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A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1986 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 129 asteroids and calculated 312 positions for them. These are 29 numbered objects and 100 asteroids with provisional designations, six of them have no new designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to five planets numbered in the period of this report, including the asteroid 1981 VW1 discovered in Tautenburg which received the number (3499) and the name Hoppe.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1985 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 95 asteroids and calculated 168 positions for them. These are 20 numbered objects and 75 asteroids with provisional designations, two of them have no new designation. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to twelve planets numbered in the period of this report. Two asteroids discovered in Tautenburg have received numbers and names: (3245) Jensch = 1973 UL5 and (3338) Richter = 1973 UX5.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1993 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 392 asteroids were observed and 1462 positions are calculated for them. These are 297 asteroids with provisional designations (217 of them have new designations) and 95 numbered objects. Ten new designations originate from the KSO-ARI-Survey IV. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 50 planets numbered in the period of this report. Six Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1994 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 321 asteroids were observed and 1171 positions are calculated for them. These are 200 asteroids with provisional designations (102 of them have new designations) and 121 numbered objects. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 73 planets numbered in the period of this report. Fourteen Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1987 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 290 Objekte entdeckt und für diese 845 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 75 numerierte Objekte, von denen drei auf der kritischen Liste von EMP 1988 stehen, sowie um 215 Planetoiden mit provisorischen Bezeichnungen. Von letzteren erhielten 191 neue Bezeichnungen. Für 17 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten haben Tautenburger Beobachtungen einen Beitrag geleistet. Darunter sind zwei in Tautenburg entdeckte Planetoiden: 1967 GF1 erhielt die Nummer (3539) und den Namen Weimar, der Trojaner 1973 UF5 die Nummer (3540) und den Namen Protesilaos. A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1987 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. There were discovered 290 asteroids and calculated 845 positions for them. These are 75 numbered objects and 215 asteroids with provisional designations, 191 of them have new designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 17 planets numbered in the period of this report, including two asteroids discovered in Tautenburg: 1967 GF1 received the number (3539) and the name Weimar, the Trojans 1973 UF5 the number (3540) and the name Protesilaos.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1992 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 518 Objekte beobachtet und für diese 2396 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 408 Planetoiden mit provisorischer Bezeichnung, unter denen 274 neu vergebene Bezeichnungen sind, sowie um 110 numerierte Objekte. Für 172 Tautenburger Objekte wurden Bahnen aus einer Opposition gerechnet. Für 55 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten haben Tautenburger Positionen einen Beitrag geleistet. Acht Tautenburger Planetoiden wurden numeriert (Tab. 3). A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1992 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 518 asteroids were observed and 2396 positions are calculated for them. These are 408 asteroids with provisional designations (274 of them have new designations) and 110 numbered objects. One-opposition orbits have been computed for 172 Tautenburg asteroids. Tautenburg observations could give a contribution to 55 planets numbered in the period of this report. Eight Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

Es wird eine Übersicht gegeben über die im Jahr 1991 auf Tautenburger Schmidtplatten gefundenen Kleinen Planeten. Es wurden 533 Objekte beobachtet und für diese 2066 Positionen gerechnet. Es handelt sich um 456 Planetoiden mit provisorischer Bezeichnung, unter denen 324 neu vergebene Bezeichnungen sind, sowie um 77 numerierte Objekte. Für Tautenburger Objekte wurden 250 Bahnen aus einer Opposition gerechnet. Für 54 im Berichtszeitraum numerierte Planeten, darunter befinden sich auch (4999) MPC und (5000) IAU, haben Tautenburger Positionen einen Beitrag geleistet. Neun Tautenburger Planetoiden wurden numeriert (Tab. 3). A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1991 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. 533 asteroids were observed and 2066 positions are calculated for them. These are 456 asteroids with provisional designations (324 of them have new designations) and 77 numbered objects. One-opposition orbits have been computed for 250 Teutenburg asteroids. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to 54 planets numbered in the period of this report, among them are (4999) MPC and (5000) IAU, too. Nine Tautenburg asteroids have been numbered (Tab. 3).  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1984 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 84 planets and calculated 205 positions for them. Among them are 17 numbered planets, 16 already earlier observed and 51 new planets with provisional designations. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to seven planets numbered in the period of this report. The planet 1964 EC discovered in Tautenburg has received the permanent number (3181). In honor of Dr. PAUL AHNERT (*22. 11. 1897) this planet obtained the name Ahnert.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1982 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 229 planets and calculated 643 positions for them. Tautenburg observations have given a tribute to ten planets numbered in 1982. Planet (2424) discovered by us has received the name Tautenburg.  相似文献   

A summary is given about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1983 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 147 planets and calculated 272 positions for them. Tautenburg observations could give a tribute to fourteen planets numbered in the period of this report. The planet 1981 VL 2 discovered in Tautenburg has received the permanent number (2861). In honor of Prof. HERMANN LAMBRECHT († 4. 6. 1983) this planet obtained the name Lambrecht.  相似文献   

Here is a summary about the Minor Planet survey performed in 1981 on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. We discovered 294 planets and calculated 614 positions for them.  相似文献   

More than 7 000 positions of moving objects were detected on 33 films obtained with the Schmidt telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile during August and September 1995. The majority of these asteroids are previously unobserved. This paper presents the results for 62 unnumbered asteroids with provisional designations found in the fields. References to the derived positions for these asteroids are given and improved orbital elements have been calculated using all available positions.  相似文献   

Computing the maximum and minimum values of the eccentricities and inclinations as functions of the arguments of perihelion for about 7000 numbered asteroids by adopting a simple model it is found that 80 have the minimum perihelion distances less than 1.04 AU. Still, it is proved that 20% of them have no chance of colliding with the Earth, whereas 30 of them have relatively high collision probability as they have orbits similar to those of typical short-period comets.  相似文献   

This paper contains three discoveries and observations of numbered asteroids observed in September and October 1984 at the ESO in La Silla.  相似文献   

We identify the asteroids in three-body mean-motion resonances with Jupiter and Mars on the set of all known on April 2016 numbered asteroids (467308 objects). The resonant objects are identified by the direct analysis of the behavior (libration/circulation) of the resonant arguments on 100000 yrs. All essential perturbations during the integration of the equations of the motion are taken into account. The number of the asteroids in different resonances has been calculated for all possible resonances with the order less or equal 6.  相似文献   

The spectra of ten objects discovered by the Tautenburg objective prism survey were obtained at a higher spectral resolution in order to refine the selection criteria. We found four objects to be quasars and three MARKARIAN -type galaxies.  相似文献   

A simple method for numerical integration of the equations of motion of small bodies of the Solar System is proposed, which is especially efficient in studying the orbits with small perihelion distances. The evolution of orbits of 121 numbered asteroids with perihelion distances q < 1.2 AU is investigated over the time interval of years 2000–2100 with allowance made for the gravitational influence of nine planets and three largest asteroids. The circumstances of close encounters of asteroids with the Earth and other terrestrial planets are presented.  相似文献   

More than 7000 positions of moving objects have been detected on 33 films obtained with the Schmidt telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile during August and September 1995. The majority of these asteroids are previously unobserved. This paper presents the astrometric methods as well as the magnitude determinations. The derived positions for the numbered asteroids are presented and for these improved orbital elements have been calculated using all available positions.  相似文献   

The twenty most chaotic objects found among first hundred of numbered asteroids are studied. Lyapunov time calculated with and without inner planets indicates that for eleven of those asteroids the strongest chaotic effect results from the resonances with Mars. The filtered semimajor axis displays an abrupt variation only when a close approach to Mars takes place. The study of the behaviour of the critical argument for candidate resonances can reveal which is responsible for the semimajor axis variation. We have determined these resonances for the asteroids in question. For the asteroids chaotic even without the inner planets we have determined the most important resonances with Jupiter, or three-body resonances. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Besides new observations, mining old photographic plates and CCD image archives represents an opportunity to recover and secure newly discovered asteroids, also to improve the orbits of Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs), Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) and Virtual Impactors (VIs). These are the main research aims of the EURONEAR network. As stated by the IAU, the vast collection of image archives stored worldwide is still insufficiently explored, and could be mined for known NEAs and other asteroids appearing occasionally in their fields. This data mining could be eased using a server to search and classify findings based on the asteroid class and the discovery date as “precoveries” or “recoveries”. We built PRECOVERY, a public facility which uses the Virtual Observatory SkyBoT webservice of IMCCE to search for all known Solar System objects in a given observation. To datamine an entire archive, PRECOVERY requires the observing log in a standard format and outputs a database listing the sorted encounters of NEAs, PHAs, numbered and un‐numbered asteroids classified as precoveries or recoveries based on the daily updated IAU MPC database. As a first application, we considered an archive including about 13 000 photographic plates exposed between 1930 and 2005 at the Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest, Romania. Firstly, we updated the database, homogenizing dates and pointings to a common format using the JD dating system and J2000 epoch. All the asteroids observed in planned mode were recovered, proving the accuracy of PRECOVERY. Despite the large field of the plates imaging mostly 2.27° × 2.27° fields, no NEA or PHA could be encountered occasionally in the archive due to the small aperture of the 0.38m refractor insufficiently to detect objects fainter than V ∼ 15. PRECOVERY can be applied to other archives, being intended as a public facility offered to the community by the EURONEAR project. This is the first of a series of papers aimed to improve orbits of PHAs and NEAs using precovered data derived from archives of images to be data mined in collaboration with students and amateurs. In the next paper we will search the CFHT Legacy Survey, while data mining of other archives is planned for the near future (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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