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人类活动对湖泊环境变化的影响是目前全球变化研究的热点之一.识别水体中人为氮源的贡献对于研究人类活动对湖泊环境变化的影响十分重要.稳定氮同位素组成(δ15N)是水环境中人为氮源的有效示踪剂.太湖是我国典型的大型浅水富营养湖泊,位于人口稠密、经济发达的长江三角洲地区,是研究人类活动对水环境影响的理想对象.太湖水体δ15N值的空间分异规律大致反映了不同湖区人类活动影响水环境的方式,上游宜兴小流域及河口主要受农业活动影响,胥口湾和东太湖则主要是水产养殖的贡献,梅梁湾受城市生活污水影响较大.而且水体δ15N值的水平反映了人类活动的影响从南部湖区到北部湖区逐渐加强的趋势,表现为南部河口—东太湖—梅梁湾不同水体从草型水体到藻型水体δ15N值增加的趋势.另外,夏季(6月)太湖水体δ15N值的变化响应于初级生产力的变化,体现了生物作用的影响.在蓝藻水华暴发时期,利用水体δ15N值识别人为氮源的结果可能会受到生物过程的干扰. 相似文献
为研究太湖春季浮游植物群落氮吸收特征及其与浮游植物群落结构和环境因子的关系,于2010年5月中旬采集太湖6个点位水样,利用15N稳定同位素示踪技术,测定太湖浮游植物群落对硝态氮,铵态氮和尿素的吸收,结果表明:太湖浮游植物群落对铵态氮的吸收速率均值最高,占几种氮总吸收量p(DN)的62.8%,各点位值在0.181 -1.... 相似文献
浮游植物对氮的吸收与其生长繁殖密切相关,太湖梅梁湾湖区蓝藻水华频频暴发,对该水域浮游植物氮吸收进行研究具有重要意义.本文分别在冬、春、夏、秋4个季节于梅梁湾采样,对水体常规理化指标和浮游植物群落结构进行分析,并利用 15N稳定同位素示踪技术研究了浮游植物对铵态氮(NH 4+-N)、硝态氮(NO 3--N)和尿素态氮(Urea-N)吸收的动力学特征.结果表明,太湖梅梁湾浮游植物群落除了秋季对NH 4+-N的吸收不符合米氏方程外,其余均符合.冬季和春季3种形态氮最大吸收速率( Vmax)的大小依次为:NH 4+-N > NO 3--N > Urea-N,而夏季为:NH 4+-N > Urea-N > NO 3--N.3种形态氮 Vmax的季节变化规律为夏季 > 秋季 > 春季 > 冬季. Vmax在不同季节以及不同形态氮之间的差异性可能与浮游植物群落组成以及水体中NH 4+-N浓度不同有关.浮游植物对NH 4+-N吸收的 KS值在冬、春季高于夏季,对Urea-N吸收的 Ks值则在夏、秋季高于冬、春季,而对NO 3--N吸收的 Ks值则在夏季显著高于其他3个季节.冬季和春季梅梁湾浮游植物群落最容易受到NO 3--N限制,而最不容易受到Urea-N的限制;而夏季,则最容易受到NO 3--N限制,而最不容易受到NH 4+-N的限制,且浮游植物群落对NH 4+-N的亲和力最高.与NO 3--N相比,秋季浮游植物更容易受到Urea-N的限制.不同季节,容易对浮游植物产生限制作用的氮的形态不同. 相似文献
植物枯落物分解是维持湿地生态系统能量流动、物质循环和养分平衡的关键生态过程。于2017年11月-2018年4月在鄱阳湖湿地开展野外原位分解实验。利用分解袋法对3种优势植物芦苇( Phragmites australis)、南荻( Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和薹草( Carex cinerascens)枯落物纤维素和木质素分解过程和δ 13C、δ 15N分异特征开展了模拟实验研究。结果表明: 芦苇、南荻和薹草枯落物的纤维素和木质素的分解速率、干物质残留率以及δ 13C、δ 15N差异性极显著,造成这种差异的主要原因是不同种类植物枯落初始化学特性的不同,尤其是C/N和木质素/N的不同。枯落物中纤维素和木质素的分解速率都表现芦苇最大,薹草次之,南荻最小。Olson负指数衰减模型能非常好地模拟和预测3种植物枯落物的分解过程。伴随分解过程,3种植物枯落物δ 13C上下波动,总体上呈显著降低的趋势,而δ 15N则都呈现波动性的略有升高趋势,这说明在枯落物分解过程的不同阶段内,受枯落物基质质量和微生物代谢活动的双重影响, 13C与 15N既有释放也有富集。δ 13C与枯落物纤维素和木质素分解速率都有极显著的正相关关系。δ 15N与分解速率相关性不显著,这说明除了氮元素的迁移转化外,还有其他因素影响δ 15N的变化。本研究有助于加深枯落物分解过程中基质质量调控机制的认识,深化对鄱阳湖湿地生物地球化学循环过程的科学理解。 相似文献
高等水生植物的稳定碳、氮同位素能够反映其生理生态学信息.从太湖贡湖湾和梅梁湾采集高等水生植物,分析两湖湾高等水生植物的稳定碳、氮同位素值时空变化和种类差异.结果显示:水生植物的稳定碳、氮同位素值因时间、空间和种类而发生变化,总体上时间变化规律不明显,空间变化有一定规律性:梅梁湾中穗花狐尾藻、马来眼子菜、苦草、凤眼莲的δ~(15)N明显高于贡湖湾,挺水植物芦苇的δ~(15)N差异不显著,反映了梅梁湾较贡湖湾有较高的营养水平;贡湖湾中穗花狐尾藻、苦草的δ~(13)C显著高于梅梁湾,其它种类没有显著差异.从种类特征来看,贡湖湾和梅梁湾浮叶植物与挺水植物芦苇、凤眼莲、菱的δ~(13)C偏低,而微齿眼子菜、金鱼藻、马来眼子菜、苦草、伊乐藻、穗花狐尾藻等沉水植物的δ~(13)C值较高,这与它们所处的环境和碳源有关. 相似文献
水华和水生高等植物的识别对于内陆水质遥感监测至关重要,其分布状况既可以用于表征水牛植物的分布状况,从而间接反映水质分布状况,又可以进一步利用非水华和水草的水体遥感数据进行水质参数反演.然而,常用的多光谱遥感数据很难精确识别水华和水草,只有高光谱遥感数据才能够捕捉水华、水草和水体细致的光谱差异,从而对水华和水草进行精确识别.但是目前还缺乏基于高光谱遥感数据的水华和水草识别的系统性研究.以太湖为研究区,于2006年7月和10月开展了2次水面光谱测量实验,获取了水华、浮叶植物、沉水植物和水体的反射率光谱.在光谱分析的基础上,首先建它了4种光谱指数,进而利用这4种光谱指数建立了水华、浮叶植物、沉水植物和水体的判别公式,并利用2006年10月水面实验测量的光谱数据训练得到了判别公式中的阈值.通过2006年7月水面实验测量的光谱数据的检验,证明提出的判别公式能够很好的识别水华和水草,获得了较高的识别精度. 相似文献
为重建湖泊水生植被,改善太湖局部水域水质,在太湖康山湾示范区两个大型围隔进行了两种类型水生植物重建.通过2010年8月-2011年8月的现场采样及分析测定发现,人工控制条件下,浮叶植物荇菜和菱以及沉水植物马来眼子菜的重建效果较好,在其生长季节具有较高的覆盖度;研究表明,控制风浪及提高透明度是恢复水生植被的前提;植被重建区沉水植物氮、磷含量与浮叶植物差别不大,但浮叶植物重建区水体氮、磷浓度的控制比沉水植物重建区好;从经济及水环境效益角度来看,太湖敞水区的沿岸带由于风浪的控制比较困难,恢复水生植被时,应选择浮叶植物荇菜、菱、沉水植物马来眼子菜等抗风浪能力强的物种.本研究为太湖敞水区沿岸带的生态恢复方案制定提供了理论依据. 相似文献
In this paper, Lake Taihu, a large shallow freshwater lake in China, is chosen as an example of reconstruction of eutrophication through the comparison between stable isotopes from dissolved nutrients and plants and water column nutrient parameters and integration of multiple proxies in a sediment core from Meiliang Bay including TN, TP, TOC, C/N, δ
15N, δ
13C, etc. Differences in aquatic plant species and trophic status between East Taihu Bay and Meiliang Bay are indicated by their variations in δ
13C and δ
15N of aquatic plants and δ
15N of NH4
+. A significant influence of external nutrient inputs on Meiliang Bay is reflected in temporal changes in δ
15N of NH4
+ and hydro-environmental parameters. The synchronous change between δ
13C and δ
15N values of sedimented organic matter (OM) has been attributed to elevated primary production at the beginning of eutrophication between 1950 and 1990, then recent inverse correlation between them has been caused by the uptake of 15N-enriched inorganic nitrogen by phytoplankton grown under eutrophication and subsequent OM decomposition and denitrification in surface sediments, indicating that the lake has suffered from progressive eutrophication since 1990. Based on the use of a combination of stable isotopes and elemental geochemistry, the eutrophication of Meiliang Bay in Lake Taihu could be better traced. These transitions of the lake eutrophication respectively occurring in the 1950s and 1990s have been suggested as a reflection of growing impacts of human activities, which is coincident with the instrumental data. 相似文献
In this paper, Lake Taihu, a large shallow freshwater lake in China, is chosen as an example of reconstruction of eutrophication through the comparison between stable isotopes from dissolved nutrients and plants and water column nutrient parameters and integration of multiple proxies in a sediment core from Meiliang Bay including TN, TP, TOC, C/N, δ 15N, δ 13C, etc. Differences in aquatic plant species and trophic status between East Taihu Bay and Meiliang Bay are indicated by their variations in δ 13C and δ 15N of aquatic plants and δ 15N of NH 4 +. A significant influence of external nutrient inputs on Meiliang Bay is reflected in temporal changes in δ 15N of NH 4 + and hydro-environmental parameters. The synchronous change between δ 13C and δ 15N values of sedimented organic matter (OM) has been attributed to elevated primary production at the beginning of eutrophication between 1950 and 1990, then recent inverse correlation between them has been caused by the uptake of 15N-enriched inorganic nitrogen by phytoplankton grown under eutrophication and subsequent OM decomposition and denitrification in surface sediments, indicating that the lake has suffered from progressive eutrophication since 1990. Based on the use of a combination of stable isotopes and elemental geochemistry, the eutrophication of Meiliang Bay in Lake Taihu could be better traced. These transitions of the lake eutrophication respectively occurring in the 1950s and 1990s have been suggested as a reflection of growing impacts of human activities, which is coincident with the instrumental data. 相似文献
In this paper, Lake Taihu, a large shallow freshwater lake in China, is chosen as an example of reconstruction of eutrophication through the comparison between stable isotopes from dissolved nutrients and plants and water column nutrient parameters and integration of multiple proxies in a sediment core from Meiliang Bay including TN, TP, TOC, C/N,δ15N,δ13C, etc. Differences in aquatic plant species and trophic status between East Taihu Bay and Meiliang Bay are indicated by their variations inδ13C andδ15N of aquatic plants andδ15N of NH4 . A significant influence of external nutrient inputs on Meiliang Bay is reflected in temporal changes inδ15N of NH4 and hydro-environmental parameters. The synchronous change betweenδ13C andδ15N values of sedi-mented organic matter (OM) has been attributed to elevated primary production at the beginning of eutrophication between 1950 and 1990, then recent inverse correlation between them has been caused by the uptake of 15N-enriched inorganic nitrogen by phytoplankton grown under eutrophication and subsequent OM decomposition and denitrification in surface sediments, indicating that the lake has suffered from progressive eutrophication since 1990. Based on the use of a combination of stable isotopes and elemental geochemistry, the eutrophication of Meiliang Bay in Lake Taihu could be better traced. These transitions of the lake eutrophication respectively occurring in the 1950s and 1990s have been suggested as a reflection of growing impacts of human activities, which is coincident with the instrumental data. 相似文献
通过PSR模型建立福建山仔水库生态安全评价的指标体系,应用熵权法确定各指标权重,引入密切值法对水库的生态安全进行评价.结果表明,2000—2003年福州市山仔水库生态安全状况从优到劣的排序依次为:2002年、2001年、2000年、2003年.该研究改进了水库生态安全评价指标体系和传统生态安全评价的数学模型,使指标体系更合理、更切合水库的生态环境保护目标,计算简便,能较客观、全面地反映出评价对象各样本状况. 相似文献
采用聚合酶链式反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)的方法,研究太湖不同湖区水体及沉积物中的水生真菌多样性及环境因子对其的影响.结果表明,2009年5月份太湖水生真菌群落具有较为丰富的多样性组成.东半湖水生真菌多样性指数较两半湖高,湖心区最低.不同湖区水生真菌群落的遗传结构和主要类群组成存在空间差异,东半湖真菌类群... 相似文献