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三维VSP资料中,各种不同类型的波混杂一起形成复杂的波场.因此,波场分离是三维VSP数据处理关键的第一步.从不同波场的偏振方向和传播方向之差异着手,提出了一种高保真的VSP波场分离方法.首先通过射线追踪和偏振滤波的结合,把复杂波场(分解为简单波场;然后根据简单波场中不同波的传播方向截然相反的特点,进行方向滤波,达到波场分离的目的.实际数据处理表明,与常规波场分离方法相比,本方法大大降低了混波作用以及由此而生的波形畸变.  相似文献   

Recovering accurate data is important for both earthquake and exploration seismology studies, when data are sparsely sampled or partially missing. We present a method that allows for precise and accurate recovery of seismic data using a localized fractal recovery method. This method requires that the data are selfsimilar on local and global spatial scales. We present examples that show that the intrinsic structure associated with seismic data can be easily and accurately recovered by using this approach. This result, in turn, indicates that seismic data are indeed self-similar on local and global scales. This method is applicable not only for seismic studies, but also for any field studies that require accurate recovery of data from sparsely sampled datasets with partially missing data. Our ability to recover the missing data with high fidelity and accuracy will qualitatively improve the images of seismic tomography.  相似文献   

介质物理性质与应力状态的改变是导致地震波速变化的主要因素,通过高精度波速变化测量可推测地下介质发生的变化.然而,高精度波速变化测量对测量仪器提出了较高要求,波速变化的测量精度常常受到仪器的采样率、信噪比以及时间触发精度的影响.为实现高精度测量,设计一套由大功率稀土超磁致可重复震源和高采样率通用数采组成的观测系统,通过叠...  相似文献   

高拱坝伸缩横缝间布设阻尼器对坝体地震反应影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对设置伸缩横缝的小湾高拱坝结构,应用子结构理论,分别就正常高水位与常遇低水位两种水位工况,考虑坝体伸缩横缝在地震交变荷载作用下反复开合引起的缝面间滑移、接触等效应的影响,坝体-库水的相互作用而产生的动水压力的影响,对坝体的抗震性能进行了地震反应分析。对伸缩缝间设置阻尼器这新的设计思想进行了可行性的研究,论证推导了阻尼器的计算模型,探讨了阻尼器对坝体抗震性能的影响。  相似文献   

测震仪器架设前须确定符合规范精度要求的NS向方位线,由于条件制约,以前NS向方位线基本借助罗盘确定,受磁偏角及外界干扰因素影响,定向精度较差。对目前使用的罗盘、寻北仪及波形相关性定向方法进行对比分析,探讨实际操作中各种定向方法的实用性。  相似文献   

Attenuation of seismic waves, quantified by the seismic quality factor Q, holds important information for seismic interpretation, due to its sensitivity to rock and fluid properties. A recently published study of Q, based on surface seismic reflection data, used a modified spectral ratio approach (QVO), but both source and receiver responses were treated as isotropic, based on simple raypath arguments. Here, this assumption has been tested by computing apparent attenuation generated by frequency-dependent directivity of typical marine source and receiver arrays and acquisition geometries. Synthetic wavelet spectra were computed for reflected rays, summed over the first Fresnel zone, from the base of a single interval, 50–3000 m thick and velocity 2000 m/s, overlying a 2200 m/s half-space, and for offsets of 71–2071 m. The source and receiver geometry were those of an actual survey. The modelled spectra are clearly affected by directivity, most strongly because of surface ghosts. In general, the strong high-frequency component, produced by the array design, leads to apparently negative attenuation in individual reflection events, though this is dependent on offset and target depth. For shallow targets (less than 400–500 ms two-way traveltime (TWT) depth), apparent Q-values as extreme as ?50 to ?100 were obtained. For deeper target depths, the directivity effect is far smaller. The implications of the model study were tested on real data. QVO was applied to 20 true-spectrum-processed CMPs, in a shallow (405–730 ms TWT) and a deeper (1000–1300 ms TWT) interval, firstly using a measured far-field source signature (effectively isotropic), and secondly using computed directivity effects instead. Mean interval Q?1-values for the deeper interval, 0.029 ± 0.011 and 0.027 ± 0.018 for conventional and directional processing, respectively, suggested no directivity influence on attenuation estimation. For the shallow interval (despite poor spectral signal-to-noise ratios and hence scattered attenuation estimates), directional processing removed directivity-generated irregularities from the spectral ratios, resulting in an improvement from Q?1int = ?0.036 ± 0.130 to a realistic Q?1int = 0.012 ± 0.030: different at 94% confidence level. Equivalent Q-values are: for the deeper interval, 35 and 37 for conventional and directional processing, respectively, and ?28 and 86 for the shallow interval. These results support the conclusions of the model studies, i.e. that source/receiver directivity has a negligible effect except for shallow targets (e.g. TWT depth ≤ 500 ms) imaged with conventional acquisition geometry. In such cases directivity corrections to spectra are strongly recommended.  相似文献   

以上海浦东机场(二期)候机楼为例,讨论了大跨结构多点激励效应对结构抗震设计值的影响。文中首先进行了结构静力荷载作用下的反应分析,并与上海浦东机场(二期)候机楼在一致激励下的地震反应相组合,得到一致地震作用下结构抗震设计值;然后根据工程场地二维地震动场反应分析结果,进行了上海浦东机场多点输入下的地震反应分析,将其与静力反应组合得到多点地震激励下结构抗震设计值。考察在一致输入和多点输入下得出的抗震设计值之间的差异,分析了不同的地震激励方式对控制结构抗震设计值以及结构动力位移和加速度值的影响。研究结果表明:多点地震输入对浦东机场二期工程候机楼的抗震设计影响较大,特别是对承力柱的影响最大,可以使一些柱的控制截面内力的抗震设计值比一致地震输入时的数值增大10~50%,同时使另外一些柱的控制截面内力的抗震设计值减小40%左右。因此,为合理地进行这类结构的抗震设计,在结构抗震分析中考虑地震动的多点输入的影响是非常必要的。  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the use of image processing techniques for separating seismic waves. Because of the non‐stationarity of seismic signals, the continuous wavelet transform is more suitable than the conventional Fourier transforms for the representation, and thus the analysis, of seismic processes. It provides a 2D representation, called a scalogram, of a 1D signal where the seismic events are well localized and isolated. Supervised methods based on this time‐scale representation have already been used to separate seismic events, but they require strong interactions with the geophysicist. This paper focuses on the use of the watershed algorithm to segment time‐scale representations of seismic signals, which leads to an automatic estimation of the wavelet representation of each wave separately. The computation of the inverse wavelet transform then leads to the reconstruction of the different waves. This segmentation, tracked over the different traces of the seismic profile, enables an accurate separation of the different wavefields. This method has been successfully validated on several real data sets.  相似文献   

Filter formulation and wavefield separation of cross-well seismic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multichannel filtering to obtain wavefield separation has been used in seismic processing for decades and has become an essential component in VSP and cross-well reflection imaging. The need for good multichannel wavefield separation filters is acute in borehole seismic imaging techniques such as VSP and cross-well reflection imaging, where strong interfering arrivals such as tube waves, shear conversions, multiples, direct arrivals and guided waves can overlap temporally with desired arrivals. We investigate the effects of preprocessing (alignment and equalization) on the quality of cross-well reflection imaging wavefield separation and we show that the choice of the multichannel filter and filter parameters is critical to the wavefield separation of cross-well data (median filters, fk pie-slice filters, eigenvector filters). We show that spatial aliasing creates situations where the application of purely spatial filters (median filters) will create notches in the frequency spectrum of the desired reflection arrival. Eigenvector filters allow us to work past the limits of aliasing, but these kinds of filter are strongly dependent on the ratio of undesired to desired signal amplitude. On the basis of these observations, we developed a new type of multichannel filter that combined the best characteristics of spatial filters and eigenvector filters. We call this filter a ‘constrained eigenvector filter’. We use two real data sets of cross-well seismic experiments with small and large well spacing to evaluate the effects of these factors on the quality of cross-well wavefield separation. We apply median filters, fk pie-slice filters and constrained eigenvector filters in multiple domains available for these data sets (common-source, common-receiver, common-offset and common-midpoint gathers). We show that the results of applying the constrained eigenvector filter to the entire cross-well data set are superior to both the spatial and standard eigenvector filter results.  相似文献   

China's continental deposition basins are characterized by complex geological structures and various reservoir lithologies. Therefore, high precision exploration methods are needed. High density spatial sampling is a new technology to increase the accuracy of seismic exploration. We briefly discuss point source and receiver technology, analyze the high density spatial sampling in situ method, introduce the symmetric sampling principles presented by Gijs J. O. Vermeer, and discuss high density spatial sampling technology from the point of view of wave field continuity. We emphasize the analysis of the high density spatial sampling characteristics, including the high density first break advantages for investigation of near surface structure, improving static correction precision, the use of dense receiver spacing at short offsets to increase the effective coverage at shallow depth, and the accuracy of reflection imaging. Coherent noise is not aliased and the noise analysis precision and suppression increases as a result. High density spatial sampling enhances wave field continuity and the accuracy of various mathematical transforms, which benefits wave field separation. Finally, we point out that the difficult part of high density spatial sampling technology is the data processing. More research needs to be done on the methods of analyzing and processing huge amounts of seismic data.  相似文献   

高密度空间采样地震数据特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国陆相沉积盆地的地质结构复杂,储层岩性的多变,需要有高精度的勘探方法。高密度空间采样是提高地震勘探精度的一项新技术。本文简要说明了点激发和点接收技术,分析高密度空间采样的野外工作方法,介绍了Gijs j.o.Vermeer提出的对称采样原理,从波场连续性的角度探讨了高密度空间采样技术。重点分析高密度空间采样数据的特点, 即:高密集的初至波有利于近地表结构的调查,可提高静校正的精度;小偏移距、小点距接收增加了浅层的有效覆盖次数,提高浅层反射的成像精度; 对规则噪声可实现无假频采样,室内的噪声分析和噪声压制的精度随着提高;高密度采集使波场连续性增强,使得各种数学变换的精度提高,有利于不同波场的分离。最后指出高密度空间采样地震勘探技术的难点在于室内数据处理,针对海量数据的分析和处理方法还需要进行深入细致的研究工作。  相似文献   

SASW method is a nondestructive in situ testing method that is used to determine the dynamic properties of soil sites and pavement systems. Phase information and dispersion characteristics of a wave propagating through these systems have a significant role in the processing of recorded data. Inversion of the dispersive phase data provides information on the variation of shear-wave velocity with depth. However, in the case of sanded residual soil, it is not easy to produce the reliable phase spectrum curve. Due to natural noises and other human intervention in surface wave date generation deal with to reliable phase spectrum curve for sanded residual soil turn into the complex issue for geological scientist. In this paper, a time–frequency analysis based on complex Gaussian Derivative wavelet was applied to detect and localize all the events that are not identifiable by conventional signal processing methods. Then, the performance of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) in noise reduction of these recorded seismic signals was evaluated. Furthermore, in particular the influence of the decomposition level choice was investigated on efficiency of this process. This method is developed by various wavelet thresholding techniques which provide many options for controllable de-noising at each level of signal decomposition. Also, it obviates the need for high computation time compare with continuous wavelet transform. According to the results, the proposed method is powerful to visualize the interested spectrum range of seismic signals and to de-noise at low level decomposition.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for removing sea-surface multiples from marine seismic reflection data in which, in essence, the reflection response of the earth, referred to a plane just above the sea-floor, is computed as the ratio of the plane-wave components of the upgoing wave and the downgoing wave. Using source measurements of the wavefield made during data acquisition, three problems associated with earlier work are solved: (i) the method accommodates source arrays, rather than point sources; (ii) the incident field is removed without simultaneously removing part of the scattered field; and (iii) the minimum-energy criterion to find a wavelet is eliminated. Pressure measurements are made in a horizontal plane in the water. The source can be a conventional array of airguns, but must have both in-line and cross-line symmetry, and its wavefield must be measured and be repeatable from shot to shot. The problem is formulated for multiple shots in a two-dimensional configuration for each receiver, and for multiple receivers in a two-dimensional configuration for each shot. The scattered field is obtained from the measurements by subtracting the incident field, known from measurements at the source. The scattered field response to a single incident plane wave at a single receiver is obtained by transforming the common-receiver gather to the frequency–wavenumber domain, and a single component of this response is obtained by Fourier transforming over all receiver coordinates. Each scattered field component is separated into an upgoing wave and a downgoing wave using the zero-pressure condition at the water-surface. The upgoing wave may then be expressed as a reflection coefficient multiplied by the incident downgoing wave plus a sum of scattered downgoing plane waves, each multiplied by the corresponding reflection coefficient. Keeping the upgoing scattered wave fixed, and using all possible incident plane waves for a given frequency, yields a set of linear simultaneous equations for the reflection coefficients which are solved for each plane wave and for each frequency. To create the shot records that would have been measured if the sea-surface had been absent, each reflection coefficient is multiplied by complex amplitude and phase factors, for source and receiver terms, before the five-dimensional Fourier transformation back to the space–time domain.  相似文献   

Ground roll is an interference wave that severely degrades the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data and affects its subsequent processing and interpretation. In this study, according to differences in morphological characteristics between ground roll and reflected waves, we use morphological component analysis based on two-dimensional dictionaries to separate ground roll and reflected waves. Because ground roll is characterized by low-frequency, low-velocity, and dispersion, we select two-dimensional undecimated discrete wavelet transform as a sparse representation dictionary of ground roll. Because of a strong local correlation of the reflected wave, we select two-dimensional local discrete cosine transform as the sparse representation dictionary of reflected waves. A sparse representation model of seismic data is constructed based on a two-dimensional joint dictionary then a block coordinate relaxation algorithm is used to solve the model and decompose seismic record into reflected wave part and ground roll part.The good effects for the synthetic seismic data and application of real seismic data indicate that when using the model, strong-energy ground roll is considerably suppressed and the waveform of the reflected wave is effectively protected.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to discover the so-called weekend effect in seismic activity variations, which is supposedly related to human activities. Using the statistical analysis of the world catalog of earthquakes, it is shown that this effect probably exists. Application of the synchronous detection method revealed that the sevenday variation in the number of earthquakes of magnitudes M ≤ 5.0 has a Sunday maximum with a relative amplitude of the variation of about 5%. We failed to find a convincing physical interpretation of the effect supposedly related to the seven-day cycle of industrial activity.  相似文献   

在地震资料中,噪声干扰严重影响了有效信号的提取,为此必须进行信噪分离处理.本文提出一种基于Curvelet变换和KL变换相结合的软硬阈值折衷处理方法.首先对地震数据进行Curvelet变换,然后对各尺度系数选取适当阈值压制噪声干扰,再利用KL变换提取数据中的相干有效信号,最后重构得到去噪后的记录.经合成记录和实际地震资料处理实验证明,该方法与小波变换法相比较,更能有效进行信噪分离,提高地震剖面信噪比和分辨率.  相似文献   

为了更真实地进行钢筋混凝土结构抗震性能评估,应该考虑材料的应变率效应影响。600 MPa级高强钢筋作为新一代建筑钢材,尚无考虑应变率效应影响的600 MPa级高强钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能研究。首先进行了不同应变率下600 MPa级高强钢筋拉伸力学性能试验,利用试验数据拟合得到600 MPa级高强钢筋在不同应变率下的强度提高系数表达式,并利用OpenSees软件进行了配置600 MPa级高强钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震性能模拟分析,研究了应变率效应对框架结构抗震性能的影响。研究结果表明:随着应变率的增大,钢筋的屈服强度和极限强度均得到提高,屈服强度最大提高11.5%,极限强度最大提高8.9%;随着所考虑的材料应变率增加,配置600 MPa级高强钢筋框架结构最大顶点位移总体上呈减小趋势,地震波强度越强,应变率效应影响越大,而层间位移角减小幅值相差不大。研究成果可作为600MPa级高强钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震评估的依据。  相似文献   

一种基于信息反馈的高精度地震子波提取方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对实际地震数据处理过程中参数化模型方法提取的子波与实际地震子波的一致性及其子波提取方法的有效性问题,本文提出一种基于信息反馈思想的地震子波提取方法.该方法利用提取的子渡合成地震记录,对合成地震记录和原始地震记录中的关键属性、特定参数进行分析比较,并将比较结果作为反馈信息作用于地震子波提取过程.理论研究与分析结果表明,...  相似文献   

自密实高性能混凝土框架结构抗震性能试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分别用自密实混凝土和普通混凝土制作了两榀相同尺寸和配筋的单层单跨钢筋混凝土框架,采用MTS电液伺服加载系统进行低周反复荷载下的拟静力试验,研究自密实高性能混凝土框架结构的抗震性能。试验结果表明,自密实高性能混凝土框架的抗震性能符合规范要求,与普通混凝土框架相比相差不大。  相似文献   

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