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The Konkouré Estuary in the Republic of Guinea is a poorly understood atypical mangrove system. Sediment dynamics in tropical estuaries are controlled by a combination of processes including river discharge, morphology, salinity, erosion and deposition processes, the settling of mud, physico-chemical processes and mangrove swamps. Here we present a consistent set of data aimed at characterising the estuary and thus, increasing our understanding of tropical systems, as well as studying the impact of human intervention in the region. Water elevations, current measurements, salinity, suspended sediment concentrations, bathymetry and sediment cover are presented following a 3 year survey of the Konkouré Estuary. Here we provide conclusive evidence that the Lower Konkouré is a shallow, funnel shaped, mesotidal, mangrove-fringed, tide dominated estuary, well mixed during low river discharge. The estuary becomes stratified during high river flows and spring tides whereas a salt wedge appears during neap tides. The Konkouré Estuary has been described as hypersynchronous, and has three terminal outlets, two of which are landward-directed, attesting to a tidal pumping effect, while the third one is seaward-directed, and is controlled by the mangrove. The suspended matter is transported by the tidal effect within the middle estuary and is therefore trapped in the Turbidity Maximum zone (TMZ). The location of the TMZ is river-controlled and is correlated with residual currents but not with salinity front. A dam, constructed 130 km upstream, impacts on the hydrodynamics, and reduces the salinity intrusion by about 25%. It causes an increased low river discharge whereas its efficiency over high river flows is unclear.  相似文献   

Located in the intertidal zone of the tropical and subtropical coasts, mangrove forests are an important ecosystem in the global carbon cycle and serve as a protector of local seashores. Under the double impacts of climate change,especially sea-level rise, and human activity, mangrove forests around the world have faced degradation, against which the reconstruction of the historical development of mangrove forests using an effective indicator has been regarded as a necessary strategy for designing a predictable model. As the primary product of mangrove forest, it is reasonable that the content of leaf fragments of mangrove(CLFM) buried in sediments in the form of sub-fossils potentially has the same indicative function for the development of mangrove forests as that of widely-used mangrove pollen. In this study, the leaf fragments of mangrove in two sediment cores(YLW02 and YLW03) drilled in the Yingluo Bay in Guangxi, Southwest China were picked out and weighted for calculation of CLFM, which was used as an indicator of mangrove development after examination of parallelism and a statistical correlation of the CLFM with the concentration of mangrove pollen. The results clearly show that the vertical distribution of the CLFM for the core taken from the landward margin of mangrove forests(YLW03) only parallels that of the local mangrove species(Rhizophora. stylosa) with a significantly positive correlation(R=0.56, P=0.05), while the vertical distribution of the CLFM for the core taken from the interface between seaward margin of mangrove forest and the trunk of tidal creeks of the bay(YLW02) parallels the summed concentration of mangrove pollen(SCMP) with a more positive correlation than that of YLW03(R=0.85, P=0.01), indicating that the trunk outlet of tidal creeks must have been the site where mangrove production gathered from the overall forest rather than from local production. The variations in the CLFM of both cores indicate that overall the mangrove forests in the Yingluo Bay have increasingly flourished over the last 130 years except for the interval of 1940–1950 AD in response to an increase in air temperature and decrease in rainfall, which would have resulted in an increase in seawater salinity;while the coupled extreme increases in air temperature and in rainfall in summer, which would have resulted in extreme decreases in seawater salinity, would be responsible for the relative degradation of mangrove forests in the interval of 1940–1950 AD.  相似文献   

叶翔  李靖  王爱军 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):79-89
滨海湿地作为人类活动和全球变化反应最为敏感的区域,其沉积记录可以反映出周边地区环境变化及人类活动信息。珠江口淇澳岛滨海湿地钻孔分析结果表明,在中全新世期间淇澳岛附近海域为河口湾环境,在风化层以上开始出现淤积,但在4 200 a BP前后受极冷气候的影响,沉积物粗化;自2 500 a BP以来,沉积环境相对稳定,在小冰期期间略有变化。沉积速率计算结果显示:淇澳岛附近海域自中全新世高海面以来的平均沉积速率为0.29 cm/a,4 160~2 500 a BP、2 500 a BP-1488年、1488-1893年、1893-1986年、1990-2007年期间的平均沉积速率分别为:0.17 cm/a、0.23 cm/a、0.35 cm/a、1.37 cm/a和5.94 cm/a,沉积速率逐渐增大,反映了珠江三角洲演化过程中沉积相与沉积环境的变化;1986-1990年期间的海堤建造极大地扰动了该钻孔上部的沉积过程,在工程施工期间共沉积了厚度约112 cm的沉积层,而在海堤建成后,沉积速率也显著增大。沉积物总有机碳、总氮和C/N值的垂向分布表明,在4 160~2 500 a BP期间受海洋环境影响较大,沉积物中有机碳以海源为主,2 500 a BP以来沉积物中碳、氮含量明显增大,C/N也相应变大,有机碳主要来源于陆源输入,但在小冰期期间海源有机碳贡献略有所增大;近百年来由于受人类活动影响显著,陆源有机碳的贡献快速增加。  相似文献   

战超  于君宝  王庆  栗云召  周迪 《海洋学报》2017,39(9):90-100
在野外考察的基础上,以不同时期测量和成像的海图、地形图和高分辨率遥感影像为数据源,综合使用数字岸线分析、遥感、地理信息系统等方法,对近60年来莱州湾东部砂质海岸(界河口-刁龙嘴)地貌演变进行研究。结果表明,研究期内莱州湾东部岸线迁移和水下岸坡冲淤存在强烈的时空差异。岸线迁移表现为冲淤进退交替发生,其在时间过程上具有非线性的显著特点。1959-2013年,侵蚀岸线所占比例波动起伏,具有阶段性。侵蚀岸段年均演变速率以1985年为界分成两个阶段,前期由极大值4.95 m/a(1959-1969年)锐减至极小值1.97 m/a(1969-1985年),后期由1.97 m/a增大到4.43 m/a(1985-1998年),之后均处于高强度侵蚀。岸线迁移空间分布的差异性主要表现在4个岬湾的岸线变迁特征与莱州湾东岸岸线整体变迁并不一致。同时,水下岸坡冲淤条带大体相间分布,同一岸段1959-1985年和1985-2008年的冲淤演变趋势基本相反。进一步分析表明最近60年来,莱州湾东部砂岸在水库拦沙、潮上带工厂化水产养殖、大型海岸工程等人类活动的地貌效应共同控制下,发生了5次岸线淤积前进与侵蚀后退以及冲淤速率大小的交替。  相似文献   

A module for simulating of natural fires (NFs) in the climate model of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS CM), is extended with respect to the influence of lightning activity and population density on the ignition frequency and fire suppression. The IAP RAS CM is used to perform numerical experiments in accordance with the conditions of the project that intercompares climate models, CMIP5 (Coupled Models Intercomparison Project, phase 5). The frequency of lightning flashes was assigned in accordance with the LIS/OTD satellite data. In the calculations performed, anthropogenic ignitions play an important role in NF occurrences, except for regions at subpolar latitudes and, to a lesser degree, tropical and subtropical regions. Taking into account the dependence of fire frequency on lightning activity and population density intensifies the influence of characteristics of natural fires on the climate changes in tropics and subtropics as compared to the version of the IAP RAS CM that does not take the influence of ignition sources on the large-scale characteristics of NFs into consideration.  相似文献   

本研究于2014年7月至2015年7月在福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区潮间带滩涂采集表层底质沉积物样品,研究环境因子对红树林生境底质中的底栖微藻总初级生产力、群落呼吸速率和群落净生产力的影响和调控机制.结果表明,红树林滩涂生境底质中底栖微藻总初级生产力为(2. 4±0. 8) mmol C/(m~2·h),与温度正相关,呈夏季高、冬季低的特点,温度是影响底栖微藻总初级生产力的主要环境因子;受红树林凋落物的影响,红树林生境底质中群落呼吸速率较高,使得秋、冬、春季一些月份群落净生产力出现负值,群落净生产力全年均值为(0. 5±1. 8) mmol C/(m~2·h),基本上处于二氧化碳收支平衡的状态.本研究显示底栖微藻的初级生产力影响了红树林生境底质的二氧化碳源汇格局,在红树林湿地碳循环中扮演重要的角色.  相似文献   

九龙江口红树林土壤微生物的类群及抗菌活性   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
研究了九龙江口的秋茄(Kandelia candel)林和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)林两个红树林群落及其相应对照光滩土壤微生物的类群及抗菌活性.对微生物类群的研究结果表明:九龙江口红树林区土壤细菌中,芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)是最占优势的属;放线菌以小单胞菌属(Micromonospora)最具优势;其次是链霉菌属(Streptomyces),从秋茄林到白骨壤林,由于潮位降低,小单胞菌比例增加,而链霉菌比例下降;丝状真菌以半知菌占绝对优势,木霉(Trichoderma)、曲霉(Aspergillus)和青霉(Penicillum)是最常见的属;随着土壤深度的增加,微生物的类群减少,但芽孢杆菌和小单胞菌的相对比例增加;红树林土壤微生物类群比对照光滩丰富,缘于林内土壤营养与微生物的栖息条件比光滩优越.对抗菌活性研究表明:土壤真菌的抗菌活性低,抗菌谱窄;放线菌的抗菌活性高,抗菌谱宽,具有抗菌活性的放线菌多为小单胞菌,小单胞菌是一类值得重视的放线菌.  相似文献   

红树林生态系统处于海洋与陆地的动态交界面,遭受海水周期性浸淹,因而在结构与功能上具有既不同于陆地生态系统,也不同于海洋生态系统的特性。红树林作为初级生产者,为林区动物、微生物提供食物与营养,为鸟类、昆虫、鱼虾等提供栖息、繁衍场所。因此,红树植物对维护生态平衡、保护海岸生态系统起着重要的作用[1-2]。近年来由于工农业的发展,沿海城市人口与经济的增长,大量的污染物汇集于河口、海湾区,使这些地区的重金属污染日趋严重,特别是在直接向红树林区倾污排废的地区更是如此。  相似文献   

Owing to the intensive human activities, the Modaomen Estuary has been significantly modified since 1950s, which has resulted in considerable changes of hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in the area. In this paper, the effects of the anthropogenic activities on the hydrodynamics and morphological evolution in the estuary at different stages are systematically assessed based on the detailed bathymetric data and field survey. The results show that the human activities have caused the channelization of the enclosed sea area in the Modamen Estuary;fast seaward movement of the mouth bar with high siltation;expansion of the channel volume due to channel deepening. The paper also highlights the main hydrodynamic changes in the estuary, including the rise of the water level;the distinguishing changes of tidal range before and after the 1990s (decrease and increase respectively); as well as the increase of the divided flow ratio. It is found that reclamation is the main factor promoting the transition of nature of the estuary from runoff dominant to runoff and wave dominant, and sand mining activities are mainly to strengthen the tidal dynamic and to low the water level. The results provide useful guidance for better planning of the future developments in the estuary and further research in the area.  相似文献   

珠江口磨刀门咸潮及其对环境要素变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2011年1月25 日-1月26日小潮期间对磨刀门进行26 h定点连续观测,研究了咸潮对环境要素变化的影响.结果表明:调查期间溶解氧没有明显的潮周期变化;NO2-、NH4+浓度随着观测时间的延长不断降低,无明显潮周期变化;底层SiO4-,NO3-浓度具有明显的潮周期变化,且与底层盐度呈显著的正相关关系;溶解无机磷(DIP)、重金属(Zn、Cd)的潮周期变化不明显.当河床剪切力大于0.226N/m2时,发生明显的沉积物再悬浮作用,并对营养盐与重金属的变化产生显著的影响.N,P,si比值分析结果表明,磨刀门水域浮游植物生长受到潜在性的P限制,而咸潮上溯的加强将可能使这种营养盐结构发生变化.磨刀门受N、P的污染仍不容乐观,咸潮不利于污染物质的向海排出,在潮流作用下有发生严重的二次污染的风险.  相似文献   

从海南岛全新世孢粉研究看海滨红树林的演化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
海南岛是我国第二大岛,位于18°09'~21°10'N,108°03'~110°03'E北隔琼州海峡与雷州半岛相望.海岸线长达1500km,全岛面积为33900km2,四周地形低,中南部山地耸立,海拔100m以下的台地、平原占全岛面积的近2/3.  相似文献   

本研究以种群生命表为基础,对位于广西珍珠湾内的桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)种群、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)种群、秋茄(Kandelia obovata)种群和木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)种群采用径级法及匀滑技术,编制种群特定时间生命表,绘制种群存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线,进行种群数量动态变化和时间序列分析。结果表明:(1)白骨壤种群、秋茄种群和木榄种群年龄结构呈倒"J"形,种群趋于Deevey-II型,即增长型,主要集中在I龄级,存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线均呈现出更新层死亡率较高的特征;(2)桐花树种群年龄结构呈"金字塔"形,属于Deevey-I型,为衰退型,更新层个体数量少,种群总体不具备显著增长性幅度;(3)4种红树种群的数量变化动态指数Vpi和V′pi均大于0.00%,种群稳定但易受外部环境影响;(4)在未来2、4、6、8个龄级时间后,4种红树种群中老龄级个体能够得到不同程度的补充。  相似文献   

影响东寨港红树林中光背团水虱分布的生态因子研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者于2012年6月对东寨港红树林保护区中光背团水虱(Sphraeroma retrolaevis)虫害区域的水质因子和光背团水虱的分布情况进行了调查研究。结果表明: 光背团水虱的水平分布与水温、盐度、pH值、COD值、OD值没有直接关系; 调查区内影响团水虱水平分布的主要水质因子是:总氮质量浓度为0.356~0.605 mg/L,总磷质量浓度为0.050~0.054 mg/L,浮游生物量为1.23~1.82 mg/L;网纹藤壶的生长与光背团水虱在垂直分布有直接关系,光背团水虱距离网纹藤壶越远,光背团水虱洞穴数量越少,其关系函数为y=6.15x2–9.17x+16.45,R2=0.9879。  相似文献   

基于不同时期浙江省红树林造林数据及林分生长监测,分析浙江省红树林时空变化和区域造林生长差异。结果表明:(1)截止到2020年浙江省红树林面积总计386.77hm2,其中温州市257.01hm2,台州市129.76hm2,主要造林树种为秋茄(Kandelia obovata)(368.48hm2)和苦槛蓝(Myoporum bontioides)(18.29hm2);(2)不同时期红树林面积占现有总面积的比例分别为0.11%(2000年前)、3.72%(2000—2010年)、36.17%(2011—2015年)和59.99%(2016—2020年);(3)2000年以前和2000—2010年的秋茄平均株高分别为205.5cm和246.13cm,林分盖度分别高达67.69%和77.90%;2011—2015年和2016—2020年秋茄株高分别为106.63cm和50.17cm;盖度分别为68.66%和24.56%;(4)不同区域红树林种植区滩涂沉积物中碱解氮、速效钾、有机质和含盐...  相似文献   

对海南岛红树林柱样中有机生物标志物等生物地球化学参数进行了初步研究.结果显示红树林中有机碳(OC)与总氮(TN)比值范围为5.35-7.47,碳稳定同位素(δ13C)值范围为-25‰--22.9‰.脂肪酸与正构烷烃浓度分布范围分别为7.8-21.8μg·g-1(干重)和3.2-25μg·g-1(干重).在表层沉积物中,红树林植物、细菌与浮游生物的脂肪酸生物标志物各占总脂肪酸的25.4%、12.9%和7.5%,结合较低的OC/TN比值和较高的δ13C值,表征了当地微生物和外源浮游植物的有机质贡献.各类脂肪酸在柱样中表现出不同的降解特征:多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFAs)优先被降解,而长链脂肪酸(LCFAs)则较为稳定,没有明显的降解.碳优势指数(CPI)和平均碳链长度(ACL)显示,埋藏深度越深,有机物的生物化学改造程度越大.  相似文献   

Rates of sediment accumulation and microbial mineralization were examined at three Kandelia candel forests spanning the intertidal zone along the south coastline of the heavily urbanized Jiulongljiang Estuary, Fujian Province, China. Mass sediment accumulation rates were rapid (range: 10–62 kg m−2 y−1) but decreased from the low- to the high-intertidal zone. High levels of radionuclides suggest that these sediments originate from erosion of agricultural soils within the catchment. Mineralization of sediment carbon and nitrogen was correspondingly rapid, with total rate of mineralization ranging from 135 to 191 mol C m−2 y−1 and 9 to 11 mol N m−2 y−1; rates were faster in summer than in autumn/winter. Rates of mineralization efficiency (70–93% for C; 69–92% for N) increased, as burial efficiency (7–30% for C; 8–31% for N) decreased, from the low-to the high-intertidal mangroves. Sulphate reduction was the dominant metabolic pathway to a depth of 1 m, with rates (19–281 mmol S m−2 d−1) exceeding those measured in other intertidal deposits. There is some evidence that Fe and Mn reduction-oxidation cycles are coupled to the activities of live roots within the 0–40 cm depth horizon. Oxic respiration accounted for 5–12% of total carbon mineralization. Methane flux was slow and highly variable when detectable (range: 5–66 μmol CH4 m−2 d−1). Nitrous oxide flux was also highly variable, but within the range (1.6–106.5 μmol N2O m−2 d−1) measured in other intertidal sediments. Rates of denitrification were rapid, ranging from 1106 to 3780 μmol N2 m−2 d−1, and equating to 11–20% of total sediment nitrogen inputs. Denitrification was supported by rapid NH4 release within surface deposits (range: 3.6–6.1 mmol m−2 d−1). Our results support the notion that mangrove forests are net accumulation sites for sediment and associated elements within estuaries, especially Kandelia candel forests receiving significant inputs as a direct result of intense human activity along the south China coast.  相似文献   

厦门凤林红树林湿地自由生活海洋线虫群落的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭玉清 《海洋学报》2008,30(4):147-153
2004年冬季在集美凤林类似底质类型、盐度和潮位的海湾地段4个断面,就不同红树植物林中的小型底栖动物数量和自由生活海洋线虫群落进行了研究。结果表明:海洋线虫是凤林红树林中小型底栖动物中的绝对优势类群,占到小型底栖动物的76.1%~96.3%;从丰度来看,旧区白骨壤(Avicennia marina)林中小型底栖动物的数量较少,有污水流过的光滩数量较大;4个断面共鉴定出海洋线虫37种(分类实体单元),其中新区秋茄(Kandelia candel)林中的生物多样性指数较低,旧区白骨壤林中群落具有较高的物种多样性;从出现的物种来看,新区秋茄林、旧区白骨壤林和光滩上出现的优势种和摄食功能群的类型各不相同。从4个断面13个站位进行的聚类分析和MDS标序分析结果推断自由生活海洋线虫的群落结构与不同的红树植物形成的沉积物有关。  相似文献   

We examined the diet of juvenile fish of four species – Eucinostomus melanopterus (Gerreidae), Ethmalosa fimbriata (Clupeidae), Monodactylus sebae (Monodactylidae), and Sarotherodon melanotheron (Cichlidae) – between their appearance on the nursery ground and the end of the recruitment season, when they began to shift to deeper parts of the estuary. Fish were collected from the Sine-Saloum, an inverse estuary in Senegal, West Africa. Sampling was conducted at six sites located along the salinity gradient. The study was conducted in the context of an inverse estuary where increasing salinity leads to the disappearance of mangroves.  相似文献   

Mangrove trees may allocate >50% of their biomass to roots. Dead roots often form peat, which can make mangroves significant carbon sinks and allow them to raise the soil surface and thus survive rising sea levels. Understanding mangrove root production and decomposition is hence of theoretical and applied importance. The current work explored the effects of species, site, and root size and root nutrients on decomposition. Decomposition of fine (≤3 mm diameter) and coarse (>3 mm diameter, up to a maximum of ∼9 mm) roots from three mangrove species, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Ceriops tagal was measured over 12 months at 6 sites along a tidal gradient in Gazi Bay, Kenya. C:N and P:N ratios in fresh and decomposed roots were measured, and the effects on decomposition of root size and age, of mixing roots from A. marina and C. tagal, of enriching B. gymnorrhiza roots with N and P and of artefacts caused by bagging roots were recorded. There were significant differences between species, with 76, 47 and 44 % mean dry weight lost after one year for A. marina, B. gymnorrhiza and C. tagal respectively, and between sites, with generally slower decomposition at dryer, high tidal areas. N enriched B. gymnorrhiza roots decomposed significantly faster than un-enriched controls; there was no effect of P enrichment. Mixing A. marina and C. tagal roots caused significantly enhanced decomposition in C. tagal. These results suggest that N availability was an important determinant of decomposition, since differences between species reflected the initial C: N ratios. The relatively slow decomposition rates recorded concur with other studies, and may overestimate natural rates, since larger (10–20 mm diameter), more mature and un-bagged roots all showed significantly slower rates.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected at 15 min intervals over 11 tidal cycles from a tidal creek draining the mangrove-covered basin of Tuff Crater, Auckland, New Zealand. The samples were filtered and total suspended sediment (TSS), inorganic suspended sediment (ISS) and organic suspended sediment (OSS) were determined. Variation in TSS was high, the concentration varied over a tidal cycle and during over-bank flows concentrations were lowest at or near slack high water. Covariance between TSS concentrations and velocity and discharge meant that the calculation of particulate matter flux over tidal hemicycles was particularly dependent on the method of estimating tidal flux. The hypsometrically-based volumetric method was found to be inappropriate, predicting a positive budget (import) more often than observed. Instead particulate matter budgets were calculated by means of the velocity-area method and indicate a net export of TSS, ISS and OSS. Floating macrodetritus was observed on both the flood and ebb tides, but a net export was found on the two tides monitored. It is considered that on an annual basis floating macrodetritus export accounts for less than 2% of the detrital production in the basin, and organic suspended sediment export from the basin is less than 3 kg C ha?1 day?1 and is below the rate of detrital production. It is implied that a proportion of the organic detritus produced in this basin is degraded and recycled in situ.  相似文献   

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