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Palaeoproterozoic orogenesis within the Archean southeastern Rae craton is related to the initial amalgamation of Laurentia. Characterizing the accompanying tectonic processes during this time has been complicated due to polymetamorphism, which results in the obscuring of the age record of the terranes involved. To improve the knowledge of the tectonic evolution of the South Rae Craton, petrologic and structural analyses are applied in conjunction with in situ trace element chemistry, inclusion barometry, U–Pb monazite and titanite, and Lu–Hf garnet chronology. The data robustly constrain Palaeoproterozoic pressure–temperature–time paths of major deformational events along the southeastern Rae craton margin. D1 occurred between 1.94 and 1.93 Ga in the Dodge-Snowbird domain, which included prograde burial of metasedimentary rocks, deposited at 2.2–2.0 Ga, and the development of migmatitic layering and east-southeast trending folds (S1, F1). Peak metamorphism is recorded in metasedimentary units at c. 1.93 Ga when rocks reached conditions of 9.0–10.5 kbar and 810–830°C. Within the Dodge-Snowbird domain, D2 imparted north-northeast trending open folds and associated axial planar cleavage (S2, F2) between 1.93 and 1.90 Ga during east-west compression that appears to have been synchronous with cooling and exhumation. Later D2 deformation, localized within the Wholdaia Lake shear zone (WLsz; ST1), developed in the footwall of this thrust-sense structure at 1,873 ± 5 Ma at conditions of 9.5–11.0 kbar and 820–850°C. The hangingwall Dodge-Snowbird domain had already cooled to below 300°C by then, indicating a significant structural and metamorphic break across the domain's western boundary. A new phase of unroofing (D3) involved pervasive amphibolite- to greenschist facies extensional shearing (ST2) within the WLsz, which overprinted ST1 foliations between 1.87 and 1.86 Ga. Continued greenschist facies shearing younger than 1.86 Ga likely ended by c. 1.83 Ga when lamprophyre dykes cut the structure, which was followed by cooling until c. 1.80 Ga. This work highlights the utility and application of multiple chronometers (zircon, monazite, titanite, garnet) along with structural and petrologic analysis that together can resolve precise orogenic cycles in polymetamorphic terranes that may otherwise be undetected. The time-resolved P–T–D histories derived here enable more robust interpretations regarding the nature and evolution of 1.9 Ga tectonism along the southeast Rae craton margin, which may be used to refine models for Laurentian terrane amalgamation.  相似文献   

An exceptionally well-exposed part of the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt (Manitoba/Saskatchewan) is used to characterize the mineral assemblage evolution associated with prehnite–pumpellyite through amphibolite facies metamorphism of basalts. Data from these rocks are combined with a large literature data set to assess the ability of current thermodynamic models to reproduce natural patterns, evaluate the use of metabasic rocks at these grades to estimate pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of metamorphism, and to comment on the metamorphic devolatilization that occurs. At Flin Flon, five major isograds (actinolite-in, prehnite- and pumpellyite-out, hornblende-in, oligoclase-in, and actinolite-out) collectively represent passage from prehnite–pumpellyite to lower amphibolite facies conditions. The evolution in mineral assemblages occurs in two narrow (~1,000 m) zones: the prehnite–pumpellyite to greenschist facies (PP-GS) transition and greenschist to amphibolite facies (GS-AM) transition. Across the GS-AM transition, significant increases in the hornblende and oligoclase proportions occur at the expense of actinolite, albite, chlorite, and titanite, whereas there is little change in the proportions of epidote. The majority of this mineral transformation occurs above the oligoclase-in isograd within the hornblende–actinolite–oligoclase zone. Comparison with thermodynamic modelling results suggests data set 5 (DS5) of Holland and Powell (1998, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16 (3):309–343) and associated activity–composition (a–x) models is generally successful in reproducing natural observations, whereas data set 6 (DS6) (Holland & Powell, 2011, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29 (3):333–383) and associated a–x models fail to reproduce the observed mineral isograds and compositions. When the data from Flin Flon are combined with data from the literature, two main pressure-sensitive facies series for metabasites are revealed, based on prograde passage below or above a hornblende–albite bathograd at ~3.3 kbar: a low-pressure ‘actinolite–oligoclase type’ facies series, characterized by the appearance of oligoclase before hornblende, and a moderate- to high-pressure ‘hornblende–albite type’ facies series, characterized by the appearance of hornblende before oligoclase. Concerning the PP-GS transition, the mineral assemblage evolution in Flin Flon suggests it occurs over a small zone (<1,000 m), in which assemblages containing true transitional assemblages (prehnite and/or pumpellyite coexisting with actinolite) are rare. This contrasts with thermodynamic modelling, using either DS5 or DS6, which predicts a wide PP-GS transition involving the progressive appearance of epidote and actinolite and disappearance of pumpellyite and prehnite. Patterns of mineral assemblages and thermodynamic modelling suggest a useful bathograd (‘CHEPPAQ bathograd’), separating prehnite–pumpellyite-bearing assemblages at low pressures and pumpellyite–actinolite-bearing assemblages at higher pressures, occurs at ~2.3 to 2.6 kbar. Observations from the Flin Flon sequence suggests devolatilization across the GS-AM transition (average: ~1.8 wt% H2O) occurs over a very narrow interval within the actinolite–hornblende–oligoclase zone, associated with the loss of >75% of the total chlorite. By contrast, modelling of the GS-AM transition zone predicts more progressive dehydration of ~2 wt% H2O over a >50°C interval. Observations from the field suggest devolatilization across the PP-GS transition occurs over a very narrow interval given the rarity of transitional assemblages. Modelling suggests fluid release of 1.0–1.4 wt% resulting from prehnite breakdown over a ~10°C interval. This fluid may not be entirely lost from the rock package due to involvement in the hydration of igneous mineralogy across the PP-GS transition as observed in the Flin Flon sequence.  相似文献   

The Meilin porphyritic biotite granite is located along the northern margin of the North China Craton and the northern central orogenic belt. The Meilin granite is complex but is dominated by a porphyritic biotite granite. Isotopic dating using zircon U-Pb LA-ICP-MS analyses indicates that the porphyritic biotite granite was emplaced at 1715.6 ± 9.6 Ma during the Late Paleoproterozoic, rather than during the Permian as previously thought. The Meilin granite is an A-type, and all samples from this granite are characterized by relatively high contents of silica (SiO2 = 69.86–71.70%), alkalis ((Na2O + K2O) = 8.69–9.40%), alumina (Al2O3 = 13.71–14.59%), high ratios of FeOt/MgO, low contents of calcium (CaO = 0.26–0.39%), and a negative Eu anomaly (Eu = 0.47–0.57). Additionally, all samples display strong enrichment in Th, K, La, Ce, and P and depletion in U, Ti, Ta, and Nb. These characteristics indicate that the granite formed in a rift environment, where rifting caused mantle decompression and the formation of basic magma. Underplating of the basic magma provided a heat source, leading to the partial melting of the lower crust. Sr isotopes of the Meilin porphyritic biotite granite suggest that the magma source was the remelting of the metamorphic basement. The granite was therefore emplaced in a non-orogenic extensional tectonic setting, which may have been related to the initial breakup of the Columbia supercontinent during the Late Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Analyses of chemical sedimentary precipitates such as banded iron formation (BIF) provide a direct means to explore the nature and composition of the early hydrosphere. The recently discovered > 3750 Myr old Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (NSB) in the Northeast Superior Province (Québec, Canada) hosts a suite of iron oxide-rich (± pyroxene and amphibole) units that are interpreted to be the metamorphosed equivalents of Fe oxide-facies BIF, and a collection of BIF-like Ca–Fe–Mg silicate rocks. The NSB rocks provide a rare glimpse of trace metal availability in Eoarchean (ca. 3800 Ma) seawater. As they may be contemporaneous with the relatively well-studied Isua Supracrustal Belt of southern West Greenland, their comparison provides an opportunity to enhance our basic understanding of the Eoarchean oceans at a global scale. Work since the initial discovery of the NSB in 2001 has established the basic lithological, geochemical and petrographic characteristics of these BIF and BIF-like rocks. Here we review the current state of knowledge of NSB rocks of probable chemical sedimentary origin, including aspects of their geology, likely origin and age. We conclude by examining the implications of results thus far for our understanding of early seawater compositions, and for the emergence of life in the context of early metallo-enzyme evolution.  相似文献   

The Slab volcanics are a late Paleoproterozoic volcanic succession in the Wernecke Mountains of Yukon Territory in northwestern Canada. Fragments of the succession are preserved as megaclasts in km-scale zones of hydrothermal breccia. The largest clast is 160 × 380 m and consists of 31 mafic lava flows and minor intercalated sandstone and tephra. Hydrothermal activity during the brecciation led to extensive metasomatic alteration, both sodic and potassic. Despite the alteration, an igneous geochemical signal is discernible. The rocks are mafic to intermediate and moderately alkalic. Their trace element profiles indicate derivation from a hydrated, enriched mantle source, consistent with an origin as a volcanic arc affected by a plume, rift or slab window. Major and trace element patterns demonstrate a cyclical magmatic evolution involving intervals of fractional crystallization punctuated by recharge with mafic magma. The Slab volcanics were previously thought to have been deposited on Laurentia but are herein regarded as part of the exotic terrane Bonnetia that was obducted onto the Laurentian continental margin in late Paleoproterozoic time. Bonnetia may have developed on or near the eastern margin of Australia as a continental or fringing arc. In that scenario, Bonnetia grew through arc magmatism as oceanic crust between Australia and Laurentia was consumed prior to terrane obduction and continental collision in the late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic. Sediment or tephra derived from the arc was transported westward into the interior of Australia, raising εNd values of late Paleoproterozoic sedimentary strata. Vigorous hydrothermal brecciation followed and led to fragmentation of the crust, including the obducted terrane Bonnetia. Giant blocks of the Slab volcanics and other units of Bonnetia foundered into breccia zones and moved downward for thousands of meters. Erosion removed the obducted terrane and the uppermost Laurentian crust, exposing the megaclasts.  相似文献   

Contention surrounds the Ediacaran–Cambrian geodynamic evolution of the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana as it underwent a transition from passive to active margin tectonics. In Australia, disagreement stems from conflicting geodynamic models for the Delamerian Orogen, which differ in the polarity of subduction and the state of the subduction hinge (i.e., stationary or retreating). This study tests competing models of the Delamerian Orogen through reconstructing Ediacaran–Cambrian basin evolution in the Koonenberry Belt, Australia. This was done through characterising the mineral and U–Pb detrital zircon age provenance of sediments deposited during postulated passive and active margin stages. Based on these data, we present a new basin evolution model for the Koonenberry Belt, which also impacts palaeogeographic models of Australia and East Gondwana. Our basin evolution and palaeogeographic model is composed of four main stages, namely: (i) Ediacaran passive margin stage with sediments derived from the Musgrave Province; (ii) Middle Cambrian (517–500 Ma) convergent margin stage with sediments derived from collisional orogens in central Gondwana (i.e., the Maud Belt of East Antarctica) and deposited in a backarc setting; (iii) crustal shortening during the c. 500 Ma Delamerian Orogeny, and; (iv) Middle to Late Cambrian–Ordovician stage with sediments sourced from the local basement and 520–490 Ma igneous rocks and deposited into post-orogenic pull-apart basins. Based on this new basin evolution model we propose a new geodynamic model for the Cambrian evolution of the Koonenberry Belt where: (i) the initiation of a west-dipping subduction zone at c. 517 Ma was associated with incipient calc-alkaline magmatism (Mount Wright Volcanics) and deposition of the Teltawongee and Ponto groups; (ii) immediate east-directed retreat of the subduction zone positioned the Koonenberry Belt in a backarc basin setting (517 to 500 Ma), which became a depocentre for continued deposition of the Teltawongee and Ponto groups; (iii) inversion of the backarc basin during the c. 500 Delamerian Orogeny was driven by increased upper and low plate coupling caused by the arrival of a lower plate asperity to the subduction hinge, and; (iv) subduction of the asperity resulted in renewed rollback and upper plate extension, leading to the development of small, post-orogenic pull-apart basins that received locally derived detritus.  相似文献   

<正>1. Objective Unlike the North China Plate where Archean and Paleoproterozoic crustal rocks are widely distributed, Early Precambrian basement rocks in the Yangtze Block of South China are locally exposed(Fig. 1a), such as in the Kongling Complex, the Zhongxiang Complex, and the Douling Complex(Zhao GC and Cawood PA, 2012). The Dabie Orogen is the eastward extension of the Qinling Orogen,  相似文献   

Jinfeng Ma  Igor B. Morozov   《Tectonophysics》2007,441(1-4):97-114
A nearly 160-km long Wollaston Lake Reflector (WLR) observed in seismic reflection profile S2b of the 1994 Lithoprobe Trans-Hudson Orogen transect (THOT) in northern Saskatchewan (Canada) is among the most spectacular and well-recorded features imaged within the crystalline crust. Based on modeling of its normal-incidence reflectivity, the observed bright spot reflector was originally interpreted as a series of tabular diabase intrusions. In order to further elucidate its structure, we reprocessed line S2b and analysed the WLR for the Amplitude Variations with Offset (AVO). By contrast to conventional (approximate) AVO analysis, we used the exact Zoeppritz equations and considered a thin-layer (mixed positive and negative polarities) reflectivity. The results suggest two possible interpretations of the WLR: 1) the reflector caused by a massive mafic intrusion as suggested earlier, in which case the intruded rocks should have anomalous Poisson's ratios of σ ≥ 0.33, and 2) the WLR represents a silicified shear zone, with only moderate (e.g.,  5–10%) alteration of the host rock and σ ≈ 0.2. Although both of these models may to some extent co-exist within the WLR, its brightness, sharpness, great lateral extent and smooth shape favour the second interpretation.In both models, a fractured fluid-filled zone within a major crustal detachment should have played a key role in the formation of the WLR. The association of the reflector with laterally- and depth-migrating fluids is also supported by magneto-telluric measurements of crustal conductivity beneath the WLR. Analogies from the studies of the Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russia), where free or metamorphic fluids were found at comparable depths, also suggest that fluids may contribute to WLR structure and formation.  相似文献   

The Salvador–Curaçá Belt, located in São Francisco Craton, Brazil, was subjected to granulite facies metamorphism during the Paleoproterozoic orogeny (c. 2.0 Ga). Well preserved in enclaves of silica-undersaturated sapphirine-bearing granulite occur in a charnockite outcrop located along a kilometric-scale shear zone. The sapphirine-bearing granulite preserves domains with distinct mineral assemblages that record interactions between melt and peritectic phases (orthopyroxene1 + spinel1 + biotite1). Sapphirine was crystallized in the Si-poor cores of the enclaves, sillimanite and spinel–cordierite symplectites in the intermediate Si-rich domains between cores and margins, and garnet and quartz-bearing cordierite/biotite symplectites in Si-rich margins of the enclaves. Melt-rock interactions and metamorphism occurred at ultrahigh temperatures of 900–950 °C at 7.0–8.0 kbar pressures. The mineralogical evolution of the domains reflects not only the influence of changes in bulk composition in the equilibrium volume of the reactions but also PT changes during orogeny evolution. Electron microprobe dating of monazite both in the sapphirine-bearing granulite and charnockite indicates UHT metamorphism timing at c. 2.08–2.05 Ga that is related to global Paleoproterozoic UHT metamorphic events that occurred during the Columbia supercontinent assembly.  相似文献   

Whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O analyses of volcanic rocks and 3He/4He analyses of sulphides and sulphates from mineralized rocks on Wetar, Indonesia indicate a variable contribution of assimilated crustal material or sediment sourced from the subducted Australian craton to the south. These new data support the idea of progressive source contamination with precisely dated events showing that Wetar Island hosts the most extreme examples of crustal assimilation in the region. The increased continental contamination occurs during the Pliocene (Zanclian to Piacenzian) during distinct magmatic events between 5 and 4 Ma, and at 2.4 Ma when 87Sr/86Sr ratios in unaltered lavas, with whole-rock δ18O values between 5.7 and 9.6‰, increase from 0.707484 to extreme radiogenic values of 0.711656.The earlier of these magmatic events is important in the generation of the hydrothermal systems responsible for the mineralization recorded on Wetar. Samples from this yield radiogenic 3He/4He ratios between 0.5 and 1.4 R/RA, similar to the data from volcanic rocks on nearby Romang. The later magmatic event coincides with the arrival of the Australian Continental Margin at the subduction zone along the Banda arc. Progressive incorporation of continental-sourced components into the source region below the Wetar Island edifice coincides with the formation of gold-rich volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits hosted within the contaminated volcanic pile.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This article presents the results of U–Pb geochronological study of gneiss-granites of the Mamskaya zone. The age estimate of 1874 ± 9 Ma (SIMS method) obtained...  相似文献   

Ancient crustal rocks provide the only direct evidence for the processes and products of early Earth differentiation. SHRIMP zircon U-Th-Pb dating has identified, amongst the Acasta gneisses of the western Slave Province, Canada, two metatonalites and a metagranodiorite that have igneous ages of 4002 ± 4, 4012 ± 6 and 4031 ± 3 Ga respectively. These are the first identified Priscoan terrestrial rocks. A record of metamorphic events at ∼3.75, ∼3.6 and ∼1.7 Ga also is preserved. These discoveries approximately double, to ∼40 km2, the area over which ∼4.0 Ga gneisses are known to occur. A single older zircon core in one sample suggests that rocks as old as 4.06 Ga might yet be found in the region. As early as 4.03 Ga, terrestrial differentiation was already producing tonalitic magmas, probably by partial melting of pre-existing, less differentiated crust. Received: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 9 July 1998  相似文献   

The Wuhe Complex in the Bengbu area of the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, southeast North China Craton, contains garnet-bearing mafic granulites that have undergone high-pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism. These granulites also experienced partial melting and occur as lenses within marbles. Petrographic observations and quantitative phase equilibria modeling reveal clockwise PT paths, involving an inferred HP stage followed by decompressional, medium-pressure, granulite-facies metamorphism and subsequent cooling. The HP assemblage of garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + K-feldspar ± amphibole ± quartz ± rutile indicates PT conditions of 840–980 °C and 12–17 kbar. This was followed by post-peak, near-isothermal decompression with the development of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + K-feldspar + garnet + amphibole + ilmenite at 850–960 °C and 7–10 kbar, resulting in the development of orthopyroxene rims on resorbed garnet. Pyroxene and ternary feldspar thermometry yielded high temperatures of ~1150 °C and 1055–1087 °C at 10 kbar, respectively, which constrain the minimum crystallization temperatures of the igneous protoliths. The host and lamellae of the pyroxene and ternary feldspar are relict magmatic minerals/textures that survived metamorphism due to the silica-undersaturated bulk-rock conditions. Zr-in-rutile thermometry yielded temperatures of ~935 °C and 800 °C, with the former being consistent with the predicted peak metamorphic temperatures. Small amounts of melts (up to 5%) were generated during decompression of the Bengbu mafic granulites. The generated partial melts were mainly (quartz) monzonite at 900–920 °C, and the silica contents of the melts were controlled by the quartz stability field in PT pseudosections. The partial melts were enriched in Na and strongly depleted in Fe–Mg at the peak pressure of ~14 kbar and 920 °C, and later evolved to Fe–Mg-rich and high-K compositions during decompression. The melt compositions in the studied rocks are similar when the pressures reached ~9 kbar. The modal proportion of amphibole increased as the melt H2O content decreased at lower pressures, indicating that the limited H2O remaining in the host rocks was consumed to produce amphibole. U–Pb geochronology of zircon containing inclusions of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and apatite constrains the timing of metamorphism to 1930–1840 Ma, as is the case for HP granulites from Shandong, Liaoning, and southern Jilin in the central and northeastern Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt. The Wuhe HP–UHT mafic granulites were ultimately sourced from upwelling asthenosphere-derived magma at ~2.1 Ga, which intruded and crystallized at shallower depths. The igneous protoliths were then buried to middle–lower crustal levels and experienced HP–UHT granulite-facies metamorphism and partial melting at 1.95–1.90 Ga related to continental subduction and overthickening. The HP–UHT mafic granulites were rapidly exhumed at ~1.85 Ga and generated small volumes of (quartz) monzonite during decompression. The newly discovered Paleoproterozoic HP–UHT mafic granulites associated with partial melting suggest that the continent materials were deeply subducted to the lower crustal levels and that additional heating was not involved. The finding of the HP–UHT granulites, together with the widespread distributions of the granulite-facies metamorphic rocks and the determination of the clockwise PTt paths, reveal that the Paleoproterozoic Jiao–Liao–Ji orogenic belt extends at least 1000 km, starting from southern Jilin, passing through the southeastern Liaoning and Jiaobei terranes, and elongating to the Bengbu area in Anhui.  相似文献   

The Fuchuan ophiolite belt in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen of South China provides important constraints on the tectonic setting and evolution of the Neoproterozoic suture zone between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. Combined UPbHf isotopic and REE analysis of zircon from gabbroic and dioritic samples of the Shexian complex, located 10 km southwest of the main Fuchuan ophiolite body, indicate that the complex crystallized at ca. 870–860 Ma with a large variation of zircon εHf(t) values from − 4.80 to + 13.30. Whole-rock geochemistry reveals that the magma mainly experienced fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and was partly affected by crustal contamination, which resulted in elevated Th/Nb, Th/La and La/Sm ratios, as well as the scattered εHf(t) values. The most mafic and least contaminated sample shows MORB affinity and was probably formed by partial melting of a depleted subduction-metasomatized mantle wedge. Other samples exhibit arc-like signatures and were probably modified by both melt- and fluid-related subduction metasomatism. The emplacement of the Shexian complex corresponds to the time that subduction switched from a ca. 1000–880 Ma intra-oceanic island arc to a 870–830 Ma continental arc along the southeastern Yangtze Block. The sequence of igneous rocks associated with this continental arc resemble those preserved in forearc Tethyan ophiolites, with magma evolving from ca. 870–860 Ma MORB to ca. 860–850 Ma arc tholeiite and ca. 830 Ma boninite. Arc magmatism concluded with the final assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks at 830–800 Ma.  相似文献   

The English Lake magmatic complex in the western Superior Province of Canada represents a fragment of early (3.0 Ga) continental crust exposed in oblique cross section through tonalitic upper levels and subjacent quartz diorite, diorite and gabbro, which are cut by late gabbro, anorthosite and hornblendite dykes. Massive, foliated and gneissic units of tonalitic to gabbroic composition, crystallized over a 10 to 18 m.y. period, bear common geochemical attributes, including negative Th, U and Nb anomalies, and only slight LREE and LILE enrichment on NMORB-normalized trace-element profiles. Epsilon Nd values (+0.1 to +1.7) and 18O (+6.7 to +8.0 ) do not co-vary with silica or other crustal contamination indices. High Mg#'s and Ni contents suggest derivation from, or interaction with mantle, and large positive anomalies for Ba, Sr and Pb, as well as high U/Th, suggest metasomatism by hydrous fluids. Trace-element profiles resemble those of primitive intra-oceanic island arc magmas except for the negative Th-U anomaly, which precludes the involvement of either oceanic (sedimentary or basaltic) or continental crust in the petrogenesis of English Lake magmas. In order to account for the unusual geochemical character of the suite, we postulate that water-rich fluids derived from subducted, sea-floor-altered serpentinite provided the flux for melting a depleted mantle wedge. Contemporaneous, proximal high Th/Nb tonalites suggest that the zone of serpentinite subduction occurred within a restricted arc segment possibly due to subduction of either: (a) a seamount chain oriented broadly perpendicular to an arc, or (b) a similarly oriented serpentinite-enclosed oceanic fracture zone or fault.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

The Echo Bay stratovolcano complex and Contact Lake Belt of the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, host a series of coalescing Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal systems that affected an area of several hundred square kilometers. They were caused by intrusion of synvolcanic diorite–monzodioritic plutons into andesitic host rocks, producing several characteristic hydrothermal assemblages. They include early and proximal albite, magnetite–actinolite–apatite, and potassic (K-feldspar) alteration, followed by more distal hematite, phyllic (quartz–sericite–pyrite), and propylitic (chlorite–epidote–carbonate±sericite±albite±quartz) alteration, and finally by late-stage polymetallic epithermal veins. These alteration types are characteristic of iron oxide copper–gold deposits, however, with distal and lower-temperature assemblages similar to porphyry Cu systems. Magnetite–actinolite–apatite alteration formed from high temperature (up to 560 °C) fluids with average salinity of 12.8 wt% NaCl equivalent. The prograde propylitic and phyllic alteration stages are associated with fluids with temperatures varying from 80 to 430 °C and a wide salinity range (0.5–45.6 wt% NaCl equivalent). Similarly, wide fluid temperature (104–450 °C) and salinity (4.2–46.1 wt% NaCl equivalent) ranges are recorded for the phyllic alteration. This was followed by Cu–Ag–U–Zn–Co–Pb sulfarsenide mineralization in late-stage epithermal veins formed at shallow depths and temperatures from 270 °C to as low as 105 °C. The polymetallic veins precipitated from high salinity (mean 30 wt% NaCl equivalent) dense fluids (1.14 g/cm3) with a vapor pressure of 3.8 bars, typical of epithermal conditions. Fluid inclusion evidence indicates that mixed fluids with evolving physicochemical properties were responsible for the formation of the alteration assemblages and mineralization at Mag Hill. An early high temperature, moderate salinity, and magmatic fluid was subsequently modified variably by boiling, mixing with cooler low-salinity meteoric water, and simple cooling. The evidence is consistent with emplacement of the source plutons and stocks into an epithermal environment within ~1 km of surface. This generated near-surface high-temperature alteration in a dynamic hydrothermal system that collapsed (telescoped) resulting in widespread evidence of boiling and epithermal mineralization superimposed on earlier stages of alteration.  相似文献   


The Pliocene–Quaternary volcanics in NE Turkey are mainly hornblende–phyric trachyandesites having a narrow range of SiO2 from 61.88 to 63.00 wt.% and exhibiting adakitic signatures with their Na2O (3.67–4.27 wt.%), Al2O3 (16.19–16.80 wt.%), Y (14.1–16.5 ppm) contents and K2O/Na2O (0.87–1.12), Sr/Y (44.24–54.90), and La/Yb (36.80–43.88) ratios. Plagioclases as the main mineral phases show a wide range of compositions, and weak normal and reverse zoning. Hornblendes are generally edenite and pargasite (Mg#: 0.39–0.74). Clinopyroxenes are augite (Mg#: 0.58–0.76). Biotites have Mg# ranging from 0.45 to 0.66. The textural and compositional variations indicate disequilibrium crystallization possibly arising from magma mixing. The U–Pb zircon dating of the adakitic volcanics yielded 3.4–1.9 Ma. The studied rocks display moderate light rare earth element /heavy rare earth element ratios and enrichment in the lithophile element and depletion in high field strength element, implying that the parental magmas were derived from mantle sources previously enriched by slab-derived fluids and/or subducted sediments. The crystallization temperature and pressure estimations based on the clinopyroxene thermobarometry range from 1144 to 1186°C and from 3.92 to 7.97 kbar, respectively. Hornblende thermobarometry, oxygen fugacity, and hygrometer calculations yielded results as 908–993°C at a pressure of 2.87–5.22 kbar, water content of 4.4–8.4 wt.%, and relative oxygen fugacity (ΔNNO log units) of ?0.6 to 0.9, respectively. Biotite thermobarometry suggests relatively higher oxygen fugacity conditions (10–13.33 to 10–17.60) at temperatures of 676–819°C and at pressures from 1.15 to 1.76 kbar. In the light of the obtained data and modelling, it can be concluded that the magmas of the adakitic volcanics were derived from enriched mantle source through relatively higher partial melting and experienced magma mixing with melts at the crustal level. Additionally, the fractional crystallization and assimilation-fractional crystallization processes may have played an important role during the evolution of the studied volcanics.  相似文献   

The Cerro Bori orthogneisses, crystallized between ca. 800 and 767 Ma, are composed of a sequence of mafic gneisses, with dioritic-gabbroic and dioritic composition tectonically interleaved with a sequence of tonalitic and granodioritic gneisses. These rocks intruded the Chafalote paragneisses (metapelites, semipelites, carbonate and mafic rocks) and they were metamorphosed of high P-T conditions at ca. 676–654 Ma. This paper presents the first major and trace geochemical signatures, as well as Sm and Pb isotopic composition for the Cerro Bori orthogneisses, which allow distinguishing three different groups of rocks. Type I rocks are mafic gneisses with tholeiitic affinity, whereas the Type II rocks are tonalitic and granodioritic gneisses with calc-alkaline affinity. The third type is composed of biotite-rich mafic gneisses with potassic and ultrapotassic affinities. All the three types of rocks have negative ?ND values (between ?2.12 and ?6.67) and old TDM ages (between 1.2 and 2.0 Ga), indicating that the process of crustal assimilation/contamination was an important process, together with fractional crystallization. An continental arc tectonic setting is suggested to this association of rocks between 800 and 767 Ma. This subduction suggests the existence of an ocean between Rio de La Plata and adjacent cratons during the break up of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

The Muju area, located on the north–central margin of the Yeongnam Massif, mainly consists of Precambrian orthogneisses (granitic, leucogranitic, augen and dioritic gneisses) with minor migmatite. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the protoliths of the orthogneisses intruded at ca. 2.00–1.97 Ga and were metamorphosed at ca. 1.87–1.86 Ga. Magmatic zircon grains within the orthogneisses have positive to negative εHf(t) values (−7.63 to +3.3) and a Neoarchean two-stage model age (TDM2 = 2.78 Ga), indicating that the protoliths of most of the orthogneisses may have been derived from Archean crustal material. The results of geochemical analysis indicate that the protoliths of the orthogneisses formed by partial melting of metagraywacke and mafic igneous rocks in an arc-related tectonic setting. The intrusion ages and geochemical data of the Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses in the study area match well with those of Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.00–1.97 Ga) orthogneisses in the northeastern Yeongnam Massif, indicating the presence of regional Paleoproterozoic subduction zones along the northern margin of the Yeongnam Massif at ca. 2.00–1.97 Ga. Meanwhile, ca. 2.00–1.97 Ga subduction-related magmatism has not been reported from the northern Gyeonggi and Nangrim Massifs in the Korean Peninsula or the Jiao–Liao–Ji belt in the eastern North China Craton, indicating that the Yeongnam Massif may not be correlatable with the northern Gyeonggi and Nangrim Massifs or the Jiao–Liao–Ji belt. The Yeongnam Massif may be correlated with the Cathaysia Block in the South China Craton and may have been located near Laurentia and the Siberian Craton within the Columbia supercontinent.  相似文献   

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