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1999年,我们已走到历史的十字路口:美国导弹袭击我驻南斯拉夫大使馆;日本从法律上正在打开通向军国主义的道路;台湾国民党当局已将李登辉“特殊的两国论”写入文件……现实告诉我们:当今的世界仍然是一个不稳定、动荡不安的世界。历史留给中国和平发展经济的  相似文献   

We used more than 25,000 nutrient samples to elucidate for the first time basin-scale distributions and seasonal changes of surface ammonium (NH4 +) and nitrite (NO2 ?) concentrations in the Pacific Ocean. The highest NH4 +, NO2 ?, and nitrate (NO3 ?) concentrations were observed north of 40°N, in the coastal upwelling region off the coast of Mexico, and in the Tasman Sea. NH4 + concentrations were elevated during May–October in the western subarctic North Pacific, May–December in the eastern subarctic North Pacific, and June–September in the subtropical South Pacific. NO2 ? concentrations were highest in winter in both hemispheres. The seasonal cycle of NH4 + was synchronous with NO2 ?, NO3 ?, and satellite chlorophyll a concentrations in the western subtropical South Pacific, whereas it was synchronous with chlorophyll-a but out of phase with NO2 ? and NO3 ? in the subarctic regions.  相似文献   

帆船运动场地及设施要素 帆船正式比赛的场地距海岸应有0.5~2千米,需要在开阔的水域上设4~5个比赛场地,每个场地直径约为1.9~3.6千米。这些区域水流不宜太大,水深不宜超过30米,不允许有固体漂浮物,渔网、渔排等障碍物。赛前及比赛期间这些场地区域对民用船及商业船只应当实行禁航。由海警在各区域外值守。  相似文献   

英国帆船Aera号船长杰斯·凡斯顿如是说:“每次面对帆船比赛,我都有一种爱恨交加的复杂心情,但我仍会不由自主地报名参加。因为骨子里那股拼搏超越的激情怂恿着我,更重要的是我热爱这项运动,无法割舍。”  相似文献   

帆船运动集合了娱乐性、观赏性、探险性、竞技性于一体。现代帆船运动更是各国人民进行航海文化交流的重要渠道.并且已经成为在世界沿海国家和地区最为普及且最受欢迎的体育活动之一。任何户外运动,基本安全常识都是必修课程,帆船运动当然也不例外,比起其他陆地运动,帆船运动所需要掌握的安全常识更加广泛。  相似文献   

Using results of ground-based spectrometric measurements, we analyze the anomalies in the stratospheric contents of O3 and NO2 in the Moscow region related to the sudden stratospheric warming and associated distortion of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex in early February 2010 and to the latitudinal displacement of the vortex towards the European sector in late March 2011 before the final spring warming. In the former case, the O3 concentration increased up to 85% and the stratospheric column NO2 content increased twice; in the latter case, the O3 concentration decreased by a quarter and the NO2 content decreased twice in comparison with average values for the time periods preceding the onsets of the anomalies. Estimates of the statistical correlationship of the stratospheric O3 and NO2 contents with potential vorticity and geopotential have been obtained.  相似文献   

To date no analytical solution of the pile ultimate lateral capacity for the general cφ soil has been obtained. In the present study, a new dimensionless embedded ratio was proposed and the analytical solutions of ultimate lateral capacity and rotation center of rigid pile in cφ soils were obtained. The results showed that both the dimensionless ultimate lateral capacity and dimensionless rotation center were the univariate functions of the embedded ratio. Also, the ultimate lateral capacity in the cφ soil was the combination of the ultimate lateral capacity (f c ) in the clay, and the ultimate lateral capacity (f φ ) in the sand. Therefore, the Broms chart for clay, solution for clay (φ=0) put forward by Poulos and Davis, solution for sand (c=0) obtained by Petrasovits and Awad, and Kondner’s ultimate bending moment were all proven to be the special cases of the general solution in the present study. A comparison of the field and laboratory tests in 93 cases showed that the average ratios of the theoretical values to the experimental value ranged from 0.85 to 1.15. Also, the theoretical values displayed a good agreement with the test values.  相似文献   

2009舟山群岛·中国海洋文化节由国家海洋局和浙江省人民政府共同主办,舟山市人民政府、中国海洋报社和浙江海洋学院承办,中国海洋学会、中国烹饪协会、中国文化报社和浙江省海洋文化研究会等单位协办,于2009年5月17日-6月16日在舟山举办。本届海洋文化节的主题是“弘扬海洋文化,实现和谐发展”,目的是突出感恩海洋、  相似文献   

The results of the analysis of the stable oxygen isotopes content in shell carbonates for the purpose of the individual age determination of the Rapana venosa gastropod (Valenciennes 1846) are presented. The data acquired via this method agreed with the number of spawning marks on the shell surface. Additionally, the duration of the seasonal extrema can indicate the velocity of the shell’s growth throughout the mollusk life, and the relative δ18O value in the shell’s near-apex increments, the season when a young shell comes out of its cocoon. It has been shown that the common method of growth rings counting at the operculum is unreliable for a shell’s age determination. The distinguishing of modal classes is ineffective as well, since the corridor of the variations in size for coeval individuals is very broad. Apparently, such variable characteristics as the growth rate, the wall’s thickness, and the relative weight are greatly dependent on the alimentary conditions, which are unequal even in the same biotope.  相似文献   

选取了两例迅速增强的南海土台风“蝴蝶”(1321)与“银河”(1603), 分析了其增强时南海及周边海域的高低空环流形势、垂直风切变情况和海洋热状况, 并利用WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model, WRF)模式探究两者强度不同的环境原因。“银河”虽具有较有利的海洋下垫面条件, 但并未发展为台风, 是因为不利的高低空环流形势和垂直风切变条件。“蝴蝶”迅速增强为强台风是因为其发生时北方冷空气南下, 西南暖湿气流爆发等有利条件。WRF模式对海表面温度(SST)影响土台风强度的敏感性实验表明, 土台风强度对于SST的响应表现为非线性正相关, SST升高, 土台风增强的速率将减缓。7—9月的南海SST均高于28℃, 已满足土台风增强条件。因此, 在对于土台风的预报中, 需特别注意SST以外的其他环境因子。  相似文献   

温彩霞  林宗宇 《台湾海峡》2001,20(Z1):60-62
利用组织病理、微生物、血液电解质、寄生虫检查方法对欧鳗"狂奔病"进行分析,发现无论是淡水养殖还是海水网箱养殖,病鳗的组织病理变化基本一致,鳃、肠破坏较为明显,肝、脾、肾、心均有不同程度的充血.从微生物学的分析来看,病毒的检出率并不高,形态也不一致,细菌和寄生虫的感染多样化.病鳗的血液电解质检查结果较为一致,主要以氯离子降低为主,下降幅度在30%~50%之间.由此认为本病不象是病毒、细菌和寄生虫所致.  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance, energy metabolism, buoyancy, and passive sinking and swimming speeds have been studied for comparative assessment of the adaptive potential of two species of cyclopoid copepods in the Black Sea, the native Oithona similis and new invader Oithona davisae. Both species were considered marine euryhaline copepods, but the range of salinity tolerance of O. davisae was much broader (5–55‰). The energy metabolism, locomotor activity, mean body mass density, and speed of passive sinking at the same temperature were significantly higher in O. davisae than in O. similis. The relationship between the physiological and behavioral parameters and ecological characteristics of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

"海马"牌配合饲料喂养大黄鱼的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张蕉南  陈金翠 《台湾海峡》2001,20(Z1):115-118
本文笔者于2000年5月17日至7月5日在霞浦海区网箱养殖大黄鱼中,进行"海马"牌配合饲料(按不同比例搭配小杂鱼)喂养大黄鱼试验.结果表明在相同的管理和养殖条件下,10%幼鱼粉搭配90%小杂鱼、50%幼鱼粉搭配50%小杂鱼、膨化饲料搭配小杂鱼在提高大黄鱼的生长速度、存活率和降低养殖成本方面均优于单一使用小杂鱼.  相似文献   

利用2007年7~8月吕宋海峡120°E断面(18.5°N--21.5°N)CTD观测数据,分析了该断面的温度、盐度和密度分布特征。并用动力计算方法计算了断面的流速,得到了通过该断面的海水体积通量。计算结果显示,通过断面的海水主要由南海向太平洋输送,总的交换量为3.15Sv。19°30’N-20。30’N之间,南海水通过吕宋海峡进入太平洋,而19°30’N以南和20°30’N以北至21°30’N之间,海水由太平洋进入南海。此外,流出吕宋海峡的表层流速最大可达1.3m/s,流入南海,的表层流速最大可达60cm/s,位于19°30’N以南。  相似文献   

"银祥"牌大黄鱼慢沉饲料养殖大黄鱼试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈振禄  王玮玮  苏永裕 《台湾海峡》2001,20(Z1):112-114
本文报告了用"银祥"牌大黄鱼慢沉饲料和鲜活饲料进行为期50d的大黄鱼(Pseudosciaenacrocea)养殖对比试验.结果表明,慢沉型颗粒饲料较适合大黄鱼的摄食习性和营养需求,有较低的饵料系数(1.62),较高的存活率,降低了饲养成本,减轻了对水质的污染,明显地提高了大黄鱼网箱养殖的经济与生态效益.  相似文献   

8月10日~8月11日,“2009中国·青岛蓝色经济发展国际高峰论坛”在青岛举行。此次论坛由国家发改委、科技部、财政部、国土资源部、环境保护部、交通运输部、农业部、国家海洋局、中国科协、中国科学院、中国工程院、国家自然科学基金委员会和山东省人民政府联合主办。论坛以“蓝色经济,引领未来”为主题,  相似文献   

为了贯彻执行我国“经济建设必须依靠科学技术、科学技术必须面向经济建设”的科技总方针 ,适应 2 1世纪黄河研究主题的发展和变化 ,国家自然科学基金委员会和水利部黄河水利委员会共同建立“黄河联合研究基金” ,重点资助我国黄河流域的水循环与水环境、水资源合理配置与下游河床淤积控制的应用基础研究和部分具有理论水平的应用研究。与其它基金项目的要求有所不同 ,本专项基金既不是一般性的纯理论研究 ,也不是简单的技术攻关 ,而是要求紧密结合2 1世纪我国黄河研究主题 ,开展前瞻性、创新性的研究 ,通过创新性科技进步带动黄河水问题研…  相似文献   

"868"菌粉作饲料添加剂提高甲鱼免疫力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以0.5%量添加"868"菌粉作甲鱼饲料添加剂,喂养3个月,用甲醛灭活的嗜水气假单胞菌免疫后,观察甲鱼抗体产生和中性白细胞吞噬能力的变化情况.结果表明,"868"菌粉可促进甲鱼抗体产生,且甲鱼白细胞吞噬率提高了4.1%,吞噬指数提高了8.4%.  相似文献   

到2020年,把连云港、盐城、南通建成经济实力较强的特大城市,在全国沿海城市中的地位明显提高。努力把沿海地区县(市)城镇建成中等以上城市。“提升城镇发展水平”,在沿海开发规划中占了重要篇幅。江里程说,根据规划,江苏沿海城镇的空间布局总体结构,必须以尊重资源为前提,  相似文献   

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