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Multiple equilibria and their stability in tropical atmosphere are investigated through β-plane barotropic models with consideration of heating and dissipation. We have derived the solutions of the model equations corresponding to the multiple equilibria or the steady flows first, and then establish the criteria for the stability of steady flow by use of the Liapunov direct Method. When these criteria are applied to the solutions of equilibria obtained, stable flows, which are closely related to the different patterns of quasi-stationary circulation in the tropical region, are found. The configurations of these stable flows and the shift between two of them as season changes provide quite reasonable explanations to many fundamental problems of tropical circulation features such as the catastrophe mechanism of the onset and the break-active cycle of the Asian summer monsoon. It follows that the onset or the abrupt transition of the Asian summer monsoon could be attributed to the multiple equilibrium property of the tropical circulation resulted from the advective nonlinearity, which provide another explanation among others.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that the structure and strength of the meridional overturning circulation in the global ocean is governed by the input of mechanical energy to the system by winds and tides. However, it is not clear how this suggestion relates to the existence of multiple equilibria of the meridional overturning circulation, which depends on thermohaline feedbacks and is more consistent with a buoyancy-driven view of the circulation. Both theories have been illustrated by box models in the past (Stommel in Tellus 13:224–230, 1961; Gnanadesikan in Science 283:2077–2079, 1999). Here we incorporate these two theories into a single box model in an attempt to reconcile the roles of mechanical and buoyancy forcing in driving the meridional overturning circulation. The box model has two equilibrium solutions, one with sinking at high northern latitudes as in the present-day Atlantic, and one without. The circulation is mechanically driven, but the northern sinking can be thought of as a release valve which acts as a sink of potential energy when the surface water at high northern latitudes is dense enough to convect. While the source of energy comes from mechanical forcing, the presence or otherwise of multiple equilibria is therefore determined by thermohaline feedbacks. In some areas of parameter space an oscillation between the model’s two circulation regimes occurs, reminiscent of a bipolar seesaw.  相似文献   

By using a five-layer primitive equation model with P-sigma coordinates,the effect of convective heating source with the oscillation of a dipole pattern over the tropical Indian Ocean-Western Pacific on Asian summer monsoon is investigated.The results from simulations show that the oscillatary heating source may cause oscillations in east-west zonal circulation at the equator,in cross-equatorial flow,in meridional monsoon circulation and in the phase of high-low level circulation over Asia,with period same as that of the oscillating heat source.Furthermore,the influence mechanism of the tropical heating source associated with oscillations on Asian summer monsoon circulation is also studicd.It is clearly shown that the westward propagation of thermally-forced Rossy waves to the west of the oscillatary heating source and the northward propagation of disturbances can give rise to oscillations of the equatorial east-west zonal circulation and monsoonal meridional circulation.Finally,the oscillation of all the Asian summer monsoon circulation is formed.  相似文献   

Many low-order modeling studies indicate that there may be multiple equilibria in the atmosphere induced by thermal and topographic forcings. However, most work uses uncoupled atmospheric model and just focuses on the multiple equilibria with distinct wave amplitude, i.e., the high- and low-index equilibria. Here, a low-order coupled land–atmosphere model is used to study the multiple equilibria with both distinct wave phase and wave amplitude. The model combines a two-layer quasi-geostrophic channel model and an energy balance model. Highly truncated spectral expansions are used and the results show that there may be two stable equilibria with distinct wave phase relative to the topography: one (the other) has a lower layer streamfunction that is nearly in (out of) phase with the topography, i.e., the lower layer ridges (troughs) are over the mountains, called ridge-type (trough-type) equilibria. The wave phase of equilibrium state depends on the direction of lower layer zonal wind and horizontal scale of the topography. The multiple wave phase equilibria associated with ridge- and trough-types originate from the orographic instability of the Hadley circulation, which is a pitch-fork bifurcation. Compared with the uncoupled model, the land–atmosphere coupled system produces more stable atmospheric flow and more ridge-type equilibrium states, particularly, these effects are primarily attributed to the longwave radiation fluxes. The upper layer streamfunctions of both ridge- and trough-type equilibria are also characterized by either a high- or low-index flow pattern. However, the multiple wave phase equilibria associated with ridge- and trough-types are more prominent than multiple wave amplitude equilibria associated with high- and low-index types in this study.  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发早晚的经向环流异常的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海夏季风爆发与东亚地区的局地经向环流密切相关.本文利用线性局地经向环流诊断模式,定量诊断分析了1979~2003年5月1~15日的局地经向环流及其在夏季风爆发早晚年的差异,分析找出了在该关键时段对经向环流异常有正贡献的主要因子,从而确立影响季风爆发的相应天气过程及贡献机制.结果表明,在季风爆发早年期间,局地经向环流异常呈现为"Hadley环流"形态:上升运动(下沉运动)影响南海中北部(江淮地区),低空非地转南风(北风)影响南海中南部(华南和江南地区).季风爆发晚年的情况则与季风爆发早年相反.对造成经向环流异常的各个因子进行定量分析发现,经向分布不均匀的潜热加热的贡献作用最大,其次是温度平流和西风动量输送过程,与越赤道气流有关的边界效应则对南海中南部的低空南风有一定贡献.相应的天气学分析表明,季风爆发偏早年的副热带高空急流强度偏强且位置偏南,其动量输送过程导致对流层上层出现非地转南风、急流轴南侧(北侧)的华南(华北)地区出现高空辐散(辐合)和低层辐合上升(辐散下沉).与此同时,中纬度西风带扰动的南下和副热带高压脊从南海地区的撤出,中低层温度平流导致华中地区冷却和南海中北部增暖,进一步加强低纬地区上升、中纬地区下沉的经向环流异常.华南地区异常的非地转北风与南海中南部异常的非地转南风,显著加强了南海中北部的低空水汽辐合和对流潜热释放,从而激发出强烈上升运动.由此可见,中低纬天气系统配置能有效调节中国东部及南海地区的潜热加热和冷暖平流的南北分布,从而引起与季风爆发对应的局地经向环流的显著变化.  相似文献   

A multi-model set of atmospheric simulations forced by historical sea surface temperature (SST) or SSTs plus Greenhouse gases and aerosol forcing agents for the period of 1950–1999 is studied to identify and understand which components of the Asian–Australian monsoon (A–AM) variability are forced and reproducible. The analysis focuses on the summertime monsoon circulations, comparing model results against the observations. The priority of different components of the A–AM circulations in terms of reproducibility is evaluated. Among the subsystems of the wide A–AM, the South Asian monsoon and the Australian monsoon circulations are better reproduced than the others, indicating they are forced and well modeled. The primary driving mechanism comes from the tropical Pacific. The western North Pacific monsoon circulation is also forced and well modeled except with a slightly lower reproducibility due to its delayed response to the eastern tropical Pacific forcing. The simultaneous driving comes from the western Pacific surrounding the maritime continent region. The Indian monsoon circulation has a moderate reproducibility, partly due to its weakened connection to June–July–August SSTs in the equatorial eastern Pacific in recent decades. Among the A–AM subsystems, the East Asian summer monsoon has the lowest reproducibility and is poorly modeled. This is mainly due to the failure of specifying historical SST in capturing the zonal land-sea thermal contrast change across the East Asia. The prescribed tropical Indian Ocean SST changes partly reproduce the meridional wind change over East Asia in several models. For all the A–AM subsystem circulation indices, generally the MME is always the best except for the Indian monsoon and East Asian monsoon circulation indices.  相似文献   

A critical test of a general circulation model is its performance on the regional scale. In this paper we examine the summer climatology of the CSIRO4 (4-layer) climate model over the Australian tropical region. The benchmark for the study is the positioning of the monsoon equatorial trough. We compare the CSIRO4 model climatology with the climatologies from the GFDL and GISS models and we report on the sensitivity of the position of the monsoon shear line and the strength of the monsoon westerly winds to the doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The model results show that under the greenhouse scenario the monsoon is strengthened, but the average location of the monsoon shear line is not sensitive to the doubling of CO2. Offprint requests to: BF Ryan  相似文献   

Observations have shown that the monsoon is a highly variable phenomenon of the tropical troposphere, which exhibits significant variance in the temporal range of two to three years. The reason for this specific interannual variability has not yet been identified unequivocally. Observational analyses have also shown that EI Niño indices or western Pacific SSTs exhibit some power in the two to three year period range and therefore it was suggested that an ocean-atmosphere interaction could excite and support such a cycle. Similar mechanisms include land-surface-atmosphere interaction as a possible driving mechanism. A rather different explanation could be provided by a forcing mechanism based on the quasi-biennial oscillation of the zonal wind in the lower equatorial stratosphere (QBO). The QBO is a phenomenon driven by equatorial waves with periods of some days which are excited in the troposphere. Provided that the monsoon circulation reacts to the modulation of tropopause conditions as forced by the QBO, this could explain monsoon variability in the quasi-biennial window. The possibility of a QBO-driven monsoon variability is investigated in this study in a number of general circulation model experiments where the QBO is assimilated to externally controlled phase states. These experiments show that the boreal summer monsoon is significantly influenced by the QBO. A QBO westerly phase implies less precipitation in the western Pacific, but more in India, in agreement with observations. The austral summer monsoon is exposed to similar but weaker mechanisms and the precipitation does not change significantly.  相似文献   

Understanding the response of the South Asian monsoon (SAM) system to global climate change is an interesting scientific problem that has enormous implications from the societal viewpoint. While the CMIP3 projections of future changes in monsoon precipitation used in the IPCC AR4 show major uncertainties, there is a growing recognition that the rapid increase of moisture in a warming climate can potentially enhance the stability of the large-scale tropical circulations. In this work, the authors have examined the stability of the SAM circulation based on diagnostic analysis of climate datasets over the past half century; and addressed the issue of likely future changes in the SAM in response to global warming using simulations from an ultra-high resolution (20 km) global climate model. Additional sensitivity experiments using a simplified atmospheric model have been presented to supplement the overall findings. The results here suggest that the intensity of the boreal summer monsoon overturning circulation and the associated southwesterly monsoon flow have significantly weakened during the past 50-years. The weakening trend of the monsoon circulation is further corroborated by a significant decrease in the frequency of moderate-to-heavy monsoon rainfall days and upward vertical velocities particularly over the narrow mountain ranges of the Western Ghats. Based on simulations from the 20-km ultra high-resolution model, it is argued that a stabilization (weakening) of the summer monsoon Hadley-type circulation in response to global warming can potentially lead to a weakened large-scale monsoon flow thereby resulting in weaker vertical velocities and reduced orographic precipitation over the narrow Western Ghat mountains by the end of the twenty-first century. Supplementary experiments using a simplified atmospheric model indicate a high sensitivity of the large-scale monsoon circulation to atmospheric stability in comparison with the effects of condensational heating.  相似文献   

论东亚夏季风的特征、驱动力与年代际变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文是以新的资料和研究结果对东亚夏季风的基本特征、驱动力和年代际变化所作的重新分析与评估。内容包括四个部分:(1)东亚夏季风的基本特征;(2)东亚夏季风的驱动力;(3)东亚夏季风的年代际变率与原因;(4)东亚夏季风与全球季风的关系。结果表明:东亚夏季风是亚洲夏季风的一个重要有机部分,主要由来源于热带的季风气流组成,并随季节由南向北呈阶段性推进,它是形成夏季东亚天气与气候的主要环流和降水系统。驱动夏季风的主要强迫有三部分:外部强迫、耦合强迫与内部变率,其中人类活动引起的外强迫(气候变暖、城市化、气溶胶增加等)是新出现的外强迫,它正不断改变着东亚夏季风的特征与演变趋势。海洋与陆面耦合强迫作为自然因子是引起东亚夏季风年际和年代际变化的主要原因,其中太平洋年代尺度振荡(PDO)与北大西洋多年代尺度振荡(AMO)的协同作用是造成东亚夏季风30~40年周期振荡的主要原因。1960年代以后,东亚夏季风经历了强—弱—强的年代际变化,相应的中国东部夏季降水型出现了“北多南少”向“南涝北旱”以及“北方渐增”的转变。最近的研究表明,上述东亚夏季风年代际变化与整个亚非夏季风系统的变化趋势是一致的。在本世纪主要受气候变暖的影响,夏季风雨带将持续北移,中国北方和西部地区出现持续性多雨的格局。最后本文指出,亚非夏季风系统相比于其他区域季风系统更适合全球季风的概念。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the simulation of the coherent circulation structure correspond to the changes of mid-summer (July–August) rainfall over eastern China (30°–40° N, 110°–120° E) in high-resolution NCAR CAM5. Forced by historical sea surface temperatures (SSTs), the NCAR CAM5 reasonably reproduces coherent changes of temperature and large-scale circulations, corresponding to the changes in rainfall. Results show that when the rainfall decreases over eastern China, the model reproduces a remarkable warm center in the upper troposphere with an anomalous anticyclone appears above and an increase in anomalous westerlies to its north. An anomalous anticyclone also occurs in the lower troposphere, along with anomalous southerlies to its east which indicates strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon. Both the circulation changes in the upper and lower troposphere favor a decrease in precipitation over central eastern China. There were also good correlations between the simulated upper-tropospheric temperature and other large-scale circulation changes. There are some deficiencies in the NCAR CAM5 simulations in terms of the changes in magnitude and location of the rainfall centers. However, in general, the model reasonably reproduced the coherent configuration of the large-scale circulation patterns and surface rainfall. This study further confirms that the climate variations across East Asia most likely arise from a regional response to global climate change. The well-simulated configuration by NCAR CAM5 also indicates the reliability of the model and its potential to reveal the mechanisms driving the coherent changes of the East Asian summer monsoon system.  相似文献   

近千年东亚季风变化统计动力反演与驱动机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用观测数据和非线性统计-动力学方法,构建了东亚季风变化的动力方程。量化了单因子强迫及各因子间相互作用在东亚季风演化中的相对贡献率,为东亚季风驱动机制研究提供了量化参考。研究发现:(1)过去千年东亚季风是多种因子共同作用下的复杂非线性动力系统。有些因子以起驱动作用为主,则有些以反馈调节作用为主,因子间交互作用与东亚季风演化存在耦合效应机制。(2)季风的驱动力主要来源于副热带太平洋海表温度、青藏高原动力热力强迫、CO2和N2O交叉项、太阳辐射和N2O交叉项、CO2与CH4交叉项等的耦合作用机制;调节作用主要是石笋δ18O指代的地理位置、单因子CO2浓度、太阳辐射变化、CH4与N2O交叉项、太阳辐射与ENSO交叉项等的耦合作用机制。温室气体(CO2、CH4与N2O)浓度对东亚季风演化的驱动与调节作用贡献较大。(3)通过动力反演机制推论副热带太平洋和热带西太平洋对东亚季风均有驱动作用,但主要驱动力来自副热带太平洋,即驱动东亚季风变化的主源地在副热带太平洋海区,次源地在热带西太平洋海区。(4)由海-陆温差对季风演变贡献大小推测石笋δ18O指代的也主要是夏季风信息。   相似文献   

孟加拉湾深对流加热对东亚季风环流系统的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
利用40年逐日NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、ReynoldsSST资料和R42L9GOALS模式,研究孟加拉湾深对流加热对东亚副热带季风环流系统的影响及其与ENSO的关系。结果表明:孟加拉湾东岸季风于26候开始爆发,其深对流加热的旋转经验正交函数(REOF)分析表明,其激发的东传Rossby波在中高纬度地区具有相当正压结构。数值试验证实孟加拉湾降水增多,其东侧南海到长江以南区域降水明显减少。分析发现季风环流强度指数极小值和Walker环流强度指数极大值的出现对SSTA转折均具超前性,因此,季风环流的变化对预报ElNino减弱或LaNina结束及SSTA变化趋势具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

The generality of our conceptual model of Outer Mesoscale Convective System (OMCS) formation in western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones (TCs) that was based on a case study of Typhoon Fengshen (2008) is examined with a data base of 80 OMCSs during 1999-2009. Formations of 41 “Intersection type (Itype)” OMCSs are similar to our conceptual model in that the key feature is an elongated moisture band in the northerly TC circulation that interacts with the southwest monsoon flow. Two subtypes of these I-type OMCSs are defined based on different formation locations relative to the TC center, and relative to the monsoon flow, that lead to either outward or more cyclonic propagation of the OMCSs. Twenty-five “Upstream type (U-type)” OMCSs form in a similar moisture band, but upstream of the intersection of the outer TC circulation with the monsoon flow. Another 12 “Monsoon type (Mtype)” OMCSs are different from our conceptual model as the formation locations are within the monsoon flow south to the confluence region of TC northerly circulation with the monsoon flow. In all of these OMCSs, the monsoon flow is an important contributor to their climatology and synoptic environment. Expanded conceptual models of where the threat of heavy rainfall associated with the four types of OMCSs may be expected are provided based on different OMCS formation locations relative to the TC center and different propagation vectors in a storm-relative coordinate system.  相似文献   

Based on the National Climate Center (NCC) of China operational seasonal prediction model results for the period 1983–2009 and the US National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center merged analysis of precipitation in the same period, together with the 74 circulation indices of NCC Climate System Diagnostic Division and 40 climate indices of NOAA of US during 1951–2009, an analogue-dynamical technique for objective and quantitative prediction of monsoon precipitation in Northeast China is proposed and implemented. Useful information is extracted from the historical data to estimate the model forecast errors. Dominant predictors and the predictors that exhibit evolving analogues are identified through cross validating the anomaly correlation coefficients (ACC) among single predictors, meanwhile with reference of the results from the dynamic analogue bias correction using four analogue samples. Next, an optimal configuration of multiple predictors is set up and compared with historical optimal multi-predictor configurations and then dynamically adjusted. Finally, the model errors are evaluated and utilized to correct the NCC operational seasonal prediction model results, and the forecast of monsoon precipitation is obtained at last. The independent sample validation shows that this technique has effectively improved the monsoon precipitation prediction skill during 2005–2009. This study demonstrates that the analogue-dynamical approach is feasible in operational prediction of monsoon precipitation.  相似文献   

Modulation of a monsoon under glacial forcing is examined using an atmosphere?Cocean coupled general circulation model (AOGCM) following the specifications established by Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project phase 2 (PMIP2) to understand the air?Csea?Cland interaction under different climate forcing. Several sensitivity experiments are performed in response to individual changes in the continental ice sheet, orbital parameters, and sea surface temperature (SST) in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM: 21?ka) to evaluate the driving mechanisms for the anomalous seasonal evolution of the monsoon. Comparison of the model results in the LGM with the pre-industrial (PI) simulation shows that the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are characterized by enhancement of pre-monsoon convection despite a drop in the SST encompassing the globe, while the rainfall is considerably suppressed in the subsequent monsoon period. In the LGM winter relative to the PI, anomalies in the meridional temperature gradient (MTG) between the Asian continents minus the tropical oceans become positive and are consistent with the intensified pre-monsoon circulation. The enhanced MTG anomalies can be explained by a decrease in the condensation heating relevant to the suppressed tropical convection as well as positive insolation anomalies in the higher latitude, showing an opposing view to a warmer future climate. It is also evident that a latitudinal gradient in the SST across the equator plays an important role in the enhancement of pre-monsoon rainfall. As for the summer, the sensitivity experiments imply that two ice sheets over the northern hemisphere cools the air temperature over the Asian continent, which is consistent with the reduction of MTG involved in the attenuated monsoon. The surplus pre-monsoon convection causes a decrease in the SST through increased heat loss from the ocean surface; in other words, negative ocean feedback is also responsible for the subsequent weakening of summer convection.  相似文献   

地形在东亚夏季风环流中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用大气所二室改建的二层球谱模式,引入OSU二层格点模式的物理过程,模拟了5月份东南亚和我国南海的夏季风环流。通过有无地形作用的对比试验,揭示出地形对东亚夏季风环流的建立以及季风区降水和大气热源的形成起了重要作用。   相似文献   

通过季风指数Im定义了能表征东南亚地区降水实况的东南亚夏季风指数,根据东南亚夏季风指数测算出东南亚夏季风爆发的平均时间为5月7日.利用东南亚夏季风指数分析热带海温场及垂直速度场的变化后发现,在东南亚夏季风爆发的前期秋、冬季节,中东太平洋地区以及中西印度洋地区的冷海温有利于东南亚地区夏季风的提前爆发.当中东太平洋地区是冷(暖)海温时,对应着纬向的Walker环流及季风环流圈强(弱),东南亚地区的对流也强(弱),则东南亚地区夏季风爆发早(迟).  相似文献   

Mechanisms determining the tropospheric temperature gradient that is related to the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon are examined in an intermediate atmospheric model coupled with a mixed-layer ocean and a simple land surface model with an idealized Afro–Eurasian continent and no physical topography. These include processes involving in the influence of the Eurasian continent, thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau and effects of sea surface temperature. The mechanical effect on the large-scale flow induced by the Plateau is not included in this study. The idealized land–sea geometry without topography induces a positive meridional tropospheric temperature gradient thus a weak Asian summer monsoon circulation. Higher prescribed heating and weaker surface albedo over Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau, which mimic effects of different land surface processes and the thermal effect of the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, strengthens the meridional temperature gradient, and so as cold tropical SST anomalies. The strengthened meridional temperature gradient enhances the Asian summer monsoon circulation and favors the strong convection. The corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward and northeastward and creates variations of the monsoon rainfall anomalies in different subregions. The surface albedo over the Tibetan Plateau has a relatively weak inverse relation with the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon. The longitudinal gradient of ENSO-like SST anomalies induces a more complicated pattern of the tropospheric temperature anomalies. First, the positive (negative) longitudinal gradient induced by the El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies weakens (strengthens) the Walker circulation and the circulation between South Asia and northern Africa and therefore the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon, while the corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward (southward). The El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies also induces colder (warmer) tropospheric temperature over Eurasia and warmer (colder) tropospheric temperature over the Indian Ocean. The associated negative (positive) meridional gradient of the tropospheric temperature anomalies is consistent with the existence of the weak (strong) Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

Seasonal simulations of the Indian summer monsoon using a 50-km regional climate model (RCM) are described. Results from three versions of the RCM distinguished by different domain sizes are compared against those of the driving global general circulation model (AGCM). Precipitation over land is 20% larger in the RCMs due to stronger vertical motions arising from finer horizontal resolution. The resulting increase in condensational heating helps to intensify the monsoon trough relative to the AGCM. The RCM precipitation distributions show a strong orographically forced mesoscale component (similar in each version). This component is not present in the AGCM. The RCMs produce two qualitatively realistic intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) associated respectively with monsoon depressions which propagate northwestward from the Bay of Bengal and repeated northward migrations of the regional tropical convergence zone. The RCM simulations are relatively insensitive to domain size in several respects: (1) the mean bias relative to the AGCM is similar for all three domains; (2) the variability simulated by the RCM is strongly correlated with that of the driving AGCM on both daily and seasonal time scales, even for the largest domain; (3) the mesoscale features and ISOs are not damped by the relative proximity of the lateral boundaries in the version with the smallest domain. Results (1) and (2) contrast strongly with a previous study for Europe carried out with the same model, probably due to inherent differences between mid-latitude and tropical dynamics.  相似文献   

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