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"This paper...[analyzes] the distance moved by one-year migrants using a multi-level modelling approach. Controlling for a range of socio-economic variables, derived from the 1991 British Census Sample of Anonymised Records (SAR), at both the individual and area level, the distance moved by household heads in public, privately rented and owner-occupied housing within Britain is assessed.... It is confirmed that migrants in public housing are less likely to migrate long distances than owner-occupiers and that the proportion of public housing in a SAR area, and the absolute reduction in public housing in a SAR area between 1981 and 1991, does not have a significant effect on the distance that in-migrants have moved."  相似文献   

A number of studies have indicated that the long term habitability of Kiribati, a low‐lying country in the central tropical Pacific Ocean, is tenuous given the impacts of climate change, particularly sea level rise. In an effort to plan for the resultant challenges ahead, a number of national policies and programs have surfaced to reduce the impact of localized changes on people's livelihoods. This study explores how local community members (n = 60) have taken it upon themselves to respond to the impacts of climate change by utilizing a number of different strategies. The results highlight that: first, respondents consider climate change to be the most concerning issue for sustaining their livelihoods; second, respondents have built physical defences, relocated temporarily or permanently, and sought government assistance to adapt to localized climate‐related impacts; and third, the majority of respondents indicated that they would migrate as a long term strategy to respond to the future impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Sustainable economic development strategies promote mutually-beneficial environmental, social and economic progress. Such strategies now form an essential basis for local and regional development. Various models of sustainable economic and environmental industry development have been introduced in recent years, some of which have proved to be of particular value. The theory and practice of sustainable economic development has made rapid progress, and this approach to local and regional development is now generally accepted as offering the opportunity to solve a range of environmental and economic problems and to promote new economic activities that can generate jobs in socially excluded communities.  相似文献   

我国综合自然地理学的建立与理论拓展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岳大鹏  刘胤汉 《地理研究》2010,29(4):584-596
回顾和评述了中国综合自然地理学的建立和发展过程。中国综合自然地理学经过几代地理学者的不断实践和理论概括,逐渐形成和蓬勃发展起来。相对于国外研究,中国综合自然地理在土地系统分级、结构、演变、系列制图、综合自然区划、自然地带划分、自下而上组合自然小区等方面有长足的进步与拓展。今后,现代综合自然地理学应在自然地域系统方面,把自然、人文、生态经济等各个要素进行系统综合,开展综合地理区划研究,进一步提高区划的理论性和实践性;在土地系统方面,把尺度、结构、过程结合起来,开展土地结构与演变研究,加强土地利用/土地覆被特点、驱动力和生态效应研究;在自然地理过程方面,把物理、化学、生物过程综合到土壤—植被—大气连续系统界面研究上来。  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for formation of peritidal parasequences have been a focus of debate between proponents of contrasting autocyclic and allocyclic models. To contribute to this debate a three‐dimensional numerical forward model of carbonate production, transport and deposition has been developed. Shallowing‐upward parasequences are produced in the model via carbonate island formation and progradation, with an element of self‐organization, and no external forcing. These autocyclic parasequences have characteristics comparable with peritidal parasequences observed in outcrop. Modelled parasequence thickness and duration depend primarily on subsidence rate and sediment transport rate, illustrating the significance of sediment flux in formation of peritidal parasequences. Adding an element of stochastic variation of sediment transport rate and transport path leads to formation of nonuniform‐thickness parasequences that generate Fischer plots showing apparent hierarchies similar to those often interpreted as evidence of eustatic forcing. The model results do not rule out allocylic mechanisms, but suggest that shoreline and island progradation are also plausible mechanisms to create variable‐thickness, shallowing‐upward peritidal parasequences and should be considered in interpretations of such strata.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper introduces a new matrix computational approach to the local determination of gravity gradients, convenient for comparing with gradient signals from moving base gradiometer systems or calculating topographic effects at instrument heights. The method represents a practical alternative to the more conventional spherical harmonics formulation, primarily global in nature, and it may be considered as an extension to other previously used local representations, such as point masses. Important characteristics of the analytical development outlined herein are its conceptual simplicity and the possibility of obtaining at once, up to a certain order n , and in an arbitrary Cartesian coordinate system, the symmetric point gradient tensor of second rank.  相似文献   

Migration to domestic and international destinations has become an emblematic feature of Nepal’s societal changes. Part of this development is education migration from rural to urban areas within the borders of Nepal, an often overlooked but increasingly important aspect of contemporary migration flows. By focusing on these educational migrants, this paper explores how they connect to their rural homes. Guided by a critical reading of the migration-development scholarship, the paper examines how migrants and their relatives make sense of educational migrants’ remitting and returning practices, and by comparing three groups of educational migrants, the migrants’ reasons for staying connected and sending remittances are scrutinized. The paper finds that although educational migrants do not generate extensive economic remittances for local development in Nepal, they stay connected to their rural homes and partake in important social remittance practices that represent a vision for impacting local development.  相似文献   

海外关系网络是一种特殊的社会资本,对地方经济的发展可以起到一定的促进作用。本文从社会网络作为资源配置渠道的角度,以广东新会为例,通过实地调研、数据统计及问卷分析,探讨了海外关系网络对地方经济发展的作用。研究发现,通过海外关系网络进入侨乡的资金主要有侨汇、捐赠和投资三种形式,三者都直接或间接地作用于新会地方经济发展的各个方面,对新会地方发展起到了重要的作用。然而,随着经济的发展和市场的建立,社会网络的作用正在减弱,说明社会资本只能在特定的时期和特定的历史条件下起作用。侨乡经济要取得持续发展,就必须加强市场的建设。  相似文献   

中国城市群形成发育规律的理论认知与地理学贡献   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
城市群是国家工业化和城镇化发展到高级阶段的产物,是高度一体化和同城化的城市群体,城市群形成发育过程是一个各城市之间由竞争变为竞合的漫长自然过程,遵循自然发展规律。中国正处在新型城镇化转型发展的新阶段,已进入21世纪引领全球城市群发展的新时代,中国城市群研究与建设的经验模式正在被全球城市群建设所效仿和借鉴。本文从理论上梳理并提出了城市群形成发育遵循的自然规律,包括城市群形成发育的阶段性规律、城市群多尺度空间集约利用传导规律、城市群空间晶体结构组合规律、城市群自然生长的育树成林规律和城市群可持续发展的梯度爬升规律。地理学家遵循这些发展规律,从学术理论、技术方法、决策支持和规划实践等方面为中国城市群的研究和发展做出了不可替代的重大贡献,主要包括提出并科学界定了城市群概念,提出了城市群空间范围的识别标准,创建了城市群空间集约拓展与布局仿真决策支持技术链,研制了城市群空间集约拓展与布局仿真决策支持系统软件链,提出了中国城市群空间组织的“5+9+6”新格局,研制出国内第一部《城市群规划技术规程》,编制完成了全国多数城市群发展规划,转化为国家决策的重要依据。未来中国城市群的发展与研究中,地理学家发挥作用的空间越来越大,地理学家肩负着不可推卸的责任使命,应责无旁贷地采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法,引用大数据、智能决策支持技术等新手段解决城市群发展面临的一系列问题,一如既往地为城市群发展吸纳众智、献计献策,发挥更大作用,做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

Fiscal impact assessments exist to provide decision makers with the tools to make informed decisions regarding local government finances. Every type of change in a community will have a unique impact on the local economy. This impact cannot be evaluated without careful attention to the particular geographic setting of the study. Unfortunately, geography is currently underutilized in the practice of fiscal impact analysis. This paper argues that the increased application of geographic tools is a key to improving the accuracy of fiscal impact reports.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study addresses the complex relationship between an evolving fault population and patterns of synrift sedimentation during the earliest stages of extension. We have used 3D seismic and well data to examine the early synrift Tarbert Formation from the Middle–Late Jurassic northern North Sea rift basin. The Tarbert Formation is of variable thickness across the study area, and thickness variations define a number of 1- to 5-km-wide depocentres bounded by normal faults. Seismic reflections diverge towards the bounding faults indicating that the faults were active contemporaneous with the deposition of the formation. Many of these faults became inactive during later Heather Formation times. The preservation of the Tarbert Formation in both footwall and hangingwall locations demonstrates that, during the earliest synrift, the rate of deposition balanced the rate of tectonic subsidence. Local space generated by hangingwall subsidence was superimposed upon accommodation generated due to a regional rise in relative sea-level. In basal Tarbert Formation times, transgression across the prerift coastal plain produced lagoons and bays, which became increasingly marine. During continued transgression, barrier islands moved landward across the drowned bays. In the southern part of our study area, shallow marine sediments are erosionally truncated by fluvial deposition. These fluvial systems were constrained by fault growth monoclines, and flowed parallel to the main faults. We illustrate that stratal architecture and facies distribution of early sedimentation is strongly influenced by the active short-lived faults. Local depocentres adjacent to fault displacement maxima focused channel stacking and allowed the aggradation of thick shoreface successions. These depocentres formed early in the rift phase are not necessarily related to Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous depocentres developed along the major linked normal fault systems.  相似文献   

This paper explores alternative understandings and experiences of migration under neoliberalism in Ecuador. Through the case study, the study examines migrants' multiple motivations for mobility and their ambivalence toward the process. Insights from the transnational migration literature were drawn in order to think through the implications of an increasingly contradictory context of economic modernization and its impact upon the sense of possibilities and belonging of migrants. In-depth interviews with urban-destined migrants in Ecuador were drawn to argue that mobility produces ambivalent development subjects. This argument is developed in three sections. First, the paper centers on the epistemological and theoretical basis for the relevance of migrant narratives in extending theorizations of migration. Second, in-depth interviews with migrants to Quito are drawn to explore migrants' sense of belonging and regional affiliation, identity formation through migration, and experiences of alienation and disruption in their lives. Lastly, this paper concludes with a retheorization of the role of migration places in the migrant identity construction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Inter‐ and intrabasinal correlation of Neoproterozoic carbonate successions and associated glaciogenic deposits from the Pan‐African Gariep Belt and the Kango inlier in the Saldania Belt (Namibia and South Africa) is proposed on the basis of new δ13CCarb and 87Sr/86SrI data. Highly positive δ13CCarb values (as much as + 8.65‰) and low 87Sr/86SrI ratios (0.7071–0.7077) were obtained on carbonate successions of the Hilda Subgroup between an older and a younger diamictite in the Port Nolloth Group (Gariep Belt). These results are in agreement with data elsewhere that suggest deposition between the global ~ 750 Ma Sturtian and ~ 580 Ma Marinoan glaciations. Considerably lower, positive δ13CCarb values (up to + 1.01‰) and higher 87Sr/86SrI ratios (0.7082–0.7085) mark the carbonates (Bloeddrif Member, Holgat Formation) on top of the Numees Formation diamictite and support a correlation of this diamictite with the Marinoan glaciation. In the southern extension of the Gariep Belt, correlation of the Widouw Formation limestone (Gifberg Group) with the Bloeddrif Member carbonates is proposed based on similar isotopic characteristics. In the Kango inlier of the Saldania Belt, two carbonate‐bearing members exist in the Matjies River Formation. The lower one of these two (Nooitgedacht Member) compares well with the Hilda Subgroup, whereas the upper one (Kombuis Member) shows strong similarities to the Bloeddrif Member carbonates. This implies that all younger stratigraphic units of the Kango inlier are not correlatives of the Port Nolloth Group, as previously assumed, but syn‐ to post‐orogenic with respect to the 540–580 Ma Pan‐African orogeny.  相似文献   

王雨  安宁  胡志丁  王丰龙 《地理研究》2022,41(3):931-944
在国际形势应对和国内社会治理的需求推动下,目前中国政治地理学的学科发展得到了越来越多的关注,基本形成了外源性研究与内生性研究并行的学科体系。然而与国际关系学、政治经济学、公共管理学等相关学科相比,中国政治地理学研究的影响力仍然有限,相关理论和方法较少被其他学科采纳应用,在国内外地缘战略和社会政策制定中的声音也相对不足。本文一方面直接回应了其他学科对“地理”内涵及其重要性的偏见和误解,另一方面指出了中国政治地理学自身在机理性研究、宏观-微观联系、研究对象整合和理论建构等方面存在的不足。本文还从权力-空间关系出发,明确了政治地理学研究的核心议题,期望有助于整合研究议题、凝聚研究共识、推动知识积累,从而增强政治地理学科的理论生产能力及其在更广泛学科体系中的影响力。  相似文献   

杨希  马航  张力智  宋科 《地理研究》2021,40(4):958-976
客家是一支在一定时期内处于流迁状态的民系。在其迁徙过程中,宗族组织化的群体自身的文化惯性对撞地理环境与社会环境的差异,使客家民系对于生存空间关系的处理呈现多样的态度。为厘清广东主要客居地内不同传统客家村居形态之间的关联性及其发展脉络,本研究从类型学角度,分别在微观建筑形态与中观聚落格局两个层面,依据关键空间属性来划分空间形制的基本类型,并整理比较建筑类型与聚落类型的地理分布。而后,从历史地理学角度挖掘客家民系在广东省内的流迁历程,并顺沿多条流迁动线分别探讨不同建筑类型、不同聚落类型之间的承袭、交融与分异关系,进而得出以下结论:① 在“建筑”与“聚落”两个尺度层面上的空间营造活动中,建筑形制决策倾向于依附民系内生文化,聚落模式决策倾向于呼应局域地区的社会经济与自然环境;② 在沿迁徙路径的时空推移过程中,主要建筑类型沿主干河流由上游向中下游传播承袭,韩江水系和东江水系之间的支线水陆途径促进了建筑类型在规模、围合防卫程度、聚合组织形式等方面的渐变过渡;③ 相对于客家文化核心区,“广府-客家”“福姥-客家”文化锋面上客家建筑“中轴”对空间组织的主导力发生急剧弱化,意味着宗族组织出现扁平化的变化态势,主要表现为该地带宗族“房系”发达度下降,以及宗祠的经济文化凝聚力衰退;④ 从空间概念的历时性承袭与发展视角来看,空间形态控制性基因应为明确的“属性”化因子,而非具象化要素,聚居空间的基因分析,应当分别基于“人”“地”的不同线索,探索不同尺度人居空间形态的控制因子。  相似文献   

In the last decades, the development of transport infrastructure has been necessary because of the population increase and expansion of urban centres. Infrastructure development leads to modification and changes in areas characterized by high human population density. The lack of adequate transport infrastructure inhibits local economic and social performance. In the period of economic stability (from 1970 to 1990), important roads that increased the connectedness of the Kolubara District (Western Serbia) with other parts of the country and the surrounding countries were built, but there is still a need for the construction of new roads. In order to examine the attitude of the local population in regard to transport infrastructure, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of closed questions. This topic is one that has not previously been examined. The data obtained were analyzed statistically and showed that local people have a positive attitude towards the existing infrastructure and towards the construction of new roads. There are statistically significant differences between the attitudes of the local population in different municipalities. The results from this research offer an opportunity to develop guidelines which can influence traffic development in these and similar areas.  相似文献   

This paper identifies analytical and empirical methods for determining the probability that lines and areas intersect tiles in a regular tessellation. Such intersections are common in geographical information systems (GIS) applications. Knowledge of intersection probabilities is valuable in many instances, including estimating complexity and time required to process a distance or viewshed operation, developing optimal tiling schemes for national georeferencing systems, precalculating the number of map sheets a spatial feature may occupy, and identifying appropriate cell resolutions for vector-to-raster conversions. Buffon's Needle-type solutions from the field of geometric probability provide the framework for deriving probabilities for lines. Probabilities for simple areas like rectangles and circles are derived using geometric techniques and illustrated using hypothetical examples. Employing such probabilities in spatial analysis may yield more rigorous and theoretically informed results from GIS analysis, leading to better decisions and greater insight into spatial phenomena.  相似文献   

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