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太湖上游低山丘陵地区不同用地类型氮、磷收支平衡特征   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
不同用地类型的土壤氮、磷收支平衡决定了氮、磷在土壤的富集,进一步影响氮、磷的流失强度,分析该过程有助于揭示不同用地类型对区域的环境效应.以位于太湖上游低山丘陵地区的天目湖流域为研究区,采用农户调查问卷、土壤和植被生物量实验分析、文献调研和氮、磷表观平衡模型的方法,选择研究区的茶园、水田、马尾松林和竹林四种典型用地类型,系统分析了氮、磷的输入要素,包括肥料输入、大气沉降、秸秆返田/枯枝落叶、生物固氮、人畜排泄物返田,以及输出要素,包括植物生长吸收、氨挥发、反硝化,并比较不同用地类型氮、磷收支特征.在此基础上进一步与土壤表层氮、磷含量比较,揭示太湖流域上游丘陵山区主要用地类型的水环境效应.研究结果显示:土壤氮、磷盈余量大小顺序为茶园 > 水田 > 马尾松林 > 竹林,分别是648.6、248.9、115.5、53.6 kgN/(hm2·a)和319.9、29.7、1.2和-3.4 kgP/(hm2·a);氮、磷利用效率以竹林最高,茶园的氮、磷利用效率均最低,仅为15.0%和3.1%;土壤氮盈余量与表层氮含量未能呈现出一致的关系,土壤磷盈余量与表层磷含量比较类似,并由此得出竹林比马尾松林更有利于水环境保护,而茶园对水环境的不利影响超过水田.  相似文献   

模拟暴雨条件下农田磷素迁移特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
庹刚  李恒鹏  金洋  李燕 《湖泊科学》2009,21(1):45-52
开展三次重复人工暴雨试验,研究太湖流域平原河网区农田磷素在暴雨径流过程中的迁移输出特征,结果表明,地表径流是暴雨径流过程农田磷素迁移的主要途径,地表径流水相和侵蚀相磷素迁移量分别占总磷输出量的58.50%和34.69%;随壤中水流输移的磷素仅占总磷输出量的6.81%,磷素迁移以颗粒态为主,约占总磷输出量的60.73%,溶解态磷素以无机磷酸盐输出为主,溶解态磷素更易于在土壤中运动,地表径流与壤中流磷素输出特征对比分析显示,土壤对磷素具有较强的滤减作用,尤其对总颗粒态附着磷浓度的消减效果明显,可达80%以上,尽管暴雨径流过程中磷素迁移以地表径流为主,然而在降雨丰富的太湖地区,一般降雨条件下壤中流是产流的主要形式,同时壤中流溶解态磷流失占有较大的比例,对区域水环境恶化具有重要贡献,因此加强壤中流溶解态磷素输移和控制研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

中国东南丘陵山区水质良好水库现状与天目湖保护实践   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
东南丘陵山区是我国水库分布最为集中的区域之一,这些水库在保障区域供水安全方面具有极其重要的作用,应该优先保护.然而,水库水环境保护正面临丘陵山区开发强度持续增加,开发方式和空间布局不合理,氮、磷污染及富营养化趋势严峻,缺乏完善监测和管理体系等众多问题.本文以2000年以来天目湖水库保护实践过程为例,从库体水环境治理、流域污染物削减和综合管理3个方面介绍天目湖沙河水库保护的措施和成效,在此基础上提出良好湖库优先保护的建议:建立具有部门协调能力的水库管理机构,实行基于湖库水生态目标的水质目标管理,治理丘陵山区茶果园的面源污染,注重流域生态系统整体的恢复,禁止上游水源涵养区和临湖地带的开发,划定生态保护红线,明确禁止和限制的开发类型与规模,加强湖库及流域的监测和预警,开展必要的水库水体治理工程,并针对性地制定湖库管理条例.天目湖十几年的保护实践中有效地解决了流域开发与水库水质保护之间的矛盾,使天目湖水质由快速恶化转为稳步好转,为东南丘陵山区经济发展过程中水库的环境保护探索了一条道路.  相似文献   

红壤农田小流域径流组分对氮素流失动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确关键带中农田流域水文过程对氮负荷的影响,对于理解关键带中的物质迁移过程,尤其是农业面源污染中氮素的迁移转化具有重要意义.文章以红壤关键带丘陵区孙家农田小流域为对象,在2017年3月至2018年2月水文年对流域降水、土壤水、地下水及径流进行了较为系统的水量和水质监测,借助端元混合模型,探究了径流组分动态对氮素流失的影响.结果表明,流域不同水体之间氮素浓度差异显著.土壤水和地下水的氮素浓度最高,约为降水和灌溉水的3~5倍,流域径流氮素浓度的2倍.红壤农田流域氮素负荷较高.孙家小流域全氮(TN)年净流失量占总氮肥投入的15%.雨季是氮流失的高风险期,仅降水量最为丰沛的6月氮素流失就占到全年总流失量的1/3以上.地下径流是农田小流域氮素流失的重要途径,其径流量占到流域径流量的25%左右.径流组分的改变是径流氮素浓度变化的重要因素,且径流组分可以用来预测水田与旱地生态系统交错存在的小流域的氮素负荷,其预测结果与实测结果的线性决定系数达到0.9左右(p0.001).本研究的结果对于提高红壤农田小流域的水肥管理水平和加深对红壤关键带水氮耦合关系均具有重要指导价值.  相似文献   

北京官厅水库流域农田地表径流生物可利用磷流失规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在模拟降雨条件下(30-69mm/39min),对官厅水库流域玉米地和休闲地地表径流泥沙和生物可利用磷(BAP)流失进行了初步研究. 累积泥沙产量受雨强、坡度和作物覆盖影响,变幅为305.1-24933.4g/10m2;径流平均颗粒态生物可利用磷(BPP)、溶解态磷(SP)浓度都超出水体允许临界值0.02mg/L,表明流域农田地表径流对库区水体存在潜在污染危害;径流累积BAP流失达0.08-4.804g/10m2,估算的农田径流BAP流失达0.49kg/(hm2.a)以上. 79.7%以上的BAP是颗粒态的. 研究结果有助于采取措施减少农田径流向库区输入生物可利用磷、准确地评估流域农业管理实践对水库水质的影响.  相似文献   

通过两个径流场的对比试验,研究了华南坡地氮素在某场降雨下的迁移特征和来源,结果表明,在没有施肥的情况下,氮素的迁移形态以铵氮、硝氮为主,总氮、硝氮和亚硝氮的迁移以地下下渗迁移为主,铵氮的迁移以地表迁移为主;在施放尿素的情况下,氮素的迁移形态以溶解态的尿素、铵氮和硝氮为主,总氮、溶解态尿素和铵氮的迁移以地表径流迁移为主,...  相似文献   

白洋淀是雄安新区的核心生态功能区,近几十年来面临水源不足、湿地萎缩等生态环境问题.选取白洋淀流域上游王快、西大洋及拒马河3个子流域开展河川径流演变研究,结合1969年以来18期白洋淀湿地遥感影像,揭示白洋淀流域河川径流驱动湿地演变的过程机制.结果表明:近60年来白洋淀流域山区径流量呈持续衰减趋势,从P1阶段(1961—1979年)至P3阶段(1997—2019年),典型子流域年径流系数均值由0.29降至0.12,山区年径流总量由30.84×108m3/a降至11.37×108m3/a,降幅达63.1%,梯田修建、地下水开采等人类活动是导致径流衰减的主要原因;不同子流域产流和基流减少对径流衰减的贡献率存在差异,以变质岩为主的王快子流域径流衰减的主要原因是地表产流减少,碳酸盐岩分布较广的拒马河子流域径流衰减的主要原因是基流减少;白洋淀湿地面积变化受控于地表水位波动,近60年来白洋淀湿地退化的直接原因是入淀流量减少,根本原因是人类活动影响导致的山区径流衰减.  相似文献   

我国快速的城镇化过程造成了河流氮、磷等营养盐的污染和潜在的水体富营养化问题.对城镇流域水体氮、磷污染特征及其演变趋势的识别具有重要意义.本研究选取长三角典型城镇地区宁波市北仑区小浃江流域为研究对象,在流域内根据空间分布、土地利用类型、人类活动强度等情况布设样点,于2017年夏季和冬季采集水样,研究流域水体氮、磷污染的时空分布特征并分析其污染来源和评估其富营养化水平.结果表明:流域内铵态氮(NH4+-N)、;硝态氮(NO3--N)、亚硝态氮(NO2--N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度范围分别为0.63~3.25 mg/L、0.52~3.75 mg/L、0.02~0.22 mg/L、1.61~12.86 mg/L、0.02~0.74 mg/L和0.6~60.57 μg/L.各个采样点氮、磷分布具有较大的空间异质性和季节变化规律.富营养化综合指数EI评估结果显示,整个流域富营养化程度属于贫至中营养级.氮、磷浓度与土地类型面积占比的Spearman相关性统计表明,100 m缓冲区建设用地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TN、溶解氧(DO)浓度具有显著相关性,湿地面积占比与DO浓度呈显著正相关.汇水区域内林地面积占比与NH4+-N、NO2--N、TP、PO43--P、COD、Chl.a浓度呈显著负相关,与DO浓度呈显著正相关.相关性分析和冗余分析表明城镇化的面源污染及可能存在的点源污染是小浃江流域氮、磷污染的主要来源.因此,在小浃江流域100 m范围内,控制建设用地的规模和污染排放是减轻流域氮、磷污染的主要途径.在汇水区域内,增加林地植被的面积对减少氮、磷污染具有重要影响.  相似文献   

湖库水环境保护在保障生产与生活用水、维系生态平衡、发展旅游等方面发挥着重要的作用.水质目标管理是保护湖库水质的最佳管理办法.本文以天目湖地区沙河水库及其流域为研究区域,建立模型模拟沙河水库流域的水文与水质,评估入库污染通量和主要来源;依据水质目标测算氮、磷污染的容量和减排量,结合土地的生态保护与开发适宜性评估,提出氮、磷污染分区减排和土地管控的对策和措施.研究结果表明,沙河水库氮、磷污染物入库通量分别为206.01和3.29 t/a,面源总氮和总磷分别占总入库量的85.7%和67.5%.不同土地利用类型氮、磷输出强度有显著差异,总氮输出强度依次为茶园 >耕地 >建筑用地 >裸地 >草地 >退耕地 >林地 >河湖漫滩,总磷输出强度与地表覆盖度有关,依次为裸地 >建筑用地 >茶园 >耕地 >草地 >退耕地 >林地和河湖漫滩.从氮、磷输移过程来看,沙河水库流域总氮排放量为321.64 t/a,进入河流的为255.53 t/a,在河道输送过程中损失19.4%,最终有206.01 t/a进入水库;沙河水库流域总磷排放量为13.42 t/a,进入河流的为7.90 t/a,在河道输送过程中损失58.3%,最终有3.29 t/a进入水库.不同分区河流氮、磷滞留降解率有很大的差异,中田河总氮、总磷滞留降解能力最强,分别为34.71%和84.31%.2009年的通量计算结果显示,沙河水库总氮达到Ⅳ类水质目标需要的入湖减少量为32.01 t/a,入湖削减比例为15.50%,总氮达到Ⅲ类水质目标需要的入湖减少量为59.66 t/a,入湖削减比例为29.00%;总磷达到Ⅲ类水需要的入湖减少量为0.682 t/a,入湖削减比例为20.70%,总磷达到Ⅱ类水需要的入湖减少量为1.479 t/a,入湖削减比例为44.90%.为了实现基于土地利用的面源污染减排管控,选定植被覆盖度、水源涵养能力、地形坡度、土地利用、氮磷分区贡献量、与道路和村落距离等指标综合评估生态保护价值和开发适宜性,并划定禁止开发区、限制开发区和保护性开发区3个管理分区,最终确定各分区的开发强度限制和管控方式.  相似文献   

岩溶流域含水系统的主要特征之一是连通地表的落水洞等垂直管道将近水平的地下暗河联系起来,降水及其形成的地表径流可以通过这些管道迅速地灌入地下河系,从而改变了水及其所携带的非点源污染物质在垂直与水平方向的传输速度与数量,使岩溶流域内地表-地下之间的物质交换与传输过程变得比较复杂;应用广泛的SWAT模型在模拟岩溶地区的水文、水质时会存在一些不足与局限.为此,本文针对岩溶水系统特征,引入落水洞、伏流、暗河的水文过程以及主要营养盐的输移过程,修正SWAT模型原有的水文循环过程及相关算法,改变其只适用于松散均匀介质流域非点源污染模拟的单一特征,并研究建立适合于岩溶流域的非点源污染模型和相应的模拟方法.选取横港河流域岩溶地区作为非点源污染的对象,应用修正后的模型通过控制性的模拟方法和敏感性性分析,定量评估落水洞、伏流、暗河等岩溶特征对氮、磷等主要非点源污染物质输移的影响及其带来的时空效应,并进一步探讨落水洞、伏流、暗河等对地表-地下水文与营养盐的交互作用及转换机理.结果表明,岩溶特征对流域的氮、磷负荷有增加作用,其中总磷的增加明显大于总氮的增加,总磷和总氮的增量分别为0.86%和2.12%;植被岩溶指数的增加会导致流域可溶性磷、有机磷的产出量增加,有机氮、地表产流中硝酸氮和沉积磷的产出量则居其次,落水洞改变了降雨的产流方式,增加了落水洞所在流域的有机磷和有机氮的产出,其增量变化在0~0.7和0~0.3 kg/hm2之间.  相似文献   

Many studies have defined the interrelationships between climate, forest disturbance, and runoff at small scales (<100 km2), but few have translated these relationships to large watersheds (>500 km2). In this study, we explore the relationship between climate, extreme forest fire seasons, mountain pine beetle (MPB) outbreaks, and runoff in eight large watersheds within the Fraser and Peace drainage basins in British Columbia (BC), Canada from 1981–2019. Using a climate index based on precipitation and air temperature anomalies, we find extreme forest fire seasons (those that burned >5% of a watershed's area) are most likely to occur when a warm/dry summer is preceded by multiple seasons of cool/wet conditions. Using the climate suitability class (CSC) model to explore the relationship between climate and MPB outbreaks, we validate previous findings that lower-than-average precipitation, warm growing season temperatures, and lack of extremely cold temperatures during winter are connected to MPB outbreaks within central BC. However, the CSC model needs improvements to accurately assess MPB suitability in northern watersheds that are located outside the model's calibration region, either through weighted variables or lower degree day thresholds. Minimal runoff response occurs from these forest disturbances, with the most prominent runoff change being related to the 2014 fire season in the Osilinka and Mesilinka watersheds. The limited effects of forest disturbance on annual runoff are likely related to large watershed sizes, low percentages of disturbed area in some study watersheds and post-MPB forest dynamics. These results provide valuable insight into the interrelationships of climate, forest disturbance and runoff in large Canadian boreal forested watersheds.  相似文献   

Developing models to predict on‐site soil erosion and off‐site sediment transport at the agricultural watershed scale represent an on‐going challenge in research today. This study attempts to simulate the daily discharge and sediment loss using a distributed model that combines surface and sub‐surface runoffs in a small hilly watershed (< 1 km2). The semi‐quantitative model, Predict and Localize Erosion and Runoff (PLER), integrates the Manning–Strickler equation to simulate runoff and the Griffith University Erosion System Template equation to simulate soil detachment, sediment storage and soil loss based on a map resolution of 30 m × 30 m and over a daily time interval. By using a basic input data set and only two calibration coefficients based, respectively, on water velocity and soil detachment, the PLER model is easily applicable to different agricultural scenarios. The results indicate appropriate model performance and a high correlation between measured and predicted data with both Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (Ef) and correlation coefficient (r2) having values > 0.9. With the simple input data needs, PLER model is a useful tool for daily runoff and soil erosion modeling in small hilly watersheds in humid tropical areas. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Few long-term studies have explored how intensively managed short rotation forest plantations interact with climate variability. We examine how prolonged severe drought and forest operations affect runoff in 11 experimental catchments on private corporate forest land near Nacimiento in south central Chile over the period 2008–2019. The catchments (7.7–414 ha) contain forest plantations of exotic fast-growing species (Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus spp.) at various stages of growth in a Mediterranean climate (mean long-term annual rainfall = 1381 mm). Since 2010, a drought, unprecedented in recent history, has reduced rainfall at Nacimiento by 20%, relative to the long-term mean. Pre-drought runoff ratios were <0.2 under 8-year-old Eucalyptus; >0.4 under 21-year-old Radiata pine and >0.8 where herbicide treatments had controlled vegetation for 2 years in 38% of the catchment area. Early in the study period, clearcutting of Radiata pine (85%–95% of catchment area) increased streamflow by 150 mm as compared with the year before harvest, while clearcutting and partial cuts of Eucalyptus did not increase streamflow. During 2008–2019, the combination of emerging drought and forestry treatments (replanting with Eucalyptus after clearcutting of Radiata pine and Eucalyptus) reduced streamflow by 400–500 mm, and regeneration of previously herbicide-treated vegetation combined with growth of Eucalyptus plantations reduced streamflow by 1125 mm (87% of mean annual precipitation 2010–2019). These results from one of the most comprehensive forest catchment studies in the world on private industrial forest land indicate that multiple decades of forest management have reduced deep soil moisture reservoirs. This effect has been exacerbated by drought and conversion from Radiata pine to Eucalyptus, apparently largely eliminating subsurface supply to streamflow. The findings reveal tradeoffs between wood production and water supply, provide lessons for adapting forest management to the projected future drier climate in Chile, and underscore the need for continued experimental work in managed forest plantations.  相似文献   

The effects of land use changes on the ecology and hydrology of natural watersheds have long been debated. However, less attention has been given to the hydrological effects of forest roads. Although less studied, several researchers have claimed that streamflow changes related to forest roads can cause a persistent and pervasive effect on hillslope hydrology and the functioning of the channel system. The main potential direct effects of forest roads on natural watersheds hydrologic response are runoff production on roads surfaces due to reduced infiltration rates, interruption of subsurface flow by road cutslopes and rapid transfer of the produced runoff to the stream network through roadside ditches. The aforementioned effects may significantly modify the total volume and timing of the hillslope flow to the stream network. This study uses detailed field data, spatial data, hydro‐meteorological records, as well as numerical simulation to investigate the effects of forest roads on the hydrological response of a small‐scale mountain experimental watershed, which is situated in the east side of Penteli Mountain, Attica, Greece. The results of this study highlight the possible effects of forest roads on the watersheds hydrological response that may significantly influence direct runoff depths and peak flow rates. It is demonstrated that these effects can be very important in permeable watersheds and that more emphasis should be given on the impact of roads on the watersheds hydrological response. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simultaneous field monitoring of runoff and suspended sediment loads from a 30 ha, artificially‐drained, mixed‐agricultural catchment in Herefordshire, UK indicates field drains are the dominant pathway for the transfer of runoff and sediment to the stream. Surface runoff pathways draining 6·2% of the catchment area transported around 1% of the catchment sediment load, while subsurface runoff in field drains draining 26·5% of the catchment transported around 24% of the sediment load. The explanations offered here for the dominance of drainflow—the spatial limitation of surface runoff generation and low hillslope‐stream connectivity of surface runoff compared with subsurface runoff—are also likely to apply to other artificially‐drained lowland agricultural catchments in the UK. These catchments are usually on poorly‐drained soils, and land management can have a considerable effect on the operation of runoff pathways and the transfer of sediment from hillslope to stream. As a result, subsurface inputs may also dominate sediment transfers in other underdrained catchments. The focus on sediment and pollutant losses via surface runoff pathways means that pollution inputs from subsurface, preferential pathways have been unfairly neglected, and it may be more important to focus on subsurface sediment and sediment‐associated pollution inputs for mitigation rather than inputs from surface pathways. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Headwater forest ecosystems of the western USA generate a large portion of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) transported in streams across North America. Land cover changes that alter forest structure and species composition affect the quantity and composition of DOM transferred to aquatic ecosystems. Clear-cut harvesting affects ~1% of the forest area of North America annually, leaving most western forests in varying stages of regrowth and the total area of old-growth forest is decreasing. The consequences of this widespread management practice on watershed carbon cycling remain unknown. We investigated the role of land cover change, because of clear-cut harvesting, from mixed-species old-growth to lodgepole pine-dominated second-growth forest on the character and reactivity of hillslope DOM exports. We evaluated inputs of DOM from litter leachates and export of DOM collected at the base of trenched hillslopes during a 3-year period (2016–2018) at the Fraser Experimental Forest in north-central Colorado, USA. Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen were higher in lateral subsurface flow draining old- versus second-growth forest. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the DOM exported from the old-growth forest was more heterogeneous and aromatic and that proteinaceous, microbially processed DOM components were more prevalent in the second-growth forest. Biological oxygen demand assays revealed much lower microbial metabolism of DOM in litter leachate and subsurface exports from the old-growth forest relative to second growth. Old-growth and second-growth forests are co-mingled in managed ecosystems, and our findings demonstrate that land cover change from a mixture of conifer species to lodgepole pine dominance influences DOM inputs that can increase the reactivity of DOM transferred from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

This brief paper indicates that forest fires may have short and longer term effects on runoff and thus, can influence trend studies on the response of watersheds to climate change. Twenty-two watersheds at the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario were studied to view the impacts of climatic variability and forest fires on runoff. A roughly 30 year database demonstrated few trends in climatological variables and even fewer trends in runoff data at the 5% significance level. Daily maximum temperature increased by 0.053 °C per year, while precipitation in the months of February and March showed significant decreases. Total snow showed a significant decrease over a 30 year period at the 8% significance level. The Mann Kendall test for trend was applied to the runoff indices of 19 watersheds and it was revealed that only six exhibited trends. Of these, five had been burned during the test period. Virtually all burned watersheds showed initial increases in runoff, however, long term runoff trended lower in the burned watersheds, while the one watershed that was not burned showed an increasing trend. Forest fires alter the age distribution of trees with subsequent impacts on water yields in the short and longer term.  相似文献   

The contribution from agricultural catchments to stream nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations was assessed by evaluation of the chemical composition of these nutrients in agricultural runoff for both surface and subsurface flow pathways. A range of land uses (grazed and ungrazed grassland, cereals, roots) in intensive agricultural systems was studied at scales from hillslope plots (0.5 m2) to large catchment (>300 km2). By fractionating the total nutrient load it was possible to establish that most of the phosphorus was transported in the unreactive (particulate and organic) fraction via surface runoff. This was true regardless of the scale of measurement. The form of the nitrogen load varied with land use and grazing intensity. High loads of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (with >90% transported as NH4-N) were recorded in surface runoff from heavily grazed land. In subsurface flow from small (2 km2) subcatchments and in larger (>300 km2) catchments, organic nitrogen was found to be an important secondary constituent of the total nitrogen load, comprising 40% of the total annual load.  相似文献   

The Kiryu Experimental Catchment (KEW) is a small (5.99 ha) forest catchment located in Shiga Prefecture, central Japan (34°58′ N, 136°00′ E; www.bluemoon.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kiryu/contents.html ). Around this area, forest devastation occurred from ca. 1250 to ca. 150 years ago because of overuse of forest and timbers. Then, hillside forestation was carried out for more than 100 years to prevent soil erosion and support the timber industry, and consequently, most of this area is now covered with plantation forests mainly by Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc. (Japanese cypress) planted around 1960's. This plantation forest is not actively managed. The KEW is one of the leading experimental forests with long-term monitoring data in Japan. Research in the KEW began in 1967 to elucidate the hydrological and biogeochemical processes in the forested catchment in relation to climate, geology, soil, and vegetation growth. Since then, the long-term hydrological data of precipitation, runoff and sediment transport are continuously monitoring. In this study, we provide the data and preliminarily discuss the rainfall–runoff patterns and sediment transport through 50 years in the KEW. The annual precipitation and the maximum daily rainfall have been greater than the average over the last decade. In response to the rainfall patterns, the ratio of annual direct runoff to precipitation was also larger in the last decade. The sediment transport in this decade was consequently larger than the preceding decades. Our data presented here suggest that a close relationship exists between the climate condition, rainfall–runoff response, sediment dynamics, as well as a slowly progressing change of forest condition.  相似文献   

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