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The sedimentological characteristics of in situ and paraglacially reworked till are compared at recently deglaciated sites in Norway. Glacigenic deposits reworked by debris flows are shown to retain many of the characteristics of the parent sediments, and cannot readily be distinguished from in situ till in terms of fabric strength or type, clast imbrication, shape, angularity or texture, matrix granulometry or packing. Paraglacially re-worked sediments appear to differ from in situ tills only in terms of preferred clast orientation (down flow rather than downvalley) and their structural and lithofacies characteristics. These criteria are employed to differentiate paraglacial sediments from unre-worked tills exposed in valley-side sections. The stratigraphic relations between these indicate glacial reworking of earlier paraglacial sediments as well as paraglacial remobilisation of glacigenic deposits, indicating cyclic alternation of glacial and paraglacial sediment transport.  相似文献   

A stratigraphic sequence exposed by river erosion in the foreland of Skalafellsjokull, southern Iceland, displays five lithofacies documenting glaciofluvial deposition followed by glaciotectonic disturbance and subglacial deformation. Lithofacies 1a and 1b are glaciotectonically thrust glaciofluvial outwash and subglacial deformation till respectively from an early advance of Skalafellsjokull. Lithofacies 2, massive gravels and clast–supported diamictons, documents the deposition of glaciofluvial outwash in the proto–River Skala prior to overriding by Skalafellsjokull during the Little Ice Age. During overriding, lithofacies 2 was glaciotectonically disturbed and now possesses the clast fabric and structural characteristics of G B (non–penetratively deformed) and G A (penetratively deformed) type glaciotectonites. A shear zone separates lithofacies 2 from overlying lithofacies 3, the latter possessing the clast fabric signature of a D A (dilatant) type deformation till although it was originally deposited as a discontinuous diamicton within a glaciofluvial sequence, probably as a hyperconcentrated flow, and appears to have been at least partially derived from underlying materials by glaciotectonic cannibalization. Lithofacies 4 is a glaciofluvial deposit comprising two coarseningupward sequences of gravel and diamicton. These facies have been overprinted with G B glaciotectonite and D A?B (dilatant to non–dilatant) deformation till structures and clast fabrics recording a vertical progression towards more pervasively deformed material. The sequence is capped by lithofacies 5, a two–tiered deformation till possessing the characteristics of D A and D B horizon subglacial tills previously reported from Icelandic glacier snouts. The whole sequence comprising lithofacies 2–5 represents a gravel outwash/deformation till continuum displaying variable strain signaturesproduced in response to stress induced by the overriding of Skalafellsjokull during the Little Ice Age. These signatures are dictated by the sediment rheology and a vertical strain profile for the sediment pile during glacier overriding is reconstructed.  相似文献   

Samples of macrofabric data obtained from colluvial deposits near the late-Wisconsinan glacial margin display widely divergent characteristics. Those from highly weathered and jointed sandstone plot as girdle distributions. Samples from red colluvium of early-Wisconsinan age form moderately strong clusters. Fabrics from shallow depth in medium-textured brown colluvium of late-Wisconsinan age generally have modes aligned with the local slope but are weak, and appear to have been modified by frost heaving. Clasts in the basal layers of an overlying loess unit were emplaced by frost heaving from the brown colluvium and have very weak or uniform fabrics. Particle shape exerts an influence on fabric strength in the brown colluvium, with samples composed of more elongated clasts displaying stronger fabrics. Fabrics from near-surface deposits show generally weaker shape and strength characteristics and higher inclinations than those at depth. Calculated seasonal frost penetration is consistent with the depth to which weaker, more steeply inclined fabrics are found. Sampling in relict periglacial deposits should be performed only below the level of disturbance by seasonal frost.  相似文献   

In many areas of Svalbard, the Neoglacial terminal deposits represent the Holocene glacial maximum. The glaciers began the retreat from their Neoglacial maximum positions around 1900 AD. Based on high resolution acoustic data and sediment cores, sedimentation patterns in four tidewater glacier-influenced inlets of the fjord Isfjorden (Tempelfjorden, Billefjorden, Yoldiabukta and Borebukta), Spitsbergen, were investigated. A model for sedimentation of tidewater glaciers in these High Arctic environments is proposed. Glacigenic deposits occur in proximal and distal basins. The proximal basins comprise morainal ridges and hummocky moraines, bounded by terminal moraines marking the maximum Neoglacial ice extent. The distal basins are characterized by debris lobes and draping stratified glacimarine sediments beyond, and to some extent beneath and above, the lobes. The debris lobe in Tempelfjorden is composed of massive clayey silt with scattered clasts. Distal glacimarine sediments comprise stratified clayey silt with low ice-rafted debris (IRD) content. The average sedimentation rate for the glacimarine sediments in Tempelfjorden is 17 mm/yr for the last ca. 130 years. It is suggested that the stratified sediments in Tempelfjorden are glacimarine varves. The high sedimentation rate and low IRD content are explained by input from rivers, in addition to sedimentation from suspension of glacial meltwater. The debris lobes in Borebukta are composed of massive clayey silt with high clast content. Distal glacimarine sediments in Yoldiabukta comprise clayey silt with high IRD content. The average sedimentation rate for these sediments is 0.6 mm/yr for the last 2300 years.  相似文献   

Whalebacks are convex landforms created by the smoothing of bedrock by glacial processes. Their formation is attributed to glacial abrasion either by bodies of subglacial sediment sliding over bedrock or by individual clasts contained within ice. This paper reports field measurements of sediment depth around two whaleback landforms in order to investigate the relationship between glacigenic deposits and whaleback formation. The study site, at Lago Tranquilo in Chilean Patagonia, is situated within the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice limits. The two whalebacks are separated by intervening depressions in which sediment depths are generally 0.2 to 0.3 m. Two facies occur on and around the whalebacks. These facies are: (1) angular gravel found only on the surface of the whalebacks, interpreted as bedrock fracturing in response to unloading of the rock following pressure release after ice recession, and (2) sandy boulder‐gravel in the sediment‐filled depressions between the two whalebacks, interpreted as an ice‐marginal deposit, with a mixture of sediment types including basal glacial and glaciofluvial sediment. Since the whalebacks have heavily abraded and striated surfaces but are surrounded by only a patchy and discontinuous layer of sediment, the implication is that surface abrasion of the whalebacks was achieved primarily by clasts entrained in basal ice, not by subglacial till sliding.  相似文献   

Mapping and laboratory analysis of the sediment—landform associations in the proglacial area of polythermal Storglaciären, Tarfala, northern Sweden, reveal six distinct lithofacies. Sandy gravel, silty gravel, massive sand and silty sand are interpreted as glaciofluvial in origin. A variable, pervasively deformed to massive clast‐rich sandy diamicton is interpreted as the product of an actively deforming subglacial till layer. Massive block gravels, comprising two distinctive moraine ridges, reflect supraglacial sedimentation and ice‐marginal and subglacial reworking of heterogeneous proglacial sediments during the Little Ice Age and an earlier more extensive advance. Visual estimation of the relative abundance of these lithofacies suggests that the sandy gravel lithofacies is of the most volumetric importance, followed by the diamicton and block gravels. Sedimentological analysis suggests that the role of a deforming basal till layer has been the dominant factor controlling glacier flow throughout the Little Ice Age, punctuated by shorter (warmer and wetter climatic) periods where high water pressures may have played a more important role. These results contribute to the database that facilitates discrimination of past glacier thermal regimes and dynamics in areas that are no longer glacierized, as well as older glaciations in the geological record.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Alpine glacier deposits in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica have been interpreted to indicate that early Pliocene climate in that region was not warmer than it is today. Correlation of these alpine‐glacier till sheets to marine deposits that contain evidence consistent with warmer‐than‐present climate has been used to constrain the age of both deposits, preclude the warm interpretation of the marine evidence, and constrain mountain uplift as determined from the marine deposit. We tested the interpretation that, in the early Pliocene, the alpine glaciers in Wright Valley terminated in a fjord and, thereby, constrain the age, temperature, and depth of the fjord. We did this by mapping the surficial geology in this region using the newly available microtopography based on the light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technique. Stratigraphic issues like these need to be resolved in order to quantify early Pliocene climate in Antarctica and contribute to understanding warm global‐climate dynamics. We found that the Pliocene Alpine‐IIIA (A‐IIIA), A‐IIIB and A‐IV drift sheets were more likely deposited from terrestrial alpine‐glacier lobes than glaciers terminating either at tidewater or with a floating appendage. The principal evidence is the occurrence of moraine fragments well below the minimum elevation of the early Pliocene fjord surface, and moraine arrangement in arcs indicative of arcuate glacier fronts without flairing near the proposed shoreline. Our A‐IIIA till is more widespread in the proglacial areas of the five alpine glaciers examined than previously proposed. We propose that the existing distribution of A‐IIIB till reflects glaciers even less extensive than today rather than truncation at a hypothetical fjord surface. Additionally, the A‐IV moraine remnants outline glaciers that were significantly larger than those associated with A‐III moraines. If we are correct, the age of the A‐III till, 3.4 ± 0.1 Ma at maximum, does not constrain the age of the Prospect fjord episode which can be closer to 5.5 ± 0.4 Ma as previously inferred. Moreover, if the alpine tills are not as old as the Prospect fjord episode, the polar paleoclimatic interpretation from those tills does not preclude the high temperature (0–3°C) and reduced salinity previously inferred for the Prospect fjord. However, if alpine glacier extent was not limited by Prospect fjord surface elevation, then paleoclimate during the A‐IIIA, A‐IIIB, and A‐IV glacial episodes can be quantitatively reconstructed. The Prospect fjord might have been deep, not shallow, and, hence, mountain uplift might be greater than currently thought which would explain minimal alpine‐glacier erosion into the valley sides.  相似文献   

Imbricate reflections commonly occur in the glacigenic section of seismic profiles from the Bjørnøya Trough. This was the main drainage pathway for fast‐flowing ice‐streams from the former Barents Sea and Scandinavian ice sheets. Industry three‐dimensional (3D) seismic data from the southern flank of the Bjørnøya Trough are used here to investigate these imbricate reflections. Integration of vertical seismic sections with 3D plan view images and attribute maps reveal that imbricate reflections at the SW Barents Sea Margin are mega‐scale sediment blocks with a glacigenic origin. Imbricate reflections in two regions to the east of the survey appear on plan‐view as well‐developed lineations of U‐shaped crescents; however, following detailed analysis of their location, geometry and relation to sailing direction during data acquisition, we can demonstrate that these are seismic artefacts. These artefacts are related to the straight parts of east–west‐trending plough marks on the sea floor, having a dip direction that is directly related to the sailing direction of the ship during seismic acquisition. By analysing both real glacigenic imbrications and false imbrications or artefacts, we are able to demonstrate the critical distinguishing criterion.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene Cie?le succession accumulated in a subglacial tunnel and shows three sedimentological units: (1) trough cross‐stratified sand with granules deposited in deep channels up to 5.4 m, (2) trough stratified and massive gravels deposited in a very deep channel up to 6.2 m eroded by a catastrophic hyperconcentrated flow, and (3) a massive diamicton, interpreted as a basal till of melt‐out type. We focus on angular and deformed sandy clasts that occur in the second unit. It appears that thermal erosion, short transport in a sediment‐laden current and sudden sedimentation were responsible for the oversized sandy clasts that occur in the gravel glaciofluvial deposits. The deposits are characterized by large‐scale erosional scours, massive structure, and fluid‐escape deformations. This combination of features can be used as a key tool for the interpretation of hyperconcentrated‐flow conditions beneath Pleistocene ice sheets.  相似文献   

We explore the relationships amongst bedding dip, basin aspect, and glacial landforms using field observations and GIS analyses of the northwestern Uinta Mountains of Utah. We examine basins on opposing sides of three ice divides in which quartzite beds of the Mount Watson Formation maintain a near constant dip. These areas provide contrasting relationships between ice flow and bedding dip directions while holding rock type and climate constant. We map the occurrence of three glacial erosional landforms: cliffs showing evidence of quarrying, scoured surfaces polished by abrasion, and overdeepenings. Cliffs and overdeepenings are more common in basins where bedding dips up‐basin, while scoured surfaces are more prevalent where bedding dips down‐basin. The significance of jointing in controlling glacial erosional forms is well established and we propose that bedding, as well as joints, dictates the geometry of quarried blocks and influences the spatial patterns of process dominance. Where bedding dips up‐basin, the geometry of pre‐existing weaknesses favours quarrying creating both cliffs and overdeepenings. In contrast, where bedding dips down‐basin, block geometry does not favour the creation of overdeepenings via quarrying and exposed bedding planes are subjected to glacial abrasion, producing scoured surfaces.  相似文献   

The study describes the depositional development and sediment partitioning in a prograding paralic Triassic succession. The deposits are associated with the advance of large prism‐scale clinoforms across a shallower platform area. Approaching the platform, the limited accommodation and associated relative higher rates of deposition generated straighter clinoforms with lower foreset angles. The vertical restriction across the platform is interpreted to have amplified the tidal signature. Sediment was redistributed from the coast into increasingly sandy delta‐front deposits, compared to offshore equivalents. The deposits comprise extensive compound dune fields of amalgamated and increasingly clean sandbodies up‐section. Rapid deposition of significant amounts of sand led to differential subsidence and growth‐faulting in the delta front, with downthrown fault blocks further amplifying the tidal energy through funnelling. A mixed‐energy environment created along‐strike variability along the delta front with sedimentation governing process‐regime. Areas of lower sedimentation were reworked by wave and storm‐action, whereas high sedimentation rates preserved fluvially dominated mouth bars. A major transgression, however, favoured tidally dominated deposits also in these areas, attributed to increasing rugosity of the coastline. Formation of an extensive subaqueous platform between the coast and delta front dampened incoming wave energy, and tidally dominated deposits dominate the near‐shore successions. Meanwhile formation of wave‐built sand‐bars atop the platform attest to continued wave influence. The strong tidal regime led to the development of a heterolithic near‐shore tidally dominated channel system, and sandier fluvial channels up‐river. The highly meandering tidal channels incising the subaqueous platform form kilometre wide successions of inclined heterolithic stratification. The fluvially dominated channels which govern deposition on the delta plain are narrower and slightly less deep, straighter, generally symmetric and filled with cleaner sands. This study provides important insight into tidal amplification and sand redistribution during shallowing on a wide shelf, along with along‐strike process‐regime variability resulting from variations in sediment influx.  相似文献   

Using a combination of geophysical and geotechnical data from Storfjorden Trough Mouth Fan off southern Svalbard, we investigate the hydrogeology of the continental margin and how this is affected by Quaternary glacial advances and retreats over the continental shelf. The geotechnical results show that plumites, deposited during the deglaciation, have high porosities, permeabilities and compressibilities with respect to glacigenic debris flows and tills. These results together with margin stratigraphic models obtained from seismic reflection data were used as input for numerical finite element models to understand focusing of interstitial fluids on glaciated continental margins. The modelled evolution of the Storfjorden TMF shows that tills formed on the shelf following the onset of glacial sedimentation (ca. 1.5 Ma) acted as aquitards and therefore played a significant role in decreasing the vertical fluid flow towards the sea floor and diverting it towards the slope. The model shows that high overpressure ratios (up to λ ca. 0.6) developed below the shelf edge and on the middle slope. A more detailed model for the last 220 kyrs accounting for ice loading during glacial maxima shows that the formation of these aquitards on the shelf focused fluid flow towards the most permeable plumite sediments on the slope. The less permeable glacigenic debris flows that were deposited during glacial maxima on the slope hinder fluid evacuation from plumites allowing high overpressure ratios (up to λ ca. 0.7) to develop in the shallowest plumite layers. These high overpressures likely persist to the Present and are a critical precondition for submarine slope failure.  相似文献   

摆浪河流域的ESR年代学与祁连山第四纪冰期新认识   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
摆浪河发源于走廊南山北坡,是黑河的一条支流。在河源区保存有六条完整的冰碛和较为完整的阶地序列。应用ESR技术对采自该处较老的第三、第五、第六套冰碛和冰水成因的主阶地上的砾石层与上覆黄土进行了测年研究,测试结果分别为13.4ka、135.3ka、462.9ka、130.1ka、130.2ka。根据测试的结果并结合地貌地层学得出:3800m以上“U”型谷中的第一、第二套冰碛为全新世中小冰期、新冰期沉积的冰碛;第三套冰碛物是末次冰期晚期沉积的,与深海氧同位素2阶段相对应;第五套冰碛物是与深海氧同位素6阶段相对应的冰期沉积的;第六套冰碛物是与深海氧同位素12阶段相对应冰期沉积的;由此推断介于第三套与第五套冰碛之间的第四套冰碛是末次冰期早期沉积的,即可与深海氧同位素4阶段相对应。主阶地与第五套冰碛是同一时期形成的,这也与地貌地层学的推断相一致,从此处完整的冰川沉积序列还可以得出:在更新世中,祁连山地区至少存在三次冰期,经历四次冰川作用。祁连山部分地段或是整体至少在463ka前就已经抬升到当时冰期气候相耦合的高度。ESR可以用于河流、冰川沉积物的测年。  相似文献   

Fabric and grain-size analysis of eight deposits present in the Upper Sil River Basin palaeoglacial system of northwest Spain were used to interpret till types and to reconstruct the glacial paleoprocess history of this region. They are represented by lodgement, deformation, and melt-out tills. The first, representative of glacial advance stages, present cluster fabrics and are generally composed of poorly sorted and finer sediments. Melt-out and deformation tills, representative of stages of glacial stability followed by fast recession, present transitional to girdle fabrics and are composed of poorly sorted coarser sediments. In any case, multiple criteria, including lithological, clast-shape, or structural data, support these directional and grain-size observations. These sequences, most of them located in the snout area of the Sil palaeoglacier, are important in the reconstruction of glacial dynamics due to poor preservation of landforms related to the maximum glacial advance. This palaeoglacial system was formed by multiple tributaries and had an extension of over 450 km2, with the Sil paleoglacier being 51 km long during its maximum glacial advance.  相似文献   

Recent advances in our understanding of palaeovalleys are largely guided by examples from passive margins, in which accommodation increases down depositional dip. This study tests these models against a dataset from the Pennsylvanian Breathitt Group of the central Appalachian foreland basin, USA. This fluvio‐deltaic succession contains extensive erosionally based fluvio‐estuarine sand bodies that can be tracked over 80 km down depositional dip from a proximal zone of high accommodation close to the orogenic margin to a distal, lower accommodation zone close to the cratonic margin of the basin. The sand bodies are up to 25 m thick, multi‐storey and characterized in their lower parts by strongly amalgamated storeys containing sandy fluvial to estuarine bar accretion elements, and in their middle to upper parts by more fully preserved storeys up to 10 m thick and laterally extensive over 100s of metres. The upper storeys include abandonment channel‐fills of heterolithic marine or marginal marine deposits or muddy to sandy point‐bar elements. Three major regional‐scale architectures include: (i) Tabular sand bodies that everywhere incise open marine prodelta and mouth bar facies and are interpreted as palaeovalleys formed during falling stage and lowstand systems tracts, when eustatic sea‐level fall outpaced tectonic subsidence across the entire study area. (ii) Sand bodies that incise genetically related floodplain lake and/or bay‐fill minor mouth bar deposits up depositional dip and open marine prodelta and mouth bar facies down dip. These stacked distributary channel deposits map down dip into palaeovalleys and formed when up dip subsidence rate resulted in positive, but reduced rate of accommodation creation, while lower tectonic subsidence rate down‐dip resulted in incision. (iii) Sand bodies that incise genetically related floodplain, lake and/or bay‐fill minor mouth bars up dip and pass down‐dip into genetically related unconfined floodplain, prodelta and mouth bar deposits. These sand bodies represent stacked distributary channel fills and channel amalgamation was the product of high rates of lateral migration, typical of the behaviour of channels above their backwater reach. Case (2) sand bodies demonstrate that in rapidly subsiding foreland basins, cross‐shelf palaeovalleys may form down depositional dip from aggradational, distributive fluival strata. Additionally, the genetic relationship between stacked distributary channels and palaeovalleys supports recent models for palaeovalley formation that emphasize diachronous, cut‐and‐fill during falling stage and lowstands of relative sea level.  相似文献   

In this study, we integrate 3D seismic reflection, wireline log, biostratigraphic and core data from the Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea to determine the impact of syn‐depositional salt movement and associated growth faulting on the sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of the Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic, net‐transgressive, syn‐rift succession. Borehole data indicate that Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic strata consist of low‐energy, wave‐dominated offshore and shoreface deposits and coal‐bearing coastal‐plain deposits. These deposits are arranged in four parasequences that are aggradationally to retrogradationally stacked to form a net‐transgressive succession that is up to 150‐m thick, at least 20 km in depositional strike (SW‐NE) extent, and >70 km in depositional dip (NW‐SE) extent. In this rift‐margin location, changes in thickness but not facies are noted across active salt structures. Abrupt facies changes, from shoreface sandstones to offshore mudstones, only occur across large displacement, basement‐involved normal faults. Comparisons to other tectonically active salt‐influenced basins suggest that facies changes across syn‐depositional salt structures are observed only where expansion indices are >2. Subsidence between salt walls resulted in local preservation of coastal‐plain deposits that cap shoreface parasequences, which were locally removed by transgressive erosion in adjacent areas of lower subsidence. The depositional dip that characterizes the Egersund Basin is unusual and likely resulted from its marginal location within the evolving North Sea rift and an extra‐basinal sediment supply from the Norwegian mainland.  相似文献   

喻林青  蔡庆娥 《山地学报》2007,25(1):99-102
冰碛为冰川搬运和堆积的松散物质,发育在其上的公路滑坡较为少见,缺少相关经验与试验数据。作者考察研究了国内外关于堆积层滑坡的治理现状,结合锚固工程界专家提出的锚固工程研究方向,在现场贴片锚固试验的基础上,对发育在冰碛物上的滑坡体锚固工程进行了专题研究,综合考虑不同锚索型式、不同锚索锚固段长度、不同张拉吨位对锚索锚固段应力分布规律的影响,得出了适用于冰碛物滑坡的锚固试验结论,经过综合比选推荐了一种适用的锚索锚固型式。并结合试验结果通过有限元试算,提出了适宜的建模边界条件。  相似文献   

Glaciolacustrine kames in the Bielsk Podlaski area (eastern Poland) exhibit a unique regular pattern. Three representative morphological kame types were chosen for detailed sedimentological analyses, specifically: isolated, isometric mounds; isolated, elongated hills; and branching ridges. All types comprised fine‐grained sandy and sandy/silty deposits. Lithofacies analysis resulted in the distinction of several lithofacies associations. Associations dominated by medium‐ or large‐scale, massive or horizontally laminated sands are interpreted as proximal subaqueous fans; associations dominated by medium‐ or small‐scale lithofacies of ripple‐drift cross‐laminated sand are interpreted as distal subaqueous fans; and those dominated by sandy/silty, silty or silty/clayey lithofacies with horizontal lamination are interpreted as lake bottomsets. Rates of sediment accumulation appear to have been fast, resulting in syndepositional and metadepositional deformation structures of two types: water‐escape structures, and slumps on subaqueous slopes. After the ice‐walled lake basins filled with sediment, glaciofluvial erosion and deposition alternated, resulting in erosional channels of up to 1 m deep, later filled with gravel or gravely sand. The results indicate that kames developed in a supraglacial environment within a topography of ice‐cored moraines containing ice‐walled lakes that persisted due to the presence of permafrost. Pauses during retreat of the ice walls resulted in ice‐contact deformations at the edges of the kames. Kame formation is therefore consistent with a continental climate and this may explain the increased abundance of this type of kame system in Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Exhumed basin margin‐scale clinothems provide important archives for understanding process interactions and reconstructing the physiography of sedimentary basins. However, studies of coeval shelf through slope to basin‐floor deposits are rarely documented, mainly due to outcrop or subsurface dataset limitations. Unit G from the Laingsburg depocentre (Karoo Basin, South Africa) is a rare example of a complete basin margin scale clinothem (>60 km long, 200 m‐high), with >10 km of depositional strike control, which allows a quasi‐3D study of a preserved shelf‐slope‐basin floor transition over a ca. 1,200 km2 area. Sand‐prone, wave‐influenced topset deposits close to the shelf‐edge rollover zone can be physically mapped down dip for ca. 10 km as they thicken and transition into heterolithic foreset/slope deposits. These deposits progressively fine and thin over tens of km farther down dip into sand‐starved bottomset/basin‐floor deposits. Only a few km along strike, the coeval foreset/slope deposits are bypass‐dominated with incisional features interpreted as minor slope conduits/gullies. The margin here is steeper, more channelized and records a stepped profile with evidence of sand‐filled intraslope topography, a preserved base‐of‐slope transition zone and sand‐rich bottomset/basin‐floor deposits. Unit G is interpreted as part of a composite depositional sequence that records a change in basin margin style from an underlying incised slope with large sand‐rich basin‐floor fans to an overlying accretion‐dominated shelf with limited sand supply to the slope and basin floor. The change in margin style is accompanied with decreased clinoform height/slope and increased shelf width. This is interpreted to reflect a transition in subsidence style from regional sag, driven by dynamic topography/inherited basement configuration, to early foreland basin flexural loading. Results of this study caution against reconstructing basin margin successions from partial datasets without accounting for temporal and spatial physiographic changes, with potential implications on predictive basin evolution models.  相似文献   

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