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Within a mica schist from the coesite-bearing Brossasco-Isasca Unit (Western Alps), microstructural analysis shows that Alpine garnet grains are aligned with the crenulated foliation. Garnet crystallographic orientation was analysed with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD): the obtained crystallographic dispersion patterns and distribution patterns of misorientation axes suggest a strong parallelism of {110} garnet planes with a 56°W-dipping foliation. The data are interpreted as evidence for an epitaxial growth of garnet upon (001) biotite planes, sometime during and/or after dispersion of the biotite/garnet crystals from their initially foliation-parallel orientation by rotation about the Alpine crenulation axis. This interpretation is based on the comparison of the measured EBSD data with: (i) theoretical dispersion trajectories of garnet crystallographic data, (ii) numerically modelled pole figures, and (iii) numerically modelled misorientation axis distribution patterns. Our data suggest that epitaxial growth of garnet upon biotite is allowed by distortion of the pseudohexagonal basal oxygen ring structure on (001) biotite surfaces, and that distortion is driven by introduction of missing ions. Our data further suggest that the spatial distribution of precursor phases influences the distribution patterns of garnet within mica schists.  相似文献   

周潭群变质岩中石榴石、斜长石和黑云母微区化学成分变化明显,石榴石变斑晶具典型的生长环带,由晶体中心向两侧边缘XMg、XFe值以光滑曲线递增,XCu、XMn值以光滑曲线递减,反映其增温过程;晶体最边缘的化学成分反映变质峰期的温度条件。通过石榴石变斑晶生长环带剖面分析,应用Grt-Bi温度计和GASP压力计,确定本区变质作用PT轨迹为顺时针形式,发生于大陆碰撞造山带环境。  相似文献   

The Otago and Alpine Schist belts of southern New Zealand have traditionally been treated as structurally continuous metamorphic belts with minor modification by brittle faulting. Mapping of biotite and garnet isograds has been hindered by rock types unfavourable for index mineral growth. Closer examination of well-exposed boundaries between metamorphic zones shows that they juxtapose rocks of different type and structural history. Apparent structural continuity across these zones is due to development of a locally pervasive boundary-parallel foliation on both sides of the boundary, in a broad boundary zone (up to 2  km wide). This feature has implications for mapping and metamorphic petrology in other metamorphic belts, where structural continuity has traditionally been assumed. True metamorphic isograds may be rare, and metamorphic zones may more commonly represent structural slices of complex, tectonically disrupted metamorphic piles.  相似文献   

冯帆  徐仲元  董晓杰  连光辉  贾振杨 《地质学报》2022,96(11):3819-3833
内蒙古乌拉山地区石榴子石花岗岩内发育大量石榴子石,这些石榴子石中保留着寄主岩石的变质演化历程的重要信息,故明确其成因类型至关重要。前人虽提出其为转熔成因,但未能提供充分证据证明。对此,本文对研究区深熔石榴黑云片麻岩以及石榴子石花岗岩内的石榴子石进行了岩相学以及矿物学研究。结果显示,在野外露头上,低度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩→中度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩的脉体/石榴子石花岗岩,石榴子石粒度逐渐增大,并且当岩石内的脉体小而少时不见粗粒石榴子石,脉体大而多时粗粒石榴子石发育,而石榴子石花岗岩内发育大量的粗粒石榴子石,此外脉体内的石榴子石粒度整体大于基体内的石榴子石粒度。在显微特征上,中度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩的脉体内的石榴子石和石榴子石花岗岩内的石榴子石晶形较差,形态各异,边界呈锯齿状,发育筛状变晶结构,并部分具有核部发育边部不发育的特点,基质内还具有逆反应结构以及斜长石堆晶体。矿物化学特征上,中度深熔石榴黑云片麻岩的脉体内的石榴子石和石榴子石花岗岩内的石榴子石以富Fe、Mg贫Mn、Ca为特点,不发育生长环带,与黑云母接触的石榴子石发育扩散环带,表现为TFeO曲线由中心向两边升高,MgO曲线由中心向两边降低...  相似文献   

发育特征结构的石榴子石是研究俯冲带矿物演化和元素迁移的理想对象。本文首次报道苏鲁造山带东北端威海地区出露的含"环状"石榴子石的石榴角闪岩,并对其开展了详细的岩相学、矿物化学、锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学和变质作用研究。X射线主元素扫面显示,"环状"石榴子石经历了3个阶段生长:最高Ca部分的成核阶段、相对低Ca部分的扩展阶段和最低Ca部分的快速塑形阶段,分别对应M1、M2和M3阶段变质作用,相应的矿物组合为石榴子石高Ca环核部及其矿物包裹体(如角闪石+富Na斜长石+金红石+绿帘石+磷灰石)、石榴子石低Ca环内边及其后成合晶矿物(如角闪石+富Ca斜长石边部+钛铁矿±金红石±磷灰石)和最低Ca石榴子石环外边±角闪石±钛铁矿,未发现超高压变质矿物或假象。传统地质温压计估算出M1和M2阶段的变质P-T条件分别为620~740℃/6.8~10.4kbar和705~775℃/5.3~7.1kbar,而M3阶段可能发生于温度稍高和压力稍低的P-T范围。其中M...  相似文献   

Recent work in Barrovian metamorphic terranes has found that rocks experience peak metamorphic temperatures across several grades at similar times. This result is inconsistent with most geodynamic models of crustal over‐thickening and conductive heating, wherein rocks which reach different metamorphic grades generally reach peak temperatures at different times. Instead, the presence of additional sources of heat and/or focusing mechanisms for heat transport, such as magmatic intrusions and/or advection by metamorphic fluids, may have contributed to the contemporaneous development of several different metamorphic zones. Here, we test the hypothesis of temporally focussed heating for the Wepawaug Schist, a Barrovian terrane in Connecticut, USA, using Sm–Nd ages of prograde garnet growth and U–Pb zircon crystallization ages of associated igneous rocks. Peak temperature in the biotite–garnet zone was dated (via Sm–Nd on garnet) at 378.9 ± 1.6 Ma (2σ), whereas peak temperature in the highest grade staurolite–kyanite zone was dated (via Sm–Nd on garnet rims) at 379.9 ± 6.8 Ma (2σ). These garnet ages suggest that peak metamorphism was pene‐contemporaneous (within error) across these metamorphic grades. Ion microprobe U–Pb ages for zircon from igneous rocks hosted by the metapelites also indicate a period of syn‐metamorphic peak igneous activity at 380.6 ± 4.7 Ma (2σ), indistinguishable from the peak ages recorded by garnet. A 388.6 ± 2.1 Ma (2σ) garnet core age from the staurolite–kyanite zone indicates an earlier episode of growth (coincident with ages from texturally early zircon and a previously published monazite age) along the prograde regional metamorphic Tt path. The timing of peak metamorphism and igneous activity, as well as the occurrence of extensive syn‐metamorphic quartz vein systems and pegmatites, best supports the hypothesis that advective heating driven by magmas and fluids focussed major mineral growth into two distinct episodes: the first at c. 389 Ma, and the second, corresponding to the regionally synchronous peak metamorphism, at c. 380 Ma.  相似文献   

The effect of Mn on mineral stability in metapelites   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
Calculations based on a KMnFMASH petrogenetic grid derived using an internally consistent thermodynamic dataset indicate that the principal effect of the presence of Mn in average subaluminous pelite compositions is to stabilize garnet to higher and lower pressures and temperatures over a wide range of bulk compositions. Garnet-bearing fields expand to lower temperatures and pressures with the addition of Mn, and garnet appears as an extra phase at low pressures. The addition of Mn also increases the number and extent of four AMnFM phase assemblages and stabilizes five AMnFM phases along univariant reactions. The KMnFMASH system predictions for typical subaluminous pelite bulk compositions match the sequence of isograds and assemblages observed in the Barrovian zones. The sequence of assemblages observed in the Stonehaven section can also be predicted if there is variation in bulk composition within the stratigraphic section. Mn appears to be less important in producing the sequence of isograds and garnet-absent assemblages in the low-pressure Buchan zones. The addition of Mn to the calculations does not change the sequence of isograds that are predicted to be stable in a regional metamorphic terrane, but the P – T  position of these isograds does change. In particular, the predicted temperature of the garnet-in isograd is lowered by as much as 100 °C by the addition of Mn to KFMASH. Mn also increases the range of metapelite bulk compositions that develop the assemblages traditionally identified as metapelite isograds.  相似文献   

石榴子石是高级变质作用的重要矿物之一,能够保留成分环带和不同变质阶段的矿物或流体包裹体,为示踪寄主岩石经历的变质演化历史提供重要信息。本文对采自雅拉香波片麻岩穹窿内高级变质岩中石榴子石进行了详细的包裹体成分、主量元素环带和微量元素特征的研究,揭示出石榴子石黑云母片麻岩至少记录了五期岩浆或变质热事件。第Ⅰ期石榴子石为来源于源区的岩浆型石榴子石。第Ⅱ期、第Ⅲ期和第Ⅳ期石榴子石为变质型石榴子石,但不同期次变质作用的温压条件和生长介质、矿物组合不同。第Ⅴ期石榴子石为转熔型石榴子石,是黑云母脱水熔融形成,记录了喜马拉雅造山过程早期加厚地壳条件下的深熔作用。喜马拉雅造山带变质岩中石榴子石具有复杂的成因机制和演化历史,在应用石榴子石进行变质作用研究时,需要仔细甄别,否则会得到错误的结论。  相似文献   

Ultra-high pressure eclogites and granulites both occur in the Dabie Mountains, central China. A garnet porphyroblast from felsic granulite in the Dabie Mountains has been analysed for compositional zoning by electron microprobe. Two segments of the porphyroblast have opposite compositional variations. Segment I (from centre outward 9  mm to analytical point 18) has decreasing XSps and increasing XPyr, while Segment II (from analytical point 18, 1  mm outward to the rim) has increasing XSps and XAlm and decreasing XPyr and XGrs. The compositional zoning in segment I is considered as growth zoning and that in Segment II as diffusive retrograde zoning. Garnet growth zoning records a P–T  path prior to the peak granulite metamorphism. The minimum P – T  conditions are estimated to be 1.35  GPa and 850  °C for peak metamorphism, based on the highest Mg/(Fe+Mg) composition in the garnet (analytical point 18) and matrix hypersthene, biotite and plagioclase. A symplectitic corona surrounds the porphyroblast and appears to have formed at 0.6  GPa and 700  °C. The well-preserved growth zoning in garnet suggests a short residence time for the granulite at peak metamorphism and thus rapid tectonic uplift history. The P–T  path is consistent with that of ultra-high-pressure eclogite in the area. Tectonic movements during a collisional event could have brought both the granulite and the eclogite to their present positions.  相似文献   

Abstract High-pressure-temperature metapelites that occur in close proximity to eclogitized mafic rocks in the southern part of the Gagnon terrane (Parautochthonous Belt, eastern Grenville Province) were investigated in order to constrain depths of burial and P-T paths. Mineral assemblages and partial melting relationships in these metapelites are consistent with peak temperatures in the range between 700 and 800° C. However, growth zoning is apparently well preserved in garnets and only narrow rims (width = 100–500 μm) are obviously affected by diffusional retrograde resetting. Despite uncertainties regarding mineral assemblages and compositions of matrix minerals at early stages of garnet growth, it can be shown that the observed growth zoning profiles of garnets imply increase of both pressure and temperature up to a common maximum at pressures between 1300 and 1600 MPa, and that thermal relaxation did not occur during the initial stages of unloading. On the other hand, calculated retrograde P-T conditions are consistent with steep decompression paths. The inferred 'hair-pin'-shaped P-T path is consistent with independent evidence of rapid, tectonically driven exhumation, resulting in the preservation of growth zoning in garnets from such a high-temperature regime.  相似文献   

郭聪  赵正  刘战庆  吴小辉  刘洋 《矿床地质》2024,43(1):102-127
瑶岗仙钨矿是南岭地区唯一一个石英脉型黑钨矿和矽卡岩型白钨矿均达大型规模的超大型矿床。两类钨矿体均产出于瑶岗仙复式花岗岩体的内外接触带,复式花岗岩体主要由中粒黑云母花岗岩和细粒二云母花岗岩组成,但多阶段岩浆演化与两类钨矿化关系问题一直存在较大争议。文章以瑶岗仙矿区中粒黑云母二长花岗岩与细粒二云母二长花岗岩中的黑云母和石榴子石为切入点,对比研究两阶段花岗质岩浆氧逸度、挥发分、结晶分异程度,探讨了岩浆演化对钨矿化成因的制约。结果显示,细粒二云母二长花岗岩相较于中粒黑云母二长花岗岩中黑云母拥有更低的XMg值、更靠近Fe2+端员、更低的Ⅳ(F)和更高的log(fHF/fHCl)fluid值,指示其形成于还原性岩浆环境,且F含量更高,而后者更偏向氧化性,F含量偏低。两类花岗岩中的石榴子石均为岩浆成因的锰铝榴石,从中粒黑云母花岗岩至细粒二云母花岗岩,随着石榴子石中MnO含量的递增,CaO、FeO、MgO含量逐渐降低,Mn/(Mn+Fe)比值、Sc、Zn、Y、HREE含量随MgO降低而逐渐升高,表明细粒二云母二长花岗岩较中粒黑云母二长花岗岩演化程度更高,更有利于W的富集。石英脉型黑钨矿和矽卡岩型白钨矿成矿岩浆均具有低氧逸度和高F含量的特征,与细粒二云母二长花岗岩成岩环境一致。基于上述研究,结合矿区地球物理、地球化学、钻探信息,笔者建立了瑶岗仙矿床深部勘查模型,圈定了大根垄深部石英脉型黑钨矿找矿靶区、杨梅岭深部云英岩型找矿靶区、和尚滩南东侧矽卡岩型白钨矿找矿靶区。  相似文献   

The HP‐UHP metamorphic belt of western Tianshan in northwestern China is a rarely preserved oceanic UHP terrane which consists predominantly of meta‐siliciclastic rocks, occasionally accompanied by lens‐shaped metabasites. The metapelites and metagreywackes from the Habutengsu Valley and adjacent area within this belt contain quartz, albite, garnet, white mica, chlorite and rutile/titanite, with or without minor amounts of barroisite, glaucophane, clinozoisite, allanite, graphite, carbonate and tourmaline. Included in coarse‐grained garnet, pseudomorphs of clinozoisite + paragonite after lawsonite are common, seldom also together with inclusions of chloritoid, jadeite and glaucophane. In the northern Habutengsu area, garnet is compositionally characterized by similar cores with consistently low‐Ca content. Similar garnet armouring coesite has been reported in UHP schists from the same area. Deduced P–T conditions during formation of these Ca‐poor garnet cores are 25–31 kbar and 430–510 °C, which are consistent with the computed stability of the observed assemblage Grt + Gln + Lws ± Jd ± Cld in the coesite stability field. Thus, the occurrences of the UHP metapelites and metagreywackes define an internally coherent UHP unit in the north of the Habutengsu area, the spatial extension of which is much larger than previously known. Compared with the northern ones, the southern metapelites and metagreywackes in the Habutengsu area consist of similar minerals and have similar bulk rock compositions but significantly different garnet chemistry, indicating an abrupt variation in P–T conditions during garnet growth. The derived conditions initiating the garnet growth for the southern rocks in a similar range (18–21 kbar and 450–500 °C) and thus constrain a coherent HP unit in the south of the Habutengsu area. The juxtaposition of two exhumed slices of contrasting metamorphic grades probably indicates the change of subduction dynamics of the palaeo‐Tianshan oceanic crust, the subduction polarity (from south to north) of which accounts for the spatial relationship between these two units.  相似文献   

Abstract This work uses a simplified model of equilibrium to predict the assemblage sequence and compositional zoning in garnet that should result from prograde metamorphism of common bulk compositions of pelitic rocks. An internally-consistent set of model thermodynamic data are derived for natural mineral compositions from natural assemblages. Equilibrium assemblages can be calculated for pelitic compositions with excess quartz and either muscovite or K-feldspar at any pressure and water pressure. The compositions and abundances of phases in equilibrium assemblages can be calculated where the elements Mg, Fe and Mn are exchanged among phases. The prograde metamorphic assemblage sequences and the effects of pressure on assemblages, predicted by the simulation method presented here, are similar enough to natural observations to suggest that the simulations can be used to analyse natural equilibrium and growth processes. The calculated phase diagrams at moderate and high crustal pressures explain the mineral assemblage sequence produced by prograde metamorphism in common pelitic compositions. Garnet appears by continuous reaction of biotite and chlorite as the garnet-biotite-chlorite divariant field migrates toward higher Mg/Fe ratios over the bulk composition. Staurolite appears in common bulk compositions when garnet and chlorite become incompatible. An aluminum silicate phase can appear when staurolite and chlorite react. Staurolite breaks down at an extremum point to produce garnet. Continuous reaction of biotite and sillimanite causes growth of abundant garnet. The reaction sequence involving garnet, staurolite and aluminum silicates is probably different at low pressure, but the main reason that staurolite and garnet are rare is the restricted compositional range over which their assemblages exist. Andalusite appears by the divariant reaction of chlorite and cordierite appears at low temperature in low pressure assemblages for common bulk compositions by the extremumpoint breakdown reaction of chlorite. Compositional zoning of garnet and the systematic variation of biotite composition in metamorphic sequences indicate that garnet is probably fractionated during growth. Fractionation of garnet causes garnet-consuming, univariant reactions to become multivariant. The metastable persistence of garnet should reduce the abundance and stability range of staurolite. Fractionation of even small quantities of garnet should deplete the equilibrating bulk composition of Mn, but have little effect otherwise. The simulations show that the prograde assemblage sequence in pelitic rocks can be complex in detail, with some assemblages lasting over temperature intervals of only a few degrees. The major prograde reactions that release water are the breakdown of chlorite to form garnet at low grade and the breakdown of muscovite at high grade. The volume of water released by formation of garnet at high grade is also important. These reactions have the capacity to buffer water pressure. The density of anhydrous pelitic rock increases markedly when chlorite breaks down and by the continuous reaction forming garnet at high grade. The heat content is controlled principally by heat capacity and continuous reactions. Discontinuous reactions have little thermal buffering capacity. Simulations of garnet fractionation show that commonly-observed garnet zoning profiles can be formed by garnet growth in the assemblage garnet-biotite-chlorite in common bulk compositions. A reversal of Fe-zoning in garnet can occur when garnet resumes growth above staurolite grade in the assemblage garnetbiotite-sillimanite. Discontinuities in zoning profiles can be caused only by disequilibrium. The disequilibrium can be due to either metastable persistence during a hiatus in growth or to growth by irreversible reaction. Because the appearance of garnet is controlled by a continuous rather than a discontinuous reaction, the appearance of garnet is very sensitive to bulk composition. The early development of garnet is also sensitive to the pressure and water pressure of metamorphism. As a consequence the first garnet isograd is of limited thermometric value. Metastable persistence of kyanite and manite at high grades could reduce the abundance of garnet and allow biotite to persist. Metastable persistence would also limit the of cordierite formation.  相似文献   

Serial sectioning and imaging with a flatbed scanner yielded the three-dimensional size and spatial distribution of garnet porphyroblasts in two garnet schists and one staurolite-bearing schist from the Everett Formation, north-west Connecticut. The dominant garnet-producing reaction in all samples was chlorite+quartz=garnet+H2O. The appearance of staurolite, and additional garnet growth in the staurolite-bearing sample, was due to the reaction chloritoid=garnet+staurolite+chlorite. Statistical measures of garnet spatial distributions, using the pair correlation function (PCF), indicate that garnet crystals are weakly to strongly clustered at length scales between 2 and 10 mm. Such clustered nucleation may reflect minor bulk compositional variations. Covariance measures between garnet size and nearest-neighbour distance, using the mark covariance function (MCF), suggest a very weak correlation between crystal size and nearest-neighbour distance for length scales of 2 mm or less. These statistical data suggest that if diffusional gradients were present around growing garnet crystals, they did not influence nucleation and growth patterns at length scales greater than c. 2 mm. Compositional maps, through the garnet centres, show that the smaller crystals have lower Mn core compositions relative to larger crystals, consistent with progressive nucleation during pro-grade metamorphism. Radius-rate plots calculated from compositional X-ray maps show similar growth rates for garnet crystals of different size, consistent with an interface-controlled growth model for garnet. The presence of minor diffusional gradients around growing garnet cannot be entirely dismissed, but the lack of observable reaction rims, the clustered spatial distribution and the radius-rate data are most consistent with an interface-controlled garnet growth model.  相似文献   

Differences in rates of nucleation and diffusion‐limited growth for biotite porphyroblasts in adjacent centimetre‐scale layers of a garnet‐biotite schist from the Picuris Mountains of New Mexico are revealed by variations in crystal size and abundance between two layers with strong compositional similarity. Relationships between fabrics recorded by inclusion patterns in biotite and garnet porphyroblasts are interpreted to reflect garnet growth following biotite growth, without substantial alteration of the biotite sizes. Sizes and locations of biotite crystals, obtained via high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography, document that of the two adjacent layers, one has a larger mean crystal volume (9.5 × 10?4v. 2.4 × 10?4 cm3), fewer biotite crystals per unit volume (232 v. 576 crystals cm?3), and a higher volume fraction of biotite (23%v. 14%). The two layers have similar mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry. Both layers show evidence for diffusional control of nucleation and growth. Pseudosection analysis suggests that the large‐biotite layer began to crystallize biotite at a temperature ~67 °C greater than the small‐biotite layer. Diffusion rates differed between layers, because of their different temperature ranges of crystallization, but this effect can be quantified. The bulk compositional difference between the layers, manifested in different modal amounts of biotite, has an effect on the biotite sizes that is also quantifiable and insufficient to account for the difference in biotite size. After these other possible causes of variation in crystal sizes have been eliminated, variability in nucleation and diffusion rates remain as the dominant factors responsible for the difference in porphyroblastic textures. Numerical simulations suggest that relative to the small‐biotite layer, the large‐biotite layer experienced elevated diffusion rates because of the higher crystallization temperature, as well as increased nucleation rates in order to achieve the observed size and number density of crystals. The simulations can replicate the observed textures only by invoking unreasonably large values for the thermal dependence of nucleation rates (activation energies), strongly suggesting that the observed textural differences arise from variations between layers in the abundance and energetics of potential nucleation sites.  相似文献   

A garnet–biotite–Al2SiO5–quartz (GBAQ) geobarometer was empirically calibrated using more than 700 natural metapelites with a broad compositional range of garnet and biotite under P–T conditions of 450–950°C and 1–17 kbar. In the calibration, activity models of garnet and biotite identical to those in the garnet–biotite (GB) geothermometer of Holdaway [American Mineralogist 2000, 85: 881–892] were used. Therefore, the GBAQ geobarometer and the GB geothermometer can be simultaneously applied to iteratively estimate metamorphic P–T conditions. Successful applications of the GBAQ geobarometer to natural metapelites certify its validity. Most importantly, when plagioclase is absent or CaO components in garnet and/or plagioclase are deficient, this geobarometer may prove useful for estimating metamorphic pressures. The random error of the present GBAQ geobarometer is inferred to be around ±1.8 kbar. An electronic spreadsheet is available as Table S4 to apply the GBAQ geobarometer in combination with the GB geothermometer.  相似文献   

The Sanbagawa belt is one of the famous subduction‐related high‐pressure (HP) metamorphic belts in the world. However, spatial distributions of eclogite units in the belt have not yet satisfactorily established, except within the Besshi region, central Shikoku, southwest Japan because most eclogitic rocks were affected by lower pressure overprinting during exhumation. In order to better determine the areal distribution of the eclogite units and their metamorphic features, inclusion petrography of garnet porphyroblasts using a combination of electron probe microanalyser and Raman spectroscopy was applied to pelitic and mafic schists from the Asemi‐gawa region, central Shikoku. All pelitic schist samples are highly retrogressed, and include no index HP minerals such as jadeite, omphacite, paragonite, or glaucophane in the matrix. Garnet porphyroblasts in pelitic schists occur as subhedral or anhedral crystals, and show compositional zoning with irregular‐shaped inner segments and overgrown outer segments, the boundary of which is marked by discontinuous changes in spessartine. This feature suggests that a resorption process of the inner segment occurred prior to the formation of the outer segment, indicating discontinuous crystallization between the two segments. The inner segment of some composite‐zoned garnet grains displays Mn oscillations, implying infiltration of metamorphic fluid during the initial exhumation stage. Evidence for an early eclogite facies event was determined from mineral inclusions (e.g., jadeite, paragonite, glaucophane) in the garnet inner segments. Mafic schists include no index HP minerals in the matrix as with pelitic schists. Garnet grains in mafic schists show simple normal zoning, recording no discontinuous growth during crystal formation. There are no index HP mineral inclusions in the garnet, and thus no evidence suggesting eclogite facies conditions. Quartz inclusions in garnet of the pelitic and mafic schists show residual pressure values (?ω1) of >8.5 cm?1 and <8.5 cm?1 respectively. The combination of Raman geobarometry and conventional thermodynamic calculations gives peak PT conditions of 1.6–2.1 GPa at 460–520°C for the pelitic schists. The ?ω1 values of quartz inclusions in mafic schists are converted to a metamorphic pressure of 1.2–1.4 GPa at 466–549°C based on Raman geothermometry results. These results indicate that a pressure gap definitely exists between the mafic schists and the almost adjacent pelitic schists, which have experienced a different metamorphic history. Furthermore, the peak P–T values of the Asemi‐gawa eclogite unit are compatible with those of Sanbagawa eclogite unit in the Besshi region of central Shikoku, suggesting that these eclogite units share a similar P–T trajectory. The Asemi‐gawa eclogite unit exists in a limited area and is composed of mostly pelitic schists. We infer that these abundant pelitic schists played a key role in buoyancy‐driven exhumation by reducing bulk rock density and strength.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of chemical zoning in two garnet crystals from Harpswell Neck, Maine, forms the basis of an interpretation of garnet nucleation and growth mechanisms. Garnet apparently nucleates initially on crenulations of mica and chlorite and quickly overgrows the entire crenulation, giving rise to complex two‐dimensional zoning patterns depending on the orientation of the thin section cut. Contours of Ca zoning cross those of Mn, Fe and Mg, indicating a lack of equilibrium among these major garnet constituents. Zoning of Fe, Mg and Mn is interpreted to reflect equilibrium with the rock matrix, whereas Ca zoning is interpreted to be controlled by diffusive transport between the matrix and the growing crystal. Image analysis reveals that the growth of garnet is more rapid along triple‐grain intersections than along double‐grain boundaries. Moreover, different minerals are replaced by garnet at different rates. The relative rate of replacement by garnet along double‐grain boundaries is ordered as muscovite > chlorite > plagioclase > quartz. Flux calculations reveal that replacement is limited by diffusion of Si along double‐grain boundaries to or from the local reaction site. It is concluded that multiple diffusive pathways control the bulk replacement of the rock matrix by garnet, with Si and Al transport being rate limiting in these samples.  相似文献   

In this study, we reconstruct the inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya using combined structural and metamorphic analyses of rocks of the Lesser and Greater Himalayan Sequences. Four thrust-bounded stratigraphic units, which from the lower to higher structural heights are (a) the Gondwana rocks and relatively weakly deformed metasediments of the Bomdila Group, (b) the tectonically interleaved sequence of Bomdila gneiss and Bomdila Group, (c) the Dirang Formation and (d) the Se La Group are exposed along the transect, Jira–Rupa–Bomdila–Dirang–Se La Pass. The Main Central thrust, which coincides with intense strain localization and the first appearance of kyanite-grade partial melt is placed at the base of the Se La Group.Five metamorphic zones from garnet through kyanite, kyanite migmatite, kyanite-sillimanite migmatite to K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite migmatites are sequentially developed in the metamorphosed low-alumina pelites of Dirang and Se La Group, with increasing structural heights. Three phases of deformation, D1–D2–D3 and two groups of planar structures, S1 and S2 are recognized, and S2 is the most pervasive one. Mineral growths in all these zones are dominantly late-to post-D2, excepting in some garnet-zone rocks, where syn-D1 garnet growths are documented. Metamorphic isograds, which are aligned parallel to S2 were subsequently folded during D3. The deformation produced plane-non-cylindrical fold along NW–SE axis.In the garnet-zone, peak metamorphism is marked by garnet growth through the reaction biotite + plagioclase → garnet + muscovite. An even earlier phase of syn-D1 garnet growth occurred in the chlorite stability field with or without epidote. In the kyanite-zone metapelites, kyanite appeared via the pressure-sensitive reaction, garnet + muscovite → kyanite + biotite + quartz. Staurolite was produced in the same rock by retrograde replacement of kyanite following the reaction, garnet + kyanite + H2O → staurolite + quartz. These reactions depart from the classical kyanite- and staurolite-isograd reactions in low-alumina pelites, encountered in other segments of eastern Himalaya. In the metapelites, just above the kyanite-zone, melting begins in the kyanite field, through water-saturated and water-undersaturated melting of paragonite component in white mica. Leucosomes formed through these reactions are characteristically free of K-feldspar, with sodic plagioclase and quartz as the dominant constituents. With increasing structural height, the melting shifts to water-undersaturated melting of muscovite component of white mica, producing an early K-feldspar + kyanite and later K-feldspar + sillimanite assemblages and granitic leucosomes.Applications of conventional geothermobarometry and average PT method reveal near isobaric (at P  8 kbar) increase in peak metamorphic temperatures from 550 °C in the garnet-zone to >700 °C for K-feldspar-kyanite-sillimanite-zone rocks. The findings of near isobaric metamorphic field gradient and by the reconstruction of the reaction history, reveal that the described inverted metamorphic sequence in the western Arunachal Himalaya, deviates from the classical Barrovian-type metamorphism. The tectonic implication of such a metamorphic evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

The garnet (Grt) and biotite (Bt) from gneisses of the Ji’an Group are characterized by diffusion zoning at the rim, but equilibrium composition of metamorphic peak is usually remained in extensive interior area. Garnet with growth zoning is also found in the kyanite zone. In the light of microarea compositional variation of Grt and Bt, the temperature and pressure at the progressive, peak and post-peak metamorphic stages are determined by correctly using Grt-Bt thermometer and GASP barometer. On this basis, a counterclockwiseP-T-t path can be constructed, which reflects the closing process of an ensialic rift belt in this region during the Early Proterozoic. The project was financially supported by the State Educational Commission Ph. D. Station Foundation (No. 96018702).  相似文献   

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