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鸭绿江河口地区沉积物特征及悬沙输送   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
根据鸭绿江河口区4个站位的潮周期测量数据和3个柱状样的粒度数据,对悬沙的输送规律以及口门地区最大浑浊带的形成机制、悬沙输送方向以及物质来源和动力条件进行了分析。计算分析表明,鸭绿江是一条落潮流占优势的河流,平均流作用、斯托克斯漂移效应以及水深与悬沙浓度的潮变化引起的悬沙输送是其河口区最主要的悬沙输送机制。3个柱状样粒度参数自东向西的变化反映了鸭绿江辽口西侧沿岸地区动力条件和沉积环境的变化:沉积物的平均粒径变小,分选变差,并且更正偏,物源的多元化特征逐渐增强。物源和河口区沿岸沉积动力环境的差异以及潮相的周期变化使3个柱状样中的环境敏感粒度组分对应着不同的粒径分布区间。  相似文献   

长江口悬沙动力特征与输运模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本项研究用ADCP在长江河口进行高频、高分辨率三维流速和声学浊度的定点观测,通过对定点站位潮周期内的悬沙浓度、流速和盐度的分析,计算悬沙输运率;悬沙输运机制分析表明平流作用、斯托克斯漂移效应在悬沙输运中占据主导地位.此外,从河口内向河口外,潮周期内的水动力特征与悬沙净输运具有明显的地域性差异,主要表现在悬沙输送的贡献因子、盐度的垂向混合和分布特征、垂向流速等方面.在拦门沙下游和口外地区,悬沙均向西、北方向输送,而拦门沙上游则向东、南方向输送.这种悬沙输运格局,对于长江口拦门沙及附近最大浑浊带的形成有着重要的作用.  相似文献   

Remote Sensing Analysis of the Suspended Sediment Transport in Lingdingyang   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
- The data of landsat TM of multi-temporal for Lingdingyang Estuary, Pearl River in China is firstly used with suspended sediment concentration of field measurement to establish a correlative model equation. After the ratio processing of TM data and atmospheric correction, the images of suspended sediment concentration of different temporals are exported from the image processing systems AREIS II and III. These images express the characteristics of suspended sediment distribution, the mode of sediment transport and the extent of dispersion under the actions of tidal current and wind condition of different seasons.  相似文献   

伶仃河口湾铜鼓水域水沙净输运分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据对珠江伶仃河口湾铜鼓水域丰水期9个测站大、中、小潮三次同步水文泥沙资料及57个底质样品的分析结果,本文讨论了此水域的水沙净输运趋势。结果表明,铜鼓水域表层余流向海,浅滩测站中底层余流指向河口方向,欧拉余流主要由径流构成。沟槽悬沙输运以净平流作用为主,浅滩区则以向上游的潮抽吸输运为主。沉积物净输运趋势显示铜鼓浅滩是海陆双向底质输运的汇聚地带  相似文献   

长江口涨、落潮槽底沙输移趋势探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择长江口南港南小泓和南港主槽作为典型涨、落潮槽为研究对象,以2001年9月所采底沙的颗粒分析资料为根据,并结合实测水文、泥沙资料进行水动力分析,运用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析模型分析了底沙输移趋势,结果表明:南小泓的底沙主要是来自口门附近,由于涨潮流强于落潮流而使底沙向上游输移,即SE—NW方向,而南港主槽的底沙主要来自上游,由于落潮流强于涨潮流而使泥沙向下游输移,即NW—SE方向。  相似文献   

Cohesive Sediment Transport in the Jiaojiang River Estuary, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extensive data were obtained of the water and fine sediment dynamics during spring tides in the extremely turbid Jiaojiang River estuary at spring tides. These data enabled the calibration of a two-dimensional (2-D) width-integrated model. Four processes dominated the mud dynamics. These were, firstly, the formation at slack tide of soft mud deposits with an erosion constant much smaller than that of the underlying compacted sediment, secondly the sediment-induced buoyancy effects, thirdly the collapse of the turbulence by the sediment suspension in the fluid mud range and fourthly the inflow of sediment at the mouth of the estuary. These findings demonstrate the necessity to have detailed field data to enable quantitative, as opposed to qualitative, modelling of mud dynamics in turbid estuaries. The estuary is infilling with sediment from the East China Sea and not from riverine inflow, this sediment presumably originates from the Yangtze River located 200 km further north.  相似文献   

Based on the non-equilibrium suspended load transport equation,bed load transport equationand sediment transport capacity formulas derived by Dou et al.,a 2-D numerical model of total sedimenttransport in the Yangtze Estuary is presented.In the model,the actions of tidal currents and wind waves andthe effect of salinity on sediment transport are considered.An automatically generated boundary-fitted grid isused to fit the boundaries of the estuary and the boundaries of engineering projects.The verification of calcu-lations shows that the sediment concentration,the deformation of riverbed and siltation in the channels causedby typhoons can be successfully simulated.  相似文献   

Based on the 2-D flow and sediment numerical model of the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay, the characteristics of water and sediment exchange in their joint waters is studied through quantitative calculation and analysis of the characteristics of water flow and sediment transportation. The results show that there is periodical water and sediment exchange in this joint waters, that the net water exchange appears mainly between 0~6 m depth (theoretical datum plane, the same below) offshore and the maximum is near the depth of 2 m, and that the net sediment exchange mainly appears between 0~5 m depth and the maximum is near the depth of 3 m, indicating that the range of water flow passage is different from that of sediment transport from the Yangtze Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay. Combined with the results of numerical simulation, this paper also analyzes the hydrodynamical mechanism influencing water and sediment exchange between the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay, including tidal fluctuation, tidal current kinetic energy, tide-induced residual current and the trace of water particles. Finally, the sediment transportation passage on the Nanhui tidal flat is discussed, and the results show that sediment is transported into the Hangzhou Bay from the south side of Shipilei, while sediment is brought back to the South Channel of the Yangtze Estuary from the north side.  相似文献   

长江口枯季悬沙粒度与浓度之间的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003和2004年枯季在长江口采集水样并作水文观测,对所获水样进行过滤和粒度分析,以计算悬沙浓度和悬沙粒度分布。结果表明,2003年11月小潮期间,悬沙中值粒径与悬沙浓度存在着显著的指数关系,在大潮期间没有显著关系;在2004年2月小湖期间,两者之间没有显著关系,但在大潮期间存在着显著的指数关系。枯季水体悬沙以粉砂组份为主,并且随着向口外的推移,细颗粒组份逐渐增加,但在拦门沙最大浑浊带附近,由于絮凝作用,沉积物粒度变幅较大,可产生粒径粗化的现象。小潮期间,砂含量较低,但与悬沙浓度之间有显著相关关系;大潮期间,悬沙粒径粗化,但砂含量与悬沙浓度之间的关系不显著。上述分布趋势与沉积物来源、当地的水动力条件和絮凝作用等因素有密切关系。  相似文献   

YANG  Shu-qing 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):527-540
Following Bagnold's approach, a relationship between sediment transport and energy dissipation is developed. The major assumption made in the study is that the near bed velocity plays a dominant role in the process of sediment transport. A general relationship between energy dissipation and sediment transport is first proposed. Then the equations for total sediment transport are derived by introducing the appropriate expression of energy dissipation rate under different conditions, such as open channel flows, combination of wave and current, as well as longshore sediment transport. Within the flows investigated, the derived relationships are fairly consistent with the available data over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

长江口邻近陆架沉积物粒径变化趋势及动力成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于长江口外邻近陆架近20年实测数据,分析了邻近陆架区域表层沉积物中值粒径、砂-泥分界线和泥质区变化规律,并探讨了自然机制和人类活动等对其影响。结果表明:1近期(2006-2010年)长江口邻近陆架区域沉积物中值粒径和砂、粉砂和粘土等值线分布格局较2006年以前未发生明显变化;2伴随流域入海泥沙量和海滨区悬沙浓度的减小,陆架区域表层沉积物中值颗粒表现为粗化趋势发展;3陆架区域砂-泥分界线2004-2007年在北侧(31°30′以北)无明显趋势,南侧(31°30′以南)为向口内移动,2008-2010年无论南侧还是北侧均为向口内移动,主要受长江径流枯水期,引起潮流水动力相对增强、悬沙浓度减小及苏北沿岸流等影响;4泥质区域为长江口沉积速率最大区域,由于入海泥沙和海滨区域悬沙浓度降低,三角洲侵蚀等环境下表现为减小趋势,因北槽深水航道整治工程的实施改变了南北槽分流比,南槽下泄径流水动力增加,使得泥质区位置存在南偏趋势。  相似文献   

长江口北槽柱状沉积物粒度分布特征及沉积环境指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究长江口北槽深水航道的泥沙回淤机制及来源,通过对长江口北槽深水航道中部南、北导堤两侧坝田区域所采浅钻柱状样的沉积物特征、粒度参数特征、粒度成分和沉积速率特征等的分析,探讨北槽深水航道水动力条件和泥沙沉积环境。结果显示,柱状样以黏土质粉砂为主,受径流和潮汐作用,分选性都较差,偏态均为正偏,北导堤和南导堤两侧柱状样的分选系数、偏态和峰态在同一侧相互之间的特征较一致,且三组分组成接近;南北导堤异侧之间的粒度特征差异较为明显,北导堤一侧的平均粒度比南导堤的小,北导堤坝田附近的柱状样粒级百分比在垂向上波动变化较大,南导堤则表现的较为单一;南北导堤的敏感组分主要集中在粒级100μm部分。结合资料和测年数据,综合得出,由于北导堤和南导堤的涨落潮不对称,导致了其粒度特征上的不同;北槽淤积中的流域供沙逐渐减少,泥沙来源逐渐转变为滩槽交换供沙为主;北槽受深水航道工程影响巨大,泥沙沉积过程复杂,还需深入研究。  相似文献   

The Haihe cohesive sediment, which is typical in China, is studied systematically for its basic physical and incipient motion properties. Following the requirements of dredging works in the Haihe Estuary, cohesive sediment samples were taken from three locations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to delermine the rheological properties of these samples and to examine the incipient motion of the cohesive sediment. it is found that the cohesive sediment has an obvious yield stress τb, which increases with the mud density in a manner of an exponential function, and so does the viscosity parameter η. The cohesive sediment behaves like a Bingham fluid when its density is below 1. 38 - 1 .40 g/cm3 , and when denser than these values, it may become a power-law fluid. The incipient motion experiment also revealed that the incipient velocity of the cohesive sediment increases with the density in an exponential manner. Therefore, the incipient motion is primarily related to the density, which is different f  相似文献   

BAI  Yu-chuan 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):483-498
The Haihe cohesive sediment, which is typical in China, is studied systematically for its basic physical and incipientmotion properties. Following the requirements of dredging works in the Haihe Estuary, cohesive sediment samples weretaken from three locations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the rheological properties of these sam-ples and to examine the incipient motion of the cohesive sediment. It is found that the cohesive sediment has an obviousyield stress τb, which increases with the mud density in a manner of an exponential function, and so does the viscosityparameter η. The cohesive sediment behaves like a Bingham fluid when its density is below 1.38 ~ 1.40 g/cm3, andwhen denser than these values, it may become a power-law fluid. The incipient motion experiment also revealed that theincipient velocity of the cohesive sediment increases with the density in an exponential manner. Therefore, the incipientmotion is primarily related to the density, which is different from the case for non-cohesive sediment in which the incipi-ent motion is correlated with the diameter of sand particles instead. The incipient motion occurs in two different ways de-pending on the concentration of mud in the bottom. For sufficiently fine particles and a concentration lower than1.20 g/cm3, the cohesive sediment appears as fluidized mud, and the incipient motion is in the form of instability of aninternal wave. For a higher concentration, the cohesive sediment appears as general quasi-solid-mud, and the incipientmotion can be described by a series of extended Shields curves each with a different porosity for newly deposited alluvial mud.  相似文献   

—A comprehensive analysis is conducted based on observations on topography.tidal current.salinity.suspended sediment and bed load during the years of 1982.1983.1988.1989.1996 and 1997 in theYangtze Estuary.Results show that the deformation of tidal waves is distinct and the sand carrying capaci-ty is large within the mouth bar due to strong tidal currents and large volume of incoming water and sedi-ments.Owing to both temporal and spatial variation of tidal current.deposition and erosion are extremelyactive.In general a change of up to 0.1 m of bottom sediments takes place during a tidal period.The maxi-mum siltation and erosion are around 0.2 m in a spring to neap tides cycle.The riverbed is silted duringflood when there is heavy sediment load.eroded during dry season when sediment load is low.The annualaverage depth of crosion and siltation on the riverbed is around 0.6 m.In particular cases.it may increaseto 1.4 m to 2.4 m at some locations.  相似文献   

长江河口水沙分流和输移的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据2002年9月长江口同步实测水文资料,运用标准水文法,对南、北支和南、北港的落潮分水分沙比和净泄分水分沙比进行了计算。结果表明,两者存在差异,后者更能反映分水分沙在长江河口演变中的作用,“涨潮汇沙比”更能揭示北支泥沙的倒灌。水沙平衡分析结果表明,观测期间北支仍趋于淤积,南支有冲刷迹象。经多站水沙综合分析,揭示了长江口水沙运动具有径流“主体南泄”、汊道“副淤主刷”和水沙“输移分异”等特征,并指出水沙“输移分异”是北港泥沙输运大于南港的原因之一。  相似文献   

Several important mechanisms for storm-induced entrainment of estuarine cohesive sediments are analyzed using field measurements collected in a moderately energetic estuary, central Long Island Sound, U.S.A. The sediment concentration and hydrographic data were obtained by an array of sensors mounted at 1 m above the bottom. The bottom sediment in the study site composed mostly of silt and silty sand. The study showed that the bottom shear stress, computed using a wave-current interaction model, increased significantly during the episodic wind events. A large resuspension event was triggered by a frontal passage when strong wind-driven currents augmented the tidal currents. The timing of storm waves with respect to the tidal phase also was a critical factor. Based on the changes of suspended sediment concentration, the bottom appeared to respond to the shear stress in two phases: the tidal resuspension and the storm-induced erosion. During each tidal cycle, entrainment was associated with resuspension of high water content, loosely consolidated material. During episodic events, a thin layer of more consolidated bed below the sediment-water interface was eroded by the enhanced bottom stress.  相似文献   

为探讨长江口南港的水动力结构及悬沙侧向输运特征,本文从解析解的角度构建了潮汐河口水沙输运数学模型,并将其应用到长江口南港某横断面上。南港水动力主控于半日潮流,余流主要由陆相径流及本地非线性对流项驱动,悬沙分布上北侧副槽远大于南侧主槽,水沙分布的计算结果与实测结果在结构上基本一致。通过输沙函数进一步分析表明,潮流输沙和余流输沙是南港侧向输沙函数的两个主要部分。南港中强劲径流削弱了涨潮流,增强了落潮流,使得向河槽南侧的涨潮流输沙小于向河槽北侧的落潮流输沙,潮流输沙指向河槽北侧。径流驱动的南港侧向余流在涨潮流方向上为一逆时针环流结构,余流输沙指向河槽北侧。扩散输沙指向南侧主槽,因其总是指向悬沙浓度梯度的负方向。在各输沙因子的综合作用下,南港中大量悬沙捕集于河槽北侧,使得河槽北部底层潮平均含沙量值达到最大值。  相似文献   

小清河口附近海域泥沙运动特征及风场对泥沙输运的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
陈斌  黄海军  严立文  梅冰 《海洋学报》2009,31(2):104-112
根据对莱州湾内小清河口附近海域的海流、含沙量、底质类型分布的观测资料,并结合数值模型的计算结果,分析了该海域的泥沙输运趋势及底床冲淤变化情况。从整个海区来看,含沙量总体趋势为由岸向海逐渐增大,并呈现出北高南低的分布特点,在小清河入海口东北方向海域有一含沙量高值区;底质泥沙的分布沿纵向等深线显示了自岸向海由粗到细的分布规律,沿横向呈北细南粗的特征;浅滩泥沙局部搬运是泥沙淤积的主要来源,河口北侧海域有一较大侵蚀区,淤积区主要分布在河槽以南的滩涂和近岸区域,风场对该海域泥沙输运影响非常显著,小清河河口附近区域在一般天气下海水较清,如遇海向大风,则水体浑黄,但风后悬沙很快沉降,水体又变清。利用数值计算的方法研究了风场对该海域的影响,其影响大约是无风时平均值的10倍。  相似文献   

本文通过对黄河三角洲埕岛海域146个表层样的粒度分析,表明该区有5种沉积物类型,以砂质粉砂为主体,呈斑块状分布,极细砂与粗粉砂是沉积物的主要粒级,普遍分选差。运用"粒径趋势"分析的方法,分析探讨了埕岛海域表层沉积物净输运趋势。研究区的沉积物的净输运趋势大致以12 m水深为界,深水区沉积物的净输运趋势向岸,12 m以浅海域的沉积物具有离岸的净输运趋势,说明深水区沉积物受冬季风浪作用向岸运移作用显著,12 m以浅海域的沉积物受夏季风浪作用离岸运移作用显著,沉积物运移的季节变化已成为研究区海域沉积物净运移的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

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