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Granulite facies anorthosites on Holsenøy Island in the Bergen Arcs region of western Norway are transected by shear zones 0.1–100 m wide characterized by eclogite facies assemblages. Eclogite formation is related to influx of fluid along the shears at temperatures of c. 700d?C and pressures in excess of 1.7 GPa. Combined carbon and nitrogen stable isotope, 40Ar/36Ar, trace-element and petrological data have been used to determine the nature and distribution of fluids across the anorthosite-eclogite transition. A metre-wide drilled section traverses the eclogitic centre of the shear into undeformed granulite facies garnet-clinopyroxene anorthosite. Clinozoisite occurs along grain boundaries and microcracks in undeformed anorthosite up to 1 m from the centre of the shear and clinozoisite increases in abundance as the edge of the shear zone is approached. The eclogite-granulite transition, marked by the appearance of sodic pyroxene and loss of albite, occurs within the most highly sheared section of the traverse. The jadeite-in reaction coincides with increased paragonite activity in mica. The separation between paragonite and clinozoisite reaction fronts can be semiquantitatively modelled assuming advective fluid flow perpendicular to the shear zone. The inner section of the traverse (0.25 m wide) is marked by retrogressive replacement of omphacite by plagioclase + paragonite accompanied by veins of quartz-phengite-plagioclase. C-N-Ar characteristics of fluid inclusions in garnet show that fluids associated with precursor granulite, eclogite and retrogressed eclogite are isotopically distinct. The granulite-eclogite transition coincides with a marked change in CO2 abundance and δ13C (<36ppm, δ13C=-2% in the granulite; <180 ppm, δ13C=-10% in the eclogite). The distribution of Ar indicates mixing between influxed fluid (40Ar/36Ar > 25 times 103) and pre-existing Ar in the granulite (40Ar/36Ar < 8 times 103). δ15N values decrease from +6% in the anorthosite to +3% within the eclogite shear. The central zone of retrogressed eclogite post-dates shearing and is characterised by substantial enrichment of Si, K, Ba and Rb. Fluids are CO2-rich (δ13C ~ -5%) with variable N2 and Ar abundances and isotopic compositions. Both Ar and H2O have penetrated the underformed granulite fabric more than 0.5m beyond the granulite/eclogite transition during eclogite formation. Argon isotopes show a mixing profile consistent with diffusion through an interconnecting H2O-rich fluid network. In contrast, a carbon-isotope front coincides with the deformation boundary layer, indicating that the underformed anorthosite was impervious to CO2-rich fluids. This is consistent with the high dihedral angle of carbonic fluids, and may be interpreted in terms of evolving fluid compositions within the shear zone.  相似文献   

Incipient charnockites have been widely used as evidence for the infiltration of CO2‐rich fluids driving dehydration of the lower crust. Rocks exposed at Kakkod quarry in the Trivandrum Block of southern India allow for a thorough investigation of the metamorphic evolution by preserving not only orthopyroxene‐bearing charnockite patches in a host garnet–biotite felsic gneiss, but also layers of garnet–sillimanite metapelite gneiss. Thermodynamic phase equilibria modelling of all three bulk compositions indicates consistent peak‐metamorphic conditions of 830–925 °C and 6–9 kbar with retrograde evolution involving suprasolidus decompression at high temperature. These models suggest that orthopyroxene was most likely stabilized close to the metamorphic peak as a result of small compositional heterogeneities in the host garnet–biotite gneiss. There is insufficient evidence to determine whether the heterogeneities were inherited from the protolith or introduced during syn‐metamorphic fluid flow. U–Pb geochronology of monazite and zircon from all three rock types constrains the peak of metamorphism and orthopyroxene growth to have occurred between the onset of high‐grade metamorphism at c. 590 Ma and the onset of melt crystallization at c. 540 Ma. The majority of metamorphic zircon growth occurred during protracted melt crystallization between c. 540 and 510 Ma. Melt crystallization was followed by the influx of aqueous, alkali‐rich fluids likely derived from melts crystallizing at depth. This late fluid flow led to retrogression of orthopyroxene, the observed outcrop pattern and to the textural and isotopic modification of monazite grains at c. 525–490 Ma.  相似文献   

We present high spatial resolution ion-microprobe U–Th–Pb geochronology and rare earth element (REE) data combined with cathodoluminescence (CL) and back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging for complex zircons in incipient charnockites from Söndrum, SW Sweden. Examination of closely paired samples across the dehydration zone demonstrates that incipient charnockite formation at Söndrum is a zircon-forming process. We determined the age of the dehydration event (i.e. charnockitisation) to 1,397 ± 4 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 1.7). This is the first successful attempt to date incipient charnockite formation using U–Pb systematics of zircon. Internal structure, chemical and isotopic characteristics of zircon indicate that the granitic pegmatite in the core of the incipient charnockite is a melting zone. Commonly observed bulk rock HREE depletion in incipient charnockites is not caused by zircon dissolution but by involvement of garnet as a reactant in the dehydration reactions. Moreover, REE patterns of the newly formed zircon are HREE-enriched, indicating non-concurrent growth and suggesting that the degree of charnockite depletion in HREE might be controlled by the volume of newly formed zircon.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluid inclusion studies of rocks from the late Archaean amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies transition zone of southern India provide support for the hypothesis that CO2,-rich H2O-poor fluids were a major factor in the origin of the high-grade terrain. Charnockites, closely associated leucogranites and quartzo-feldspathic veins contain vast numbers of large CO2-rich inclusions in planar arrays in quartz and feldspar, whereas amphibole-bearing gray gneisses of essentially the same compositions as adjacent charnockites in mixed-facies quarries contain no large fluid inclusions. Inclusions in the northernmost incipient charnockites, as at Kabbal, Karnataka, occasionally contain about 25 mol. % of immiscible H2O lining cavity walls, whereas inclusions from the charnockite massif terrane farther south do not have visibile H2O Microthermometry of CO2 inclusions shows that miscible CH4 and N2 must be small, probably less than 10mol.%combined. Densities of CO2 increase steadily from north to south across the transitional terrane. Entrapment pressures calculated from the CO2 equation of state range from 5 kbar in the north to 7.5 kbar in the south at the mineralogically inferred average metamorphic temperature of 750°C, in quantitative agreement with mineralogic geobarometry. This agreement leads to the inference that the fluid inclusions were trapped at or near peak metamorphic conditions. Calculations on the stability of the charnockite assemblage biotite-orthopyroxene-K-feldspar-quartz show that an associated fluid phase must have less than 0.35 H2O activity at the inferred P and T conditions, which agrees with the petrographic observations. High TiO2 content of biotite stabilizes it to lower H2O activities, and the steady increase of biotite TiO2 southward in the area suggests progressive decrease of aH2O with increasing grade. Oxygen fugacities calculated from orthopyroxene-magnetite-quartz are considerably higher than the graphite CO2-O2 buffer, which explains the absence of graphite in the charnockites. The present study quantifies the nature of the vapours in the southern India granulite metamorphism. It remains to be determined whether CO2-flushing of the crust can, by itself, create large terranes of largeion lithophile-depleted granulites, or whether removal of H2O-bearing anatectic melts is essential.  相似文献   

The enderbites from Tromøy in the central, granulite facies part of the Proterozoic Bamble sector of southern Norway contain dominantly CO2 and N2 fluid inclusions. CO2 from fluid inclusions in quartz segregations in enderbites was extracted by mechanical (crushing) and thermal decrepitation and the δ13C measured. Measurement was also made on samples washed in 10% HCl, oxidized with CuO at high temperatures, and step-wise extracted with progressive heating. Results between the different techniques are systematic. The main results show δ13C of -4.5±1.5% for crushing and -7±2% for thermal decrepitation. δ13C is about constant for CO2 extracted at different temperatures and points to a homogeneous isotopic composition. Due to the presence of carbonate particles and/or induced contaminations for the extraction by thermal decrepitation, the results for the crushing experiments are assumed the most reliable for fluid-inclusion CO2. Very low values of δ13C have not been found in enderbite samples and δ13C combined with δ18O of the host quartzes (8-11%) indicates juvenile values. In addition, the fluid inclusions were examined by microthermometry and Raman analysis and host quartz by acoustic emission and cathodoluminescence. CO2 fluid inclusions have varying densities with a frequency maximum of 0.92 g cm-3 and generally do not concur with trapping densities at granulite conditions. Textures show that CO2 must have been trapped in fluid inclusions in one early event, but transformed to different extents during late isothermal uplift without important fractionation of isotope compositions. The present data support a model of intrusion and crystallization of a CO2-rich enderbitic magma at granuiite conditions.  相似文献   

Vein-controlled retrograde infiltration of H2O-CO2 fluids into Dalradian epidote amphibolite facies rocks of the SW Scottish Highlands under greenschist facies conditions resulted in alteration of calcite-rich marble bands to dolomite and spatially associated 18O enrichment of about 10%. on a scale of metres. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the retrograde fluid was an H2O-salt mixture with a low CO2 content, and that the temperature of the fluid was about 400d? C. Detailed petrographic and textural (backscattered electron imaging) studies at one garnet-grade locality show that advection of fluid into marbles proceeded by a calcite-calcite grain edge flow mechanism, while alteration of non-carbonate wall-rock is associated with veinlets and microcracks. Stable isotopic analysis of carbonates from marble bands provides evidence for advection of isotopic fronts through carbonate wall-rocks perpendicular to dolomite veins, and fluid fluxes in the range 2.4–28.6 m3/m2 have been computed from measured advection distances. Coincidence of isotope and reaction fronts is considered to result from reaction-enhanced kinetics of isotope exchange at the reaction front. Front advection distances are related to the proportion of calcite to quartz in each marble band, with the largest advection distance occurring in nearly pure calcite matrix. This relationship indicates that fluid flow in carbonates is only possible along fluid-calcite-calcite grain edges. However, experimental constraints on dihedral angles in calcite-fluid systems require that pervasive infiltration occurred in response to calcite dissolution initiated at calcite-calcite grain junctions rather than to an open calcite pore geometry. The regional extent of the retrograde infiltration event has been documented from the high δ18O of dolomite-ankerite carbonates from veins and host-rocks over an area of least 50 × 50 km in the SW Scottish Highlands. Isotopically exotic 18O-rich retrograde fluids have moved rapidly upwards through the crust, inducing isotopic exchange and mineral reaction in wall-rocks only where lithology, pore geometry or mineral solubilities, pressure and temperature have been appropriate for pervasive infiltration to occur.  相似文献   

Abstract Granulite facies marbles from the Upper Calcsilicate Unit of the Reynolds Range, central Australia, contain metre-scale wollastonite-bearing layers formed by infiltration of water-rich (XCO2= 0.1–0.3) fluids close to the peak of regional metamorphism at c. 700° C. Within the wollastonite marbles, zones that contain <10% wollastonite alternate on a millimetre scale with zones containing up to 66% wollastonite. Adjacent wollastonite-free marbles contain up to 11% quartz that is uniformly distributed. This suggests that, although some wollastonite formed by the reaction calcite + quartz = wollastonite + CO2, the wollastonite-rich zones also underwent silica metasomatism. Time-integrated fluid fluxes required to cause silica metasomatism are one to two orders of magnitude higher than those required to hydrate the rocks, implying that time-integrated fluid fluxes varied markedly on a millimetre scale. Interlayered millimetre -to centimetre-thick marls within the wollastonite marbles contain calcite + quartz without wollastonite. These marls were probably not infiltrated by significant volumes of water-rich fluids, providing further evidence of local fluid channelling. Zones dominated by grandite garnet at the margins of the marl layers and marbles in the wollastonite-bearing rocks probably formed by Fe metasomatism, and may record even higher fluid fluxes. The fluid flow also reset stable isotope ratios. The wollastonite marbles have average calcite (Cc) δ18O values of 15.4 ± 1.6% that are lower than the average δ18O(Cc) value of wollastonite-free marbles (c. 17.2 ± 1.2%). δ13C(Cc) values for the wollastonite marbles vary from 0.4% to as low as -5.3%, and correlations between δ18O(Cc) and δ13C(Cc) values probably result from the combination of fluid infiltration and devolatilization. Fluids were probably derived from aluminous pegmatites, and the pattern of mineralogical and stable isotope resetting implies that fluid flow was largely parallel to strike.  相似文献   

Large amounts of fluid, bound up in the hydrated upper layers of the ocean crust, are consumed at convergent margins and released in subduction zones through devolatilization. The liberated fluids may play an integral role in subduction zone processes, including the generation of arc-magmas. However, exhumed subduction zone rocks often record little evidence of large-scale fluid flow, especially at deeper levels within the subduction zone. Basaltic pillows from the high-pressure Corsican and Zermatt-Saas ophiolites show a range of δ18O values that overall reflect seafloor alteration prior to subduction. However, comparison between the δ18O values of the cores and rims of the pillows suggests that the δ18O values of the pillow rims at least have been modified during subduction and high-pressure metamorphism. Pillows that have not undergone high-pressure metamorphism generally have rims with higher δ18O values than their cores, whereas the converse is the case in pillows that have undergone high-pressure metamorphism. This reversal in the core to rim oxygen isotope relationship between unmetamorphosed and metamorphosed pillows is strong evidence for fluid–rock interaction occurring during subduction and high-pressure metamorphism. However, the preservation of different δ18O values in the cores and rims of individual pillows and within and between different pillows suggests that fluid flow within the subduction zone was strongly channelled. Resetting of the δ18O values in the pillow rims was probably due to fluid-hosted diffusion that occurred over relatively short time-scales (<1 Myr).  相似文献   

One-dimensional advection-dispersion models predict that characteristic δ18O vs. distance and δ18O vs. δ13C profiles should be produced during isothermal metamorphic fluid flow under equilibrium conditions. However, the patterns of isotopic resetting in rocks that have experienced fluid flow are often different from the predictions. Two-dimensional advection-dispersion simulations in systems with simple geometries suggest that such differences may be as a result of fluid channelling and need not indicate disequilibrium, high dispersivities, or polythermal flow. The patterns of isotopic resetting are a function of: (1) the permeability contrast between more permeable layers ('channels') and less permeable layers ('matrix'); (2) the width and spacing of the channels; (3) the width and spacing of discrete fractures; and (4) the orientation of the pressure gradient with respect to layering. In fractured systems, the efficiency of isotopic transport depends on the fracture aperture and the permeability of the surrounding rock. Resetting initially occurs along and immediately adjacent to the fractures, but with time isotopic resetting because of flow through the rock as a whole increases in importance. Application of the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equations to metamorphic fluid flow systems may yield incorrect estimates of fluid fluxes, intrinsic permeabilities, dispersivities, and permeability contrasts unless fluid flow occurred through zones of high permeability that were separated by relatively impermeable layers.  相似文献   

The development of shear zones at mid‐crustal levels in the Proterozoic Willyama Supergroup was synchronous with widespread fluid flow resulting in albitization and calcsilicate alteration. Monazite dating of shear zone fabrics reveal that they formed at 1582 ± 22 Ma, at the end of the Olarian D3 deformational event and immediately prior to the emplacement of regional S‐type granites. Two stages of fluid flow are identified in the area: first an albitizing event which involved the addition of Na and loss of Si, K and Fe; and a second phase of calcsilicate alteration with additions of Ca, Fe, Mg and Si and removal of Na. Fluid fluxes calculated for albitization and calcsilicate alteration were 5.56 × 109 to 1.02 × 1010 mol m?2 and 2.57 × 108–5.20 × 109 mol m?2 respectively. These fluxes are consistent with estimates for fluid flow through mid‐crustal shear zones in other terranes. The fluids associated with shearing and alteration are calculated to have δ18O and δD values ranging between +8 and +11‰, and ?33 and ?42‰, respectively, and ?Nd values between ?2.24 and ?8.11. Our results indicate that fluids were derived from metamorphic dehydration of the Willyama Supergroup metasediments. Fluid generation occurred during prograde metamorphism of deeper crustal rocks at or near peak pressure conditions. Shear zones acted as conduits for major crustal fluid flow to shallow levels where peak metamorphic conditions had been attained earlier leading to the apparent ‘retrograde’ fluid‐flow event. Thus, the peak metamorphism conditions at upper and lower crustal levels were achieved at differing times, prior to regional granite formation, during the same orogenic cycle leading to the formation of retrograde mineral assemblages during shearing.  相似文献   

钱台子金矿床是一个产于皖东蚌埠隆起区东端的石英脉型小型矿床,矿体主要赋存于变质结晶基底五河岩群中,受张扭性断裂控制。本文通过对不同阶段石英进行系统的包裹体岩相学观察、显微测温、激光拉曼探针及氢氧同位素分析,探讨了该矿床的流体来源及矿床成因。结果表明,钱台子金矿床流体包裹体有纯CO2型、CO2—H2O型和H2O—NaCl型3种,包裹体均一温度集中在286~385℃,w(NaCl, eqv)=4.80%~12.56%,平均8.29%;不同阶段石英的δ18OV-SMOW变化范围为9.0×10-3~15.2×10-3,对应的δ18O变化范围为2.12×10-3~9.70×10-3;各成矿期流体密度集中于0.63~0.84 g/cm3之间,均一压力为163~178 MPa,成矿深度<6 km;成矿早期流体属于中高温、低盐度、低密度的CO2—H2O—NaCl变质流体,后期有岩浆水参与。钱台子金矿床形成于扬子克拉通沿NW方向俯冲于华北克拉通之下的造山期后持续伸展背景下的拆沉作用和壳幔相互作用所导致的大规模岩浆活动。  相似文献   

陕西旬阳盆地南缘是南秦岭中部重要的铅锌成矿带,带内发育一大批赋存在志留系中的铅锌矿床。为了进一步厘清区域内铅锌成矿的物质来源和成因机制,文章选取区内典型的关子沟铅锌矿床开展流体包裹体和H-O-S-Pb同位素研究。关子沟铅锌矿体主要以层状、似层状赋存于双河镇组二段和三段千枚岩地层中,根据矿物组构和穿插关系,将成矿过程划分为3个阶段:石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ阶段)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅱ阶段)和石英-碳酸盐(Ⅲ阶段)。其中,Ⅱ阶段原生流体包裹体均一温度为215~393℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为2.2‰~10.1‰; Ⅲ阶段均一温度为124~255℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为1.8‰~6.6‰,具有中高温、中低盐度的成矿流体特征。石英H-O同位素结果(δ18OH2O值为6‰~10.9‰,δD值为-82.9‰~-73.6‰)显示成矿流体主要为海水和有机水,伴有大气降水的混合。原位S同位素显示硫化物δ34S值变化范围为4.63‰~8.73‰,暗示主要硫化物的S源于海相硫酸盐的热化学还原,志留系黑色岩系中的有机质提供了还原剂。矿石硫化物的206Pb/204Pb为17.8254~17.9470,207Pb/204Pb为15.6233~15.6396,208Pb/204Pb为38.1706~38.3143,指示Pb主要源于沉积盖层。综合矿床地质特征、流体包裹体及H、O、S、Pb同位素特征,认为关子沟矿床为热水沉积成因,志留系裂陷盆地内热水沉积作用控制着铅锌成矿过程。  相似文献   

Centimetre‐ to decimetre‐wide quartz+calcite veins in schistes lustrés from Alpine Corsica were formed during exhumation at 30–40 Ma following blueschist facies metamorphism. The δ18O and δ13C values of the veins overlap those of the host schistes lustrés, and the δ18O values of the veins are much higher than those of other rocks on Corsica. These data suggest that the vein‐forming fluids were derived from the schistes lustrés. Fluids were probably generated by reactions that broke down carpholite, lawsonite, chlorite and white mica at 300–350 °C during decompression between c. 1400 and 800 MPa. However, the δ18O values of the veins are locally several per mil higher than expected given those of their host rocks. The magnitude of oxygen isotope disequilibrium between the veins and the host rock is inversely proportional to the δ18O value of the host rock. Additionally, calcite in some schists is in isotopic equilibrium with calcite in adjacent veins, but not with the silicate fraction of the schists. Locally, the schists are calcite bearing only within 1–20 cm of the veins. The vein‐forming fluids may have been preferentially derived from calcite‐bearing, high‐δ18O rocks that are common within the schistes lustrés and that locally contain abundant (>15%) veins. If the fluids were unable to completely isotopically equilibrate with the rocks, due to relatively rapid flow at moderate temperatures or being confined to fractures, they could form veins with higher δ18O values than those of the surrounding rocks. Alteration of the host rocks was probably inhibited by isolation of the fluid in ‘quartz‐armoured’ veins. Overall, the veins represent a metre‐ to hectometre‐scale fluid‐flow system confined to within the schistes lustrés unit, with little input from external sources. This fluid‐flow system is one of several that operated in the western Alps during exhumation following high‐pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

This study investigates the covariation between carbonate and organic δ13C values in a proximal to distal transect of four outcrops in the Madison Limestone in the Western United States Rockies, combined with δ34S values of carbonate associated sulphate, the concentration of acid‐insoluble material and measurements of total organic carbon. These new geochemical datasets not only allow for an evaluation of carbon isotope covariance during one of the largest perturbations to the global carbon cycle over the past 550 Myr, but also constrain the cause of the excursion in carbonate δ13C values. The results support the hypothesis that a period of anoxia did not play a role in generating the positive carbonate δ13C values, but rather favour interpretations by previous workers that the proliferation of land plants destabilized the Carboniferous carbon cycle, setting the stage for a significant change in the carbonate δ13C values of contemporaneous marine carbonates. These results also demonstrate that one of the largest perturbations to the global carbon cycle did not produce synchronous variations in carbonate and organic δ13C values, emphasizing the importance of local depositional controls on carbon isotope covariance in the geological record in both modern and ancient environments.  相似文献   

The regional geologic setting of the Adycha-Taryn metallogenic zone, one of the areas most productive for noble-metal mineralization in northeastern Russia, is discussed. The intricate metallogenic history of the zone and the prolonged geodynamic activity of its ore-hosting structures are documented. Different types of mineralization, such as hydrothermal-metamorphogenic, gold-bismuth, gold-quartz, gold-antimony, and silver-antimony, are described. New data on the isotopic compositions of oxygen in quartz, sulfur in sulfides, and oxygen and carbon in carbonates from different mineralization types are presented. The early metamorphogenic quartz beyond the ore zones has δ18O = + 20.1 ± 2.0‰. At the gold-bismuth deposits, the δ18O values of quartz are within the narrow range of + 12.5 ± 0.4‰. Quartz from the gold-quartz mineralization shows much wider variation in δ18O values, from + 14.2 to + 19.5‰. A similar range (δ18O = + 16.1 to + 19.2‰) is observed for the gold-antimony mineralization. Cryptograined quartz from the silver-antimony mineralization is enriched in light oxygen isotopes (δ18O = -3.2 to + 4.7‰). The following δ34S values (‰) have been established in sulfides of mineralization of different types: gold-bismuth -3.7 to -2.2 (Apy) and -6.7 to -6.8 (Py); gold-quartz -2.1 to + 2.4 (Apy), -6.6 to + 5.4 (Py), and -6.1 to + 4.2 (St); gold-antimony -2.0 to + 1.6 (Apy), -3.5 to + 2.1 (Py), and -5.3 to + 0.2 (St); and silver-antimony -2.0 to -1.9 (Apy), -2.2 ± 0.1 (Py), and -5.7 to -5.6 (St). The δ13C and δ18O values are contrasting in the studied types of mineralization, varying respectively from -6.9 to -5.9‰ and from + 2.1 to + 5.7‰ (gold-bismuth), from -9.1 to -6.1‰ and from + 12.4 to 18.7‰ (gold-quartz), from -12.1 to -9.5‰ and from + 15.0 to + 16.3‰ (gold-antimony), from -11.6 to -11.1‰ and from + 1.5 to + 4.7‰ (silver-antimony). Metamorphogenic calcites are rich in both heavy C (-1.1 to -1.7‰) and heavy O (+ 20.3 to + 20.5‰) isotopes. Microthermometric study and crush-leach analysis of fluid inclusions have revealed differences in the composition of ore-forming fluids and formation conditions for different types of mineralization. The isotopic compositions of O, C, and S of mineral-forming fluids suggest a significant input of magmatic fluids to the formation of gold-bismuth and gold-antimony deposits, the contribution of metamorphic fluids increases at gold-quartz deposits, and meteoric water is involved in the formation of silver-antimony deposits.  相似文献   

Fluid flow at greenschist facies conditions during exhumation of the western Alps occurred in several penecontemporaneous systems, including shear zones at lithological contacts, deformed contacts between serpentinite bodies and metabasalts, albite veins within metabasalts, and calcite + quartz veins within calcareous schists. Fluid flow in shear zones that juxtapose metasediments and ophiolitic rocks within the Piemonte Unit reset O and H isotope ratios. δ18O values are buffered by the wall rocks; however, calculated fluid δ2H values are similar within all the shear zones suggesting that they formed an interconnected network. The similarity of δ2H values of the sheared rocks and those of unsheared calcareous schists suggests that the fluids were derived from, or had equilibrated with, the schists that envelop the ophiolite rocks. Time‐integrated fluid fluxes at the sheared contacts estimated from changes in Si in metabasalts were up to 105 m3 m?2, with the fluid flowing up temperature driven either by topography or seismic pumping. Individual shear zones were active for c. 2–3 Myr, implying average fluid fluxes of up to 10?9 m3 m?2 s?1. Rocks in shear zones within the ophiolite away from contacts with the metasediments show much less marked isotopic and geochemical changes, implying that fluid volumes decreased into the ophiolite unit, consistent with the source of fluids being the metasediments. Fluids were generated by dehydration reactions that were intersected during exhumation and, while many rocks show the affects of fluid–rock interaction, large‐scale fluid flow between major units was not common.  相似文献   

薛春纪  池国祥  薛伟 《矿床地质》2010,29(1):134-142
鄂尔多斯盆地内的铀矿床多产在盆地的边部,并主要以侏罗系直罗组砂岩为主岩,铀矿体与从红色到绿-绿灰色、从氧化向还原过渡带中的热液蚀变密切相关。与铀矿化有关的后生矿物内流体包裹体研究曾得出60~180℃指示埋藏或热液环境的均一温度。铀矿化共生方解石和高岭石的C、H、O同位素组成研究表明,热液方解石的δ13CV-PDB为-14.0‰~2.7‰、铀成矿流体的δDV-SMOW和δ18OV-SMOW分别是-130‰~-94‰和-9.1‰~4.8‰,C和H同位素组成指示出大量C和H来自烃类的氧化。盆地内流体流动的数值模拟表明,在侏罗纪-白垩纪盆地边缘相对抬升和盆地内地层轻微变倾过程中,发育出2种流体流动系统,即渗出流和渗入流。渗出流系统受盆地上覆沉积压实作用产生的超压驱动,起源于盆地下部,从盆地中心下部流向盆地边缘浅部;渗入流系统受重力驱动,从盆地边缘向下流向盆地中心。笔者认为铀矿化的定位与这2种流体系统的混合过程密切相关,从侏罗系—白垩系渗滤出来的U6+被渗入的雨水流体搬运,当与渗出的富烃盆地流体相遇时,烃类将U6+还原为U4+,并在2种流体系统的过渡带铀矿物沉淀。2种流体系统间过渡带的位置受地形起伏大小控制。在白垩纪末...  相似文献   

Orogenic gold mineralization in the Amalia greenstone belt is hosted by oxide facies banded iron-formation (BIF). Hydrothermal alteration of the BIF layers is characterized by chloritization, carbonatization, hematization and pyritization, and quartz-carbonate veins that cut across the layers. The alteration mineral assemblages consist of ankerite-ferroan dolomite minerals, siderite, chlorite, hematite, pyrite and subordinate amounts of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. Information on the physico-chemical properties of the ore-forming fluids and ambient conditions that promoted gold mineralization at Amalia were deduced from sulfur, oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios, and fluid inclusions from quartz-carbonate samples associated with the gold mineralization.Microthermometric and laser Raman analyses indicated that the ore-forming fluid was composed of low salinity H2O-CO2 composition (~3 wt% NaCl equiv.). The combination of microthermometric data and arsenopyrite-pyrite geothermometry suggest that quartz-carbonate vein formation, gold mineralization and associated alteration of the proximal BIF wall rock occurred at temperature-pressure conditions of 300 ± 30 °C and ∼2 kbar. Thermodynamic calculations at 300 °C suggest an increase in fO2 (10−32–10−30 bars) and corresponding decrease in total sulfur concentration (0.002–0.001 m) that overlapped the pyrite-hematite-magnetite boundary during gold mineralization. Although hematite in the alteration assemblage indicate oxidizing conditions at the deposit site, the calculated low fO2 values are consistent with previously determined high Fe/Fe + Mg ratios (>0.7) in associated chlorite, absence of sulfates and restricted positive δ34S values in associated pyrite. Based on the fluid composition, metal association and physico-chemical conditions reported in the current study, it is confirmed that gold in the Amalia fluid was transported as reduced bisulfide complexes (e.g., Au(HS)2). At Amalia, gold deposition was most likely a combined effect of increase in fO2 corresponding to the magnetite-hematite buffer, and reduction in total sulfur contents due to sulfide precipitation during progressive fluid-rock interaction.The epigenetic features coupled with the isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluid (δ34SΣS = +1.8 to +2.3‰, δ18OH2O = +6.6 to +7.9‰, and δ13CΣC = −6.0 to −7.7‰ at 300–330 °C) are consistent with an externally deep-sourced fluid of igneous signature or/and prograde metamorphism of mantle-derived rocks.  相似文献   

哇了格铅银矿床位于西藏昌都市卡若区北东(5°)约150km处,矿区出露地层主要为上三叠统,含矿层位为甲丕拉组灰岩段第2亚段(T3j2-2)。矿区无岩浆岩出露,构造以断裂为主,构造行迹主要为北西向。共圈定7个工业矿体,Pb资源量(50.4×107 kg)以及伴生Ag资源量(580×103 kg)均达到大型矿床规模。本文在详细的矿床地质研究基础上,通过流体包裹体和C-O-S-Pb同位素地球化学研究,探讨该矿床的成矿流体性质和成矿物质来源,以期为理解该矿床成因提供更加丰富的地球化学信息。研究结果表明:1)该矿床明显受地层和构造控制;2)成矿温度主要集中在130~180℃,盐度集中于6%~17%,具低温、中低盐度特征;3)赋矿沉积岩和热液碳酸盐矿物的C-O同位素组成(分别为-2.7‰~4.3‰和2.6‰~4.0‰)与正常海相碳酸盐岩相当,暗示其来源于赋矿围岩,方铅矿的S同位素组成介于-3.8‰~1.6‰,与幔源硫(-3‰~3‰)颇为相似,但考虑到矿区无岩浆活动,而沉积地层的δ34S值为...  相似文献   

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