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近期在很多地方洪水越来越频繁且破坏性更大.20世纪90年代以来全球大洪水造成社会经济财产巨大损失,30次大洪水每次总损失额均超过10×108美元.1990-1998年的9a时间的大洪水爆发的次数比1950-1985年期间Ma大洪水次数还要多.近年来中国大陆也遭受了若干重大洪水灾害(包括1996和1998年两次大的财产损失).与气候变率和变化相关的洪水灾害和易爆发程度的显著增加,这是当前最紧迫的问题.随着气温升高大气中持水量也增加,因此大规模强度的降水的可能性也增大.己观测到高而集中的大降水事件而且这种趋势在未来气候变暖条件下可能增加,大降水事件的增加是洪灾增加的必然条件.当然也有一些其它的非气象因素加剧洪灾的发生,比如土地利用变化(森林砍伐、城市化)导致土壤持水能力下降,径流系数增加;此外,人类占据了洪泛区,可能导致洪水损失增大.另外物质财富在洪泛区的积聚也导致了洪灾损失增加.毫无疑问,由于人类活动和气候的共同作用,未来洪水风险在很多地方可能增加.洪水易爆发程度被认为是暴露系数和调节能力的函数,而且在许多地方所有这些变量都可能增加.而随着暴露系数比人类调节能力增加快,因此洪水易爆发程度增大.然而,要完全从径流变化中区分气候因素导致的强烈自然变率还是直接的人为环境变化是很困难的.由于使用不同的假定情景和不同的气候模型,得到的未来环境的预测结果差异也很大.IPCC第三次评估报告中广泛讨论了气候变化与洪水之间的关系.IPCC第三次评估报告警告说,在东亚季风区非常湿润的季风季节出现的可能性非常大,进而会导致相应地区洪水风险增加.本文总结了迄今为此可收集到的有关长江洪水的资料.利用一些案例来分析研究未来假定情景下气候对水文的影响,并对东亚地区的模拟结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Marco GEMMER 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):166-172
本文计算了洪湖东分洪区洪灾损失.洪水风险带以模拟的洪水淹没深度表示.这是洪水风险综合评价模型的基础.本项研究基于GIS为基础的水动力模型计算洪水淹没深度;并以GIS/RS为基础建立了单位洪水风险评价模型,计算不同洪水风险带的直接损失.研究表明,综合洪水风险评价模型在长江流域应用是可行的.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区洪涝灾害规律分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
王凤  吴敦银  李荣昉 《湖泊科学》2008,20(4):500-506
根据1950-2002年的鄱阳湖洪水与洪水灾害损失资料,建立年最高洪水位与洪灾损失的相关模型;运用概率统计的理论与方法,研究了鄱阳湖区洪涝灾害与灾害损失的统计规律,将鄱阳湖洪水、鄱阳湖区洪涝灾害的受灾面积划分为6个等级.揭示鄱阳湖区洪水主要集中于10年一遇(3级)以下;一般洪水为2-5年一遇,在统计资料内,共发生过24次,造成的损失只占到历年总损失量的约l/3;5年一遇以上的洪水虽然只发生过7次,但是其损失却占历年洪灾总损失的约2/3.采取综合治理措施.降低鄱阳湖洪水位,并进一步提高鄱阳湖区圩堤防洪能力是减轻鄱阳湖区洪涝灾害损失的有效途经.  相似文献   

大坝作为水利水电工程设施发挥效用的同时,其安全性对上下游及周边区域生产生活至关重要。除去恐怖袭击等人为破坏因素,大坝面临气象灾害、地震地质灾害等各类灾害风险。 “七下八上”历来是我国南北方主汛期,防御强降雨及其引发的滑坡、泥石流、堰塞湖等次生灾害,对大坝构成的单一、复合、链式灾害风险,是当前刻不容缓的任务。美国洪水大坝应急管理体系建立较早,此次密歇根州洪水溃坝事件发生在美国疫情严峻时期,暴露出诸多问题值得整理与研究,并对当前疫情常态化下我国大坝抵御综合性灾害风险具有良好的启示意义。   相似文献   

Marco GEMMER 《湖泊科学》2003,15(Z1):173-183
本文回顾了欧洲洪水影响评价技术.突出的问题是怎样处理洪灾及如何使洪灾损失降到最低.很明显在长江流域开展洪水风险和潜在的损失评价非常有意义.而现有的欧洲洪水影响评价技术难以在长江流域直接运用.我们对其进行了若干修正,并引入了基于GIS/RS的综合水文水动力和最小损失评价模型,该模型己经较好地运用于长江流域洪水影响评价的研究项目.  相似文献   

全世界都在评论三峡工程的修建,这些评论经常是不太客观的.本文从正负两方面对三峡工程进行了讨论,重点在防洪工程和区域经济方面.作者认为修建三峡工程作为发电的功能远大于防洪的功能.尽管上游来的洪峰经过三峡水库调蓄后能够被削弱.但中游的洪水风险仍然很大.一般而言,中游地区的洪水是大降水事件的产物.三峡工程不可能完全控制中游的洪水.三峡水库发电对中国中部及周边地区经济的可持续发展将产生积极作用,也将能确保东部沿海地区尤其是上海市电能的供给.  相似文献   

气候变暖下太湖极端洪水的归因探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
于革  郭娅  廖梦娜 《湖泊科学》2013,25(5):765-774
全球增温引起的降水变化是否引起极端洪水的增加,发生在不同气候背景的极端洪水事件可提供不同参照系;而不同驱动因子下气候、水文数值模拟为认识洪水发生和归因提供了有效途径.本文结合机理数值模拟和随机统计模拟两种途径,针对1990s和1880s的太湖流域特大洪水,通过GCM气候模拟驱动的流域水文模拟和不确定性的阈值模拟,分析19世纪末和20世纪末极端洪水的发生强度和频率的变化,从而论证极端洪水发生的风险系数.结果表明,1990s的极端洪水流量(0.1%的极端洪水流量(Q0.1%)为2929~3601 m3/s,0.5%的极端洪水流量(Q0.5%)为1842~1893 m3/s)比工业革命前大气温室气体状况下(Q0.1%为2069~3119 m3/s,Q0.5%为1436~1561 m3/s)显著增大.与19世纪末相比,由于太湖流域人类活动改变的流域下垫面在1999年特大洪水中引起最大增量占35%,本文模拟和分析的20世纪末气候下的洪水最大增量占60%.去除人类活动影响的下垫面变化,估计特大洪水风险的最大增量为25%,因此认为20世纪末气候变化引起的太湖极端洪水风险在增加;这将为认识与全球增温相关联的洪水灾害预测预警提供科学依据.  相似文献   

洪湖分蓄洪区洪水淹没风险动态识别与可能损失评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球气候变化和社会经济快速发展,使长江流域面临越来越严重的防洪压力.在长江流域开展洪水淹没风险识别与洪水损失评估工作,对于长江流域洪水风险管理具有重大意义.本项研究以洪湖分蓄洪区为案例,采用基于GIS栅格数据整合于Arcview3.x的二维水文-水动力学模型进行洪水淹没风险动态识别,并且根据土地利用分类及其单位面积价值,建立洪水淹没损失函数,进行洪水淹没动态损失评估,建立了东洪湖分蓄洪区洪水淹没动态损失数据库,为东洪湖分蓄洪区的合理利用提供定量科学依据.洪水淹没动态风险识别基于数字高程模型进行,采用修正的1998年夏季洪水水位-时间水文过程线对模型参数进行调整,并以地面糙率反映不同地表覆盖形态对洪水演进过程的影响.  相似文献   

地震保险及其在地震减灾中的潜在作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林蓉辉 《地震研究》1995,18(3):317-329
随着世界人口与工业化程度增加,地震灾害亦惊人地增大。与此同时,若能将现有知识和技术有效地转化为减灾实践,地震灾害对人类社会的威胁将大大减少。保险是人类对付可能遭受的危险或可能造成损失的一种手段。以保险保单为依据,在保险标的遭受损失时,保险公司将提供经济补偿。本文首先阐明保险在减轻地震损失中可能发挥的潜在作用,以及从经济上帮助在地震中遭受破坏的房产主和企业主恢复重建,其次介绍中国云南省从地震保险的角度,为对付未来震灾所进行的多方协作;最后,为了从技术和经济上合理厘定地震保险费率,并顺利开展地震保险业务,开展国际、国内合作项目是必要的。新近在第九届国际地震预测会(哥斯达黎加,1994年9月)会议期间成立的“国际地震保险研究小组”,就是这类合作的先例。该小组由地震预测国际筹划指导委员会领导。  相似文献   

常露  刘开磊  姚成  李致家 《湖泊科学》2013,25(3):422-427
随着社会经济的快速发展,洪水灾害造成的损失日益严重.洪水预报作为一项重要的防洪非工程措施,对防洪、抗洪工作起着至关重要的作用.淮河洪水危害的严重性和洪水演进过程的复杂性使得淮河洪水预报系统的研究长期以来受到高度重视.本文以王家坝至小柳巷区间流域为例,以河道洪水演算为主线,采用新安江三水源模型进行子流域降雨径流预报,概化具有行蓄洪区的干流河道,进行支流与干流、行蓄洪区与干流的洪水汇流耦合计算,采用实时更新的基于多元回归的方法确定水位流量关系,并以上游站点降雨径流预报模型提供的流量作为上边界条件、以下游站点的水位流量关系作为下边界条件,结合行蓄洪调度模型,建立具有行蓄洪区的河道洪水预报系统,再与基于K-最近邻(KNN)的非参数实时校正模型耦合,建立淮河中游河道洪水预报系统.采用多年资料模拟取得了较好的预报效果,并以2003和2007年大洪水为例进行检验,模拟结果精度较高,也证明了所建预报系统的合理性和适用性.  相似文献   


What implications do societies’ risk perceptions have for flood losses? This study uses a stylized, socio-hydrological model to simulate the mutual feedbacks between human societies and flood events. It integrates hydrological modelling with cultural theory and proposes four ideal types of society that reflect existing dominant risk perception and management: risk neglecting, risk monitoring, risk downplaying and risk controlling societies. We explore the consequent trajectories of flood risk generated by the interactions between floods and people for these ideal types of society over time. The results suggest that flood losses are substantially reduced when awareness-raising attitudes are promoted through inclusive, participatory approaches in the community. In contrast, societies that rely on top-down hierarchies and structural measures to protect settlements on floodplains may still suffer significant losses during extreme events. This study illustrates how predictions formed through social science theories can be applied and tested in hydrological modelling.  相似文献   


What implications do societies’ risk perceptions have for flood losses? This study uses a stylized, socio-hydrological model to simulate the mutual feedbacks between human societies and flood events. It integrates hydrological modelling with cultural theory and proposes four ideal types of society that reflect existing dominant risk perception and management: risk neglecting, risk monitoring, risk downplaying and risk controlling societies. We explore the consequent trajectories of flood risk generated by the interactions between floods and people for these ideal types of society over time. The results suggest that flood losses are substantially reduced when awareness-raising attitudes are promoted through inclusive, participatory approaches in the community. In contrast, societies that rely on top-down hierarchies and structural measures to protect settlements on floodplains may still suffer significant losses during extreme events. This study illustrates how predictions formed through social science theories can be applied and tested in hydrological modelling.  相似文献   

Risk assessment plays an important role in disaster risk management. Existing multi-hazard risk assessment models are often qualitative or semi-quantitative in nature and used for comparative study of regional risk levels. They cannot estimate directly probability of disaster losses from the joint impact of several hazards. In this paper, a quantitative approach of multi-hazard risk assessment based on vulnerability surface and joint return period of hazards is put forward to assess the risk of crop losses in the Yangtze River Delta region of China. The impact of strong wind and flood, the two most prominent agricultural hazards in the area, is analyzed. The multi-hazard risk assessment process consists of three steps. First, a vulnerability surface, which denotes the functional relationship between the intensity of the hazards and disaster losses, was built using the crop losses data for losses caused by strong wind and flood in the recent 30 years. Second, the joint probability distribution of strong wind and flood was established using the copula functions. Finally, risk curves that show the probability of crop losses in this multi-hazard context at four case study sites were calculated according to the joint return period of hazards and the vulnerability surface. The risk assessment result of crop losses provides a useful reference for governments and insurance companies to formulate agricultural development plans and analyze the market of agricultural insurance. The multi-hazard risk assessment method developed in this paper can also be used to quantitatively assess multi-hazard risk in other regions.  相似文献   

This study modelled flood losses (economic damages) along the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) (1) using current US government estimates of flow frequencies and (2) using frequencies based on the original, unaltered discharge measurements. The official flood frequencies were quantified in the Upper Mississippi River System Flow Frequency Study (UMRSFFS), but as a last step in that study, early discharges along the MMR were reduced by up to 54% to reflect a purported bias in early measurements. Subsequently, early discharge measurements were rigorously tested, and no such bias was found. Here, flood damages were quantified using a combination of one‐dimensional hydraulic modelling and flood‐loss modelling. For all recurrence intervals, damages were much less using the UMRSFFS flow frequencies compared with the frequencies based on the original discharge measurements, with differences ranging up to 79% (100‐year event) and $2.9bn (200‐year event). Annualized losses in the study area based on the UMRSFFS frequencies were just $41.6m versus $125.6m using the raw frequencies (an underestimation of 67%). These totals do not include flood losses elsewhere along the MMR, including in metropolitan St Louis. In summary, a seemingly small methodological adjustment – in this case, a single hidden adjustment, not documented anywhere within the UMRSFFS – can have dramatic societal impacts in terms of underestimation of flood probabilities and flood risk. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work aims to provide a dynamic assessment of flood risk and community resilience by explicitly accounting for variable human behaviour, e.g. risk-taking and awareness-raising attitudes. We consider two different types of socio-hydrological systems: green systems, whereby societies deal with risk only via non-structural measures, and technological systems, whereby risk is dealt with also by structural measures, such as levees. A stylized model of human–flood interactions is first compared to real-world data collected at two test sites (People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the city of Rome, Italy) and then used to explore plausible trajectories of flood risk. The results show that flood risk in technological systems tends to be significantly lower than in green systems. However, technological systems may undergo catastrophic events, which lead to much higher losses. Furthermore, green systems prove to be more resilient than technological ones, which makes them more capable of withstanding environmental and social changes.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   


In August 2002, a severe flood event occurred in Central Europe. In the following year, a poll was performed in Germany in which 1697 private households were randomly selected from three regions: (a) the River Elbe area, (b) the Elbe tributaries in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, and (c) the Bavarian Danube catchment. Residents were interviewed about flood characteristics, early warning, damage, recovery, preparedness and previously experienced floods. Preparedness, response, financial losses and recovery differed in the three regions under study. This could be attributed mainly to differences in flood experience and flood impact. Knowledge about self-protection, residents' home-ownership and household size influenced the extent and type of private precautions taken, as well as the residents' ability to perform mitigation measures. To further improve preparedness and response during future flood events, flood warnings should include more information about possible protection measures. In addition, different information leaflets with flood mitigation options for specific groups of people, e.g. tenants, homeowners, elderly people or young families, should be developed.  相似文献   

Comprehensive flood risk assessment requires enhanced understanding of the coevolution of the river and its floodplain occupation. Paleoflood analysis to determine flood prone areas in combination with numerical simulations to estimate flood hazard and a historical analysis of urban development to consider the evolution of exposure to floods is a possible way forward. The well‐documented 2006 extreme flood in the Biobío River system and the impacted metropolitan area of Concepción, Chile (~1 million inhabitants) was used as a complex scenario to test the reliability of the proposed method. Results showed that flood prone areas determined with hydro‐geomorphological methods are consistent with those computed with numerical models based on detailed digital elevation models. The flood generation via superficial flow pathways resulting in inundated areas could explain that rivers tend to reactivate paleochannels in extreme conditions. Urban development progressively increased the city's exposure to floods from 0 ha in 1,751 to 1,363 ha in 2006 evidencing a lack of appropriate flood risk management. The 100‐year peak discharge resulted in a high flood risk for about 5% of the total urbanized area of Concepción, and higher discharges are likely to reactivate a paleochannel that crosses the current city centre. We conclude that the proposed paleo hydro‐geomorphology, hydraulic, and urban planning multimethod approach is a necessary tool to enhance understanding of flood risk in complex scenarios to improve flood risk management.  相似文献   


Runoff discharge in the Tuku lowlands, Taiwan, has increased with land development. Frequent floods caused by extreme weather conditions have resulted in considerable economic and social losses in recent years. Currently, numerous infrastructures have been built in the lowland areas that are prone to inundation; the measures and solutions for flood mitigation focus mainly on engineering aspects. Public participation in the development of principles for future flood management has helped both stakeholders and engineers. An integrated drainage–inundation model, combining a drainage flow model with a two-dimensional overland-flow inundation model is used to evaluate the flood management approaches with damage loss estimation. The proposed approaches include increasing drainage capacity, using fishponds as retention ponds, constructing pumping stations, and building flood diversion culverts. To assess the effects on the drainage system of projected increase of rainfall due to climate change, for each approach simulations were performed to obtain potential inundation extent and depth in terms of damage losses. The results demonstrate the importance of assessing the impacts of climate change for implementing appropriate flood management approaches.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Chang, H.-K., Tan, Y.-C., Lai, J.-S., Pan, T.-Y., Liu, T.-M., and Tung, C.-P., 2013. Improvement of a drainage system for flood management with assessment of the potential effects of climate change. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1581–1597.  相似文献   

Keith Beven was amongst the first to propose and demonstrate a combination of conceptual rainfall–runoff modelling and stochastically generated rainfall data in what is known as the ‘continuous simulation’ approach for flood frequency analysis. The motivations included the potential to establish better links with physical processes and to avoid restrictive assumptions inherent in existing methods applied in design flood studies. Subsequently, attempts have been made to establish continuous simulation as a routine method for flood frequency analysis, particularly in the UK. The approach has not been adopted universally, but numerous studies have benefitted from applications of continuous simulation methods. This paper asks whether industry has yet realized the vision of the pioneering research by Beven and others. It reviews the generic methodology and illustrates applications of the original vision for a more physically realistic approach to flood frequency analysis through a set of practical case studies, highlighting why continuous simulation was useful and appropriate in each case. The case studies illustrate how continuous simulation has helped to offer users of flood frequency analysis more confidence about model results by avoiding (or exposing) bad assumptions relating to catchment heterogeneity, inappropriateness of assumptions made in (UK) industry‐standard design event flood estimation methods, and the representation of engineered or natural dynamic controls on flood flows. By implementing the vision for physically realistic analysis of flood frequency through continuous simulation, each of these examples illustrates how more relevant and improved information was provided for flood risk decision‐making than would have been possible using standard methods. They further demonstrate that integrating engineered infrastructure into flood frequency analysis and assessment of environmental change are also significant motivations for adopting the continuous simulation approach in practice. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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