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We report timing observations on 16 pulsars obtained using the Ooty Radio Telescope operating at 327 MHz. Using these observations, spanning over a year, we have obtained values of period derivatives for the first time and refined the estimates of the periods for all pulsars in this sample. We also report improved positions for all cases where the earlier position estimates had an uncertainty of a few arcmin.  相似文献   

The observed fraction of pulsars with interpulses, their period distribution and the observed pulse width versus pulse period correlation are shown to be inconsistent with a model in which the angle α between the magnetic axis and the rotation axis is random. This conclusion appears to be unavoidable, even when non-circular beams are considered. Allowing the magnetic axis to align from a random distribution at birth with a time-scale of  ∼7 × 107 yr  can, however, explain those observations well. The time-scale derived is consistent with that obtained via independent methods. The probability that a pulsar beam intersects the line of sight is a function of the angle α and therefore beam evolution has important consequences for evolutionary models and for estimations of the total number of neutron stars. The validity of the standard formula for the spin-down rate, which is independent of α, appears to be questionable.  相似文献   

We show that the crust–core interface in neutron stars acts as a potential barrier to the peripheral neutron vortices approaching the interface in the model in which these are coupled to the proton vortex clusters. This elementary barrier arises because of the interaction of vortex magnetic flux with the Meissner currents set up by the crustal magnetic field at the interface. The dominant part of the force is derived from the cluster–interface interaction. As a result of the stopping of the continuous neutron vortex current through the interface, angular momentum is stored in the superfluid layers in the vicinity of the crust–core interface during the interglitch period. Discontinuous annihilation of proton vortices at the boundary restores the neutron vortex current and spins up the observable crust on short time-scales, leading to a glitch in the spin characteristics of a pulsar.  相似文献   

Young, rapidly rotating neutron stars could accelerate ions from their surfaces to energies of ∼1 PeV. If protons reach such energies, they will produce pions (with low probability) through resonant scattering with X-rays from the stellar surface. The pions subsequently decay to produce muon neutrinos. Here, we calculate the energy spectrum of muon neutrinos, and estimate the event rates at Earth. The spectrum consists of a sharp rise at ∼50 TeV, corresponding to the onset of the resonance, above which the flux drops with neutrino energy as  ε−2ν  up to an upper energy cut-off that is determined by either kinematics or the maximum energy to which protons are accelerated. We estimate event rates as high as 10–100 km−2 yr−1 from some candidates, a flux that would be easily detected by IceCube. Lack of detection would allow constraints on the energetics of the poorly understood pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of emission altitudes in very young and very old radio pulsars. The author confirms that the altitudes at which radio emission at a given frequency is generated depend on the pulsar period and age, although the latter dependence is quite weak.  相似文献   

The magnetospheric locations of pulsar radio emission region are not well known. The actual form of the so-called radius-to-frequency mapping should be reflected in the aberration–retardation (A/R) effects that shift and/or delay the photons depending on the emission height in the magnetosphere. Recent studies suggest that in a handful of pulsars the A/R effect can be discerned with respect to the peak of the central core emission region. To verify these effects in an ensemble of pulsars, we launched a project analysing multifrequency total intensity pulsar profiles obtained from the new observations from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT), Arecibo Observatory (AO) and archival European Pulsar Network (EPN) data. For all these profiles, we measure the shift of the outer cone components with respect to the core component, which is necessary for establishing the A/R effect. Within our sample of 23 pulsars, seven show the A/R effects, 12 of them (doubtful cases) show a tendency towards this effect, while the remaining four are obvious counterexamples. The counterexamples and doubtful cases may arise from uncertainties in the determination of the location of the meridional plane and/or the core emission component. Hence, it appears that the A/R effects are likely to operate in most pulsars from our sample. We conclude that in cases where those effects are present the core emission has to originate below the conal emission region.  相似文献   

We explore a simple model for the representation of the observed distributions of the motions, and the characteristic ages of the local population of pulsars. The principal difference from earlier models is the introduction of a unique value,S, for the kick velocity with which pulsars are born. We consider separately the proper motion components in galactic longitude and latitude, and find that the distributions of the velocity components parallel and perpendicular to the galactic plane are represented satisfactorily byS = 200 km/sec, and leave no room for a significant fraction of much higher velocities. The successful proposition of a unique value for the kick velocity may provide an interesting tool in attempts to understand the physical process leading to the expulsion of the neutron star. This paper is an extended analysis of the talk presented by A. Blaauw at the Raman Research Institute on 20th February, 1996.  相似文献   

We report on searches of the globular cluster Terzan 5 for low-luminosity and accelerated radio pulsars using the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. One new millisecond pulsar, designated PSR J1748−2446C, was discovered, having a period of 8.44 ms. Timing measurements using the 76-m Lovell radio telescope at Jodrell Bank show that it is a solitary pulsar and lies close to the core of the cluster. We also present the results of timing measurements which show that the longer period pulsar PSR J1748−2444 (formerly known as PSR B1744−24B) lies 10 arcmin from the core of the cluster and is unlikely to be associated with the cluster. We conclude that there are further pulsars to be detected in the cluster.  相似文献   

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