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Sedimentary ball structures observed in the Visean series of Jebel Tekzim, in the Palaeozoic massif of the eastern Jebilet Range, Morocco, are described and interpreted. The metre-sized balls are composed of carbonate. They are texturally akin to wackestone or packstone, and some display a spiralled internal organization. The balls are encased in a calcarenitic to conglomeratic matrix and directly overlie a shale unit. The origin of the structures is thought to be analogous to the mechanism whereby an avalanche of wet snow gives rise to the deposition of snowballs at the base of a slope. A layer of carbonate sediment detaches along an organic-rich horizon and rolls up during downslope movement under gravity.  相似文献   

The Beni Bousera massif forms part of the Sebtide units in the internal Rif Mountain (Morocco). It is mainly composed of mantle peridotites surrounded by crustal metamorphic rocks (kinzigites, micaschists, and schists). The serpentinization affects all of peridotite massif to various degrees. Serpentinization is concentrated at the top of the peridotites, along the mylonitized zone, and in the NE part of the massif. It is manifested by the formation of mesh and hourglass textures along the tectonic foliation in the highly serpentinized peridotites; and brecciated texture in the least serpentinized peridotites. Pyroxene minerals are still intact hosting few serpentine veins. These petrographic features are consistent with the geochemical data, marked by the increasing of LOI and decreasing of MgO and FeO toward the top of the massif and Aaraben fault. The Raman characterization of serpentine with the brecciated mesh and hourglass textures correspond to lizardite type whereas the serpentine with the vein texture is formed by lizardite + chrysotile.  相似文献   

汉诺坝长英质麻粒岩包体同位素年代学及其地球动力学意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
汉诺坝地区周坝长英质麻粒岩包体的岩石学、地球化学特征指示它们部分为变沉积岩。从周坝麻粒岩相变沉积岩包体的 Sm- Nd同位素分析结果获得了 (424± 10) Ma的全岩-单矿物 Sm- Nd同位素等时线年龄。全岩 Sm- Nd同位素组成指示这些包体可能与地表出露的太古宙麻粒岩有亲缘关系,但二者的 Pb- Pb与 U- Pb锆石年龄又反映二者成因不同。周坝长英质麻粒岩包体可能为残留于大陆下地壳的古老物质。 424 Ma的 Sm- Nd年龄可能反映了与加里东运动时期蒙古板块向华北地台俯冲而发生的变质与再就位抬升作用。  相似文献   

A suite of mafic pyroxenite xenoliths and clinopyroxene megacrysts was brought to the surface by Cenozoic nephelinites of the Jbel Saghro Volcanic Field (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). The large population of samples was subdivided into five groups: (i) clinopyroxenites sensu stricto; (ii) olivine clinopyroxenites; (iii) mica-bearing clinopyroxenites; (iv) kaersutite-bearing clinopyroxenites; (v) clinopyroxene megacrysts. These xenoliths display a cumulate texture (adcumulate, heteradcumulate with poikilitic clinopyroxene including olivine). The clinopyroxenes have the composition of augite and show an appreciable variation of MgO (7.02–14.80 wt.%), TiO2 (0.58–5.76 wt.%) and Al2O3 (2.81–12.38 wt.%) contents in grains. The clinopyroxenes are characterized by convex upward chondrite-normalized REE patterns, they display very similar trace element compositions with low contents of incompatible elements such as Rb (0−0.9 ppm), Ba (0.1–8.3 ppm), Th (0.1−0.3 ppm), U (0.01−0.04 ppm) and Nb (1.3–3.2 ppm). REE contents of the calculated melts in equilibrium with the clinopyroxene megacrysts and clinopyroxene from pyroxenite xenoliths are similar to those of the nephelinites exposed in Jbel Saghro. Crystallization temperatures of pyroxenite xenoliths and clinopyroxene megacrysts range from 950 °C to 1150 °C. Clinopyroxene barometry yielded pressure of crystallization ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 GPa for pyroxenite xenoliths and 0.3 to 0.7 GPa for clinopyroxene megacrysts. This pressure range is in agreement with pyroxenite xenoliths and clinopyroxene megacrysts being crystallized from their parental melts at the lower and upper crust.  相似文献   

U–Pb geochronological data, obtained on single zircon grains using the ion microprobe Cameca IMS 1270 (CRPG-CNRS, Nancy), indicate a Neoproterozoic age (625 ± 5 Ma) for the two intrusions of Wirgane granodiorite. This age is in variance with the previously published conclusions where the intrusions were supposed Variscan. Consequently, the Wirgane intrusions are interpreted as remnants of the Neoproterozoic basement of the Variscan belt. They are similar to the Anti-Atlas calc-alkaline intrusions of the collisional to post-collisional stages of the Pan-African orogeny. At that time, the Wirgane region was an area of continental growth to the north of the major South Atlasic Fault.  相似文献   

During emplacement and cooling, the layered mafic–ultramafic Kettara intrusion (Jebilet, Morocco) underwent coeval effects of deformation and pervasive fluid infiltration at the scale of the intrusion. In the zones not affected by deformation, primary minerals (olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene) were partially or totally altered into Ca‐amphibole, Mg‐chlorite and CaAl‐silicates. In the zones of active deformation (centimetre‐scale shear zones), focused fluid flow transformed the metacumulates (peridotites and leucogabbros) into ultramylonites where insoluble primary minerals (ilmenite, spinel and apatite) persist in a Ca‐amphibole‐rich matrix. Mass‐balance calculations indicate that shearing was accompanied by up to 200% volume gain; the ultramylonites being enriched in Si, Ca, Mg, and Fe, and depleted in Na and K. The gains in Ca and Mg and losses in Na and K are consistent with fluid flow in the direction of increasing temperature. When the intrusion had cooled to temperatures prevailing in the country rock (lower greenschist facies), deformation was still active along the shear zones. Intense intragranular fracturing in the shear zone walls and subsequent fluid infiltration allowed shear zones to thicken to metre‐scale shear zones with time. The inner parts of the shear zones were transformed into chlorite‐rich ultramylonites. In the shear zone walls, muscovite crystallized at the expense of Ca–Al silicates, while calcite and quartz were deposited in ‘en echelon’ veins. Mass‐balance calculations indicate that formation of the chlorite‐rich shear zones was accompanied by up to 60% volume loss near the centre of the shear zones; the ultramylonites being enriched in Fe and depleted in Si, Ca, Mg, Na and K while the shear zones walls are enriched in K and depleted in Ca and Si. The alteration observed in, and adjacent to the chlorite shear zones is consistent with an upward migrating regional fluid which flows laterally into the shear zone walls. Isotopic (Sr, O) signatures inferred for the fluid indicate it was deeply equilibrated with host lithologies.  相似文献   

Xenoliths consisting of two thirds pyrope (Py73Alm14Gr13-Py15Alm18Gr31) and one third hercynite-bearing spinel with minor chromium, from Bellsbank and Jagersfontein kimberlites, South Africa, are compared with similar rocks, alkremites, from the Udachnaya pipe, U.S.S.R. From published experimental data and textural relationships these formed as early dense cumulates in aluminous mantle melts under restricted pressure conditions equivalent to about 75 km depth. At greater pressures very pyrope-rich garnets (Py80) are capable of being formed. The garnet spinel xenoliths are considered to have become separated from the magma prior to crystallisation of clinopyroxene, whereas complete uninterrupted fractionation and reaction would produce the more common griquaites (eclogites).  相似文献   

The Paleozoic massif of Tichka in the southern part of the Western High Atlas of Morocco constitutes a structural transition between the Meseta and the Anti-Atlas domains. It was affected by a complex network of fractures noticeable at different scales. Using Landsat ETM+ imagery permits detecting the main fracture directions. Various techniques of lineament’s extraction were applied, including the colored compositions, spectral band ratios, and directional filters applied to the principal component analysis. Lineament’s extraction is based on visual interpretation and completed by field observations. The resulted map allows recognizing at least four trending fracture system, with average N-S, NE-SW, E-W, and NW-SE orientations. The surrounding rocks of the granitic massif show a high fracture density. Tectonic indicators show that this massif is initially affected by NW-SE Variscan tectonic extension, followed by NW-SE Variscan compression. This regime is being maintained until the late Variscan period corresponding to the relaxation of the NW-SE major Variscan stress. A clockwise rotation of the latter stress, which became N-S to NNE-SSW, related to the late Variscan deformation, is responsible for reworking preexisting faults.  相似文献   

Summary Rare garnet-spinel pyroxenite xenoliths occur in some basaltic tuff-breccia levels of Miocene age from the Valle Guffari (Hyblean Plateau, Sicily), together with a number of spinel-bearing mantle xenoliths. The garnet-bearing pyroxenites may be divided into two groups (a and b) on textural and mineralogical bases. Garnet-bearing spinel websterites with a fully recrystallized texture represent the first group (a). Here the garnet (Py54.5 A1m32 Gr13.5), with a diffuse kelyphitic alteration, forms a reaction corona between coarse spinel grains and the in contact pyroxenes. The transition from the spinel-pyroxenite to the garnet-pyroxenite field may depend on isobaric cooling from higher (magmatic?) temperatures. Garnet-pyroxene geothermometry indicates that the last equilibration most probably occurred at P = 1.0 GPa (ca.), T = 750 °C (ca).The second lithotype (b) is an orthopyroxene-bearing garnet-spinel clinopyroxenite, exhibiting a complex texture. It consists of zones of coarse clinopyroxene grains enclosing euhedral spinel passing to zones where tiny rounded crystals of the same pyroxene and spinel are enclosed in relatively large patches of extensively kelyphitisized garnet (Py64.8 Alm25.6 Gr9.6). Garnet also occurs as inclusion-free grains up to 4 mm in diameter. P-T calculations give significantly higher values than for the former case (a). The origin of the b-type garnet may also depend on subsolidus reaction of spinel and pyroxenes after an isobaric cooling from still higher temperatures, but a primary magrnatic origin might also be possible, especially for the granular garnets.P-T estimates for both the pyroxenite types closely match a steady geotherm for 100 mW/m2 surface heat flow. Such a relatively intense heat flow may suggest the occurrence of huge masses of hot magma intruding the Hyblean lithospheric mantle and lower crust at different levels.
Granat-Spinell-Pyroxenit-Xenolithe aus dem Iblei-Plateau (Südost-Sizilien, Italien)
Zusammenfassung Seltene Granat-Spinell-Pyroxenit-Xenolithe kommen in einigen basaltischen Tuff-Breckzien Horizonten miozänen Alters aus dem Valle Guffari (lblei-Plateau, Sizilien) zusammen mit einer Anzahl von Spinell-führenden Mantel-Xenolithen vor. Aufgrund textureller und mineralogischer Kriterien können die Granat-führenden Pyroxenite in zwei Gruppen (a und b) unterteilt werden. Granat-führende Spinell-Websterite mit vollkommen rekristallisierter Textur repräsentieren die erste Gruppe (a). Hier bildet Granat (Py54.5 Alm32 Gr13.5) mit einer diffusen kelyphitischen Umwandlung, einen Reaktionssaum zwischen grobkörnigem Spinell und Pyroxenen, mit denen er in Kontakt ist. Der übergang vom Spinell-Pyroxenit- zum Granat-Pyroxenit-Feld kann auf isobarische Abkühlung von höheren (magmatischen ?) Temperaturen zurückgehen. Granat-Pyroxen-Geothermometrie zeigt, dass die letzte Equilibrierung sehr wahrscheinlich bei P = 1.0 GPa (ca.), T = 750°C (ca.) erfolgte.Der zweite Typ von Granat-führenden Pyroxeniten ist ein (b) Orthopyroxenführender Granat-Spinell-Klinopyroxenit, der komplexe Texturen zeigt. Er besteht aus Zonen von grobkörnigem Klinopyroxen mit Einschlüssen von idiomorphem Spinell, der in Zonen übergeht, wo kleine gerundete Kristalle des gleichen Pyroxens und Spinells in relativ große Bereiche von extensiv kelyphitisiertem Granat (Py64,8 Alm25,6 Gr9,6) eingeschlossen sind. Granat kommt auch als einschlußfreie Körner mit bis zu 4 mm Durchmesser vor. P-T Berechnungen geben wesentlich höhere Werte als für die Gesteine des Types (a). Die Entstehung der b-Typ-Granaten kann auch durch Subsolidus-Reaktion von Spinell und Pyroxen nach isobarischer Abkühlung von noch höheren Temperaturen beeinflußt sein; ein primärer magmatischer Ursprung könnte auch möglich sein, besonders für die körnigen Granate.P-T Abschätzungen für beide Pyroxenit-Typen sind gut einer Geotherme für 100 mW/m2 Wärmefluß an der Oberfläche zuzuordnen. Ein solcher, relativ intensiver Wärmefluß könnte auf das Vorkommen von großen heißen Magmenkörpern hinweisen, die den lithosphärischen Mantel unter dem Iblei-Plateau und die untere Kruste in verschiedenen Niveaus intrudierten.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic volcanic series are exposed in the northern edge of the Saghro massif (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Four volcanic rock types (basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite) were distinguished in the Boumalne inlier within the so-called Saghro volcanic sequences based on petrographic and geochemical observations. Boumalne volcanic rocks contain high Al2O3, Fe2O3, Ba, Sr, Zr, Rb, and Nb contents, including calc-alkaline affinity in composition. Boumalne volcanic rocks are similar to other lower-Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks such Agouiniy formation in Sirwa inlier and in other parts of Bou-Azzer inlier. Indeed, they indicate an active subduction signature. The geochemical data show a LREE enrichment compared to HREE. The fractional crystallization has played a major role during the evolution of the magma. The less-siliceous dacitic rocks could have been formed after a low degree of partial melting of mafic parental magma source, whereas the rich-siliceous rhyolite may have been derived from dacitic magma source by a higher degree of fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Felsic intrusions in the Hannan region at the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Block mainly include the ca. 730 Ma adakitic Erliba and Wudumen plutons and the ca. 760 Ma calcic-alkali Xixiang and Tianpinghe bodies. These four intrusions were considered to have been formed by melting of the newly formed lower mafic crust. However, the two generations of granitoids have different lithologies and mineral compositions. Thermobarometry calculations reveal that the Erliba and Wudumen granitoids formed under approximately similar emplacement pressures (2.96–3.11 kbar) and temperatures (787–789°C). The Xixiang emplaced body was intruded at high pressure (?3.54 kbar) and low temperature (?676°C), whereas the Tianpinghe pluton solidified at low pressure (?2.00 kbar) and high temperature (~747°C). The four intrusions have similar oxygen fugacity ranges near the nickel-nickel oxide buffer, suggesting oxidized parental magmas. The Erliba and Wudumen are estimated to have been generated under pressures higher than 12 kbar, the Xixiang under a pressure of >10 kbar, and the Tianpinghe under a pressure of >6 kbar. Thus, the petrology and geochemical differences among these four felsic intrusions probably mainly resulted from variations of depth and degrees of partial melting. The whole-rock and mineral compositions have arc affinities, suggesting that they were formed in an active continental margin.  相似文献   

Zircons in serpentinites from Nyashevo massif of the Ilmenogorskii complex were dated for the first time by means of the SHRIMP technique. The maximum date of 1892 ± 23 Ma for the zircons accounts for the minimum age of their mantle substrate probably constituting the restite residue. The date is comparable to those for metamorphic rocks of the Selyankino group, as well as of fenite–sand amphibolites of the Ilmenogorskii complex. The Upper Ordovician age limit of 443 ± 12 Ma is adequate for formation of the massif and conforms to the age of the Buldym massif and miaskites. The Early Permian dates of zircons (275.8 ± 2.1 Ma) represent late shear processes in the Ilmenogorskii complex.  相似文献   

During its storage or ascent, basaltic magma inevitably interacts with the surrounding rocks. In this study, schist xenoliths incorporated within ascending basalt are examined. Heating of the xenoliths combined with decompression effect of rapid magma uprise led to dehydration melting of hydrous minerals producing hercynitic spinel, melt, sillimanite and FeTi oxides. The melt is rhyolitic, strongly peraluminous (1.77 < A/CNK < 2.35) and corundum normative. It may contain up to 8 wt%FeOt. It occurs between the foliation planes and in the intragranular environment. Dehydration melting of micas in the schist is probably related to combined effects of heating by basaltic magma and decompression due to the rapid rise. Melting of xenoliths was a progressive process at low pressure. To cite this article: H. Bayhan et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The Beni Bousera peridotite massif and its metamorphic surrounding rocks have been analyzed by the fission track (FT) method. The aim was to determine the cooling and uplift history of these mantle and associated crustal rocks after the last major metamorphic event that dates back to the Lower Miocene–Upper Oligocene time (~22–24 Ma). The zircon FT analyses give an average cooling—i.e., below 320 °C—age of ~19.5 Ma. In addition, the apatite FT data give an average cooling—i.e., below 110 °C—age of ~15.5 Ma. Taking into account the thermal properties of the different thermochronological systems used in this work, we have estimated a rate of cooling close to 50 °C/Ma. This cooling rate constrains a denudation rate of about ~2 mm year?1 from 20 to 15 Ma. These results are similar to those determined in the Ronda peridotite massif of the Betic Cordilleras documenting that some ultrabasic massifs of the internal zones of the two segments of the Gibraltar Arc have a similar evolution. However, Burdigalian sediments occur along the Betic segment (Alozaina area, western Betic segment) unconformably overlying peridotite. At this site, ultramafic rock was exposed to weathering at ages ranging from 20.43 to 15.97 Ma. Since the Beni Bousera peridotite was still at depth until 15.5 Ma, we infer that no simple age projection from massif to massif is possible along the Gibraltar Arc. Moreover, the confined fission track lengths data reveal that a light warming (~100 °C) has reheated the massif during the Late Miocene before the Pliocene–Quaternary tectonic uplift.  相似文献   

Malitch  K. N.  Kogarko  L. N. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2011,440(2):1455-1459
This contribution firstly presents particularities of mineral chemistry of platinum-group elements (PGE) mineralization from placer deposits linked to the Bor-Uryakh massif of the Maimecha-Kotui Province, northern part of the Siberian Craton. The chemical composition of PGE mineralization has been studied by electron microprobe analysis. At Bor-Uryakh, main platinum-group minerals (PGM) comprise Os-Ir and Pt-Fe alloys represented by individual crystals, and polyphase PGM assemblages. The majority (e.g., 12 out of 19) of the Os-rich nuggets are iridian osmium, with subordinate amounts of native osmium (Os) and chengdeite (Ir3Fe). Pt-Fe alloys have a stoichiometric composition close to Pt2Fe. According to the nomen-clature by L. Cabri and C. Feather [1975] these minerals correspond to ferroan platinum. Based on geological position and geochemical features of investigated PGE mineralization the particular rock sources have been established. This study has demonstrated the similarity of chemical characteristics of Os-Ir and Pt-Fe alloys of the Bor-Uryakh massif to those of PGM from the Guli massif (Maimecha-Kotui Province), platiniferous zoned-type ultramafic massifs (e.g., Kondyor, Inagli and Chad) of the Aldan Province and Platinum belt of the Urals (Nizhny Tagil, Kytlym, etc.).  相似文献   

The plutonic complex of the Meissen massif (northern margin of the Bohemian massif) comprises dioritic to mainly monzonitic and granitic rocks. The diorite to monzonite intrusions show major and trace element patterns typical for shoshonitic series. The chemical signatures of less crustally contaminated diorites are similar to arc-related shoshonitic rocks derived from continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) sources previously enriched by subduction of altered oceanic crust. Laser step heating 40Ar/39Ar analyses on actinolitic to edenitic amphiboles from geographically different occurrences of the monzonitic intrusion yielded concordant plateau ages as well as total gas ages ranging from 329.1±1.4 to 330.4±1.4?Ma and from 330.4±2.1 to 330.6±1.8?Ma, respectively. These cooling ages are indistinguishable from sensitive highresolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) 238U/206Pb intrusion ages measured on magmatic zircon rims from the monzonite (Nasdala et al., submitted). This shows that the monzonite intrusion is probably not related temporally to active subduction because it postdates eclogites of the adjacent Saxonian Erzgebirge by approximately 20?Ma. The shoshonitic magmas intruded during strike-slip tectonism along the Elbe valley zone. The enrichment of their mantle sources may be of Upper Devonian/Lower Carboniferous age or older. Intrusions of shoshonitic to ultra-potassic (K-rich) rocks during the Upper Visean/Namurian are widespread in the Moldanubian zone. Based on similar ages and structural relationships a similar post-collisional setting to the Meissen shoshonitic rocks can be demonstrated. Most of these occurrences cut high-grade nappe units which were subducted during the Upper Devonian/Lower Carboniferous. In contrast to the Meissen massif, at least the ultra-potassic members of the Central and the South Bohemian batholiths were derived from CLM sources enriched by fluids or melts released from subducted oceanic crust and by greater portions of crustal material. Despite the similar post-collisional geodynamic setting of the K-rich intrusions, different enrichment processes generated mid-European Hercynian CLM sources with heterogeneous major and trace element and isotopic signatures.  相似文献   

Large magnesian ilmenite nodules occur in a quaternary basanitic volcano near Silet in the Tahalra volcanic area (Central Ahaggar, Southern Algeria). Their texture, from foliated to polygonal, is ascribed to solid state flow and dynamic recrystallization in upper mantle conditions.Their composition is similar to that of kimberlitic Mg-ilmenite nodules, as regards Mg, Fe, Al and Cr contents; the geikielite content ranges from 25 to 37 mol %. No outwards Mg enrichment of the nodules has been observed. Peripheral secundary products (pseudobrookite, magnetite and hematite) result from reaction with the host magma.From textural relationships and microprobe analyses, the Mg-ilmenite nodules from Tahalra are thought to be early cumulates from a mafic melt fractionnated in the upper-mantle; later, after solid-state deformation, these ilmenitite rocks were sampled and carried up to the surface by a fast-rising basanitic liquid.Rocks almost exclusively made of ilmenite do therefore presently exist within the upper-mantle and form a new type of petrological heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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