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The California Current System (CCS) is an eastern boundary upwelling system characterized by strong eddies that are often generated at the coast. These eddies contribute to intense, long-distance cross-shelf transport of upwelled water with enhanced biological activity. However, the mechanisms of formation of such coastal eddies, and more importantly their capacity to trap and transport tracers, are poorly understood. Their unpredictability and strong dynamics leave us with an incomplete picture of the physical and biological processes at work, their effects on coastal export, lateral water exchange among eddies and their surrounding waters, and how long and how far these eddies remain coherent structures. Focusing our analysis on the southern part of the CCS, we find a predominance of cyclonic eddies, with a 25-km radius and a SSH amplitude of 6 cm. They are formed near shore and travel slightly northwest offshore for ~?190 days at ~?2 km day?1. We then study one particular, representative cyclonic eddy using a combined Lagrangian and Eulerian numerical approach to characterize its kinematics. Formed near shore, this eddy trapped a core made up of ~?67% California Current waters and ~?33% California Undercurrent waters. This core was surrounded by other waters while the eddy detached from the coast, leaving the oldest waters at the eddy’s core and the younger waters toward the edge. The eddy traveled several months as a coherent structure, with only limited lateral exchange within the eddy.  相似文献   

DDT, DDE and some additional lipophilic derivatives are recognized contaminants in sediments of Southern California Bight (SCB). Only about 10% of total DDTs discharged into the SCB are accounted for using available monitoring data (sediment, water, and biota). DDA represented up to 0.03% DDTs (DDT/DDE/DDD) in SCB surface sediments (top 2 cm) in amounts up to 76 μg DDA/kg dry weight. Highest DDA levels were found where DDT and DDD levels were maximal at the primary wastewater outfall indicating a natural precursor-product relationship for DDT and DDA. Still culture of SCB sediment revealed limited DDA formation following DDT fortification. DDA residues have also been found in contaminated Long Island, NY sediments provided by USGS. The formation of DDA and its potential release from sediments may be significant in resolution of uncertainties concerning the natural recovery of sediments in DDT-contaminated environments.  相似文献   

Stormwater river plumes are important vectors of marine contaminants and pathogens in the Southern California Bight. Here we report the results of a multi-institution investigation of the river plumes across eight major river systems of southern California. We use in situ water samples from multi-day cruises in combination with MODIS satellite remote sensing, buoy meteorological observations, drifters, and HF radar current measurements to evaluate the dispersal patterns and dynamics of the freshwater plumes. River discharge was exceptionally episodic, and the majority of storm discharge occurred in a few hours. The combined plume observing techniques revealed that plumes commonly detach from the coast and turn to the left, which is the opposite direction of Coriolis influence. Although initial offshore velocity of the buoyant plumes was ∼50 cm/s and was influenced by river discharge inertia (i.e., the direct momentum of the river flux) and buoyancy, subsequent advection of the plumes was largely observed in an alongshore direction and dominated by local winds. Due to the multiple day upwelling wind conditions that commonly follow discharge events, plumes were observed to flow from their respective river mouths to down-coast waters at rates of 20–40 km/d. Lastly, we note that suspended-sediment concentration and beam-attenuation were poorly correlated with plume salinity across and within the sampled plumes (mean r2=0.12 and 0.25, respectively), while colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence was well correlated (mean r2=0.56), suggesting that CDOM may serve as a good tracer of the discharged freshwater in subsequent remote sensing and monitoring efforts of plumes.  相似文献   

Most assessments of fish contamination in Southern California use ecologically different species from different sites. Use of ecologically similar species (a guild) might provide better assessments of fish contamination across different sites and depths. In July-August 1997, we collected samples of four sanddab guild species at 22 sites where species pairs co-occurred and determined total DDT concentrations in homogenized whole fish composites. Log-transformed DDT concentrations were highly correlated among all species pairs within this guild. All relationships were linear over the range observed, with slopes not statistically different from unity. The variability in response among species was about four times the variability encountered among replicates within species, but 15 times smaller than the variability among sites. Together, these results suggest that the sanddab guild, widespread on soft bottoms of the Southern California coastal shelf, can be used as a "superspecies" in bathymetrically diverse regional assessments of fish tissue contamination.  相似文献   

With the existence of eight substantial islands in the Southern California Bight, the oceanic circulation is significantly affected by island wakes. In this paper a high-resolution numerical model (on a 1 km grid), forced by a high-resolution wind (2 km), is used to study the wakes. Island wakes arise due both to currents moving past islands and to wind wakes that force lee currents in response. A comparison between simulations with and without islands shows the surface enstrophy (i.e., area-integrated square of the vertical component of vorticity at the surface) decreases substantially when the islands in the oceanic model are removed, and the enstrophy decrease mainly takes place in the areas around the islands. Three cases of wake formation and evolution are analyzed for the Channel Islands, San Nicolas Island, and Santa Catalina Island. When flows squeeze through gaps between the Channel Islands, current shears arise, and the bottom drag makes a significant contribution to the vorticity generation. Downstream the vorticity rolls up into submesoscale eddies. When the California Current passes San Nicolas Island from the northwest, a relatively strong flow forms over the shelf break on the northeastern coast and gives rise to a locally large bottom stress that generates anticyclonic vorticity, while on the southwestern side, with an adverse flow pushing the main wake current away from the island, positive vorticity has been generated and a cyclonic eddy detaches into the wake. When the northward Southern California Countercurrent passes the irregular shape of Santa Catalina Island, cyclonic eddies form on the southeastern coast of the island, due primarily to lateral stress rather than bottom stress; they remain coherent as they detach and propagate downstream, and thus they are plausible candidates for the submesoscale “spirals on the sea” seen in many satellite images. Finally, the oceanic response to wind wakes is analyzed in a spin-up experiment with a time-invariant wind that exhibits strips of both positive and negative curl in the island lee. Corresponding vorticity strips in the ocean develop through the mechanism of Ekman pumping.  相似文献   

By comparing seasonal rainfall data from the past 90 years with the occurrence of large (M6) earthquakes along an arid stretch of the San Andreas fault system in southern California, certain correlations have been observed. Most large earthquakes are preceded by a pattern consisting of a few years of below normal precipitation (drought) terminated by one or more consecutive seasons of heavy (above normal) rainfall. While this drought-above normal rainfall cycle can be seen at times other than prior to major earthquakes, it precedes, to varying degrees, all of the twelve M6 events. This new precursor evidence, when combined with other premonitory signals, may offer a helpful diagnostic measure that could be useful in earthquake prediction in arid regions.  相似文献   

Species pattern of phytoplankton in the surface waters (0–1 m) of the Baltic Sea was studied in the autumn 1991 during 25th cruise of the R/V “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh”. The samples were analysed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Results of this work show that sharp changes in the Central Baltic phytoplankton community have not yet begun. In coastal eutrophicated waters the growth of biomass and decrease of phytoplankton diversity are more significant.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic survey was conducted to investigate acoustic characteristics of gassy sediments along the southern shelf of the Sea of Marmara. The acoustic turbidity zones outlined within the study area are generally below 2–9 m (2-10 ms TWT) the seafloor whilst this vertical distance varies between 9 and 21 m (10–25 ms TWT) for acoustic blanket type reflections. The gassy sediments cover an area of sea floor of about 45, 110, and 75 km2 in front of Gönen River, Kocasu River, and Gemlik Bay, respectively. The gassy sediments in the center of Gemlik Bay exhibited an elliptical geometry similar to its basin while the others have deltaic forms in front of the rivers. The sea bottom and near surface sedimentary units are made-up of organic-rich sediments, mostly transported by the southern rivers. The gas observed in sediments is thought to be of biogenic origin, which may be caused by degradation of organic matter in the sediment.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the present state of the seismic regime in Southern California using the concentration parameter of seismogenic faults (K sf ,Sobolev andZavyalov, 1981). The purpose of this work is to identify potential sites for large earthquakes during the next five or ten years. The data for this study derived from the California Institute of Technology's catalog of southern California earthquakes, and spanned the period between 1932 to June 1982. We examined events as small asM L 1.8 but used a magnitude cutoff atM L =3.3 for a detailed analysis. The size of the target earthquakes (M M ) was chosen as 5.3 and 5.8.The algorithm for calculatingK sf used here was improved over the algorithm described bySobolev andZavyalov (1981) in that it considered the seismic history of each elementary seismoactive volume. The dimensions of the elementary seismoactive volumes were 50 km×50 km and 20 km deep. We found that the mean value ofK sf within 6 months prior to the target events was 6.1±2.0 for target events withM L 5.3 and 5.41.8 for targets withM L 5.8. Seventy-three percent of the targets withM L 5.8 occurred in areas whereK sf was less than 6.1. The variance of the time between the appearance of areas with lowK sf values and the following main shocks was quite large (from a few months to ten years) so this parameter cannot be used here for accurate predictions of occurrence time.Regions where the value ofK sf was below 6.1 at the end of our data set (June, 1982) are proposed as the sites of target earthquakes during the next five to ten years. The most dangerous area is the area east of San Bernardino whereK sf values are presently between 2.9 and 3.7 and where there has been no earthquake withM L 5.3 since 1948.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional geomechanical model of Southern California, which includes the mountain topography, fault tectonics, and main structural boundaries (the top of the lower crust and the Moho), is developed. The main stress state of the model is determined by the own weight of the rocks and by the horizontal tectonic motions identified from the GPS observations. The model enables tracking the changes which occur in the stress-strain state of the crust due to the evolution of the seismic process. As the input data, the model uses the current seismicity and treats each earthquake as a new defect in the Earth’s crust which brings about the redistribution of strains, elastic energy density, and yield stress of the crust. Monitoring the variations in the stress state of the crust and lithosphere arising in response to the seismic process shows that the model is suitable for forecasting the enhancement in seismic activity of the region and delineating the earthquake-prone areas with a reasonable probability on a given time interval.  相似文献   

Diagenetic effects on the magnetic mineralogy in marine sediments have long been investigated, including oxidation/reduction reactions, magnetic dilution, formation of iron sulfides and oxides, magnetization acquisition mechanisms and reliability of the paleomagnetic record. This study investigates diagenetic effects in low-oxygen depositional environments characterized by recent and past magnetic mineral dissolution zones. We analyze a marine sequence from the Alfonso Basin in the southern Gulf of California in which the topmost sediments show diagenetic effects marked by high magnetic enhancement factors. The susceptibility logs show high values at the top sediments with well-defined small amplitude low frequency fluctuations down core. Magnetic hysteresis loops indicate low coercivity saturation, characteristic of magnetites and low-tititanomagnetites with varying paramagnetic contributions. Intensity of natural remanent, isothermal and anhysteretic magnetizations and coercivity parameters show similar variation patterns with depth. The anhysteretic remanence intensity-susceptibility ratio shows an inverse correlation to magnetic susceptibility, indicating varying concentration of fine grained single domain and superparamagnetic particles. The magnetic logs record diagenetic changes and magnetite authigenesis, with preserved recent and old dissolution zones marked by enriched single-domain/pseudo-singledomain/multi-domain magnetite in between the dissolution fronts. The oxidation/reduction processes relate to climatic and water/sediment interface factors controlling the dissolution processes, which occur in the Alfonso Basin anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

— We apply the reciprocity method (Eisner and Clayton, 2001a) to compare the full waveform synthetic seismograms with a large number of observed seismograms. The reciprocity method used in the finite-difference modeling allows for the use of high quality data observed from the earthquakes distributed over the wide range of azimuths and depths. We have developed a methodology to facilitate the comparison between data and synthetics using a set of attributes to characterize the seismograms. These attributes are maximum amplitude, time delay and coda decay of the magnitude of the displacement vector. For the Southern California Velocity Model, Version 1 (Magistrale et al., 1996), we have found misfits between data and synthetics for paths traveling outside of the sedimentary basins and the western part of the Los Angeles and San Fernando basins.  相似文献   

During the summers of 2005 and 2006, experiments designed to understand the properties of densely concentrated, thin layers of plankton and the processes governing their dynamics were conducted in Monterey Bay, California, USA. Our goal was to elucidate the role that species-specific properties of phytoplankton play in thin layer dynamics. Using adaptive sampling, we collected water samples from inside and outside bio-optical features of the water column. Characterization of the phytoplankton was compiled from live and preserved samples, and analyzed within a framework of physical, optical, chemical and acoustical data. In both years, Monterey Bay was home to an extraordinarily diverse assemblage of phytoplankton and other protists. Bioluminescent dinoflagellates, and Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) taxa were common. In 2005, community assemblages were widespread, thus advection of water through the experimental mooring array did not result in floristic changes. In 2006 phytoplankton were very patchy in horizontal distribution, and advection of water through the array was at times accompanied by dramatic shifts in community composition. Individual taxa often exhibited disparate patterns of vertical distribution, with some found throughout the water column, whereas others were restricted to narrow depth intervals. Thin layers were observed in both years. In 2005, the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea formed intense thin layers near the pycnocline at night, and migrated to near surface waters at dawn. In 2006, layer composition was more complex, and related to the water mass present at the time of sampling. Optically detected thin layers of phytoplankton can be studied from the perspective of the impact their high biomass has on both ecological processes, and ocean optics. But thin layers can also be studied from the species-specific perspective of each organism, its role within the thin layer habitat, and the impact that life within a thin layer has on its life history and ecology. Several low-abundance taxa appeared to be restricted to narrow depth intervals in the water column, and constitute species-specific thin layers with the potential to have a large ecological impact even if their biomass is too low to dominate an optically defined thin layer. Concentration into thin layers may also facilitate obligatory relationships between taxa, such as the hypothesized interrelationships between cryptomonads, Myrionecta rubra, and Dinophysis spp., all of which were observed in this system. Complexity of vertical structure in Monterey Bay rivals that already demonstrated in topographically constrained, stratified systems, and presents challenges to our theoretical framework of phytoplankton ecology.  相似文献   

A number of trace contaminants appear to be introduced to nearshore marine waters as a result of vessel-related activities. Such inputs are clearly reflected by elevated concentrations of these constituents in several tissues of the bay mussel Mytilus edulis. Comparative studies using this bioindicator suggest that harbour-related activities can be as important a source as coastal wastewater discharges in the contamination of nearshore marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fission-track dates and planktonic microfossil datum levels provide a revised chronology for the marine Late Cenozoic of southern California. In southern California, the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary has been placed at the first appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides within the Pico Formation, Balcom Canyon, Ventura County. A fission-track age on glass shards from the Bailey Ash close to this level yields a result of 1.12 ± 0.36 m.y. B.P. (millions of years before present). In tropical deep-sea cores, however, G. truncatulinoides has been shown to evolve within the Gilsa paleomagnetic event with an estimated age of 1.8 m.y. B.P. Thus, the first appearance of G. truncatulinoides in southern California is cryptogenic and probably related to the delayed migration into this region of water-mass conditions suitable for this species.Two volcanic ashes from the upper part of the Malaga Formation, Malaga Cove, Los Angeles County, yielded fission-track dates on glass shards of 4.42 ± 0.57 m.y. B.P. (lower ash) and 3.364 ± 0.69 m.y. B.P. (upper ash). These dates, in addition to inferred paleomagnetic ages of planktonic microfossil datum levels suggest that the Delmontian Stage of California ranges in age from ~6 to ~3 m.y. B.P. Therefore, the Miocene/Pliocene boundary considered by Berggren and Van Couvering to be ~5 m.y. B.P. must lie in the lower Delmontian Stage but paleontologic criteria for its recognition in California are not yet available.  相似文献   

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