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要长江流域近150a间发生的1870、1931、1935、1954与1998年特大洪水灾害损失严重;长江洪水是我国的心腹之患.1990年以来,长江大洪水高频发生,达6次.长江洪水的发生,除湖泊蓄洪功能减弱等因素外,与全球变暖有关.20世纪90年代为近千年中全球最暖的年代,水循环加快,长江中下游夏季降水量为近120a最多的十年,高出1961-1990平均值112mm;而降雨集中和大暴雨降水事件的增加是洪水增加的主要原因.区域气候模式模拟在CO2倍增时,长江流域温度升高2.2℃,夏季降水增加10%-20%,气溶胶的增加可能使此值降低一些.考虑气候变暖可能促进潜在蒸发增加9%-15%的假定情景,计算在降水增加10%,蒸发增加9%条件下,最大洪峰流量在大通站将会达到8.4×104 m3/s左右,己超过1998年洪峰流量;汉口站7.9×104 m3/s,超过有记录以来所有的洪峰流量;而在宜昌站高达6.94×104 m3/s,超过自有实测记录以来的除1896年和1981年以外所有的洪峰流量.假定情景的最高值出现在降水增加20%,蒸发增加15%时,大通站流量将达到9.45×104 m3/s,超过该站近百年最大值,1954年的9.26×104 m3/s;宜昌站将出现7.82×104 m3/s流量,超过1882年以来所有实测记录值,但比1870年据洪痕推算的10.5×104 m3/s仍有逊色.未来气候若继续变暖,降水量增加将给长江洪水防御带来巨大的压力.但上述估算是粗糙的,有一定的不确定性,需在以后的研究中进一步改进. 相似文献
为克服针对一次或几次天气过程研究城市化对边界层结构及降水影响的局限性,尝试研究北京城市化对夏季大气边界层结构及降水的月平均影响,本文首先总结了2006年8月份的主要天气过程,分析了气象站观测的10 m高度风速、2 m高度气温、2 m高度比湿和24 h降水的月平均分布特征,然后利用WRF/Noah/UCM模拟系统,进行了该月30个个例的高分辨率数值模拟及检验分析,并通过多组不同城市化情景的敏感性试验对比分析了城市化对夏季大气边界层结构及降水的月平均影响.研究表明:本文所用对高分辨率数值模拟结果进行月平均的方法可以较合理地模拟出城市化对大气边界层结构及降水的影响,并再现观测到的各站风频差异.8月份,北京城市化对气温的影响高度白天约为800 m,近地面气温升高1℃以上;夜间约为200 m,对近地面气温的影响达到最大(1.4℃以上).白天,城市化使城市及下风向的一些区域风速略有减小;夜间,城市及周边区域200 m以下风速明显减小,且在100 m左右高度处风速减小最明显,减小达0.8 m/s以上.城市化白天使700 m以下比湿减小,近地面处减小达1.2g/kg以上,夜间使近地面空气比湿略有减小.城市化对城市区域平均降水量的影响随城市发展的不同阶段而不同.初步模拟分析表明, 北京城市化已使上风向区域以及城区三环以内降水量减少,海淀和昌平降水明显增加. 相似文献
对一个地震突变模型的讨论 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文用非线性力学方法讨论了地震过程的非稳定现象并建立了相应的突变理论模型。文章详细讨论了断层带的本构性质和突变模型中状态变量的选取对地震非稳性的影响,揭示了用突变模型研究地震现象的可行性。 相似文献
长江中下游浅水湖泊在过去百年内受到强烈的人类活动影响,生态系统状态发生显著的变化,服务功能逐渐丧失.为了更科学有效地管理浅水湖泊,当前迫切需要了解湖泊的生态系统转变过程.以长江中下游典型富营养化浅水湖泊太白湖为例,结合历史资料和监测数据,基于铅铯同位素重建年代序列,利用粒度、地化指标和沉积物中硅藻群落的时间序列数据,对太白湖过去百年间生态系统转变进行分析.基于T检验的STARS法检测硅藻群落的结果显示,有2个稳态转换分别发生在1950s末和1990s末.1950s末太白湖硅藻群落代表的生态系统状态发生了显著突变,这主要归因于由于建闸筑坝造成的水文条件和营养条件的改变;1990s期间的湖泊生态系统整体转变则是由长期营养输入和渔业活动加强导致的生态系统弹性损失引起的.讨论了不同阶段太白湖生态系统主要要素间反馈机制在水文条件改变和营养富集影响下的变化,加深了对人类活动干扰下太白湖生态系统结构变化过程的理解,为建立浅水湖泊系统动力学模型提供基础. 相似文献
洞庭湖是长江中游重要的通江湖泊,水系格局复杂.近年来在气候变化和人类活动的双重影响下,江湖关系发生变化,湖泊水文干旱事件频发.基于洞庭湖、流域和长江干流水文站点的实测数据,通过标准化水位指数和标准化径流指数识别了水文干旱事件,并运用Copula函数分析了洞庭湖-流域-长江系统水文干旱的联合概率分布特征.结果表明:在年尺度上,1964—2016年间洞庭湖共发生了9次水文干旱事件,水文干旱的发生概率为14.01%,洞庭湖-流域系统、洞庭湖-长江系统的水文干旱联合概率分别为9.65%和8.58%,表明年尺度上流域来水对洞庭湖水文干旱的影响更大.在季节尺度上,洞庭湖-流域系统春季水文干旱联合概率最高,且两者同时发生水文干旱事件的次数最多,表明洞庭湖春季水文干旱与流域入湖补给减少有密切关系;而洞庭湖-长江系统,其秋季水文干旱联合概率最大,尤其自2003年以后更加极端和频发,这一方面受秋季降水减少和流域内人类活动的影响,另一方面三峡水库秋季蓄水使长江中下游干流水位降低,长江对湖泊顶托作用减弱也是重要原因之一. 相似文献
为定量评估汇流顶托对水位变化的影响,本文从水文过程仿真及顶托响应评价入手,提出了一种汇流顶托对水位影响的量化分析方法,并以长江汉口江段为例,开展了鄱阳湖汇流顶托对长江汉口江段水位影响的量化评价,结果表明:改进提出的长江汉口江段水文仿真模型,经参数优选后确定性系数可达0.98以上,总量相对误差绝对值在3%以内,较好地再现了水文变化过程;通过响应指数定义及水文过程模拟,研制了汉口多值型水位流量关系响应特征曲线,揭示了鄱阳湖与长江水位变化的关联性机制;经2016和2020年洪水实例分析,汉口江段长历时高洪水位主要受长江来水及鄱阳湖汇流顶托共同驱动,二者合力贡献可达83.3%以上,其中鄱阳湖汇流顶托贡献率在35%左右.其余因素(如区间洪水、沿江排涝等)亦助推高洪水位形成,部分时段贡献可达近34.4%.本文提出的顶托量化分析方法,可定量评估因顶托效应引起的水位变化,为解析河段高洪水位成因机制提供了有效的技术支撑. 相似文献
利用M-K相关分析方法和大通站1950-2000年逐月径流资料,研究了长江下游干流径流的趋势变化.研究结果表明:1950s以来长江下游径流量呈增加趋势,1990s平均径流量(30415.3 m3/s)比所有其他年代平均径流都大,为近50a以来的最大值;就季节和月份而言,秋季径流明显减少;夏、冬两季径流量,增加的趋势明显,尤以冬季枯水季节径流增加最为突出.洪水、枯水季节径流增加明显,但以枯水季节径流增加占优势.冬季枯水径流的增加,可能在一定程度上能够缓解长江口生态环境的巨大压力.1990s径流量的增加与全球变暖、水循环加快、长江流域降水量增加密切相关. 相似文献
气候变化对沅江流域径流影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
温室气体排放量增加造成气候变化,对全球资源环境产生重要影响.本文在水量平衡基础上,建立考虑气象要素和地形变化的月水文模型,利用实测径流资料对模型在时空尺度上进行验证.利用全球气候模型(GCMs)预测的未来气候变化情形,对处于湿润区的沅江流域径流过程进行预测.分析结果表明,该区域径流过程对降雨和气温变化十分敏感.根据英国Hadcm2模型对本世纪中叶气候变化预测结果,沅江流域未来年降雨量减少0.43%气温升高1.55℃,丰水期降雨增加,而枯水期将有较大幅度减少.年径流量相应减少6.8%,丰水期径流量增大11%,枯水期径流减少47%,不利于防洪和水资源开发利用. 相似文献
Streamflow trends and climate linkages in the source region of the Yellow River,China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Much of the discussion on hydrological trends and variability in the source region of the Yellow River centres on the mean values of the mainstream flows. Changes in hydrological extremes in the mainstream as well as in the tributary flows are largely unexplored. Although decreasing water availability has been noted, the nature of those changes is less explored. This article investigates trends and variability in the hydrological regimes (both mean values and extreme events) and their links with the local climate in the source region of the Yellow River over the last 50 years (1959–2008). This large catchment is relatively undisturbed by anthropogenic influences such as abstraction and impoundments, enabling the characterization of widely natural, climate‐driven trends. A total of 27 hydrological variables were used as indicators for the analysis. Streamflow records from six major headwater catchments and climatic data from seven stations were studied. The trend results vary considerably from one river basin to another, and become more accentuated with longer time period. Overall, the source region of the Yellow River is characterized by an overall tendency towards decreasing water availability. Noteworthy are strong decreasing trends in the winter (dry season) monthly flows of January to March and September as well as in annual mean flow, annual 1‐, 3‐, 7‐, 30‐ and 90‐day maxima and minima flows for Maqu and Tangnag catchments over the period 1959–2008. The hydrological variables studied are closely related to precipitation in the wet season (June, July, August and September), indicating that the widespread decrease in wet season precipitation is expected to be associated with significant decrease in streamflow. To conclude, decreasing precipitation, particularly in the wet season, along with increasing temperature can be associated with pronounced decrease in water resources, posing a significant challenge to downstream water uses. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
近几年来,国家气候中心己经建立了中国主要四大流域气候对水资源影响评估的模式框架.本文拟进一步证明其中之一的两参数分布式月水量平衡水文模式对长江之上汉江和赣江两子流域径流的模拟能力,结果表明该水文模式对目前气候条件下径流模拟效果较好,运行稳定,可用于实时业务运行.在此基础上,利用ECHAM4和HadCM2两GCM(General Circulation Model)未来气候情景模拟结果及目前实测气候情况,对汉江和赣江两子流域的径流对未来气候变化的敏感性进行评估.经检验,两GCM对未来气候,特别是降水情景模拟存在一定差异,因此,造成径流对气候变化的响应不同,这充分反映了全球模式模拟结果不确定性在气候变化影响研究中的重要性. 相似文献
Monthly sediment load and streamflow series spanning 1963–2004 from four hydrological stations situation in the main stem of the Yangtze River, China, are analysed using scanning t‐test and the simple two‐phase linear regression scheme. Results indicate significant changes in the sediment load and streamflow from the upper reach to the lower reach of the Yangtze River. Relatively consistent positive coherency relations can be detected between streamflow and sediment load in the upper reach and negative coherency in the middle and lower reaches. Interestingly, negative coherency is found mainly for larger time scales. Changes in sediment load are the result mainly of human influence; specifically, the construction of water reservoirs may be the major cause of negative coherency. Accentuating the human influence from the upper to the lower reach results in inconsistent correlations between sediment load and streamflow. Decreasing sediment load being observed in recent years has the potential to alter the topographical properties of the river channel and the consequent development and recession of the Yangtze Delta. Results of this study are of practical significance for river channel management and evaluation of the influence of human activities on the hydrological regimes of large rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abstract Soil moisture estimates obtained over large spatial areas will become increasingly available through current and upcoming satellite missions and from numerous land surface parameterization schemes run at global- and continental-scale resolutions. The goal of this research was to evaluate the potential for using macroscale estimates of soil moisture for enhancing streamflow forecasts. Towards this research objective, monthly streamflow estimates were obtained from over 50 gauge locations within the Nelson basin, Canada, for the period 1979–1999. For each streamflow record, multiple linear regression models were used to remove components of the streamflow signal related to previous streamflow, climate teleconnections (e.g. ENSO and AO) and snow water equivalence. Correlations were then assessed between the macroscale soil moisture estimates and the residuals of the multiple linear regression analysis over lead times of one, two and three months. At the one- and two-month lead time, statistically significant relationships between soil moisture and the residuals of streamflow are observed over a large proportion of the gauging locations. The number of catchments with statistically significant relationships decreases significantly after two months and particularly in the months of April—June. This study demonstrates that available macroscale estimates of soil moisture have the potential to enhance streamflow prediction, although further study is suggested to improve upon the soil moisture estimates and their application in a forecast system. 相似文献
Plausible impact of global climate change on water resources in the Tarim River Basin 总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34
CHEN Yaning & XU Zongxue Xinjiang Institute of Ecology & Geography Chinese Academy of Sciences Urumqi China College of Environmental Sciences Beijing Normal University Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(1):65-73
Combining the temperature and precipitation data from 77 climatological stations and the climatic and hydrological change data from three headstreams of the Tarim River: Hotan, Yarkant, and Aksu in the study area, the plausible association between climate change and the variability of water resources in the Tarim River Basin in recent years was investigated, the long-term trend of the hydrological time series including temperature, precipitation, and stream-flow was detected, and the possible association between the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and these three kinds of time series was tested. The results obtained in this study show that during the past years, the temperature experienced a significant monotonic increase at the speed of 5%, nearly 1℃rise; the precipitation showed a significant decrease in the 1970s, and a significant increase in the 1980s and 1990s, the average annual precipitation was increased with the magnitude of 6.8 mm per decade. A step change occurred in both temperature and 相似文献
Since the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) was put into operation in June 2003, the effects of the TGR on downstream hydrology and water resources have become the focus of public attention. This article examines the effects of the TGR on the hydrological droughts at the downstream Yichang hydrological station during 2003–2011. The two‐parameter monthly water balance model was used to generate the monthly discharges at the Yichang station for the period of 2003–2011 to represent the unregulated flow regime and thus to provide a comparison benchmark for the observed flow series at the Yichang station after the operation of the TGR. To provide a reference series for the observed monthly discharge series of the entire study period of 1951–2011, we constructed the naturalized monthly discharge series at the Yichang station by joining the observed monthly discharge at the Yichang station for the period of 1951–2002 and the two‐parameter monthly water balance simulated monthly runoff at the Yichang station for the period of 2003–2011. For both the observed and naturalized monthly discharge series of 1951–2011, the hydrological drought index series were calculated using the standardized streamflow index method. By comparing the drought indices of these two monthly discharge series, we investigated the effects of the TGR on the hydrological droughts at the downstream Yichang station during 2003–2011. The results show that the hydrological droughts at the downstream Yichang station are slightly aggravated by the TGR's initial operation from 2003 to 2011. The river flow reduction at the Yichang station after impoundment of the TGR might account for the downstream drought aggravation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Comparisons of flow time series between preimpact and postimpact periods have been widely used to determine hydrological alterations caused by reservoir operation. However, preimpact and postimpact periods might also be characterized by different climatological properties, a problem that has not been well addressed. In this study, we propose a framework to assess the cumulative impact of dams on hydrological regime over time. The impacts of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) on the flow regime of the Yangtze River were investigated using this framework. We reconstructed the unregulated flow series to compare with the regulated flow series during the same period (2010 to 2015). Eco‐surplus and eco‐deficit and the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) parameters were used to examine hydrological regime change. Among 32 IHA parameters, Wilcoxon signed‐rank test and principal component analysis identified the October median flow, 1‐ and 3‐day maximum flows, 1‐day minimum flow, and rise rate as representative indicators of hydrological alterations. Eco‐surplus and eco‐deficit showed that the reservoir also changed the seasonal regime of the flows by reducing autumn flow and increasing winter flow. Changes in annual extreme flows and October flows lead to negative ecological implications downstream of the TGD. Ecological considerations should be taken into account during operation of the TGD in order to mitigate the negative effects on the fluvial ecosystem in the middle reach of Yangtze River. The framework proposed here could be a robust method to assess the cumulative impacts of reservoir operation over time. 相似文献