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Fluid inclusions have recorded the history of degassing in basalt. Some fluid inclusions in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts of basalt were analyzed by micro-thermometry and Raman spectroscopy in this paper. The experimental results showed that many inclusions are present almost in a pure CO2 system. The densities of some CO2 inclusions were computed in terms of Raman spectroscopic characteristics of CO2 Fermi resonance at room temperature. Their densities change over a wide range, but mainly between 0.044 g/cm3 and 0.289 g/cm3. Their micro-thermometric measurements showed that the CO2 inclusions examined reached homogenization between 1145.5℃ and 1265℃ . The mean value of homogenization temperatures of CO2 inclusions in basalts is near 1210℃. The trap pressures (depths) of inclusions were computed with the equation of state and computer program. Distribution of the trap depths makes it know that the degassing of magma can happen over a wide pressure (depth) range, but mainly at the depth of 0.48 km to 3.85 km. This implicates that basalt magma experienced intensive degassing and the CO2 gas reservoir from the basalt magma also may be formed in this range of depths. The results of this study showed that the depth of basalt magma degassing can be forecasted from CO2 fluid inclusions, and it is meaningful for understanding the process of magma degassing and constraining the inorganogenic CO2 gas reservoir.  相似文献   

A field facility located in Bozeman, Montana provides the opportunity to test methods to detect, locate, and quantify potential CO2 leakage from geologic storage sites. From 9 July to 7 August 2008, 0.3 t CO2 day−1 were injected from a 100-m long, ~2.5-m deep horizontal well. Repeated measurements of soil CO2 fluxes on a grid characterized the spatio-temporal evolution of the surface leakage signal and quantified the surface leakage rate. Infrared CO2 concentration sensors installed in the soil at 30 cm depth at 0–10 m from the well and at 4 cm above the ground at 0 and 5 m from the well recorded surface breakthrough of CO2 leakage and migration of CO2 leakage through the soil. Temporal variations in CO2 concentrations were correlated with atmospheric and soil temperature, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, and CO2 injection rate.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to investigate the potential to detect fluid migration in a (homogeneous, isotropic, with constant pressure lateral boundaries) porous and permeable interval overlying an imperfect primary seal of a geologic CO2 storage formation. The seal imperfection was modeled as a single higher-permeability zone in an otherwise low-permeability seal, with the center of that zone offset from the CO2 injection well by 1400 m. Pressure response resulting from fluid migration through the high-permeability zone was detectable up to 1650 m from the centroid of that zone at the base of the monitored interval after 30 years of CO2 injection (detection limit = 0.1 MPa pressure increase); no pressure response was detectable at the top of the monitored interval at the same point in time. CO2 saturation response could be up to 774 m from the center of the high-permeability zone at the bottom of the monitored interval, and 1103 m at the top (saturation detection limit = 0.01). More than 6% of the injected CO2, by mass, migrated out of primary containment after 130 years of site performance (including 30 years of active injection) in the case where the zone of seal imperfection had a moderately high permeability (10??17 m2 or 0.01 mD). Free-phase CO2 saturation monitoring at the top of the overlying interval provides favorable spatial coverage for detecting fluid migration across the primary seal. Improved sensitivity of detection for pressure perturbation will benefit time of detection above an imperfect seal.  相似文献   

The present analysis adjusts previous estimates of global ocean CaCO3 production rates substantially upward, to 133 × 1012 mol yr?1 plankton production and 42 × 1012 mol yr?1 shelf benthos production. The plankton adjustment is consistent with recent satellite-based estimates; the benthos adjustment includes primarily an upward adjustment of CaCO3 production on so-called carbonate-poor sedimentary shelves and secondarily pays greater attention to high CaCO3 mass (calcimass) and turnover of shelf communities on temperate and polar shelves. Estimated CaCO3 sediment accumulation rates remain about the same as they have been for some years: ~20 × 1012 mol yr?1 on shelves and 11 × 1012 mol yr?1 in the deep ocean. The differences between production and accumulation of calcareous materials call for dissolution of ~22 × 1012 mol yr?1 (~50 %) of shelf benthonic carbonate production and 122 × 1012 mol yr?1 (>90 %) of planktonic production. Most CaCO3 production, whether planktonic or benthonic, is assumed to take place in water depths of <100 m, while most dissolution is assumed to occur below this depth. The molar ratio of CO2 release to CaCO3 precipitation (CO2↑/CaCO3↓) is <1.0 and varies with depth. This ratio, Ψ, is presently about 0.66 in surface seawater and 0.85 in ocean waters deeper than about 1000 m. The net flux of CO2 associated with CaCO3 reactions in the global ocean in late preindustrial time is estimated to be an apparent influx from the atmosphere to the ocean, of +7 × 1012 mol C yr?1, at a time scale of 102–103 years. The CaCO3-mediated influx of CO2 is approximately offset by CO2 release from organic C oxidation in the water column. Continuing ocean acidification will have effects on CaCO3 and organic C metabolic responses to the oceanic inorganic C cycle, although those responses remain poorly quantified.  相似文献   

The discovery of Hadean to Paleoarchean zircons in a metaconglomerate from Jack Hills, Western Australia, has catalyzed intensive study of these zircons and their mineral inclusions, as they represent unique geochemical archives that can be used to unravel the geological evolution of early Earth. Here, we report the occurrence and physical properties of previously undetected CO2 inclusions that were identified in 3.36–3.47 Ga and 3.80–4.13 Ga zircon grains by confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy. Minimum P–T conditions of zircon formation were determined from the highest density of the inclusions, determined from the density-dependence of the Fermi diad splitting in the Raman spectrum and Ti-in-zircon thermometry. For both age periods, the CO2 densities and Ti-in-zircon temperatures correspond to high-grade metamorphic conditions (≥5 to ≥7 kbar/~670 to 770 °C) that are typical of mid-crustal regional metamorphism throughout Earth’s history. In addition, fully enclosed, highly disordered graphitic carbon inclusions were identified in two zircon grains from the older population that also contained CO2 inclusions. Transmission electron microscopy on one of these inclusions revealed that carbon forms a thin amorphous film on the inclusion wall, whereas the rest of the volume was probably occupied by CO2 prior to analysis. This indicates a close relationship between CO2 and the reduced carbon inclusions and, in particular that the carbon precipitated from a CO2-rich fluid, which is inconsistent with the recently proposed biogenic origin of carbon inclusions found in Hadean zircons from Jack Hills.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral plant signatures can be used as a short-term, as well as long-term (100-year timescale) monitoring technique to verify that CO2 sequestration fields have not been compromised. An influx of CO2 gas into the soil can stress vegetation, which causes changes in the visible to near-infrared reflectance spectral signature of the vegetation. For 29 days, beginning on July 9, 2008, pure carbon dioxide gas was released through a 100-m long horizontal injection well, at a flow rate of 300 kg day−1. Spectral signatures were recorded almost daily from an unmown patch of plants over the injection with a “FieldSpec Pro” spectrometer by Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. Measurements were taken both inside and outside of the CO2 leak zone to normalize observations for other environmental factors affecting the plants. Four to five days after the injection began, stress was observed in the spectral signatures of plants within 1 m of the well. After approximately 10 days, moderate to high amounts of stress were measured out to 2.5 m from the well. This spatial distribution corresponded to areas of high CO2 flux from the injection. Airborne hyperspectral imagery, acquired by Resonon, Inc. of Bozeman, MT using their hyperspectral camera, also showed the same pattern of plant stress. Spectral signatures of the plants were also compared to the CO2 concentrations in the soil, which indicated that the lower limit of soil CO2 needed to stress vegetation is between 4 and 8% by volume.  相似文献   

Field experiments on the CO2 flux of alpine meadow soil in the Qilian Mountain were conducted along the elevation gradient during the growing season of 2004 and 2005. The soil CO2 flux was measured using the Li-6400-09 soil respiration chamber attached to the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. The effects of water and heat and roots on the soil CO2 flux were statistically analyzed. The results show that soil CO2 flux along the elevation gradient gradually decreases. The soil CO2 flux was low at night, with lowest value occurring between 0200 and 0600 hours, started to rise rapidly during 0700–0830 hours, and then descend during 1600–1830 hours. The peak CO2 efflux appears during 1100–1600 hours. The diurnal average of soil CO2 efflux was between 0.56 ± 0.32 and 2.53 ± 0.76 μmol m−2 s−1. Seasonally, soil CO2 fluxes are relatively high in summer and autumn and low in spring and winter. The soil CO2 efflux, from the highest to the lowest in the ranking order, occurred in July and August (4.736 μmol m−2 s−1), June and September, and May and October, respectively. The soil CO2 efflux during the growing season is positively correlated with soil temperature, root biomass and soil water content.  相似文献   

Proper characterizations of background soil CO2 respiration rates are critical for interpreting CO2 leakage monitoring results at geologic sequestration sites. In this paper, a method is developed for determining temperature-dependent critical values of soil CO2 flux for preliminary leak detection inference. The method is illustrated using surface CO2 flux measurements obtained from the AmeriFlux network fit with alternative models for the soil CO2 flux versus soil temperature relationship. The models are fit first to determine pooled parameter estimates across the sites, then using a Bayesian hierarchical method to obtain both global and site-specific parameter estimates. Model comparisons are made using the deviance information criterion (DIC), which considers both goodness of fit and model complexity. The hierarchical models consistently outperform the corresponding pooled models, demonstrating the need for site-specific data and estimates when determining relationships for background soil respiration. A hierarchical model that relates the square root of the CO2 flux to a quadratic function of soil temperature is found to provide the best fit for the AmeriFlux sites among the models tested. This model also yields effective prediction intervals, consistent with the upper envelope of the flux data across the modeled sites and temperature ranges. Calculation of upper prediction intervals using the proposed method can provide a basis for setting critical values in CO2 leak detection monitoring at sequestration sites.  相似文献   

Assessing potential repositories for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide using numerical models can be complicated, costly, and time-consuming, especially when faced with the challenge of selecting a repository from a multitude of potential repositories. This paper presents a set of simple analytical equations (model), based on the work of previous researchers, that could be used to evaluate the suitability of candidate repositories for subsurface sequestration of carbon dioxide. We considered the injection of carbon dioxide at a constant rate into a confined saline aquifer via a fully perforated vertical injection well. The validity of the analytical model was assessed via comparison with the TOUGH2 numerical model. The metrics used in comparing the two models include (1) spatial variations in formation pressure and (2) vertically integrated brine saturation profile. The analytical model and TOUGH2 show excellent agreement in their results when similar input conditions and assumptions are applied in both. The analytical model neglects capillary pressure and the pressure dependence of fluid properties. However, simulations in TOUGH2 indicate that little error is introduced by these simplifications. Sensitivity studies indicate that the agreement between the analytical model and TOUGH2 depends strongly on (1) the residual brine saturation, (2) the difference in density between carbon dioxide and resident brine (buoyancy), and (3) the relationship between relative permeability and brine saturation. The results achieved suggest that the analytical model is valid when the relationship between relative permeability and brine saturation is linear or quasi-linear and when the irreducible saturation of brine is zero or very small.  相似文献   

The major cation and anion compositions of waters from the Lake Qinghai river system (LQRS) in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were measured. The waters were collected seasonally from five main rivers during pre-monsoon (late May), monsoon (late July), and post-monsoon (middle October). The LQRS waters are all very alkaline and have high concentrations of TDS (total dissolved solids) compared to rivers draining the Himalayas and the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Seasonal variations in the water chemistry show that, except the Daotang River, the TDS concentration is high in October and low in July in the LQRS waters. The forward models were used to quantify the input of three main rivers (Buha River, Shaliu River, and Hargai River) from rain, halite, carbonates, and silicates. The results suggest that (1) atmospheric input is the first important source for the waters of the Buha River and the Shaliu River, contributing 36–57% of the total dissolved cations, (2) carbonate weathering input and atmospheric input have equal contribution to the Hargai River water, (3) carbonate weathering has higher contribution to these rivers than silicate weathering, and (4) halite is also important source for the Buha River. The Daotang River water is dominated by halite input owing to its underlying old lacustrine sediments. The water compositions of the Heima River are controlled by carbonate weathering and rainfall input in monsoon season, and groundwater input may be important in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. After being corrected the atmospheric input, average CO2 drawdown via silicate weathering in the LQRS is 35 × 103 mol/km2 per year, with highest in monsoon season, lower than Himalayas and periphery of Tibetan Plateau rivers but higher than some rivers draining shields.  相似文献   

The effect of alkalis on the solubility of H2O and CO2 in alkali-rich silicate melts was investigated at 500 MPa and 1,250 °C in the systems with H2O/(H2O + CO2) ratio varying from 0 to 1. Using a synthetic analog of phonotephritic magma from Alban Hills (AH1) as a base composition, the Na/(Na + K) ratio was varied from 0.28 (AH1) to 0.60 (AH2) and 0.85 (AH3) at roughly constant total alkali content. The obtained results were compared with the data for shoshonitic and latitic melts having similar total alkali content but different structural characteristics, e.g., NBO/T parameter (the ratio of non-bridging oxygens over tetrahedrally coordinated cations), as those of the AH compositions. Little variation was observed in H2O solubility (melt equilibrated with pure H2O fluid) for the whole compositional range in this study with values ranging between 9.7 and 10.2 wt. As previously shown, the maximum CO2 content in melts equilibrated with CO2-rich fluids increases strongly with the NBO/T from 0.29 wt % for latite (NBO/T = 0.17) to 0.45 wt % for shoshonite (NBO/T = 0.38) to 0.90 wt % for AH2 (NBO/T = 0.55). The highest CO2 contents determined for AH3 and AH1 are 1.18 ± 0.05 wt % and 0.86 ± 0.12 wt %, respectively, indicating that Na is promoting carbonate incorporation stronger than potassium. At near constant NBO/T, CO2 solubility increases from 0.86 ± 0.12 wt % in AH1 [Na/(Na + K)] = 0.28, to 1.18 ± 0.05 wt % in AH3 [Na/(Na + K)] = 0.85, suggesting that Na favors CO2 solubility on an equimolar basis. An empirical equation is proposed to predict the maximum CO2 solubility at 500 MPa and 1,100–1,300 °C in various silicate melts as a function of the NBO/T, (Na + K)/∑cations and Na/(Na + K) parameters: \({\text{wt}}\% \;{\text{CO}}_{2} = - 0.246 + 0.014\exp \left( {6.995 \cdot \frac{\text{NBO}}{T}} \right) + 3.150 \cdot \frac{{{\text{Na}} + {\text{K}}}}{{\varSigma {\text{cations}}}} + 0.222 \cdot \frac{\text{Na}}{{{\text{Na}} + {\text{K}}}}.\) This model is valid for melt compositions with NBO/T between 0.0 and 0.6, (Na + K)/∑cation between 0.08 and 0.36 and Na/(Na + K) ratio from 0.25 to 0.95 at oxygen fugacities around the quartz–fayalite–magnetite buffer and above.  相似文献   

Incidents of hazardous accumulations of CO2 in homes built on or near reclaimed mine land, in the last decade, have been shown to be linked to neutralization reactions between acidic mine drainage and carbonate material. Recent research has shown that CO2 fluxes on reclaimed mine land with this hazard are, sometimes, spatially autocorrelated (i.e., the spatial variability is not random). This result implies geostatistics can be used to delineate hazardous areas where fluxes are likely to exceed established thresholds. This study applies sequential Gaussian simulation to delineate this emerging hazard on a site in southwestern Indiana, USA. Due to lack of regulatory threshold limits for CO2 flux at the current time, the authors conduct a sensitivity analysis of the threshold limit using the 75th, 90th and 95th percentiles of the measured fluxes for the first day of monitoring. These limits are used to produce hazard maps, which are validated with the known hazard at the site. This work further shows the potential of surface CO2 flux monitoring as a cheap and effective strategy to monitor and delineate such hazards to avoid residential and commercial real estate development in high risk zones.  相似文献   

We report on a continuous-measurement campaign carried out in Vulcano (Aeolian islands, Sicily), devoted to the simultaneous monitoring of CO2 and H2O concentrations. The measurements were performed with an absorption spectrometer based on a semiconductor laser source emitting around a 2-μm wavelength. The emitted radiation was selectively absorbed by two molecular ro-vibrational transitions specific of the investigated species. Data for CO2 and H2O concentrations, and CO2 soil diffusive flux using an accumulation chamber configuration, were collected at several interesting sampling points on the island (Porto Levante beach- PLB, Fossa Grande Crater – FOG- and Valley of Palizzi, PAL). CO2/H2O values, measured on the ground, are very similar (around 0.019 (± 0.006)) and comparable to the previous discrete detected values of 0.213 (Fumarole F5-La Fossa crater rim) and 0.012 (Fumarole VFS – Baia Levante beach) obtaid during the 1977–1993 heating phase of the crater fumaroles.  相似文献   

The carbon molecular sieves (CMSs) prepared by carbonaceous materials as precursors are effective in CO2/N2 separation. However, selectivity of these materials is too low, since hydrocarbon cracking for developing the desired microporosity in carbonaceous materials has not been done effectively. Hence, in this study, cobalt and nickel impregnation on the precursor was conducted to introduce catalysts for hydrocarbon cracking. Cobalt and nickel impregnation, carbonization under N2 atmosphere, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) by benzene were conducted on the extruded mixtures of activated carbon and coal tar pitch under different conditions to prepare CMSs. The best CMS prepared by carbon deposition on the cobalt-impregnated samples exhibited CO2 adsorption capacity of 54.79 mg/g and uptake ratio of 28.9 at 0 °C and 1 bar. In terms of CO2 adsorption capacity and uptake ratio, CMSs prepared by carbon deposition on non-impregnated and cobalt-impregnated samples presented the best results, respectively. As benzene concentration and CVD time increased, equilibrium adsorption capacity of CO2 decreased, and uptake ratio increased. Cobalt was found to be the best catalyst for benzene cracking in the CVD process.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been injected in the subsurface permeable formations as a means to cut atmospheric CO2 emissions and/or enhance oil recovery (EOR). It is important to constrain the boundaries of the CO2 plume in the target formation and/or other formations hosting the CO2 migrated from the target formation. Monitoring methods and technologies to assess the CO2 plume boundaries over time within a reservoir of interest are required. Previously introduced methods and technologies on pressure monitoring to detect the extent of the CO2 plume require at least two wells, i.e. pulser and observation wells. We introduce pressure transient technique requiring single well only. Single well pressure transient testing (drawdown/buildup/injection/falloff) is widely used to determine reservoir properties and wellbore conditions. Pressure diagnostic plots are used to identify different flow regimes and determine the reservoir/well characteristics. We propose a method to determine the plume extent for a constant rate pressure transient test at a single well outside the CO2 plume. Due to the significant contrast between mobility and storativity of the CO2 and native fluids (oil or brine), the CO2 boundary causes deviation in the pressure diagnostic response from that corresponding to previously identified heterogeneities. Using the superposition principle, we develop a relationship between the deviation time and the plume boundary. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method using numerically generated synthetic data corresponding to homogeneous, heterogeneous, and anisotropic cases to evaluate its potential and limitations. We discuss ways to identify and overcome the potential limitations for application of the method in the field.  相似文献   

In this work 3-[2-(2-aminoethylamino)ethylamino]propyl trimethoxysilane (TRI) was employed to functionalize MWCNT containing hydroxyl groups (OH-MWCNT), and the XRD, FTIR, TGA and CHNS elemental analysis techniques were used to characterize the resulted adsorbents. The characterization results for amine-MWCNT showed amine groups effectively attached to the surface of the MWCNT. The equilibrium adsorption capacity of pure CO2 and CH4 and their binary mixture on the pristine MWCNT, OH-MWCNT and amine-MWCNT was measured through a set of equilibrium adsorption experiments at 303.2 and 318.2 K. Capacities of all three types of adsorbents for CO2 adsorption were higher than those for methane adsorption. Also, amine-MWCNT demonstrated better performance on CO2 adsorption than the other two adsorbents, especially at low partial pressures. The capacity of amine-MWCNT for pure CO2 adsorption was 2.5 and 4 times as much as those for pristine MWCNT and OH-MWCNT, respectively, at the temperature of 303.2 K and the pressure of 0.2 bar. The binary adsorption experiment revealed that CO2/CH4 selectivity for pristine MWCNT and amine-MWCNT in all molar fractions of CO2 is about 1.77 and 7, respectively.  相似文献   

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