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We examined the spatial variation in the aftershock activity from the 17 August 1999 Izmit, Turkey earthquake. We found that this aftershock sequence is non-uniform both in space and time, aspects that need to be taken into account in any further statistical analysis. Other aspects of this aftershock sequence are similar to other aftershock sequences, namely low b-values and a high degree of spatial variation. We have detected three zones of relatively high b-values, two of which coincide with asperities revealed by previous slip inversion studies. The third zone with an anomalous b-value is located beyond the fault rupture and indicates a weakened fractured zone in the Yalova-Tuzla area. This b-value analysis provided no evidence for any significant difference that may exist between the two sides of the mainshock fault plane.  相似文献   

The aftershock sequence of the September 30th, 1993 Killari earthquake in the Latur district of Maharashtra state, India, recorded by 41 temporary seismograph stations are used for estimating 3-D velocity structure in the epicentral area. The local earthquake tomography (LET) method of Thurber (1983) is used. About 1500P and 1200S wave travel-times are inverted. TheP andS wave velocities as well asV P/VSratio vary more rapidly in the vertical as well as in the horizontal directions in the source region compared to the adjacent areas. The main shock hypocentre is located at the junction of a high velocity and a low velocity zone, representing a fault zone at 6–7 km depth. The estimated average errors ofP velocity andV P/VSratio are ±0.07 km/s and ±0.016, respectively. The best resolution ofP and S-wave velocities is obtained in the aftershock zone. The 3-D velocity structure and precise locations of the aftershocks suggest a ‘stationary concept’ of the Killari earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

Seismic source parameters of small to moderate sized intraplate earthquakes that occurred during 2002–2009 in the tectonic blocks of Kachchh Rift Basin (KRB) and the Saurashtra Horst (SH), in the stable continental region of western peninsular India, are studied through spectral analysis of shear waves. The data of aftershock sequence of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake (\(M_{w}\) 7.7) in the KRB and the 2007 Talala earthquake (\(M_{w}\) 5.0) in the SH are used for this study. In the SH, the seismic moment (\(M_{o})\), corner frequency \((f_{c})\), stress drop (\(\varDelta \sigma \)) and source radius (r) vary from \(7.8\times 10^{11}\) to \(4.0\times \)10\(^{16}\) N-m, 1.0–8.9 Hz, 4.8–10.2 MPa and 195–1480 m, respectively. While in the KRB, these parameters vary from \(M_{o} \sim 1.24 \,\times \, 10^{11}\) to \(4.1 \times 10^{16}\) N-m, \(f_{c }\sim \) 1.6 to 13.1 Hz, \(\varDelta \sigma \sim 0.06\) to 16.62 MPa and \(r \sim 100\) to 840 m. The kappa (K) value in the KRB (0.025–0.03) is slightly larger than that in the SH region (0.02), probably due to thick sedimentary layers. The estimated stress drops of earthquakes in the KRB are relatively higher than those in SH, due to large crustal stress concentration associated with mafic/ultramafic rocks at the hypocentral depths. The results also suggest that the stress drop value of intraplate earthquakes is larger than the interplate earthquakes. In addition, it is observed that the strike-slip events in the SH have lower stress drops, compared to the thrust and strike-slip events.  相似文献   

Spatial variation of seismicity parameters across India and adjoining areas   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
An attempt has been made to quantify the variability in the seismic activity rate across the whole of India and adjoining areas (0–45°N and 60–105°E) using earthquake database compiled from various sources. Both historical and instrumental data were compiled and the complete catalog of Indian earthquakes till 2010 has been prepared. Region-specific earthquake magnitude scaling relations correlating different magnitude scales were achieved to develop a homogenous earthquake catalog for the region in unified moment magnitude scale. The dependent events (75.3%) in the raw catalog have been removed and the effect of aftershocks on the variation of b value has been quantified. The study area was divided into 2,025 grid points (1°×1°) and the spatial variation of the seismicity across the region have been analyzed considering all the events within 300 km radius from each grid point. A significant decrease in seismic b value was seen when declustered catalog was used which illustrates that a larger proportion of dependent events in the earthquake catalog are related to lower magnitude events. A list of 203,448 earthquakes (including aftershocks and foreshocks) occurred in the region covering the period from 250 B.C. to 2010 A.D. with all available details is uploaded in the website .  相似文献   

An updated list of earthquakes and earthquake parameters (location, homogenized magnitude, macroseismic data) for the southern Baltic Sea area reveals activity north of the sea, whereas there are very few epicentres in the sea itself and in the region south of it. This is the first study to combine seismological data for the whole region to cover also the sea. Macroseismic data for the 1930 earthquake were reinvestigated leading to an intensity of V–VI (MM or MSK scale), a radius of perceptibility of 135 km and an unusually big focal depth of about 40 km. It is difficult to correlate individual earthquakes with specific faults, but some seismotectonic relations are suggested, e.g. for the Tornquist zone, the predominant structure of the region. Only few reliable focal-mechanism solutions exist. Possible seismogenic processes (ridge push, isostasy, etc) are discussed.  相似文献   

Several pieces of studies on the January 26, 2001, Bhuj earthquake (Mw 7.6) revealed that the mainshock was triggered on the hidden unmapped fault in the western part of Indian stable continental region that caused a huge loss in the entire Kachchh rift basin of Gujarat, India. Occurrences of infrequent earthquakes of Mw 7.6 due to existence of hidden and unmapped faults on the surface have become one of the key issues for geoscientific research, which need to be addressed for evolving plausible earthquake hazard mitigation model. In this study, we have carried out a detailed autopsy of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake source zone by applying three-dimensional (3-D) local earthquake tomography (LET) method to a completely new data set consisting of 576 local earthquakes recorded between November 2006 and April 2009 by a seismic network consisting of 22 numbers of three-component broadband digital seismograph stations. In the present study, a total of 7560 arrival times of P-wave (3820) and S-wave (3740) recorded at least 4 seismograph stations were inverted to assimilate 3-D P-wave velocity (Vp), S-wave velocity (Vs), and Poisson’s ratio (σ) structures beneath the 2001 Bhuj earthquake source zone for reliable interpretation of the imaged anomalies and its bearing on earthquake hazard of the region. The source zone is located near the triple junction formed by juxtapositions of three Indian, Arabian, and Iranian tectonic plates that might have facilitated the process of brittle failure at a depth of 25 km beneath the KRB, Gujarat, which caused a gigantic loss to both property and persons of the region. There may be several hidden seismogenic faults around the epicentral zone of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in the area, which are detectable using 3-D tomography to minimize earthquake hazard for a region. We infer that the use of detailed 3-D seismic tomography may offer potential information on hidden and unmapped faults beneath the plate interior to unravel the genesis of such big damaging earthquakes. This study may help in evolving a comprehensive earthquake risk mitigation model for regions of analogous geotectonic settings, elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

新安江流域是长三角地区重要的生态屏障,对该流域的植被覆盖情况进行监测并掌握其动态变化特征,对该区生态环境保护具有重要意义。以新安江流域为研究区,利用2000—2021年MOD13Q1数据,针对归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化特征及其变化的持续性,使用Theil-Sen Median趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验和Hurst指数等方法进行分析,探讨了NDVI的变化趋势与岩性建造、土地利用类型之间的关系。结果表明:二十多年以来,新安江流域的年平均NDVI为0.5~0.9,总体呈波动上升趋势,最大值出现在每年7—9月,最小值出现在每年1—3月,呈现"山地高,丘陵和平原较低"的分布特征。NDVI变化类型以改善型为主,改善型区域面积占比>70%,且以持续改善型为主,其中轻微改善型和明显改善型面积占比达85.71%。第四系和白垩纪红层分布区,NDVI严重退化和轻微退化占比较高,NDVI退化情况较严重的土地利用类型为建设用地、草地和耕地。该研究结果可反映新安江流域NDVI的时空变化特征,对于该区生态环境保护与建设具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Singh  A. P.  Roy  Indrajit G.  Kumar  Santosh  Kayal  J. R. 《Natural Hazards》2013,77(1):33-49

Seismic source characteristics in the Kachchh rift basin and Saurashtra horst tectonic blocks in the stable continental region (SCR) of western peninsular India are studied using the earthquake catalog data for the period 2006–2011 recorded by a 52-station broadband seismic network known as Gujarat State Network (GSNet) running by Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), Gujarat. These data are mainly the aftershock sequences of three mainshocks, the 2001 Bhuj earthquake (M w 7.7) in the Kachchh rift basin, and the 2007 and 2011 Talala earthquakes (M w ≥ 5.0) in the Saurashtra horst. Two important seismological parameters, the frequency–magnitude relation (b-value) and the fractal correlation dimension (D c) of the hypocenters, are estimated. The b-value and the D c maps indicate a difference in seismic characteristics of these two tectonic regions. The average b-value in Kachchh region is 1.2 ± 0.05 and that in the Saurashtra region 0.7 ± 0.04. The average D c in Kachchh is 2.64 ± 0.01 and in Saurashtra 2.46 ± 0.01. The hypocenters in Kachchh rift basin cluster at a depth range 20–35 km and that in Saurashtra at 5–10 km. The b-value and D c cross sections image the seismogenic structures that shed new light on seismotectonics of these two tectonic regions. The mainshock sources at depth are identified as lower b-value or stressed zones at the fault end. Crustal heterogeneities are well reflected in the maps as well as in the cross sections. We also find a positive correlation between b- and D c-values in both the tectonic regions.


The Kachchh rift zone of the northwestern India lies near to the India-Arabia and the India-Eurasia plate boundaries, which has experienced many devastating earthquakes in the past, namely the 1819 Allah Bund earthquake, the 1956 Anjar earthquake and the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. These earthquakes claimed the lives of about 17,000 people. To understand the current seismo-tectonic scenario, moment tensor inversion on the broadband data of fourteen Kachchh events of Mw 3.5–4.6 (during 2009–2015) from 5–12 three-component seismograph stations of the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, India was applied. Here deviatoric moment tensor inversion of multiple point sources (10–20s) for regional (or local) earthquakes, developed by Zahradnik et al. (2005) was used. The study reveals that modeled focal mechanisms range between reverse and normal oblique strikeslip while no pure normal dip-slip mechanism is found. However, only four out of fourteen events show oblique normal faulting with a minor strike-slip component. Thus, the modeling proposed in this study suggests that the oblique-reverse strike-slip, reverse and strike-slip type focal mechanisms are found to be dominant in the Kachchh rift zone. This observation indicates that the region is presently under compression.  相似文献   

The Triassic of the Levantine region consists of four sedimentary cycles: I. Scythian — Lower Anisian; II. Early Upper Anisian; III. Late Upper Anisian — Carnian; IV. Late Carnian — Norian.Regional biofacial affinities point to the existance of a western Tethyan Werfen facies (cycle I), a sephardic biofacies (cycles II and III) and a rather alpinotype platform facies (cycle IV). A correlation across the Jordan Rift Valley is suggested, primarily based on bio- and lithostratigraphic evidence of the Permo-Triassic rocks. The stratigraphic implications of this correlation support the existance of a left lateral strike slip along the Jordan Rift Valley.
Zusammenfassung Die Trias im Levant ist in vier Sedimentationszyklen gegliedert: I. Skythian — Unteres Anisian; II. Oberes Anisian; III. Oberes Anisian — Karnian; IV. Oberes Karman — Norian.Die regionalen Faziesbeziehungen deuten auf das Vorhandensein einer Westtethyalen Werfener Fazies (Zyklus I), einer West- und Südtethyalen Sephardischen Fazies (Zyklen II und III) und einer eher alpinotypischen Plattformfazies (Zyklus IV).Eine Korrelation der permisehen und untertriadischen Gesteine auf beiden Seiten des Jordantales wird vorgeschlagen. Die stratigraphischen Folgerungen dieser Korrelation unterstützen die Existenz einer linken Transversalverschiebung entlang des Jordantal Rifts.

Résumé Le Trias du Levant comprend quatre cycles sédimentaires: I. Scythien-Anisien inférieur; II. Anisien supérieur; III. Anisien supérieur — Carnien; IV. Carnien supérieur — Norien.La succession des biofaciès débute par le faciès Werfénien, qui englobait pratiquement la Téthys occidentale éotriasique toute entière (cycle I). Dans le courant du Mésotrias, le faciès Sépharade s'étend aux marges méridionales et occidentales de la Téthys (cycles II et III), tandis qu'un faciès de plateforme d'affinité plutôt alpine représente le Trias terminal (cycle IV).Une corrélation des séries Permo-Eotriasiques du Néguev et de Transjordanie est proposée. Les implications stratigraphiques de cette corrélation appuient l'existence d'un coulissage sénestre tout au long du Rift de la vallée du Jourdain.

4 : 1. — ; 2. ; 3. — ; 4. — . — 1, — 2 3 — 4. - , .

碎屑组分变化是反映盆地物源演化历程的重要物质表现。路乐河地区作为柴达木盆地的重要组成部分,沉积地层记载着印度-欧亚板块碰撞以来青藏高原北缘造山带的构造隆升过程。高长石组分含量、物源方向及毗邻山脉岩性对比揭示,路乐河物源主要受南祁连和赛什腾山控制,其碎屑组分变化对毗邻造山带构造活动具有很好的耦合性。新生代53.5~2.9Ma期间,路乐河地区存在3次物源转换事件,发生时间依次同印度-欧亚板块碰撞及高原内部构造隆升事件相吻合。其中早期50.1~46.6Ma,南祁连山的快速抬升是对大陆初始碰撞的远程响应;44.5Ma,高原以垂向增生和推覆构造发育为特点,赛北断裂高速剥露,致使路乐河地区物源发生转变;渐新世末期(22.6Ma),青藏高原准同时整体隆升,赛什腾山和南祁连山协同为路乐河地区供给沉积物。所获认识为深入了解高原隆升演化和板块碰撞远程效应提供新的沉积依据。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地新元古代裂谷盆地层序样式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
塔里木盆地是位于Rodinia超大陆边缘的小陆块,随着新元古代Rodinia超大陆裂解,在塔里木盆地周边和内部形成了大量裂谷盆地,通过对裂谷体系的演化和地层充填特征研究,对认识Rodinia超大陆的裂解过程具有重要意义。按照盆地动力学、层序地层学和沉积学等理论为指导,以露头、钻井和地震剖面为基础,进行不整合面、层序地层和沉积相研究,探讨层序样式及控制因素,分析塔里木盆地和扬子盆地裂谷演化过程的差异。塔里木盆地新元古代南华系—震旦系为1个一级层序,由两个一级不整合界面限定——Td(南华系/前南华系基底)和T1(震旦系/寒武系),其中Td界面为塔里木运动导致,即新元古代早期—中期Rodinia大陆裂解作用开始,而T1界面与塔里木板块内部表现为垂直上升作用的柯坪运动有关。按照裂谷盆地演化的三个阶段——快速裂陷期、稳定沉降期和裂谷萎缩期,分为3个二级层序。快速裂陷期为二级层序SQ1,发育大量小型地垒—地堑盆地,水体由浅变深,发育滨浅海相—河流—三角洲等沉积;稳定沉降期为二级层序SQ2,盆地连通性加强,形成统一的盆地,发育滨岸—三角洲—浅水陆棚—盆地相;裂谷盖处于裂谷萎缩阶段,受地幔柱冷却,地壳回弹影响,断裂活动减弱并逐渐停止,地层向隆起上超,地层分布范围广,主要发育碳酸盐岩台地相,该阶段构成二级层序SQ3。受到海平面变化、冰川和气候等因素控制,发育13个三级层序,其中冰期发育冰碛岩—盖帽碳酸盐岩的一类特殊三级层序。南华纪末期的Marinoan冰期是全球冰期事件,相应在中国南方扬子地区发育典型的南沱组冰碛岩和陡山沱组白云岩的组合,而塔里木盆地库鲁克塔格地区为特瑞爱肯组冰碛岩之上直接覆盖了扎摩提克组的粉砂岩地层,不发育盖帽碳酸盐岩。这和裂谷体系演化有关,塔里木裂谷盖形成的滞后了约70Ma,冰碛岩沉积之后,水体快速加深,碎屑物质供给充足,没有适合碳酸盐岩的生长环境。通过新元古代裂谷盆地的结构样式和层序地层研究,对认识新元古代构造、沉积环境,和烃源岩、储层的分布等具有重要在指导意义,而不同盆地之间大陆裂解响应过程的差异也是值得深入研究问题。  相似文献   

The Kachchh region of Western India is a pericratonic basin experiencing periodic high magnitude earthquakes events. In 2001 a catastrophic seismic event occurred at Bhuj measuring Mw = 7.7. The epicenters of both the 1956 and 2001 earthquakes were along the Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF), proximal to the eastern end of the Northern Hill Range (NHR). The latter is a topographic expression of an active fault related fold on the hanging wall, and is controlled by a south dipping blind thrust.The present study deals with the eastern sector of NHR and uses optical dating to reconstruct the chronology of tectonically caused incisions. Along the backlimb of the NHR, incision ages on, channel fills and valley fill terraces progressively decrease from  12 ka to 4.3 ka. This age progression along with geomorphic evidences (decrease in topographic relief, drainage capture and drainage migration across the fold nose) suggests an active vertical and lateral fold growth along the KMF. Optical ages suggest that during the Late Holocene, the average uplift rate along the eastern NHR was 10 ± 1 mm/a. Recent GPS based estimates on crustal shortening are  12 mm/a.The KMF and the South Wagad Fault (SWF) represent the bounding faults of a transtensional basin that formed during the initial rifting. This basin is termed as the Samakhiali basin. The compressive stresses on account of structural inversion from normal to reverse phase resulted in lobate-shaped anticlines along KMF and SWF zone. These anticlines subsequently coalesced and formed linked and overlap segments. The present study suggests that eastward lateral deformation across the eastern portion of KMF has continued and has now resulted in its interaction with a left step over transfer fault called the South Wagad Master Fault (SWMF). This implies an increasing transpersional deformation of the Samakhiali basin. We therefore, suggest that the eastward NHR ridge propagation along KMF resulted in the thrust faulting on the south dipping SWMF resulting in the Bhuj 2001 event. The increasing strain on this basin may cause enhanced seismicity in the future along the eastern KMF and Wagad region.  相似文献   

A study concerning the multiplicity character of Vrancea earthquake of March 4, 1977 based on records of the Romanian seismic network is presented. Four separate shocks within a 9 s interval were recognized of which three with M = 6.0–6.9. Some explanations regarding the macroseismic intensity are made. Also analysed are the shaking duration, the influence of the Carpathian Mountains on the shape of the isoseismal curves and the focal mechanism for the first two main shocks.  相似文献   

Tectonics and Petroleum Potential of the East China SeaShelf Rift Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There are two Cenozoic sedimentary basins in the East China Sea. They are the East China Sea shelf basin and the Okinawa Trough basin. The former can be divided into a western and an eastern rift region. The development of the shelf basin underwent continental-margin fault depression, post-rift and then tectonic inversion stages. Available exploration results show that the distribution of source rocks is controlled by the basin architecture and its tectonic evolution. In the Xihu depression, mudstones and coals are the main source rocks. The eastern rift region has good geological conditions for the formation of large oil and gas fields.  相似文献   

Ahadov  Bahruz  Ozturk  Serkan 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(3):2177-2192
Natural Hazards - In this study, a comprehensive statistical analysis was made for different parts of the world. For this purpose, fundamental seismotectonic earthquake parameters such as b-value,...  相似文献   

松辽盆地裂谷期前火山岩与裂谷盆地关系及动力学过程   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘德来 《地质论评》1998,44(2):130-135
松辽盆地存在裂谷期前火山岩,之后上地壳脆性伸展发育半地堑裂谷盆地。裂谷期前火山岩近水平展布于基底之上,裂谷期,沉则分布于半地暂内,两者属于不同构造层。  相似文献   

Diagenesis of the Newark Rift Basin, Eastern North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TABAKH  & SCHREIBER 《Sedimentology》1998,45(5):855-874
Late Triassic nonmarine strata in the Newark Rift Basin, eastern North America, accumulated in a subsiding half-graben prior to opening of the Atlantic Ocean. These strata consist, in ascending order, of the Stockton, Lockatong, and Passaic formations. Although different in specific lithology, these formations all exhibit diagenetic fabrics dominated by authigenic albite and analcime. These same minerals have a similar presence in Late Triassic (Newark Supergroup) strata of other rift-related basins to the north, suggesting that related authigenesis is not simply a result of local diagenetic factors. The basal deposit, the Stockton Formation, is composed of fluvial sandstones and overbank mudstones, with nodular pedogenic calcite (calcrete). During burial, original micrite was first recrystallized into sparry calcite and then later subjected to partial replacement by authigenic albite, which is also present as overgrowths and void fillings in overbank mudstones. The Lockatong Formation contains organic-rich shales, carbonates, and evaporative mudstones deposited under cyclic conditions in laterally extensive lacustrine environments. Analcime comprises up to 40% of these strata by volume, occurring within the matrix, as a replacement of original carbonates and evaporites, and as fillings in macrovoids. The overlying Passaic Formation is made up of massive red mudstones, evaporites, and local calcareous lacustrine sequences. Evaporites are replaced by coarse-grained anhydrite together with some authigenic albite. A central question concerns the source for the Na, Si, and Al required for albite and analcime authigenesis. It is suggested that, in addition to alteration of primary siliciclastic material, sodium in particular was supplied in two ways: (1) from high concentrations in original evaporative brines and groundwaters (Lockatong and Passaic formations); and (2) from dissolution of associated sodium-bearing evaporites (Lockatong and Passaic Formation) during diagenesis. It is proposed here that basin-sourced, Na-enriched brines circulated through the section over time. As albite is more stable at elevated temperatures relative to analcime, it developed in the lowermost strata of the basin (Stockton Formation). Analcime is more prevalent in the overlying Lockatong Formation.  相似文献   

In the Amazonia region, general policy based on sustainable development must be adopted to counterbalance natural conservation and the needs of people. To discuss and monitor the regional development requires a significant variety of spatial data. However, making data available is not simple and various solutions usually are presented in non-standardized and non-interchangeable databases. This paper presents an overview of spatial data available for the Amazonia region, and initiatives of data dissemination systems, considering various geographical scales and data access. From this general perspective, we discuss some ideas about the importance of spatial data for sustainability and suggest interactive systems that could contribute to local development and environmental conservation. The limitation on the promotion of spatial information and data sharing in Amazonia is neither computational nor technological. Rather, it is a matter of informing those who generate the data about the benefits of knowledge as a public good and promoting collaborative work. Creating a convergent spatial consciousness about the territory, and bringing together every environmental player, is a step towards the discussion and planning of the sustainable development of the Amazonia.  相似文献   

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