. However, irradiation of halite and silicate for different times at different depths in an extensive regolith cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

We report new visual and 20-μm photometry obtained when Hektor was seen nearly along its rotation axis. The visual amplitude was near its minimum, only 0.06 mag, confirming the Dunlap-Gehrels (1969) rotation model. The new observations confirm and refine the large size and low albedo assigned by Cruikshank (1977) from observations of the opposite rotation pole. The albedo of this pole is found to be pv = 0.022 ± 0.003, overlapping the uncertainty of Cruikshank's 0.03 value for the opposite pole. The low albedo makes Hektor roughly three times bigger than estimates of a few years ago. The light variations are interpreted as due to elongated shape. If this is correct, Hektor is both the largest and most elongated known Trojan, as well as being the most elongated known asteroid of its size. From considerations of Trojans' peculiar properties, we propose that Hektor is a somewhat dumbbell shaped object roughly 150 × 300 km in size, resulting from partial coalescence of two primitive spheroidal planetesimals during a relatively low-speed collision in the Trojan Lagrangian cloud, with energy too low for complete disruption. Calculations supporting this model indicate that Trojans may be less altered by collisions than belt asteroids. Observations in 1979 and 1980 can help test this model. A note added on July 17, 1978 relates our result to recent evidence of possible binary asteroid pairs, which may also arise from early low-velocity asteroid-asteroid interactions.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray exposure ages of lunar samples have been used to date surface features related to impact cratering and downslope movement of material. Only when multiple samples related to a feature have the same rare gas exposure age, or when a single sample has the same81Kr-Kr and track exposure age can a feature be considered reliably dated. Because any single lunar sample is likely to have had a complex exposure history, assignment of ages to features based upon only one determination by any method should be avoided. Based on the above criteria, there are only five well-dated lunar features: Cone Crater (Apollo 14) 26 m.y., North Ray Crater (Apollo 16) 50 m.y., South Ray Crater (Apollo 16) 2 m.y., the emplacement of the Station 6 boulders (Apollo 17) 22 m.y., and the emplacement of the Station 7 boulder (Apollo 17) 28 m.y. Other features are tentatively dated or have limits set on their ages: Bench Crater (Apollo 12) ?99 m.y., Baby Ray Crater (Apollo 16) ?2 m.y., Shorty Crater (Apollo 17) ≈ 30 m.y., Camelot Crater (Apollo 17) ?140 m.y., the emplacement of the Station 2 boulder 1 (Apollo 17) 45–55 m.y., and the slide which generated the light mantle (Apollo 17) ?50 m.y.  相似文献   

Bruno Rossi is considered one of the fathers of modern physics, being also a pioneer in virtually every aspect of what is today called high-energy astrophysics. At the beginning of 1930s he was the pioneer of cosmic ray research in Italy, and, as one of the leading actors in the study of the nature and behavior of the cosmic radiation, he witnessed the birth of particle physics and was one of the main investigators in this fields for many years. While cosmic ray physics moved more and more towards astrophysics, Rossi continued to be one of the inspirers of this line of research. When outer space became a reality, he did not hesitate to leap into this new scientific dimension. Rossi’s intuition on the importance of exploiting new technological windows to look at the universe with new eyes, is a fundamental key to understand the profound unity which guided his scientific research path up to its culminating moments at the beginning of 1960s, when his group at MIT performed the first in situ measurements of the density, speed and direction of the solar wind at the boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere, and when he promoted the search for extra-solar sources of X rays. A visionary idea which eventually led to the breakthrough experiment which discovered Scorpius X-1 in 1962, and inaugurated X-ray astronomy.  相似文献   

The Almahata Sitta strewn field is dominated by ureilites, but contains a large fraction of chondritic fragments of various types. We analyzed stable isotopes of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, and the cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl in six chondritic Almahata Sitta fragments (EL6 breccia, EL6, EL3‐5, CB, LL4/5, R‐like). The cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages of five of the six samples have an average of 19.2 ± 3.3 Ma, close to the average of 19.5 ± 2.5 Ma for four ureilites. The cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations in the chondrites indicate a preatmospheric size consistent with Almahata Sitta. This corroborates that Almahata Sitta chondrite samples were part of the same asteroid as the ureilites. However, MS‐179 has a lower CRE age of 11.0 ± 1.4 Ma. Further analysis of short‐lived radionuclides in fragment MS‐179 showed that it fell around the same time, and from an object of similar size as Almahata Sitta, making it almost certain that MS‐179 is an Almahata Sitta fragment. Instead, its low CRE age could be due to gas loss, chemical heterogeneity that may have led to an erroneous 21Ne production‐rate, or, perhaps most likely, MS‐179 could represent the true 4π exposure age of Almahata Sitta (or an upper limit thereof), while all other samples analyzed so far experienced exposure on the parent body of similar lengths. Finally, MS‐179 had an extraordinarily high activity of neutron‐capture 36Cl, ~600 dpm kg?1, the highest activity observed in any meteorite to date, related to a high abundance of the Cl‐bearing mineral lawrencite.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large hand sample and numerous polished thin sections, made from the hand sample, of the Kapoeta howardite and its many diverse lithic clasts were studied in detail by optical microscopy and electron microprobe techniques in an attempt to understand the surface processes that operated on the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) parent body (most likely the asteroid 4 Vesta). Four unique, unusually large clasts, designated A (mafic breccia), B (granoblastic eucrite), D (howardite) and H (melt-coated breccia), were selected for detailed study (modal analysis, mineral microprobe analysis, and noble gas measurements). Petrographic studies reveal that Kapoeta consists of a fine-grained matrix made mostly of minute pyroxene and plagioclase fragments, into which are embedded numerous different lithic and mineral clasts of highly variable sizes. The lithic clasts include pyroxene-plagioclase (eucrite), orthopyroxenite (diogenite), howardite, impact-melt, metal-sulfide-rich, and carbonaceous chondrite clasts. The howardite clasts include examples of lithic clasts that constitute breccias-within-breccias, suggesting that at least two regolith generations are represented in the Kapoeta sample we studied. The clast assemblage suggests that repeated shock lithification was an important process during regolith evolution. Noble gas analyses of clast samples fall into two populations: (a) solar-gas-rich clasts H (rim only) and D and (b) clasts A and B, which are essentially free of solar gases. The concentrations of solar noble gases in the two matrix samples differ by a factor of ~40. It appears that clast D is a true regolith breccia within the Kapoeta howardite (breccia-within-breccia), while clast H is a regolith breccia that has been significantly impact reworked. Our data indicate that the Kapoeta howardite is an extraordinarily heterogeneous rock in modal mineral and lithic clast abundances, grain size distributions, solar-wind noble gas concentrations and cosmic-ray exposure ages. These results illustrate the repetitive nature of impact comminution and lithification in the regolith of the HED parent body.  相似文献   

Linking meteorites to their asteroid parent bodies remains an outstanding issue. Space-based dust characterization using impact ionization mass spectrometry is a proven technique for the compositional analysis of individual cosmic dust grains. Here we investigate the feasibility of determining asteroid compositions via cation mass spectrometric analyses of their dust ejecta clouds during low (7–9 km s−1) velocity spacecraft flybys. At these speeds, the dust grain mass spectra are dominated by easily ionized elements and molecular species. Using known bulk mineral volume abundances, we show that it is feasible to discriminate the common meteorite classes of carbonaceous chondrites, ordinary chondrites, and howardite–eucrite–diogenite achondrites, as well as their subtypes, relying solely on the detection of elements with ionization efficiencies of ≤700 or ≤800 kJ mol−1, applicable to low (~7 km s−1) and intermediate (~9 km s−1) flyby speed scenarios, respectively. Including the detection of water ion groups enables greater discrimination between certain meteorite types, and flyby speeds ≥10 km s−1 enhance the diagnostic capabilities of this technique still further. Although additional terrestrial calibration is required, this technique may allow more unequivocal asteroid-meteorite connections to be determined by spacecraft flybys, emphasizing the utility of dust instruments on future asteroid missions.  相似文献   

In previous papers, the present authors have shown that the galactic anisotropy is modulated due to cosmic ray orbital deflection in the heliomagnetosphere, and that the sidereal time daily variations of galactic origin can be expressed using the basic vectors, which have been obtained by calculating trajectories of cosmic rays in a model magnetosphere having Parker's Archimedian spiral structure with a flat or a wavy neutral sheet. In the present paper, the magnetic irregularities superposed on the Parker's spiral field have been taken into account, which cause the scattering of cosmic rays and disturb their orbits. We examined the fluctuations of asymptotic directions calculating their orbits by the Monte-Carlo simulation, based on the theory of the multiple scattering process. It is shown that the dispersion of the projected deviation angle is determined mainly by the scattering mean free path and by the structure of the order magnetic field, e.g. the polarity state of the heliomagnetosphere and the extent of the neutral sheet. We investigated also the influence of the fluctuations of asymptotic directions on the sidereal daily variation. It is found that, under some conditions, the scattering causes only the attenuation of the amplitude of the basic vector, and does not change its phase. The attenuation is negligibly small at high rigidities larger than ~ 1000 GV, but becomes more serious with decreasing rigidity. The rigidity dependence curve of the attenuation rate was calculated for various cases. A simple and approximate method is also presented for the derivation of those curves for any value of the magnitude of the mean free path and for various model magnetospheres. It is noted, however, that the lower limiting rigidity below which the present method is not applicable is relatively high in the Positive polarity state.  相似文献   

Analysis of the anomalous solar diurnal variation in cosmic rays at the 1954 solar minimum yields an estimate of the residual solar modulation present at that time. The data are consistent with a modulation parameter M in the range 0.6 < M 1.5 GV. Reasons are given for preferring a value in the upper half of this range.  相似文献   

A Large Isotopic Composition Experiment (ALICE) is a balloon-borne spectrometer which can determine the elemental and isotopic composition of galactic cosmic rays with energies near 1 GeV/nucleon. ALICE was flown from Prince Albert, Canada in August 1987, and remained at float altitude (120000 feet) for 14.7 hours. In this paper, we describe the experimental methods and analysis which will be used for subsequent isotopic analysis. We obtained very precise charge resolution over the entire designed range: 0.10 and 0.16 charge units at neon and iron, respectively. Results on the galactic cosmic ray abundances and absolute fluxes of the elements from neon through nickel are reported.  相似文献   

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