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Tropical Dry Forest deciduousness is a behavioral response to climate conditions that determines ecosystem-level carbon uptake, energy flux, and habitat conditions. It is regulated by factors related to stand age, and landscape scale variability in deciduous phenology may affect ecosystem functioning in forests throughout the tropics. This study determines whether observed phenological differences are explainable by forest age in the southern Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, where forest clearing for shifting cultivation has created a mosaic of forest stands of varying age. Matched-pair statistical tests compare neighboring forest pixels of different age class (12–22 years versus 22+ years) and detect significant differences in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)-derived metrics related to the timing and intensity of deciduousness during three dry seasons (2008–2011). In all seasons, young forests exhibit significantly more intense deciduousness, measured as total seasonal change of EVI normalized by annual maximum EVI (p < 0.001), and larger normalized EVI change during successive dry season months relative to start-of-dry-season EVI (p < 0.001), than neighboring older forests subject to similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   



Human-caused disturbance to tropical rainforests—such as logging and fire—causes substantial losses of carbon stocks. This is a critical issue to be addressed in the context of policy discussions to implement REDD+. This work reviews current scientific knowledge about the temporal dynamics of degradation-induced carbon emissions to describe common patterns of emissions from logging and fire across tropical forest regions. Using best available information, we: (i) develop short-term emissions factors (per area) for logging and fire degradation scenarios in tropical forests; and (ii) describe the temporal pattern of degradation emissions and recovery trajectory post logging and fire disturbance.


Average emissions from aboveground biomass were 19.9 MgC/ha for logging and 46.0 MgC/ha for fire disturbance, with an average period of study of 3.22 and 2.15 years post-disturbance, respectively. Longer-term studies of post-logging forest recovery suggest that biomass accumulates to pre-disturbance levels within a few decades. Very few studies exist on longer-term (>10 years) effects of fire disturbance in tropical rainforests, and recovery patterns over time are unknown.


This review will aid in understanding whether degradation emissions are a substantial component of country-level emissions portfolios, or whether these emissions would be offset by forest recovery and regeneration.

刘浩  张峥男  曹林 《遥感学报》2018,22(5):872-888
中国是世界上人工林面积最大的国家,实时、定量、精确地获取人工林林分特征对于人工林资源监测、管理以及全球碳循环具有重要意义。以北亚热带沿海平原人工林为研究对象,借助机载激光雷达LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)点云数据并结合地面实测的55个样地来反演人工林林分特征。首先,构建冠层高度分布剖面CHD(Canopy Height Distribution)和枝叶剖面FP(Foliage Profile);然后,通过Weibull函数分别对CHD和FP进行拟合并提取Weibull参数作为特征变量(第1组);同时,还直接基于点云提取了LiDAR高度变量HRM(HeightRelated Metrics)和冠层密度变量DRM(Density-Related Metrics)(第2组);最后,结合地面实测数据和两组特征变量构建了多元回归模型用于预测各林分特征(即林分密度、平均胸径、胸高断面积、Lorey’s树高、蓄积量和地上生物量)。结果表明:(1)与只使用基于点云的特征变量(即第2组)相比,结合点云特征变量(第2组)和冠层垂直结构剖面特征变量(第1组)的各林分特征预测精度均有所提升(ΔAdjusted R2=0—0.13,ΔrRMSE=0.08—3.65%);(2)对各林分特征预测的结果中,Lorey’s树高(Adjusted R2=0.85, rRMSE=7.66%)和蓄积量(Adjusted R2=0.84,rRMSE=14.27%)的预测精度最高,地上生物量(Adjusted R2=0.78, rRMSE=14.15%)、胸高断面积(Adjusted R2=0.73, rRMSE=14.70%)和平均胸径(Adjusted R2=0.64, rRMSE=15.05%)次之,林分密度(Adjusted R2=0.58,rRMSE=26.16%)的预测精度最低;(3)Weibull函数较准确地反映了亚热带人工林垂直冠层结构,可以有效提高林分特征反演精度。  相似文献   

The U.S. has been providing national-scale estimates of forest carbon (C) stocks and stock change to meet United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting requirements for years. Although these currently are provided as national estimates by pool and year to meet greenhouse gas monitoring requirements, there is growing need to disaggregate these estimates to finer scales to enable strategic forest management and monitoring activities focused on various ecosystem services such as C storage enhancement. Through application of a nearest-neighbor imputation approach, spatially extant estimates of forest C density were developed for the conterminous U.S. using the U.S.’s annual forest inventory. Results suggest that an existing forest inventory plot imputation approach can be readily modified to provide raster maps of C density across a range of pools (e.g., live tree to soil organic carbon) and spatial scales (e.g., sub-county to biome). Comparisons among imputed maps indicate strong regional differences across C pools. The C density of pools closely related to detrital input (e.g., dead wood) is often highest in forests suffering from recent mortality events such as those in the northern Rocky Mountains (e.g., beetle infestations). In contrast, live tree carbon density is often highest on the highest quality forest sites such as those found in the Pacific Northwest. Validation results suggest strong agreement between the estimates produced from the forest inventory plots and those from the imputed maps, particularly when the C pool is closely associated with the imputation model (e.g., aboveground live biomass and live tree basal area), with weaker agreement for detrital pools (e.g., standing dead trees). Forest inventory imputed plot maps provide an efficient and flexible approach to monitoring diverse C pools at national (e.g., UNFCCC) and regional scales (e.g., Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation projects) while allowing timely incorporation of empirical data (e.g., annual forest inventory).  相似文献   



Forests play an important role in mitigating global climate change by capturing and sequestering atmospheric carbon. Quantitative estimation of the temporal and spatial pattern of carbon storage in forest ecosystems is critical for formulating forest management policies to combat climate change. This study explored the effects of land cover change on carbon stock dynamics in the Wujig Mahgo Waren forest, a dry Afromontane forest that covers an area of 17,000 ha in northern Ethiopia.


The total carbon stocks of the Wujig Mahgo Waren forest ecosystems estimated using a multi-disciplinary approach that combined remote sensing with a ground survey were 1951, 1999, and 1955 GgC in 1985, 2000 and 2016 years respectively. The mean carbon stocks in the dense forests, open forests, grasslands, cultivated lands and bare lands were estimated at 181.78?±?27.06, 104.83?±?12.35, 108.77?±?6.77, 76.54?±?7.84 and 83.11?±?8.53 MgC ha?1 respectively. The aboveground vegetation parameters (tree density, DBH and height) explain 59% of the variance in soil organic carbon.


The obtained estimates of mean carbon stocks in ecosystems representing the major land cover types are of importance in the development of forest management plan aimed at enhancing mitigation potential of dry Afromontane forests in northern Ethiopia.

协同多源遥感数据的北亚热带森林蓄积量贝叶斯分层估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确估算森林蓄积量是国家实现2060年前碳中和目标的迫切需求,而基于遥感的森林蓄积量定量反演是当前遥感应用领域面临的重要挑战和研究热点.光学遥感数据由于无法获取森林高度信息并存在信号饱和问题,反演森林蓄积量的精度较低,而机载Lidar数据能获取高度信息,但成本高、观测范围有限.本研究利用Sentinel-2多光谱、资源...  相似文献   

This paper suggested simulation approaches for quantifying and reducing the effects of National Forest Inventory (NFI) plot location error on aboveground forest biomass and carbon stock estimation using the k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm. Additionally, the effects of plot location error in pre-GPS and GPS NFI plots were compared. Two South Korean cities, Sejong and Daejeon, were chosen to represent the study area, for which four Landsat TM images were collected together with two NFI datasets established in both the pre-GPS and GPS eras. The effects of plot location error were investigated in two ways: systematic error simulation, and random error simulation. Systematic error simulation was conducted to determine the effect of plot location error due to mis-registration. All of the NFI plots were successively moved against the satellite image in 360° directions, and the systematic error patterns were analyzed on the basis of the changes of the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of kNN estimation. In the random error simulation, the inherent random location errors in NFI plots were quantified by Monte Carlo simulation. After removal of both the estimated systematic and random location errors from the NFI plots, the RMSE% were reduced by 11.7% and 17.7% for the two pre-GPS-era datasets, and by 5.5% and 8.0% for the two GPS-era datasets. The experimental results showed that the pre-GPS NFI plots were more subject to plot location error than were the GPS NFI plots. This study’s findings demonstrate a potential remedy for reducing NFI plot location errors which may improve the accuracy of carbon stock estimation in a practical manner, particularly in the case of pre-GPS NFI data.  相似文献   

Tropical forest embraces a large stock of carbon and contributes to the enormous amount of above- and below-ground biomass and the global carbon cycle. The carbon kept in the above-ground living biomass of trees is typically the largest pool and the most directly impacted by deforestation and degradation. Hence, quantifying carbon stock and fluxes from tropical forests by estimating the above-ground forest biomass is the critical step that will be investigated further in this paper. Remote sensing technology can provide many advantages in quantifying and mapping forest structure and monitoring and mapping above-ground biomass, and is both temporally and spatially accurate. Therefore, a good data-set of biomass which comprises canopy height and canopy structure can provide carbon sequestration potential for forest reserves. This paper reviews a thorough research of biomass estimation using remote sensing and geospatial technologies.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating the spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is important because of its carbon budget forms part of the global carbon cycle. This paper presented three methods for obtaining forest AGB based on a forest growth model, a Multiple-Forward-Mode (MFM) method and a stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) model. A Li-Strahler geometric-optical canopy reflectance model (GOMS) with the ZELIG forest growth model was run using HJ1B imagery to derive forest AGB. GOMS-ZELIG simulated data were used to train the SGB model and AGB estimation. The GOMS-ZELIG AGB estimation was evaluated for 24 field-measured data and compared against the GOMS-SGB model and GOMS-MFM biomass predictions from multispectral HJ1B data. The results show that the estimation accuracy of the GOMS-MFM model is slightly higher than that of the GOMS-SGB model. The GOMS-ZELIG and GOMS-MFM models are considerably more accurate at estimating forest AGB in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   



Standing dead trees are one component of forest ecosystem dead wood carbon (C) pools, whose national stock is estimated by the U.S. as required by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Historically, standing dead tree C has been estimated as a function of live tree growing stock volume in the U.S.'s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Initiated in 1998, the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis program (responsible for compiling the Nation's forest C estimates) began consistent nationwide sampling of standing dead trees, which may now supplant previous purely model-based approaches to standing dead biomass and C stock estimation. A substantial hurdle to estimating standing dead tree biomass and C attributes is that traditional estimation procedures are based on merchantability paradigms that may not reflect density reductions or structural loss due to decomposition common in standing dead trees. The goal of this study was to incorporate standing dead tree adjustments into the current estimation procedures and assess how biomass and C stocks change at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

The impact of forest management activities on the ability of forest ecosystems to sequester and store atmospheric carbon is of increasing scientific and social concern. This is because a quantitative understanding of how forest management enhances carbon storage is lacking in most forest management regimes. In this paper two forest regimes, government and community-managed, in Kayar Khola watershed, Chitwan, Nepal were evaluated based on field data, very high resolution (VHR) GeoEye-1 satellite image and airborne LiDAR data. Individual tree crowns were generated using multi-resolution segmentation, which was followed by two tree species classification (Shorea robusta and Other species). Species allometric equations were used in both forest regimes for above ground biomass (AGB) estimation, mapping and comparison. The image objects generated were classified per species and resulted in 70 and 82 % accuracy for community and government forests, respectively. Development of the relationship between crown projection area (CPA), height, and AGB resulted in accuracies of R2 range from 0.62 to 0.81, and RMSE range from 10 to 25 % for Shorea robusta and other species respectively. The average carbon stock was found to be 244 and 140 tC/ha for community and government forests respectively. The synergistic use of optical and LiDAR data has been successful in this study in understanding the forest management systems.  相似文献   



Quantifying terrestrial carbon (C) stocks in vineyards represents an important opportunity for estimating C sequestration in perennial cropping systems. Considering 7.2 M ha are dedicated to winegrape production globally, the potential for annual C capture and storage in this crop is of interest to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, we used destructive sampling to measure C stocks in the woody biomass of 15-year-old Cabernet Sauvignon vines from a vineyard in California’s northern San Joaquin Valley. We characterize C stocks in terms of allometric variation between biomass fractions of roots, aboveground wood, canes, leaves and fruits, and then test correlations between easy-to-measure variables such as trunk diameter, pruning weights and harvest weight to vine biomass fractions. Carbon stocks at the vineyard block scale were validated from biomass mounds generated during vineyard removal.


Total vine C was estimated at 12.3 Mg C ha?1, of which 8.9 Mg C ha?1 came from perennial vine biomass. Annual biomass was estimated at 1.7 Mg C ha?1 from leaves and canes and 1.7 Mg C ha?1 from fruit. Strong, positive correlations were found between the diameter of the trunk and overall woody C stocks (R2 = 0.85), pruning weights and leaf and fruit C stocks (R2 = 0.93), and between fruit weight and annual C stocks (R2 = 0.96).


Vineyard C partitioning obtained in this study provides detailed C storage estimations in order to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of winegrape C. Allometric equations based on simple and practical biomass and biometric measurements could enable winegrape growers to more easily estimate existing and future C stocks by scaling up from berries and vines to vineyard blocks.

During 2011, Mexico experienced record figures in terms of forest fires, with an affected area of 956,405 ha, and an association between this activity and the meteorological conditions is suspected. We addressed the question: Are the burned areas in Mexico associated with the duration and accumulation of drought? Using the G statistic, the cluster zones of burned areas in Mexico in 2011 were analyzed, and the value of accumulated drought that was most related to these cluster zones was determined. Global and local regression models were used to evaluate the drought-burned areas association. Two cluster zones were found (zones A and B). Accumulated drought of 24 and 12 months significantly explained the burned areas of zones A and B, respectively. The burned areas of Mexico in 2011 were non-randomly distributed, and accumulated drought significantly explained the magnitude of the areas affected by fire.  相似文献   

High-data dimensionality is a common problem in hyperspectral data processing. Consequently, remote sensing techniques that reduce the number of bands are considered essential tools for most hyperspectral applications. The aim of this study was to examine the utility of the random forest ensemble to select the optimal subset of hyperspectral bands to predict the age of Pinus patula stands. Airborne AISA Eagle hyperspectral image data were collected over the study area. The random forest ensemble was used to test whether the forward or backward variable selection methods could identify the optimal subset of bands. Results indicate that both the selection methods produced high-predictive accuracies (root mean square error = 3.097 years). However, the backward variable selection method utilized 206 bands for the final model, while the forward variable selection utilized only a small subset of non-redundant bands (n = 9) while preserving the highest model accuracy (R 2 = 0.6).  相似文献   

Spectral invariants provide a novel approach for characterizing canopy structure in forest reflectance models and for mapping biophysical variables using satellite images. We applied a photon recollision probability (p) based forest reflectance model (PARAS) to retrieve leaf area index (LAI) from fine resolution SPOT HRVIR and Landsat ETM+ satellite data. First, PARAS was parameterized using an extensive database of LAI-2000 measurements from five conifer-dominated boreal forest sites in Finland, and mixtures of field-measured forest understory spectra. The selected vegetation indices (e.g. reduced simple ratio, RSR), neural networks and kNN method were used to retrieve effective LAI (Le) based on reflectance model simulations. For comparison, we established empirical vegetation index-LAI regression models for our study sites. The empirical RSR–Le regression performed best when applied to an independent test site in southern Finland [RMSE 0.57 (24.2%)]. However, the difference to the best reflectance model based retrievals produced by neural networks was only marginal [RMSE 0.59 (25.1%)]. According to this study, the PARAS model provides a simple and flexible modelling tool for calibrating algorithms for LAI retrieval in conifer-dominated boreal forests. The advantage of PARAS is that it directly uses field measurements to parameterize canopy structure (LAI-2000, hemispherical photographs) and optical properties of foliage and understory.  相似文献   

本文主要通过和传统分类方法相比较,来阐述了一个遥感混和分类算法(IterativeGuidedSpectralClassRejection)的主要实现原理和方法以及该方法在森林非森林的识别方面的优势。然后通过利用该分类算法,对同一地区多时相遥感影像进行复合的影像森林分类实验,以及通过与最大似然法的对比实验,来说明该算法载森林分类中的应用和优势:提高分类精度,改善分类效果。  相似文献   

Estimation of forest structural parameters by field-based data collection methods is both expensive and time consuming. Satellite remote sensing is a low-cost alternative in modeling and mapping structural parameters in large forest areas. The current study investigates the potential of using WordView-2 multispectral satellite imagery for predicting forest structural parameters in a dryland plantation forest in Israel. The relationships between image texture features and the several structural parameters such as Number of Trees (NT), Basal Area (BA), Stem Volume (SV), Clark-Evans Index (CEI), Diameter Differentiation Index (DDI), Contagion Index (CI), Gini Coefficient (GC), and Standard Deviation of Diameters at Breast Heights (SDDBH) were examined using correlation analyses. These variables were obtained from 30 m × 30 m square-shaped plots. The Standard Deviation of Gray Levels (SDGL) as a first order texture feature and the second order texture variables based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) were calculated for the pixels that corresponds to field plots. The results of the correlation analysis indicate that the forest structural parameters are significantly correlated with the image texture features. The highest correlation coefficients were calculated for the relationships between the SDDBH and the contrast of red band (r = 0.75, p < 0.01), the BA and the entropy of blue band (r = 0.73, p < 0.01), and the GC and the contrast of blue band (r = 0.71, p < 0.01). Each forest structural parameter was modeled as a function of texture measures derived from the satellite image using stepwise multi linear regression analyses. The determination coefficient (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) values of the best fitting models, respectively, are 0.38 and 109.56 ha−1 for the NT; 0.54 and 1.79 m2 ha−1 for the BA; 0.42 and 27.18 m3 ha−1 for the SV; 0.23 and 0.16 for the CEI; 0.32 and 0.05 for the DDI; 0.25 and 0.06 for the CI; 0.50 and 0.05 for the GC; and 0.67 and 0.70 for the SDDBH. The leave-one-out cross-validation technique was applied for validation of the best-fitted models (R2 > 0.50). In conclusion, cross-validated statistics confirmed that the structural parameters including the BA, SDDBH, and GC can be predicted and mapped with a reasonable accuracy using the texture features extracted from the spectral bands of WorldView-2 image.  相似文献   


At the end of the 1980s, the computer experts who had been in the vanguard of cartographic development lost their position due to the fact that computers became democratised. This may be ascribed to the 'Macintosh' effect. This in turn led cartographic companies back to the core of their professional know-how: it is cartographers themselves who now develop the scope of their profession, utilising all the resources provided by the new computer technology. But, if cartographers want to keep playing a major role in the geographic information arena, they have to determine and develop the specific elements of their discipline: if technology mobilizes all forces to the detriment of theory, then the discipline progressively weakens and ends in being swallowed by another discipline.

It is the cartographers' task to transform the spatial information from its verbal, social and numerical form into visual form for visual thinking; this visualisation provides for cognitive functions, communication functions, decision support functions and social functions. In order for maps to perform these functions cartographers should continue, now with digital tools, to safeguard data quality by monitoring the compilation stage during which they have to see to it that the heterogeneous datasets in databases will be made comparable, both from a geometrical, semantical, updatedness and completeness point of view. This main aspect of the cartographer's job can be called its engineering part. The other main aspect will remain the map design part, that leads to proper communication of the spatial information. Both aspects will remain the cartographer's domain if he/she succeeds in providing a theoretical basis for his/her work.  相似文献   

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