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波浪与大开孔消浪结构作用非线性数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于二维Laplace方程和边界条件,经过Green转换得到以势函数及势函数法向导数为未知量的积分方程。结合0-1混合型边界元和分区边界元方法建立一个适用于求解波浪与大开孔消浪结构相互作用的强非线性波浪变形数值模式,同时给出开孔板上波动压力的计算方法。通过数模与物模结果对比,该数值模式具有较好的精度,可应用于开孔沉箱防波堤消浪效果的计算和研究,其处理原则对其他低反射海工结构物计算也将有适用性。  相似文献   

基于海浪谱的沉箱式防波堤动力分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海浪谱JONSWAP谱生成随机波浪,并结合改进的波浪力时程模型生成一个连续的、持续时间相对较长的随机波浪力作用过程。假设五十年设计基准期内防波堤每年遭受一次风暴,利用波浪谱随机生成五十次风暴波浪作用过程,对防波堤五十年设计基准期的响应过程进行一次随机模拟,以此作为一个样本。经过对大量随机模拟产生的样本进行统计分析,实现对防波堤整个设计基准期内的安全度进行概率评估。最后,通过算例对该方法的应用进行了演示。  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,44(2):141-151
An analytical model has been developed that predicts the reflection of irregular waves normally incident upon a perforated-wall caisson breakwater. To examine the predictability of the developed model, laboratory experiments have been conducted for the reflection of irregular waves of various significant wave heights and periods impinging upon breakwaters having various wave chamber widths. For frequency-averaged reflection coefficients, though the overall agreement is fairly good between measurement and calculation, the model somewhat over-predicts the reflection coefficients at larger values, and under-predicts at smaller values. The model also underestimates the energy loss coefficients as wave reflection becomes larger. These differences occur because the model neglects the evanescent waves near the breakwater, which increase the energy loss at the perforated wall. The frequency-averaged reflection coefficient shows a minimum when the wave chamber width is approximately 0.2 times the significant wavelength, and it decreases with increasing wave steepness. Finally, it is shown that the reflection of irregular waves from a perforated-wall caisson breakwater depends on the wave frequency, so that the reflected wave spectrum shows a frequency dependent oscillatory behavior.  相似文献   

对近破波作用下沉箱式防波堤的运动特性进行了模型实验研究。实验中测量了沉箱模型与基床的摩擦系数、基床刚度和阻尼系数;不同水位情况下作用于沉箱模型上的近破波波压力时程;近破波作用下沉箱模型的位移和转角响应时程等,并与数学模型计算结果进行了比较分析。实验结果表明,若沉箱的滑移力大于沉箱与基床间的摩擦力,在连续波浪作用下,沉箱将连续出现间歇式滑移运动,数学模型可较好地模拟这一运动过程。  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(1):1-25
The paper introduces a new approach to composite breakwater design based on minimizing initial/construction costs subject to yearly failure rate bounds for all failure modes, and presents a technique for sensitivity analysis. The solution of the resulting optimization problem becomes complex because the evaluation of failure rates involves one optimization problem per failure mode (FORM), so that a decomposition method is used to solve the problem. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is performed, which makes it possible to determine how the cost and yearly failure rates of the optimal solution are affected by small changes in the input data values. The proposed method is illustrated by its application to the design of a composite wall under breaking and non-breaking wave conditions. The storms are assumed to be stochastic processes characterized by their maximum significant wave heights, their maximum wave heights and the associated zero-up-crossing mean periods.  相似文献   

In this study, the total horizontal and vertical forces as well as the phase differences of irregular waves on a partially perforated caisson breakwater are investigated. The partially perforated caisson is located on a rubble fill foundation and filled with rock. Based on linear potential theory, a simple semi-analytical solution of the present problem is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method and the finite element method. Experimental tests are also conducted to validate the theoretical model and examine the wave forces acting on the perforated caisson. The effects of some of the main factors on the total wave forces and the phase difference are examined. Theoretical and experimental studies show that when the total horizontal force reaches its peak, the simultaneous total vertical (upward) force is rather small or even becomes downwards. This is due to the existence of an obvious phase difference between the time histories of the total horizontal and vertical forces, which is an important advantage of perforated caissons over traditional structures.  相似文献   

In this paper, the occurrence rate of caisson sliding of a vertical breakwater during a storm and the probabilistic distribution of the individual sliding distances are derived as functions of such important design variables as water depth, significant wave height, and caisson width. The expressions for various representative sliding distances such as the significant sliding distance are also derived. The derived statistical characteristics of individual sliding distances are then used for calculating the first passage probability of an allowable individual sliding distance during a storm. A method is also proposed to calculate the time-dependent first passage probability for the case where wave climate and mean water depth change with time. Finally, tentative design criteria for the allowable individual sliding distance are proposed. The proposed method is applied to fictitious breakwaters in different water depths near the Port of Hitachinaka in Japan. The time-dependent first passage probability is calculated for the next 50 years in which the wave height may increase due to climate change. The first passage probability increases as time elapses, as the water depth increases, and as the allowable individual sliding distance decreases. Comparison with a previous study that uses a performance-based design method shows that the allowable first passage probability should be in the range between 0.05 and 0.09. For the proposed method to be used in a practical design, however, more detailed study should be made to determine the allowable values of individual sliding distance, first passage probability, and representative sliding distance, by comparing with current design methods.  相似文献   

Caisson foundations are often used in offshore engineering. However, for an optimum design understanding the failure process of a caisson during its installation and the subsequent external loadings is crucial. This paper focuses on the evolving failure of a caisson foundation in sand by advanced numerical modeling. A combined Lagrangian-smoothed particle hydrodynamics method is adopted to deal with the large deformation analysis. The method with parameters are first calibrated and validated by a simulation of cone penetration test in sand. The results of an experimental campaign of a caisson in the same sand are selected and validated for the numerical model. Then, more representative loading combinations are designated for numerical modeling of failure process and mode. Furthermore, three additional caisson dimensions D/d?=?0.5, 1.5, and 2.0 (changing the ratio of caisson diameter D to skirt length d while keeping the same soil-structure surface contact area) are simulated under six representative combined loading paths. Based on that, the influence of caisson dimension to the failure process and mode is investigated. All results are helpful to estimate all possible sliding surfaces under different monotonic combined loading paths for further limit analysis.  相似文献   

针对现阶段深水软黏土地基防波堤建设的设计理论和稳定性分析方法尚不成熟,结合实际工程,采用三维弹塑性有限元数值分析方法,研究在水平或竖直单一方向荷载以及复合加载条件下软黏土地基上沉箱防波堤的失稳模式,提出破坏包络线的稳定性判别方法。在波浪水平荷载作用下,深水软基上沉箱防波堤发生倾覆失稳破坏,失稳转动点为沉箱底面以下中轴线偏右的某点,不同于规范中规定的岩石或砂质地基沉箱倾覆转动点为其后踵点;在重力等竖向荷载作用下,沉箱的失稳模式为结构整体下陷,抛石基床及地基形成连贯的塑性区域,呈现较明显地冲剪破坏形式;在水平、竖向复合荷载作用下,软基上沉箱防波堤的破坏包络线由结构倾覆破坏线和地基承载力破坏线组成,包络线将荷载组合区分成稳定区、仅发生水平承载力不足倾覆破坏区、仅发生地基竖向承载力不足破坏区、同时发生水平承载力和地基竖向承载力不足破坏区4个区域。研究成果为深水软基沉箱防波堤建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

透空式防波堤周围的非线性波浪传播的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李熙  王义刚 《海洋工程》2004,22(3):97-101
对非线形波浪在透空式防波堤周围的波浪变形进行了数值模拟,在Boussinesq波浪方程中加入与透空建筑物有关的新的耗散项,从而界定了透空建筑物引起的部分反射和透射,波浪折射衍射的传播过程通过控制方程求解。波浪控制方程通过有限差分方法求解。模型应用于模拟波浪经过具有部分反射的群桩式透空结构,结果表明透空式防波堤可以有效地衰减波浪,是重力式结构的一种替代形式。  相似文献   

When waves break against seawalls, vertical breakwaters, piers or jetties, they abruptly transfer their momentum into the structure. This energy transfer is always spectacular and perpetually unrepeatable but can also be very violent and affect the stability and the integrity of coastal structures. Over the last 15 years, increasing awareness of wave-impact induced structural failures of maritime structures has emphasised the need for a more complete approach to dynamic responses, including effects of impulsive loads. At the same time, movement of design standards toward probabilistic approaches requires new statistical tools able to account for uncertainties in the variability of wave loading processes. This paper presents a new approach to the definition of loads for use in performance design of vertical coastal structures subject to breaking wave impacts.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years improved awareness of wave impact induced failures has focused attention on the need to account for the dynamic response of maritime structures to wave impact load. In this work a non-linear model is introduced that allows evaluating the effective design load and the potential sliding of caisson breakwater subject to both pulsating and impulsive wave loads. The caisson dynamics is modelled using a time-step numerical method to solve numerically the equations of motion for a rigid body founded on multiple non-linear springs having both horizontal and vertical stiffness. The model is first shown to correctly describe the dynamics of caisson breakwaters subject to wave attack, including nonlinear features of wave–structure–soil interaction. Predictions of sliding distances by the new method are then compared with measurements from physical model tests, showing very good agreement with observations. The model succeeds in describing the physics that stands behind the process and is fast, accurate and flexible enough to be suitable for performance design of caisson breakwaters.  相似文献   

In this paper, results of a three-dimensional finite element study addressing the effect of embedment ratio (L/D) of caisson foundations on the undrained bearing capacity under uniaxial and combined loadings are discussed. The undrained response of caisson foundations under uniaxial vertical (V), horizontal (H) and moment (M) loading are investigated. A series of equations are proposed to predict the ultimate vertical, moment and maximum horizontal bearing capacity factors. The undrained response of caisson foundations under combined V-H and V-M load space is studied and presented using failure envelopes generated with side-swipe method. The kinematic mechanism accompanying failure under uniaxial loading is addressed and presented for different embedment ratios. Predictions of the uniaxial bearing capacities are compared with other models and it is confirmed that the proposed equations appropriately describe the capacity of caisson foundations under uniaxial vertical, horizontal and moment loading in homogenous undrained soils. The results of this paper can be used as a basis for standard design codes of off-shore skirted shallow foundations which will be the first of its kind.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) large-eddy-simulation model with macroscopic model equations of porous flow is proposed to investigate solitary waves interacting with permeable breakwaters. The major objective of this paper is twofold. First, we seek to evaluate the present model through the comparison with available simulated and measured data in the literature. The second aim, given the 3D nature of flow past a permeable breakwater, the variations of permeable breakwater modeled on both macroscopic and microscopic scales are examined. First validation is carried out with experiments on solitary wave propagation in a 3D wave basin and then runup on a vertical permeable breakwater with a gap in the lateral direction. A satisfactory agreement on the free surface elevation time series is obtained between model and measured results. Second, we replicate the experiments on a solitary wave interaction with a submerged permeable breakwater in a two-dimensional narrow wave flume. The porous medium is composed of spheres with a uniform size and arranged in a non-staggered regular pattern such that the porous medium can thus be modeled on macroscopic and microscopic scales. The numerical calculations indicate that the results obtained with macroscopic and microscopic modeling both fit the measurements fairly well in terms of the free surface elevations and velocity fields. Specifically, the microscopic modeling better simulates detailed phenomena such as flow injection from the porous medium and the initial stage of the formation of the main vortex in the leeward face of the obstacle. After the solitary wave completely propagates over the permeable object, the discrepancies between macroscopic and microscopic model results are insignificant. More accurate 3D results are used to determine the trajectories of fluid particles around the porous object to help understand the possible sediment movements in suspensions.  相似文献   

The multi-spring shear mechanism plastic model in this paper is defined in strain space to simulate pore pressure generation and development in sands under cyclic loading and undrained conditions,and the rotation of principal stresses can also be simulated by the model with cyclic behavior of anisotropic consolidated sands.Seismic residual deformations of typical caisson quay walls under different engineering situations are analyzed in detail by the plastic model,and then an index of liquefaction extent is applied to describe the regularity of seismic residual deformation of caisson quay wall top under different engineering situations.Some correlated prediction formulas are derived from the results of regression analysis between seismic residual deformation of quay wall top and extent of liquefaction in the relative safety backfill sand site.Finally,the rationality and the reliability of the prediction methods are validated by test results of a 120 g-centrifuge shaking table,and the comparisons show that some reliable seismic residual deformation of caisson quay can be predicted by appropriate prediction formulas and appropriate index of liquefaction extent.  相似文献   

In a macrotidal environment with offshore breakwaters (Elmer, West Sussex) a new approach for the identification of the sediment transport pathways with grain size trend analysis (GSTA) was undertaken using statistical parameters (mean, sorting and skewness) directly derived from settling velocities distributions. The same samples were analysed with sieving (quarter- and half-phi resolution) and GSTA was performed again in order to directly compare the resultant sediment transport directions derived with the two analytical techniques. Furthermore, both regular and irregular sampling distributions were used to recalculate GSTA. Hydrodynamic data were collected in different locations around the breakwaters and net sediment transport directions were calculated in order to assess the accuracy of the sediment transport pathway directions derived with the different analytical techniques.The accuracy of settling velocity in determining the statistical parameters of the grain size distribution is identified, especially for the fine-medium sand sediments. Settling velocities produced better results than the sieving; the quarter-phi resolution producing the poorer results in comparison with the coarser half-phi resolution. The results for the different spatial sampling strategies are found to depend upon the number of samples utilised; that shows that the accuracy of the GSTA is based upon the ability of representing, adequately, the spatial distribution of the sediment parameters.  相似文献   

The formation of acoustic images in real-time requires an enormous computational burden. To reduce this demand the use of sparse arrays for beamforming is mandated. The design of these arrays for adequate mainlobe width and low sidelobe level is a difficult nonlinear optimization problem. A new approach to the joint optimization of sensor placement and shading weights is discussed. Based on the concept of importance sampling an optimization method is presented and some examples given to illustrate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

针对粉土中吸力桶在吸力沉贯中的两个关键性问题——沉贯阻力和内部土体稳定性,在自行研制的试验平台上进行了一系列吸力桶沉贯模型试验。试验结果表明,粉土中吸力沉贯时,Andersen所提供的基于CPT锥尖强度的阻力计算公式能较好预测阻力发展趋势,但计算结果偏小;而修正的承载力公式预测结果在沉贯前期与实测值较吻合,沉贯后期预测偏大。吸力沉贯前期,贯入阻力随深度稳步增长,直到贯入深度达到某个临界值后,阻力增长缓慢甚至保持不变。桶内粉土在吸力作用下的失稳机理与黏土或砂土不同,在渗透力作用下表现为从土层表面开始的自上而下管涌或渗流侵蚀。沉贯后期,端部土体在较高水头差下发生失稳并向桶内流动,造成了桶内土体密度降低,端阻力与内壁摩阻力降低,总贯入阻力主要由外壁摩阻力提供。并结合有限元模拟对上述实验现象的内在机理进行了解释。  相似文献   

Marine structures which cover a wide range of offshore and onshore structures are often subjected to different external and internal forces against which a proper design should be performed. Among many, breakwaters constructed over a relatively loose agglomerate of granular soils are much prone to deep seated failure extended beneath the foundation. This type of failure has been given less attention in conventional design approaches. Stability analysis of such failures is the main subject of this research which includes both the static and the seismic stability of breakwaters over granular marine soils. As the subsoil strata in sea beds often comprise loose sand deposits, it is more convenient to assume a rather small angle of dilation, at least at failure, which certainly reduces the potential to resist geotechnical instabilities. The method of stress characteristics along with slight modifications to handle this issue has been used to assess the overall stability of breakwaters against deep seated failures. Investigations revealed that while even under static condition, there is certain potential of failure, under seismic condition, the risk is quite very high. A series of design charts are also developed presenting the factor of stability as a measure of safety against such failure.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(1):39-48
This paper describes a simple method for modelling wave breaking over submerged structures, with the view of using such modelling approach in a coastal area morphodynamic modelling system.A dominant mechanism for dissipating wave energy over a submerged breakwater is depth-limited wave breaking. Available models for energy dissipation due to wave breaking are developed for beaches (gentle slopes) and require further modifications to model wave breaking over submerged breakwaters.In this paper, wave breaking is split into two parts, namely: 1) depth-limited breaking modelled using Battjes and Janssen's (1978) theory [Battjes, J.A. and Jannsen, J.P.F.M. (1978). Energy loss and setup due to breaking of random waves. Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. Coast. Eng., Hamburg, Germany, pp. 569-587.] and 2) steepness limited breaking modelled using an integrated form of the Hasselmann's whitecapping dissipation term, commonly used in fully spectral wind–wave models. The parameter γ2, governing the maximum wave height at incipient breaking (Hmax = γ2d) is used as calibration factor to tune numerical model results to selected laboratory measurements. It is found that γ2 varies mainly with the relative submergence depth (ratio of submergence depth at breakwater crest to significant wave height), and a simple relationship is proposed. It is shown that the transmission coefficients obtained using this approach compare favourably with those calculated using published empirical expressions.  相似文献   

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